CArlos Xuma Alpha-Manifesto PDF

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The Alpha

Transform Yourself
Into the Genuine,
Confident, Successful
Man Every
Quality Woman Wants...

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.
This ebook is LONG overdue.

For the last 3 or 4 years, being a “pickup artist” has been all the rage.

Interestingly enough, I’ve never considered myself a “pickup artist.” I

don’t even have a clever call-sign to give me a false sense of
importance or coolness.
Pickup is
Although, I seriously thought about using “McLovin.”
Men everywhere had been searching for an effective way to attract
Long Live the women. Some guys knew how this Art of Attraction worked; some
NEW Order of
Men Who But now we’ve reached a new time and a new understanding of what
it takes to attract and keep a woman.
Know How to
BE Attractive. (In every single seminar and bootcamp I’ve taught, over 90% of the
guys wanted a single relationship with an attractive woman. NOT a
revolving door of “one night stands.”)
Not just fake
Manifesto - Noun
manifesto (plural manifestos or
1.A public declaration of principles,
policies, or intentions

Famous Manifestoes:
! The United States Declaration of Independence (1776)
! The Cartagena Manifesto (1812), by Simón Bolívar
! The Hacker's Manifesto (1986), By The Mentor aka Loyd Blankenship

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

This report that you’re about to read is going to blow the lid off the
“secret” society of pickup artists. Perhaps even more than my friend
Neil Strauss’ book did.

If you’ve been searching for a REAL answer to the question “How

can I attract more women into my life?” then hold on, because this
book will change the way you look at women, dating, practicing
“pickup” and may even change the way you look at your life.
YOUR Reality.
If you’re scared of having your reality rocked, this isn’t the book
you’re looking for. Just close the file and move on to some other
Define it clever list of “opening lines” or “routines.”
however you But if you’re looking for
want to. more than drunk makeout
sessions in a bar or club
with a woman you can’t
And GET quite see through the
REAL in the smoke or hear through the
process. noise, then you’re about to
learn the R.E.A.L. Art of
Attraction that most guys
will never hear about,
much less learn.

The first 90% of this book is hardcore content and pure gold, and the
rest is openhanded self-serving on my part. I want you to really GET
this information in a way that few others have.

And I’m willing to use some unconventional methods to do it - but I’ll

always be 100% honorable and authentic with you in the process.

Pardon my French, but this is no bullshit - and no hype. I don’t have

time for that obnoxious sales stuff, and neither do you.

I intend to only give you the Truth in this book - straight from my

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

I had a lot of guys write to me and tell me that they felt the information
I’m giving away in this ebook would do one (or more) of several

Infuriate the other pickup “gurus” out there...

Put everyone in this field out of business when they

discovered what I’m about to reveal...
The things I
Make me out to be a crackpot loony with delusions
thought but of grandeur...
could not
Well, maybe it will do one of those, or all of them... or NONE of them.
I’m not really concerned about that. This is important information you
need to have, and I want to help you before you fall victim to some
... until NOW. incredibly addictive and enticing traps out there.

I feel like Tom Cruise’s character in Jerry Maguire, watching what was
going on around him and having to finally scream ENOUGH!

I pretty much did the same thing he did, too. I stayed up over the
course of several nights and poured my heart into this book.

In fact, I’m even thinking of that famous line from the movie (no, the
other line from that movie): “The things we think but do not say...”

It’s high time this was said...

Your friend,

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

PS: I made this book as short as it would let me. Meaning that when I
get started, it’s tough to stop me - especially when it’s a topic I know
as well as I do this one. So I’m not going to waste your time or insult
your intelligence.

If you think I have, then email me or call me at the contact info I’m
going to give you later in the report.

I’m here to tell you what you need to hear, not fantasy nonsense
about women flocking to you like a rock star because you’re wearing
Unlike a top hat and goggles.
Morpheus, I
have no Blue Now let’s get your red pill so you can unplug from this NEW matrix
called “pickup” and get plugged into a reality that YOU choose.
Pill for you.

we don’t need
a choice.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

Wait... Close this book right now.

Stop. I want you forget you saw this book. It’s far too risky for you to
shake things up at this point.

Close this file and delete it. Please. Just throw it in your trash now
and forget you even saw it.

No, really. Get rid of it.


You’re still here?

Hmmm. Well, I guess I’ll continue, but I really hope you’ll see the light
and stay like everyone else. Please. I don’t want to start a revolution.

C’mon, really man. Just close this book and let this silly notion go. It’s
easier to not change. It’s easier to just stay the same old person and
live your life in ignorant bliss.

Close this document and trash it. I’ll refund you the money.


You still haven’t heeded my warning...?


You ARE the right kind of guy.

You’re not a quitter. No one ever made a statue for or celebrated a


All right. Let’s get this thing started.

I’ll start by telling you something you think you already know...

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

It’s Not Just About Getting Laid, Is It?
It’s 4:00 AM, and I’m laying next to my girlfriend in bed. She’s a very
beautiful Asian woman, and she fills my every need.

And it took me over ten years to get her.

No, I don’t mean that I got her by appearing on her doorstep every
10 years is week bringing her flowers and candies.
better than
NEVER, right? I didn’t do it by sending her poems and desperate pleas to be my
woman. I didn’t do it by acting like a cartoon character wimp from a
sitcom on television. I didn’t do it by buying her expensive gifts or
flaunting wealth.

I did it by being me.

Not the “me” that I was many years

ago, mind you. Not the “un-refined”
me that I once used to repel women
in the past.

It also wasn’t the “pickup artist”

version of me that I used to attract
women in bars in clubs just a few
short years ago.

I did this by being a “Man.”

A REAL man with modern masculinity that is authentic and attractive

to women.

And it really didn’t take me 10 years to get HER, per se, but it took
that long for me to create the Alpha Lifestyle that would draw her in
and make her mine.

(It will take you a LOT less time than it did me if you read this and
heed my words.)

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

And it’s my objective here to tell you more about how you can do this
on your own, with no bootcamps and no top hats or “fake it ‘til you
make it” mind games.

Over 90% of the guys in my bootcamps and seminars want a single

lasting relationship with one woman.

ONE woman.

And when you talk to them, they all agree that it’s not about getting
QUALITY is laid, really.
most guys Yeah, we all want sex - even women want it (and more than you can
imagine) - but in the end we’re all looking for a lasting relationship.
define by the
size of her And almost all of these guys I talked to wanted a QUALITY woman.
boobs, the
Now since “quality” is a subjective term, I’ll come back to that in a
cuteness of while.
her tush, and
The important thing to come away with here is that going after women
the speed is not really about “getting laid.” Most guys know this, yet we chase
with which he the “quick lay” promises because they appeal to our most primitive
can sleep with part of our mind.
her. I want to show you a way that you can get the women, the sex, the
relationship - and the LIFESTYLE you desire.
Or can’t sleep
And you won’t have to wear ridiculous clothes and play head games
with her... to get it all.

I’ll warn you now, this book is as wild and diverse as my mind.

As a result, you’re going to read a lot of interesting things in these

pages, so hang on and let me tell you...

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

A Story You Might Relate To...
Keith is a good friend of mine. Keith used to be
something of a “pickup artist.” He was a decent
enough looking guy, and in his late twenties.
This is NOT He had a decent job that afforded him the
flexibility to go after whatever he wanted to do. If
he wanted to take a break in the middle of the day
to go rock climbing, he could.

He had a cool dog and a cool Subaru that could

get him where he wanted to go.

Yes, he even had a lot of issues in life growing up

(as we all have.) He wasn’t perfect.

And then he found “the community.”

Another clever way of saying he found this “secret society of pickup

artists” and all the information there was to be had on the techniques
and skills of the “seducer.”

He read Ross Jeffries’ stuff. He read David D’s stuff. He read my

stuff. Lance’s stuff. Grant’s stuff. Mystery’s stuff...

You name it, and he had it. He invested thousands of dollars and
hours into the fascinating pursuit of the Holy Grail for the modern
man: The ability to approach and attract women with the goal of
getting sexually intimate with as many women as he could.

Isn’t that what we men want to validate our virility? The ability to just
go out anywhere, anytime, and get a woman that will find us
interesting and sexually appealing?

Well, yes...


© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

Let me keep going with Keith’s story a bit longer...

Keith went to bootcamps and seminars. He learned the routines and

the “openers.”

“Openers” are the specific words that other pickup

artists used to hook the interest of women.

Do you ever He learned the classic responses to a woman’s “shit tests.”

feel like These are the specific words you use to respond to
something is a woman who is testing your confidence and
masculinity by trying to “trick” you.
Keith learned how to apply “kino” and manage his body language.
Is there some
Kino is another way of saying “kinesthetics” -
kind of meaning the science of touch between people, and
Da Vinci code how to use it to build attraction.
for the
He was even introduced to the concept of “Inner Game” along the
Game? way.

Inner game is the internal dialogue we’re having in

our head, and is often directly connected to a man’s

Keith got just about every bit of information he needed...

But something was still missing.

He and I would talk over various philosophical elements when we

would meet up and snowboard in Tahoe. We were on a lift, and he
asked me:

“So how do I put all this stuff I learned together into something I can

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

I always hesitate here, primarily because it’s a big question, and if I
come up with an answer too soon, I’ll seem like I’m not really hearing
them out.

Keith was actually asking me the “Big Question” of this whole dating
and seduction community.

So after a dramatic, thoughtful pause, I finally got around to

answering him.
R.E.A.L. Game “Dude, your answer is right in front of you, but you don’t even see it.”
He said, “Huh?”
Relaxed & “You’re sitting here on a ski lift with me, but we haven’t even been
Resourceful talking to the other people on the chair with us.”

