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GAD-based iC CEBU

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 10 Learning Area: Mathematics Quarter: 4 Week:5 Day:5 Duration:60 minutes
Learning Area/s Integrated: ICT , Science
Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)
Multidisciplinary / Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

√ Communication Learning and Innovation √ Problem Solving
√ Critical Thinking √ Information Media and Technology √ Life and Career

II. Focused Learning Competency

M10SP-IVd-e-1 solves problems involving measures of position
III. Focused GAD-based Principle to be Integrated
use gender-responsive language to reflect inclusion
IV. Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge identify the different kinds of measure of positions

Skills show the process in solving the given problem

Attitude display willingness in solving the problem

Values show appreciation on the importance of healthy lifestyle to overcome

challenges in life
V. Learning Content/s Problem Solving Involving The Different Measures of
Position for Group And Ungrouped Data

Concept Measure of Position are techniques that divide a set of

data into equal groups
Measure of Position for Ungrouped data

 Quartile for Ungrouped Data

Position of 𝑄𝑘 = 4 (𝑛 + 1)

 Decile for Ungrouped Data

Position of 𝐷𝑘 = 10 (𝑛 + 1)

 Percentile for Ungrouped Data

Position of 𝑃𝑘 = 100 (𝑛 + 1)

Measure of Position for Grouped Data

 Quartile for Grouped Data

Position of 𝑄𝑘 = 𝐿𝐵 + ( 4 𝑓 )𝑖

 Decile for Grouped Data

Position of 𝐷𝑘 = 𝐿𝐵 + ( )𝑖

 Percentile for Grouped Data

Position of 𝑃𝑘 = 𝐿𝐵 + (100𝑓 )𝑖


Instructional Materials Laptop, LCD Projector, Curriculum Guide, Learner’s


Safety Measures before during and after typhoon

DRRE Concepts

Curriculum Guide, Learners’ Material


VI. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

1. Engage A. PEN AND PAPER TEST (PRE-TEST). Find out how much you already
(10 minutes) know about this module. After taking and checking this short test, take
note of the items that you were not able to answer correctly and look
for the right answer.
1. The median score is also the ____________.
a. 75th percentile c. 3 rd decile
b. 5th decile d. 1st quartile
2. When a distribution is divided into hundred equal parts, each score
point that describes the distribution is called a ___________________.
a. percentile c. quartile
b. decile d. median
3. The lower quartile is equal to ___________________.
a. 50th percentile c. 2nd decile
b. 25th percentile d. 3rd quartile
4. Rochelle got a score of 55 which is equivalent to 70th percentile in a
mathematics test. Which of the following is not true?
a. She scored above 70% of his class
b. Thirty percent of the class got scores of 55 and above
c. If the passing mark is the first quartile, she passed the test
d. Her score is below the 5th decile
5. In the set of scores: 14, 17, 10, 22, 19, 24, 8, 12, and 19, the median
score is _________________.
a. 17 b. 16 c. 15 d. 13
6. In a 70 – item test, Melody got a score of 50 which is the third
quartile. This means that:
a. She got the highest score
b. her score is higher than 25% of her classmates
c. she surpassed 75% of her classmates
d. seventy-five percent of the class did not pass the test
7. The first quartile of the ages of 250 fourth year students is 16 years
old. Which of the following statement is true?
a. Most of the students are below 16 years’ old
b. Seventy-five percent of the students are 16 years old and above
c. Twenty-five percent of the students are 16 years old
d. One hundred fifty students are younger than 16 years.
8. In a 100 item test, the passing mark is the third quartile. What does it
a. The students should answer at least 75 items correctly to pass the
b. The students should answer at least 50 items correctly to pass the
c. The students should answer at most 75 items correctly to pass the
d. The students should answer at most 50 items correctly to pass the
9. In a group of 55 examinees taking the 50 item test, Rachel obtained a
score of 38. This implies that her score is __________________.
a. below the 50th percentile c. the 55th percentile
b. at the upper quartile d. below the third decile
10. Consider the score distribution of 15 students given below:
83 72 87 79 82
77 80 73 86 81
79 82 79 74 74
The mean in the given distribution of 15 students can also be
interpreted as ______________.
a. Seven students scored higher than 79
b. Seven students scored lower than 79
c. Seven students scored lower than 79 and seven students
scored higher than 79
d. Fourteen students scored lower than 79
11 – 15. Refer to table A below
Table A

