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GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02



Page Revision Description of Change Effective Date

All 00 Initial Release 1st June 2012

1. Discipline codes in Sub-clause 4.2.1 to be updated

and new defined codes to be added.
2. To establish new Sub-clause (4.2.3 Authority
3. Dwg. No. & CAD File Convention in Sub-clause 4.3
to be defined based on type/stage of dwg.
4. Sub-clauses 4.4, 4.5 & 4.6 to be updated
5. Sub-clauses 8.2 & 8.5 to be omitted.
6. Drawing Compliance Checklist Forms to be included
and its application must be emphasized in Sub-
clauses 8.3 & 8.4.
7. To establish new Sub-clause (8.6 Stamp Control).
8. To update the revision status in Sub-clause 9.1.1
4, 8-14, 24, 28, and to establish specific revision descriptors based
01 20thFebruary 2014
30-33, 35-36 on dwg. stages/types.
9. Sub-clause 9.1.4 to be updated.
10. Dwg. Compliance Checklist Forms to be included
and brief descriptions of checklist to be defined in
Sub-clause 9.2.1 & 9.2.2.
11. To establish new Sub-clause (9.3.2 File Reference).
12. In Sub-clause 9.3.3, any issued digital content shall
be recorded in either Drawing Register (GPS-DC-
F13) or Transmittal Form (GPS-DC-F14).
13. Briscad in Sub-clause 2.1 to be omitted.
14. A0 size to be defined in Sub-clause 4.1.
15. Location for Title Block folder to be updated.
16. Location for Dwg. Scale folder to be updated.
17. Scale of 2m=1unit in Sub-clause 6.6 to be changed
with 1m=1unit.

1. To take out the drawing compliance checklist form in

sub-clause 8.2
2. To update the sub-clause 2.2, 5.1, 5.2, 7.4, 8.3, 8.5,
8.6, 9.1.1, 9.1.4, 9.2.1, 9.2.2 to conform to current
working practice.
6,16, 28, 31, 34-
02 3. To replace approval stamp for shop drawings in 1st November 2014
sub-clause 8.4
4. To update the drawing issue sequence table
5. Distribute copies of drawings to be stamped as
“Copy” at the front of every page.

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Name: Mathilda Montegrai Name: Ir. Ong Chet Yun Name: Ir. Kho Lip Khiong
Date: 1st November 2014 Date: 1st November 2014 Date: 1st November 2014
G&P PROFESSIONALS GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02 Page i

Table of Content

Contents Page

1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................2

1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................ 2

1.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Client Specific Requirements .......................................................................................... 2

1.4 Roles & Responsibilities ................................................................................................. 2

2.0 CADD MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................................4

2.1 CADD Software .............................................................................................................. 4

2.2 Project Directory Structure.............................................................................................. 4

2.3 Multi Discipline/Office Drafting Procedures (Among G&P Groups/Others) ................ 4

3.0 DRAWING FORMAT .......................................................................................................................6

3.1 The Structure of a Set of Project Drawings ..................................................................... 6

3.2 General Requirements for a Drawing Set........................................................................ 7

3.3 Structures and Format of Individual Drawings ............................................................... 7

4.0 DRAWING PRODUCTION..............................................................................................................8

4.1 Drawing Sizes ................................................................................................................. 8

4.2 Drawing Codes ................................................................................................................ 8

4.2.1 Discipline Codes ...................................................................................................... 8

4.2.2 Drawing Descriptors ................................................................................................ 9

4.2.3 Authority Codes ....................................................................................................... 9

4.3 Drawing Number & CAD File Convention (Mandatory) ............................................. 10

4.3.1 Layout Tab Numbering and CAD file Convention (AutoCAD) ............................ 11

4.4 Xref CAD File Naming Convention (Mandatory) ........................................................ 12

4.5 Image File Naming Convention (Mandatory) ............................................................... 13

4.6 PDF File Naming Convention ....................................................................................... 13

G&P PROFESSIONALS GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02 Page ii

5.0 GENERAL DRAFTING STANDARD ............................................................................................ 14

5.1 Title Block ..................................................................................................................... 14

5.2 Drawing Scales (Mandatory)......................................................................................... 14

5.3 Sectioning (Mandatory) ................................................................................................. 15

5.4 Detailing (Mandatory) ................................................................................................... 16

5.5 Elevations/Views (Mandatory) ...................................................................................... 17

5.6 North Point (Mandatory) ............................................................................................... 18

5.7 Structural Grid Lines ..................................................................................................... 18

5.8 Linework ....................................................................................................................... 19

5.9 Levels and Grid ............................................................................................................. 19

5.10 Lettering ........................................................................................................................ 19

5.10.1 Text height ............................................................................................................. 19

5.10.2 Titles ...................................................................................................................... 20

5.11 Dimensioning ................................................................................................................ 20

6.0 CAD DRAFTING STANDARD & PROCEDURES ....................................................................... 22

6.1 Colours (Mandatory) ..................................................................................................... 22

6.2 Linetypes ....................................................................................................................... 22

6.3 Text Fonts (Mandatory) ................................................................................................. 22

6.4 Layer Naming Convention (Mandatory) ....................................................................... 23

6.5 Third Party Software Packages ..................................................................................... 23

6.6 Scale .............................................................................................................................. 24

6.7 Origin Point ................................................................................................................... 24

7.0 AutoCAD SPECIFIC DRAFTING STANDARDS & PROCEDURES ............................................ 25

7.1 Layout / Model Space Drafting (Mandatory) ................................................................ 25

7.2 Xref Usage..................................................................................................................... 25

7.3 Bylayer Colours and Linetype....................................................................................... 25

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7.4 Rules of Thumb (AutoCAD) ......................................................................................... 26

8.0 DRAWING QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................................................. 28

8.1 Quality Assurance ......................................................................................................... 28

8.2 Design Check of Drawings (Mandatory) ...................................................................... 28

8.3 Drafting Check of Drawings (Mandatory) .................................................................... 28

8.4 Shop Drawings .............................................................................................................. 29

8.5 External Drawings ......................................................................................................... 29

8.6 Stamp Control................................................................................................................ 30

9.0 CONTROL OF DRAWINGS ........................................................................................................ 31

9.1 Revision of Drawings (Mandatory) ............................................................................... 31

9.1.1 Revision Status....................................................................................................... 31

9.1.2 Preliminary Notation .............................................................................................. 31

9.1.3 Revision Clouds ..................................................................................................... 32

9.1.4 Approved Issue Status ............................................................................................ 32

9.2 Approvals and Signatures (Mandatory) ........................................................................ 32

9.2.1 Approvals Box ....................................................................................................... 32

9.2.2 Revisions Box (Working Drawings) ...................................................................... 33

9.2.3 Signatures in CAD ................................................................................................. 33

9.3 External Issue of Digital Content .................................................................................. 35

9.3.1 File Formats ........................................................................................................... 35

9.3.2 File Reference ........................................................................................................ 35

9.3.3 Contractual Requirements...................................................................................... 35

9.3.4 Digital Files Issue Procedure ................................................................................. 36

9.4 Drawing Registration & Transmittal ............................................................................. 36

Appendix A - Discipline Specific Standard ................................................................................................ 37

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1.1 Purpose

G&P Professionals (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd (GPS) is a service company & it is an aim for our documentation, which
is delivered to our clients, should show uniformity & consistency throughout all deliverables.

The GPS board has set an objective, which requires the adoption of uniform standards and procedures across
the whole company. This includes drafting standards, drafting manual, software, documentation etc.

This Drafting Manual delivers standard guidelines and procedures, to ensure that all drawings, sketches
and figures, produce by GPS are clear and legible, that the information portrayed therein is accurate along
with uniform presentation and format across all drafting disciplines.

1.2 Scope

The procedures in the Drafting Manual apply to all computer produced drawings, sketches and some
specifically controlled figures and diagrams.

GPS’s drafting activities cover a wide range of project types, disciplines and clients, therefore specific issues
will arise on projects, from time to time, which may not be covered in this manual. In these instances,
drafting staff should refer to their Project Lead Drafter or Project Engineer, for guidance.

1.3 Client Specific Requirements

When a Client has specific requirements, which differ from those in this manual, it is the Job Manager’s
responsibility to ensure that the drafting staff are clearly instructed as to the details of such requirement.
Client specific requirements shall take precedence over those found in this manual when required.