He looked a bit mystified, but after a minute his eyes closed and he
Effective & started nodding and smiling.
You see, a lot of guys go through this. They learn a lot of “pickup”
skills - the opening lines and the techniques, but they don’t learn that
Alpha & they need to be integrating their skills into their daily lives.
It’s just as much about being a good SOCIAL guy as it is about being
good at dating.
Lifestyle &
Lasting In fact, it’s ten times more important to balance your “pickup” /
”seduction” / dating skills with your social skills.


Because for every guy that gets the girl he wants, he realizes that
creating a relationship requires deeper inner game skills than he ever

Just being a clever guy with a quick story is not enough to keep a
woman interested in you.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

Over the next four months, Keith got himself fired up and started
again with his own interests and hobbies. He got interested in his own
life and what he was doing. He got active in his outdoor sports, and
just enjoying his life for HIM.

I even visited his cabin again in Tahoe and found he had put one of
my sayings up on the wall: “You’re not put here to discover yourself -
you’re here to CREATE yourself.”
One Word
I’m glad he learned that lesson finally. And I was flattered that he took
that can take something I said to heart and started using it.
you into the
Fast forward a few months and Kevin had found a good woman who
next level... made him happy. And didn’t get her from using “pickup” skills (even
though he had a more fundamental understanding of them.)

And I met her. She’s hot.

Keith got her when he was most focused on driving up the quality and
Alpha Power in his own lifestyle.

And he was also using something else now, without even knowing it.
This one word transformed his game into the next level.

I’ll talk about that in the next part...

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

In the Beginning...
There was the word.

And the word was “Seduction.”

Oooh. That’s awfully Politically IN-Correct.

There is a
secret world I have to confess, I’ve used that term many times in the past because
of psychology it is highly charged, and highly relevant.
beneath the Back in the day, there wasn’t much to choose from if you wanted to
one that we get this part of your life called “dating” taken care of.
assume is There was a program using NLP techniques to “hypnotize” women by
rational... Ross Jeffries*, and a few old books from the 70s and 80s, but no one
had seemed to pull things together in a way that made sense, or that
a guy could use as a method to get women on a regular basis.

Back when I was searching for stuff to read on this topic, I went
through just about every dating self-help book there was. But there
wasn’t anything that told me how to attract women the way the real
“players” did.

I got frustrated.

BIG TIME frustrated.

With every date that I went on that

SUCKED, I became more and
more convinced that there was
some secret set of strategies that
guys were using that I wasn’t
aware of.

I got a little obsessed with finding the answer...

* I respect Ross and his contributions to this field. I simply do not use his techniques.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

Then, somewhere in the mid-90s, a set of books came on the scene
called Love Tactics. These small books took a slightly religious angle
on the whole topic, but they also pointed out something that I had
never really figured out on my own before.

Simply put:

Attraction is not LOGICAL.

You can argue until you’re blue in the

And you can face, but you’ll never be able to talk a
never BORE a woman into liking you...
woman into
Or dating you...
interested in Or sleeping with you...
Or being devoted and faithful to you.

It’s just like It won’t happen.

sales... We But we guys like to think that we can
hate to be talk women into this, don’t we?
sold, but we
Oh, yeah, we do. We try to do it all the time.
LOVE to buy.
!We try it with bragging...

!We try it with “romantic gestures...”

!We try it by “telling her our feelings...”

But I digress...

This whole concept of attraction being something that we don’t

control with our conscious and rational minds made me stop dead in
my tracks and really look at how I was approaching this whole thing.

I decided right then and there to stop thinking with my logical mind
and start figuring out WHAT WORKS.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

After all, I can cry about how I get wet when I go out in the rain, but it
will never change the reality that RAIN GETS ME WET.

As soon as I can accept the rules (i.e., reality), I can then get moving
on how to beat the game.

(And this goes for you, too.)

So just like Keith, I went and read everything I could find. (But this
was WAY before you could find any seduction advice online.)
Reality has
teeth, and it As I worked on the principles, I even got good at making up my own
techniques along the way.
will bite you
on the ass if Here’s an example:
you ignore it.
I knew that if I pulled away from a woman that was already liking me,
I could enhance the attraction she felt from her fear of loss.

(It’s manipulative, but it does work. This is how many women use

So one night I was on my way over to my girlfriend’s place and I

decided I’d try something out. I called her from my cell phone and
said, “Hey, it’s Carlos. I’m not going to be able to make it to dinner
tonight...” (insert a slight pause here) “...Uh, until maybe a half-hour
later. Got caught up with something. See you then...”

Now what was I trying to do there? Well, two things.

First, I was trying to “scare her” a little with saying I wasn’t going to
be able to make it... then pausing so she thought I wouldn’t be able to
make it at all. Then she’d feel relieved when she heard the next part
that I was only going to be 30 minutes late.

Second, I was trying to change the plans up and be a wee bit


© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

This was all very artificial, and in the end I don’t think it made ANY
difference to our dating relationship.

Eventually, we broke up, as most relationships go.

But I think at the time using these tactics wasn’t really about HER as
much as it was about improving my attitude and giving me the ability
to push away from a woman. (I was pretty needy at this time.)
What a man
wants - just I was actually teaching my brain how to stop relying on women and
as much as start relying on myself, in a funny way.
sex - is the Over the next few years I started figuring this out as I tried to improve
thought of my own skills by coming up with the whole mindset of this confident
having a high- guy I saw out there having success with women.
quality As I was putting my stuff together, other guys appeared out there like
woman at his “David D.” and others with really cool sounding names, like “Mystery”
and “Style.” I had no idea they were out there because I was doing
side... my own thing.

And after I got moving on this quest, I

started developing my own
techniques with women. I would play
hard-to-get. I’d be aloof. I would
tease women relentlessly. I would
turn on Mr. Charming and Mr. Funny
guy at will.

I knocked ‘em dead.

But it got OLD really quick. The

women I met were fun, for a time, and then things inevitably faded

What I wanted was a quality woman that I could put effort into
and really focus on building a relationship.

It sounds funny coming from a guy, but I got really tired of the women
who were just looking for a good time.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

That’s when I decided that I needed to figure out the next part of this
skill set, which is how to attract QUALITY women. The kind of woman
I could keep around for a while.

You see, when you get to a certain point, you realize that women are
mostly wonderful, but they have a lot of inner game issues, too.
They lack confidence. They don’t have their lives together. They can
be a little crazy.

And the worst thing you can do to yourself is to take a loose cannon
The single like that and let her into your life.
important The single most important decision you
will make in your life is the woman that
decision you you decide to make your long-term
will make in companion.
your life is the
She’ll either make you... or break you faster
woman that than a thin, dry board in a karate class.
you decide to
You can chase all the drunk, barely-20-
make your something bar chicks you like. But you will
long-term burn out very soon if you share too much time
companion... with people who have no real direction, or
who cannot add much value to your life.

These people with no direction are simply

waiting for you to LEAD them to something better.

I’m not advocating using other people just to add to your own
existence here. After all, it should be mutual.

But there is a concept that I talk about called mutually beneficial

selfishness. It means that you help yourself first so that you can be
healthy enough in spirit to give back to others in the world.

I’m going to share more about this attitude - and how to find the
power to lead with confidence - with you in this book.

But now you need to know...

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

How Your Reality Is Being Messed
With - BIG Time.
I want to share with you a question that one of my students sent me.
This might help clarify a few things - or it might make you even more

Maybe both, or maybe neither.

How do you
stay But it will enlighten you.
confident, no Read on...
matter what?

Carlos, I've had a lot of experiences walking up and talking with

women. Some good, some bad.

What I'm wondering is, how do I stay confident - no matter what?

It seems like my mood and my skills are always up and down. Some
nights I can walk up to any woman and say Hi, and other times I
can't seem to make conversation with a blabbermouth.

Have you ever had this experience?

How do you keep your confidence up?

- John C.
Atlanta, GA.

Well, John, I'm here to tell you that what you're talking about is
something that a LOT of guys go through. Their level of confidence
goes up and down all the time, and it can be hard to maintain

First of all, you have to recognize that there is the factor of

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

moods. You can't predict a bad mood, and you can't avoid them.
Sometimes you just won't feel top-shelf.

That's life.

The other variable in this is something we call "confidence." It

seems like sometimes you've got what you need, and other times you
can't seem to get it together.

But what really is "confidence"?

Something I've come to figure out over the years is that confidence
There is no doesn't REALLY exist.
such thing as That's right. There's actually no such thing as "confidence."
Now, I know this may throw a lot of guys for a loop.

I can hear you yelling at your computer: "What the #&$% is he

talking about? Of course there's confidence. We all know it."

Hang on for a second and allow me to explain a bit first...

What many guys think of as "confidence" is really not a FEELING at


Think back to the last time you did something and remember feeling
confident about it. Maybe it was going up on a mountain and
snowboarding. Maybe it was running a marathon. Maybe it was going
up and talking to a woman.

Whatever that event was where you felt this confidence, if you
really let yourself go back in time in your head, and you think
about what kind of experience you were going through right then,
you'll realize that you weren't really FEELING anything at all.

You were just DOING it.

What we think of as "confidence" is really just the ABSENCE of our

usual self-doubts, fear, and anxiety that we feel when we do

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

something unfamiliar.

Let's say you're a snowboarder...

Early on, when you haven't been snowboarding much, your head is
full of all the static and chatter of your internal doubts.

"You're going to fall on your face..."

"It's going to be difficult..."

Forget your
fears and you "You're going to spend the day sliding
instantly down on your ass..."
become "You're going to look dumb..."
The more we DO that thing, the less
we tell ourselves these
How could we negative messages, and the MORE we just forget that we ever had
have missed any doubts.
this? I remember back when I first started snowboarding that I was a
complete train wreck. But I kept going back and getting better and
better, and the feeling of hesitation and doubt eventually

I really didn't get confident as much as I got rid of all that crap
in my head.

In fact, if you ask any top performer what they're feeling when
they perform, they'll just tell you that they just get out there
and DO IT. They're too busy experiencing it - not thinking about
how confident they are, even though they look so darn confident
doing what it is they do.

