HLTDEN002-Knowledge Question

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HLTDEN002 Assist with dental radiography

Knowledge Questions v 1.4 (2017/09/06)

HLTDEN002 Assist with dental radiography

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Knowledge Questions
Please carefully read through each question posed. In your response, please use terms and
phrases you defined in your previous assessment. Reflect on your learning unit and your own
research. Please aim to present 180 words for each response to fully demonstrate your
knowledge in this area of study. A minimum of 150 words for each response is required.
Please note: Where the word count is not met, your submission will be returned to you for re-

1. How would you avoid or rectify the following film faults?

Film fault How can this be avoided/rectified

Image distortion A bent film will result in distortion of x-ray. To avoid bending, the film needs
from bent film to be placed further into the mouth
Partial image on film Partial image on film is caused either by low level of solutions in the
automatic processor or the film not having been placed completely in the
manual processing wells.
The levels of the processing solutions should be checked daily. Some
evaporation takes place and films absorb some developer. Replenish the
solutions daily if needed. Do not use the first clip of the hanger, thus avoiding
partial image.
Underexposed film Under processed or under exposed film caused by the temperature being too
low or the processing time was too short.
The temperature must be obtained prior to processing and the time chart
must be observed and used. The exposure setting was not changed for the
correct image to be taken.
Air bubbles on film Air bubbles on radiograph occur because the film should be agitated when it
is in the processing solutions to remove the air bubble
Fixer staining Fixer staining occurs by not having a clean work area prior to commencing
processing. Radiographs must be thoroughly rinsed after fixing.

HLTDEN002 Assist with dental radiography
Knowledge Questions v 1.4 (2017/09/06)

2. Automatic processors operate on the same principles as manual darkroom processing.

Describe the methods used when preparing film for processing in an automatic processor, and
briefly explain how an automatic processor functions.
(min 150 Words)
Describe the methods used when preparing film for processing in an automatic
1. Wash and dry hands before commencing. Don gloves and mask or glasses.
2. Have cup ready to collect waste materials.
3. Remove film package from protective sleeve if present.
4. Remove each film from the film package whilst being careful not to contact
5. Place empty packets and other wastes into cup whilst maintain neat workflow.
6. Once all X-ray film are removed, remove gloves, and place them into the cup.
7. For manual processing, re-glove with uncontaminated gloves for processing.
8. For automatic processing, feed unwrapped film into the machine slowly.

Briefly explain how an automatic processor functions

- An automatic processor is a series of chemical-filled tanks and a roller system that
transports sheets of exposed X-ray film through the developing solution, fixer, water and
- In the developing solution, exposed silver halide crystals are chemically converted to
black metallic silver, producing the dark areas on the image.
- The fixer removes unexposed silver crystals to produce the clear areas on the film and
to stabilise the image for archiving. In the third tank, water removes residual developing
- The film is then transported through the dryer.

3. What are the basic principles for producing quality images through manual processing of x-
(min 150 Words)
- Maintaining clean and dry working surfaces
- Ensuring that all exposed film is not subjected to any white light (safe red light
- Cleaning and maintaining processing equipment according to manufacturer

Developing workstation can be less sophisticated and still produce quality radiographs.
For instance, developing tanks may be situated on benches and may not have a flowing
water bath running around the different sections. So long as the temperature is known
and is constant, the films can still be developed according to the relevant timeframes.
Maintaining the chemicals within an appropriate operating range is important to
developing quality radiographs. The solutions arrive in clearly marked and colour-coded

HLTDEN002 Assist with dental radiography
Knowledge Questions v 1.4 (2017/09/06)

containers with colour coded lids. It is crucial that they not be mixed and that only the
correct solution be dispensed into the relevant tank. The solutions are prepared into in
manual tanks, or baths, from pre-prepared concentrates that are to be diluted according
to manufacturer specifications. Water that is to be added should be approximately 20⁰C
or slightly cool to the touch. The date on which solutions are prepared must be recorded.
The solutions are housed tanks within a water bath that regulates the temperature.

