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Pembuka :

Om swastyastu , Hi all my name is Ni Komang Tri Winayanti or you can call me triwina

My absent number is fifteen and I from twelve science two.

Ok in this video I would like explain about solar eclipse especially annular solar eclipse.

Inti ;

One of the natural phenomenon that We certainly heard about solar eclipse.Solar eclipse can
happen when the position of the moon is located between the earth and the sun.So that it closes some
or all of the sunlight.Solar eclipse can be divided 3 types ,there are : total eclipse,parsial eclipse and
annular eclipse.Ok ,in this video I will tell you about the annular eclipse

An Annular solar eclipse happen when the moon cover the sun center ,leaving the sun visible
outer edges to form a “ring of fire’ or annulus around the moon.

Next ,when do they happen ?

1. It new moon
2. At the same time the moon is at ( or very near) a lunar node ,so the earth ,the moon,and the sun
are aligned in straight line
3. The moon is near its farthest point from earth .alled apogee,so the outer edge of the sun
remains visible as a ring of sunlight

There are 5 disrict stages of annular solar eclipse can last over 3 hours in location where annularity is
visible.from start to finish the total duration of annular eclipse can be over 6 hours but not in single
location.the annualirty when only a ring of fire is visible in sky than a second to over 12 minutes

To see this phenomenon, we never look without proper eye protection ,like eclipse glasses because the
sun’s rays can burn the retinas in the eyes leading to permanent damage or even blindness.A safe way
to watch solar eclips is to wear protective eclipse glasses .

Penutup : OK,that’s all about my video about annular solar eclipse,Thank for watching

Om shanti shanti om

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