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Authors: Ulyssis V. Bacharo

College Faculty Background of the Study
Central Mindanao Colleges How an employee perceives his job is a
Kidapawan City, Cotabato, Philippines significant factor to consider in evaluating his work
performance. Job satisfaction was perceived to be
influencing productivity of an institution such as
manufacturing, business, academic, and social services.
Recent studies revealed strong linkage between job
Abstract satisfaction and job performance (Hamdan, 2011).
An employees’ job performance is perceived to Further, studies have established that satisfied
be attributed by various factors including job satisfaction. employees show higher performance than others. Pugno
This study was conducted to determine if the teaching and Depedri (2009) explain in their study that intrinsic
performance of the college faculty is predicted by the level motivations and self-esteem help explain both job
of job satisfaction. The respondents of this study were the satisfaction and job performance. They also added,
30 full-time college faculty of Central Mindanao Colleges. employers can take friendly actions towards employees
Descriptive correlation was employed. The study made aside from using incentives and controls to promote better
use of the Job Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire with its employees performance.
eight facets namely; nature of work, supervision, co- Unhealthy job environment among the teachers
workers, communication, pay/salary, contingent rewards, responsible in assisting the student's education will
fringe benefits and operating conditions. Descriptive ultimately affect the intellectual and social abilities of the
statistics, Pearson Product Moment Correlation future generation. Failure of the educational institutions in
Coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis were utilized providing a healthy working environment would lead to
in analyzing the data. Result of the correlation between more serious problems in the future, especially in the
the weighted means of the job satisfaction and the employees' work performance.” (Nisha & Kumar, 2012).
teaching performance was r(28) = -.13 which is a negative For higher education institutions, attrition of
low correlation. Correlation coefficients between the faculty is commonly studied concepts because of its
factors on job satisfaction and the three measures of perceived effects on the quality of teaching and schooling.
teaching performance reveals significance between Studies showed that faculty retention has been influenced
Supervision and in each of the Teaching Performance by job satisfaction, and the most significant factors
measures. Another significant result at p< .05 is co- according to surveys are professional growth and
workers factor with inter- and intra- relationships with financial benefits. Dissatisfaction was common among
students. Regression analysis with an Adjusted R2= .465, female married employees with advanced degrees in
showed that the factors which are considered significant school management (Caballero, 2004).
based on the findings are the supervision and pay/salary. Higher education institutions in the Philippines
Thus, the study reveals that the significant factors are now facing multiple challenges regarding ASEAN
considered in describing the teaching performance of integration, Outcomes-Based Education, and K-12 Basic
college teachers are pay/salary and supervision. To be Education. Teachers will no longer be occupied by their
able to maintain quality education, it is important that a instructional responsibilities but also with other
higher education institution shall secure retention of requirements especially for the OBE. For its success,
faculty by providing enough and sustainable front liners must find motivation in their work rather than
compensation which can compete with other institutions feel loaded with bulks of responsibilities (Laguador, De
so that attrition of faculty will be minimized, thus Castro & Portugal, 2014). School administrators being at
promoting tenure of highly qualified teachers. Proper the middle and top management should provide quality
supervision shall also be taken into consideration so as to services not only to students and parents but also to its
parallel job satisfaction and teaching performance of the employees especially the faculty members who are
college faculty of CMC. Furthermore, this study also always in the forefront of developing the students as
recommends that consistent evaluation followed by major products of the institution’s imperceptible purpose.
reflective supplements of teacher’s teaching performance Regular updating of teachers in their field of specialization
should be provided to motivate teachers to reflect and must be maintained to keep their students well informed
improve as necessary. For the future researchers who will on the current global situations. Mote et al. (2014) stated
be studying the same, the researcher recommends that competent faculty members enriched learning
consideration of “Productivity” as another dependent activities using up-to-date reference, practiced innovation
variable. towards globalization.
