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1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

The introduction of various ICT trends has led to reorganization, change in work patterns, and
demand for new skills, job retraining and reclassification positions. Technological advancement of
the past twenty five years, such as the electronic database, online services, CD-ROMs and
introduction of internet has radically transformed access to information.
Rana (2009) opines that ICT holds the key to the success of modernizing information services.
Applications of ICT are numerous but mainly it is used in converting the existing paper-print
records in the entire process of storage, retrieval and dissemination.
With the invention of Information and Communication Technology, university’s now use various
types of technologies to give support to the students. Everyday new technological advances affect
the way information is handled in academic environment and other organizations. The impacts of
new technologies are felt by education in every aspect. Computing technology, communication
technology and mass storage technology are some of the areas of continuous development that
reshape the way that libraries access, retrieve, store, manipulate and disseminate information to
users(Dorcas and Kingsley, 2011).
The impact of ICT characterized on information services by changes in format, contents and
method of production and contents and method of production and delivery of information products.
Emergence of internet as the largest repository of information and knowledge, changed role of
educational and information science professionals from intermediary to facilitator, new tools for
dissemination of information and shift from physical to virtual services environment and extinction
of some conventional information services and emergence of new and innovational web based.
Especially in class room many ICT facilities are available for teaching and learning processes like
projector and computer (Olokoba et al, 2014).

Most teachers leave teacher training institutions with limited knowledge of ways technology can be
effectively used in their professional practice. In this age of digitization, being able to effectively
apply technology should be high on the list of what teachers at all levels of our education should
know and be able to do in any instructional transaction. There is substantial evidence that, if used
appropriately for specific purposes in specific contexts, technology can be an effective tool in
supporting teaching and learning. The way ICT has been used in the education can be divided two
broad categories (1) ICT for Education and (2) ICT in Education. ICT for education refers to the
development of information and communication technology specifically for teaching/ learning
purposes, while
ICT in Education involves the adoption of general components of technologies in the teaching
process, more specifically, often for the training of teachers in the use of technology for teaching
(Olakulehin, 2007). In this study the researcher will focus on ICT in study Similarly, UNESCO
(2004) classifies ICT in education into three broad categories:
(1) Pedagogy
(2) Training and
(3) Continue Education.

(1) Pedagogy
Pedagogy is focused on the effective learning of subjects with the support of the various
components of ICT.

(2) Training
Key goals of education for the 21st century are flexibility, personalization, and promotion of life-
long learning. ICT provides opportunities to tailor learning to the specific needs of adults and out-
of-school youth. In addition to increasing opportunities for learning anytime and anywhere, ICT
can improve training through multimedia and connectivity, appealing to different learning styles
and making learning more engaging. Olakulehin (2007).

(3) Continue education

Many countries seek to provide an education that prepares their children to be successful and
competitive in a 21st century economy. This implies a Wide range of changes in curriculum and
methods, including the integration of ICT as a tool and as a subject of study. At the same time,
promoting improved foundational skills in literacy and numeracy is at the forefront of educational
programming. Many new technologies such as tablet computers and mobile phones are
increasingly accessible, Google (2016).

1.2 Statement of the problem
The main problem of this study is that in Jimma university school of computing there is some
ICT resources,but not enough ICT resources for each department according to their levels. When
ICT tools are widely used at all levels of education in developed countries, university are yet to
take maximum advantage of ICT in developing countries, where the ICT resources are access for
each department of natural science department (Dorcas and Kingsley, 2011).Traditional
educational practices no longer provide students with all the necessary skills to survive
economically in today’s work place. Generally, the study about intend to study in depth and
answer some questions list bellow under research questions.

1.3Research Questions



2. Literature review

2.1 What is ICT?

ICT stands for information & communications technology is an umbrella term that includes any
communication device, encompassing radio, television, cell phones, computer and network
hardware, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services & applicate with them such
as video conferencing and distance learning. “ICT are often spoken of a particular context such
as ICTs in education, health care, or libraries” (Abe & Adu, 2007).

Research by Lopez, (2003) among other, has revealed the following advantage for students.
Firstly, information and communication technologies offer a constructivist approach to learning
through the provision of interactive learning experiences when interactivity is provision of
interactive learning experiences. When interactivity is prominent in learning it increases
students’ performance ICTs also increase interactivity with instructional programs. Secondly,
learning through ICTs is more effective as they provide opportunities for using multiple
technologies (video, computer, telecommunication, etc) thereby providing visualization aids in
the internalization and understanding of difficult concepts and processes. This gives
opportunities for providing links between theory and practice. Thirdly, ICTs provided
opportunities for students to gain valuable computer skills which are relevant in today; job
market. That is they can be used as a ready means of preparing today students for future works
places. Student as future employees will be equipped with the requisite competence and
knowledge to use ICTs within their, thereby increasing the preparation of students for must
careers and occupation. Also, ICTs provide opportunities for flexible learning as course
information are always available and accessible, there by catering for students of different
learning styles. These increases opportunities for students constructed learning, and
individualization of instruction. Students are therefore encouraged to develop their problem
solving skills and this promotes students creativity.

In addition, ICTs increase students’ opportunities for collaboration and communication of
projects. They aid students in collaboration on group works as students can develop their own
group pages and discussion board. Furthermore, they can collaborate with lectures and
professional opportunities. ICTs also provide student with repertoire of resources to enhance-
learning. Students have access to current and up-to-date materials (Topez, 2003). Information
with ease students can revise and update learning resources available to them. It should be
stressed that ICTs also have excess of benefits for tertiary institutions teaching.



 To investigate Information communication technology facilities and its impact on post

graduate student’s performance in School of Computing Jimma University.


 To identify the ICT facilities.

 To determine how ICT efficiency affect the students’ performance.
 To determine how skillful and knowledgeable the student are in the use of ICT resources.

 To determine the challenges associated with the application of ICT usage



study area
This study is going to be conducted at ICT facilities and its impact on undergraduate student’s
performance in School of computing Jimma University. Jimma University is 345km far from
south west of Addis Abeba.

Study period

Data will be collected from January 2020 to march 2020 G.C

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