But in the early part of learning something new, all that negative
self-talk creates a lot of doubt and uncertainty in your head. And
you know deep inside that if you could just get rid of that
feeling, you'd feel CONFIDENT.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

And THAT is what "confidence" actually is...

The LACK of uncertainty, doubt, hesitation, fear, and worry that we

push into our head.

So when you ask me about how to get more consistent with your
game, I want you to remember that you might not always be able to
bring your A-game when it comes to talking with women.

But if you just go in and DO it, you'll find that you will leave
Pickup more and more of those negative thoughts and feelings behind, and
techniques the "static" will disappear. You'll think you're more confident,
and lines are but you're really just not indulging in old destructive thought
BORROWED Pickup techniques and lines don't really boost your confidence.
You just believe it will help you because of the last guy who used it
successfully. (So they said). That's why I teach you how to win
the inner game of confidence first, because women can smell how
much you really believe what you're saying.

Your confidence comes to you when you stop listening to all the
chatter that tries to undermine your will and positive attitude.

One step you can do right now to improve is to get in touch with
your physical presence as a way of "grounding" your mind in the
here and now.

You see, a lot of guys live a very active mental life.

This can be both good and bad. For most guys who are out there
trying to work up the "confidence" to approach women and talk to
women, it's very very BAD.

The reason is that they are so up in their heads and caught in

their own thoughts that they literally disconnect from their
bodies. And when you stop being intimately "in your own skin," you
start to exhibit some strange body language, and you lack that
feeling of being THERE.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

It sounds a bit new-agey, but it's actually very practical.

Every day, you should start off with a short meditation and a ritual of
some kind.

Here's a simple one you can do:

Just sit in a chair with your hands in your lap. Breathe in

and out, 3 seconds to inhale, 6 seconds to exhale. With
Find a ritual each breath, focus on being aware of your own body, with
for yourself each limb. Work your way up and down your entire body,
that starts keeping your mind as calm and blank as possible.
your day This exercise can be as short as just a minute or so, and then you
YOUR way... can work your way to longer time periods.

Your goal is to really feel yourself in the here-and-now rather

than lose yourself in the "what ifs" that your anxious mind will
throw you into.

Remember, confidence comes not from thinking your way into it, but
from NOT thinking your way.

I’m going to share more secrets about confidence with you in a bit,
but first, if this makes any sense to you, then you need to read the
next section on...

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

5 HUGE Mistakes Guys Make When
Learning Attraction Skills
There are actually probably MANY more than just five mistakes, but I
chose to focus on the five that are probably hurting your dating and
social skills the most.

The reason I’m telling you about them now is so that you can beware
There is of the negative impact and avoid wasting time and money on low-
nothing in the yield methods.
world like Let’s start with...
really being in
MISTAKE NUMBER 1: Watching pickup videos and thinking this
the shoes of will help your game.
the guy who is
talking to a There are a lot of “secret” videos and hyped up hidden camera videos
you can find out there. They make a lot of interesting viewing, sort of
woman and like the television shows they’ve been putting on lately about pickup
interacting on artists and “Keys to the VIP.”
a very deep
But here’s something to remember...
level of
rapport... There is nothing like the real event.

What I mean by this is that you can watch secret hidden undercover
videos of guys in bars all you like, but it won’t help your game at all.

In fact, this can actually be downright devastating to your game. It

can take your current competence and confidence and flush it down
the toilet.


I mean, I really wish these videos did work. It would make my job so
much easier just to go “in the field” and record myself meeting and
talking with women.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

In fact, I used to do this a lot. I recorded the audio and/or video of me
interacting with women on hidden camera, and then show it to my
students in the classroom. They were all impressed and many of
them even said, “Oh, THAT’S how you do it.”

But when they got out in the bars that night, they all complained of
the exact same things:

• They realized that when you watch someone interact with a

woman that way you actually make it hard to focus,
The more you because now you are trying to remember a mental image
think about of another completely different person doing what you’re
what you are trying to do. And they aren’t even remotely alike...
doing, the • No two interactions really ever go the same, so watching
less you seem the video doesn’t help you tactically...
like you’re
• When they saw me on camera doing the approach, they
actually realized that they were really excited only because they
THERE doing were feeding on MY confidence. They got a huge
confidence boost not because they learned anything, but
what you because they were just seeing someone who didn’t have all
need to do... the static in his head to pull them down...

• You can watch ANYONE do something and think it’s easy,

but when you are IN that experience, living it in real-time,
it’s completely different. Everything changes.

Watching pickup videos doesn’t work for the simple reason that
watching someone do something that requires fine-tuned attention
and presence is nowhere near the same thing as being in that
person’s shoes.

You ever watch a professional athlete of some kind like a skier or a

snowboarder, and you think, “I could do that. That looks easy.”

Then you get to the top of a mountain on your board or your skis and
peer over the edge at the slope below you, and your heart falls into
your stomach.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

You start sliding down, and as you carve into your first turn, you
realize this is NOTHING like how the guy on the video looked.

Or you watch a cooking show, and you see the chef do something
that doesn’t require any physical expertise - it’s just putting food
together. But when you try the SAME recipe, it just doesn’t taste quite

As they say in NLP, the map is not the same as the terrain.
I gotta be
MISTAKE NUMBER 2: Learning and rehearsing material that is
not true or authentic to YOU.
And you gotta
be YOU. There’s a little concept I call the “Gap,” and it goes like this:

A lot of guys learn about techniques they can use to “pickup” on


(Pickup is really just the masculine version of the word “flirt.” But
beware: The word “pickup” has a lot of negative baggage on it.
Women do not respond favorably to the term.)

Like walking up to a woman and asking for her opinion on something,

like, “Hey, I need a woman’s perspective on this. My friend thinks his
girlfriend might be cheating on him. How would he be able to find out
for sure?”

That gets you into a conversation under the pretense of just wanting
her opinion.

The problem is that women everywhere know how this works, and
they’ll call you on it.

They’ll say:

“Are you trying some of that pickup stuff on us?”


© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

“Are you some kind of pickup artist or

If you’ve ever had it happen to you, then you

know what a socially awkward moment this
can be - and how completely embarrassing it

And even if you have enough “game” or

routines or stories to use, and clever banter
Ever been you’ve memorized, the time comes in the
caught using conversation when you realize that you’re
a line? about to run dry.

When something unexpected comes up in the

conversation, you also sense that you just aren’t all that prepared,
and you feel kind of hollow.

Like a sham.

A fake.

An impostor.

And you feel the gap between who you REALLY are and your clever
pickup persona that you made up.

This gap is something that a lot of guys discover, and they realize that
they need to bring their real personalities closer to this “persona” they
created so they can walk up and talk to women.

Let me be very clear here:

If you do not make your dating and attraction

skills a part of your LIFE and lifestyle, you will
always feel the Gap, and you will always feel a
little fake inside.
Eventually, it will catch up to you.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

I have coached many guys that have been in denial into their 40s and
50s as to what was true to them. You’d think that by a certain age we
would have this thing figured out, wouldn’t you?


The longer you wait, the harder it gets. Set the right foundation NOW.

Jack of all MISTAKE NUMBER 3: Trying to do too much, and not getting
trades, good at anything.
master of...
In my field, I talk to a LOT of guys about this area of self-
development, and it’s interesting to talk to guys who have been at
NOTHING. different points along this journey of getting better with women.

Some have just begun, and they’re like a kid in the candy store with
all these techniques and things to learn. It’s like they just woke up in
the best gadget store in the world with a blank check.

But that’s part of the problem.

You see, way back in the early days, when there were no good game
consoles out there and PCs were the way to go, I was a hardcore
gamer. I used to play the hell out of “Quake” and “Unreal” and a
bunch of other great games that have evolved and had sequels over
the years. (Anybody remember “Duke Nukem”?)

I even designed levels for them and released them on the Internet in
the 90s. It was addicting, and damn fun.

I also had a job at a software store where I got all the latest games to
try out for free. I was in heaven.

Well, I was in heaven for a few weeks, and then I realized that I had a
few problems with this “blank check” of free games...

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

1) I was getting a lot of cool games, but not having any time to play all
of them.

2) The games I liked and spent my time on, I would never finish. After
all, when I was bored with it, or ran into a challenging obstacle,
there was something new to try. I got addicted to the novelty,
and I never finished anything I started.

3) I was getting more and more bored with the games I got, because
none of them had any value to me.
You are
desperately So when you see a movie where the guy gets all his wishes, and he’s
seeking the still bored and unhappy, that’s about the truth of it. Yeah, you might
say, “That would never be ME, man... I’d have fun and I’d do this, and
right I’d do that...” but the reality is that if you won the lottery tomorrow,
CHALLENGE chances are you’d be broke in just a few years.
for your life...
And if you weren’t broke, you’d be just as bored and unfulfilled.


Because we need to be CHALLENGED.

We need something in our lives that
drives us to a higher purpose.

Once your basic needs are taken care of,

your free time is usually spent thinking
about all the things you still don’t have.

This is the source of the saying: “Idle

hands are the devil’s playground.”

What has this got to do with dating skills?

Well, first of all, even if you had

MASSIVE skills with women, you’d still have your own life to deal
with. Ask any “guru” out there (or just listen to my interview program
where they tell you straight from the source) and he’ll tell you that the
one thing they realized was that after they got good with women, they
still had all the problems and challenges of their lives to deal with.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

Your life doesn’t miraculously change from getting this one area

It’s not the “getting good with women” that’s the goal in this ‘game.’

It’s the “who you become to get good with women” that makes you an
Alpha Man.
“That dude’s
My second point about this is that you could read every ebook and
got BALLS, listen to every CD and watch every DVD on this topic, and you
man...” wouldn’t be ANY better with women...

Until you go out and use the information to improve yourself, build the
They could be character, and cultivate the skills you need.
saying that
LIVE and “In-the-field,” as we say.
about YOU.
It’s the only way.