Among the private colleges and universities in the
Keywords: job satisfaction, teaching performance, vicinity of this study, it is observed that faculty attrition is
pay/salary, supervision, college faculty, Central Mindanao very high due to the presumed factor such as salary,
Colleges supervision, working environment, professional growth
and teaching performance. Therefore, this study is
forwarded to determine if these known factors are the 2. What are their teaching performances?
same predictors of the rapid turnover of the college faculty 3. Is there a correlation between their job
of Central Mindanao Colleges. satisfaction and their teaching performance?
4. Is there a correlation between the factors on job
Theoretical Framework satisfaction and the measures of teaching
This study was based on the theories by Vroom, performance?
Herzberg, Maslow and Bandura. Vroom’s Expectancy 5. Is there a significant relationship between the
Theory tells that an employee will work smarter and/or factors of job satisfaction and the overall teaching
harder if he believes his additional efforts leads to valued performance?
rewards. This theory has been useful in designing reward 6. What are the predictors of teaching performance
systems and consistent policies. This has been useful in of the college faculty at CMC?
predicting how an employee might choose for their time
and effort (Jex & Britt, 2008).Herzberg’s Motivation- Hypotheses
Hygiene Theory explains the concept of the job 1. There is no significant relationship between the
enrichment describing employees’ role in planning, weighted mean of the job satisfaction and
performing and evaluating their work, thus providing teaching performance.
employees the opportunity to enhance their knowledge 2. There is no significant relationship between the
and skills (Schultz & Schultz, 2010).According to job satisfaction factors and the measures of
Maslow’s theory on job characteristics, employees strive teaching performance (Instructional Technique
to satisfy their needs in a hierarchical order. An employee and Procedures, Intra-personal Relationship, and
is motivated to work in order to satisfy basic physiological Interpersonal relationship).
needs for survival such as gaining enough money to 3. There is no significant relationship between the
purchase food (Jex & Britt, 2008).Social cognitive theory factors of job satisfaction and the overall teaching
by Bandura, on the other hand, explains that self-efficacy performance.
is vital in describing employees’ motivation in relation to
the goals within the workplace. Achievements result from Significance of the Study
the individuals’ belief in his or her ability (Mitchell & This study is an assessment of the present
Daniels, 2003). conditions about job satisfaction and teaching
performance of the full-time college faculty of Central
Conceptual Framework Mindanao Colleges. Results of this study may be used by
The concern of this study is to understand the school administrators in reviewing policies and
whether the teaching performance of teachers in terms of practices to motivate faculty and promote job satisfaction
instructional techniques, inter-personal relationships, and and teaching performance thus addressing issues on
interpersonal relationships is accounted to their job faculty attrition. This will be the basis to plan programs for
satisfaction considering the factors: nature of work, teacher development that will lead to the teachers’
supervision, co-workers, communication, pay/salary, professional growth. Finally, this study is very important
contingent rewards, fringe benefits, and operating for the teachers to assess their own job satisfaction and
conditions. In this conceptual framework, teaching teaching performance.
performance is the dependent variable and the job
satisfaction is the independent variable. Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study focused on finding out the relationship
Independent Variable Dependent Variable between the faculty’s job satisfaction, in terms of nature
JOB SATISFACTION of work, supervision, co-workers, communication,
1. Nature of Work TEACHING pay/salary, contingent rewards, fringe benefits, and
2. Supervision PERFORMANCE operating conditions, and their teaching performance in
3. Co-workers 1. Instructional Techniques
4. Communication and Procedures terms of instructional techniques and procedures, intra-
5. Pay/Salary 2. Intra-personal personal relationships and interpersonal relationships.
6. Contingent Rewards Relationship This was conducted among the full-time college faculty of
7. Fringe Benefits 3. Interpersonal Relationship Central Mindanao Colleges who handled subjects, and
8. Operating Conditions
was evaluated by the students during the Second
Semester of School Year 2014-2015.
