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Date of Submission: December 20, 2019




Background of the study

Since the 20th century, the role of the vehicle has become highly important. It is used

throughout the world and has become the most popular mode of transport in the more developed

countries. Millions of people around the world own or finance a vehicle for regular use.

Nevertheless, the effects of the vehicle on everyday life have been a subject of controversy. This

creates air pollution.

Emissions from motor vehicles are one of the most significant sources of air pollution in

many urban areas in the Philippines. It is the combustion of gasoline and other hydrocarbon fuels

in automobile trucks, and jet airplanes, which produce several primary pollutants such as

hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. Main sources of emission from automobiles are as described


Amount of Emissions (%)

S.N. Source
4-stroke 2-stroke

1 Crankcase blow by 20 -

2 Evaporative Emissions 20 3

3 Exhaust Emissions 60 97


Crankcase Emission

Crankcase Emission (also called running loss emissions) is unburnt or partially burned fuel

components that, under pressure, escape from the combustion chamber, pass the pistons and enter

the crankcase. This mixture is called blow-by. The main constituent of blow-by emission is HCs.

If uncontrolled, it may constitute 13– 25% of total emissions. Since diesel engines compress only

air, blow-by contain very low levels of pollutants.

Evaporative Emissions

Evaporative Emissions HC vapours, lost constantly and directly to the atmosphere due to

volatile nature of petrol, mainly from the fuel lines, fuel tank and carburettor depending upon fuel

composition, engine operating temperature and ambient temperature. Losses from the carburettor,

called Hot Soak Emissions, occur when a hot engine is stopped. It should be noted that, out of total

emissions, which is much more in case of petrol than diesel, 20-32% of the total emissions are due

to evaporation losses, of which the HCs happen to be the chief constituents.

Exhaust Emission

Automotive exhaust is the major source constituting about 60% of the total emission.

Automobile exhaust consists of wide range of pollutants from simple to carcinogenic substances

such as (1) Hydrocarbons (Unburnt), (2) Carbon monoxide, (3) Oxides of nitrogen (NOx).

Hydrocarbons and CO appears in the exhaust gas products of incomplete combustion. Oxides of

nitrogen result from the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen contained in the combustion air at high

temperature prevailing during combustion. Further, many of these primary pollutants react with

each other to form secondary pollutants. Chief among these includes HC, CO, NOx when mixed
with atmospheric water vapours in the presence of sunlight form ozone and variety of complex

organic gases and resultant particulates known as Photochemical Smog.

Mr. Adolfo Alegre, a Filipino inventor, came up with an anti-smoke belching device using

the principle of Venturi Effect. The device called Alegre Exhaust Gas Oxidezer, promotes more

complete fuel combustion, increase engine HP and guaranteed to produce emission. These device

works to prevent a variety of different pollutants, both gaseous and solid, from entering the

atmosphere primarily out of industrial smokestacks. This device can control the amount of

particulate matter escaping into the environment and can control acidic gas emissions.

However, this device is expensive, it needs large space requirements, and only comparatively

large particles can be collected. Therefore, this device might be useless anyway in capturing and

preventing the tiny pollutants in the air, which may contribute to some diseases like lung and heart

diseases. Thus, the researchers developed a technology that applies the concept of filtering harmful

air particles by the use of a smoke-filter mechanism.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to lessen the air pollutants coming out from Vehicles. Specifically

it answered the following:

1. What is the Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Oxides filtering abilities of the modified vehicle

exhaust filter?

2. Is there a significant difference on the amount of Carbon Monoxide emitted with or without

the use of filter?

3. Is there a significant difference on the amount of Nitrogen Oxides emitted with or without

the use of filter?

Objectives of the Study

This study mainly aimed to lessen the air pollutants coming out from Vehicles by

developing an exhaust pipe extension that absorb the C𝑂2 and N𝑂𝑥 in smoke.

Specifically, the study aimed to:

1. To determine if the smoke filter mechanism can essentially reduce air pollution.

2. To determine if there is a great impact on the abridging of air pollution using this device.

Significance of the Study

The invention of automobiles has contributed greatly to the industrial development of our

world but has unfortunately posed countless problems its creators were not able to foresee.

Greenhouse gas levels have increased along with global temperatures due to the harmful by-

products emitted by these vehicles. The findings of the study will benefit the environment in its

goal to creating a cost-effective way of lessening these emissions and decrease the overall amount

of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. The results of the study will contribute to automobile

manufacturers to help further the development of environment friendly cars.

