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The modern commercial or office building consists of many sophisticated systems based systems include
foundation and support structures electrical and lighting and plumbing and fixtures. Another major part
of any building that is often taken for granted by its inhabitants as the H. back system H. fax stands for
heating ventilation and air conditioning. In this unit we will identify the purpose and goals of the H. back
system described basic H. back parts and describe how these parts worked together. Air quality is an
essential consideration in maintaining the product of any comfort and health of the occupants and
should not be trivialized if air quality and temperature are not maintained occupant comfort in the
workplace can suffer directly affecting productivity and morale. The goals of an H. back system. When
examining the design of an 8 track system we must remember the various roles that the H. back system
plays we all know that when we're cold we turn the thermostat up for more heat and when we're hot we
turn the thermostat down so the H. fax system keeps us comfortable by adjusting the room's
temperature but equally important the H. back system must keep occupants comfortable by supplying
fresh air to a room if we introduce a significant proportion of fresh exterior air and alleviate carbon
dioxide buildup occupants experience better health and performance gains studies have shown a direct
link between CO 2 levels and short term sick leave in office work forces. However our concerns regarding
the H. back system and occupant health do not end here in heavily air conditioned energy efficient
environments re circulated condition Eric and carry contaminants which contribute to respiratory illness
it is the H. VAX systems job to remove contaminants and dust from the air using filters at various stages.
As important as this consideration is in an average office or commercial building this feature is critical in
facilities that contain clean rooms medical facilities or hazardous materials. Finally with the spiraling cost
of fuel H. fax systems must also be efficient and economical energy efficient H. fax systems might
incorporate valuable air volume designs components designed for operation at low pressures. Digital
control systems. Mechanisms for reclaiming heating or cooling benefits from recirculated air and high
efficiency E. C. M. fan motors. Many price products are designed specifically with energy efficiency in
mine. By understanding the importance of occupant comfort we realize the significance of the H. fax
system in a building design it's responsible for controlling the temperature in the environment. Providing
fresh air to the occupants filtering out dust and contaminants while operating in an energy efficient and
unobtrusive manner. The following section covers the different parts that make up the basic H. back
system once we understand the range of components involved we can better understand the reasons for
choosing system components from prices extensive product line. The parts of an H. back system. The H.
back system installed in a commercial or office space differs greatly from the heating and cooling system
that you might be familiar with in your house. In your home your heating system is set up to deliver
warm air during the winter and cool air in the summer it does this using a furnace or an air conditioner
and a common set of duct work. When your thermostat detects that your home is too cold it sends
signals to the furnace which then delivers warm air simultaneously to all parts of your house note that it
is typical to have only one thermostat and it does not account for temperature variation in any other
rooms likewise in the summer your thermostat will detect when your home has become uncomfortably
warm and it will signal your central air conditioning system to deliver cool air simultaneously to all parts
of your house again note that your thermostat is measuring the temperature in only one room. The
conditions in an office or commercial space are quite different higher concentrations of people and
equipment will generate more heat making air conditioning or recirculation of air more important than
providing heat. Although the error handling equipment is centralized different rooms and regions in the
building will have different needs for heating and cooling these needs are called loads because they
place a load or demand on the H. back system these loads can come from equipment. People weather
and many other factors. In the simplest case we address this by providing a constant supply of cool air
which is then managed by the H. FAQ distribution system. The chiller or air conditioner utilizes heat
exchangers and circulated fluid or gas to cool the air that is passed through it. The error handler is a fan
or a blower that moves air throughout the buildings duct work axial R. centrifugal fan types may be
found in the error handler. Air filters depending on the requirements of the occupants and the activities
in the building various grades of air filters are used in the system general purpose air filters will be
included in the error handler itself while more sophisticated filters such as half of filters may be used in
the downstream duct work. Duct work. Round square and rectangular duct work provides a pass for the
conditioned air from the air handling unit to the environment. I damper consists of one or more blades
which can be used to control the amount of air flow through a.. Manual dampers are used to ensure that
different parts of the building received proportional ventilation based on area and demand automated
dampers may be installed at firewalls which close in the case of a fire. A terminal unit is a device that
uses an automated damper to control the amount of air which is delivered to a room or region. The
damper is typically controlled by an electric pneumatic or digital actuator which in turn is regulated by a
thermostat. A set of adjacent rooms or regions in a building which have identical heating and air
conditioning needs are called a stone it is typical to assign at least one terminal unit and corresponding
thermostat to each his own. Price manufactures many different varieties of terminal units to suit all
types of building needs we discussed terminal units in greater detail in the forthcoming terminal unit
section. Heating coils maybe installed after a terminal unit to provide heat on his own by his own basis as
mentioned previously buildings with a high number of occupants may not require extensive heating even
during the coldest months of the year. Heating coils offer an efficient way of providing heat for those few
areas that require it and are controlled by the same thermostat system as the terminal unit. Various
types of linings are available to dampen noise within adopt a short length of line duct work called an
attenuator is often installed following the terminal unit to dampen discharge noise. Ultimately the test of
an H. back system lies in its ability to deliver conditioned air to the occupant. Air from the duct work
enters the occupied space through grilles registers or diffusers often called G. R. D.'s. The term grill is
commonly applied to any air outlet or intake that consists of a square or rectangular face and neck and
whose facial appearance is made up of louvers which may be used to deflect the air. A register is a grill
that has one or more adjustable blades or dampers that control the amount of air that flows through. I
diffuser is an error outlet which incorporates structures such as veins louvers perforations and other
features for distributing and directing air. The diffusers job is to direct the air flow throughout the
occupied space in the most efficient manner possible. More information on desirable err patterns is
provided in the space error diffusion section we will discuss diffusers in more detail in air outlets
selection. Once air enters a space where does it go. Air circulates through the return in leads and returns
to the air handling unit I like an air outlet a return requires no sophisticated veins however the relative
location of the air inlets and outlets can be critical to the efficiency of the system. Upon returning to the
error handler a certain portion of the return air is exhausted and replaced with fresh exterior air in an
average office building or commercial space approximately 10 to 20 percent. For an interactive look at an
age of axis demand action experiment with the activity provided here use the thermostat shown to raise
or lower the temperature in the room watch how the different parts of the system respond as you call
for heating or cooling. Somebody I'll. Brinkley relished in Indiana. Is it just me or is it hot in here. The
preceding information offers a very basic overview of the components that make up an H. fax system
throughout the remainder of the training module we will examine many of these components in greater
detail. We hope that you've enjoyed this introduction to the basics of H. back please refer to the price
catalog for more in depth information and descriptions a specific H. FAQ products shown in this unit.
Contact your local price representative or visit our website at W. W. W..price - H. for more

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