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Permutation and Combination Practice Worksheet

Name ______________________________

1. How many three person committees can be chosen from a group of six

2. Dylan, Andrew, Hailey, and Jordan ran in a race. In how many different
orders can they finish the race?

3. There are 6 things in a hat. How many ways can you pick 2 things from
the hat at once?

4. In how many ways can Dylan, Taylor, Sydney, Alyssa, Natalie, and
Madison stand in line?

5. There are 7 things in a hat. How many ways can you pick 3 things from
the hat at once?

6. How many combinations of four letters are possible from the letters V, D,
R, I, and B?

7. How many four digit numbers can you make by arranging the numbers 7,
6, 3, and 5?

8. There are twelve players on the basketball team. How many ways can a
starting lineup of five players be chosen?

9. How many permutations can you make from the letters K, C, M, J, and O?

10. Calculate each of the following:

a) 5! / 3! b) 2! / 0! c) 6! / 4! d) 9! / 6!
11. Explain the difference between Combinations and Permutations.

12. Six people form a line and three are female. How many permutations of the
people are there if:
a) The 3 males must stand together?
b) 2 of the girls must stand together?

13. Calculate:
a) 5P3 b) 6P2 c) 7P6 d) 8P5

14. Calculate:
a) 6C2 b) 6C3 c) 6C4 d) 8C3

15. A group is to be chosen from 5 people.

a) How many ways can four people be selected?

16. In how many ways can five cards be selected from a well-shuffled deck of 52

17. How many ways can 20 compact discs be arranged in alphabetical order?

18. How many 4-digit arrangements can be created using the digits 5, 7, 8 and 2 if
a) the numbers can be repeated
b) the five must be the first number
c) the five must be the first number and the two the second

19. The baseball club has 50 members, 20 who are girls. A special group of 7 is to
be selected. How many ways can this group be selected if
a) everyone is considered equally
b) it must contain 4 girls

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