Score Frequency Cumulative Cumulative

Frequency Percentage (%)

40 – 45 6 18 100.00

35 – 39 5 12 66.67

30 – 34 3 7 38.89

25 – 29 4 4 22.22
11. In solving for the 60th percentile, the lower boundary is _________.
a. 34 b. 34.5 c. 39 d. 39.5
12. What cumulative frequency should be used in solving for the 35 th
a. 4 b. 7 c. 12 d. 18
13. The 45th percentile is _______________.
a. 33.4 b. 32.7 c. 30.8 d. 35.6
14. The 50th percentile is _______________.
a. 36.0 b. 37.0 c. 36.5 d. 37.5
Possible Answers:
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. C

2. Explore ANALYZE and SHARE. (Group Activity). Distribute envelopes containing

(5 minutes) materials and information sheets.
Directions: Read and answer the activity given.
Note: you are given 5 minutes to answer. After 5 minutes you are going
to share your outputs to the whole class.
(Group 1)- What’s the meaning of this?
My Definition table

Measures of Position My Definition

 Quartile
 Decile

 Percentile
(Group 2) - Give me the steps in getting the Quartile, Decile and
percentile of an Ungrouped Data
(Group 3) - What is Mendenhall and Sincich Method
(Group 4) – Give the formula of Quartile, Decile, Percentile of Group
(Group 5) – Define Percentile Rank

3. Explain POST and PRESENT. Presentation of outputs

(10 minutes)
(Group 1)- What’s the meaning of this?
My Definition table

Measures of Position My Definition

 Quartile  Are the score points

which divide a distribution
into four equal parts

 Decile  Are the nine score points

which divide into ten
equal parts.

 Percentile  Are the ninety nine score

points which divide a
distribution into one –
hundred equal parts, so
that each part represents
the data set

(Group 2) - Give me the steps in getting the Quartile, Decile and

percentile of an Ungrouped Data and give the quartile of typhoon over
the past 10 years
PAG – ASA listed all the typhoons in the Philippines from the year
2009 -2019. Here the list of number of typhoons visit Philippines
respectively 5, 8, 8, 4, 5, 9, 6, 2, 7, 4.
Possible Answer:
2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9
𝑄1 = (10 + 1)
= 2.75 / 3 or 4
𝑄2 = (10 + 1)
= 5.5/6
ASK: What are the possible reasons why typhoons occur?
Possible Answer: Because of human actions
Typhoons start off as tropical thunderstorms. The strong
winds pull in moisture from the oceans.
What are the safety measure before , during and after typhoon?
Possible Answer:
Before: Stock up an adequate supply of drinking water and water
for cleaning or other purposes. Prepare health kit, flash light and radio,
candles and kerosene lamps or other lighting devices.
During: Stay at home, cancel all travels, wear dry and warm
clothes, keep yourself updated on the latest weather news, secure your
important belongings in high grounds
After: Check yourself and for injuries, Check water, gas, and
electric lines for damage, turn on the radio, stay out of damage building,
be careful of broken glasses and debris, be careful on chimneys, stay
away from beaches, stay away from damaged areas.
Possible Answer:

 Arrange the data in ascending order

 Identify the least and greatest value in the data
 Find the middle score
 Identify the value between the middle score and the
lowest score. Label it as 𝑄1
 Identify the value between the middle score and the
highest score. Label it as 𝑄3
(Group 3) - What is Mendenhall and Sincich Method
Possible Answer: A method of finding quartile values
Lower Quartile (L) = Position of 𝑄1 = 4 (𝑛 + 1)

And round to the nearest integer. If L falls halfway between two

integers, round up. The Lth element is the lower quartile value (Q1)
Upper Quartile (U) = Position of 𝑄3 = 4 (𝑛 + 1) and round to the
nearest integer. If U falls halfway between two integers, round down.
The Uth element is the upper quartile value (𝑄3 )
(Group 4) – Give the formula of Quartile, Decile, Percentile of Group

Possible Answer: Measure of Position for Grouped Data

 Quartile for Grouped Data

Position of 𝑄𝑘 = 𝐿𝐵 + ( 4 𝑓 )𝑖

 Decile for Grouped Data

Position of 𝐷𝑘 = 𝐿𝐵 + ( )𝑖

 Percentile for Grouped Data

 Position of 𝑃𝑘 = 𝐿𝐵 + (100𝑓 )𝑖

Possible Answer:
(Group 5) – Define Percentile Rank
Possible Answer: Are particularly useful in relating individual scores to
their positions in the entire group. It is typically defined as the
proportion of scores in a distribution that a specific score is
greater than or equal to.
SAY: for example if you received a score of 95 on a mathematics test
and this score was greater than or equal to the scores of 88% of
the students taking the test, then your percentile rank would be