Figure 1. Paradigm showing the relationships between
variables under study REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE

Statement of the Problem Highly performing employees are believed to be

This study finds out the relationship of job satisfaction supporting the organization to achieve its aims and
and teaching performance among the full-time college objectives thus sustaining the competitive advantage of
faculty of Central Mindanao Colleges. Specifically, the the organization (Dessler, 2010).
study sought to answer the following questions:
1. What are the levels of job satisfaction of the Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is described as the feelings of towards the job. Few variables that composed motivators
employees resulting from the assessment of their job. It are position, achievements and responsibility. Herzberg
can be positive, moderate or negative. Edwards, et al. defined the hygiene factors as context factors, or the
(2008, p 442) defines job satisfaction as “an evaluative organization’s physical environment. Aspects such as
judgment about the degree of pleasure an employee organizational policies, salaries, and relations with
derives from his or her job that consists of both the colleagues composed the hygiene factors (Hansen,
affective and cognitive components”. Job satisfaction is Smith, & Hansen, 2002; Herzberg, 1974; Lunenburg &
“the attitude an employee has toward his job.” (Aamodt, Ornstein, 2004).
2009). Moser and Galais (2007) highlighted that
employee’s ability and opportunities aid to improve their Related Studies
satisfaction of the job level. Herzberg, et al. (1959) A study by Loquias and Sana (2013) concludes
formulated the two-factor theory of job satisfaction and that the factors significantly associated with job
postulated that satisfaction and dissatisfaction were two satisfaction are the work-environment variables,
separate, and sometimes even unrelated phenomena. perceived institutional support and stress. These suggest
Intrinsic factors named ‘motivators’(that is, factors that educational leaders have the capacity to improve job
intrinsic to the nature and experience of doing work) were satisfaction by altering the organizational environment
found to be job ‘satisfiers’ and included achievement, and hopefully indirectly alter or influence the inner state of
recognition, work itself and responsibility. Extrinsic factors the individuals that make up the organization. If the
which they named hygiene’ factors were found to be job institution aims to increase job satisfaction among its
‘dissatisfies’ and included company policy, administration, faculty, it could increase the support it provides to its
supervision, salary, interpersonal relations and working faculty endeavors, reduce stress, provide competitive
conditions. Herzberg and Mausner’s Motivation-Hygiene salaries and benefits and initiate more democratic
theory has dominated the study of the nature of job governance processes.
satisfaction, and formed a basis for the development of In a study by Pollock, Whitbred, & Contractor,
job satisfaction assessment. (2000), social environment was found to impact work
attitudes significantly. It also revealed that the
Job Performance characteristics of the position significantly predicted
Job performance is a significant aspect in any individual’s level of job satisfaction. Furthermore, as
organization and refers to whether an employee does his supported by the information processing theory, an
job well or not. Job performance consists of behaviors that employee’s level of job satisfaction is significantly related
employees do in their jobs that are relevant to the goals with their colleagues’ who are working close with them.
of the organization (Campbell, et al. 1993). Motowidlo In a commissioned study by Judge, et al. (2001),
(2003) define job performance as based on employee a review on job satisfaction and job performance studies
behavior and the outcome is vital for the organizational provided 7 models namely: (1) Job Satisfaction Causes
success. Muchinsky (2003), explained job performance Job Performance; (2) Job Performance Causes Job
as a combination of employee's behaviors. Further he Satisfaction; (3) Job Satisfaction and Job Performance
described that it can be monitored, measured and are Reciprocally Related; (4) The Relationship Between
evaluated as outcomes at employee level and linked with Job Satisfaction and Job Performance is Spurious; (5)
the organizational goals. Therefore job performance is a The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Job
vital determinant for organizational success. According to Performance; (6) There is no Relationship Between Job
Acton (2001) five factor models’ linkage between the Satisfaction and Job Performance; and (7) Alternative
personality and job performance in the organizational Conceptualizations of Job Satisfaction and/or Job
context are emotional stability, openness, Performance.
