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(A) A gradual decrease in battery bank monthly cell voltages & specific gravity values were
noticed at an SV station consequently for 3 months. It is not able to give enough power
backup during grid power outages. Instead of replacing it with a new bank, we have taken a
chance by changing the electrolyte of all batteries, carried out 2 cycles of deep discharge by
which the cell voltages & specific gravity levels regained back to normal range. We found
that the root cause for capacity degradation of batteries is by using the locally available
unknown standard DM water for battery top-up.
(B) With some another battery bank, we experienced shock by touching the insulated battery
surface & its stand, during maintenance activities. By cleaning the battery surface & its
stand with boric powdered liquid, resolved the problem of shock hazard situation. We
arrived the root cause to be the electrolyte spillage scalled on battery surface while
installation and further moisture deposits allowed conductive paths for leakage currents
causing electric shocks to maintenance persons & causing energy losses.

1 Introduction
(A) Basically, battery bank acts as an emergency backup power source that stores electrical
energy & generally used with UPS, chargers to cater critical loads. Its performance &
healthiness depends on the measured cell voltages & Specific Gravity values. At an SV
station, noticed a gradually decrease of these values. The bank voltage use to drop
immediately during grid power outages and unable to retain the voltage even for smaller
durations. The last annual battery capacity test results proved a capacity of more than 100%.
This situation of voltage drooping characteristics normally occurs when its service life
reaches to its design life of around 20 years but here just after 2 years, the problem started. It
crossed the warranty period also. Now, to avoid procurement of new battery bank, the cell
voltages & specific gravity values shall regain back to improve its usable AH capacity.
(B) With another bank, even by touching insulated body surface of battery & its stand, shock
was experienced. Normally, battery container is made with polypropelene having high
dielectric strength and it shall not conduct the current. But here the tester is also glowing on
insulated body container. Current leakage shall be arrested to make it safe from shocks.

2 Main Content
(A) Battery Capacity degradation:
2.1.1 In line with maintenance policy, monthly maintenance of NICD battery banks of
500AH installed at all locations along VSPL will be carried out and we observed that at an
SV station, the cell voltages & specific gravity values getting reduced for consequent 3
months. When tested the bank by putting the load, the bank voltage dropped quickly and
unable to give backup.
2.1.2 Boost charging done for 6 hours. Initially the voltage values found to be increased but
when taken in line with load, the voltage values again dropped back.
2.1.3 The option now left is to replace it by procuring new battery bank as we need to ensure
uninterrupted power feed to all critical loads at SV stations that linked in confirming safe
pipeline operations.
2.1.4 To know the condition of battery, we carried out its electrolyte sample testing at a lab.
The analysis report indicated that one of the electrolyte composition parameter got degraded.
2.1.5 We procured KOH crystals (Caustic potash flakes), prepared electrolyte at site by
adding 4 Kgs of crystals in 9.5 Ltrs of DM water and obtained a specific gravity of 1280.
Then we replaced the electrolyte of all batteries.
2.1.6 But now, with the combination of used battery plates & new electrolyte, it came to
know from vendor that a normal practice of doing discharge upto 1V & charging is not
enough to develop back its voltages just by changing electrolyte. Because the old degraded
electrolyte & conductive particles suspends in between positive & negative plates of battery
cells that bypass the battery capacity resulting with voltage reduction.
2.1.7 Therefore, with the suggestion of OEM, we carried out 2 cycles of deep discharging
upto 0.6V & charging upto 1.7V. There will be 11 pair of positive & negative plates inside
each cell. This process of deep discharge forces out the deposited undesired particles inside
all 11 pairs of plate separators and improved the overall cell voltage, specific gravity and
ultimately the usable AH capacity of every battery & thus regained to its original normal
ranges of 1.3V per cell & 1220 specific gravity.

(B) Electric shock from Battery insulated surface:

2.2.1 During battery maintenance jobs at TOT, there experienced electric shocks by
touching the battery body i.e., an insulated polypropylene container, and the battery stand.
2.2.2 Taken the IR value of battery container and got a value of > 10 M ohms which is good
enough to isolate power contact. But still electrical tester use to glow when touching the
battery surface.
2.2.3 Here the insulated battery body is getting electric shock and also with battery stand,
where there is no physical contact with power terminals.
2.2.4 To get rid from this unknown conductive path of leakage currents on battery surface,
we selected boric powdered liquid with help of vendor which they use it in manufacturing
industry, cleaned the battery surface & stand with it. Then the problem got resolved.

