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Construction and Building Materials 53 (2014) 312–323

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Testing pumpability of concrete using Sliding Pipe Rheometer

Viktor Mechtcherine a,⇑, Venkatesh Naidu Nerella a, Knut Kasten b
Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Construction Materials, Dresden, Germany
Putzmeister Engineering GmbH, Aichtal, Germany

h i g h l i g h t s

 Need for new and reliable device to test pumpability of concrete is emphasized.
 Sliding Pipe Rheometer (Sliper) is introduced and its operating procedure elaborated.
 Influence of concrete composition on pumpability is investigated.
 Advantages of Sliper are demonstrated through comparison with other test methods.
 Sliper estimations are validated using full-scale pumping measurements.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The pumping of concrete is an important part of modern construction processes. Irrespective of the
Received 27 September 2013 immense practical significance of this process, pumping pressure is still being estimated using conven-
Received in revised form 1 November 2013 tional methods such as the slump test, which has proved inadequate. The Sliding Pipe Rheometer (Sliper)
Accepted 12 November 2013
is a new device developed to resolve this problem and provide reliable estimations of pumping pressures.
Available online 25 December 2013
Using this device, a series of laboratory tests to investigate the pumpability of concretes with various
compositions was performed. The results obtained provide a solid basis to demonstrate the links between
mixture parameters, e.g., water-to-binder ratio, aggregate shape, admixtures, and consistency class, and
the pumpability of concrete. For the sake of comparison, all the concretes were tested using a concrete
Rheology viscometer and the flow table test as well. This comparison emphasized the advantages of using Sliper
Sliding Pipe Rheometer to determine the rheological behavior of concrete during pumping, while a good correlation between
Sliper the results obtained in the test series with Sliper and the concrete viscometer was found. Finally, the pre-
Viscosimeter dicting capability of Sliper was validated under field conditions by measuring full-scale pumping
Flow table test pressure.
Pumpability Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction concrete by accelerating its transport and placement, thereby

reducing time-dependent effects.
The global construction industry is currently witnessing enor- Fresh concrete is a heterogeneous suspension with various con-
mous growth and change in terms of construction technology stituents of different shapes, sizes, and material properties. The
and methodology. Reducing construction time is a major change workability of concrete depends very much on its composition
separating modern and conventional modes of construction. Con- [1]. Since even a slight variation in the mix design can have a pro-
crete pumping is one of the key reasons for this tremendous nounced impact on the behavior of concrete in fresh state [2,3] and
change. It has made feasible the construction of very large struc- since compositions of modern concretes are complex and vary con-
tures, i.e., bridges and skyscrapers, within very short times. Thus, siderably from case to case, it is difficult to establish the quantita-
concrete pumping is a significant, very important activity in mod- tive links between the mixtures’ compositions and their
ern construction. The pumping of concrete not only reduces signif- rheological properties. This makes it very challenging to predict
icantly the total time of construction, but it also reduces the total and optimize the rheological characteristics of fresh concrete in or-
cost of construction by reducing labor requirements. Concrete der to meet specific requirements resulting from particular techno-
pumping also helps ensure the designed workability of the fresh logical processes [2].
Concrete pumping is done by pushing concrete at high pressure
into pipes made of either flexible, abrasion-resistant material or
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 351 463 35 920; fax: +49 351 463 37 268. steel [3]. The pressure applied provides the necessary thrust to
E-mail address: (V. Mechtcherine). move the concrete forward, i.e., it causes the concrete material to

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
V. Mechtcherine et al. / Construction and Building Materials 53 (2014) 312–323 313

