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Grade Level GRADE 9

Sections ABAD SANTOS - 6:55-7:50
MAGBANUA- 7:50:-8:45
RICARTE- 09:15 – 10:10
PALMA – 10:10-11:05

Teaching OCTOBER 2, 2019 (Wednesday) Learning Area SCIENCE

Teaching 55 minutes Quarter SECOND

The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
A. Content Standards
the types of bonds that carbon atoms forms resulting to the
diversity of carbon compounds
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to perform guided experiments in
determining the properties of common organic compounds
C. Learning Competencies/(Write The learners should be able to recognize the general classes and
the LC code for each) uses of organic compounds
Objectives (KSA) 1. Describe the properties of common organic compounds
2. Perform and observe experiments in distinguishing properties
of common organic compounds.
3. Relate properties to their uses.

II. CONTENT Topic: Carbon Compounds

a. Properties of Common Organic Compounds
A. Reference
1. Teachers’ Guide Pages 34-35
2. Learner’s Material Pages 132-135
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials None
from LR Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Prepared Powerpoint slides, visual aids
Strategy Activity based
Have the learners do the thumbs up and thumbs down.
Thumbs up if the statement is clear to them and thumbs down if
they don’t understand the statement.
1. Organic compounds are group of compounds that contain the
element carbon.
2. Carbon has 4 valence electron
a. Reviewing previous lesson
3. Carbon atoms can only make single bond.
or presenting the new lesson
4. Organic compounds naturally produced by living organisms but
can also be produced artificially
5. Carbon compounds are better known as organic compounds

If the statements are unclear to most of the students, clarify the

TDAR Activity

THINK- Have the students classify the following organic compounds

base on their characteristics.
DISCUSS- Let the students brain storm on how to solve the given
b. Establishing a purpose for
ACT- The students act collaboratively to classify the following
the lesson
organic compounds.
REFLECT – Let them explain characteristics of the organic
compounds to its uses.

4 pics 5 words

c. Presenting examples/ CH
instances of the new lesson.
4 10

d. Discussing new concepts Students will perform activity 2: PROPERTIES OF ORGANIC

and practicing new skills COMPOUNDS
(Activity #1)
See attached Activity sheet
1. Which material is most viscous? What are the common uses
of viscous materials?
e. Developing Mastery (leads 2. Which materials are flammable? In what ways are these
to Formative Assessment) materials used?
3. Which liquid materials have strong or weak odor?


f. Finding practical
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living

Geography (Saudi)

Why Saudi Arabia rich in oil deposits in spite of a dessert country?
g. Making Generalization and
abstractions about the

1. Which of the following pairs of organic compounds is highly


A. gasoline, acetone
B. lubricating oil, isopropyl alcohol
C. water, ethyl alcohol
D. liquefied petroleum gas, kerosene

2. Christian is applying something to the ball bearings of the wheels

of his bicycle so that friction will be minimized. Which of the
following material do you think he is using?

A. vinegar C. kerosene
B. isopropyl alcohol D. lubricating oil

3. A gasoline boy was being scolded by his store manager for

smoking in the vicinity of the gasoline station. Why do you think the
manager scolded his employee?
h. Evaluating Learning
A. because gasoline is volatile
B. because gasoline is flammable
C. because gasoline is viscous
D. all of the above

4. Nimfa scratched herself when her arm bumped in the concrete

post. What do you think should she apply to make her bruises free
from harmful germs?

A. formalin C. water
B. isopropyl alcohol D. acetone

5. Why is it important to know the properties of common liquid


A. To know the uses of the liquids

B. To know possible dangers from these kinds of materials
C. To know these liquids affect people
D. All of the above
a. Additional activities Agreement:
for application or 1. Have some readings about the specific group of organic
remediation compounds, the hydrocarbons.
Reference: any chemistry book

a. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative
b. No. of learners who require additional activities for
c. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
d. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
e. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
f. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized materials did I Graphic organizers were used in the
use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers? generalization which provides a visual
representation of student learning.
Students complete the template with
their thoughts and understandings about
the lesson.

Prepared by: LENY D. SANTOS Submitted to : PRISCILA D. CABIGTING

Teacher I Head Teacher I

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