Don’t wind up being a “jack of all trades, master of nothing.”

Don’t be the guy sitting at home all night, writing up questions for
every guru to answer. (I get guys who field their questions to me and
multiple others in the hopes of finding some contradiction or God
knows what.)

Be the guy with the huge balls of steel that just goes out there and
gets better by DOING it.

We all know who’s playing the game and who is just sitting on the
sidelines, studying plays, and waiting for the “perfect opportunity” to
jump in the game.

MISTAKE NUMBER 4: Going after the wrong goal.

Yet another problem I’ve seen with guys is that they learn about this
field of dating advice/seduction/attraction skills and they channel all
their energy into conquering it.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

Well, that’s nice and all, but your goal is not a WOMAN.

Your goal is the lifestyle that makes you happy, and pulls women into
it, like a tornado.

When you chase a woman as your goal, you’re setting yourself up for
the biggest disappointment in the world. Especially when you realize
that no human being can live up to the ideals we set in our mind.

People don’t make us happy. We make ourselves happy.

You are
responsible Don’t believe me? Ask any guy who has chosen a sub-standard
for your own woman for his girlfriend - or wife - and had to learn from the mistake.
mental state. The REAL prize, the one you can’t see too clearly because that bright
light emanating from her crotch is blinding you, the genuine goal that
No one makes we’re after here is to become a fully actualized MAN.
you feel And the biggest ecstasy you can experience (in contrast to the
anything you previous disappointment) is when you’ve forged your own lifestyle
and your own Alpha Power into a force to be reckoned with.
don’t want to.
I have to admit, sometimes when I wake up in the morning and try not
to jump out of bed to get working, I have to pinch myself to realize
that I actually teach guys the complete game plan and system for
creating this lifestyle. I am truly blessed.

MISTAKE NUMBER 5: Not paying attention to the BIG picture.

Let’s face facts: Human beings are sexual beings.

If you are still unclear on this fact of our nature, or you are still
uncomfortable with it due to the programming you might have
received as a kid, then you may need to seek a little professional
assistance to clear that out of your head.

I don’t want to stomp on your beliefs, but let’s face facts here - some
beliefs are faulty, repressive, and do not serve you. It’s your job to get

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

rid of these bad beliefs because they will determine the outcome of
your life.

Let me say that again:

Your faulty beliefs will hold you back from the success you
desire - and deserve - from life.

Remember, beliefs are beliefs because they are NOT facts. Facts are
clear cut and established. There’s no debate.
“I choose to
believe in the But beliefs are called beliefs because they are not set in stone, and
things that every person has a different set.
make life And we all treat our beliefs as if they are set in stone, don’t we?
WORK for
me.” I’ve found that a great many of those beliefs try to hide as guilt and
other kinds of disabling emotions that were programmed into you by
certain institutions to make you conform and not pose a threat to

Yes, I realize that this sounds a bit paranoid and conspiracy-theory,

but it really is true. Most of the structure of society and the world is
this way to establish a pecking order.

But I’m not here to go off on a political rant. I just want you to
understand just how everyone is looking
out through a set of filters and lenses ...
and some people have a really bad

What I’m driving at here is that you are

a sexual being.

You are a man.

You like sex.

And there’s nothing at all wrong with

wanting and getting that sex.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

(As long as you harm no one else in the process. As the Hypocratic
oath goes, first - do no harm.)

The problem comes when your sex drive is not channeled correctly.

You see a lot of guys go through life chasing one thing...

You’ve got a Pussy.

destiny ahead Sorry to be crude about this, and if that
of you... offended you, perhaps you should read
another ebook about fluffy animals and
happy rainbows. I’m here to shoot
Do you know straight and tell you what you need to
what it is? hear. It’s what my dad did for me, and I
feel obligated to do the same for others.

Are you even And remember, when someone is

looking for it? offended at something, it’s not the
something that offended them. They
offended themselves.

So back to what I was saying...

Many guys just chase women their whole lives and realize all too late
that they should have been channeling this unbelievable force of the
male sex drive into something more creative so that they could live
out their own destiny.

You see I believe that every man has a mission to accomplish here
on this earth.

It’s a guy thing.

Yes, there are women who have this same drive, but it’s not the same
as a man’s.

We men MUST create a legacy for ourselves. If we don’t, we die a

little inside every day we ignore that need.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

And, ironically, you can’t have the kind of relationship or give the kind
of life you could give to a woman if you don’t pursue this destiny.

It doesn’t mean you quit your job, or you go sailing around the world
on some merchant steamer to seek your fortune.

In fact, if you’ve ever read the classic essay “Acres of Diamonds,” you
know that your hidden treasure is right there inside you right now.
What if every (I give every one of my students a copy of this essay as part of your
guy out there Advanced Coaching program. If you didn’t get yours, please email
was a genius, me. It’s required reading for any Alpha Man.)
but he never If you don’t know what your mission or your destiny is in life, then
found his your only job is to START SEARCHING.
That’s it. Just get on a path to start investigating the possibilities.

What a waste A good friend of mine, Zan Perrinon, said to

me at a conference: “What if every single guy
that would be. out there has this hidden genius in him like a
Mozart or an Einstein? What if EVERYONE
has this, and we all die without finding it?”

I believe that this is true. I think we all DO

have some hidden talent
in us that we have only
to discover. And the only
way to find it is to keep
trying things and find out what clicks.

But if you chase women to the exclusion of all

else, you’ll end up with a life that is wildly out of

If you chase your goals with the same fervor and

energy, and learn how to creatively channel your sexual energy for
this as well, you’ll achieve success that is uncommon in most
people’s lives.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

That’s what I do, and that’s what I teach men how to do.

And the funny (or not so funny) part of this is that if you pursue your
own dreams, your own goals, your own destiny... women will want to
come along for the ride.

There is NOTHING more sexy to a woman than a man with ambition

and drive.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

The THINK Barrier
There’s a little-known concept that I want to acquaint you with. It’s
called the Think Barrier.

Have you ever given someone a task to do, maybe a co-worker or

friend, and it seemed pretty straightforward to you, but they couldn’t
seem to just take the task and RUN with it?

Maybe you asked them to go get a coworker of yours to join you in a

meeting, or go buy something for you from the store.
It’s the most
Whatever it was, you asked them, and you did NOT hear them say:
tired cliche´ “No problem. Be right back.”
but you need
to... Nor did they just go out and DO IT.

Instead, you got this:

DO “Uh, who do you want me to find?”
IT “Where should I go?”

“What if they don’t want to come?”

“How do you spell his name?”

“Do you really need me to do it now?”

You probably would get a million and one variations, but not this one:
“Yes, no problem. Be right back.” And then 5 minutes later they show
up with the person you wanted.

No initiative, and no ability to act on their own.

In almost every single seminar where a guy has come up to me and

asked me what to say to a woman in a particular situation, I will
always test them by asking them: “Given what you know about how

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

attraction works, and all the examples I give you in my ebooks, CDs,
and DVDs, what do YOU think you should say?”

There’s a long uncomfortable moment there where the person often

realizes that what I’m asking them is just to THINK for themselves
and really burn some brain fuel.

The guys that are willing to pull out a piece of paper and THINK
“But Carlos, through their response inevitably are the guys who excel and
improve their skills MASSIVELY.
you say I have
to be a better The guys who go into a severe state of mental constipation and
just beg me to tell them what to say almost NEVER get it.
I realized that these latter guys are also the men
“I have to who have never really been challenged or
pushed to think deeply into anything their whole
deserve what lives.
I want?
Probably one or both of their parents was over-
controlling, or did everything for them when they
“That’s too were kids. As a result, they never learned the
hard! Just process of really pushing their brain into a higher
give me a
pickup line I see parents at the Martial Arts studio I teach at do this all the time.
instead...” They tell their kids what to say and what to do. Their moms even take
off their shoes for them. I know that these kids will never be
challenged to really perform for themselves. Their future is being set
right before my eyes.

This concept is what I call the “Think Barrier.”

How far will you go to avoid the nasty work of thinking?

You’d be AMAZED at how much work people do just to avoid thinking

for themselves.

Let me tell you something:

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

No one will be there to give you the authenticity to respond correctly
when a woman asks you a question you weren’t prepared for.

It will have to come from YOU.

No one will be there for you when you have to think of something to
say to a woman on a date.

YOU will have to find your words and use them.

Mommy and No one will be there to talk you up or pump you up when it comes
daddy are not time to approach a woman that you’re dying to meet.
going to help
YOU will have to find your own motivation and overcome your own
you anymore. fears.

The world Mommy and Daddy are not going to be there to tie your shoelaces on
this one.
belongs to the
man that Hell, even *I* can’t be there for you, as much as I’d like to be.
helps himself. Now you know why I show guys how to create their own openers,
their own stories, their own confidence, their own motivation, and
their own excitement for life.

Some guys will give you a fish (a technique), where I teach you HOW
to fish (the Alpha Attitude) so that you never need to be hungry again.

This path is personal, genuine, and REAL for you.

You can’t learn how to be a powerfully attractive YOU when you’re

focused on learning someone else’s scripted conversation.

And when you learn how to use the strategies for building attraction,
they have devastating and powerful impact on the women you will

And when you learn how to use these techniques on everyone to

motivate yourself toward an Alpha Lifestyle, you’ll learn just what
you’re capable of in every facet of your life.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

I have a feeling you’re starting to nod your head more and more at
what you’re reading here.

Good. I’ve still got more to show you.

Let’s move on to the...

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

Signs That Pickup Really is Dead
Sign #1) Women already know what the game is, and all about
the clever tricks.

Remember at the start of this document when I talked about Neil

Strauss’ book, The Game?

It’s a fun read, and a lot of guys got into this area of self-
The times, development purely because they read that one book. Sure, it’s
they are a- about 20% techniques, and about 80% drama, but it’s a nice read.
changing. But now the time of the pickup artist is coming to a close.