Client drafting standards shall be checked by the Project Lead Drafter, to ensure they are the current
version prior to use.

1.4 Roles & Responsibilities

The following guidelines below set out to establish an overview of the types of roles & responsibilities of GPS
staff in regard to Drafting requirements.

• Project Director (PD) – Responsibilities

The role of Project Director is to ensure that all quality checks have been completed relevant to
that drawing issue.
Only when the Project Director is satisfied that these have been done properly are they to sign
the relevant boxes on the drawing.
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• Job Manager (JM) – Responsibilities

On project, where deliverables include drawings, it is the Job Manager’s responsibility to:
• Discuss resourcing with the Senior Drafter / Lead Drafter / CAD Manager
• Ensure a Project Lead Drafter is nominated ( for large scale of project)
• Ensure a Design/Drafting Checker is nominated
• Provide job briefing sessions for all project members ( ensure that milestone and budget
are achievable and agreed upon)
• Convey any client requirements to the project team
• Allow enough time for checking and back drafting prior to issue
• Involve Senior Drafter / Lead Drafter in design meetings ( if necessary )
• Where unexpected deadlines occur, ensure all team members ( including the Design & Drafting
Checker ) are aware and committed to meet the deadline

• Senior Drafter (SD)

• Register all incoming drawings from “non-GPS” offices, and issue to relevant staff.
• Receipt of inter-office drawings to be saved in Document Transfer/Incoming folder and not
• Maintain project XREF’s ( XREF from external sources to have date received and original
file name in large print on a ‘non printing’ layer, positioned off to side in model space).
Ensure all other offices have the latest copy.
• Carry out Drafting Checks
• Ensure all drawings are consistent, e.g. title block naming, north point type/location and the like
• Issue all drawings. Ensure all drawings are correctly revised, signed, scanned, transmittals,
registered etc.
• Maintain and Archive CADD folder
• Assist Job Manager where needed.

• Drafter
• Carry out Drafting works
• Draft and prepare layout drawings of the given structures, components etc.
• Produce draft designs and diagrams according to given sketches, data, information or
• Assist and coordinate with Senior Drafter, Designers and Engineers
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2.1 CADD Software

The preferred CADD software packages are:

• AutoCAD / Civil 3D / LT

The use of other CADD software packages is to be approved by Director in consultation with the
Engineer / Senior Drafter.

2.2 Project Directory Structure

All project drawings shall be created & saved in project based directories on the file server. The
recommended base file structure is :

S:\04_PROJECTS\ <Project Code & Name>\02_CADD \ 02_Drawings \ *.dwg

\ 05_Reports\<Report name> \ *.dwg

\ 03_Incoming \ Drawings\ *.dwg *.pdf, etc.

\ 04_Outgoing \ Document\ *.pdf.

\ Drawings\ *.dwg *.pdf

\ 01_Drawing Register \ *.xls, *.pdf *.jpeg etc.

\ *.xls etc.

\ 06_Working \ *.dwg

2.3 Multi Discipline/Office Drafting Procedures (Among G&P Groups/Others)

1. Multi Discipline/Office Project Requirements

For large multi discipline projects, the following structure is recommended ( discipline may be broken
down further if required ) :
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Project Lead Drafter (PLD)

• Register all incoming drawings from “non-GPS” offices using ( spread sheet files ) , and issue to
relevant staff.
• Receipt of inter-office/discipline drawings to be saved in the Incoming folder and not registered.
• Maintain project XREF's (Xref's from external sources to have date received and original filename in
large print on a 'non printing' layer, positioned off to side in model space). Ensure all other offices
have the latest copy.
• Carry out Drafting Checks
• Ensure all drawing are consistent, e.g. title block naming, north point type/location and the like.
• Issue all drawings. Ensure all drawings are correctly revised, signed, scanned (if necessary),
transmittals and registered.
• Maintain CADD folder
• Assist Job Manager where needed.
PLD is to be nominated by 'Parent Office' ( office where project is being managed )

Discipline Lead Drafter (DLD)

• Ensure checks are undertaken on the regular basis to ensure services etc. do not clash and
resolve where clashes occur.
• Keep discipline drawing list up to date.
• Assist the PLD in Draft Checks and assisting having drawings signed, revised, scanned, registered etc.
• Immediately forward any incoming drawings to PLD for registration and internal issue.
• Assist the PLD where needed.

Multi-office Drafting
Where projects are being worked on by staff in various offices, the following procedure shall be used.

• All offices involved shall nominate an Office Lead Drafter (OLD) for their office. This person shall be
responsible for transferring digital drawing files (sending, receiving etc.). There will be a secondary
OLD for instances when nominated OLD is unavailable.
• Only the OLD is to send drawings inter-office. (Drawings to be sent out in PDF format unless for XREF
• At the completion of the project, AutoCAD files to be issued to the Parent Office PLD for inclusion in
the job file and registered.

OLD is to be nominated by 'Child Office' (treated as sub-consultant for the project). This person can be
also considered as DLD

DLD is to be nominated by either 'Parent Office' or Child Office'.

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3.1 The Structure of a Set of Project Drawings

A set of project drawings should be structured to achieve the following goals :

1. The drawing set must clearly convey the main purposed of the drawing set, i.e. the Major Design
Element or the Major Feature.
2. The people other than those directly involved with the project likely to view the drawing set includes
the client, the contractor and the contract estimator. Plan the set to allow an appreciation of the job
quickly without getting into too much detailed inspection of the drawing set.
3. The drawings must be readable and constructible. A guide to the composition of a project set of
drawings is shown in the figure below indicating different levels of documentation. Drafting from
different levels should not be mixed on one drawing, except small and single drawing jobs where the
drawings should be partitioned. Drafting from levels two or more apart must not be mixed on one

Level 1 – Face Sheet

• Client and Project ( in bold text on the cover sheet ). this text should be consistent with drawing
title blocks.
• Drawing List
• Location Plan (Typically 1:1000 to 1:10,000 scale where applicable)
• Cover sheets are to be prepared using standard Cover Sheet title block.

Level 2 – General Arrangement Set

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• Site Plan
• Major Element Set Out Plan(s)
- Including Key Set Out Dimensions
- Including Key Major Element Dimensions, typically 1:250 or 1:200 scale(s)

Level 3 – Major Element, Arrangement Set

• Major Element (e.g. One building on a site that has multiple buildings)
- Plans
- Main Sections
- Elevations

Level 4 – Major Element, General Details Set

• Element Details, Corner, Intersections Wall, etc., typically 1:20 scale.

Level 5 – Element Component, Details and Minor Element Set

• Element Component Details, i.e., Pit covers, Ladders, Lifting Keys, typically 1:10 and 1:5 scale(s).
• Project Notes (structural)
• Minor Elements ( pits, landscaping, etc. )

3.2 General Requirements for a Drawing Set

The initial drawing set format is to be prepared by PLD in consultation with the Job Manager prior to start
of drafting.

Drawing numbering shall be established & maintained in accordance with Section P of this manual.

3.3 Structures and Format of Individual Drawings

The following are selection of important criteria most of which are described in more detail in other parts of
the manual.

• Each drawing must have enough detail to describe content

• Over detailing and repetition of details and notes shall be avoided
• Where possible, available CAD symbols and standard detail drawings should be used
• Established backup, filing and registration procedures shall be used
• Section lines and North Points are to be oriented in the same direction across the drawing set,
where possible.
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4.1 Drawing Sizes

In general, the A1 size sheet is to be used for technical drawings.

Other standard sizes available on CAD are A0, A2, A3, A4, B1 etc. These may be used at the discretion of the
Job Manager in consultation with the PLD.
All drawings within the project set should be in the same size format.
The standard size sheet dimensions (cut sheet size) as below:

Size Dimension
A0 1189 x 841
A1 841 x 594
A2 594 x 420
A3 420 x 297
A4 297 x 210
B1 1000 x 707

4.2 Drawing Codes

4.2.1 Discipline Codes

Listed below are drawing discipline codes to be used by all GPS staffs :

Code Discipline
A Architectural
B Process / Materials Handling / Chemical
C Civil (Roads, Rail, Infrastructure etc.)
D Environmental
E Electrical
F Fire Services
G General (not discipline specific)
H Hydraulics
ID Interior Design
J Instrumentation / P&ID
K Ports & Harbours
L Landscaping
M Mechanical / HAVC / Refrigeration / Industrial
P Piping
R Security
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S Structural Works
T Telecommunications
V Survey
W Water Supply / Sewerage & Water Treatment
Y Client / External Drawings
GT Geotechnical (Slope protection, ground treatment etc.)
MC Miscellaneous

Job Managers, at their discretion may approve all drawings for a project to be included under the same
discipline code of the major discipline, for that project.

