Hierarchical Home Agent Architecture For Mobile IP Communications

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Hierarchical Home Agent Architecture for Mobile IP Communications

Imed Romdhani(1), Jose Munoz(1), Hatem Bettahar(2), Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah(2)

Napier University (1)

School of Computing
10 Colinton Road
Edinburgh, EH10 5DT
(+44) 0131 455 2726
{I.Romdhani, J.Munoz}@napier.ac.uk

Université de Technologie de Compiègne (2)

HeuDiaSyc, CNRS UMR 6599
BP 20529 - 60205 Compiègne Cedex. France.
(+33) 03 44 23 44 23
{bettahar, bouabdal}@utc.fr

Abstract mobile node (MN) and its correspondent node (CN),

which is the mobile host’s communication endpoint,
While the Mobile IP protocol does not exclude the use should be updated to reflect the current location of the
of multiple Home Agents (HAs), it does not impose any MN. This requires special routes between MN and its
particular model either. Recent solutions propose that CN as the MN’s Home Address (HoA) can no longer
a mobile node uses multiple HAs located in different be used with the conventional IP routing protocols to
physical links in his home network. However, no deliver packets to the MN’s current location. This is
architectural scheme is proposed either for unicast or because the HoA is topologically incorrect and cannot
multicast communications. In this paper, we propose a be used in foreign networks due to ingress filtering
Hierarchical Home Agent architecture in which each restrictions. For a highly-dynamic MN, the special
Home Agent (HA) is assigned a specific topological route should be updated regularly, such by the MN
level in its domain. The mobile node is notified about itself, or by a third party. Depending on the location
such hierarchy and chooses the closest HA on a per- update and notification mechanisms, different mobility
connection basis. Our primary goal is to optimise both management schemes were proposed by the Internet
unicast and multicast routing for mobile nodes. We community to support unicast communication. Some
prove that our solution avoids redundant multicast schemes were designated to handle IP mobility of
traffic in the home domain and it is easy to implement IPv4-based mobile host [1], where others were
using the current Mobile IP specification without extra developed for IPv6 [2].
While the Mobile IP protocols do not exclude the use
1. Introduction of multiple Home Agents (HA), they do not impose any
particular model either. Recent solutions have proposed
IP mobility allows mobile hosts to continue that a mobile node uses multiple HAs located in
receiving services while moving amongst different IP different physical links. These solutions have been
networks. While moving, IP address changes are kept designed to solve different problems, such as: binding
transparent to the higher layers in order to avoid their update load balancing between HAs [9] [14] [18]; fault
possible temporal disconnection. Thus, to guarantee the tolerance [6] [10] [11]; or unicast route optimisation
transparency of the handover, the IP routes between a between a CN and an MN [9][10][12]. These solutions

Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'06)

