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Chapter 1
(Font: Times New Roman 16)
The Problem and Its Background
(Font: Times New Roman 16)

Introduction (Font size 14, double space)

(Background information about the problem)






(previous researches about the study)





(Reason/s for choosing the study)

The researcher chose this topic because . . . / The researcher became

interested in the study because . . . __________________________________



Review of Related Literature

(should be 5-7 pages; thematic/topical format)

(Background Information about your research topic)







___________ . . .

(researches/experiments conducted related to your topic)





___________ . . .

(Please cite your sources by using in-text citations. Ex. (Guttenberg. 2003)

Statement of the Problem

(Give the general objective of your study; cite the goals of your research and

what you really want to find out. Write your specific objectives/goals as

specific questions.)

This study aims to find out the following:

1. _____________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________ ?

2. _____________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________ ?

3. _____________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________ ?


H0: There is no significant difference/relationship between (dependent

variable) ___________________ of (sample/population) _______________

treated/given with (independent variable)___________________________ .


Significance of the Study

(Who will benefit from your research? Give your reasons.)

Students. ________________________________________________


School. _________________________________________________


Community Leaders. ______________________________________


Definition of Terms

(provide operational definition; how the word was used in the study and not

its dictionary definition. It should start with either “This refers to…” or “This

means ...”. May arrange words/terms alphabetically.)

Word/Term. This means___________________________________


Word/Term. This refers to __________________________________


Word/Term. This refers to _________________________________


Chapter 2



This study used the following materials and equipment:

A. Materials (list down the amount used & concentration of chemicals

used in alphabetical order; separate solid from liquid)

6 g flour

10 mL 10 M Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

B. Equipment/Apparatus (List down the name and quantity)

10 100 mL Erlenmeyer flask

2 500 mL Volumetric flask





_____ . . .




_____ . . .

Statistical Treatment of Data

(What statistical treatment did you use? Give all that apply.)

Chapter 3

Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of data

This chapter presents the data gathered by the researcher to be able

to answer the following specific questions:

Table 1. _____________________(title)

Table 1 shows ____________________________________________


_______________________________________________________ . . .

This means that ___________________________________________



_______________________________________________________ . . .

Chapter 4

Major Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

Major Findings

Based on the data gathered, the following are the major findings (based

on the answers of specific questions in Chapter 3):


1. The average height of the seedlings in the control set – up is 3.0 cm,

in the Trichoderma set – up 3.3 cm and in the Mycorrhiza set up 3.3 cm.

2. The average number of leaves for all plants is 9.

3. For the control set – up, the color of the leaves remained light green

for only 2 days and green for 12 days. For the Trichoderma set – up they were

light green for only 1 day and green for 13 days and for the Mycorrhiza set –

up they were light green only for a day and green for 13 days.

4. There is a significant difference on the effects of Trichoderma and

Mycorrhiza on the growth of Psidium guajava in terms of the height of the


5. There is no significant difference on the effects of Trichoderma and

Mycorrhiza on the growth of Psidium guajava in terms of the number of

leaves of the plant.



Based on the major findings, the following are concluded:

(These should answer the questions in the Statement of the Problem.)

1. Psidium guajava seedlings grew to 3.3 cm and had 9 green leaves for

both Trichoderma and Mycorrhiza.

2. Since there is a significant difference on the effects of Trichoderma

and Mycorrhiza on the growth of Psidium guajava in terms of the height of

the plant, the first hypothesis is rejected. Since there is no significant

difference on the effects of Trichoderma and Mycorrhiza on the growth of

Psidium guajava in terms of the number of leaves of the plant and the color

of the leaves, the second and third hypotheses are accepted.


(What other studies can be done that can help further deepen your study?)

Based on the conclusions and results of the study, the following are the


1. The future researches can observe other seedlings for a longer time.

2. Farmers and gardeners should use a beneficial fungus for their plants

to nourish and improve the growth of their plants.


3. Different schools together with their teachers and students should

conduct more studies about plants and different ways on how to improve and

enhance the growth of plants.

4.Since there is no difference in the number and color of the leaves,

farmers, gardeners and researchers should use Mycorrhiza because it is more


(Alphabetize all entries; At least 3 books/articles/general
references/related studies/journals with 2000 up copyright)


Choi, A. (2014). Food: it refreshes the soul. Birmingham, Alabama: Random



Gorman, J. (2003, August 29). Researchers say they’ve identifies the kind of
mercury in fish. The New York Times, p. A17

Unpublished Materials:

Washington, D.C. National Archives. Modern Military Records Division.

Record Group 94. Gen. Joseph C. Castner, “Report to the War
Department,” 17 January 2000, sec. 4 p. E11.


Author. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, vol. no, page nos. Retrieved
month day, year, from source

Author. (year). Title of Work. Retrieved month day, year, from source.

For Stand-alone Website:

National Park Service. Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site.

(2006, July 24). Retrieved November 3, 2006, from

Note: If no date is given, put n.d. in the parenthesis



(This is where you put your raw data/complete data for observation

being conducted, pictures which include captions)

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