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1.0 Introduction
1.1 Definition
1.2 Need for estimation and costing
Learning Objecyives
After studing this unit, student will be able to
• Have an idea of the introduction to estimating and costing.

1.0 Introduction
In the civil engineering field, the construction activity contains the
following three steps.
1. Plans : Preparation of drawings plan, section, elevation, with full
dimension and detailed, specifications meeting the requirements of the proposed
2. Estimation : Preparation of an estimate is for arriving the cost of
the structure to verify the available funds or to procure the required funds for
completion of the proposed structure.
3. Execution (construction) : It is a grounding the proposed structure,
for construction as per the provision contained in drawings and estimation..
152 Construction Technology

The plans contains size of room and dimensions of the work and the estimate
contains the quantity and quality aspects of the structure.
1.1 Definition
Estimation and costing there are two basic points involved in
construction of structures are :
1. Quantity : The quantity aspects is with reference to the measurement
in the drawings (plan, elevation, section)
2. Quality : The quality aspects is with reference to the specifications,
i.e properties of materials, workmanship etc.
Note : The estimation and costing of any structure is defined as the
process of determination of quantities of items of work, and its cost for
2. Estimate of a project is therefore, a forecast of its probable cost.
1.2 Need for Estimation and Costing
The object of preparing the estimate for any civil engineering structure is
1. To know the quantities of various items of work, a material and
labour and their source of identification.
2. To decide whether the proposal can match the available funds to
complete the structure.
3. To obtain the administrative and technical sanction of estimate
from the competent authorities to release the funds for construction.
4. To invite tenders or quotations based on the estimate quantities for
entrust of works to the execution.
Short Answer Type Questions
1. What is meant by Estimating and Costing ?
2. State need for Estimation and Costing.
Measurement of Materials
and Works
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Units of measurements
2.2 Rules For Measurement
2.3 Different methods of tasking out quantities
Learning Objectives
After the studying this unit student will be able to
• To measure various quantities as per rules.

2.0 Introduction
The units of differents works depends on their nature, size and shape.
.In general, the units of different items of works are based on the following
1. Massive or volumetric items of work such as earth work, concerete
for foundations, R.R Masonry , Brick Masonry etc. The measurements of
length, breadth , height or depth shall be taken to compute the volume or cubical
2. Shallow, thin and surface work shall be taken in square unit or in
area. The measurements of length and breadth or height shall be taken to
compute the area, Ex. Plastering, white washing etc.
154 Construction Technology

3. Long and Thin work shall be taken in linear or running units and
linear measurement shall, be taken. Ex : Fencing, Rainwater pipes,
ornamental borders etc.
4. Single units of work are expressed in numbers. Ex. Doors, Windows,
Rafters, Trusses etc.
2.1 Units of measurement for various items of Civil
Engineering Works
Units of measure-
Sl.No Particulars of items Unit of
ments payment
(a) Earth work excavation in all 10.00cum 10.00cum
types of soils except rock re-
quiring blastering.
(b) Earth work excavation in 1.00cum 1.00cum
the soils hard rock requirng
(c) Excavation of pipe line 1.00 rmt 1.00rmt
through of specified width and
depth inall types of soils
(d) Earthwork for road for- 10.00cum 10.00cum
mation ,bund formation etc.
cutting , embankment.
(e) Refilling of foundations , 10.00cum 10.00cum
basements, pipe lines, trenches
with excavated soils.
Plain cement concrete for 1.00cum 1.00cum
R.R.masonry or brick ma- 1.00cum 1.00cum
sonry for foundation base-
ment, super strucrture, parapet
wall etc.
Filling the basement with 1.00cum
4. 1.00cum
(a) RCC 1:2: 4 with normal 1.00cum
5. 1.00cum
reinforcement for plinth beam ,
columns, lintels, verandah
beam- T beam etc.
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 155

10.00sqm 10.00sqm
(b) R.C.C 1: 2: 4 for slabs of
specified thickness .
6. Plastering pointing, flooring, 1.0.00sqm1.00sqm 10.00sqm
weather proof coarse, white
washing, colour washing, paint-
7. Roofing with A.C sheets, tiled 10.00sq m. 10.00sq m.
roofing, Kurnool trerrace, Ma-
dras terrace etc.
8. D.P.C specified width and thick- 1.00Rmt 1.00Rmt
9. Wooden and steel trusses 1.00No 1.00No
10 Doors, windows, ventilators. 1.00 No 1.00No

