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Name : __________________________________

Class : __________________________________
Day/Date : __________________________________

Task 1
Read the expressions. What is the purpose of each expression?
No. Expression Purpose
1. OMG! You’ll never think what I’ve got! Delivering good news

2. I’m so sorry that I can’t attend your graduation party.

3. I wonder if I could ask you a favor. Could you pick me up from (also it
Noor Airport?
4. I’m extremely sorry to hear that you failed in the writing contest.

5. I am very excited that finally you can continue your study abroad.

6. Words are not enough to erase the pain I have given you. I’d like to say
how sorry I am.
7. I think you should treat your friends kindly.

8. I hope it’s not too much to ask you to resend your proposal, thank you.

9. I am happy beyond limits to tell you that our school has won four gold
medals in the 2018 Interstudent Athletic Championship
10. It is very kind of you to become our major sponsor

Task 2
Read the following letter aloud.
Write a reply! Do this individually or in a group consists of two or three people!
Name Group : __________________________________

February 10, 2019

Good day, Pak Bima,

Happily not too cold yet, at least from a Dutch perspective! Yesterday nice weather, lots of sunshine (and a beautiful full moon at
night, meaning no clouds), but today very rainy, quite unusual, about 15oC, not too bad. Certainly no tropical temperature!
Thank you so much for your letter. It’s good to hear from you (also it’s very well written, my compliments). Judging from what I
read, I think your daughter might just be doing exactly the right thing. She likes math, she likes research and perhaps the distance
between study (here) and family (there) gives her even more motivation. I think it’s very exciting, for her and for you too, and I also
think it’s very good of you to support her in this ‘adventure’ that in itself deserves a lot of respect.
Yeah, so maybe it will be possible to meet up with your daughter, at least to say hello.
I work in an elementary school, here in Amsterdam, and because the new school year has only just started, there is a lot of work
to manage. I feel very fortunate that I’m doing it! who knows, perhaps we can meet, we’ll see.
My best regards, take care.

See you,

Name : __________________________________
Class : __________________________________
Day/Date : __________________________________

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