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APPROPIACY - All content elements are fully - All content elements adequately - All content elements attempted - Some content elements are - Little relevant content and/or Achieves nothing
covered. dealt with at an acceptable level. omitted or unsuccessfully dealt unacceptably short
- Register, format and presentation - Appropriate format, presentation -One content element omitted. with. - Unclear communicative purpose
are totally appropriate. and register - Satisfactory format, presentation - Communicative purpose - Unacceptable format and
- Contribution is too long and register. insufficiently clear/script too presentation.
- Format and presentation are
unsatisfactory. Register is
inconsistent or unccessful.

COHESION AND COHERENCE - Organised and coherent. - Evidence of organization - Some attempt at organization - Some incoherence. Erratic - Seriosly incoherent. Ideas are Achieves nothing
Descripción - Good use of simple connectors. - Use of very simple connectors and use of connectors but not punctuation unconnected. No use of
- Internal cohesion and coherence - Internal cohesion and coherence always maintained - Excessive effort by the reader connectors
of the text. No effort by the reader. of the text. Little by the reader - Some effort required by the - Handwriting obscures meaning - Absence of punctuation

RANGE OF STRUCT. AND VOCAB. - Very good range of vocabulary - Good range of vocabulary and - Acceptable range of vocabulary - Inadequate and poor range of - Totally inadequate range of Achieves nothing
Descripción and grammatical structures for the grammatical structures for the and grammatical structures for the vocabulary and grammatical structures and vocabulary to task
task and level task and level task and level structures for the task and level
- Task development is not - Task development is not - Task development is never - Task development is
restricted by lack of vocabulary or significantly limited by lack of compromised by lack of language compromised by lack of language
grammatical structures structures or vocabulary

ACCURACY -Very good use of language - Good use of structures for the - Satisfactory but non-ambitious - Simplistic, limited or repetitive - Severely restricted command of Achieves nothing
Descripción structures task and level language language language
-Minor and non-impeding - Some errors in structure and/or - Adequate structures and - Inadequate structures
grammatical errors and minor spelling but generally non- vocabulary - Numerous errors in structure and
spelling mistakes impeding - A number of errors in structure spelling which sometimes impede
- Frequent attempts at ambitious - Some attempts at ambitious and spelling but mostly non- communication
language language impeding

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