deform in the direction of the applied force and, hence, to transmit with increasing shear rate. Higher concrete flow rates Q (with their
the force further. Since coarse aggregates cannot be deformed eas- higher shear rates!) can be achieved at a constant pressure P (shear
ily, fresh mortar plays the major role in the deformation behavior stress!) if the plastic viscosity l is reduced. In other words, for a gi-
of concrete. For most of the concretes it is evident from previous ven value of Q the required pumping pressure P increases with
studies that concrete flows as a plug in the pumping pipelines increasing plastic viscosity.
[4–9], as illustrated in Fig. 1; coarse aggregates move towards Another significant point of note is the difference in flow condi-
the center of pipe forming a core (plug), while an easily deform- tions during the slump (flow) test or table flow test and during
able, lubricating layer is formed at the internal walls of the pipe- concrete pumping. The slump (flow) test, the deformation of the
lines, leading to a considerable reduction in the required concrete ‘‘cake’’ for softer consistencies in conjunction with some
pumping pressure. The lubricating mortar layer consists of cement radial, surface flow with low deformation rate, cannot reproduce
paste (cement, water, mineral admixtures and chemical additives) the flow conditions of fresh concrete inside a pumping hose line,
and fine aggregates. i.e., plug flow with a lubricating layer and high deformation rate.
The fine mortar content in concrete has a significant influence The influence of the lubricating layer on the pumpability of con-
on the pressure required to move fresh concrete forward at a par- crete is enormous, as has been emphasized in previous research
ticular flow rate. Accordingly, the mix composition should be pre- [4,7,9]. Therefore, the absence of the lubricating layer in the slump
determined in such a way that the fresh concrete has sufficient flow test makes an estimation of pumping pressure based on such
mortar content and can flow without stagnation over the distances a test even less reliable.
required, particularly through pipe bends and narrow sections. At More advanced concrete testing devices such as rheometers and
the same time, a pronounced segregation of mix constituents must viscometers can be used to estimate both parameters of the Bing-
be avoided in order to prevent losses of homogeneity and block- ham model and are, therefore, more suitable for estimating the
ages in the pipes. In achieving all these aims, the concrete mixture pumpability of fresh concrete. However, portability and ease of
must, in addition to having sufficient mortar content, have a high operating of the testing equipment play considerable role in the
packing density of the solid components as well as good cohesion selection of testing equipment for use on site, especially if the loca-
[3]. tion is remote or nomadic, such as in the construction of roads, ca-
Obviously the rheological properties of concrete are crucial to nal beds, etc. The inadequacy of current equipment and the
its flow characteristics, and they define to a great extent the pump- scarcity of sound methodologies give birth to the demand for ded-
ing pressure required. The rheology of concrete influences the icated, portable, yet reliable testing equipment for the quantitative
pumping process in two ways: (1) by affecting the force transmis- estimation of pumping pressure and the determination of con-
sion inside the core (plug), and (2) by influencing the shearing crete’s pumpability. A new concrete testing equipment, Sliding
behavior of lubricating layer at the walls of the pipe. The rheolog- Pipe Rheometer (Sliper) has been developed [7] by Putzmeister
ical behavior of fresh concrete can be satisfactorily described by to solve the above-mentioned problems.
the Bingham model, with its two parameters: yield stress s0 and While Sliper seems to meet all the above-mentioned demands
plastic viscosity l [10]. Both these parameters are sensitive to vari- of portability, reliability, and a methodology optimized with re-
ations in the mix composition, and both parameters affect the spect to concrete pumping, no systematic scientific parameter
pumping behavior of fresh concrete, although to different extents. studies have been performed with this device as yet as it relates
Conventionally, the pumpability and workability of fresh con- to various concrete compositions. Furthermore, it is not known
crete have been determined using the standard slump test how well the results obtained with Sliper would correlate with
[11,12] or flow table test [13,14]. General quantitative estimation the results of measurements performed using a concrete viscome-
of required pumping pressure using, for example, nomographs ter or conventional empirical methods, indeed such as the slump
based on slump or spread values have been proposed and dis- test or the flow table test.
cussed in a number of previous publications [15,16]. However, In the article at hand the new, specialized device for testing
these methods have many limitations, as nomographs do not in- concrete pumpability – the Sliding Pipe Rheometer – is introduced
clude the complete range of certain parameters, e.g., very high and its working procedure briefly explained. Furthermore, a
spreads and pipe lengths. More importantly, some crucial parame- parameter study on the effects of mixture composition on the
ters, as examples aggregate shape, grading, paste volume, etc., can- pumpability of fresh concrete performed with Sliper is presented.
not be taken into consideration while estimating pumping These results are discussed and compared with those obtained
pressures using nomographs. Even in the case of the allowed range using both the concrete viscometer and the flow table test. Finally,
of nomographs, estimated pumping pressures based on slump or the predictive capacity of the approach based on Sliper measure-
spread are not necessarily reliable for modern concretes like SCC ments for estimation of pumping pressure is demonstrated.
and HPC [4,7]. One powerful explanation of this is that the slump,
slump flow, or spread values correlate well with only one of the
Bingham parameters, namely the yield stress s0, i.e., the stress 2. Sliding Pipe Rheometer (Sliper)
needed to begin the deformation process starting at the zero shear
rate [17–20]. The correlation of slump with the second Bingham The crucial difference Sliper has in comparison with regular
parameter – plastic viscosity l – is very poor. rheometers is its very close adaption to real pumping processes
However, plastic viscosity is very important [5,21,22] to the as well as its relatively simple and robust setup. By using as its cen-
estimation of the resistance of concrete to pressure in the pipe tral element a piece of pipe with the actual geometry of the pipe in
since this parameter is a measure of the increase in shear stress operation and by applying a testing procedure which mimics
pumping at various speeds, the physical conditions in the concrete
pumping process can be efficiently reproduced, see Fig. 2. The
pumpability is tested by filling the pipe placed in the topmost po-
Lubricating sition with fresh concrete and eventually letting the pipe slide
Plug layer downwards under the force of the weights attached to the pipe.
While the pipe moves, the concrete body remains in the initial po-
sition, pressing against a pressure sensor positioned at the head of
Fig. 1. Schematic view of plug flow of concrete during pumping. the metal piston along which the pipe slides down. Various speeds
314 V. Mechtcherine et al. / Construction and Building Materials 53 (2014) 312–323


(b) (c)

Flow rate
Fig. 2. (a) Sliding Pipe Rheometer; (b) pressure sensor (in dotted circle); (c) computer system; and (d) schematic view of P–Q plot (A = parameter related to yield stress,
B = parameter related to plastic viscosity, PH = deadweight pressure of concrete).

of the pipe in the subsequent measurements are achieved by where P is the pumping pressure, Q is the flow rate, L and R are
applying various weights. The speed of the pipe, measured by a dis- length and radius of the pipe, k is the filling coefficient, and l is
tance sensor, corresponds to the concrete flow rate Q in the pipe, the plastic viscosity of concrete.
while the pressure P of concrete at the piston head is associated In order to determine the type of concrete flow (slip or slip-
with the pumping pressure. Both parameters are recorded using plus-shear) in Sliper, experiments were conducted by coloring
a computerized measuring and analysis system. Eventually the the concrete in the vicinity of pipe wall. Based on these experi-
readings can be combined to plot a pressure vs. flow rate relation- ments and Eq. (2) it was observed that concrete flows as slip flow
ship P–Q; see Fig. 2d. Analogous to the Bingham model, two impor- during Sliper experiments. This implies that Eq. (3) is applicable for
tant parameters, here denoted as a and b, are calculated from the Sliper. By rearranging, replacing radius with diameter, including
pressure and flow rate values. The parameter a is a function of deadweight pressure and considering influence of lubricating layer
the intercept of the linear regression line with the P-axis; it is di- Eq. (3) can be adapted to the testing conditions of Sliper to derive
rectly related to the yield stress of concrete in the vicinity of the Eq. (5). This model makes it feasible to estimate field discharge
pipe wall. The parameter b is a function of the slope of P–Q curve pumping pressures as the sum of pressures associated with three
related to the plastic viscosity of concrete in the same region. different parameters: the yield stress Py, plastic viscosity Pv and
Kaplan et al. [4] suggested that concrete flows as slip flow, deadweight pressure PH; see Eq. (5):
when the shear stress si at the concrete-pipe wall interface is lower
4l 16  l li
than the yield stress s0 of the concrete, i.e., at lower shear rates. P ¼ Py þ Pv þ PH ¼ s0i þ Q þqgH )
Furthermore, it becomes slip-plus-shear flow after the interface d p  d3 e
stress si exceeds the yield stress s0 of the concrete. The relationship 4l 16  l  Q
P ¼ Py þ Pv þ PH ¼ a þ bþqgH ð5Þ
between shear stress si in the interface layer and shear rate m can d p  d3
be described by Eq. (1):
where a = s0i is the equivalent of yield stress at the interface layer,
si ¼ s0i þ li  m ð1Þ b = li/e is the equivalent of effective viscosity at the interface layer,
Q is flow rate, d and l are the diameter and length, respectively, of
where s0i is the yield stress and li is the plastic viscosity of the
the Sliper pipe, e represents thickness of the lubricating interface
lubricating interface layer.
layer (theoretically 1–5 mm), q is the density of concrete, and H is
As slip-plus-shear flow occurs only after the stress si at the inter-
the pumping height. It must be noted that the thickness of the lubri-
face exceeds the yield stress s0 of the concrete, the shear rate m0 at
cating layer e cannot be measured experimentally with Sliper,
which this transition occurs can be determined according to Eq. (2):
hence the parameters li and e cannot be calculated separately.
s0  s0i However, since the concrete flow conditions during Sliper tests
m0 ¼ ð2Þ
li are assumed to be the same as under field conditions during actual
Kaplan et al. further proposed and validated the following ana- pumping, the thickness of the lubricating layer is assumed to be the
lytical models using Bingham and interface parameters: same in both cases, so that parameter e does not need to be consid-
  ered explicitly in estimating the pumping pressure on the basis of
2L Q  li the results obtained from Sliper tests. The term PH represents the
for slip flow P ¼ þ s0i ð3Þ
R p  R2  k deadweight pressure, which varies based on the pumping circuit
" Q # and location. In the case of Sliper the pumping height, the length
2L pR2 k  4l s0i þ 3l s0
of Sliper pipe, is 0.5 m and thus the term PH is less significant. It
for slip-plus-shear flow P ¼  li þ s0i must be calculated from the concrete density and the pumping
R 1 þ 4Rl li
height. Further, the pressure sensor reading is set to zero during
ð4Þ every experiment just before filling the concrete into the Sliper pipe
V. Mechtcherine et al. / Construction and Building Materials 53 (2014) 312–323 315