Women everywhere have read this same book, and they know
what the “Game” is all about. They know how to smell a pickup
“game” even before you have time to ask “Ladies, who do you
think lies more, men or women?”

They can see anything you use before you use it.

Except one thing - and it’s what they desperately need to see.

And it’s the one thing you need to know about.

I’ll tell you in a couple pages...

Yes, you can blame the media or Neil’s book, but the
reality is that women know what you’re up to. The only
man that stands a CHANCE of getting past a woman’s
defensive shields is the one that knows how to fly under
her radar.

You’re not doing this to trick her, either. That’s a big

difference between using “seduction” skills and what I call
“Alpha Attraction” skills.

Seduction is for the chump who is trying to get without giving.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

Alpha Attraction is about creating a win-win situation for both of
you. Where your woman isn’t a one-hit wonder.

Imagine the life where women call you back, my friend.

Sign #2: Television has ruined “pickup” even more for you.

Okay, here’s When something is broadcast on television,

you can bet that every woman will know about
the REAL it within a week or two. One of her friends
secret to catches “The Pickup Artist” on television, and
the next second she’s on the phone talking to
attracting 10 of her girlfriends. “You gotta see this!”
In a matter of just a few weeks, every woman
in the United States (and probably the world)
knows about it. And they’re talking about it.

There are several shows on television that are

capitalizing on the whole “pickup” scene, and the games that are

Women know about them all - and this is GOOD because it will
make it easier for you to separate yourself from the clones.

Sign #3: All the other Gurus are suddenly talking about being
more “3-dimensional”...

It’s funny, and I’m not just trying to pat myself on

the back here, but a lot of the other teachers out
there in the “pickup community” are now starting
to realize what I’ve been saying all along: You
can’t live on pickup lines alone.

In order for a man to really come into his own and

be all he can be, he has to eventually settle on his
own style, his own genuine attraction strengths,
and then maximize them.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

If I could sum up what women want in one quick sentence, it’s that
they want you to be YOU better than anybody else could be YOU.

That’s what they REALLY mean when they say “just be yourself.”
They’re not saying, “Just be the weakest, most timid version of
yourself.” Nor are they saying, “Be all the parts of you that are not
very attractive to women on the surface.”

They’re telling you to be a potent POWERHOUSE version of you

“If I could just that is not looking for a woman’s approval.
act like I’m
sincere, I’d
The simple fact is that a woman needs a man who doesn’t NEED her.
have this
whole dating Remember when I told you that Keith had found something that took
thing figured his game to the next level?
out...” Well here it is...

The hidden element that guys miss is this, and only this:

It can’t be faked. And it can only make you look and feel more
authentic and genuine.

In sales, one of the most powerful concepts is to tell the customer the
Truth, even if it might be a little embarrassing. It’s all in how you
frame this Truth.

You see, today we’re all much better educated consumers. We’re
much more sophisticated after being bombarded with constant ads
and commercials. You know when someone’s trying to sell you

Hey, I’ll admit it right now - I’m trying to sell you on a new point of
view, and the possibility that I can help you grow and achieve your
goals as a man.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

And if there’s one thing that we HATE, it’s someone trying to sell us
something with a blatant, stupid, used-car-salesman sales pitch.

Have you ever gotten a phone call, somewhere around dinner time,
and you answer it, and you hear that pause before someone in a
way-too-cheery voice says, “Mr. So-and-so? I want to tell you about a
fantastic bargain we’re having over here at ---”

It’s all just like
sales, except But if someone walks up to us and says, “You know what, I’m not
not like the going to bore you with a stupid sales pitch here. I just want to tell you
that I’ve got some really nice speakers at a good discount at my store
sales you and because I was dumb and ordered way too many. If you really like
I hate. quality home audio, you might want to come and give ‘em a listen.
That’s it. Sorry to interrupt you.”

I’m probably going to think a little more about this offer than the guy
that tries to be clever and slip me a flyer as I’m walking by.

The Best Homeless Sales-person I Ever Met:

One night after coming home from a speaking engagement, my

girlfriend and I decided to indulge in a little Kentucky Fried Chicken. (I
confess to being a total chicken-skin addict. I love that original

Anyway, we’re walking into the KFC when a woman walks up to us.
Now in this area of town, I’m expecting the usual homeless pitch.

(Sorry if that sounds a bit cold, but that’s what happens when you’re
hit with the same thing over and over. You start to tune out a bit. A lot
like attractive women get hit with the same “You’re so beautiful” crap
from guys.)

Instead of saying, “Hey, can you spare some change?”, this woman

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

“I’m sorry to bother you, and I’m not going to ask you for any money. I
am very hungry. I’m living in the park over there. Would you mind just
getting me some food? I’d really appreciate it.”

I stopped for a second and nodded to her. “Sure. We’ll get you

She came in with us and I bought her a meal.

Do you trust
She reached me with a level of trust that I could appreciate.

Can they Trader Joe’s Trust:

trust you?
I shop at a place called Trader Joe’s for my groceries. It’s one of
those organic food places that keeps things healthy and cheaper
because you’re not paying for expensive brand advertising.

When I get to the register, they inevitably ask me for my zip code as
I’m checking out. Now, obviously this is so they can gather a little
demographic data about their customers.

Normally, I refuse to disclose this information. I don’t think I need to

reveal any more to the corporations out there looking to peer into my
private life. But when I get to the counter at Trader Joe’s, I give it to


Because I TRUST them. I know that their intentions are much more
honorable, and I think that they will not abuse the information.

I have no way of knowing this for sure, but I feel more trusting telling
Trader Joe’s my zip code than, say, Safeway or some other big
supermarket chain.

What’s my point here?

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

When you hear the saying: “Honesty is the best policy,” what they
really mean is be sincere and straightforward. Don’t blast someone
with awkward and socially mis-calibrated information. Just be on the

It’s all about the sincerity.

Sincerity, sincerity, SINCERITY...

This approach works wonders with women, too.

One pickup
line that When a woman feels that she’s with someone who’s sincere and
works without trustable, she will open up and lower her defenses. She will feel
something that she rarely does from guys in top hats with painted
fail... nails.

One of the things I like to say (and you’ll hear about in my programs)
when I walk up and talk to a woman is this: “Hey, I don’t have a clever
pickup line. I just wanted to meet you. My name is Carlos...”

That one never fails to get a woman to open up and talk to me.

Try it.

If you say it from the heart, women will listen and open up to you.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

4 Questions to Ask Yourself About
The Quality Of Your Dating Advice
I’m going to save you a lot of pain and wasted time and money.

I’m going to point out all the things you should watch for when you’re
deciding on jumping into a program to develop your dating and
attraction skills with women.

Bars & Clubs QUESTION #1) Is it realistic advice, or routines and techniques
are a tiny with no depth?
slice of the
If you are trying to improve your skills with women, techniques are
social world in a very small piece of the big picture.
which to meet
Most “routines” are also only made for the bar and club
women. environment. I’ve never met a girl I wanted to date in a bar or club.
In fact, it’s the exception for most men. Play the odds, not the long-
And you need shot. (Most guys go to bars because they assume this is the only
place where women WANT to be picked up on.)
better skills
for the REAL It’s just like starting a jigsaw puzzle. If you just grab any random
world. piece and start trying to build the puzzle, it will be really tough.

Instead, you start with one of the edge or corner pieces and you
work your way in.

Solid inner game skills and lifestyle techniques are just like those
edge pieces in a puzzle. They give you a much bigger context with
which to build the Big Picture.

When I say “Lifestyle Techniques,” what I’m really talking about

are things you can do RIGHT NOW to improve the overall quality
of your attitude, your goals, your relationships, and your LIFE.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

Just like outer game techniques, inner game techniques like those
I teach have the added benefit of improving you as a complete
man instead of just addressing one small detail.

QUESTION #2) Authenticity - Is this material true to YOUR


Here’s a big one that most guys overlook. They get a book of
Get 100% routines or some clever “cocky and funny” lines, and they sound
behind great if you were imagining someone else delivering them, but they
yourself. would feel really weird if you said them.

Instead of regurgitating someone else’s material, you need a style

It’s the best that you can adapt and adopt to your individual style, such as my
long-term REAL Game™.
strategy to You can take just about any opener and use it to start a
success there conversation with a woman or group of women fairly easily, but it’s
what comes after that opener that will make or break you. And
is. that’s where a woman will make her decision.

Choose a technique or style that matches your personality, and

your core values. If you’re not aligned with what you’re saying, it
feels weird to other people. It would be like me talking with a real
wishy-washy tone right now.

I just kinda think you should sorta think about being

a bit more confident with ladies. Well, maybe. I

You see what I mean? It doesn’t match the tone of what I’m saying,
so you immediately distrust it. This is called “incongruence.”

And if you don’t feel 100% behind the words you’re using, you’ll
also come across the same way as using weak words, like you
don’t match your message.

Stay close to your identity and you won’t fall into the Gap.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

QUESTION #3) Is the teacher or “guru” someone you can
respect and trust?

I really believe that you can learn from

anyone, but you’ll also learn the most - and
the fastest - from someone who has a solid
core of character and integrity.

I’ve met a lot of teachers and mentors in my

Learn only time, and the one thing that has always been
from the man true is that if that person isn’t living the life you
doing what it want to lead, why the hell would you listen to
is you want to
do... with the My old sales mentor used to say, “Why would I
character and take financial advice from a caffeine-addicted
stockbroker that’s flat broke? I learn how to
virtues of a make money from the guys with a big PILE of it, and who are
man you wish doing it with good in their heart. Those are the people I listen to.”
to become. I really believe that there’s a certain level of peace and balance
that guys want to acquire in their lives, too. The peace of knowing
that you’re not going to have problems finding another girlfriend if
this relationship doesn’t work out. Or that you have the relationship
and communication skills to make it work if you want.

Those are OPTIONS - and the man with the most options tends to
be the one to come out ahead in every situation.