4.2.2 Drawing Descriptors

The following drawing descriptors may be used in lieu of Discipline Codes if approved by the Job
Manager in consultation with the SD / PLD.

These descriptors designate a stage of a particular drawing as opposed to being a discipline specific

Code Drawing Descriptor

DA Development Application
FIG Figure
SK Sketch

4.2.3 Authority Codes

Listed below are drawing codes based on Authority or purpose of drawing submission to be used by all
GPS staffs :

Code Authority / Purpose

PB Planning brief to SPA
WR Water Reticulation Plan to JKR / SWB / KWB / LAKU
BM Bomba Submission
BP Building Plan to Council
EP Engineering Plan to L&S
WL Wayleave
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

4.3 Drawing Number & CAD File Convention (Mandatory)

The following drawing numbers and CAD file conventions, irrespective of software package or when
manually produced, shall be used on all projects that have no client specific requirements.

Drawing Number AAAGPSBB/XX/YY/G001 (for Submission dwg.)

AAAGPSBB/XX/G001 (for Tender/Contract/Construction dwg.)
AAAGPSBB/XX/AB/G001 (for As-Built dwg.)
AAAGPSBB/XX/SD/G001 (for Shop dwg.)

CAD File Name AAAGPSBB-XX-YY-G001.CADD file extension

AAAGPSBB-XX-G001.CADD file extension
AAAGPSBB-XX-AB-G001.CADD file extension
AAAGPSBB-XX-SD-G001.CADD file extension

Submission AAAGPSBB / XX / YY / G 001 Dwg no.


Job code Phase/stage (optional) Authority code Discipline

Construction AAAGPSBB / XX / G 001 Dwg no.

Job code Phase/stage (optional) Discipline

As-Built AAAGPSBB / XX / AB / G 001 Dwg no.


Job code Phase/stage (optional) As-Built Discipline


AAAGPSBB / XX / SD / G 001 Dwg no.

Job code Phase/stage (optional) Shop Discipline


Where required by the project, the 2 and 3 digit number can be extended up to 5 digits. The use of 4/5 digits
must then be used exclusively throughout the project by all disciplines.

Where drawing numbers are to client specific requirements, the CAD file name shall identical to the
drawing number.

Where Stages or Phases are not to be used, the naming convention shall be: AAAGPSBB/YY/G001 or
AAGPSBB/G001 or AAAGPSBB/AB/G001 or AAGPSBB/SD/G001 (omit the XX number).
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

Where Sub-jobs are to be used, the naming convention shall be: AAAGPSBB/ZZ/XX/YY/G001 or
Sub-job number). The use of Sub-jobs on drawing numbers is to be approved by the job manager in
consultation with the Senior Drafter / Project Lead Drafter.

4.3.1 Layout Tab Numbering and CAD file Convention (AutoCAD)

Multiple layouts in AutoCAD may be desirable in some special circumstances. The use of multiple
layouts IS NOT PREFERED and should be approved by the Senior Drafter/Project Lead Drafter prior to

Disadvantages include :-
• Only one person can work on the drawing set at one time
• CAD Drawing issue to clients for individual drawings may require additional work to separate the drawing

If using multiple layouts, the CAD file name shall follow the file naming convention below where C001
and C005 are the first and last numbers contained within the file (e.g. 001GPS11-01-ABC-C001_C005
for file containing civil drawings 001GPS11/01/ABC/C001 to 001GPS11/01/ABC/C005 ).

Drawing Numbers in CAD File Submission Drawing

001GPS11/XX/YY/G001 to 001GPS11/XX/YY/G003
Tender/Contract/Construction Drawing
001GPS11/XX/G001 to 001GPS11/XX/G003
As-Built Drawing
001GPS11/XX/AB/G001 to 001GPS11/XX/AB/G003
Shop Drawing
001GPS11/XX/SD/G001 to 001GPS11/XX/SD/G003

CAD File Name Submission Drawing

001GPS11-XX-YY-G001_G003.CADD file extension
Tender/Contract/Construction Drawing
001GPS11-XX-G001_G003.CADD file extension
As-Built Drawing
001GPS11-XX-AB-G001_G003.CADD file extension
Shop Drawing
001GPS11-XX-SD-G001_G003.CADD file extension

Individual drawing numbers and Submission Drawing

matching Layout Tab names 001GPS11/XX/YY/G001
included in the CAD file 001GPS11/XX/YY/G002 and
Tender/Contract/Construction Drawing
001GPS11/XX/G002 and
As-Built Drawing
001GPS11/XX/AB/G002 and
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

Shop Drawing
001GPS11/XX/SD/G002 and

The drawing numbers and layout tab name for individual drawings contained within the single CAD file
shall follow the drawing numbering convention in accordance with Section 4.3 above.

Multiple layout drawing techniques may only be used where drawings are consecutive within any one file
without omissions.

4.4 Xref CAD File Naming Convention (Mandatory)

External references created for projects shall adopt the following CAD file name convention :-
Submission Dwg. :
Xref CAD file name to be in the format AAAGPSBB-ZZ-XX-YY-XG_aaaa.CADD file extension;

Tender/Contract/Construction Dwg. :
Xref CAD file name to be in the format AAAGPSBB-ZZ-XX-XG_aaaa.CADD file extension;

As-Built Dwg. :
Xref CAD file name to be in the format AAAGPSBB-ZZ-XX-AB-XG_aaaa.CADD file extension;

Shop Dwg. :
Xref CAD file name to be in the format AAAGPSBB-ZZ-XX-SD-XG_aaaa.CADD file extension,

Where :

AAAGPSBB = Job code

ZZ = Sub-job number (if required )
XX = Stages / Phases (if required )
YY = Authority Code (for submission drawing)
AB = As-Built
SD = Shop drawing
X = the Xref code
G = the relevant drawing discipline code
aaaa = the major descriptor ( preferrably 4 characters )

The CAD file names should be descriptive instead of numerical for ease of recognition e.g. 001GPS11-01-

Where CAD file names require additional information for ease of use, additional 4 digit descriptors may be
added in the format e . g . AAAGPSBB-XX-YY-ZZ-XG_aaaa_bbbb_cccc, where :
aaaa = major descriptor
bbbb = minor descriptor
cccc = additional descriptor as required e.g. 001GPS11-01-CONT-XV_SITE_ROAD_KERB.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

Once the Xref has been overlaid into the drawing, rename the xref to remove the job code, stages/phases and
component number e.g. 001GPS11-01-CONT-XV_SITE becomes XV_SITE. This enables drawing file names
to be consistent & the xref layer names to be at the bottom of the list.

4.5 Image File Naming Convention (Mandatory)

Any images, utilised in drawings, shall adopt the following file name convention :-
Image file name to be in the format e.g. AAAGPSBB-ZZ-aaaa.image file extension, where :
AAAGPSBB = Job code
ZZ = Sub-job number (if required )
aaaa = the image descriptor

e.g. 001GPS11-01-Ipoh Aerial.jpg

All images to be placed on layer G-IMAGE. Where more than one type of image is used the layer naming is to
G-IMAGE_TOPO, G-IMAGE_AERIAL etc. to differentiate between types of images.

In AutoCAD the setting imageframe should be set to 2. This enables the image frame to be selected but not

4.6 PDF File Naming Convention

Any PDF files created from registered drawings, that are required to be issued, shall adopt the following
file naming convention :-

PDF file name to be in the format e . g . AAAGPSBB-XX-YY-G001-RA where :

AAAGPSBB = Job code

XX = Stages / Phases (if required )
YY = Authority Code
G001 = Drawing Number
R denotes “revision”
A = the current revision descriptor

e.g. 001GPS01-01-WATR-W001-RA.pdf = the PDF file of revision A of drawing 001GPS01-01-WATR-W001

GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02


GPS has standard symbols as detailed in the Drafting Manual. The standard symbols blocks are already
created in template drawing GPS-A1_TEMP.dwg where located at

5.1 Title Block

All drawings shall be produced on standard GPS title blocks, unless specifically required otherwise by the
client. This requirement is mandatory & irrespective of the software package used to create the drawing or

These title sheets are located at S:\01_GENERAL\03_LIBRARY\02_DRAFTING\GPS-TITLEBLOCK folder.

