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Title [Times New Roman 14 pt]

Author(s) name [Times New Roman 12 pt]

Contact details [Times New Roman 12 pt]

Abstract [Times New Roman 12 pt; italics]

Abstract should be provided in about 200 words to give an albeit small but complete picture
of the Paper and its contents. The abstract should highlight the background and problem,
data, used methods (if any), outcomes and important result(s).

Main Paper: [Times New Roman 12 pt;]

1 Introduction [200 words]

This section should contain introduction of the Topic with a background/motivation, the
purpose of the paper (problem statement), objectives and experience sharing.

2 Main Content [1000 words]

The main content of the Paper should be detailed here in various sections (e.g. 2.1, 2.2,…etc.)
with sub-titles and with reference to Literature (Journals and Papers , Project Reports, O & M
Manuals etc.) in proper format of referencing.

3 Analysis / Observations [300 words]

Analysis & Critical observations of the main content presented in various sections above are
to be categorically specified and discussed. Tables or graphs of any form wherever suitable
can be used.

4 Results / Conclusions [200 words]

This section should contain summary of the findings & results based on the analysis,
observations and discussions (Section 3). This section must also present major conclusions
and managerial relevance in the context of the Paper.

5 Recommendations [200 words]

Recommendations of the findings are to be presented in this section based on the Results &

6 References
References should contain the details such as Author, Title of the paper, published where &
when, possible www-address and quotation date, possible ISBN or ISSN number (if any).

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