QUESTION #4) Are you learning a complete Lifestyle?

Or are you just going to learn a very small skill set?

The fact of the matter is that dating and attraction skills are a

What does this mean?

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

It means that your ability to attract women is not just one skill, but
MANY different skills that add up to an overall VIBE of attraction
that makes a woman stand up and pay attention to you.

Things like your family relationships, your social network, your

career path, your self-development, your financial success, etc.,
these are all the power sources for a healthy man.

When you add all these areas up, they converge to create a man
with a powerful Alpha Lifestyle.

It’s like the difference between an electric car and one that’s
powered by a 12-cylinder engine.

You ever stand near a power plant and hear the buzzing of the
power in the transformers and power lines? You can practically
feel the hairs on your arms prickle from the sheer energy at work.
Billions and billions of volts and amperes of electricity ready to be

Guess what? That’s what a woman feels around a guy who’s got
the whole picture.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

A 2-dimensional picture is a cartoon. Like a Bugs Bunny show.
This is the man with just veneer and “game.”

A 3-dimensional picture is more realistic. Like a Pixar movie that

feels like it’s got depth. This is a man with skills AND the

You want to And an Alpha Man with the added fourth dimension of Alpha
Lifestyle powering his game is like being in a simulator or on a
blow all the holo-deck of the Enterprise, interacting on a whole new level.
other guys
Which one do you think gets the girl?
Leave them in
So now you’re ready for a new piece of equipment on this grand
the dust? journey. I call it a Life Compass.

Add on a Wouldn’t it be great if you could just stop at any time and pull out a
little compass that would point you to your next destination?
dimension of
reality and Well, I’ve got something close...
to yourself
that sings to
a woman’s

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

4 Ways to Get Your Life On Track
So you’ve tried the road of the “pickup artist” or the “seducer...”

Or ... maybe you haven’t, but you’re still looking for an answer.

Well let me help get you started on the most important part of the
house that is your life: The foundation.

If you’ve ever seen where a new skyscraper is being built, you’ll

notice something very interesting. The early part of construction is to
dig a hole down REALLY deep.
Go higher by
Why do they do this?
Because the higher they are going to build the building, the deeper
the foundation it needs to support it.
e The same thing is true of your life. In order for you to reach the peak
e of your abilities and the destiny you were put here for, the stronger a
foundation you will need to support it all.
e I’m going to share with you four critical points on your Life Compass.
r Of course, there are many more around the dial, but these will get
your life on the best track to success in this quest.
LIFE COMPASS POINT 1) Recognize Opportunity Cost...
Life is full of choices. We live in a world of plenty, but somehow there
are still plenty of people at this banquet that are starving to death.

Really and metaphorically speaking.

You have to realize that you cannot “do it all.” No matter what the
media and television shows try to make you believe (most of which is
not even remotely accurate to a balanced and healthy life), you only
have the “bandwidth” to do a certain number of things well in your life
at one time.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

To do one, you must be willing to NOT do another.

I fought this for years, trying to do everything that I wanted to in life. I

wanted to play guitar in a band, compose music, have a career, meet
women and party several nights a week, read a lot of books, etc.

Now, you can get a lot accomplished in a well planned lifestyle, but
you can’t do everything. And the more you try to “multi-task” in life,
the more likely you are to totally screw up your life.
intently on Read this transcription from Linda Stone’s speech on this topic of
the things “continuous partial attention:”
that are In 1997 I coined the phrase "continuous partial attention".
important to For almost two decades, continuous partial attention has
you. been a way of life to cope and keep up with
responsibilities and relationships. We've stretched our
attention bandwidth to upper limits. We think that if tech
has a lot of bandwidth then we do, too.

With continuous partial attention we keep the top level

item in focus and scan the periphery in case something
more important emerges. Continuous partial attention is
motivated by a desire not to miss opportunities. We want
to ensure our place as a live node on the network, we feel
alive when we're connected. To be busy and to be
connected is to be alive.

We've been working to maximize opportunities and

contacts in our life. So much social networking, so little
time. Speed, agility, and connectivity at top of mind.
Marketers humming that tune for two decades now.

Now we're over-stimulated, over-wound, unfulfilled.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

More and more people feel this way, unfortunately. It’s become the
norm for many of us. We try to do too many things and wind up
getting none of them done very well.

We’re drowning in mediocrity.

What if someone could show you a way to find the right things to pay
attention to so that you don’t wind up at the end of your life regretting
all the things you didn’t do...?
You live in a
world of LIFE COMPASS POINT 2) Think from abundance...
It’s time to stop starving.

There are There’s a saying that those who are hungry never get enough, while
over 41 those who are full get plenty.
MILLION There’s a lot of truth to that.
Read this question from a reader. It will explain this mindset and how
women under to start thinking from abundance rather than scarcity...
the age of 45.
Get busy.
I totally believe in the concepts and basic principles you have put
forth but it boils down to this: Yes, things come to the people who
don't expect them or need them but in order to give of that vibe
you truly must be in that "zone" truthfully.

I have not dated or gotten laid in the past seven years, I am being
mindful when I approach women and get numbers to be cool laid
back relaxed, in control like any Alpha Man would. But.... the
problem is as we all know women have built in radars that can
detect things in men.

For example: Guys who are in relationships get hit on by women

more than guys who are single for some reason.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

So how can I be in the zone of not being hungry when I truly am
starving? My approach doesn't come as needy but there must be a
"X" factor or something that maybe women are sensing?

Because I call them once and never hear from them again, not
even a first date at all, but at the time them are giving me the initial
indicators of interest and attraction.

How do you control your hunger when in reality you haven't had a
girlfriend or gotten laid in over seven years - or ever?
You’ll never
stop being Yes, neediness drives women away, but how do you mask it or
who you truly control it and appear not hungry when in reality you are truly truly
are. ______________________

This is a great question, because it speaks to the heart of what I


First of all, remember that the problem is not that you've not gotten
laid in seven years. That's a symptom, not the actual disease.
Mistaking it for the real problem is what distracts most guys.

The secret is really to NOT pretend that you’re not hungry. We all
know that’s impossible. Women DO sense this and they WILL
avoid men with that rabid scent of "gotta get laid" just as much as
men avoid the women with that rabid scent of "gotta get married."

But just because you’re hungry doesn’t mean you can only have
ONE kind of food.

Wouldn’t it be nuts to hear this interaction:

“I’m starving to death! I haven’t had a bite to eat in 3 days!”

“Well, here, have some of my chicken sandwich.”

“Oh... Sorry, I only eat Pizza. Do you have any pizza? I gotta
have some pizza!”

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

That would seem ridiculous, right?

But the same thing applies to women.

If you’re starving for sex, you’re not really

looking at the big picture. You’ve just become
a slave to your own genitals.

You can “feed” this hunger by using your sex

drive to push you into new experiences in life,
Feed yourself such as widening your social circle, trying a
by giving new way to meet women (such as the
yourself a “multiple streams of female income” that I
teach guys to leverage.)
chance to
taste every Saying that you can only get fulfillment by getting a woman in your
part of your life is narrow focused. If you find the things in life that REALLY
fulfill you, women will realize that your hunger is not going to
life. consume THEM.

You see, every woman knows that behind a man starving for sex is
a guy who hasn’t found his calling, or his Alpha Manhood. And
she will not be able to trust him.

But if he’s learned the secret of finding his nutrition in many areas,
she’ll know he’s stable and trustworthy.

A man's sex drive is one of the most powerful forces in the

universe. Channeling that drive into other areas of your life will
absolutely help you get rid of that "hungry vibe."

If you’re a Hungry Guy - and we all have been at some point - the
answer isn’t in chasing after women as the only path to your

The answer is completing your life so that when you’re standing

there talking with a woman, you could have a dozen things you
could be doing at that moment that are just as cool as talking to

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

THAT is when women will really take notice of you.

Because what you’re feeling is not really "hunger." It's ENERGY

that you have not tapped into in the right ways to move you
forward in the other areas of your life that you've been neglecting.

When you hold this energy in, you'll get emotionally constipated,
which is part of that "X factor" you mentioned in your letter.
Get away
from the Unfocused light is useless. But focus that light into one coherent
people who do beam and you have a laser capable of cutting steel.
not help you Let your energy out and push you toward feeding your desires with
become who other achievements than women.
you want to
And I can guarantee you that the women will want to come along
be. for that ride...

Those who LIFE COMPASS 3) Change Your Environment

discourage Here’s a little-known reality that most people forget - or completely
you from your
dreams are You are a product of your environment. All the life experiences you
the ones that absorbed from your family, your friends, your upbringing, your
schooling, etc., created who you are today.
have already
given up on If we were to go back in time and change a few of these elements,
there’s a high probability that you wouldn’t be ANYTHING like who
their own. you are right now.

Your environment is STILL impacting who you are to this day.

The part that most people don’t understand is that we can choose
our environment in life when we become adults, and it’s up to us to
determine which one we will be a part of.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

If you’re hanging around with friends who hold you back, or enable
your tendency to be lazy, or to not change, or just generally do not
challenge you to grow, you are going to stagnate and wither.

In order to become the Alpha Man you are capable of creating,

you must be exposed to people who challenge you and who are
everything you want to become.

Be careful of This is a big problem for a lot of people who

don’t like the discomfort of being around people
associating who are achieving more and are living a higher
pain with the quality of life.
possibility of But it’s this same exposure to positive
learning a influences that will put you on a winning track
new and toward the things in life that will make you a
better way of
living... Non-winning sucks. Avoid it at all costs.

Remember, winning IS everything.

Winning in your personal life, your spiritual life, your family life,
your financial life, your career...

Not winning at the expense of others, because that is a dated


Winning so that others can win with you.

If you want to change and grow and get better with women and life
- the Alpha Lifestyle - you must surround yourself with the
environment that will enable you - not hold you back.

Change your environment and you change your life.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

LIFE COMPASS 4) Build your Social Skills...

