HR List of Questions

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What does Bain do

Answer – Bain is a Global consultancy firm. From a client perspective, Bain is one of the best
problem solvers. Its unique approach to change management helps structure and enable
sustained results. From an employee perspective, Bain is one of the best places to work which
promotes collaboration, thinking beyond expectation and achieving which seemed impossible

 Tell me about yourself.

 What are you doing here?
 Why consulting?
 Why did you pick your school?
 What do you think consultants do?
 What do you know about this job and our firm?
 Why would you choose our firm over our competitors?
 Tell me of a time you showed leadership skills.
 Tell me of a time you were a team player.
 Give me an example of a time you influenced or persuaded a group.
 Tell me about a recent crisis you handled.
 Have you ever failed at anything?
 Tell me about a time you took the initiative to start something.
 What type of work do you like to do best?
 With which other firms are you interviewing?
 Which other industries are you looking into?
 What accomplishments have given you the greatest satisfaction?
 What experiences/skills do you feel are particularly transferable to our organization?
 Why should I hire you?

2. Why should we hire you? You have a little different background.

3. Why switching from one industry to another
4. Do you have any questions for us
Answer –

What is the daily working like

Working Hours, Timings, Flexibility (Also, which geography do we work for)
Industries we cater to, Kind of Projects
Salary Range
Software/ Technologies needed in the role

Interview Structure (Plus how many rounds, if all are different)

Do you remember interview questions and cases you were asked

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