in order to exclude the influence of atmospheric pressure variations. Q using a MS-Excel worksheet. The rheological parameters a and
Thus, the measured pressure readings shown in the P–Q plot were b are obtained from these data, and finally, the required pumping
recorded after excluding the influence of the atmospheric pressure; pressure can be estimated using Eq. (6).
see Fig. 6.
For a real pumping circuit under field conditions, pumping pres-
sure P can be determined using Eq. (6): 3. Experimental program
4L 16  L  Q
P ¼ Py þ Pv þ PH ¼ aþ bþqgH ð6Þ A total of twelve different concrete mixes were formulated and
D p  D3 tested in the laboratory using Sliper. The major objective was to
Thus, to determine pumping pressure, one must know the examine systematically the sensitivity of Sliper to demonstrate
diameter D of the pipeline and its length L as well as the desired the influence of various constituents of concrete on its rheological
flow rate Q. These parameters are provided by the geometry spec- properties and pumpability. The following parameters of the con-
ifications and construction requirements. However, the rheological crete composition were varied:
parameters a and b must be determined experimentally by using
Sliper from the P–Q plot. Both these parameters vary significantly (1) Cement type (CEM I, CEM II).
depending upon the concrete’s composition. (2) Type of concrete (ordinary concrete (OC), high performance
From the literature [4,7] we can assume, as is shown in Fig. 2 concrete (HPC)).
and discussed above, that, (3) Type of coarse aggregates (rounded (gravel), crushed).
(4) Water-to-binder ratio (0.60 and 0.45 for OC, 0.30 for HPC).
P ¼AþBQ ð7Þ
(5) Consistency class (F3, F5 according to EN 206:1990 [23]).
From Eqs. (5) and (7), the formulae to calculate a and b can be (6) Admixtures (none, silica fume, fly ash).
derived as,
3 As illustrated in Fig. 3, nearly all the mixtures tested in the
dA Bpd
a¼ ;b ¼ ð8Þ framework of the current research were prepared using compos-
4l 16  l ite cement CEM II 42.5 A-LL type cement (produced by Schwenk,
where, A is the P-intercept of the P–Q curve, B is the slope of P–Q Germany) containing up to 20% limestone powder. In order to
curve and l and d are the length and diameter of Sliper pipe, identify the influence of the cement type, mixture 12 was pre-
0.5 m and 0.126 m, respectively. pared with the CEM I 42.5 R-HS type Portland cement (also pro-
Since Sliper is a new device, its operating procedure should be duced by Schwenk). According to the type of concrete the
presented here briefly. The first step in testing with Sliper is to mixtures can be subdivided into two groups, i.e., ordinary con-
assemble all its components and initialize the computerized mea- crete (1 through 4 and 12) and high performance concrete (5
suring system. Then the fresh concrete is filled into the pipe and through 11). Mixtures of both the groups are further divided
gently tapped using a stick to ensure proper filling. The formation based on coarse aggregate type, i.e., rounded aggregates – gravel
of the lubricating layer depends on the distance through which with grain size ranging from 2 to16 mm – (mixtures 1, 5, and 12)
concrete is moved and sheared in the pipe. This means, in the con- and crushed aggregates – basalt split with grain size from 2 to
text of Sliper, the thickness of the lubricating layer immediately 16 mm (all other mixtures). Natural quartz sand 0/2 mm was
after filling is almost negligible, increasing gradually as the Sliper used as the fine aggregate in all mixtures. Additionally, some
pipe is moved up and down. This process reaches a saturated, fully quartz sand fraction of 0.06/0.2 was used to compensate for the
developed state after a few strokes of Sliper. This leads to some ini- low content of fine aggregates in the sand fraction 0/2. The corre-
tial effects, as the characteristics of lubricating layer at the first sponding sieve analysis curves are presented in Figs. 4 and 5. All
measurement and last measurement with the same weight will HPC mixtures had a water-to-binder ratio (w/b) of 0.30. OC mix-
vary significantly. Understanding the exact variation of the lubri- tures were produced with a w/b of 0.45 except for mixture 2,
cating layer’s characteristics is not trivial, as they depend strongly which had w/b of 0.60. Further classification was done based on
on the particular concrete’s composition, which is varied widely in consistency class: F5, mixtures 4, 9, 10, and 11, and F3, all other
the current experimental regimen. In order to avoid the initial ef- mixtures. To study the effects of mineral admixtures on pumpa-
fect described, a fully developed lubricating layer and, thus, a char- bility, further distinction of mixtures was made by adding silica
acteristic velocity profile in the pipe are achieved by applying some fume (mixtures 7 and 9) and fly ash (8, 10 and 12). All mix com-
5–10 pre-strokes (sliding the pipe up and down manually without positions are presented in Table 2. It should be noted that water-
recording any values). Once the lubricating layer and velocity pro- to-binder ratio was calculated according to the formula w/b = w/
file are developed, the actual pressure-vs.-discharge readings are (c + SF + 0.4  FA), where SF is the amount of silica fume and FA
noted using gradually increasing weights. By following this proce- is the amount of fly ash in the mixture. The coefficient of 0.4
dure the initial effects are greatly minimized, if not completely for fly ash was used according to the German code DIN EN
eliminated. 1045-2, which means that only a fraction of fly ash (40%) was as-
After performing pre-strokes, weights are attached to the pipe sumed to contribute to the formation of C–S–H phases and there-
depending on the desired speed of pipe movement. After this the fore only this fraction was considered as binder.
pipe is unlocked and let to freely slide downwards, overcoming Comparative analysis of test results for different concrete mix-
the resistance of the stationary concrete inside it. The concrete tures should provide an insight into the influences of various
pressure acting on the sensor increases with increasing speed of parameters of concrete composition on its pumpability. This can
the pipe and depends on the concrete’s properties. The pressures be done by comparing mixture couples or triples as presented in
and the pipe velocities are measured dynamically with the help Table 1. The mix composition in such individual couples or triples
of the corresponding sensors and recorded. It is advisable to per- varies only in the indicated parameter under investigation. For
form each individual measurement, i.e., for a given weight/speed, example, mixtures 1 and 3 both have the same constituents except
at least twice in order to recognize possible handling errors. The coarse aggregates, hence the influence of aggregate type can be
time delay between each measurement was maintained at approx- elaborated by comparing mixtures 1 and 3.
imately 5 s. The measured values are analyzed further with the To achieve the desired consistency of each class while keeping
help of the analytical tool. The pressure P is plotted vs. flow rate the planned water-to-binder ratio and other parameters constant,
316 V. Mechtcherine et al. / Construction and Building Materials 53 (2014) 312–323