conscientiousness, agreeableness and extroversion In the Philippines, there is a dearth of literature on
affect job performance. faculty retention and job satisfaction especially among the
Considering the perceived behavioral control pharmacy faculty. Unpublished reports by Loquias and
which originates from Bandura’s Self Efficacy Theory, he Robles in 2008 however already revealed faculty
defines self-efficacy as the conviction to successfully retention concerns among the pharmacy faculty. Loquias
execute the behavior necessary to achieve a particular and Sana (2012) likewise revealed faculty retention
outcome. And the perception of self-efficacy in turn is fed issues and provided strategies to address such. The
by interpretations of actual performance. Therefore, if a same study also revealed job satisfaction as significantly
person is confident that he or she can perform a particular correlated with intentions to stay or leave the academe
assignment, then he is more likely to display this behavior although it was not found as a significant predictor. In this
as long as it results to a desired outcome.(Wentzel et al. paper, we present a complete description of the results on
p. 36) job satisfaction among the faculty members in the schools
of pharmacy in Metro Manila.
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory Bay, An & Laguador (2014) found in their study
This was sometimes referred to as the two-factor about organizational satisfaction and work engagement of
or dual-factor system because it was composed of Filipino teachers in an Asian University that the faculty
motivators and hygiene factors. Motivators or the content members were normally satisfied in the services provided
factors were identified to contribute to good feelings by the university in terms of learning and development;
reward and recognition; leadership; and work
environment. Program accreditation also helps improve
the educational background of the faculty members Table 1. Reliability of Job Satisfaction Factors
through requiring them to finish graduate studies. The Cronbach's No. of
faculty development program also provides guidance and alpha items
clear plan for the career of the teachers in terms of the 1. Nature of Work 0.928 10
time frame when to complete their master’s and doctorate
2. Supervision 0.913 10
degrees. Providing the employees with enough services
would generate an impact on their behavior to become 3. Coworkers 0.871 10
more engage on their work assignments. 4. Communication 0.878 10
A recent study conducted in the school district in 5. Salary/Pay 0.941 10
Cotabato City, Philippines concludes that the teachers of 6. Contingent Rewards 0.938 10
Division of Cotabato City displays a high level of 7. Fringe Benefits 0.893 10
performance related skills, abilities, initiatives and 8. Operational Conditions 0.787 10
productivity, exceeding requirements in many of the area
of work performance. The teachers of Division of Data Collection Procedure
Cotabato City were contented with their job satisfaction Prior to the distribution of questionnaires to the
facets such as school policies, supervision, pay respondents, the researcher sought permission and
interpersonal relations, opportunities for promotion and endorsement from the School’s Vice President for
growth, working conditions, work itself, achievement, Academic Affairs. Upon the approval, the researcher sent
recognition, and responsibility. This implies that a the survey questionnaire with a cover letter to the thirty-
teacher’s satisfied with their job is also a productive one. eight full-time college faculty. At the same time, the
Furthermore, if the teachers contented with their job, they researcher personally visited and asked the teachers’
will develop and maintain high level of performance. evaluation results for the Second Semester of SY 2014-
Teaching learning process make more efficient and 2015 from the Guidance and Students’ Welfare Office.
effective that could produce high competitive learners.
(Usop, et al., 2013) Data Analysis
The researcher used descriptive statistics such
METHODOLOGY as group frequency distribution, mode, percentage, mean
and standard deviation. The researcher also used
Research Design Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient r to
This study used a descriptive correlation design. determine the correlation between the weighted means of
Part of the study such as the level of satisfaction and the job satisfaction and work performance. For further
teaching performance of the faculty are presented in analysis in determining if the factors in the job satisfaction
descriptive manner. The correlation was used to find out predict the teaching performance of the faculty, the
the relationship of teaching performance to job researcher utilized Multiple Regression Analysis.