GPS landscape title blocks (title block cross the bottom) are the default title blocks to be used for all project
working drawings, however in some cases drawings may need to produce on portrait title blocks (title block
up the right hand side) at the discretion of the Job Manager. In all cases, the same title block shall be used
for all drawings produced for a single project.

Title block shall be located in Layout Space (paper space), for all drawings produced in AutoCAD, with the
bottom left corner located at world coordinates 0,0,0. Drawing sheets are to be at scale 1mm = 1 unit.

5.2 Drawing Scales (Mandatory)

Drawing scale bar blocks are already created in template drawing GPS-A1_TEMP.dwg where located at

GPS Standard preferred drawing scales should be used as follows :

1:1, 1:2, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:25, 1:50, 1:100, 1:200, 1:250, 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:2500, 1:5000, 1:10000,
1:20000, 1:50000

(Do not use scales 1:20 and 1:25 (1:200 and 1:250) on the same drawing).
Bar scales are to be offered in mm and m & to be selected accordingly.
For distorted sections the following scale bars are preferred:
Hor. 1:1000 – Vert. 1:100
Hor. 1:1000 – Vert. 1:200
Hor. 1:500 – Vert. 1:100
Hor. 1:500 – Vert. 1:200

Bar scales are to be inserted at 1mm = 1 unit in Layout space in the title block.

Bar scales are generally located at the vacant area cross the top of landscape title block or at the bottom
right corner next to the portrait title block.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

For drawings where more than one scale is used, the written scale used in the preparation of drawings, is
usually entered under the heading or sub-heading of each view, and the words “AS SHOWN” are entered in
the scale box of the title box.

5.3 Sectioning (Mandatory)

Sections shall be shown using letters, consecutively over a drawing.

Sections are to be orientated for normal views for third angle projection. The section plane is identified by
the following symbols.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

The Section Title shall be placed under the sectional view and is indicated as follows.

5.4 Detailing (Mandatory)

Details shall be numbered consecutively over a drawing commencing with detail number.

The detail reference symbol, shall be placed near to the detail, identified with leader, terminating with
an arrowhead or a circle covering the detail area.

The Detail Title shall be placed under the detail view and is indicated as follows.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

5.5 Elevations/Views (Mandatory)

Elevations & Views shall be shown using letters. Letters used for elevation and view designations
shall not be duplicated for the sections on the same drawing.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

5.6 North Point (Mandatory)

Standard north points should be used on all drawings requiring orientation. The north point style adopted shall
be consistent throughout the entire project set.

North points are to be oriented the same way for all project drawings, if possible.
All drawings should have North orientated up the page – where possible.



5.7 Structural Grid Lines

Structural grid references should be alphabetical in one direction and numerical in the other direction.

If the number of grids in one direction should exceed twenty-six (26), then numbers should be used in
that direction.

Grid references should progress towards the ends of the building likely to be extended in future stages. This
grid may also be used for other discipline i.e. Civil & Architectural drafting.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

5.8 Linework

The range of line thickness is generally 0.25mm, 0.35mm and 0.5mm and 0.7mm. However, lines of 0.18mm,
0.2mm and 1.0mm thickness may be used to achieve a desired contrast.

The minimum space between any two drafted lines is 1.0mm at full plotted scale. One thick line is preferably
drawn to represent the two edges of thin material (e.g. pipe walls). If the space between two lines is the
minimum, no other information or symbol should intrude upon the space.

5.9 Levels and Grid

Unless instructed otherwise, all design levels are to be shown correct to three decimal places in metre (m)
above sea level. A datum shall be shown on all relevant drawings.

The grid datum & origin shall also be shown on all relevant drawings.

5.10 Lettering

5.10.1 Text height

All lettering must be UPPER case (except where international System of Units (SI) are used).
The GPS Standard for lettering thickness & heights are as follows :

Note : all thicknesses & height shown are in millimetres (mm)

Where drawings are produced at A1 & the deliverables are issued at A1 full size the minimum text height
is to be
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

Where drawings are produced at A1 & the deliverables are issued at A3 full size the minimum text height
is to be

Where drawings are produced at A3/A4 & the deliverables are issued at A3/A4 full size the minimum text
height is to be 1.8mm.

Text height should not be mixed over one drawing set.

5.10.2 Titles

Titles other than sections and details should be created using Mtext, centre justified & underlined.

Titles are to be generally 5mm text height to match section and detail title symbols. Titles for groups of
details may be in 7mm text height.

For titles the drawing scale shall be written in 3.5mm text underneath the underlined title text, centre


5.11 Dimensioning

Sufficient dimensioning should be applied to a particular feature on a drawing. It should not be assumed that
features not dimensioned can be deduced from other dimensions in the drawing. Dimensions also should not
be obtained by using a scale rule on the future.

Dimensions should be orientated so that they can be read when the drawing is placed flat, and the bottom of
the sheet is nearest of the person viewing the sheet, and when the person is viewing from the right hand
bottom of the sheet.

Wherever practicable dimension lines should be placed outside the outline of the object (except diameter
dimensions) and they should not be interrupted for the insertion of dimensions. The dimensions should be
placed parallel to, and above the dimension line. Dimension lines for drawing should terminate with
arrowheads. For architectural drawings a short line at 45 degree through the extension line is the adopted

Leaders should not be parallel to adjacent dimension or projection lines. The use of long leaders should
be avoided. Leaders should terminate in arrowheads. Arrowheads should always terminate on a line, or
on the centre edge of a filled in detail, such as a rolled steel section.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

A chain of dimensions should be covered by a general dimension, unless dimensional tolerances are

Where it is necessary to indicate that a particular dimension is not to scale, the dimension shall be noted
“NTS” under the dimension line.

All dimensions should not be altered unless directed by the Senior Drafter / Project Lead Drafter.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02


6.1 Colours (Mandatory)

The use of different AutoCAD pen colours affects the colour and line thickness of entities on a plotted
drawing. GPS uses 2 different standard CTB files, when using AutoCAD, namely :

• GPS-COL-FULL (Full weight Colour pens)

• GPS-COL-HALF (Half weight Colour pens)

A Primary set of Black pens are available in all 2 CTB files. These are detailed in the following table :

Primary Pens

Plotted AutoCAD AutoCAD

Pen Pen Display
0.13 Number
55 Colour
Yellow (dark)
0.18 8&9 Grey
0.25 2 Yellow
0.35 6 Magenta
0.50 1 Red
0.70 4&5 Cyan & Blue
1.00 3 Green

6.2 Linetypes

Linetypes defined in the acadgps.lin linetype file shall be used as the default linetypes.

These linetypes along with all other complex, discipline & services specific linetypes are already created in
template drawing ( GPS-A1_TEMP.dwt ).

If an additional linetype is required by a user, a request is to be firstly approved by the Job Manager in
consultation with the Senior Drafter/Project Lead Drafter.

Refer to Appendix D for additional Discipline / Services specific linetypes.

6.3 Text Fonts (Mandatory)

The standard AutoCAD font adopted by GPS is Arial, use in AutoCAD's “GPS Standard Arial” text style
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

This font is to be used for all text found within the bounds of Sketch & Working Drawing Sheets. Arial font
may also be used if required.

Vertical UPPERcase text to be used.

All fonts are to be at width factor 1.0.

6.4 Layer Naming Convention (Mandatory)

The layers in a CAD drawing provide control over groups of entities. All layers are already created in GPS-
A1_TEMP.dwt drawing which establishes a general set of layers to be used within the chosen discipline
( Refer Appendix A4).

The following guidelines for the layer names shall be adopted for all CAD drawings using GPS CAD drafting

• All layer names are to be preceded by relevant GPS discipline code. ( Refer Appendix 4.2 )
• Layer names are to be in the format “G-XXXX_YYYY_ZZZZ” where G = discipline code, XXXX = 4
digit major descriptor, YYYY = 4 digit minor descriptor and ZZZZ = additional 4 digit descriptor if
• All lettering for layer names is to be in capitals
• All entities are to be drawn with colour and linetype set to bylayer
• Mandatory layer names for all disciplines shall be as follows :-

Layer name Colour ( by layer ) Linetype ( by layer ) Comment

G-TITLE White Continuous Title sheet & attributed text
G-IMAGE White Continuous Images, Maps, Photos
G-MISC White Continuous North arrows, scale bars
G-REV White Continuous Revision cloud & triangle
G-VPORT 205 Continuous Layout viewports (non-printable)
G-XREF White Continuous Xref insertion layer

As a general guide refer to Appendix A1, A2 & A3 for a listing of discipline specific layers to be used.