11. Ornamentel border of speci- 1.00Rmt 1.00Rmt

fied width and thickness.
12. R.C.C pipes, A.C pipes GI or 1.00Rmt 1.00Rmt
C.I pipes, stone ware pipes
13. Steel reinforcement in R.C.C. Kg/unit kg/unit

14. 1.00cum 1.00cum

Rough stone pitching revet-
ment and soiling of specified
15. 1.00cum 1.00cum
(a) Roads works : Metal col-
lections , gravel collections,
solving stones, pitching any
stones, revetment stones etc.
10.00sqm 1.00sqm
(b) Road works : Spreading
metal gravel and consolidation
with roller of specified thick-
(c) Cement concrete pay- 10.00cum 1.00cum
ments of specified thickness.
156 Construction Technology

2.2 Rules For Measurement

Measurement of works occupies a very important place in the planning
and execution of any work or project, from the time of the first estimate are
made until the completion and settlement of payments. The methods followed
for the measurement are not uiform and the practices or prevalent differ
considerably in between the states. Even in the same state different departments
follow different methods. For convernience a uniform method should be followed
throughout the country. The uniform methods of measurement to be followed
which is applicable to the preparation of the estimates and bill of quantities
and to the side measurement of completed works have been described below.
General Rules
1. Measuremet shall be item wise for the finished items of work and the
description of each items shall be held to inculde materials, transport,
labour, fabrication, hoisting, tools and plants, over hands and other
incidental charges for finishing the work to the required shape, size,
design and specifications.
2. In booking dimensions the order shall be in the sequence of length,
breadth and height or depth or thickness.
3. All works shallbe measured not subject to following tolerances unless
otherwise stated.
(a) Dimensions shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 meter i.e 1cm(1/
(b) Areas shall eb measured to the nearest 0.01 sq.m (0.1 sqft).
(c) Cubic contents shall be worked up to the nearest 0.01 cum(0.1cuft)
4. Same type of work under different condition and nature shall be
measured separately under separate items.
5. The bill of quantities shall fully describe the materials proportions
and work-manships and accurately represent the work to be executed.
Work which by its nature cannot be accurately taken off or which
requires site measuremets shall be described as provisional.
6. In case of structureal concrete, brick work or stone masonry, the
work under the following categories shall be measured separately
and the heights shall be described.
(a) From first floor level
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 157

(b) From plinth level to first floor level.

(c) From first level to second floor level and so on.
The parapet shall be measured with the corresponding items of the
story next below.
Principle of units : The units of different works depend on their nature,
size and shape. In general the units of different item of work are based on the
following principle.
(i) Mass, voluminious and thick works shall be taken in cabic unit or
volumne. The measurement of length, breadth, and height or depth shall be
taken to compute the volume cubic contents(cum).
(ii) Shallow, thin and surface work shall be taken in separate units or
in area. The measurement of length and breadth or height shall be taken to
compute the area (sq.m).
(iii) Long and thin work shall be taken in linear or running unit and
linear measurement shall be taken(running meter).
(iv) Piece work, job work etc taken in number
2.3 Different methods of taking out quantities
The items of work like earth work in excavation in foundation, foundation
concrete stone masonry in foundation and basement, stone or brick masonry in
super stucrture may by estimated bu either of the following methods.
1. Long wall and short wall method (or) General method
2. Centre line method
2.3.1 Long wall and short wall method
In this method measure or find out the external lengths of walls running
in the direction generally the long walls out-to-out and the internal length of
walls running in the transverse direction in-to-in i.e. of cross or short wall in-
to-in and calculate quantities multiplying the length by the breadth and height of
wall. The same rule applicable to the excavation in foundation, to concrete in
foundaiuon and to masonry.
The simple mehtod is to take the long walls of short or erros walls
separately and to find out the centre to centre lengths of long wall anf short
walls from the plan. For symmetrical footing on either sides, the centre line
remians same for suepr structure and for foundation and plinth.
158 Construction Technology