Automobile users will also be given awareness on the harmful effects of the emissions of

vehicles to the environment. The information given will present users a possible solution to the

high greenhouse gas emissions of their vehicles.

The research will also be of significance to future researchers who might take interest in

the study and further investigate on the results. The ideas presented may be used as reference data

in conducting new researches or in testing the validity of other related findings.

Scope and Delimitation

This investigation focused on how to minimize the air pollutants found from the vehicles’

exhaust. It was expected then that this study has its limitation. This investigation was limited only

for Automobiles.

Definition of Key Terms

Carbon Monoxide (CO) - colourless and odourless gases slightly denser than air. Residence time

and turbulence in the combustion chamber, flame temperature and excess O2 affect CO formation.

Conversion of CO to CO2 in the atmosphere is slow and takes 2 to 5 months.

Nitrogen oxides (NOX) - includes nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrogen dioxide

(NO2), dinitrogen trioxide (N2O3) and nitrogen pent oxide (N2O5). NO and NO2 collectively

represented as NOX, are the main nitrogen oxides emitted by vehicles. About 90% of these

emissions are in the form of NO produced in the vehicle engine by combustion of nitrogen at high

temperatures. NO2 formed by oxidation of NO, has a reddish brown colour and pungent odour.

Combustion- rapid chemical combination of a substance with oxygen, involving the production

of heat and light.

Emission- the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.

Pollutants- a substance that pollutes something, especially water or the atmosphere.



Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful

substance into Earth’s atmosphere, causing diseases, allergies, and death to humans, damage to

other living organisms such as animals and food crops, or the natural or built environment. Air

pollution may come from anthropogenic or natural sources (Avila, n.d).

Car pollution is one of the major causes of Air pollution that in turn impacts climate change.

Cars and trucks emit Carbon dioxide (C𝑂2) and other greenhouse gases, which contribute one-fifth

of the total global warming pollution. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, which causes

worldwide temperatures to rise. Without greenhouse gases, the Earth would be covered in ice, but

burning excessive amounts of fossil fuels, such as gasoline and diesel, has caused an increase of

0.6 °C, or 1 °F, in global temperatures since pre-industrial times, and this will continue to rise over

the coming decades (Hona, n.d).

According to Majewski (2012) Diesel fuel is a mixture of hydrocarbons which—during an

ideal combustion process—would produce only C𝑂2, water vapor (𝐻2 𝑂). But due to non-ideal

process of combustion that are basically effects of reactions with existing exhaust chamber

materials, exhaust gases are primarily composed of C𝑂2, 𝐻2 𝑂, Nitrogen oxides N𝑂𝑥 (Nitrogen

dioxide N𝑂2 + Nitrogen monoxide NO) and other pollutants.

While a huge percent of the exhaust is not toxic or noxious, a relatively bigger fraction

causes adverse effects and more drastically to the environment. According to Inventory of U.S.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks 1990–2015, the 14% of a diesel car exhaust is C𝑂2 while

50% is N𝑂𝑥 .
To be more specific concerning the greenhouse gas emitted by vehicles, it is stated in an

article by United States Environmental Protection Agency, a typical passenger vehicle emits about

4.7 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. This number can vary based on a vehicle’s fuel, fuel

economy, and the number of miles driven per year. The average passenger vehicle emits about 411

grams of CO2 per mile and 10,180 grams of CO2 per gallon of diesel (United States Environmental

Protection Agency, 2017).

Aside from the CO2 content of the smoke emissions, it also contains Nitrogen oxides

(𝑁𝑂𝑥 ), which are brownish toxic gas, air pollutants and the main cause of acid rain when combined

with water molecules in the air. Two of the most common 𝑁𝑂𝑥 are Nitric oxide 𝑁𝑂 and Nitrogen

dioxide (𝑁𝑂2 ). These gases form when fuel is burned at high temperatures. According to a study

conducted by Jonson et al., diesel cars have been emitting four to seven times more Nitrogen

oxides compared to other types of fuel-powered cars and contribute not only to climate change,

but the deterioration of the ambient air as well.

Exhaust gases from vehicles, is one of the main air polluter in the world. Recently,

researches have been done which have main influence on decreasing the diffusion of exhaust


In 1907 Frederick Gardner Cottrell, a professor of chemistry at the University of California,

Berkeley, invented An electrostatic precipitator (ESP) is a filtration device that removes fine

particles, like dust and smoke, from a flowing gas using the force of an induced electrostatic

charge minimally impeding the flow of gases through the unit (Avila, n.d).