Social awareness is not always “natural” or automatic. I wish it

were, but it usually isn’t.

I grew up severely socially retarded. I mean that in a realistic way.

I could see what was going on, but I had no tools or techniques to
help me get through weird or difficult social situations. I learned the
same way most people did: Trial and error.

And error.

And error.

And a lot more error.

Unfortunately, some social skills

MUST be learned through making
the mistakes. No one can short-cut
you past all of them. You learn
sometimes from feeling the pain.

The problem is that we learned our

social responses and skills from
people with certain agendas and
goals that were not always well-

People play games with us. It’s a fact. It’s something I devoted a
whole program to so that guys could learn all the social skills for
managing other people in your life manipulate you with games.

Because, unfortunately, your success will not be determined by

your degree or how smart you are.

The most successful people have strong social skills.

And your final compass point...

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

LIFE COMPASS POINT 5) Get started building your foundation.

I think in a lot of ways, we’ve been doing the excavation for your
skyscraper in this book.

We’ve been digging deep into the earth of your

beliefs and attitudes to create a big hole that we can
now start to lay some serious foundation in.

What is this foundation made of?

Well, they’re primarily the various meta-skills I’ve

been discussing along the way.

I’ll list some of them for you here:

Rock-solid Inner Game - You must have inner

confidence and the state of mind to come from a relaxed
frame of mind. You need to really believe in yourself, your
life, and your goals.

Power Social Skills - You must have an ability to relate to

people. This doesn’t mean you have to change into a
complete social butterfly overnight. It just means that you
have to venture out of your self-imposed comfort bubble to
acquire a new skill that will reap you rewards unimaginable
to the solitary man. And as we know, no man is an island
unto himself.

Motivation - You must have the fuel to get your lifestyle into
high gear and get to your goals. Every man is motivated,
even when he’s sitting on the couch watching TV. The trick is
to find your reason for doing something and light a fire under
your own ass to go after it. And it’s not all that hard to do. We
have more free time and more opportunities than any other
generation has ever had in history, yet we’re still bored. Well
that’s only because you haven’t tapped into your mission.
Stick with me and I’ll help you find it.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

Strong Dating and Attraction Skills - Hey, the reason you
probably got started on this path was to satisfy your natural
need for sexual companionship. Every man has it, and every
man deserves to get what he wants. Techniques are still
necessary, but even more than the techniques is learning
and modeling the person who’s using them to achieve our
own “Holy SHIT!” moment where it all clicks into place, and
suddenly you know how the REAL game works.

Lifestyle Skills: Learning the Things They Don’t Teach

You in School - I always wondered why they didn’t teach
things like how to balance your checkbook or how to
manage your money or start a savings plan when we were in
school. Instead we were learning facts and dates that almost
none of us ever use after we leave high school. They taught
us how to be a good little employee, and go work for a big
shiny corporation, but they didn’t teach us the stuff that
mattered. I guess I’m different in that I believe that every
man needs to round out his lifestyle with the skills that will
really matter in the long run - Not learning how long it will
take Train A going 60 miles an hour to collide with Train B
going 30 miles an hour. Call me silly...

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

I wanted to share a letter with you as a way to explain what it
REALLY takes to get a woman. It might seem a bit out of place to talk
about his “one night stand” when we’ve been talking so much about
authenticity and so forth, but it’s the concept of what women want
from men that is most important in this story.

This guy’s experience is applicable to you, not just the super-suave

The sooner guy who is looking to do some bar and club action.
you get
In fact, this works ten times better on women you meet every day, on
started, the the street, in the grocery store, at the laundromat - WHEREVER you
sooner you may be.
will achieve all
There’s another important word I want you to learn about that makes
the things you the difference between getting the woman you want - and winding up
want in life. as just another friend.

Read this question from one of my students to find out what this word
If not now, is...

Hello Carlos,

Hope you doing great. Just had to let you know about my story
last week where I got introduced to a girl by a friend.

It all happened on a night where we were in a small social

gathering with only me, her, and my friend. After half an hour
my friend went to sleep and there was only the two of us. I think
she is usually very shy and not very talkative by nature so I kept
talking just to ease the situation and to make her comfortable.

We had been talking for a while when I realized it was quite late
but she was still here. I tried to get closer to her to see her
reaction and eventually we started making out.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

Of course your advice did help a lot. For example I acted
confident and seemed to be sure of what I was doing, I was
even trying to make her laugh successfully (I guess our sense
of humor was similar).

So [your] three 'S's worked perfectly here: Self-confidence,

sense of humor, and self-control. Oh, and I used [your] palm
reading trick as an excuse to get closer to her and this is where
it started.

My questions are:

(1) She seemed to be very into me that night but was regularly
saying that she would not be having sex with me. I took it easy,
took a few seconds break and tried again till she accepted.
Would she have said that only to test my reaction?

(2) If a girl is supposed to sleep with a guy if she trusts him

(most importantly) then why did she do it on the first night she
met me - and after only a few hours? Can that really be enough
for a girl to trust a guy?

Keep rocking dude!!

R. in the UK

This is a common situation with guys that seems illogical up

front, but is actually very obvious underneath.

First off, a woman says that sort of thing ("I'm not sleeping with
you") for one reason primarily, and it's not really to test you. It's
actually her way of establishing in her mind that she is
remaining "innocent." Women are culturally and societally
programmed to protect their sexuality as their "secret value" to
the world.

It's her bargaining chip.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

The one thing a woman used in days-gone-by to assure her
survival was her sexuality. It was her “unique selling proposal”
for men that she had to guard.

If a man thought she was a "loose woman," it

lowered her sexual value. After all, how would he be
able to be sure that his children were really HIS if
she was the kind of girl who messed around?

Well, in the last few years we've been able to

destroy that myth (of the chaste woman who does
not cheat) with the discovery that about 10% of all
kids are not from the father they think they are.

But it's VITALLY important to a woman's social appearance to

her peers and to men that she look innocent.

Think about what the worst insult is to a woman: Slut.

So she will proclaim until the end of the world that she's a
"Good Girl."

And her way of maintaining this image to you is to make you

believe that she "never does this sort of thing."

And she even denies it to herself, telling herself that this or that
sexual encounter "doesn't count."

Now, if you did react badly or impatiently to her saying "not

tonight," she would have been turned off in a big way. You
would have proven yourself to be just another guy who only
wants "one thing."

Game over.

But you did the right thing which was to hold back and chill.
Relax and let her feel that she could connect with you, and that
you were a confident and patient chap.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

You also bring up an equally valid and important point about

Isn't a woman supposed to trust a man before she sleeps with

him? Yes, she does, but not as much as you might think.

There's another ingredient that is more important than trust, and

it will make all the difference to you with women.

She needs to feel CONNECTION.

It’s really all
So to answer your question, YES - that's all she needs in order
about to feel comfortable enough to indulge her sexuality and have
CONNECTION fun with you.

In order to understand women, you have to really understand

the huge part of reality that is actually a complete LIE.

Here are some facts about women that most men accept as the
Truth, but they're not:

MYTH - Women are not as interested in sex as men.


Women are actually MORE sexual than men.

MYTH - Women don't cheat as much as men.


Women are just better at keeping it hidden than men are.

MYTH - A woman needs to be your one and only girlfriend

before she will sleep with you.


As I told you above, she only needs to feel a connection with

you to allow herself to be sexual with you.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

So the real riddle that guys need to solve is HOW to get a
woman to feel that connection with you. To feel that she is
actually felt and UNDERSTOOD on a deep level.

To really supercharge her feminine identity, and touch her soul

in a way that most men will NEVER understand.

That’s right, it’s all about connection. Which is something you cannot
achieve when you’re trying to be
something you don’t feel
Common comfortable or congruent with.
sense isn’t all Now, a lot of what you have just
that read in this ebook is going to
seem like common sense to you.
common... In fact, I’d worry if you hadn’t read
at least a small portion of this
somewhere else before.

But as they say, common sense ain’t so common, is it?

After all, we all know that exercising and eating right will make you
healthier. Almost without exception.

Seems pretty simple, doesn’t it?

Eat right and exercise.

So why don’t people do it if they know that they will live longer, have
more energy, and live higher quality life?

Well, it’s usually a question of discipline and motivation.

It’s RARE to find a guy who will postpone his gratification to achieve
his long-term goals.

We try to do what’s in our best interests - but sometimes we can’t see

those best interests until it’s too late.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

There was a really disgusting poster in the waiting room of my
doctor’s office that showed a woman that looked all burned,
blackened, and gooey. The caption underneath read: “If smoking did
to you on the outside what it does on the inside, you’d never start.”

It was pretty effective on a shock-value level.

It’s hard to do what’s right for us if it involves the discomfort of

changing. As humans, we have only a limited amount of “push
Where you through the pain” determination, and usually that determination only
are right now appears when we’ve finally hit rock bottom.
is the sum
Don’t get to that point if you can avoid it... but you might have to.
total of all the
decisions you Have you ever heard the saying that the success or failure that you
have made experience can often be traced back to a few key decisions you make
at critical times during your life?
your life... If you have heard this, have you ever given any thought as to what
those decisions might actually be?

Wouldn’t you agree that maybe it makes sense to give them a little

If you knew that there are only a few key decisions that you can make
that are going to have an enormous impact on your quality of life and
the women you will meet and be with in your life, wouldn’t you like to
know in advance what those decisions are?

Unfortunately, most guys have already made these decisions for

themselves - and usually they make the WRONG ONE. And they
don’t even realize that they’ve made this mistake.

How do I know this?

Because after talking with thousands of guys and experiencing the

obstacles that they run into, I’ve been able to identify them - and it’s
especially evident when you see how many guys are not getting the

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

kind of Top Gun success that a small percentage of the guys are
getting out there.

I used to think that the quality of your life experience would be in

direct proportion to the level of your self-esteem.

Well, I still think that, for the most part.

