Olympic 30 - 4 WF

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[ Trích từ đề thi Olympic 30/4 ]


Ex I Complete the sentences with the corect forms of the given words.
1/His ……………………………… annoys some members of the committee because he is
always expressing his ideas frankly. ( speak )
2/George is very disorganized and not very ……………………………… ( business )
3/She was fully aware of her own ……………………………… ( short )
4/ Low income and little administrative support make teachers ………………………………
with their profession. ( heart )
5/A film about the …………………………… ancestors is available in the library . ( reptile )
6/There are people whose ……………… begins from the moment of their death. ( mortal )
7/It’s undeniable that the………………………… of the local incompetent healer was
responsible for her sudden death ( diagnose )
8/As the sole …………………… of his uncle’s will, he inherited a huge fortune. ( benefit )
9/This ……………………………… faulty washing machine should be returned to the
manufacturer. ( repair )
10/The first time I tried out my new bike I …………………………… and fell off (
Ex II Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1/He has been constant in his ( devote )………… to scientific studies.
2/(Admit) ……………………………… to the school is by examination only
3/He was turned down for the job because he is ( qualify)………………………………
4/It was(justice)……………………………… of Tom to accuse Bill of having told him a lie.
5/ I understand ( perfect)………………………… what you are saying.
6/Jane’s(appoint)…………………………… as director came as no surprise.
7/A holiday in America can be ( surprise)...............…….cheap.
8/The ( die )…………………………..… of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was
announced last nigh.
9/My colleagues are very pleasant, but the manager is a little
10/These shoes look quite smart but they are teribly ………………….:....( comfort )
EX III Use the correct form of the word in brackets.
1/ I was greeted with a show of …………. ( cordial )
2/If your luggage is very ……………. you’ll have to pay an excess charge. ( weight )
3/They …………….. the time of their arrival and missed the plan. ( judge )
4/She’s extremely ……………. about modern art. ( knowledge )
5/He’ll not benefit ……………. from the deal . ( finance )
6/She was fully aware of her own …………… ( short )
7/On the way to the country we sometimes stopped to admire the ………. scenery ( picture )
8/I was late because I …………how much time I’ll need ( estimate )
9/ I ……………. met an old friend last week . ( expect )
10/Joan applied for …………… of the music club . ( member )
Ex IV Complete these sentences, using the suitable form of the words in brackets
1/There will be a special ……………. for these patients of bird flu . ( separated )
2/I think you should write something more for your instruction. It is …………. ( complete )
3/…………… is very important in scientific experiments. ( accurate )
4/ ……………. is a person who follows or attends a course for doing something. ( train )
5/I don’t want to go at first, but later I have to because of her …………….. ( persuade )
6/The …………….. problem should be solved before the end of this month. ( theory )
7/ The forest fire seemed to be ……………. by the rain yesterday . ( weak )
8/ They worked …………….. after their demand had been refused . ( patient )
9/ The ABC company has had a very …………….. year . ( success )
10/ The new schedules are not ………………. with the night shift workers in our factory. (
popular )
Ex V Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words
1/ They were totally ( mystery ) …………… by the girl’s disappearance
2/The house would be ( habitat )…………… by the New Year.
3/ She gave him a ( murder )…………… look
4/The new approach had wide ( apply )……… to all sorts of different problems.
5/The new system ( face) ………….. with existing telephone equipment.
6/The burglars gained entry to the building after ( able ) …………… the alarm .
7/ I was surprised by his ( prepare ) ………….. to break the law.
8/ Is your name ( hyphen) …………….?
9/Ex-soldiers can be disorientated by the transition to ( civil ) …………….. life.
10/Many people without jobs are living on the ( bread )
Ex VI Supply the correct form of the words given
1/ Salt ……………. may lead to raised blood pressure in susceptible adults . TAKE
2/ A good dictionary is …………...for learning a foreign language . DISPENSE
3/ The world is becoming increasingly …………… DEPEND
4/ The station quickly fell into …………… after it was closed. It is now in very bad
condition. REPAIR
5/ The pilot was given …………… to land by air traffic control. CLEAR
6/ We are simply involved in an …………….. capacity on the project. ADVISE
7/ The church is the site of a number of …………. manifestations. NATURE
8/ Barack Obama is the first President of The US with ………….. background . RACE
9/ Kostadinova has set altogether 7 world records, 3 outdoors and 4 indoors and has jumped
over 2,00197 times, an chievement ……………… by any other athlete in the women’s high
jump. EQUAL
10/Low income and little administrative support make teachers ……………. with their
profession . HEART
1. The seemingly ________ oil and minerals have shown signs of depletion over the
2. Could you please help me _______ the two words ' differ' and 'differentiate' ?
3.Swimming is considered a _______ sport because competitors don't contact physically (
4.What a ____ she is ! She should know that efficient management much more making and
obeying rules. ( discipline)
5.Thanks to the ______ policy, more and more forests have been formed on locations that
used to be treeless ( forest)
6.How ____ the book is ! It is so interesting that i can hardly stop reading it. (put)
7.She found it hard to ______( climate) herself to the cold of the country
8.Her _____ ( arm) smile helped calm me down somehow.
9.The principle has taken the students'petition under _____ (advise)
10.The film producer was very frustrating when the director chose two ____ (try) actors for
the leading roles.