1. Elaborate ASK:
(5 minutes) 1.What do you feel while doing the activity?
Possible Answer: Answers may vary
2.What is the difference between quartile, decile and percentile?
Possible Answer: Are the score points which divide a distribution into
four equal parts
Are the nine score points which divide into ten equal parts.
Are the ninety nine score points which divide a distribution into one –
hundred equal parts, so that each part represents the data set
3.When do we apply measures of position?
Possible Answer:
 Dealing with large amount of data, which includes the timely
results for standardized tests in school, etc.
 Trying to discover the smallest as well as the largest values in a
given distribution
 Examining financial fields for academic as well as statistical
SAY: It is commonly used in real life in test scores and even in
graduation standing
5. Evaluate PEN and PAPER TEST (Post Test).
(20 minutes) Direction: Choose the letter of your answer to each item. Write your
answer before the number.
1.The median score is also the _______________.
a. 75th percentile c. 3rd decile
b. 5th decile d. 1 st quartile
2. Rochelle got a score of 55, which is equivalent to 70th percentile rank
in a mathematics test. Which of the following is NOT true?
a. She scored above 70% of her classmates
b. Thirty percent of the class got scores of 55 and above
c. If the passing mark is the first quartile, she passed the test
d. Her score is below the 5th decile
3. The lower quartile is equal to ________________
a. 50th percentile c. 2 nd decile
b. 25th percentile d. 3 rd quartile
4. In the set of scores 14, 17, 10, 22, 19, 24, 8, 12 and 19, the median
score is ______________
a. 17 b. 15 c. 16 d. 13
5. In a 70 – item test, Melody go a score of 50 which is the third quartile.
This means that
a. She got the highest score
b. Her score is higher than 25 of his classmates.
c. She surpassed 75% of his classmates
d. Seventy-five percent of the class did not pass the test
6. Angie ranks 10th in a class of 40. Her percentile rank is _________.
a. 75 b. 90 c. 10 d. 25
7. The first quartile of the ages of 250 fourth year students is 16 years.
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Most of the students are below 16 years’ old
b. Seventy-five percent of the students are 16 years old and above
c. Twenty-five percent of the students are 16 years old.
d. One hundred fifty students are younger than 16 years.
8. Mel’s score in a 75 item test was the median score. What is his
percentile rank?
a. 35th b. 50th c. 25th d. 75th
9. When a distribution is divided into hundred equal parts, each score
point that describes the distribution is called a ______________.
a. percentile c. quartile
b. decile d. median
10. In a hundred item test, the passing mark is the 3rd quartile. What
does it imply?
a. The students should answer at least 75 items correctly to pass the
b. The students should answer at least 50 items correctly to pass the
c. The students should answer at most 75 items correctly to pass the
d. The students should answer at most 50 items correctly to pass the
11- 12. Please refer to table A
Table A
40-45 6 18 100.00
35-39 5 12 66.67
30-34 3 7 38.89
25-29 4 4 22.22

11. In solving the 60th percentile, the lower boundary to use is ______.
a. 34 b. 34.5 c. 39 d. 39.5
12. What cumulative frequency should be used in solving for the 35th
a. 4 b. 7 c. 12 d. 18
13. The 50th percentile is equivalent to _______________.
a. 5th decile c. mean score
b. 2nd quartile d. all of the above
14. In a group of 55 examinees taking the 50 item test, Rachel obtained
a score of 38 and 38 scores were above her. This implies that her score
is _______________.
a. the 38th percentile c. the 55th percentile
b. at the upper quartile d. below the 4 th decile
15. The score distribution of 15 students given below:
83 72 87 79 82 77 80 73 86 81 79 82 79 74 74
The median score is _____________________
a. 80 b. 82 c. 73 d. 79
1 B
2 D
3 B
4 A
5 C
6 A
7 B
8 B
9 A
10 A
11 B
12 A
13 D
14 C
15 D