For long walls add to the center length one breadth of wall, which
gives the length of the wall out-to-out ,multiplying this length by the breadth and
height and get the quantities,. Thus for finding the quantities of earth work in
excavation, for the length of trench out-to-out add to the centre length one
breadth of foundaiton. Adopt the same process for foudation conceret and for
eacth footing. It should be noted that each footing is to be taken separately and
the breadth of the particular footing is to be added to the centre length.
Long wall length out-to-out = centre to centre length + half breadth on
one side + half breadth on the other side = centre to centre length + one breadth.
For short or cross walls sub tract ( instead of adding) from the centre
length one breadth of wall, which gives the length in-to-in, and repeat the same
process as for the long walls, subtracting one breadth instead of adding.
Short wall length in-to-in= Centre to centre length - one breadth.
That is, in case of long wall add one breadth and in case of short wall
substract one breadth from the centre length to get the corresponding lengths.
It will be noticed that by taking dimensions in this ways, the long walls
are gradually decreasing in length from foundation to superstructure, while the
short walls are increasing in length.
This method is simple and accurate and there is no chance of any mistake.
This method may be named as long wall and short wall method, or general
2.3.2 Centre line method
In this method known as centre line method. This method is easy and
quick in calculations. In this method sum total length of centre lines of all walls,
long and short has to be found out. This method is well suitable for walls of
similar cross sections. In this method the total centre line multiplied by breadth
and depth of concerned item gives the total quantity of each item. In this method,
the length will remain same for excavation in foundation for concrete in foundation,
for all footings and for super structure (with slight difference where there are
cross walls or number of junctions). It requires special attention and consideration
at the junctions, meeting points of partition or cross walls, etc.
For rectangular, circular polygonal (hexagonal, octagonal etc) building
having no inter or cross walls, this method is quite simple. For each junction half
breadth of the respective items or footings is to be deducted from the total
centre length. Thus in the case of a building with one partition wall or cross wall
having two junctions, for earthwork in foundation trench and foundation concrete
deduct one breadth of trench or concrete from the total centre length (half breadth
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 159

for one junction and the breadth ( 2 x 1/2 = one) for two junctions. For footings,
similarly deduct one breadth of footing for two junctions from the total centre
length and so on. If two walls come from opposite directions and meet a wall at
the same point, than there will be two junctions.
In the case of a building having different type of walls, suppose the other
(main) walls are of A type and inter cross walls are of B type, then all A type
walls shall be taken jointly first , and then all B type walls should be taken
together separately. In such cases no deductions of any kind need be made for
A type walls, but when B type walls are taken, for each junction deducting of
half breadth of A type wall (main wall) shall have to be made from the total
centre length of walls.
It may be noted that at corners of the building where two walls are
meeting no substraction or addition is required.
Note : Student should practice method I first and when they have become
sufficiently acquainted with method I, then only they should take up the method
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Write the unit of measurements. Earthwork, P.C.C, R.C.C, Masonary,
Plastering, Flooring, Fencing, Ornamental border, Door, Windows,
Trusses etc.
2. Write general rules for measurement.
3. Write different methods of taking out quantities and describe.
160 Construction Technology

Types of Estimates

3.0 Introduction
3.1 Detailed estimate
3.2 Preliminary or approximate estimate
3.3 Problems in preliminary estimate
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit student will be able to
• Understand the definition of detailed estimate, stages of preparation
of estimate, Data required for an estimate and types of estimate.

3.0 Introduction
An estimate is a probable cost of a work. It is usually prepared before
the construction is taken up. The primary object of an estimate is to know
beforehand the cost of the work. The actual cost of the work is known after the
completion of the work. If the estimate is prepared carefully and correctly there
will not be much difference in the estimated cost and actual cost. The estimator
should be fully acquainted with the methods of construction, skilled and
experienced for accurate estimating.
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 161

3.1 Detailed estimate

The estimate may be approximate or preliminary estimate or accurate
estimate. In approximate estimate the approximate cost of the work is estimated.
In the accurate estimate the details of various items are taken and calculated.
3.1.1 Definition
The estimate prepared by dividing the work into different items, taking
detailed measurements of each item of work and calculating their quantities is
known as detailed estimate.
3.1.2. Stages of preparation
To prepare the complete estimation of the project, besides the estimated
cost of different main items of work, The cost of preliminary works and surveying,
cost of land and its acquisition, cost of leveling and preparation of ground and
the cost of external services are to be provided. Provision of supervision charges
and contractors profit are to be provided in the estimate.
Data required for preparing an estimate : To prepare an estimate
for a work the following data are necessary.
Drawings : The detailed drawings of plan, elevation and section, drawn
to a scale are necessary to take the details of measurements of various items of
Specifications : The specifications gives the nature, quality and class
of materials, their proportion, method of execution and workmanship and the
class of labour required. The cost of the work varies with its specifications. The
cement mortar with 1:3 is more costlier than cement mortar with 1:6.
Rates : The rates for various items of work, the rates of various materials
to be used in construction, the wages of different categories of labour should be
available for preparing an estimate. The location of the work and its distance of
source of materials and cost of transport should be known. These rates may be
obtained from the Standard Schedule of Rates prepared by the engineering
3.1.3 Details of measurements and calculation of quantities and abstract
of estimated cost
To prepare an accurate estimate, a detailed estimate of quantities of
various items of work and an abstract estimate of the quantities and their unit
rates are required.
162 Construction Technology