But now I understand that a huge part of your experience in life

amounts to your willingness to look at things through other people’s
Can you look perspective.
out through
another Remember when I told you about the “Think Barrier”?
person’s eyes That’s directly related to this.
experience? The salesperson who is willing to really SEE the world through
his prospect’s eyes is going to experience a radical difference in
their ability to sell...

The hostage negotiator who is willing to really SEE the situation

through the other person’s eyes is going to be able to defuse
the situation - and safely...

The parent who is really able to SEE through the eyes and
experience of their teenager - remembering what it was like and
not fall back on just commanding and lazy parenting - is going
to be able to make a difference in their child’s life...

The man who looks through the eyes of the woman he’s talking
to will have unbelievable success in his ability to get her hooked
on him - and CONNECT with massive rapport.

It’s this ability to leave behind our own ego and selfish needs that will
define the level of success you will experience in your life.


This one realization has made all the difference in the success I’ve
had in my personal life and my professional life.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

And this is the depth of information you will find in my programs as

Do you ever feel lost?

Do you ever feel like you’re searching for an answer of how all this
stuff works, and how it all ties together?

TRIVIA: The Chinese characters for “kung-fu” symbolize “time” and

“I know “energy.”

That’s all that “kung-fu” really is - the
application of energy over time. You
- Neo, in can have martial arts kung-fu, or
“The Matrix.” cooking kung-fu, or even dating
kung-fu, if you choose.

Because those two elements are really all that your life will amount to
in the end. How much energy did you put in? And over how much

The only thing you have to spend in this life is your time. Money will
come and go, but your time is fixed.

And precious.

The last 30 or 40 minutes or so that you spent reading this book are
gone for good. You’ll never have them again. That’s why I made
damn sure that I put as much time-energy into this book as I could for

This is my kung-fu.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

Are You Finally a Man?

You may have heard a saying that a boy becomes a man when he
realizes he is going to die someday.

This happened for me at a very early age.

I remember it clearly, like one of those flashbulb memories where

someone asks you where you were when this or that happened.

I was 5 years old, and I was laying in bed, and I was laying there
thinking about my life and thinking out into the future. All of a sudden I
was smothered in despair.
Someday, this
will all be I realized that one day, all of this would be over. I
over. would not live forever.

I started crying, and I called my mom in. I told her

what I was thinking about dying and afraid of it,
and she did the warm and nurturing mother
things, telling me that it would be all right, and
this wouldn’t happen for many many years.

She must have calmed me down, because I fell

asleep soon after. I don’t really even remember
dwelling on that thought again for many years.

I imagine this was a big freak-out for my mom, too. Her little boy was
talking about something she probably had never really considered. I
can imagine how difficult that was for her to handle.

I think that one experience shaped a lot of my life. I found a secret

well spring of energy in my life after that point that - looking back now
- I can attribute to this great realization.

We are not permanent fixtures here on this planet.

We are TEMPORARY here. We only get a good 70 or 80 years

(sometimes much less - no one knows for sure how long) to do our

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

And then we’re gone. Just a flicker of a candle in the wind, as some
singer might say.

We gotta get going, and move with a purpose.

When I talked to my girlfriends in the past and

asked them what it was that made them choose
me, almost all of them say it was my burning drive
to accomplish something here. They could sense
I was on my way somewhere, and that was
enormously exciting and attractive to them.

EVERYTHING So now the real question is what happens next,

after this book is closed and your computer is
is just a skill turned off.
waiting to be
learned. What then?

If all I’ve done in this book is give you ONE new idea that sparks your
awareness or increases your energy and motivation, it was worth it.

If all I’ve done is give you the understanding of ONE concept that
could turn your life in a new direction, it was worth it.

If you do nothing after you read this, and a few years from now you
hear something that reminds you of a concept I’ve talked about, and
you make a different decision that moves you towards your goal, it
was worth it.

You see, you can learn something new from anyone, anywhere,
anytime - IF you have the right goggles of awareness on, and you’re
not just trying to judge the world.

As for YOUR Kung-fu, if you want to maximize your time-energy over

the next who-knows-how-many-years, you need skills. Everything
you want to do in life is just a skill - even dating and attracting
women, or becoming a better man.

And skills can be learned.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

I am here to teach you the best of the best when it comes to
attraction skills.

I’ve been through the entire learning cycle of a guy who SUCKED
with women all the way to having great success with my dating and
attraction, and all the way to realizing that there’s a big picture that
guys want that goes way beyond just pickup and the romantic

Again, I’m only going to pass along the best and most effective
techniques for change, growth, confidence-building, and

I’m not going to waste your time with a lot of useless lines and fluff
that will only misguide you into a place where you feel like you have
to be another person to attract women.

You only need to raise your excitement and energy up a few

notches to draw women into your vibe.

Think about this whole “pickup” thing for a minute...

Really, how hard could it be to get into a conversation with a drunk

girl who’s just barely out of high school?

The “pickup” skills are necessary, because they are a tool, and
having any tool to realize a way to improve yourself is usually better
than no tools.

I say again, these techniques are necessary - but not nearly as much
as it’s necessary for you to learn an honorable and incredibly
POWERFUL method of attracting women with your authentic self.

If you would like to create that for yourself, without having to pay
$2000 (or much more) for an overhyped bootcamp with some guru, or
having to go beat up your inner child, then I can help you find that

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

If you would like to find your own unique path and purpose in this life
while you become the man you were meant to be, and you don’t want
to walk over fire or spend umpteen thousand dollars in seminars and
retreats, I’d be happy to help you find your path.

And if I can’t help you, I’ll point you to someone who can.

I want you to maximize these few years you get here on this planet,
and not look back in regret at
what you failed to do.

Take a few minutes right now.

ENERGIZE Look away from the screen, or
your life... the paper, close your eyes for a
bit and just imagine yourself in
that old folks home, or retirement
home, and you’re talking to
everyone about the life you led.

What would your story be?

Would you have done the things

you wanted to do?

Or will you be regretting all the

things you never got to do?

Inner Game, Outer Game, and Motivation.

This is the “Triple-Threat” of the Alpha Lifestyle. With these three

elements in place, you are unstoppable.

You will be a force to be reckoned with.

I’m attaching a little roadmap for you on the next few pages. I’m just
giving you a quick idea of what is possible for you to learn on this
path to becoming the Alpha Man. I hope you’ll take the next step and
start living your Alpha Lifestyle.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.


No games or fake lines... Attract women with the REAL you.


The Alpha Rules

Alpha Lifestyle:
Triple-Threat Power Social Skills


The Dating Black Book

Secrets of the Alpha Man Alpha Immersion

The Seduction Method

Approach Women - NOW Conversation & Persuasion


Carlos Xuma shares the insider secrets of how to attract women
the right way - by being the REAL you!

R.E.A.L. Game cuts through all the confusing and contradicting

information out there to help you get REAL success with women -
[TM] by using the best parts of your authentic personality.

R = Relaxed & Resourceful

E = Effective & Energized
A = Authentic & Alpha
L = Lifestyle & Lasting

Most approaches and seductions fail because the guy isn’t confident
and congruent with his true identity. He feels like he needs to rely on a
line or “fake” opener to get her interested. While having a few stories and
techniques is important, it’s the attitude that shines through.
“Carlos Xuma is like that older, wiser
brother you always wished you had... You Carlos Xuma gives you both the inner game and the outer game.
know that he cares about you... He doesn't When you have both, your skill becomes natural - and more effective.
brag, he just tells you what he knows - Attraction is predictable and repeatable.
and you know he knows what he's talking It all starts with your natural Alpha Man abilities - the foundation of who
about...” - Jack Kammer, Author you are right now. No more faking it!

How to attract women with your own personality & get more dates
The successful traits of the Alpha Man - and how you develop them
Proven methods you can use to destroy “Approach Anxiety”
How you leverage the Universal Motivators for change
How you use the power of seductive language and imagery
Using Power Questions to break past social conditioning
How to control your fear, dispel your doubts, & build confidence
Specific techniques and exercises for a Powerful Frame ALL the time
Opening lines that calibrate to your style - and WORK
How to build razor-sharp conversation skills
The Stepping Stones from Approach to Intimacy - Start to Finish
Exercises to raise your level of Power, Control, and Confidence
How to overcome resistance - motivate yourself and others
How to be successful in all areas of your life - not just women...








“I would have to say that your Alpha Man Pro-

gram is one of the best solutions to getting
ADVANCED DATING & CONFIDENCE this part of your life in order...” !!
! ! ! !! - J.E. in Georgia
GO TO: “...This is more than just a dating guide - it is a
collection of priceless information on how to
improve one's life in general....” ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! - M.R.

SEE EVERYTHING AT: “...Your stuff is simply GOLD!!” - C.P. in the U.K.

© 2001-2008 DD Publications- Morpheus Productions,
Make a choice that makes sense for you, and get started learning
and doing, not just BEING.

Get started on a curriculum that will give you the freedom to do what
you want to do, and be who you want to be.

Please use your new understanding with compassion, energy, and to

improve the lives of everyone you come in contact with.

That’s all I ask...

Your friend,
Become a
FORCE to be
- Carlos Xuma
Northern California

PS: You’re welcome to give a copy of this e-book to anyone you think
might benefit from it.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

© 2008 DD Publications, Morpheus
Productions, LLC.

The information contained in or made available through

this Product cannot replace or substitute for the services of
trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited
to, psychological, financial, medical, or legal matters. In
particular, you should regularly consult a doctor in all
matters relating to physical or mental health, particularly
concerning any symptoms
that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

DD Publications and our licensors or suppliers make no

representations or warranties concerning any treatment,
action, or application of medication or preparation by any
person following the information offered or provided
herein. Neither Carlos Xuma nor our associates, or any of
their affiliates, will be liable for any direct, indirect,
consequential, special, exemplary or other damages that
may result, including but not limited to economic loss,
injury, illness or death.

© 2008 DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC.

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