Chegini et al, (2016) states that nano filter was made which four main parts that can adsorb

physically and chemically in a favorite way. This tool was installed on the exit point of exhaust,

and compared with other catalysts; it had higher percent of adsorption. Considering the
characteristics of this Nano filter tool, it can adsorb many incombustible and the other pollutants.

After making Nano filter and economical assessment and compared with others adsorbents, we

came to the, it is a better catalyst. The filter, which performs more physical absorption properties

is more than any other site. Physical adsorption is because of the pores in the Nano filter lead to

trap harmful and poisonous substances.

A Whale filter is a South African patented diesel particulate filter designed to operate as a

secondary diesel filter for the removal of particulate contaminants up to 0.5 microns in size in the

fuel prior to injection. It is believed that removal of contaminants prior to injection may improve

the fuel injection efficiency, thereby promoting efficient combustion, and thus resulting in reduced

emissions and fuel consumption. Emissions tests were conducted on four different vehicle

categories to validate this. All vehicles underwent pre-emissions testing prior to installation of the

Whale filter (Pilusa et al 2012).

The study “Experimental investigation of the effect of inlet particle properties on the capture

efficiency in an exhaust particulate filter” by Viswanathan, et al (2017) aims to investigate the

impact of inlet particle properties on the filtration performance of clean and particulate matter. The

study focuses how pausing the filter loading process and subsequently performing the filter

probing experiments impacts the overall evolution of filtration performance. The dependency of

filter efficiency to the particle shape potentially due to the diffusion-dominant filtration process

was also tackled. The article mobility diameter and trapped mass within the filter was considered

to be the dominant parameter.

The research “The effect of combustion chamber geometry on in-cylinder flow and

combustion process in a stoichiometric operation natural gas engine with EGR” examines which

among the three geometrical chambers is the most effective in the operation of natural gas engine.
The study was conducted through experiments and simulations. Certain effects of turbulence

distribution on the flame propagation in each geometrical chamber were also investigated. Thus,

the effects of the chamber in improving the combustion and thermal efficiency were also validated.

This study may connect to the present study in terms of how the exhaust chamber can be made

with respect to the given geometrical considerations and effects to the system especially to its

efficiency (Yan et al, 2017).

According to Ishibe et al, (1995) absorption of nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide by soda

lime” on the nitrogen oxides absorption property of soda lime. The effects and efficiency of

absorption was tested. Samples of soda lime were exposed to nitrogen oxides for twenty minutes

with varying concentrations in ppm (parts per million). Based from the results, the researchers

concluded that soda lime completely absorbs NOx by chemical neutralization.

The ammonium sulfate surface modification of activated carbon to enhance its carbon

dioxide absorption was focused on the research “Carbon dioxide capture using ammonium sulfate

surface modified activated biomass carbon”. The output of the study was comparable to the

commercial grade modified carbon in terms of breakthrough time and adsorption capacity.

Douglas fir activated carbon modified with ammonium sulfate mass fraction of 9.1% adsorbed

97% Carbon dioxide from the inlet (Yadavalli et al, 2017).

Napada and Kittiampon, (2017) states that the effects and absorption efficiency were

evaluated. Factors such as temperature, pressure and concentration were considered in order to

know the reactions to the carbon dioxide capture of the ammonia. Based from the results, the

researchers concluded that the factors enhanced the Carbon dioxide capture to as high as 96.45%

absorption efficiency at 30°C, with 10% concentration of ammonia and 300kPa.

The aim of the study “Carbon dioxide chemical absorption using methylpiperidines

aqueous solutions” by Castro, Diaz and Navaza is centered on improvement of carbon dioxide

chemical absorption with piperidine aqueous solutions changing the solvent to reach better solvent

characteristics and avoid certain negative effects such as high toxicity and corrosion. The aim was

obtained through the use of a solvent with an additional methyl group in the molecule in different

parts of piperidine and examining the effect to the behavior of the carbon dioxide in the process of

absorption (Castro et al, 2017).The present study can be anchored to this study to explain the

process of Carbon dioxide absorption and conversion to other chemicals through specific reactions.

Carbon dioxide capture with tertiary amines. Absorption rate and reaction mechanism. It

was conducted through the use of nuclear magnetic resonance. Different behaviours were assessed

for absorption curves at different carbon dioxide loadings. Overall evaluation was done in order to

know the weight of different variables such as chemical kinetics, mechanism and hydrodynamics

upon the absorption process. The study arrived at a conclusion that all amines showed the same

reaction mechanisms. (Garcia-Abuin et al, 2017)

Medical and other institutions make use of devices known as rebreathables that treat CO2

and NOx to produce rebreathable air. The most common and most effective chemical component

used yet are Soda Lime (Hona, n.d) and Activated Carbon.