For additional layer names, not covered in Appendix A1, A2 & A3, they are to be approved by Senior
Drafter/Project Lead Drafter on the individual project.

6.5 Third Party Software Packages

Some 3 party software packages have built in layer controls which may vary from these guidelines.
Where possible, 3 party software should be customised to comply with the GPS guidelines for CAD layer
naming conventions.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

6.6 Scale

All CAD drawings are to be created at full scale. In model space this can be either 1mm = 1 unit or 1m = 1 unit
depending on discipline. This enables the correct use of co-ordinate systems and allows drawings to be
amended without having to convert all data entry to a particular scale.

All Site Plans & Location Plans are to be created using real world co-ordinates.

6.7 Origin Point

To facilitate the need for information to be used over a multi-disciplined project, all drawings shall maintain the
project Co-ordinate system and have their origin at world coordinate 0,0,0 (in model space) throughout the
entire project. After insertion, Rotation and Scale will not be altered.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02


7.1 Layout / Model Space Drafting (Mandatory)

The use of Layout / Model tabs is to be adopted as standard practice for all drawings created with AutoCAD

a) Layouts shall generally only contain the drawing sheet at the scale of 1mm = 1 unit, bar scales,
viewports & client logos. In circumstances where the UCS is twisted, the drawing title maybe located in
Layout Space. No drawing information shall be drawn outside the limits of the title sheet in Layout
Space. Viewports created in Layout Space shall be used to view objects drawn in model space.
Viewports shall be scaled to suit drawing elements and locked to ensure that scale factors are not
accidently altered.

Viewports are to be created on layer : G-VPORT (colour 205)

b) General drawing content shall be located in Model Space. All entities are to be drawn at full scale either
1mm = 1 unit or 1m = 1 unit depending on discipline. Text, dimensions etc. are to be drawn to suit the
layout viewport scale factor.

7.2 Xref Usage

The use of external references (Xref's) is the preferred method of drawing production for GPS projects.

Xref's are to be created at real world coordinates.

Xref's drawings are to preferably be OVERLAID onto drawings with an insertion point 0,0,0 at World UCS

Xref's should not be moved or rotated.

The Xref should generally not contain any text, titles, dimensions, section marks, etc., as the scale of these
is dependent on the scale of the drawings that use the Xref, which could be many scales.

Once the Xref has been overlaid into the drawing, rename the xref to remove the office & project number i.e.
003GPS11-01-XV_SITE becomes XV_SITE. This enables drawing file names to be consistent & the Xref layer
names to be at the bottom of the list.

7.3 Bylayer Colours and Linetype

All entities are to be created using “Bylayer” colour and Linetype.

GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

7.4 Rules of Thumb (AutoCAD)

General “AutoCAD Rules of Thumb” are to be as follows :

• Create models at real world scale 1:1

• Create models accuracy
Ensure object snaps are used
• Create models associatively
Ensure hatch patterns and dimensions are single “associative” objects

Working with Others (using Xref

• Avoid moving or rotating the completed model

• Always use 0,0,0 for insertion point
• Leave the UCS at “world” by default
• Do not retain “Paths” in Xref
• Use Overlay (not Attachment)

Creation of External Reference Files (Xref's)

• All Xref files shall reside in the Project Drawings folder i.e. C:\04_PROJECTS\<Project Code &
• All Xref files shall be named in accordance with Drafting Manual – Clause 4.4
• Layers and their names shall be created so that users are able to easily control the elements of the
Xref in a drawing
• All layer names should be in capital letters
• The layer names should be in accordance with Drafting Manual – Clause 6.3
• All objects shall be created by layer (colour and linetype)
• The Xref should generally not contain any text, titles, dimensions, section marks, etc., as the scale
of these dependants on the scale of the drawings that use the Xref, which could be many scales.
• Xref files should be purged at every opportunity to clear unused layers, etc.
• When an Xref has been created by third party software, e.g. MX for road/pipe long and cross
sections, then text, etc., may be included
• Xref should generally be overlaid onto layer G-XREF


• All drawing and Xref files shall reside in the Project Drawings folder i.e. C:\04_PROJECTS\<Project
Code & Name>\02_CADD\02_Drawings.
• New drawings – select a standard GPS template ( e.g. GPS-A1_TEMP.dwg )
• Plotting drawings – use standard CTB files (GPS-COL-FULL and GPS-COL-HALF) (colour plotting /or
client specified exceptions).
• Use “Reset Drawing Scale” routine to change to the required scale.
• Do not modify Dimension Styles.
• Avoid non-standard test styles – only GPS-Standard (Arial)
• Set text height to Zero in text style
• All text to be in CAPITALS
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

• Layout Space – Location of Titlesheets, Viewports & Bar Scales.

• Model Space – Location of Xrefs, details, text, dimensions, revision clouds, north points &
everything else.
• Create blocks on layer Zero (0) so they adopt the characteristics of the layer they are inserted on.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02


8.1 Quality Assurance

It is essential that all members of GPS's drafting staff understand and follow the procedures described in this
manual, including but not limited to:

• uniform documentation standards,

• Status of drawings at any given time (preliminary or approved issue),
• checking (Design & Drafting),
• drawing revision control,
• drawing registration & transmittals and external issue control

8.2 Design Check of Drawings (Mandatory)

Each drawing shall be checked for design content and suitability. The design check will be carried out by a
suitably qualified person, nominated by the job Manager. Signature for Design Check certifies that all design
concept and any design calculations have been checked, that all information on the drawing is correct and
clearly conveys and defines the design intent.

Major revisions to drawings, previously checked, should have the design checks repeated at the discretion of
the Job Manager.

8.3 Drafting Check of Drawings (Mandatory)

After the Design Check has been completed all drawings are to be checked for drafting accuracy and

The Drafting Check is normally to be carried out by the Senior Drafter or Project Lead Drafter. The scope of
the Drafting Check is to certify that the completed drawing has been checked for compliance with GPS
Drafting Manual and Standard Procedures, that good drafting practice has been undertaken and that any
other specific requirements and checks nominated by Job Manager have also been undertaken.

GPS-DC-F28 Drawing Compliance Checklist Form shall be completed by the Drafter, reviewed by Senior
Drafter / Project Lead Drafter and approved by Job Manager.

For multi-discipline projects, an inter-disciplinary coordination check shall be carried out for coordination
of documentation across all disciplines.

Other approved check lists may be used that clearly indicate an appropriate checking process has been
carried out.

Major revisions to drawings, previously checked, should have the drafting checks repeated at the discretion
of the Job Manager.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

8.4 Shop Drawings

It is essential that shop drawings, specifications or any other matter sent to GPS by the contractors &
suppliers, are promptly and correctly reviewed.

To facilitate this and ensure that we do not take an extra liability which is properly the Contractor’s
responsibility, a stamp as shown below is to be used on all drawings submitted for review.

Please use it and ensure that you retain a record of replies to Contractors.


BY: ………………………………….…..
G&P Professionals (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd

DATE: ………………………………..…

Approval of the drawing will not

exonerate the contractor from any
responsibility in connection with the work
or from complying with all details
specified and shall rectify all works where
necessary as directed by the consultant.

8.5 External Drawings

Description :
Drawings received from any external source (includes other G&P group offices). Used for assisting in
the preparation of project drawings.

Registering Procedure :
• Register as a set (if bound) or individually and can be scanned if required by the Job Manager. If
drawings are received electronically, file in folder 04_PROJECTS\<Job
Code>\02_CADD\03_Incoming\Date (yy-mm-dd_Description), print a hardcopy (if required by Job
Manager) and register.

• If drawings are received in hard copy, stamp drawings with “Received Date” and drawings to be
kept with the Project Lead Drafter in an A3 folder or on the hanging file.

• Distribute copies of drawings, stamped with “COPY”. (only Project Lead Drafter may have
drawings without the “COPY” stamp.)

