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Collaborative Listening and Viewing Guide

• An experiment
• Demonstration
• A lecture
• A video tape
• A field trip

This is a strategy for taking notes from information observed and/or

heard during a demonstration or viewing of a film. There are five
components to this strategy.

Guide Components

Phase 1. Preview/Review Information - A brainstorming session

in which student input is elicited on a particular topic or a teacher
directed activity in which the teacher presents key concepts,
vocabulary, and introduction to content to be learned. A second
function of this phase is to review what was already learned.

Phase 2. Record - Individually, students will jot down significant

terms, concepts, and events on the left side of the paper as they are
listening and viewing the film.

Phase 3. Elaborate - (small groups) The students join together in

small groups to elaborate on their verbatim transcription. Here they
can put their heads together to recall details, contribute related
information and reorganize the new content in a meaningful way.
These ideas are written on the right side of the paper.

Phase 4. Synthesize - (whole class) The class should again be

consulted to provide yet a broader view on the topic. Students can
record on their guides the most important concepts contributed by
class members.

Phase 5. Extend – (pairs) the extension phase allows students to

work in pairs to do one or more of the following: a) compose a
paragraph or two to consolidate some of the information; b) design a
project related to the topic; c) develop a semantic map of the key
concepts; d) write a play or skit; e) conduct further research on an
aspect of interest to them.

Lea Macdonald

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