1.My daughter left a half _______ (eat ) orange on the table.
2.Most people who work feel they are ______( pay)
3.The teacher warned the children that if they _______( behave) again, they would be
4.Are all those ______ ( add) they put in food really necessary?
5.The manager handed in his _______ ( resign) after being accused of dishonest
6. A ______ ( wide) damage was caused by the earthquake.
7.Phi was sentenced to seven-year _______( prison) for his part in armed robbery.
8.I was late because I______ ( estimate) how much time i need.
9.How can you ______ ( just ) the fact that some people live in mansions while others live in
10.Site is so ______ ( mind) that she won't let anything stand in the way of her ambition.

EX IX Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words
1/ This is not an original, but it’s a good ( produce )
2/A list of ( come ) ___________ events for the autumn is being prepared.
3/A mother has to be a nurse, a house keeper, shopper, cook, teacher, etc...She plays a (
lateral ) ___________ role
4/This professor explained his ideas with great ( clear ) ___________
5/ Crimes of violence were ( compare ) ________
rare until a few years ago.
6/The scenery was beautiful beyond ( describe ) ___________.
7/The train became ( railway ) ___________ at 60 miles per hour but no one was seriously
8/ A successful business needs good ( organize ) ___________
9/ There was a ( built ) ___________ of gas and we were afraid there would be an explosion
10/Since the end of the World War II, ( industry ) ___________ has been increasing very
fast throughout the world .
EX X Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the given words
1/It’s undeniable that the ___________ of the local incompetent healer was responsible for
her sudden death . DIAGNOSE
2/A few jokes can __________ up a lecture LIFE
3/He is ___________ late for the meetings. He is always on time. VARY
4/ Nothing wrong will happen to you as long as you follow the strict ___________ set by the
inspector GUIDE
5/ I’m thinking of giving Anna and Mathew a _________vase for her silver wedding.
6/A renewable resource is one that may be replaced overtime by natural process or is
___________ EXHAUST
7/ It is said that the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic
___________ FOREST
8/The mother of the child hurried ___________ to her neighbourhood drugstore BREATH
9/The workers who were ___________ during the recession badly need help from the
government. SIZE
10/ His performance in the match today ___________ his reputation as a great player LIE


Ex I

1.outspokenness 2.businesslike 3.shortcoming(s) 4.disheartened 5.reptilian

6.immortality 7.misdiagnosis 8.beneficiary 9.irreparably overbalanced

1. devotion 2.admission 3.unqualified 4.unjust 5.perfectly

6.appointment 7.surprisingly 8.death 9.unfriendly 10.uncomfortab



1.cordiality 2.overweight 3.misjudged 4.knowledgeabl 5.financially


6.shortcomings 7.picturesque 8.underestimate 9.unexpectedly 10.membership



1.seperation 2.uncompleted 3.accuracy 4.trainee 5.persuasion

6.theoretical 7.weakened 8.impatiently 9.successful 10.popularized

Ex V

1.mystified 2.habitable 3.murderous 4.applicability 5.interfaces

6.disabling 7.preparedness 8.hyphenated 9.civilian 10.breadline


1.intake 2.indispenable 3.interdependen 4.disrepair 5.clearance


6.advisory 7.supernatural 8.multiracial 9.unequaled 10.disheartened


1.inexhaustible 2.disambiguate 3.non-contact 4.disciplinarian 5.afforestation

6.unputdownable 7.acclimatize 8.disarming 9.advisement 10.untried


1.eaten 2.underpaid 3.misbehaved 4.additives 5.resignation

6.widespread 7.imprisonment 8.underestimate 9.justify 10.single-
d minded


1.reproduction 2.forthcoming 3.multilateral 4.clearity/clarity 5.comparatively

6.description 7.derailed 8.organisation 9.build-up 10.industrializat


Ex X

1.misdiagnosis 2.liven 3.invariably 4.guidelines 5.crystalline

6.inexhaustible 7.deforestation 8.breathlessly 9.downsized 10.belies


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