Cement Concrete Aggregate Water-to- Consistency Mixture

Type Type Type binder Ratio Class Number

0.45 F3 1
2-16 mm)
Concrete 0.60 F3 2
(Basalt split F3 3
2-16 mm)
CEM II 42.5 N
A-LL 0.45
F5 4

F3 5
Concrete composition


High F3
Performance Silica Fume
Concrete (ELKEM-971U)

Fly Ash
(Safament HKV) 8
Crushed 0.30

F5 9

Silica Fume 10

Fly Ash 11

CEM I 42.5 Ordinary 0.45 12

Rounded F3
R-HS Concrete

Fig. 3. Mix-design parameters for tested concrete mixtures.

100 100
Fraction 0-2 96.6 99.9 Fraction 2-5 97.0
Passing Volume [%]

99.3 96.2 95.3

Passing Volume [%]

Fraction 2-8 92.1 Fraction 5-8
80 73.4 80
Fraction 8-16 Fraction 8-11
67.1 64.9
Fraction 11-16
60 60

40 40
20 10.4 20 15.3 13.2
4.9 6.3 13.5
1.6 0.8 1.0 0.5 0.8
0.1 0.2 0 2.5 0.6
0 0 0.7
0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 31.5 1 2 2.8 4 5.6 8 11.2 16 22.4
Sieve size [mm] Sieve size [mm]

Fig. 4. Sieving curves for rounded, natural quartz aggregates. Fig. 5. Sieving curves for crushed basalt aggregates.

a superplasticizer was used as the fine tuning constituent. This

explains the variations in the dosage of super plasticizer as given Table 1
in Table 2. All concrete mixtures were tested using the flow table Identification of mixtures suitable for comparative analysis.
test according to EN DIN 12350 [13,14] in order to ensure that
Parameter under investigation Mixtures for comparing
the desired consistency class was obtained before testing the mix-
ture with Sliper and concrete viscometer. Mixture 9 alone did not Cement type 1 M 12
Aggregate type 1 M 3; 5 M 6
satisfy this requirement. This high performance concrete mixture Water-to-binder ratio 2 M 3 M 6; 1 M 5
with a w/b of 0.3 was designed to match in the consistency class Consistency class 3 M 4; 7 M 10; 8 M 11
F5. After repetitive trials, it was found to be impossible to achieve Addition of silica fume 6 M 7; 9 M 10
a flow table spread of over 560 mm without adding a considerable Addition of fly ash 6 M 8; 9 M 11
Silica fume vs. fly ash 7 M 8; 10 M 11
amount of superplasticizer. However, this measure resulted in
V. Mechtcherine et al. / Construction and Building Materials 53 (2014) 312–323 317

Table 2
Mixture compositions of the tested concrete mixtures.

Mix-design number Density 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3 3
Constituent kg/m Dosage (kg/m )
CEM I 42.5 R-HS 3150 – 350.0
CEM II 42.5 N A-LL 3100 350.0 350.0 350.0 350.0 450.0 450.0 450.0 450.0 450.0 450.0 450.0 –
Micro silicaa 250–350 – 45.0 – 45.0 –
Fly ashb (compacted) 2215 – 100.0 – 100.0
Quartz sand 0.06/0.2 2650 135.2 125.5 135.2 135.2 133.5 47.7 36.4 17.6 47.7 36.4 17.6 135.2
Quartz sand 0/2 2650 482.7 663.1 714.4 714.4 476.6 791.2 764.8 740.8 791.2 764.8 740.8 482.7
Quartz sand/gravel 2/8 2650 540.6 – 533.8 – 540.6
Quartz gravel 8/16 2650 772.3 762.6 772.3
Basalt split 2/5 2800 – 179.2 193.1 193.1 – 190.6 182.1 194.0 190.6 182.1 194.0 –
Basalt split 5/8 2800 215.1 231.7 231.7 228.8 218.5 211.7 228.8 218.5 211.7
Basalt split 8/11 2800 268.8 289.6 289.6 305.0 291.3 282.2 305.0 291.3 282.2
Basalt split 11/16 2800 340.5 366.9 366.9 343.2 327.8 317.5 343.2 327.8 317.5
Water 1000 157.5 210.0 157.5 157.5 135.0 135.0 148.5 147.0 135.0 148.5 147.0 157.5
SPc 1050 ± 20 4.3 0.0 7.7 13.3 13.0 23.3 11.7 11.7 0.0 14.0 14.3 3.4d
ELKEM Grade 971-U.
Safament HKV.
Superplasticizer Sky 593.
1 kg/m3 upper case stabilizer on a methylcellulose basis (BASF) was added to this mixture.

Table 3
Experimental results of flow table, Sliper and viscometer tests.