satisfaction. Further correlational analyses were also
employed to determine the predictors of the teaching RESULTS and DISCUSSION
performance among the factors in the independent
variable. Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics in
Mode of the job satisfaction of the full-time college faculty
Population of the Study of Central Mindanao Colleges. Of the 30 respondents, 19
The study was conducted among the full-time are highly satisfied to the nature of their work, 15 are
college faculty of Central Mindanao Colleges who taught satisfied to the supervision, 20 are satisfied of their co-
and were evaluated during the Second Semester of SY workers, 22 are satisfied of the communication, 12 are
2014-2015. Of the thirty-eight full-time faculty, thirty satisfied and 9 are moderately satisfied of their salary, 12
responded by returning the sent questionnaire on time. are moderately satisfied with the contingent rewards, 13
are moderately satisfied of the Fringe Benefits, and 22 are
Instrumentation satisfied of the schools operating conditions. It is also
The study made use of the Job Satisfaction observable that the satisfaction of the respondents in the
Survey Questionnaire with its eight facets namely; nature contingent rewards and fringe benefits is quite low where
of work, supervision, co-workers, communication, 4 respondents dissatisfied in both.
pay/salary, contingent rewards, fringe benefits and
operating conditions.

Reliability of the Job Satisfaction Survey

Reliability of the survey questionnaire was also
computed to ensure internal consistency of the data.
Cronbach’s alpha was used thus resulting to an above .70
for each factor in the questionnaire which denotes a high
reliability of the instrument and the data.
Table 2. Descriptive Statistics for Job Satisfaction Results of the correlation between the weighted
(Summary) means of the job satisfaction and the teaching
Factors Mode % of Mode performance of the full-time college faculty of Central
Mindanao Colleges is presented in Table 4. Of the 30
1. Nature of Work 5 63% respondents who participated in the study, the correlation
2. Supervision 4 50% value obtained based from the mean responses is r(28) =
3. Co-workers 4 67% -.13 which is a negative low correlation.
4. Communication 4 73% Table 4. Correlation Between Weighted Means of
5. Pay/Salary 4 40% Two Variables.
6. Contingent Rewards 3 40% r
Variables N CM SD Description
7. Fringe Benefits 3 43%
Job Negative
8. Operating Condition 4 73% 3.95 0.91
Satisfaction low
Note: 5 – Highly Satisfied, 4 – Satisfied, 3 – Moderately -0.13
30 correlation
Satisfied, 2 – Dissatisfied, 1 – Strongly Dissatisfied: N Teaching
4.42 0.23 (not
= 30 Performance
Being college instructor at CMC has been a Note: N – Total number of respondents; CM –
fulfilling job for the faculty. Driven by passion and goal Composite Mean; SD – Standard Deviation
orientation, college faculty were attentive in educating In general, the negative low correlation was found
college students. Although some of the full-time college insignificant in this study. Thus, we accept the null
faculty were not Master’s degree holder, the HR has been hypothesis that the teachers’ job satisfaction has no
quite meticulous in accepting instructor applicants who significant relationship with their teaching performance.
are well-oriented of the nature of the work in tertiary level. Aligned with the 6th model of Judge, et al. (2001) which
In other aspects of job satisfaction such as supervision, states “There is no Relationship between Job Satisfaction
co-workers, communication, salary and operating and Job Performance” which, he adds, the most common
conditions, the faculty were satisfied except for contingent outcomes other related studies. This could be attributed
rewards and fringe benefits where the level of satisfaction also to the fact that job satisfaction is not the only
is mostly moderate. This reflects on the proper orientation determinant of a teacher’s teaching performance.
and implementation of these rewards and benefits that the
school management needs to improve to enhance more Table 5 tells us that the factors on job satisfaction
the employees’ job satisfaction. correlated with the three measures of teaching
performance reveals significance between Supervision
Teachers’ Performance in Table 3 is based on the and in each of the Teaching Performance measures. This
Teachers’ Evaluation by the students. It is shown that the negative moderate correlation tells that supervision is
teaching performance of the college faculty in terms of slightly inversely proportional with the teaching
interpersonal relationship is excellent and very performance. Another significant result at p< .05 is co-
satisfactory in terms of instructional technique and workers factor with inter- and intra- relationships with
procedures and intra-personal relationship. students.