Detailed Estimate
S.no Description of work No Length Breadth Height/Depth Quantity Remarks

Abstract estimate

S.No. Description of work Quantity Rate Per Amount

3.2. Preliminary or approximate estimate

Preliminary or approximate estimate is required for preliminary studies
of various items of work or project , to decide the financial position and policy
for administrative sanction by the competent authority. The preliminary estimate
is prepared by different methods for different types of works. The various
methods of preparing the preliminary estimate are plinth area estimate, cubical
rate estimate and estimate per unit base.
3.2.1 Plinth area estimate
The plinth area rate is calculated by finding the plinth area of the building
and multiplying by the plinth area rate. The plinth area rate is obtained by
comparing the cost of the cost of similar building having similar specifications in
the locality.
3.2.2. Cubic area estimate
The cubic rate estimate is prepared on the basis of the cubical contents
of the building. The cubic rate is obtained from the cost of the similar building in
the locality having similar specifications. The cost of the building is estimated by
multiplying the volume of the building with the cubic area rate. Cubic rate estimate
is more accurate as compared to the plinth area estimate.
3.2.3 Estimate per unit base
The preliminary estimate may be prepared for different structures and
works by various ways. For schools and hostels, per class rooms for schools,
per bed for hospitals, per seat for theater halls, etc. For roads and highways and
for irrigation works, the preliminary estimate is made per kilometer. For bridges
and culverts per running meter. For sewerage and water supply projects on the
basis of per head of population served.
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 163

3.3. Problems in preliminary estimate

1. If the cost of school building per student is Rs. 25000. Calculate the
cost of school building for 100 students.
Cost of the school building for 100 student s = Rs.
2. If the cost of construction of 1 km. length of a highway is Rs.
10000000. Find the cost of construction for 20 km.
Cost of construction for 20 km = Rs. 10000000x20=Rs.200000000.
3. If the plinth area rate of a residential building is Rs.10000/sq m.
Calculate the cost of construction of a residential building of 100 sq. m.
Cost of construction of 100 sq. m.= plinth area rate x area =
Detailed estimate consists of taking the detailed measurements of length,
breadth, height and calculating the quantities.
Data required for estimate : Drawings, specifications and rates.
Types of preliminary estimates : Plinth area estimate, cubic rate
estimate and estimate per unit base.
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Define detailed estimate.
2. What are stages for preparation of an estimate?
3. List out the data required for preparation of an estimate.
4. Write the tabular form for the detailed estimate.
5. Write the tabular form for preparation of an abstract estimate.
Long Answer Type Questions
1. Describe the various types of preliminary estimates.
164 Construction Technology

Detailed and Abstract
Estimate of Buildings
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Single roomed building (load bearing structure)
4.2 Two roomed building( load bearing type structure)
4.3 Single storied residential building with number of rooms (load bearing
type structure)
4.4 Single storied residential building with number of rooms (framed
structure type)
4.5 Primary school building with sloped roof
4.6 RCC Dog legged – open well stairs
4.7 Two storied residential building (framed structure type)
4.8 Detailed estimate of compound wall and steps
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit student will be able to
Prepare detailed estimates of single roomed, Building roomed, Double
roomed buildings, for load bearing walls and Framed structures. Detailed Esti-
mate of Primary School Building, Compound walls and steps. Detailed estimate
Dog legged and Open Well STair case. Preparational estimate for ground and
first floor.
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 165