Mixture-Nr (aggregate-consistency-w/b-admixtures) Flow table test Sliper test Viscometer test

D1 (mm) D2 (mm) a Pa b Pa s/mm s0 Pa l Pa s
Mixture-1 (R-F3-0.45) 520 415 251 0.59 245 76
Mixture-2 (C-F3-0.60) 455 435 191 0.14 450 38
Mixture-3 (C-F3-0.45) 440 400 199 0.81 533 230
Mixture-4 (C-F5-0.45) 600 555 151 0.65 – –
Mixture-5 (R-F3-0.30) 370 440 210 2.30 299 236
Mixture-6 (C-F3-0.30) 480 430 130 2.74 – –
Mixture-7 (C-F3-0.30-SF) 430 390 240 1.74 575 164
Mixture-8 (C-F3-0.30-FA) 500 410 256 3.25 – –
Mixture-10 (C-F5-0.30-SF) 555 485 169 1.15 253 126
Mixture-11 (C-F5-0.30-FA) 600 530 140 3.10 55 291
Mixture-12 (R-F3-0.45-CEM1) 510 430 218 0.58 – –

Note: R and C stand for rounded and crushed aggregates, respectively; SF and FA stand for silica fume and fly ash, respectively.

bleeding of the concrete. Hence, mixture 9 was excluded from fur- by lifting and dropping the wooden plate. Eventually the diameter
ther testing. of the concrete ‘‘cake’’ is measured. The next step was further
For each composition 30 dm3 of concrete was produced – the 15 min mixing of concrete at slower rotational speed, 3 rpm, which
amount needed to provide material for testing by means of all was supposed to replicate the transportation of fresh concrete from
three methods (Sliper, viscometer, flow table test). The entire pro- mixing plant to the construction site. After slow mixing, i.e.
cedure consisted of six steps as presented below; the time-line (in approximately 25–28 min from water addition, Sliper tests, as de-
minutes) of each step is indicated in the closed brackets. scribed in previous section, viscometer, and the second flow table
test were carried out in parallel.
(1) Mixing (begin 0 min): In Elba mixer at 50 rpm speed for A coaxial cylinder ConTec viscometer 5 [24] was used to charac-
about 7–10 min. terize the rheological properties of fresh concrete. It uses the Rein-
(2) Flow table test 1 (10th min): Flow table test with 15 strokes. er-Rivlin equation to describe the calculated rheological behavior
(3) Slow mixing (13th min): In Elba mixer at 3 rpm speed for by the fundamental parameters of the Bingham model: yield stress
about 15 min. and plastic viscosity. Flow curves were determined by conducting
(4) Flow table test 2 (28th min): Flow table test with 15 strokes. continuous-shear-rate-controlled tests. In these tests a predefined
(5) Sliper test (28th min): Pumpability test with Sliper. rotational velocity range was applied and the resulting torque val-
(6) Viscometer test (28th min): Rheology test with ConTec vis- ues were measured. Applied rotational velocity first gradually in-
cometer 5. creased and then decreased after the maximum rotational
velocity was achieved. The measured torque was plotted against
In the first step the tested concrete was mixed in the Elba lab- applied rotational velocity. Finally, the plotted curve was linearly
oratory mixer with a mixing speed of 50 rpm, and then the first approximated through linear regression analyses to obtain the
flow table test was performed. The flow table test is a modified ver- yield stress and plastic viscosity from the Y-intercept and the slope
sion of the slump flow test and is widely used in Germany. In this of the regression curve, respectively.
method, the mold, the frustum of a cone of bottom diameter While there was no problem in testing the mixtures with Sliper
200 mm, top diameter 130 mm, and height 200 mm, is filled with or with the flow table, some mixtures could not be properly tested
concrete after fixing it to a wooden plate. Then the frustum is using the concrete viscometer. In particular, for mixtures 6, 8 and
lifted, and within 15 s 15 shocks/strokes are applied to the slump 12 the inner cylinder, with its ribs, could not penetrate into the
318 V. Mechtcherine et al. / Construction and Building Materials 53 (2014) 312–323

11 Mixture-1
30 6
5 Mixture-2
25 8 Mixture-3
10 Mixture-4
w/b = 0.30 4 Mixture-5
3 12
15 Mixture-6
10 Mixture-8
w/b = 0.45 2 Mixture-10
w/b = 0.60
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Fig. 6. Pressure P vs. flow rate Q curves obtained from Sliper tests.