Soda Lime is white or grayish white granular mixture of Calcium hydroxide with Sodium

hydroxide or Potassium hydroxide. It is widely used in different fields for its ability to absorb

Carbon dioxide from closed breathing environments. Medically, soda lime is used to absorb

Carbon dioxide in basal metabolism tests and in rebreathing anesthesia systems. In gas masks, it

is an absorbent for toxic gases. It is also used in rebreathers in diving to remove the CO2 exhaled

by the diver, and clean the air being inhaled. The efficiency of Soda lime canisters is based on the
number of pellets and the total surface area as it absorbs the CO2 as it passes through each

individual pellet. The composition of "high moisture" soda lime by weight is 80% Calcium

Hydroxide, 15% water, 4% sodium hydroxide, 1% potassium hydroxide, and very small amounts

of silica and the indicator (the percentages are different in 'desiccated' soda lime as most of the

water has been removed). Thus, Soda lime is known as a CO2 scrubber (Sandham, 2009).

CO2 filtering devices mostly make use of CO2 scrubbers. According to the literature cited, some

of the chemicals that are considered CO2 scrubbers include Soda lime, Sodium

hydroxide, Potassium hydroxide, and Lithium hydroxide. (Hona, n.d)

Activated Carbon, also called activated charcoal, is a form of carbon processed to have

small, low-volume pores that increase the surface area available for adsorption or chemical

reactions. Due to its high degree of micro porosity, just one gram of activated carbon has a

surface area in excess of 3,000 m2 (32,000 sq. ft.), as determined by gas adsorption. An

activation level sufficient for useful application may be attained solely from high surface area;

however, further chemical treatment often enhances adsorption properties. Activated carbon is

used in gas purification, decaffeination, gold purification, medicine, sewage treatment, air filters

in gas masks and respirators, filters in compressed air and many other applications (Avila, n.d).

This validation is the starting point of this study, which aims to develop a filtering device

that will absorb smoke and therefore lessen CO2 and NOx accumulation in the atmosphere. The

device is particularly designed for vehicles in which materials are readily available and cost



Figure one shows the conceptual framework of the study. It shows the process in making

the exhaust chamber extension.

Input Process Output

Raw materials Methods Process Evaluation Chamber
and Analysis Extension
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The function of the exhaust chamber extension is to filter the smoke output of the vehicle

through absorbing the pollutant 𝐶𝑂2 and 𝑁𝑂𝑥 by converting them into less harmful gases. A

mixture of residual gases are left over after combustion in the engine, consequently, the device

uses the Soda lime and Activated carbon as catalyst for the conversion of the harmful pollutant.

The primary layout is shown in the figure below.

Figure 2. Schematic view of exhaust chamber extension

The core material used for the de vice was stainless steel. It was used for the main body of

the device including the smaller tubes on both sides. This metal was used for its high heat capacity

and its sleek appearance. This metal was also used because it can be easily formed, making the

creation process of the device much faster.

A galvanized steel plate was also used to make the holed partition. This metal was used

because of its high heat capacity, its resistance from possible corrosion from the soda lime and it

holds the soda lime and activated carbon. Nuts and bolts were used to hold the two partitions together

and to secure the device to the tailpipe of the vehicle.

The main component of the exhaust chamber extension are the Soda lime and activated

carbon. The soda lime and activated carbon are secured in a vessel, a netted compartment within

the device.

The setup arrangement is in such a way that when exhaust gas enters into the extension

pipe, it will first come into contact with the first holed partition and the Soda lime within the

partition. After the first partition the gas will now contact to the second holed partition that contains

the activated carbon (refer to figure 3).

Figure 3. Exhaust Chamber Extension

The first partition is designed to hold the soda lime while the second partition hold the

activated carbon which absorb the CO2 and𝑁𝑂𝑥 . The soda lime and activated carbon was in

granular form so that each individual piece would not pass through the holes of the partition.

The Soda lime will react with the 𝐶𝑂2 and 𝑁𝑂𝑥 as they pass through the first

partition and convert it into less harmful gasses. The activated carbon then now react to the less

harmful gasses to make it breathable gas. For the final stage of filtration the smoke will pass through

the mesh. It is going to filter the tiny particles that can escape from the activated carbon.

The exhaust chamber extension will be attached to the tail pipe via a clamping mechanism,

as shown in Figure 2. This will secure the extension in place and lessen the vibration produced on

the tailpipe.

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