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Jude Thaddeus Institute of Technology


Name:_________________________________ Examination Date: _________________

Course and Section:_____________________ Day/Time and Room: ______________
General Instructions:
1. Write the correct answer for every question BEFORE the number in capital letter.
2. Strictly no erasures.
3. Not following instructions will have corresponding deductions.
TEST I. Select letter that has the keyword that best fits the test stem. Write the letter of your choice in the test booklet.

1. This refers to the quality of right or wrong in human acts.

a. Ethics b. Morality c. Values d. All of the foregoing
2. This division of ethics is otherwise known as “applied ethics”.
a. General Ethics b. Standard Ethics c. Moral Ethics d. Special Ethics
3. C E R on
This is an external force applied by someone T another
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N him to perform an act against his will.
a. Fear b. Force c. Compulsion d. Violence
4. This is a set of standards or rules laid down by the government for its people to follow.
a. Regulations b. Values c. Culture d. Laws
5. This refers to the human activity of man as man by which he attains an end he wants to obtain.
a. Free will b. Acts of Man c. Human Acts d. Freedom
6. This is the lack of knowledge that a particular law or fact exist, which he ought to knows.
a. Insane b. Imbecile c. Will d. Ignorance
7. These acts refer to the purely mental faculties under the command of one’s will.
a. Mixed Acts b. External Acts c. Internal Acts d. Human Acts
8. This is the enjoyment of the will as a result of the attainment of the object desired by him.
a. Intention b. Fruition c. Wish d. Election
9. This is the will’s command to make use of the selected means in carrying out the intention.
a. Use b. Consent c. Virtue d. None of the foregoing
10. This is the agitation or disturbance of mind caused by another to commit a wrong.
a. Threats BACHELOR
c. Intimidation d. All of the foregoing
11. This refers to the mental comprehensiveness of a person to distinguish
Effective A.Y. 2009 - 2010 right from wrong.
a. Freedom b. Intent c. Intellect d. Intention
12. The division of ethics presents truth about human acts, and from these truth deduces the general principles of
a. Social Ethics b. Special Ethics c. Applied Ethics d. General Ethics
13. This feature of man separates his characteristic from all other life forms with respect to reasoning.
a. Freedom b. Intellect c. Soul d. Intention
14. These are laws authored by God.
a. Human Law b. Moral Law c. Divine Law d. Church Law
15. This is the practical science of the morality of human actions.
a. Logic b. Values c. Theodicy d. Ethics
16. These are standards set by society itself in the absence of any governing law.
a. Values b. Culture c. Norms d. All of the foregoing
17. This is the main subject in the study of ethics.
a. Values b. Man c. Acts d. Freedom
18. In classifying human acts, the person choses from among a variety of means what he believes to be the most
effective to carry out his intention.
a. Consent b. Fruition c. Intention d. Election
19. These are acts done which can be manifested and perceived by others as commanded by a person’s will.
a. External Acts b. Internal Acts c. Preparatory Acts d. Overt Acts
20. When man is dictated by another to do wrong because of some fear or violence, he simply becomes a __________ to
the one commanding him.
a. Slave b. Tool c. Servant d. Weapon
TEST II. Provide what is asked based on the question or situation.

In sequential order: Give the 10 Commandments of God to his people.











Give the follows scope of study under:

Individual Ethics




Social Ethics




Give 5 basis of ethics






Give the elements in determining morality



Give the two greatest commandments of God



Test III. Case Situation. (5points each)

1. Mr. Greg was told by Mr. Ben to kill Madame Giry, a rich old woman who was his former
wife. Upon failure to kill Madame Giry within an hour, Mr. Ben will burn the pigpen of Mr.
Greg. Mr. Greg killed Madame Giry.

A. How will you judge the act of Mr. Greg?

B. Assuming it was not the pigpen that was burnt but the house where the family of Mr.
Greg was asleep. How will you judge the act of Mr. Greg?

2. Your friend asked of you to switch off the life support, because he was told by the doctor that
modern medicine could not anymore cure his illness. You then switch off the life support in
accordance to his request.

A. Is the act of your friend morally correct?

B. Will he be held liable for the death of the one who is in life support?

3. Jeffery is a 30 year old man who is diagnosed and suffering from insanity. During one episode
of his mental illness he killed Dante.

A. Is the act of Jeffrey in terms of morality moral or immoral?

B. Assuming he is an imbecile, will your answer be the same?

“A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world”

– Albert Camus

Prepared by:
Ethics Instructor

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