concrete after it had been filled into the outer cylinder. All these lines, respectively. Filled triangles mark mixtures with silica fume,
mixtures had relatively stiff consistencies (F3) and mixtures 6 while the mixtures with fly ash addition are marked with filled
and 8 had a low water-to-binder ratio (0.3) as well. Hence, these squares.
concretes were found to be too stiff to test with the viscometer. Keeping in mind that different flow rates are achieved by apply-
A different problem was observed for mixture 4; the measured re- ing various weights on the Sliper pipe, the particular number of P
sults were found to scatter considerably on the torque-to-rota- and Q readings measured for each type of concrete varied based
tional-velocity diagram and linear regression curve delivered a on concrete type and experimental conditions; see Fig. 6. High flow
negative yield stress value. No plausible explanation for this prob- rates, >50 m3/h, can be achieved with weights less than 25 kg for
lem has been found as yet. concretes with low viscosity and therefore high pumpability. Con-
trarily, for concretes with high viscosity flow rates higher than
50 m3/h couldn’t be achieved even with weights totaling more
4. Results and analysis
than 35 kg. Further increases in weight were avoided out of con-
cern for Sliper’s design limits and the stability of results.
An overview of the results obtained from the tests with Sliper,
Results of the experiments with Sliper clearly demonstrated the
viscometer, and flow table is presented in Table 3. Flow table
effect of various parameters of mixture composition on pumping
spread diameter (D1) after initial mixing and flow table spread
pressure needed to ensure particular flow rates. The influence of
diameter (D2) after slow mixing for 15 min are the results of the
water-to-binder ratio could be observed most clearly: all P–Q
flow table tests 1 and 2, respectively. Sliper tests provided the
curves of concrete mixtures with w/b of 0.30 are considerably stee-
parameters a and b, representing equivalents of the lubricating
per than those of the mixtures w/b of 0.45 and even much steeper
interface layers’ yield stress and plastic viscosity, respectively.
in comparison to the mixture with w/b of 0.60. This result clearly
Viscometer tests delivered the values of yield stress s0 and plastic
emphasizes the well-known effect of water-to-binder ratio on
viscosity l for concrete. Flow table test results showed the well-
the pumpability of concrete: The higher the w/b the lower the re-
known time dependency of fresh concrete. All the tested mixtures
quired pumping pressure if other parameters of mixture composi-
except mixture 5, in which some extra superplasticizer (50 g per
tion are more or less unchanged. It can also be observed from Fig. 6
30 dm3) was added after flow table test 1 to achieve the desired
that all the curves fell closely grouped on the P–Q plot area,
consistency, yielded a reduction in flow table spread with increas-
depending on the water-to-binder ratio; note that these groups
ing time.
are marked with continuous, dashed and dotted ovals for w/b of
All the results obtained were evaluated in order to explain the
0.30, 0.45 and 0.60, respectively. This indicates that the flow rate
influence of concrete composition on its three major properties
of concrete Q at certain pumping pressure depends primarily upon
in the fresh state: (1) pumpability, (2) plastic viscosity and (3) yield
w/b. However, it is worthy of note that although higher water-to-
stress. In the following subsections these individual properties will
binder ratios reduce the required pumping pressure, they can
be presented and discussed.
cause problems related to segregation and eventually lead to
blockage. The concrete mixture should have enough cohesion in
4.1. Influence of concrete composition on its pumpability order to be able to flow at bends and vertical pipelines without
stagnation. To achieve good cohesion at higher water-to-binder ra-
There is no ‘‘single parameter’’ available to describe the pumpa- tios a relatively high content of fines, a steady aggregate size distri-
bility of concrete. A straightforward and probably best representa- bution, and the addition of stabilizers can be used.
tion involves using a pumping pressure P vs. flow rate Q curve. A Furthermore, Fig. 6 shows that mixtures with rounded aggre-
steeper slope of the P–Q curve means poor pumpability of the fresh gates are more highly pumpable than are mixtures with crushed
concrete since a high pumping pressure must be applied to obtain aggregates. In other words, rounded aggregate mixtures can be
even a relatively low flow rate. Fig. 6 presents all the P–Q curves of pumped at higher flow rates at the given pumping pressure or with
tested mixtures, so that they can be easily compared. Note that lower pumping pressure at the given flow rate in comparison to
mixtures with water-to-binder ratios of 0.60, 0.45 and 0.30 are rep- the corresponding mixtures with crushed aggregates. This is tied
resented with dotted, dashed and continuous lines, respectively. to the rounded aggregates’ facing less resistance from the mortar
Circles indicate rounded, angular symbols crushed aggregates. F3 matrix during shear deformation of the concrete, as compared to
and F5 consistency classes are represented by single and double those with crushed aggregates. Moreover crushed aggregates can
V. Mechtcherine et al. / Construction and Building Materials 53 (2014) 312–323 319


20 3

Torsional Moment
15 7
10 10 Mixture-7
2 Mixture-10
5 1 Mixture-11

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Rotational Velocity [rps]

Fig. 7. Torsional moment T vs. rotational velocity N diagrams of mixtures tested with the viscometer.

interlock with each other and prevent the smooth flow of the con- approximations of experimental measurements as is common
crete because of blocking. And, as reported by Guptill et al. [15], the when the Bingham model is applied in evaluating the data. In gen-
crushed aggregates have a greater surface area per unit volume as eral, it can be observed that the order and trends of T–N graphs in
compared to rounded aggregates, and thus require more mortar to Fig. 7 are similar to those of P–Q curves presented in Fig. 6; a more
coat the surface for pumpability. comprehensive evaluation follows in the following sections. It
It was observed that adding silica fume and extra water, as with must be noted, however, that this conclusion is made by taking
mixtures 7 and 10, increases the pumpability of concrete and the slope of T vs. N graph, representing the plastic viscosity of
yields a shallower P–Q curve for mixture 7 than for the correspond- the concrete, as the deciding criterion. The only exception was
ing mixture 6 without silica fume addition while the addition of fly mixture 3, which yielded a steeper slope of T–N curve in compari-
ash, as with mixtures 8 and 11, exerted a negative influence on the son to mixtures 7 and 10, thus contradicting the results of Sliper
pumpability of the concretes tested. This can be concluded from tests. In authors’ opinions this can be result of a false viscometer
the steeper course of P–Q curve in Fig. 6. Wallevik [8] reported that measurement for mixture 3 because of either a handling or system
plastic viscosity decreased when moderate amounts of silica fume error.
were added to the concrete as a replacement for the cement.
Spherical particles of silica fume are much smaller than those of 4.2. Influence of concrete composition on viscosity parameter b
cement and can fill the voids between cement particles, thus obtained from Sliper tests and plastic viscosity l from viscometer
increasing the packing density and decreasing the water demand testing
of the mixture. Furthermore, it should be considered that because
of the addition of silica fume and extra water, the latter in order to Values of the parameter b representing the plastic viscosity of
keep w/b constant, the mixtures become richer in fines and cement the lubricating interface layer were calculated using Eq. (8) on
paste and poorer with respect to aggregates. This is another reason the basis of the results of Sliper tests presented in Fig. 6. The values
for the decrease in plastic viscosity and, thus, the easier pumpabil- of plastic viscosity l were calculated as the slopes of the linear
ity of concrete. The addition of fly ash and some extra water also regression lines obtained on the basis of the results of viscometer
increased the cement paste content of fresh concrete. Considering tests and presented in Fig. 7. Table 3 gives these values for the con-
this and the favorable, mostly spherical shape of fly ash particles crete compositions under investigation. In the following the main
one could expect an improvement in pumpability. However, since findings are stated briefly.
only 40% of fly ash was considered as binder, a relatively low Concrete mixtures with higher water-to-binder ratios, i.e., 0.45
amount of water was added to keep the effective water-to-binder and 0.60 (mixtures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 12), have lower b and l values
ratio constant; see Section 3. As a result, the complete water de- than those of concrete mixtures with a low water-to-binder ratio,
mand of added fly ash was obviously not covered by extra water, i.e., all other mixtures. This result once again confirms the strong
which in turn leads to an increase in plastic viscosity and a de- influence of water-to-binder ratio on the rheological properties
crease in pumpability, as indicated by a steeper slope of the P–Q of concrete. The influence of aggregate shape on plastic viscosity
curves. parameters of concrete or its lubricating layer can be revealed by
As expected, mixtures of the consistency class F5 yielded much comparing the results of mixtures 1 and 3 as well as 5 and 6. Mix-
higher flow rates, hence better pumpability, than the correspond- tures 1 and 5 with rounded aggregates, gravel, possess lower b and
ing mixtures of the consistency class F3 at the same pumping pres- l values than the corresponding mixtures 3 and 6 with crushed
sures. Finally, the change from CEM II type cement (mixture 1) to aggregates. The addition of silica fume to the concrete mixture re-
CEM I type cement (mixture 12) affected only very slightly the rhe- duces its viscosity parameter b, compare mixtures 6 and 7, while
ological behavior of concrete in the Sliper tests. This result cer- the addition of fly ash lead to an increase of this parameter, com-
tainly does not allow any general conclusions on the effect of pare mixtures 6 and 8. This also explains why adding fly ash re-
cement type, and can be considered as a first reference for further duced the pumpability of concrete; see Fig. 6. The influence of
investigations. consistency class (F3 or F5) on the viscosity parameters of concrete
As stated above, a further goal of this study was to compare the is evident from the comparison of the results obtained for mixture
findings from the Sliper tests with the results of more ‘‘traditional’’ couples 3 and 4; 7 and 10 as well as 8 and 11: The higher the con-
test methods, in particular viscometer and flow table tests. Fig. 7 crete consistency, the lower the values of the parameters l and b;
presents torque T vs. rotational velocity N graphs for all mixtures for l a direct comparison is possible only for mixtures 7 and 10.
tested using the viscometer. The presented results are the linear The effect of the cement type on the plastic viscosity of the
320 V. Mechtcherine et al. / Construction and Building Materials 53 (2014) 312–323

