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In any competitive game, it is of great value to keep a reliable record of scores as the game

progresses. In games that are generally regarded as spectator sports, it is often worthwhile for

owners of the playing facilities to invest in large scoreboards so that the results and timing of a

game are immediately visible to spectators, players and officials alike. But many sports are played

only in the presence of the players, and costly score board arrangements are not economically

feasible. Some games, such as tennis, lawn tennis, table tennis and volleyball have scoring systems

that are not as straightforward as simply counting a point score until a particular value is reached.

In each of the games cited, there is at some point in the game a condition in which a player must

achieve a certain number of points greater than those of his opponent in order to win and terminate

the game (Zevgolis and Kitchen, 1980).

To sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle, sports and fitness have always been an integral

part of people's lives. This includes people of all ages from youths to seniors, par ticipating from

community level recreational sports to com petitive matches and organized sport tournaments.

With this growing demand and popularity for sports and games amongst both amateur and

professional sport athletes, there exists a need for an affordable and portable scorekeeping system,

which has the capability to self officiating the game based on official rules of the sport under play.

Such system should also allow players and spectators to easily see the score and the game status

(Tam and Gu, 2012)

Santech, Inc. builds electronic scoreboards that feature the ability to control the scoreboard

through an interface box and a computer program. It is unknown at this time if the computer

program simply controls the scoreboard or if it can also keep statistics. The project team is in the
process of gathering more information about the computer aspect of Santech scoreboards (Vogel

et al, 2003).

Scorekeeping device for tennis and smlar games. An electronic device for calculating,

storing and indicating the scores and related information for a game of tennis is described. The

circuit provides for the special requirements of tennis and similar games by recognizing the

existence of an endgame condition such as "deuce' in tennis and registering each new score as a

function of the previous score and the point most recently won. Both up-down counters and

decoders using non-volatile memory, including "read-only memory' (ROM) are disclosed for the

point-calculation function, and a dis play encoder is described which efficiently provides for the

display of alphanumeric scores, including "deuce” and "advantage' conditions. The invention

includes features for indicating court change requirements, elapsed time, time of day, and display

emphasis when a game is won (Zevgolis and Kitchen, 1980).

Automated Display Systems manufactures a line of wireless scoreboards. The main selling

feature of their LED scoreboards is the wireless communication aspect of them. They do not

appear to be computer controlled, nor do they record statistics (Vogel et al, 2003).

Electronic multipurpose scoreboard with synchronous clock. This scoreboard displayed the

data in form of seven 7-segment displays by made up of LEDs that can be remotely controlled

programmable clock and scoring board. In this scoreboard controlled clock and scoreboard status

wired as well wireless (More, 2018).

Portable electronic scoreboard for officating a sporting game. A portable scoreboard

system comprising of a microcontroller running a software algorithm that keeps score of a sports

game and officiates the game to ensure fair play according to the rules of the sport. The official
rules of all the sports are stored in the device memory. The updating of the score is carried out

with wireless remote control modules worn by the players and/or users. The score is only updated

when the algorithm has confirmed no game rule violations. The real time score information is then

displayed on the scoreboard panel plus appropriate audio Sounds are played. Game related scores

and user settings are stored into memory on a real time basis and can be retrieved externally for

post-game analysis.

Method and apparatus for a portable remotely controlled tennis scoreboard. The invention

is a remotely set tennis scoreboard, which operates from batteries or ordinary A/C (110 or 220

volts). The tennis scoreboard is lightweight and not bulky. The remote control units are Small,

lightweight battery powered units. The tennis Scoreboard has two parts, first, the main electronicS

and display unit, and Second, a handheld control unit for Setting the Score. Typically each player

or Side uses a remote unit, So that during a game two remote control units and the main

display/electronics are in use. A highly visible display is used so that it is visible indoors or

outdoors. It is visible in bright Sunlight or under evening or night playing conditions (under the

lights) (Carrillo and Weiss, 2002).

Rotary swettiche conttrolled alpha numerical splay syststem. This invention relates to an

improved alpha numerical type remote controlled display system, adapted for use as a scoreboard

system for athletic events, or for any of numerous other uses in which it may be desired to selec

tively display any of various different numerals and/or letters at a particular location. In the

preferred form of the invention, the only connection of any type between the control panel and

display assembly is through the already present AC power lines from which the assembly receives

its operating power. Thus, the only instaliation that is necessary is to mount the two devices at the

desired locations, and then plug each into a conventional power outlet. The two devices contain
timed coding and decoding elements which are driven in predetermined timed relation in a manner

form ing a telemetering system capable of transmitting different bits of control information

successively over a single trans mission media (Bowman, 1968).

Electronic remote-controlled registering system. The invention relates to an electronic

remote control system for numerical registering and counting, and more particularly to a system

of the type referred to, wherein a series of digits comprising a number, and decimals thereof, may

be recorded and accumulated in response to op- tion of remote selection means, such as a keyboard.

Such systems may include electronic numerical accumulators or registers for transmitting and

recording selected numbers representing definite quantities of goods, values, operations, and the

like, and which may be keyboard controlled, the keyboard including selector keys for a plurality

of digit columns, for registering any series of selected numbers, including decimals (Sharpless and

Eichert, 1950).

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