If Drawings are superseded, then the PLD's set shall be stamped “SUPERSEDED” ( or marked clearly in red
with “S/S”) on the bottom right of the drawing (set). The Job manager shall ensure all copies held by team
members are also marked Superseded.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

8.6 Stamp Control

All original copies of drawing and obsolete drawings keep in both Master Drawing File and drawing cabinet
shall be marked or stamped according to Drawing Stamp Control system as specified in Sub-clause 4.6
Stamp Control & Authorized Approval (Refer to GPS-P01 Documents & Records Control). Meanwhile,
distribute copies of drawing (either for working reference purposes or information only) shall be stamped with
“COPY” (in blue ink) at the front of every page.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02


9.1 Revision of Drawings (Mandatory)

Revisions are to be made in the following manner with reference to Drawing Issue Sequence below. Every
external issue of the drawing (either hard copy or digital) shall have a unique revision status. Internal
drawing issues may have a unique revision status at discretion of the job Manager.

9.1.1 Revision Status

The method of referencing revisions for all internal drawings including “non-approved issue” drawings
and “approved issue” drawings (when all signatures are being placed) are to use numeral or number
system commencing with ‘0’. The timing of “approved issue” of project drawings is at the discretion of
Job Manager, but ideally would occur prior to drawings being issued for tender. Drawings for both “non-
approved issue” and “approved issue” are to be referenced with revision descriptor as followings :-

Drawing Revision Descriptor

Tender, Contract T0, T1, T2,PPP..
Construction C0, C1, C2,PPP
Internal (Preliminary/Final),
0, 1, 2,PPPP
Proposal, Submission, Shop, etc.

Any subsequent revisions of drawings are to be numbered consecutively thereafter. As soon as a

drawing is modified after it has been issued, it is to have “UNDER REVISION – FOR INTERNAL GPS
USE ONLY” placed in the revision box for the next subsequent revision & the next revision number/letter
placed in the appropriate box in lower right hand side of the Title Block. This is to ensure that modified
drawings are not mistaken as previous issued revision.

9.1.2 Preliminary Notation

Preliminary drawings are to be noted with PRELIMINARY in the drawing status section of the title block.
PRELIMINARY may be replaced by other text e.g. “NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION” at the discretion of
the Job Manager. Any alternative text is to clearly indicate the preliminary status of the document.

Drawing issued as “approved issue” revision T0, and any subsequent revision issues, do not require
text to be inserted for drawing status. However, drawing status text may be inserted at the discretion of
Job Manager.

Hard copies pdf all preliminary drawings must be marked or stamped “PRELIMINARY” including date &
project number. This includes all drawings that have not been approved.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

9.1.3 Revision Clouds

Revisions on the drawing are to be clearly indicated by surrounding the particular amendment with a
revision cloud. (In special circumstances, revision clouds may be omitted at the discretion of Job
Manager/Project Director).

After each subsequent revision the previous revision cloud(s) shall be removed and replaced with the
new revision clouds for the current revisions.

Revision clouds are to be drawn in model space, on layer G-REV, unless directed otherwise.

If the Job Manager requires the previous revision clouds to be retained, additional layers can be created
e.g. G- REV_A to place the superseded Rev A onto & then the layer is frozen.

9.1.4 Approved Issue Status

At “approved issue” status (i.e. Revision T0), all previous revision notes, signatures in revisions box
and clouding shall be removed. PRELIMINARY is to be removed prior to “approved issue” of drawings
as Rev. T0.

The Job Manager at his/her discretion may, in certain circumstances choose to retain revision clouds on
“approved issue” (Rev. T0) drawings. This may be used where it is necessary to distinguish major
changes between Tender, Contract, Construction, Submission, As-built and Shop drawings.

Drafter, Senior Drafter or Project Lead Drafter, and Project Director shall complete and sign the GPS-
DC-F28 Drawing Compliance Checklist Form.

9.2 Approvals and Signatures (Mandatory)

9.2.1 Approvals Box

Approval box in the title block is required to be completed with first initials and hand signatures. This is
ONLY applied for first submission of drawings (i.e. Design stage (Rev. 0), Tender stage (Rev. T0),
Construction stage (Rev. C0), etc.). It shall not apply to any first revised drawings and subsequent revised
drawings. In the approval box, the first initials for “Drawn”, “Designed”, “Checked”, and “Approved”
shall be entered in CAD at the commencement of the drawing production.

The hand signatures (preferably in blue pen) for “Drawn”, “Designed” and “Checked” shall be
entered in the printed Master Copy drawing ONLY after Drafting and Design Checks are satisfactorily
being carried out by the accountable persons to do the checking, and the drawing produced for
“approved issue” is complied with QA requirements.

“Approved” are to be hand signed by the Project Director on the printed Master Copy drawing for
“approved issue”, ONLY after the hand signatures for “Drawn”, “Designed” and “Checked” are in
place, preferably in blue pen. The hand signatures in these boxes certify that all relevant checks &
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

reviews have been completed in accordance with QA requirements and that the drawing is now ready to
be issued, as evidence of completion of the drawing.

Refer to GPS-DC-F28 Drawing Compliance Checklist Form. This form shall be completed by Drafter,
reviewed by Senior Drafter or Project Lead Drafter and approved by Job Manager (Project Director).

9.2.2 Revisions Box (Mandatory)

Revision box in the title block is necessary to be completed when there is any revision has been
made to the first submission drawing (i.e. Design stage (Rev. 1, 2,...), Tender stage (Rev. T1, T2,P),
Construction stage (Rev. C1, C2,P.), etc.). CAD initials for “Drawn”, “Designed”, “Checked” and
“Approved” are to be included in the revisions box. These initials are of the persons that have
responsibly made the CAD revisions.

Drafter initial for “Drawn”, Designer initial for “Designed”, and Senior Drafter / Project Lead Drafter
and Senior Engineer / Project Engineer initials for “Checked”, and Project Director initial for
“Approved”, revision number for “Rev” and “Date” shall be appeared in CAD after Drafting and
Design Checks and amendments are satisfactorily completed. “Drawn”, “Designed”, “Checked” and
“Approved” are to be hand signed, preferably in blue pen on the revised Master Copy drawing. The hand
signatures in these boxes certify that all relevant checks and reviews on the amendments have been
completed and that the revised drawing is approved for issue.

If there is any subsequent revision of drawings involved, any previous revised drawings shall ONLY enter
the first initials in CAD for “Drawn”, “Designed”, “Checked”, and “Approved” WITHOUT hand
signatures in the revision box. These initials are referring to the persons that have responsibly made the
previous CAD revisions. Meanwhile, the new revision of drawings shall enter both CAD initials and hand
signatures in the revision box.

Refer to GPS-DC-F28 Drawing Compliance Checklist Form. This form shall be completed by the
Drafter, reviewed by Senior Drafter or Project Lead Drafter and approved by Job Manager (Project

9.2.3 Signatures in CAD

After any issue of a CAD drawing any further editing will effectively remove the handwritten signatures
and initials from the drawing for the next plot. To overcome this, the signatures are to be typed in the
appropriate boxes with an asterisk(*) following, for example: A. ENGINEER *
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

Drawing Issue Sequence

Drawing Issue for Internal Use

1. PRELIMINARY in drawing status section of title block.
2. CAD initials to be added in the approvals box for “Drawn”
and “Designed”.
3. Automated plot stamp will indicate date of issue.