VII. Learning Enablement Based on Research

(2 minutes)
Conduct a mini – research study on students’ performance in their final
examination in Mathematics. Apply the knowledge and skills you have
learned in this lesson to evaluate and interpret test results and to
make/formulate meaningful decisions based on the results to resolve
difficulties of students.
Rubric in Assessing Students Performance (Group Task)
INTEGRATION The paper The paper The paper The paper does
OF demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates not demonstrate
KNOWLEDGE that the group that the group, that the group, to that the group
fully understands for the most part, a certain extent, has fully
and has applied understands and understands and understood and
concepts learned has applied the has applied applied concepts
in the course. concepts learned concepts learned learned in the
Concepts are in the course. in the course course.
integrated into Some of the
the writer’s own conclusions,
insight. The writer however, are not
provides supported in the
concluding body of paper.
remarks that
show analysis and
synthesis of ideas

TOPIC FOCUS The topic is The topic is The topic is too The topic is not
focused narrowly focused but lacks broad for the clearly defined
enough for the direction. The scope of this
scope of this paper is about a assignment
assignment. The specific topic but
research study the group has not
provides direction established a
for the paper, position.
either by
statement of a
position or

DEPTH OF In depth In depth The group has Cursory

DISCUSSION discussion and discussion and omitted pertinent discussion in all
elaboration in all elaboration in content or the sections of
sections of the most sections of content run-ons the paper or brief
paper the paper excessively discussion in only
a few sections

COHESIVENESS Ties together For the most part, Sometimes ties Does not tie
information from ties together together together
all sources information from information from information
all sources all sources
Paper flows from Paper does not
one issue to the Paper flows with Paper does not flow and appears
next without the only some flow, to be created
need for disjointedness. disjointedness is from desperate
headings. Group’s Group’s writing apparent. Group’s issues. Headings
writing demonstrates an writing does not are necessary to
demonstrates an understanding of demonstrate an link concepts.
understanding of the relationship understanding of Writing does not
the relationship among materials the relationship demonstrate
among materials obtained from all among materials understanding of
obtained from all sources obtained from all any relationships
sources sources

SPELLING AND No spelling Minimal spelling Noticeable Unacceptable

GRAMMAR and/or grammar and/or grammar spelling and number of
mistakes mistakes grammar spelling and/or
mistakes grammar

Reflection (DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
D. No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
F. Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why did these work?
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Prepared by

Teacher III
Federico and Soledad Villaflor Memorial National Highschool

Reviewed: Verified:


Education Program Supervisor- English Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Recommending Approval:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent



Schools Division Superintendent
Pre Test
Name: _____________________________________________ Score: _________________
Year & Section:______________________________________ Date: __________________
A. PEN AND PAPER TEST (PRE-TEST). Find out how much you already know about this
module. After taking and checking this short test, take note of the items that you were not
able to answer correctly and look for the right answer.
1. The median score is also the ____________.
a. 75th percentile c. 3rd decile
b. 5th decile d. 1st quartile
2. When a distribution is divided into hundred equal parts, each score point that describes
the distribution is called a ___________________.
a. percentile c. quartile
b. decile d. median
3. The lower quartile is equal to ___________________.
a. 50th percentile c. 2nd decile
b. 25th percentile d. 3rd quartile
4. Rochelle got a score of 55 which is equivalent to 70th percentile in a mathematics test.
Which of the following is not true?
a. She scored above 70% of his class
b. Thirty percent of the class got scores of 55 and above
c. If the passing mark is the first quartile, she passed the test
d. Her score is below the 5th decile
5. In the set of scores: 14, 17, 10, 22, 19, 24, 8, 12, and 19, the median score is
a. 17 b. 16 c. 15 d. 13
6. In a 70 – item test, Melody got a score of 50 which is the third quartile. This means that:
a. She got the highest score
b. her score is higher than 25% of her classmates
c. she surpassed 75% of her classmates
d. seventy-five percent of the class did not pass the test
7. The first quartile of the ages of 250 fourth year students is 16 years old. Which of the
following statement is true?
a. Most of the students are below 16 years’ old
b. Seventy-five percent of the students are 16 years old and above
c. Twenty-five percent of the students are 16 years old
d. One hundred fifty students are younger than 16 years.
8. In a 100 item test, the passing mark is the third quartile. What does it imply?
a. The students should answer at least 75 items correctly to pass the test
b. The students should answer at least 50 items correctly to pass the test
c. The students should answer at most 75 items correctly to pass the test
d. The students should answer at most 50 items correctly to pass the test
9. In a group of 55 examinees taking the 50 item test, Rachel obtained a score of 38. This
implies that her score is __________________.
a. below the 50th percentile c. the 55th percentile
b. at the upper quartile d. below the third decile
10. Consider the score distribution of 15 students given below:
83 72 87 79 82
77 80 73 86 81
79 82 79 74 74
The mean in the given distribution of 15 students can also be interpreted as
a. Seven students scored higher than 79
b. Seven students scored lower than 79
c. Seven students scored lower than 79 and seven students scored higher than
d. Fourteen students scored lower than 79
11 – 15. Refer to table A below
Table A

