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1st page

> title, name

2nd page

1st part - author's background, his/her other works/masterpieces

2nd part - plot of the story, may include trivias about the story

3rd part - comments, reviews, reactions of reliable people

4th part - own critical review, appraisal, reaction, comment about the literary piece

5th part - conclusion, argument, quotation, lesson learned about the literary piece


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Guys, 'yung sa title page pala ng analysis ganito ang format sa pangalan: surname-first name-middle initial
An Analysis of the book “1984” by George Orwell

For the second part.

Nineteen Eighty-four (1984) is a novel that illustrated dystopian future and a world with totalitarianism
reigned all over the world and individualism is forbidden. It also regarded facts, reality and history as opinions
that needed to be “erased” from the minds of people. The novel takes place in an alternate timeline of what
has happened on the world after World War II. The world is divided on only three super states, Oceania,
which includes former United Kingdom and the British Empire, United States and the rest of American
continent, Eurasia, which includes the former Soviet Union and all of mainland Europe, and Eastasia, formerly
China. These three states are at constant war with each other for the control of the area called the Equatorial
Front, which encompasses all of former North Africa, Middle East, India and the rest of Southeast Asia. This
is the alternate world of the novel.

The novel specifically talks about the life of Winston Smith, a low level, insignificant member of the
“Party”, a political regime controlling all of Oceania's region of Airstrip One, formerly known as England. He
works at the Oceania’s Ministry of Truth, which was tasked to promote propaganda teachings of the Party,
and changing what is written on history so that the Proles or the working class can only learn, if they have to,
so called “alternative truths”. During the Two Minutes Hate, the two minute time where the Party indoctrinates
propaganda, two persons caught Smith's attention, O'Brien, an Inner Party member who Smith perceives as
kind and also a dissenter of the Party like him, and a dark haired girl named Julia, who seems to be
sympathetic to the Party, because of her active participation and furiousness during the Two Minutes Hate.
Smith is attracted to her because of her beauty, but is also discouraged because of her sympathy to the

The rising action of the novel takes place when Winston received a love confession from Julia. They
had expresses their love from each other. They had engaged themselves then on sexual activities. They
wanted to get free to the gaze of the omnipresent eyes of Big Brother. At last, for ultimate freedom, they
wanted to be part of The Brotherhood, a underground organization of all the dissenters of the Party. They
are ordained as part of The Brotherhood by O'Brien, an Inner Party member. But all of the activities of the
couple were made known by the Thought Police. The couple was then captured and detained in the Ministry
of Love.
While they are detained in the Ministry of Love, Smith found out that O'Brien was a Party Spy, working
with the Thought Police to capture him and Julia. There, O'Brien spends months on torturing and
brainwashing Smith, who

The novel is a dystopian novel about the future of the world. It tells worse case scenarios about what
the extent can the government can do to control it’s people. The let us see the effects of totalitarianism. It
permits no individual freedom. The citizens are required to always abide with their government. The
government controls the every aspects of everyday life of it’s citizens. One way of controlling it’s people is to
control the flow of information. Just like in the novel, the Party tends to not care even

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