“Approved Issue” (all signatures in place)

External Issue prior to Approved Issue
1. PRELIMINARY in drawing status section of title block to
1. PRELIMINARY in drawing status section of title block to
be removed.
be removed.
2. Delete any previous revisions clouds, revision notes, CAD
2. If a drawing has already been revised, remove all previous
initials, signatures etc. from previous issues (if any).
revision clouds for current revision.
3. Insert CAD initials for “Drawn”, “Designed”, “Checked”
3. Revision number next to drawing number to be added /
and “Approved” in approvals box (for the first drawing
updated numerically, starting with ‘0’ for the first drawing
issues. Every external issue (and internal issue where
4. Insert revision number next to drawing number starting with
directed by the Job Manager) of a preliminary drawing is
‘0’ for the first drawing issues. Refer to sub-clause 9.1.1. for
to have a designated revision status (Refer to sub-clause
revision status of each drawing.
5. If the first drawing has already been revised, insert
4. If a drawing has already been revised, subsequent revision
subsequent revision number next to drawing number as well
number to be added / updated numerically, consecutively
as in revision box, and to be numbered consecutively
next to drawing number and in revision box (Refer to sub-
thereafter (Refer to sub-clause 9.1.1).
clause 9.1.1).
6. Plot to be taken.
5. Plot to be taken.
7. For the first drawing issues, signatures (preferably in blue
6. For the first drawing issues, signatures (preferably in blue
pen) to be added in approvals box for “Drawn”,
pen) and CAD initials (for “Drawn”, “Designed”,
“Designed”, “Checked” and “Approved”.
“Checked” and “Approved”) to be added in approvals
8. Insert revision number, date, description, CAD initials (for
“Drawn”, “Designed”, “Checked” and “Approved”) and
7. Revision number, date, description, CAD initials (for
signatures (preferably in blue pen) in revision box when
“Drawn”, “Designed”, “Checked” and “Approved”) and
there is any revision made to the first submission drawings.
signatures (preferably in blue pen) to be added in revision
9. If there is any new or subsequent revision of drawings, the
box when there is any revision made to the first
previous revision of drawings shall only enter the first
submission drawings.
initials in CAD without hand signatures. The new revision
8. If there is any new or subsequent revision of drawings, the
of drawings shall enter CAD initials and hand signatures in
previous revision of drawings shall only enter the first
revision box.
initials in CAD without hand signatures. The new revision
10. Any previous plots to be clearly marked / stamped
of drawings shall enter both CAD initials and hand
“SUPERSEDED” (in red ink).
signatures to be added in revision box.
9. Any previous originals of external issued drawings to be
clearly marked / stamped “SUPERSEDED” (in red ink).

Subsequent Issues of Approval Drawings

1. Removal off all previous revision clouds. A new revision clouds for current
revision to be added.
2. Revision number and description in revision box to be updated numerically,
3. Revision number next to drawing number to be amended and numbered
4. Plot to be taken.
5. Insert revision number, date, description, CAD initials (for “Drawn”, “Designed”,
“Checked” and “Approved”) and signatures (preferably in blue pen) in revision
6. If there is any new or subsequent revision of drawings, the previous revision of
drawings shall only enter the first initials in CAD without hand signatures. The new
revision of drawings shall enter CAD initials and hand signatures in revision box.
7. Any previous plots to be clearly marked / stamped “SUPERSEDED” (in red ink).
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

9.3 External Issue of Digital Content

Any digital content i.e. CAD files, 3D models, images, renders etc. are to be issued as per following
requirements set out in sections 9.3.1, 9.3.2 & 9.3.3.

9.3.1 File Formats

All electronic files issued to clients must be in PDF format, unless the terms of engagement stipulates

9.3.2 File Reference

All electronic files, either in pdf. or CAD format issued to Clients or other outside sources via electronic
mail (E-mail) shall be controlled and maintained by Admin or filing Clerk. All the electronic files to be
issued out via E-mail as per project shall be referenced as GPS\AAAGPSBB(L)\G001-R0, where:

AAAGPSBB = Job code

G001 = Drawing number
L = Outgoing E-mail
R denotes “revision”
0 = current revision descriptor

e.g. GPS\001GPS12(L)\G001-R0.pdf or GPS\001GPS12(L)\G001-R0.CADD file extension

9.3.3 Contractual Requirements

Digital content (e.g. CAD files) are not to be issued, unless the client can demonstrate a particular need
for the file, or if it is a requirement of the contract with client.

If digital CAD files are to be supplied to the Client, or other outside source, any reference to GPS is to be
removed from digital file prior to it being sent.

If the files being sent are AutoCAD files, to enable future identification of drawing & it's revision status,
Title block attributed text is to remain & be bound into the CAD digital file that is sent to the client.

These requirements will apply to all CAD & any other digital content issued to other consultants,
contractors, etc., as engaged by the client.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02

9.3.4 Digital Files Issue Procedure

Issue of any digital content for any project shall be recorded at least one of these forms: Drawing
Register (GPS-DC-F13) or Transmittal Form (GPS-DC-F14), as the official external issue of
documents. The revision status shall be updated prior to any external issue of any CAD drawing files,
thus ensuring that the latest version of the file has a unique revision status.

If the arrangement for issue of digital content is not included in the Terms of Engagement with the client,
the Job Manager shall advise the client of the conditions in writing and shall ensure that written
agreement to those conditions has been received prior to issue.

9.4 Drawing Registration & Transmittal

All the registration & transmittal system documents are to be in spreadsheet & words, & all the files are to
be placed at <job code>\incoming or outgoing\source & date etc.

This software is to be used for managing document registration, transmittals and archiving. The use of e-
mail record, hard copy on file or the like is not to be accepted as constituting a transmittal.

It is the responsibility of the Project Lead Drafter to maintain an up-to-date Drawing & Transmittal register of
all drawings for each project.
GPS-P01-01 – Drafting Manual Rev.02


The following Sections apply to individual drafting disciplines & are to be used within that particular
discipline only:

A1 – Civil / Road Systems Drafting

A2 – Structural Drafting
A3 – Water Drafting

The above appendices generally cover the majority of drafting within GPS, however, for other
disciplines not covered by the appendices they should :

a) adhere to Standard Procedures of the Drafting Manual,

b) make contact with the Senior Drafter / Project Lead Drafter for their specific discipline,
c) contact the Senior Drafter / Project Lead Drafter for guidance & assistance for the creation
of a discipline specific appendix.
GPS Drafting Manual

Appendix A1 – Civil / Road System Drafting


All Civil Drafting shall be in accordance with all Sections of the Drafting Manual unless specifically required
by the Civil Discipline.

All standard blocks, linetypes, fonts, section & detail marks etc. are created in template drawing, GPS-
A1_TEMP.dwg. Any approved specific blocks and details can also be used as deemed acceptable by the
Senior Drafter, Project Lead Drafter or Job Manager.

Layer Naming Convention

All standard layer names are created in template drawing, GPS-A1_TEMP.dwg. These default layers are
sufficient for most drawings, but particular projects may require custom layer names. These should be
based on the layer standard, as described below.

The preferred format for layer names is :


Discipline Code-Major Group_Minor Group_Status or description

All layer names must have a discipline code and a major group, they do not always have to have the minor
group and the status field.

The discipline code is used to designate which discipline actually drew the item. Therefore, all elements
drawn by the Civil/Road Systems groups should be on layers with a prefix of C. For example a civil grid, set
up by the Civil section would be drawn on the layer C-GRID, not A-GRID.
GPS Drafting Manual

Customisation of major group names is not allowed. The major groups and the codes used by the Civil/Road
Systems group are as follows :

Major Group Description

BLDG Building footprints
COMM Communication
CONT Contours
CULV Culvert
DRAI Drainage
FIRE Fire protection
FURN Site furniture
GAS Gas pipelines
GRID Site Grid
LMRK Linemarking
LSEC Long Sections
PKNG Parking elements
PROP Property
RAIL Railways
SETO Setout
SERV Services
SEW Sewer
WATR Water
XSEC Cross Sections
GPS Drafting Manual

Drawing Template

The AutoCAD drawing template GPS-A1_TEMP.dwg is to be used for all Civil/Road System drawings.


The AutoCAD linetypes created in template drawing are to be used for all Civil type drawings.

Drawing Scales

Civil/Road Systems drawings are generally produced to the following scales:

Drawing Type Scale

Site Plans 1:1000, 1:500, 1:250, 1:200
Road Layout Plans, Services Layout Plans 1:1000, 1:500, 1:250
Longitudinal Sections 1:1000 H – 1:100 V, 1:500 H – 1:50 V
Cross Sections 1:250, 1:200, 1:100
Details 1:25, 1:20, 1:10, 1:5
GPS Drafting Manual

Appendix A2 – Structural Drafting


All Structural Drafting shall be in accordance with the sections of the Drafting Manual unless specifically
required by the Structural Discipline.

All standard blocks, linetypes, fonts, section & detail marks etc are created in template drawing, GPS-
A2_TEMP.dwg. Any approved specific blocks and details can also be used as deemed acceptable by the
Senior Drafter, Project Lead Drafter or Job Manager.

Layer Naming Convention

All standard layer names are created in template drawing, GPS-A2_TEMP.dwg. These default layers are
sufficient for most drawings, but particular projects may require custom layer names. These should be
based on the layer standard, as described below.

The preferred format for layer names is :


Discipline Code-Major Group_Minor Group_Status or description

All layer names must have a discipline code and a major group, they do not always have to have the minor
group and the status field.