Table 3. Descriptive Statistics for Teachers' Table 5. Correlation Coefficients of the factors
Performance based on Students’ Evaluation between Job Satisfaction and Teaching Performance
Factors Mean Description Teaching Performance Measures
1. Instructional Technique and Very Instructional
4.34 Factors Techniques Intra-Personal Interpersonal
Procedure Satisfactory and Relationship Relationship
Very Procedures
2. Intra-Personal Relationships Satisfactory 1. Nature of Work.006 .041 .128
3. Interpersonal Relationships 4.52 Excellent 2. Supervision -.53** -.536** -.58**
Note: Teachers’ Performance was based on the
3. Co-workers -.335 -.425* -.397*
evaluation by the students using the following scale: 4. Communication -.015 -.073 -.22
5- Excellent, 4- Very Satisfactory, 3-Satisfactory, 2- 5. Salary .101 .108 .077
Fair, 1-Poor Rewards -.176 -.079 -.179
7. Benefits .028 .075 .001
With regards to the teachers’ dealings with their 8.Operational
students, relationships are desirable. It could mean that Conditions .071 .012 -.097
students found their teachers to be fairly doing their jobs Significance **p≤.01 , *p≤.05 (two-tailed)
in making learning meaningful for the students. Also, in
terms of interpersonal relationships, teachers’ Significant relationships revealed in table 5 tells
professionalism is mainly responsible for the ‘excellent’ us that the teachers’ Instructional skills, Intra-personal
evaluation results. and interpersonal relationships with their satisfaction with
supervision. Observe also that the relationship is negative
which could mean that the teachers probably teach well if higher education institution shall secure retention of
he/she is dissatisfied with the supervision in the faculty by providing enough and sustainable
institution, or vice versa where, if the employee is too compensation which can compete with other institutions
satisfied with the supervision (regardless of its so that attrition of faculty will be minimized, thus
implications) would tend to perform less better. Another promoting tenure of highly qualified teachers. Proper
significant relationship is between satisfaction with the co- supervision shall also be taken into consideration so as to
workers and teaching performance (in terms of intra- parallel job satisfaction and teaching performance of the
personal and interpersonal relationships with students). college faculty of CMC.
Also a negative correlation which may mean that Furthermore, this study also recommends that
teachers’ satisfaction with their co-worker would have an consistent evaluation followed by reflective supplements
inverse effect with their relational composition in the of teacher’s teaching performance should be provided to
classroom. motivate teachers to reflect and improve as necessary.
For the future researchers who will be studying
Table 6 reveals the regression coefficients and the same, the researcher recommends consideration of
the p value of the overall teaching performance on the job “Productivity” as another dependent variable.
satisfaction factors. This helps us determine which of the ACKOWLEDGEMENT
factors significantly predicts the teaching performance of
the college faculty. This regression analysis is with an The research would not have been realized
Adjusted R2= .465, which tells us that the factors included without the motivation and support of the following:
in this study predicts 46.5% of the teaching performance To their colleagues in the institution who
which is the dependent variable. Finally, the factors which participated in the conduct of this study, whose time and
are considered significant based on the findings are the effort were the main subject.
supervision and pay/salary. To the administrators who courageously take the
challenge of allowing this study to take a step in
Table 6. Regression Coefficients of the Overall developing the current system and organization.
Teaching Performance on the Job To the minds who contributed in the analysis,
Satisfaction Factors interpretation and conclusion of this study and in the final
Job Satisfaction Factors Coefficients p-value recommendation.
Above all, to our almighty Father in heaven who
1. Nature of Work -.002 0.635
has poured out his wisdom among the constituents of this
2. Supervision -.303** 0.001 college in participating and accepting the challenge of
moving towards excellent and quality education through
3. Co-workers -.104 0.322 research. May his provisions be our inspiration and his
4. Communication -.006 0.962 guidance be our light.

5. Pay/Salary .19* 0.02

6. Contingent Rewards -.007 0.928 REFERENCES
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