3.5 3.5

3.0 3.0

Viscosity parameter from Sliper

Viscosity parameter from Sliper

2.5 2.5

[Pa s/mm] R² = 0.99

[Pa s/mm]
2.0 2.0
R² = 0.00
1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 350 400 450 500 550 600
Plastic viscosity from viscometer Flow table spread [mm]
[Pa s]
(a) (b)
Plastic viscosity from viscometer


R² = 0.29



350 400 450 500 550 600
Flow table spread [mm]
Fig. 8. Correlations for viscosity measurements: (a) Sliper vs. viscometer, (b) Sliper vs. flow table and (c) viscometer vs. flow table.

lubricating layer was negligible in this study; compare mixtures 1 4.3. Influence of concrete composition on the parameter a obtained
and 12. from Sliper tests and yield stress s0 measured using viscometer
From the evaluation as presented above it is evident that the
values of the viscosity parameter of the lubricating layer b and Though plastic viscosity is the major parameter in defining the
the plastic viscosity l show similar dependences on the parame- dynamic flow behavior of fresh concrete, yield stress affects it as
ters of concrete composition and thus must correlate well with well. The a values related to the yield stress of the lubricating inter-
each other. Indeed, a comparison of both parameters, here face layer and presented in Table 3 were calculated using Eq. (8) on
excluding mixture 3 because of suspected measurement error, the basis of the results of the Sliper tests presented in Fig. 6. The
as illustrated in Fig. 8a shows a nearly perfect linear correlation values of the concretes’ yield stresses s0, also given in Table 3, were
with a correlation coefficient R2 of 0.99; see Section 4.1. Contrary calculated according to the Bingham model on the basis of the re-
to this finding, the direct comparison of viscosity parameter b ob- sults of viscometer tests presented in Fig. 7.
tained from Sliper tests with flow table spread D2 obtained from Increasing the water-to-binder ratio results in a much less pro-
the table flow tests showed no correlation at all; see Fig. 8b. This nounced effect on both parameters, a and s0, in comparison to the
clearly demonstrates that flow table test or similar established effect observed on viscosity parameters; see Section 4.2. This can
empirical measurement techniques (like slump or slump flow be traced back to the fact that the mixtures with low water-to-bin-
tests) are inadequate to the task of estimating the pumpability der ratios contain superplasticizer which, as is well known,
of concrete since they are not able to measure its viscous proper- strongly reduces the yield stress of concrete. This effect counter-
ties. This last point is confirmed by the comparison of the flow ta- acts an increase in yield stress due to the decrease in water-to-ce-
ble spread from the flow table tests with the plastic viscosity ment ratio. Obviously, these counteracting effects lead to different
measured with the viscometer; see Fig. 8c. The correlation coeffi- test results depending on the testing technique. For the mixture
cient R2 is a mere 0.29. pair 2 and 3 both parameters a and s0 increased with decreasing
V. Mechtcherine et al. / Construction and Building Materials 53 (2014) 312–323 321

260 260

Yield stress paramter from Sliper

Yield stress paramter from Sliper
220 220

R² = 0.75
R² = 0.72

[Pa] 180 180

140 140

100 100
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 350 400 450 500 550 600
Yield stress from viscometer Flow table spread [mm]
(a) (b)

Yield stress from viscometer


R² = 0.94



350 400 450 500 550 600
Flow table spread [mm]
Fig. 9. Correlation for yield stress measurements: (a) Sliper vs. viscometer, (b) Sliper vs. flow table and (c) viscometer vs. flow table.

water-to-binder ratio, even if the a-value changed very slightly; OC Field

see Table 3. For the mixture pair 1 and 5 the value s0 increased OC Sliper
with decreasing w/b while the value a clearly decreased. An even 12 OC-F1 Field
Pressure P [MPa]

stronger decrease of the value a was observed for the mixture pairs OC-F1 Sliper

2 and 6. It should be noted that mixture 6, of all the compositions 10 SCC-F2 Field
SCC-F2 Sliper
tested, had the highest content of superplasticizer. 8
Aggregate shape has a noticeable influence on the yield stress s0
of the concrete; compare mixtures 1 and 3 in Table 3: Even if mix- 6
ture 3, with crushed aggregates, has a higher dosage of superplast-
icizer, it exhibits a higher yield stress than the corresponding
mixture 1, which contains rounded aggregates. However, for the 2
value a representing the yield stress of lubricating layer in the Sli-
per experiments, a contrary tendency was recorded; compare mix- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
ture 1 with mixture 3 as well as mixture 5 with mixture 6. The
Flow rate Q [m3/h]
explanation for this phenomenon seems straightforward: Since
the lubricating layer does not contain coarse aggregates, their ef- Fig. 10. Comparison of the pressure-flow rate relationships estimated on the basis
fect diminishes, while the effect of the higher dosage of superplast- of Sliper measurements with the results of field measurements of on a concrete
icizer increases; once again: for the mixtures containing basalt pumping circuit.
split a higher amount of superplasticizer was used in comparison
to the corresponding mixtures containing quartz gravel. extra water; and 8, additional fly ash plus some extra water; see
The influence of silica fume and fly ash addition on parameter a Table 3. The values of the parameter a of mixtures 7 and 8 were
obtained from the Sliper tests can be recognized by comparing the found to be higher than that of mixture 6. To what extent this
results for mixtures 6, the reference; 7, additional silica fume and effect results from the addition of pozzolanic materials cannot
322 V. Mechtcherine et al. / Construction and Building Materials 53 (2014) 312–323