0-7695-2588-1/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
suffer from different issues. First, they are network- routing” may have an undesirable effect on time
initiated, i.e. it is the network the one that decides, sensitive applications. Moreover, congestion is likely to
transparently, to redirect the unicast route from a CN to arise in the home network and the HA will be the
a new instance of an HA, that is different from the bottleneck point of such congestion.
primary HA. Second, these solutions are designed to Compared to the Mobile IP specification, recent
handle unicast communication between an MN and a researches have proposed to use multiple HAs where
CN and they do not address the issues of multicast the HAs are placed in different physical links in the
communications such as: multicast route optimisation home network. To have multiple HAs, two approaches
inside the home domain; membership load balancing may be used: replication where the HAs are replicated
between different HAs; and efficient IGMP/MLD and each HA maintains the same binding information
membership delivery to MNs. Finally, the proposed of all MNs as other HAs and partition where HAs are
solutions lack from an efficient implementation scheme partitioned, and each HA maintains information for a
and require extra cost to modify current Mobile IP subset of MNs. These multiple HAs approaches aim to
protocols since the majority of them introduce new solve different issues, such as: caching and traffic load
architectural entities. For all these reasons, we propose balancing; fault tolerance and reliability; and route
a new hierarchical architecture for both unicast and optimisation for unicast communications.
multicast Mobile IP communications. Our architecture
is composed of a set of distributed HAs inside the 2.1 Caching and load balancing
home domain and the selection of an HA is MN-
initiated and on per-connection basis (unicast or Caching and load balancing consists of redirecting
multicast). packet from a busy HA to a vacant one. In fact, authors
in [14] have proposed a dynamic threshold load-
In this paper, we present the problem statement and the balancing policy, in order to improve the system
related works in Section 2. In Section 3, we detail our performance of the Mobile IPv4 protocol. Using a
solution and we describe its implementation. We double-threshold approach, they have defined upper
conclude by highlighting the advantages of our solution and lower thresholds to be used by HAs where an HA
and its limits. is said to be “vacant” if its queue length falls below the
lower threshold, and “full” if it exceeds the upper
2. Related Work threshold. Each HA then advertises its queue
information each time the queue length moves over, or
The IETF has proposed the Mobile IP protocol to below the threshold. When the queue length exceeds
allow a mobile node to change its points of attachment the threshold, an HA attempts to transfer one
to the network without losing IP transport layer correspondent node (source) to another HA. Each time
connectivity [1][2]. Mobile IP provides a mechanism to a transfer is made, a packet timer is set. When this
a mobile node (MN) to retain one permanent IP timer expires, the queue status is re-evaluated and the
address, called hereinafter a Home Address (HoA), process is renewed. To define the accepted threshold,
from its home network and one temporal IP address, the authors in [7] have suggested using a new load-
called hereinafter a Care-of Address (CoA), from a balancing information option in which each HA
foreign network. The HoA does not depend on a regularly advertises the number of available MN
connection place to the Internet, whereas the CoA number that it is able to accept, and propose to
depends on the connection place. To register its CoA implement this option in the IPv6 router advertisement
address, an MN sends a registration request message to message sent by the HA. To enhance these methods
its HA. This message is used to create a binding and instead of using HA queue status and a fixed
association between the MN’s HoA and the MN’s CoA number of MNs, the authors in [15] have proposed a
for a given lifetime. The HA acknowledges the policy to distribute the load amongst multiple HAs in
registration request by sending a registration reply the Mobile IPv4 protocol. Compared to the previous
message. As soon as the HA is notified about the MN’s approach, incoming unicast packets are transferred
CoA, it maintains a binding cache entry that binds both from one HA to another based on a Stream Transfer
the HoA and the CoA. Thus, when a CN sends data Time (Tstt). Then, initially, the MN chooses one of the
packets to the MN’s HoA, the HA intercepts them and HAs to register with it. Each HA then maintains a Tstt
tunnels them to the MN’s CoA. Such procedure of timer for the MN. When this timer expires, the HA with
forwarding suffers from triangle routing via the home which the MH is registered, chooses another HA to
network. The triangle routing also called “dog-leg serve the MN. The Tstt counter only begins to

Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'06)

0-7695-2588-1/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
decrement once packets start arriving to MN from the requires: signalling procedure between the MN; a
new HA. The authors have also proposed to use a Mobility Agent (MA); the Foreign Agent (FA); and the
packet counter as an alternative to the Tstt timer. AAA server. The MA entity dynamically attributes a
new HA to the MN, whenever the handover occurs.
2.2 Fault tolerance Similar to the dynamic reassignment, authors in [16]
have addressed the triangle routing and the prolonged
If the primary HA fails, the mobility binding cache will handoff latency, and have proposed a new “Temporary
be lost and all MNs registered with the HA will lose Home Agent” (THA). This THA aims to intercept
connectivity unless a redundancy mechanism is packet destined for the MN in the foreign domain and
employed. Thus, authors in [17] developed the “Mobile tunnelling them to it. To do so, the THA is located at
IP Home Agent Redundancy” feature, which has two the gateway to a foreign domain, and it dynamically
types of HA are designed: one active HA and another allocates a temporary home address for the MN. The
HA as a standby HA. These HAs then exchange MN then uses this new HoA as its source address when
mobility binding updates, and on a failure, the backup initiating a connection to a CN.
HA (standby HA) starts to serve MNs. Following the
same concept, authors in [18] proposed a multiple HAs Compared to the THA technique, where the selection
protocol extension called “Home Agent Redundancy of the HA is done at the IP level while addressing the
Protocol” (HARP). Their primary concern is system routing efficiency toward the MN, authors in [8] have
robustness and their model is designed to serve all the proposed a new session-layer-based mobility
MNs by varying the degree of redundancy, when one, architecture called DHARMA, which addresses the
or even several, HAs crash. This protocol is based on issues of intermittent connectivity and optimised
one or more HARP peers that act as a single shared routing overhead from the MN to the CN. This uses an
HA, where each HARP peer is configured with overlay network to deploy distributed HAs and uses
information about its peers and forwards any Mobile-IP different routing algorithms to select the closest HA to
registration messages (BU) it receives to its peers. the CN. This selection is done transparently on a per-
HARP peers thus act in parallel to create or delete connection basis when a mobile host initiates a
tunnels to the MN’s remote CoA according to the last connection with a correspondent node. For this
registration message received. purpose, a new architectural entity called “Mobility
Agent” (MA) is introduced. The MA serves as a
mobility-aware indirection point between MN and CN
2.3 Route optimisation and can be co-located with an HA. It then intercepts the
connection and finds an HA candidate close to the CN.
Authors in [9] have proposed the “Inter Home Agents
Protocol” (HAHA) to provide multiple HAs support While all the previous methods are HA-initiated,
for IPv6 mobile nodes and mobile routers. The HAHA authors in [19] have proposed an MN-initiated method,
protocol provides HA redundancy, load balancing, and where the MN chooses the best HA. In their solution,
also optimises the interception of unicast packet each HA has an access list containing the entire foreign
addressed to MN. For this purpose, the primary HA agent CoAs in its region. Thus, when an MN sends a
synchronizes its binding cache with other HAs. As a registration message to the best HA, with respect to
result, any HA can earlier intercept and tunnel unicast geographic location, this will be accepted or denied
packets to the current location of the MN, before they depending on the CoA. If the registration is
go through the primary HA. Alternatively, an HA can unsuccessful, the MN attempts to register with another
tunnel the intercepted packet to the primary HA. In HA with the next highest priority. The HA priorities
addition, authors have defined a “HA Switching” are set in the configuration settings in the MN, thus this
mechanism where an HA can request from an MN to static configuration faces serious problems when the
switch to another HA, whereas instead of using the HA home network is reconfigured and the HA addresses
switching, authors in [12] proposed to use dynamic HA are changed. In addition, this method is not scalable
reassignment in Mobile IPv4. Compared to the HAHA and requires an important network management tasks.
protocol, the dynamic reassignment supports As described above, the majority of the solutions
simultaneous binding, inter-HAs roaming and load introduce an extra cost to achieve their goals. In
balancing, except that the MN’s HoA is no longer addition, these solutions are not easy to implement and
permanent. Thus, whenever the MN changes the HA, some of them introduce new architectural entities.
the HoA changes too. This reassignment procedure Despite these solutions solve relevant issues, we

Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'06)

0-7695-2588-1/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
believe that there is an urgent need for an MN-initiated multicast router on the home network. The local
solution where the nomadic user chooses on his will the multicast router (MR) intercepts this membership
HA to be served with. The MN can select dynamically request and sends accordingly a join message to the
the appropriate HA based for example on: economic nearest on-tree router to join the requested multicast
criteria (minimum billing cost), Quality of Service group and source. Once a multicast branch is
(QoS) requirements (shortest path to CN, delay, etc.) or established between the MR and the multicast delivery
security consideration. Moreover, we need a scalable tree, the HA intercepts and forwards the incoming
architecture that covers both the advantages of using multicast packets down the tunnel to MN.
multiple HAs and optimises both unicast and multicast If a mobile receiver is already a member of a given
communications for mobile hosts. multicast group and detects that it is moving to a new
foreign network (case of macro-mobility), it attempts to
3. Our solution: Hierarchical Home Agents rejoin the multicast group in order to avoid packet loss.
If the multicast join is denied in the foreign network or
3.1 General idea the multicast scope is limited, the mobile receiver
cannot join the multicast group from the foreign
In order to optimise both unicast and multicast routing, network (i.e. using the remote subscription approach).
we propose a new solution that uses a topological In such situation, the home subscription approach is
hierarchical-level for each Home Agent, where the mandatory to avoid multicast disruption. Therefore, we
level information is a hop-distance range from the exit suggest that the mobile node sends its membership
router. The exit router is defined as the router from report message to the higher level HA instead of using
which Internet traffic leaves the home domain. Thus its primary HA. The selected HA is closer in terms of
the level is higher, if the HA is closer to the exit router hop distance to the boundary of the domain and it is in
(egress router) of the home domain, with respect to the shortest possible path toward the multicast source.
hop-distance. Each HA then computes its own level Before sending its request, the mobile receiver should
metric, and advertises it to all the other HAs in a compare the hierarchical-level of its primary HA with
manner similar to the HAHA protocol [9]. To compute those of the Home Agents List. Based on the scope of
its level, each HA may be statically configured to use a the multicast traffic and the location of the multicast
default exit router or chooses it based on unicast source, the mobile receiver selects the appropriate HA.
routing protocol information (such as OSPF or BGP When the source is located outside the home domain,
protocol). the MN chooses the higher hierarchical HA and tunnels
Our solution is designed to handle all Mobile IP its multicast group membership report to it. The higher
protocols [1][2]. In case of Mobile IPv6 protocol, each hierarchical HA and the home domain egress router or
HA builds and maintains a Home Agents List (HAs VPN gateway may be collocated. The higher HA
List) and advertises it in response to an ICMP Home checks first if the mobile receiver is authorized to join
Address Discovery Request message sent by an MN the requested multicast group and if it is a valid
[3]. In our method, we extend the basic HAs List of the member of the home network. A binding registration
Mobile IPv6 protocol to introduce the hierarchy level may be required to overcome the security issues. If the
information. As a consequence, each entry of the HAs mobile receiver is authorized to get multicast traffic
List contains the hierarchy-level and the list of the IP from home, the HA joins the multicast delivery tree and
addresses of the HAs within the hierarchy. Thus, the forwards data through the reverse tunnel to it. As figure
HAs are ordered based on their priorities. These 1 illustrates, if the MN sends its membership report to
priorities are set in similar manner as in both Mobile the higher hierarchical HA (HA2) instead of sending it
IPv4 and Mobile IPv6 protocols. to its primary HA (HA1), the multicast delivery will be
more optimal and avoids redundant multicast traffic
To support IP mobile multicast, The IETF has (native and tunnelled multicast) in all the routers
suggested to use two approaches: Home Subscription between HA2 and HA1. When the multicast source is
(HS) and Remote Subscription (RS) [4]. To join a located outside the home domain, the multicast traffic
multicast group using the home subscription approach, will travel through a shortest path from the Ingress
also called bi-directional tunnelling, each mobile Router to the Egress Router before reaching MN.
multicast receiver (MN) tunnels its multicast group
membership report message (IGMP/MLDv2) [3] to its In case of a unicast communication, the mobile node
HA. When the HA receives the tunnelled multicast can register with the appropriate hierarchical HA based
report message, it decapsulates and forwards it to the on the location of its unicast CNs. If a CN is located

Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'06)

0-7695-2588-1/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
outside the home domain, the MN selects the highest Address field by a new Home Agent Address Record.
HA, otherwise it chooses a lower HA. For QoS The Nr of Home Agent Records field specifies how
performance reason, a mobile receiver can trigger a many Home Agent Address Records are present in this
new hierarchical HA if it faces for example serious report.
packet loss or join delay. The mobile receiver can
choose a new HA that belongs to the same hierarchy. Each Home Agent Address Record is a block of fields
that contain the hierarchy level and the list of HAs in
Multicast Source (S) such hierarchy and it has the internal format described
by Figure 3.

Ingress Router
Egress Router
Type Code Checksum
HA 2
Identifier Nr of HA Records [N]
Mobile Receiver
Multicast Delivery
Tree Home Agent Address Record [1]
Home Agent Address Record [2]
HA 1 …
Home Domain
Native Multicast Traffic
Tunnelled Multicast Traffic Home Agent Address Record [N]
Figure 1: Triangle routing inside the home
network Figure 2: ICMP Home Agent Address Discovery
Reply Message
3.2 Implementation detail

To support our solution, we suggest extending the

Record Type Hierachy Level
Mobile IPv6 protocol [2]. Our extension consists of Home Agent Address [1]
adding hierarchy level information for each HA in the
ICMP Home Address Discovery Message sent by the Home Agent Address [2]
mobile node. To discover the address of a suitable HA
on its home link, a mobile node uses the Home Address …
Discovery mechanism. To do so, the mobile node
sends an ICMP Home Agent Address Discovery Home Agent Address [N]
Request message to the Mobile IPv6 HAs anycast Figure 3: Home Address Record format
address for its home subnet prefix. The HA on its home
link that receives this request message replies with an Our hierarchy level is used in addition to the preference
ICMP Home Agent Address Discovery Reply message. value for each HA. The preference value is taken from
This reply message contains the addresses and the the Home Agent Preference field in the Router
preferences of all the HAs operating on the home link. Advertisement message [5], if the Router Advertisement
The mobile node, upon receiving this reply message message contains a Home Agent Information Option. In
updates its HAs List data structure. Then it chooses one the basic Mobile IPv6, an HA uses this preference in
HA and sends its home registration Binding Update ordering the Home Agents List when it sends an ICMP
message to it. In case of failure, the mobile node may Home Agent Address Discovery message, but in our
attempt to register with another HA from the HAs List solution, the ordering will be based first on the
until its registration is accepted. hierarchical-level and then on the preference value. In
other words, for each hierarchical-level, the HA list
To implement our extension, we introduce a simple will be ordered based on the each HA’s preference.
modification to the ICMP Home Agent Address
Discovery Reply message by adding a new field called
3.3. Advantages and limitations
“Nr of Home Agent Records”. As Figure 2 illustrates,
our new field is added in the reserved field of the
The hierarchical-based Home Agent architecture has
ICMP Home Agent Address Discovery Reply message.
several key features. When used in an IP multicast
In fact, in the ICMP Home Agent Address Discovery
context, the solution enhances the home subscription
Reply message, we substitute the old Home Agent
approach of the Mobile IP protocol by reducing the bi-

Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'06)

0-7695-2588-1/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
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