4. Explain how radiographic stock is stored and maintained at your practice. Where do you
store your radiographic stock? What are the benefits of your stocktaking and ordering processes?
(min 150 Words)
Where do you store your radiographic stock?
All film, image receptors, and chemicals must be stored in accordance with manufacturer
specifications. This will involve maintaining appropriate temperature ranges in storage
areas. Undeveloped film needs to be stored between 10-20⁰C. Our clinic has dedicated
refrigeration set to this range specifically for the storage of film, especially under
Australian conditions of extreme heat.
Film should be stored on its side to avoid bruising of the film. The expiry date of film must
be observed and adhered to. A fault that would occur from incorrect storage is film fog.
Expired solution should be stored in its original container, labelled as chemical waste and
USED, and safely stored until collected by licensed contractors.

What are the benefits of your stocktaking and ordering processes?

Quality assurance extends from adhering to best practice in performing imaging,
processing films, and maintaining appropriate stock and storage conditions.
From the introduction of dental radiography technology, the importance of ensuring and
recording scheduled equipment maintenance has been highlighted. This involves
processes that may be performed by clinic staff and the routine servicing by external
contractors. This is not only a process that contributes to the health and safety of
workplaces; rather, it also serves the dual purpose of contributing to quality assurance by
ensuring that all equipment is in correct working order.

5. Digital radiography is increasingly used in dental practices. Using your own workplace
examples, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the main types of digital
radiography. What is digital radiography, and when is it used in your practice?
If digital radiography is not used at your practice, answer the questions hypothetically.
(min 150 Words)
- The technique uses less radiation than traditional X-ray equipment, and there is no wait
time for the X-rays to develop. The images are available on a monitor shortly after being
- The image taken can be enhanced and enlarged many times it is actual size on the
computer monitor, so making it easier for the dentist to view and display where issues
are located.

HLTDEN002 Assist with dental radiography
Knowledge Questions v 1.4 (2017/09/06)

- Software added to the computer can help dentists digitally compare current to previous
images in a process called subtraction radiography.
- Digital imagining eliminates the need to purchase film and processing chemicals.

- Initial expense of purchase sing equipment and software may be prohibitive
- Susceptibility of some receptors and/or components to damage and high replacement
- Time required to train all operators and dental assistants in the use of the software
- Digital receptors cannot be sterilised, so careful disinfection and barrier coverage
techniques must be adhered to avoid direct and cross-contamination

What is digital radiography?

Instead of using film, digital X-ray imaging utilises a sensor that is responsive to the X-rays
and converts information into a digital signal.
There are two main types of digital imaging:
- Direct digital imaging, whereby the image is instantly received and transmitted to
- Indirect digital imaging, whereby a system converts traditional printed radiographs to
digital images

When is it used in your practice?

To find hidden dental structures, malignant or benign masses, bone loss, and cavities
after a visual inspection of the oral cavity

6. The image below shows a patient undergoing an orthopantomogram (OPG). What is an

OPG, and when is it used? Explain how you would prepare this patient for the OPG. Is the patient
in the image correctly positioned?

HLTDEN002 Assist with dental radiography
Knowledge Questions v 1.4 (2017/09/06)

(min 150 Words)

What is an OPG, and when is it used?
An orthopantomogram (OPG) is an X-ray image of the whole mouth, including upper and
lower jaws and teeth. The X-ray machine moves around the head while taking the image.
This provides a complete ear to ear image of the mouth and teeth.
It is used to:
- look at impacted wisdom teeth
- help find the cause of dental pain
- view the position of dental implants
- help assess teeth for orthodontic treatment

Explain how you would prepare this patient for the OPG.
Before the procedure can take place, the patient is required to remove glasses, dentures
and any jewellery from the head and neck (such as earrings and necklaces) as well as any
hairclips. In the meantime, the patient must inform the radiographer if there is possibility
of pregnancy, as X-rays aren’t recommended for pregnant women unless there is an
urgent medical reason.

HLTDEN002 Assist with dental radiography
Knowledge Questions v 1.4 (2017/09/06)

Is the patient in the image correctly positioned?

Yes. The patient wears a lead apron as protection from scatter radiation and is in a
standing position with the stabilisation from holding the handgrips and biting onto a
plastic bit.

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