however be is stated, since mixtures 7 and 8 had a considerably 5. Conclusions

lower content of superplasticizer; as was explained above, the
superplasticizer has a very pronounced effect on yield stress of Estimating pumping pressure for various types of concrete and
concrete, or its lubricating interface layer. optimizing concrete composition and machines for the successful
Considering the effect of the type of cement it can be stated that and unproblematic pumping of fresh concrete are important tasks
mixture 1 (CEM I) exhibited a slightly lower yield stress than did in modern construction technology. As yet, pumping pressure is
mixture 12 (CEM II). Since mixture 12 had a slightly lower content still being estimated using conventional methods like the slump,
of superplasticizer and since some stabilizer was added to this slump flow tests, which have been proven inadequate to this task,
mixture to prevent bleeding, the observed effect cannot be attrib- especially when high-performance concretes are used. In the arti-
uted solely to the changes in the type of cement. Finally, the influ- cle at hand a new device, the Sliding Pipe Rheometer (Sliper), is
ence of the consistency classes on the parameter a is obvious: The presented. This apparatus has been developed to resolve this prob-
higher consistency class leads to a lower a value, compare values of lem and provide reliable estimations of pumping pressures. Using
mixtures 3 and 4, 7 and 10 as well as 8 and 11, respectively. this device, a series of laboratory tests to investigate the pumpabil-
Fig. 9 shows the value correlations related to yield stress as ob- ity of concretes with various compositions was performed. For the
tained using the three various testing techniques. The comparison sake of comparison, the same concrete mixtures were also tested
of the values obtained using Sliper and viscometer shows a good using a concrete viscometer and the flow table test. Additionally,
linear correlation with a correlation coefficient R2 of 0.72; see some field measurements on a real pumping system were per-
Fig. 9a. It must be noted that the yield stress value of mixture 1 formed to verify the estimation of pumping pressure made on
measured with the viscometer was excluded from this statistical the basis of Sliper tests. The obtained results can be summarized
evaluation since it is clearly fell out of the overall tendency. If this as follows:
value were considered, the correlation coefficient would fall to
0.28. The reason for the experimental error has not been clarified  Sliper has proven to be an easy-to-use, robust testing device
as yet, but this evaluation example clearly shows how sensible cor- which could provide rheometrical data also for stiffer mixtures,
relation functions are to the incorrectness of individual data when which cannot be tested using the ConTec viscometer 5.
overall number of measurements is moderate. Fig. 9b illustrates  Sliper clearly demonstrates variations in pumpability with
the correlation between the yield stress parameter a of the lubri- respect to changes in the concrete’s composition; the influences
cating interface layer obtained from Sliper measurements and of water-to-binder ratio, the shape of coarse aggregates, the
slump flow diameter D2 obtained from flow table test. Again, there addition of pozzolanic admixtures, or the addition of superp-
is good linear correlation, with a determination coefficient R2 of lasticizer were clearly observed and discussed.
0.75. However, again a Sliper measurement, this time for mixture  The viscosity parameter b obtained from Sliper tests correlates
6, was excluded from the statistical evaluation, since it clearly ex- very well with the plastic viscosity l measured using concrete
cluded itself from the overall tendency. Under consideration of this viscometer; there is no correlation of this parameter with flow
value, certainly together with the corresponding value of the flow table spread values obtained from flow table tests; the plastic
table spread, the determination coefficient R2 would decrease to viscosity measured using concrete viscometer correlates only
0.48. Finally, from Fig. 9c it can be seen that the comparison of very slightly with flow table spread.
the yield stress values obtained from the viscometer measure-  The comparison of the parameter a related to the yield stress of
ments and the flow table spread from the flow table tests provided lubricating interface layer of concrete in Sliper tests with yield
a very good correlation with the determination coefficient R2 of stress s0 measured using concrete viscometer showed a good
0.94. Following the explanation given to Fig. 9a, the data for mix- linear correlation; a similar good correlation was observed
ture 1 were excluded from this evaluation. Under consideration between parameter a and flow table spread; the correlation
of that data the determination coefficient would drop to 0.72. between the yield stress s0 and flow table spread was found
to be very good.
 Relationships between flow rate and pumping pressures esti-
4.4. Verification of the predictive capacity of pumping pressure based mated on the basis of Sliper tests for various concrete composi-
on Sliper measurements tions were fully confirmed by the field measurements on a real
pumping system.
In order to verify the Sliper’s capability to estimate pumping
pressure under field conditions, validations were carried out on With this study a first step towards the simple, robust, and reli-
the basis of field measurements by Putzmeister Engineering able testing of concrete pumpability has been accomplished. The
GmbH. Two ordinary concretes and a high-performance concrete authors have been developing the Sliper apparatus further and
were tested among others using Sliper under field conditions. By investigating systematically the effects of various parameters on
using the results of Sliper measurements, i.e., the parameters a the rheological behavior of fresh concrete during pumping. Fur-
and b, pumping pressures for various flow rates were estimated thermore, numerical analysis of Sliper experiments have been per-
by using Eq. (6). Furthermore, pressure and flow rate data recorded formed in this context using the discrete element method [25,26]
at a horizontal pumping circuit with pipe length L of 58 m and pipe and computational fluid mechanics [27]. The results of these stud-
inner diameter D of 0.125 m were compared with the estimated ies are to be published shortly.
values based on the measurements by Sliper. Fig. 10 shows that
the estimated relationship between the pumping pressure and
the flow rate agrees well the field measurements on the pumping
system. In Fig. 10, concretes denoted with ‘OC’ indicates ordinary Acknowledgements
concrete of the strength class C35/45 with cement as only binder
constituent, ‘OC-F1’ indicates ordinary concrete of the strength This research work was accomplished with the help of Dr. Mar-
class C35/45 with addition of 60 kg/m3 fly-ash (18% by mass of ce- ko Butler and Egor Secrieru, M.Sc. Both are working at the Institute
ment) and ‘SCC’ a self-compacting concrete of the strength class of Construction Materials, TU Dresden. The authors gratefully
C50/60 containing 190 kg/m3 fly-ash (58% by mass of cement). acknowledge their cooperation.
V. Mechtcherine et al. / Construction and Building Materials 53 (2014) 312–323 323

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