3 Analysis:
- (A) Once batteries were procured, the only external item we use for batteries
throughout its service life is of DM water, to top-up & maintain electrolyte levels
inside batteries. But the general practice is to procure DM water from locally available
sources where its specifications were unknown. On analysing the reason for
degradation of electrolyte quality, we found that the DM water used for this battery
bank is of new lot procured locally where all other neighbouring industries do
purchase. This low standard DM water became the reason for increasing beyond
permissible limits of its constituent in electrolyte during charge discharge process, and
finally the depletion of voltage & specific gravity gets started.

- (B) On working out the reason for battery body shocking condition, it was found that
while installation of battery bank by OEM, they put the batteries on stand and
thereafter started filling of electrolyte. Eventhough funnel is used to fill electrolyte in
batteries at site, electrolyte spilling occurred on battery surface areas and stand as well.
Lack of proper cleaning at that time resulted in formation of electrolyte scalling which
dried out and became invisible. Cleaning at later stage has no benefit, once it gets
dried out. The moisture got deposited on said scalling and the conductive paths created
by leakage currents that offers shock when touched and the energy loss will also be

4 Results
- (A) Test results of
electrolyte sample
revealed that
sulphates increased
to 5.23 against
4.0gm/ltr as
stipulated in IEC
60993. This
undesired change
in electrolyte
hindered the
performance limiting cell voltage, specific gravity & finally its backup capacity.

We then tested the DM water sample used for this bank, whose results revealed that all
the parameters
have crossed
the specified
limits of IEC
60993 standard.
Usage of
standard DM
water increased
the sulphates in
electrolyte and
the battery life
starts degrading
even at earlier
years of its
service. Also, to
regain back the cell voltage, instead of routine discharge upto 1V, deep discharge upto
0.6V can only give effective results as the process removes all the short circuiting
deposits between +ve & -ve plates.
- (B) Whenever the battery container (made of polypropelene having high dielectric
strength) gives electric shock means there is definitely formation of electrolyte
scalling which is not visible to naked eye. These leakage paths also offer creepage
currents over the battery body passing to earth, resulting of power losses. Boric
powder is the one that used in manufacturing process for electrolyte cleaning. Here,
this boric powdered liquid is used to clean the battery container wherever it is giving
shock. Also applied for battery stand and the electric shock problem got resolved.

5 Recommendations
(A) DM Water with
specifications provided
in IEC 60993 shall only
be used if battery is to
be performed well for
its entire design life. To
regain the depleted cell
voltages & specific
gravities, 2 cycles of
deep discharge upto
0.6V to be carried out
instead of routine 1
cycle of 1V discharge.
We thereafter started procuring DM water from M/s HBL, Hyderabad along with
certification of supplied DM water.

(B) During battery bank installation, filling of electrolyte in battery container shall never be
done by placing it on the stand. It shall be filled separately and then the batteries to be
placed on stand. Also, immediate to filling of electrolyte, all the batteries shall be cleaned
with wet cloth properly before going for cell interconnection job that avoids the scalling
problem, future electrical shocks and power loss due to leakage currents.

Apart from above, below simple practices in addition to routine following steps, helps to
extend the life & performance of battery banks
Slno Recommendation Reasons/benefits
1 Halfyearly cleaning of Prevents clogging that forms during
battery vent caps by soaking charge/discharge process and thus avoids the risk of
in DM water container pressurising and bursting of battery
2 Prefer to procure low carbon This will help to give more backup & usable AH
& chloride level KOH capacity, by preventing carbonation which depletes
electrolyte the battery capacity.
3 Bank voltage shall never Because, it generates heat & electrolyte evaporates
exceed nx1.4V quickly demanding frequent top up of DM water &
dilution happens.
4 Over jelly of battery terminal Because, dust deposits and shorting leakage currents
shall be avoided and may evolve
annually it shall be changed
5 Sick cell if any shall be Prevents the risk of open circuiting of battery bank,
replaced with healthy one drop in terminal voltage & arising of circulating
and equalising charging to be currents.

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