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A Glance of the Biography of

Hon. Chevylle Villanueva Fariñas

Tonight, this task of introducing our guest of

honor and speaker is a great privilege. I know
this one is difficult but the thought that she is a
woman of virtue and simplicity, I feel elated to
introduce her to everyone tonight. After all, she
a living inspiration to the young once – O-N-C-E
and the young ones – O-N-E-S…, I mean our
parents and our school children

If one takes a closer look at the alchemy of

the achieving person, two distinct virtues pop up,
besides perseverance and hard work. These are:
pioneering spirit and willingness. Our guest of
honor and speaker today is the living idiom of a
woman who happened to be born at the right
time and at the right place. Coupled with an
impressive background, it was not therefore
surprising that she became a devoted public
servant in the Local Government of the City of
Laoag – especially in her own Barangay 16 of the

When asked about her… Who she is may not

be a surprise. After all, she had become the
person she is now because of the virtues and
values that was developed and nurtured in her
during her education at the Maryknoll College in
Manila, now known as the Mirriam College. Many
may be said by others about our guest of honor
and speaker, accounts of tales of stories, true
and untrue, but what remains to be good and
true is the fact that this woman of the hour is a
woman incomparable to her genuine intentions
to fulfill her chosen vocation – as a devoted and
dedicated public servant – not necessarily the
rich people, but more to her fellow Laoageño who
needed much help and attention.

She had lived a very simple life ever since

and is known to be undemanding despite her
position and stature in life. You cannot seem to
agree, much less reconcile with the thought of a
pedigreed woman spending hours in her office
such as the Chairperson of the Laoag City
Tourism and Social Concerns Council, and willing
to witness and come to the aid of those who
needed her expertise when she had to Chair the
Council of Women. And with her position in the
government, not only that she brings hope or
enlightenment, but most importantly tries to lead
every Laoageño to their best, especially, she is
the Chairman of the Steering Committees on the
Search for the Cleanest and Greenest Day Care
Center in the city and the Search for the Cleanest
and Greenest Barangay, that lead to the road of
recovery and comfort among the winners of
these categories.

As a matter of fact, she had been elected to

become the Deputy Governor of the Federation of
Council of Women in the Philippines which made
her even more expert in handling and
implementing programs for the women sector in
our city.

Our guest of honor and speaker was born in

Laoag City and is married to who else but the
very able and successful Laoag City Mayor, the
Hon. Michael V. Farinas. With their marriage,
they were blessed with _______ children.

Their marriage lead even more of the woman

of the hour to become what she is today as an
approachable and magnificent woman in the
government. As a matter of fact, with her
marriage to her husband who undeniably is also
a man of service made her to dream and live on
with her aspirations in life – both a dedicated
parent – a great mother to her children and a
loving wife to her husband.

Having said all these had made this woman

of virtues to be elected as the Barangay Captain
of Barangay 16 San Jacinto, Laoag City -
eventually paving her election as the President of
the Association of Barangay Captains in Laoag

And now, my friends, ladies and gentlemen, I

feel very proud to present to you the ex-officio
member of the Sangguniang Panlungsod… the
embodiment of a miracle-worker.
Please help me welcome Honorable Chevylle
Villanueva Farinas.

This induction program of our Parents and Teachers

Association is one wonderful occasion where we in the school
administration and faculty feel foremost your overwhelming support
for our mission and vision as a school community.
Anyway, we would like to thank you for the trust that you have
placed in us as your children’s second parents. In this regard, we
now hope to encounter an all-out support and cooperation between
parents and teacher to ensure that your children have success here
in school.
I hope that as we go ahead of our lives, we will encounter
parents like you more often. Thank you for allowing me to see
firsthand the great things that can be accomplished in the life of a
child when parents and the teacher work together for the best
interest of the child.
In the outset, I would also like to convey my sincerest
appreciation for our guest of honor and speaker… Hon. Chevylle
Villanueva Fariñas, you are a personification of wonder and miracle-
work. You have come with the parents and teachers association’s
humble invitation and with that, what else can we say but you are a
woman of concern… not only for us parents – women like us
especially, but most to become an inspiration for our school
children… Thank you and Mabuhay ka, Ma’am!
Good day everyone and join us in our First Friday Mass
tomorrow at the Saint Joseph Parish at 8:30 in the morning.

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