Score Frequency Cumulative Cumulative

Frequency Percentage (%)

40 – 45 6 18 100.00
35 – 39 5 12 66.67

30 – 34 3 7 38.89

25 – 29 4 4 22.22

11. In solving for the 60th percentile, the lower boundary is _________.
a. 34 b. 34.5 c. 39 d. 39.5
12. What cumulative frequency should be used in solving for the 35 th percentile?
a. 4 b. 7 c. 12 d. 18
13. The 45th percentile is _______________.
a. 33.4 b. 32.7 c. 30.8 d. 35.6
14. The 50th percentile is _______________.
a. 36.0 b. 37.0 c. 36.5 d. 37.5
Pre Test Answer:
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. C
Post Test
Name: _____________________________________________ Score: _________________
Year & Section:______________________________________ Date: __________________

PEN and PAPER TEST (Post Test).

Direction: Choose the letter of your answer to each item. Write your answer before the
1. 1.The median score is also the _______________.
a. 75th percentile c. 3rd decile
b. 5 decile d. 1 st quartile
2. Rochelle got a score of 55, which is equivalent to 70th percentile rank in a
mathematics test. Which of the following is NOT true?
a. She scored above 70% of her classmates
b. Thirty percent of the class got scores of 55 and above
c. If the passing mark is the first quartile, she passed the test
d. Her score is below the 5th decile
3. The lower quartile is equal to ________________
a. 50th percentile c. 2nd decile
b. 25 percentile d. 3 rd quartile
4. In the set of scores 14, 17, 10, 22, 19, 24, 8, 12 and 19, the median score is
a. 17 b. 15 c. 16 d. 13
5. In a 70 – item test, Melody go a score of 50 which is the third quartile. This means
a. She got the highest score
b. Her score is higher than 25 of his classmates.
c. She surpassed 75% of his classmates
d. Seventy-five percent of the class did not pass the test
6. Angie ranks 10th in a class of 40. Her percentile rank is _________.
a. 75 b. 90 c. 10 d. 25
7. The first quartile of the ages of 250 fourth year students is 16 years. Which of the
following statements is true?
a. Most of the students are below 16 years’ old
b. Seventy-five percent of the students are 16 years old and above
c. Twenty-five percent of the students are 16 years old.
d. One hundred fifty students are younger than 16 years.
8. Mel’s score in a 75 item test was the median score. What is his percentile rank?
a. 35th b. 50th c. 25th d. 75th
9. When a distribution is divided into hundred equal parts, each score point that
describes the distribution is called a ______________.
a. percentile c. quartile
b. decile d. median
10. In a hundred item test, the passing mark is the 3rd quartile. What does it imply?
a. The students should answer at least 75 items correctly to pass the test.
b. The students should answer at least 50 items correctly to pass the test
c. The students should answer at most 75 items correctly to pass the test
d. The students should answer at most 50 items correctly to pass the test.
11- 12. Please refer to table A
Table A
40-45 6 18 100.00
35-39 5 12 66.67
30-34 3 7 38.89
25-29 4 4 22.22

11. In solving the 60th percentile, the lower boundary to use is ______.
a. 34 b. 34.5 c. 39 d. 39.5
12. What cumulative frequency should be used in solving for the 35 th percentile?
a. 4 b. 7 c. 12 d. 18
13. The 50 percentile is equivalent to _______________.
a. 5th decile c. mean score
b. 2 quartile d. all of the above
14. In a group of 55 examinees taking the 50 item test, Rachel obtained a score of 38 and
38 scores were above her. This implies that her score is _______________.
a. the 38th percentile c. the 55th percentile
b. at the upper quartile d. below the 4 th decile
15. The score distribution of 15 students given below:
83 72 87 79 82 77 80 73 86 81 79 82 79 74 74
The median score is _____________________
a. 80 b. 82 c. 73 d. 79
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. D
14. C
15. D

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