Eng Week 5

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Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted such as books, pencils, cars and tvs.
Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted such as sugar, air, water and


Underline the correct answer.

1. I do not have ( many, much) time to complete my work.

2. Can I have ( some, a few) tomato sauce.

3. There are ( much, many) things that you can do in your free time.

4. We need ( a lot of, many) energy to carry the cupboard.

5. They poured (some, a few) water into the vase.

6. I saw (many, much) animals in the zoo.

7. The children ate ( some, much) sandwiches.

8. There are only (much, a few) pieces of paper left on the table.

9. I need (a lot of , a few) money to buy the expensive bracelet.

10. Not (many, much) people turned up for the concert.

11. They were scolded because they made ( many, a lot of) noise.

12. ( A lot of, Many) of the children were not feeling well and had to be sent home.

13. We have got (much, a few) new teachers this year.


There is only ONE mistake in each sentence. Underline it and rewrite each sentence

Example :

There are too much pupils in this class.

There are too many pupils in this class.

1. I want any fried rice for lunch.


2. He does not have much sisters. He is an only child.


3. We have a little magazines in our house.


4. Is there a lot of onions in the basket.


5. Mr Lee has much relatives.




7. My mother is cooking many soup.


8. Please give me a piece of trousers.


Fill in each blank with a suitable personal pronoun from the box below.

them they he her us

she you we they him

1. Robert went out to play after ______he____ had taken his lunch.

2. Nomads are wanderers and ______________ do not have any fixed homes.

3. Have you seen Susan? I have not seen _____________ since last week.

4. The gardener told _____________ not to play near the road but we did not listen.

5. The old man wanted to cross the road, so I helped ___________

6. My friend and I joined the army. ____________ wanted to be soldiers.

7. Although whales are mammals, _______________ live in the sea.

8. My sister dreamt that ________________ was flying like a bird.

9. I came to your house because I wanted to talk to _____________ urgently.

10. My friends made me join _____________ for a drink.


Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.

you they These ourselves He

Whose We It their her

1. _______________ plants belong to Mrs Leong.

2. Ahmad has a cute cat. __________ is from Bangkok.

3. Mr and Mrs Lee took ___________ children to the zoo.

4. We built the sandcastles all by ______________ .

5. ____________ mother works as a teacher?

6. The dog is fierce. __________ barks at strangers.

7. The boys are happy because __________ father bought for them some presents.

8. ___________ pen is this?

9. ___________ apples are sour.

10. We did the homework all by ____________________ .

11. _____________ is helping his father in the workshop.


13. Those bags belong to my cousins. _________ bought them yesterday.

14. Badrul and I went to Ipoh last night. ____________ went there by bus.


Underline the correct answer.

1. My mother sends _________ to school every morning ( me, mine )

2. Janet played with _________ just now. ( her, hers )

3. I polished ________ bicycle this morning. ( my, he )

4. ____________ class is the cleanest. ( Our, Yours )

5. I found this umbrella. I think it belongs to ________. ( you, their )

6. __________ is helping his father in the workshop. ( He, She )

7. M

8. My sister and ________ like to watch the show. ( me, I )

9. Did you tell ________ to bring some food? ( they, them )

10. _________ visited relatives in Batu Pahat on Sunday. ( We, Us )

11. Please give __________ some dog food. ( it, its )

12. ___________ are wild animals. ( This, These )

13. Do not go near ___________ . ( they, them )

14. ______________ is an architect. ( He, Him )

15. I saw __________ at the market last week. ( her, him )


Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronoun.


2. Are both of you serious or can you laugh at ______________ ?


4. Encik

5. What did Sarah tell ______________?

6. We sometimes blame _____________ for our problems.

7. Do you ever go to the movies by ______________?

8. ____________.



done too.
Pronouns Worksheet (Re-Writing Part 1)

A pronoun is a word that may take the place of a noun.

Example Pronouns:

• I, we, you, it, she, he ,they

• me, you, it, her, him, us, you, them

Rewrite each sentence and replace the underlined word or words

with a pronoun.

Suzy walked to the beach. Suzy brought her boogie-board.

Suzy walked to the beach. She brought her boogie-board.

1. John read a book called, "Twighlight."John thought the book was interesting.

2. David and I like to go to the market after school. David and I always buy ice

3. I gave Juan a book to read. Juan told me the book was scary.

4. The apple was very red. The apple tasted very sweet and juicy.

5. Harriet Tubman was a courageous woman. Harriet Tubman guided the slaves to
freedom using the under-ground railroad.

6. Abolitionists wished to abolish slavery. Abolitionists felt that slavery was racist.

7. My sister and I are going to visit our grandparents. My sister and I want to bring
them food.
Circling Pronouns Worksheet

A pronoun is a word that may take the place of one or more nouns.

Circle the pronoun that best completes each sentence.

(We/Us) are going the supermarket this weekend.


1. (I / Us) think that you are one of the brightest students in the class.

2. (We / Us) are going to the football game this weekend.

3. I can tell that (him / you) really enjoyed the movie.

4. (That / It) is one of the best movies I have seen all year.

5. (He / They) is a very bright young man.

6. I can tell (her / she) really tried hard to perform well.

7. (They / Them) are going to the movies after school today.

8. Can you give the gift to (it / him) once you get to his party?

9. Tell (her / she) that she did a fabulous job.

10. (We / I) am one of the hardest working players on the team.

11. Make sure to tell (us / we) the score as soon as you can.

12. (You / Him) are a very fast runner!

13. I can tell (it / that) was a very difficult decision to make.

14. Are you sure that (he / they) turned in his homework?

15. Please remind (her / she) the importance of being on time.

16. Please ask (they / them) if they are available for Monday.
Pronouns Worksheet (Writing Part 1)

A pronoun is a word that may take the place of one or more nouns.

Label each pronoun singular or plural and then write a sentence with each
pronoun listed below.

We are going the supermarket this weekend.

1. I- _____________________

2. we- _____________________

3. you- _____________________

4. it- _____________________

5. he- _____________________

6. she- _____________________

7. they- _____________________

8. us- _____________________
Name: _____________________________ Date: _________________

Discovering Synonyms Worksheet

A synonym is a word that has nearly the same meaning as another word. Sample
synonyms include; hat/cap, leap/jump, listen/hear etc..)

Directions: Write a synonym for each word given below. The first one has been
done for you.

1. see look 9. difficult

2. large 10. jog

3. road 11. over

4. rest 12. taxi

5. lift 13. funny

6. mom 14. smart

7. stop 15. small

8. close 16. gift

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Name: _______________________ Date: ___________

Synonyms Worksheet (Matching Part 2)

A synonym is a word that has nearly the same meaning as another word.

Directions: Match each word with its synonym.

1. ready courteous

2. polite normal

3. slim genuine

4. sleepy alert

5. usual faithful

6. loyal middle

7. weak slender

8. rich feeble

9. real drowsy

10. center wealthy

Directions: Write a synonym for the underlined word.

Example A: I am so glad to see you!

Answer: happy

11. The enormous asteroid was headed for earth.


12. I have a fond memory of my best friend.

Name: _______________________ Date: ___________

Synonyms Worksheet (Matching Part 1)

A synonym is a word that has nearly the same meaning as another word.

Directions: Match each word with its synonym.

1. rest quick

2. ill odd

3. under carpet

4. shout relax

5. hard bad

6. fast bag

7. strange below

8. rug difficult

9. evil yell

10. sack sick

Directions: Write a synonym for the underlined word.

Example A: I was so sleepy after school.

Answer: tired

11. The bunny in my yard looked very cute.


12. I took a taxi to the football game.


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