The discipline code is used to designate which discipline actually drew the item. Therefore, all elements
drawn by the structural groups should be on layers with a prefix of S. For example a structural grid, set up
by the structural section would be drawn on the layer S-GRID, not A-GRID.

Customisation of major group names is not allowed. The major groups and the codes used by the Structural
Systems group are as follows :

Major Group Description

CONC Concrete Elements, Slabs
GRID Structural Grid
PCST Precast Concrete Elements
REIN Steel Reinforcement
STEL Steelwork
TIMB Timber
WALL Structural Walls
GPS Drafting Manual

Drawing Template

The AutoCAD drawing template GPS-A2_TEMP.dwg is to be used for all Structural drawings.


The AutoCAD linetypes created in template drawing are to be used for all Structural drawings.

Drawing Scales

Structural drawings are generally produced to the following scales:

Drawing Type Scale

Foundation Plans 1:100, 1:50
Floor Slab Plans 1:100, 1:50
Roof Framing Plans 1:200, 1:100
Sections 1:100, 1:50, 1:30
Steelwork Elevations 1:100,
Steelwork Details 1:10
Concrete Details 1:30, 1:25, 1:20, 1:10, 1:5
GPS Drafting Manual

Appendix A3 – Water Drafting


All Water Drafting shall be in accordance with all Sections of the Drafting Manual unless specifically
required by the Water Discipline.

All standard blocks, linetypes, fonts, section & detail marks etc. are created in template drawing, GPS-
A3_TEMP.dwg. Any approved specific blocks and details can also be used as deemed acceptable by the
Senior Drafter, Project Lead Drafter or Job Manager.

Layer Naming Convention

All standard layer names are created in template drawing, GPS-A3_TEMP.dwg. These default layers are
sufficient for most drawings, but particular projects may require custom layer names. These should be
based on the layer standard, as described below.

The preferred format for layer names is :


Discipline Code-Major Group_Minor Group_Status or description

All layer names must have a discipline code and a major group, they do not always have to have the minor
group and the status field.

The discipline code is used to designate which discipline actually drew the item. Therefore, all elements
drawn by the Water group should be on layers with a prefix of “W”.
GPS Drafting Manual

Customisation of major group names is not allowed. The major groups and the codes used by the Water
Systems group are as follows :

Major Group Description

BLDG Building footprints
CHEM Chemicals
COMMS Communications
DETL Detail
EQIP Miscellaneous Equipment
ELEC Power Cables
FENCE Fences, gates
FIRE Fire Protection
FITT Pipe Fittings
LSEC Longitudinal Section
MISC Miscellaneous Items
PIPE Pipelines
PROP Property Boundaries, Cadastral
PUMP Pumps
SEWR Sewer
SOIL Soil Bed
SPOT Ground Surface Levels
STRM Stormwater
WATR Water
XSECT Cross Section

Drawing Template

The AutoCAD drawing template GPS-A3_TEMP.dwg is to be used for all Water drawings.


The AutoCAD linetypes created in template drawing are to be used for all Water drawings.

Drawing Scales

Water drawings are generally produced to the following scales:

Drawing Type Scale

Site Plans 1:500, 1:200
Road Layout Plans, Services Layout Plans 1:1000, 1:500
Longitudinal Sections, Hydraulics profiles 1:1000 H – 1:100 V, 1:500 H – 1:50 V, 1:1000 H – 1:250 V
Cross Sections 1:200, 1:100, 1:50, 1:20
General Arrangements 1:100, 1:50, 1:20
Details 1:20, 1:10, 1:5
GPS Drafting Manual

Appendix A4 – GPS's Standard Layers

Layer Name Color Linetype Plot Description

0 White Continuous YES
Defpoints 111 Continuous NO
G-18CO 8 Continuous YES General – 0.18mm
G-20CO White Continuous YES General – 0.2mm
G-25CO Yellow Continuous YES General – 0.25mm
G-35CO Magenta Continuous YES General – 0.35mm
G-50CO Red Continuous YES General – 0.5mm
G-DIMS 8 Continuous YES Dimensions
General – images, photos,
G-IMAGE White Continuous YES
maps, etc.
G-LABELS Yellow Continuous YES General Labels
G-MISC White Continuous YES Miscellaneous
G-NORTHP Yellow Continuous YES General – North point
G-REV White Continuous YES General revision
G-TIT_DAT Yellow Continuous YES
G-TITLE White Continuous YES
G-TX18 8 Continuous YES Text – 1.8mm
G-TX25 Yellow Continuous YES Text – 2.5mm
G-TX35 Magenta Continuous YES Text – 3.5mm
G-TX50 Red Continuous YES Text – 5mm
G-TX70 Cyan Continuous YES Text – 7mm
G-VPORT 205 Continuous NO View port
G-XREF White Continuous YES General Xref
GPS-LOGO White Continuous YES
W-DETL_10CN Green Continuous YES Detail 1.0 center
W-DETL_10CO Green Continuous YES Detail 1.0 continuous
W-DETL_10DD Green Continuous YES Detail 1.0 dashdot
W-DETL_10HD Green Continuous YES Detail 1.0 hidden
W-DETL_18C2 8 CENTER2 YES Detail 0.18 center2
W-DETL_18C4 8 CENTER4 YES Detail 0.18 center4
W-DETL_18CN 8 CENTRE YES Detail 0.18 center
W-DETL_18H2 8 HIDDEN YES Detail 0.18 hidden2
W-DETL_18H4 8 HIDDEN YES Detail 0.18 hidden4
W-DETL_18HD 8 HIDDEN YES Detail 0.18 hidden
W-DETL_25C2 8 CENTER2 YES Detail 0.25 center2
GPS Drafting Manual

Appendix A4 – GPS's Standard Layers

Layer Name Color Linetype Plot Description

W-DETL_25C4 Yellow CENTER4 YES Detail 0.25 Center4
W-DETL_25CN Yellow CENTER YES Detail 0.25 Center
W-DETL_25CO Yellow Continuous YES Detail 0.25 Continuous
W-DETL_25H2 Yellow HIDDEN2 YES Detail 0.25 Hidden2
W-DETL_25H4 Yellow HIDDEN4 YES Detail 0.25 Hidden4
W-DETL_25HD Yellow HIDDEN YES Detail 0.25 Hidden
W-DETL_25P2 Yellow PHANTOM2 YES Detail 0.25 Phantom2
W-DETL_25P4 Yellow PHANTOM4 YES Detail 0.25 Phantom4
W-DETL_25PH Yellow PHANTOM YES Detail 0.25 Phantom
W-DETL_35CO Magenta Continuous YES Detail 0.35 Continuous
W-DETL_35H2 Magenta HIDDEN2 YES Detail 0.35 Hidden2
W-DETL_35HD Magenta HIDDEN YES Detail 0.35 Hidden
W-DETL_50CO Red Continuous YES Detail 0.50 Continuous
W-DETL_50H2 Red HIDDEN2 YES Detail 0.50 Hidden2
W-DETL_50HD Red HIDDEN YES Detail 0.50 Hidden
W-DETL_70CO Cyan Continuous YES Detail 0.70 Continuous
W-DETL_70H2 Cyan HIDDEN2 YES Detail 0.70 Hidden2
W-DETL_70HD Cyan HIDDEN YES Detail 0.70 Hidden
W-PIPE_CL White CENTER2 YES Water Pipe Centerline
W-PIPE_EXST 8 HIDDEN2 YES Water Pipe Existing
W-PIPE_EXST_CL 8 CENTER2 YES Water Pipe Centerline
W-PIPE_PLAN Cyan Continuous YES Water Pipe Proposed – Plan & Profile
W-PIPE_PROP Magenta Continuous YES Water Pipe Proposed Outline
W-PROPT White Continuous YES Property Boundaries
W-PUMP White Continuous YES Pumps
W-TANK Yellow Continuous YES Tanks
W_ELEC 55 GPS-EXST-ELEC YES Existing Electric Cable Line
W_GAS 230 GPS-EXIST-GAS YES Existing Gas Pipeline
W_SEW 55 GPS-EXST-SEWER YES Existing Sewerage Pipeline
W_TEL 181 GPS-EXST-TEL YES Existing Telekom Cable Line
W_WAT 55 GPS-EXST-WATER YES Existing Water Pipeline
GPS Drafting Manual

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