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Quarter: FOURTH
Date : February 4, 2020
Theme: Connecting to the World
Sub-Theme Relating Past to the Present

Content Standard: Performance Standard:

The learner demonstrates understanding The Learner transfers learning by:

of: contemporary Philippine literature as a means explaining the need to be cooperative and
of responding to the demands of the global responsible in today’s global village; using
village; various extended text types; lexical and appropriate strategies to comprehend extended
contextual cues; appropriate and polite oral text types; using lexical and contextual clues to
language, stance, and behavior, and use of understand unfamiliar words and expressions;
imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh- using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate
questions. and polite oral language, stance and behavior in
various information-sharing formats.


EN7LC-IV-b-8: Process information mentioned in the text listened to

EN7LC-IV-f-2.8: Make simple inferences about thoughts and feelings expressed in the
text listened to


1. Familiarize oneself with the appropriate use of language in expressing ideas and
2. Note specific details of the text listened to through the use of sentence frames.
3. Express ideas and opinions based on the text listened to.
4. Appreciate the importance of expressing language politely through a Socratic


Lesson: Expressing Ideas and Opinion
1. Student Handouts (Open-ended questions)
2. Observation Sheets
3. Reflection Sheets
1. K to 12 Curriculum G (May, 2016), p.156, 158
2. Coronel, R. J. A & Paez, D. B. C. (2002). Linking the World through English I. Makati
City: Diwa Scholastic Press Inc.
3. Verbal boxing by Matt Bryer, Retrieved from
5. Socratic Seminar, Retrieved from
6. Imagineering a Filipino Dream, Retrieved from
Introduction: A small group discussion is an opportunity to express your views about a topic
of concern. Participating in these discussions requires openness on your part to listen and
acknowledge other people‘s opinions.
Preliminary Activity:
Task 1: Agree or Disagree!
A. Directions: Look at this checklist and tick the choice that represents your answer.

Compare your answers with a classmate. Did you tick the same column? Why?

B. Directions: Look at this checklist. These are Hannah‘s answers.

Are Hannah‘s answers similar to yours or your classmate‘s?


Are Hannah‘s answers wrong and yours or those of your classmate right? Why?

Task 2: Our Convo!
Directions: Read the messenger conversation of Paladians regarding a certain
topic. Underline the expressions that they used to give opinions, agreement or
Task 3: Sort it!
Directions: Work with a partner to decide where to put the following twelve phrases
of agreement and disagreement in the box below:

Task 4: Express politely!
Directions: In certain situations, we have to give our opinions and discuss subjects
that we may disagree about. It is useful to know some of the correct language so that we
can agree and disagree politely without causing offence. Read some of the different ways
of saying what you think about something:

Task 5: Time to Sum up!

Directions: Summarize the lesson by answering the question below using all the information
you learned.

Task 6: Watch and Listen!

Directions: In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized
events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Watch and listen to a
YouTube video of Prim Payponas he talks about the Dream Project, which hopes to light
the spark in enabling the youth today not just to dream, but to dream big for the nation.

Task 7: Socratic Seminar in a Fishbowl!

Socratic Seminar:
The class will be divided into two and will follow a fishbowl format. One half of the
class is in the ‘inner circle‘ facing each other and discussing the listening text, while the
remainder is on the ‘outer circle‘ observing and listening. Members of the outer circle will
accomplish an observation sheet to track the overall conversation or to focus on specific
During the seminar, the teacher will reserve an empty ‘hotseat‘ for those in the outer
circle who really want to jump in to make a contribution and then leave. At the end of the
conversation, the outer circle can share observations. The groups then switch to allow the
outside group a chance to discuss. At the end of the seminar, the students will answer a
reflection sheet to evaluate the concluded discussion.
A. Participant (inner circle)
Directions: After listening to the issue presented, accomplish the seminar notes to be used
for the discussion. Use the following sentence frames to stimulate your thinking about the
text you listen to. Choose and complete 5 of the following.

Open-Ended Questions for Socratic Seminar Expressing your opinion:

 What puzzles me is…  I believe that _________.
 I‘d like to talk with people about…  In my opinion __________.
 I‘m confused about…  I feel that ___________.
 Don‘t you think this is similar to…  I think that __________ because ________.
 Do you agree that the big ideas seem to be…  To me, it seems obvious that _________
 I have questions about…
 Another point of view is…
 I think it means…
 Do you think…
 What does it mean when the author says…
 Do you agree that…

B. Observer (outer circle)

Directions: Choose three participants in the seminar to observe. Listen carefully to
the discussion taking place in the ―inner circle‖ and jump on the Hot Seat when you would
like to state your own views on a topic being discussed. As you listen to the discussion
taking place, write down your observations to the following.


The lesson objectives were not realized since the strategy is not suitable for the level of
comprehension of the students where most of them are having difficulty in interacting with the
discussant but this lesson will be continued to feed up the needs of the learners with proper
guidance and direction.

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