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The human body has been the subject of most debates, studies, and researches

in history. Other than its other aspects like psychological, spiritual and physical, the

physiological components of the human body are as interesting to talk about.

The film Game Changer provides a good discussion on the anatomy of the human

body while solving a great mystery. Where do bodies get their strength? There are many

presumptions and assumptions as to where people get the energy to maintain and carry

on their daily activities. The amount of nutrients we lose when we walk to school, do sports

and engage in other activities is a no joke. Hence, our body needs an enormous load of

the same to replenish the lost ones. Many theories say that the body naturally produces

the energy back. Others think otherwise. According to them, people get it from the things

they take into their system. This is what James Wilks believed as he documented his

quest for the truth about the origins of human strength through food intake. In the film, the

major argument is whether the real source of human energy and strength comes from

eating animal-based proteins or those that are “vegetarian”.

The producers of the film discussed in a very interesting manner. They showed

real examples to prove their claim. James Wilks went to visit famous plant-based athletes

who were successful in their fields to get their perspective on how their plant-based diets

helped a lot to improve their performance during their competitions. At one point, I was

shocked to know that there are athletes who are really into the vegetarian diet. I am used

to seeing big men and their big meals. The film proved otherwise. It encouraged instead
the eating of pure vegetables. Accordingly, it gives the body more nutrients than what we

get from meats, beef and chicken fleshes.

Health awareness was also emphasized in the film. In the US, heart attacks are

the number one killer among the citizens. According to the doctors whom James

interviewed, all the meats that we eat cause such health complications. Further, it can be

avoided by choosing a healthier lifestyle by eating vegetables. They even showed ways

on how to eat such without feeling awful for eating something bland on your taste. It is

somewhat true that people often resist eating vegetables for the reason that it does not

change as good as steaks and barbeques. Voila! They offered a wonderful solution by

presenting plant-based burgers, burritos, and meatballs.

As a meat-eater, I was thrilled when I saw the movie. I even thought of the

possibilities of joining the charade and converting to be a vegetarian. It is funny how such

simple films change people's perspectives. It just proves how powerful a good discussion

is in changing people's minds. Other than learning that plant-based proteins are better

energy sources than meats, I also realized in the film the importance of communication.

Why does such an important matter fail to be known universally? It is because no good

dissemination and communication were made for it to be understood by the people. As

Arnold said at the end of the film, you can not just go to a person and tell him "Hey stop

eating meat!" What you needed to do is to explain it to him through good and sensible


It is how we get people to believe us.


Wilks J. [YT Seo]. (2019 October 21). The Game Changers [Video file]. Retrieved from

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