4.0 Introduction
To estimate the cost of any building or a structure, drawings,
specifications and rates are required. Regarding the detailed estimate by long
wall and short wall method and centre line method, the drawings consisting of
plan elevation and section are sufficient. The estimator should be able to take all
the dimensions from the drawings. The length and breadth are taken from the
plan, while the height or depth are taken from the section and elevations. In long
wall and short wall method the walls are taken separately, while in the centre line
method, the centre line lengths of all the walls are combined. The accuracy of
estimate depends upon the skill of the estimator in studying the drawings. The
long wall and short wall method is useful for load bearing type structure, but it
cannot be applied for framed structure.
4.1 Single roomed building (load bearing structure)
There are two steps in estimating the cost of a building or a structure.
1. Taking out quantities and calculation of quantities in detailed estimate.
2. Determining the cost from the abstract estimate.
Long wall and short wall method : This method is also called as
separate or individual wall method. This is simple and it gives accurate values.
The following procedure is adopted.
1. The dimensions of long wall and short wall should be taken separately.
2. Irrespective of its lengths, the wall which is taken first is long wall and
the wall which is taken next is the short wall.
3. The centre line of the wall of the building is considered for determining
the centre to centre line length of long walls and short walls.
4. The centre to centre to centre length of long walls or short walls is
obtained by adding half the width of the wall to the internal length of
either long wall or short wall.
5. Centre to centre length of long wall = internal length of long wall + ½
width of the wall.
6. Centre to centre length of short wall = internal length of short wall +
½ width of the wall.
7. To determine the lengths of different quantities such as earthwork,
c.c. bed in foundation, R.R. masonry etc, length of long wall = centre
166 Construction Technology

to centre length of long wall + width, the width is the respective

width of the item in consideration.
8. Similarly length of the short wall = centre to centre length of the short
wall – width, where the width is the respective width of the item
such as earthwork, c.c. bed etc.
Centre line method : In the centre line method, the sum of all the
centre line lengths of long walls and short walls are added to get the total centre
line length. At the junctions of two walls, the length is present in both of the
walls. Hence half of the length of that width is to be subtracted from the total
centre line length.
Length = Total centre line length – ½ width x number of junctions.


0.7 0.3
0.9 0.6
1.2 0.3


Fig 4.1 Plan Single Room

Centre to centre length of long wall = 6.0 + 2x0.3/2 = 6.3 m.

Centre to centre length of short wall = 4.0 + 2x0.3/2 = 4.3 m.
Length of Long Wall = Centre to centre Length of Long Wall + Width
Length of Short Wall = Centre to centre Length of Short Wall – width
For earth work in excavation Length of Long Wall = 6.3 + 1.2 = 7.5 m.
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 167

For earth work in excavation Length of Short Wall = 4.3 – 1.2 = 3.1 m.
In cement concrete in foundation the length and width of the long wall
and short wall are the same, but the height is different from that of the foundation
For R.R. masonry First footing Length of long wall = 6.3 + 0.9 = 7.2 m.
Length of Short Wall = 4.3 -0.9 = 3.4 m.
Similarly for second footing & Third footing, Length of Long Walls are
7.0 and 6.8 and for short walls are 3.6 m and 3.8 m respectively.
Detailed estimate of a single roomed building by centre line method
Centre to centre length of long wall = 6.0 + 2x0.3/2 = 6.3 m.
Centre to centre length of short wall = 4.0 + 2x0.3/2 = 4.3 m.
Total centre line length = 2(6.3 + 4.3) = 21.2 m.

Sl. No. Description No. L B H Quantity Remarks

of work m m m m3
1 Earth work in 1 21.2 1.2 1.2 30.528

2 C.C. bed in 1 21.2 1.2 0.3 7.63

3 R.R. masonry
in foundation
and plinth
First footing 1 21.2 0.9 0.6 11.45
Second footing 1 21.2 0.7 0.3 4.45
Basement 1 21.2 0.5 1.2 12.72
4 Brick work in 1 21.2 0.3 3 19.08
super structure

Detailed Estimate
168 Construction Technology

Sl. Description of work No. L B H Quantity Remarks

1 Earth work in m m m m3
excavation in
Long Walls 2 7.5 1.2 1.2 21.6 L=6.3+1.2=7.5
Short Walls 2 3.1 1.2 1.2 8.93 L=4.3-
Total 30.53
2 Plain cement concrete
in foundation (1:5:10)
Long Walls 2 7.5 1.2 0.3 5.4 L=6.3+1.2=7.5
Short Walls 2 3.1 1.2 0.3 2.68 L=4.3-
Total 8.08
3 R.R. Masonry in
& basement c.m (1:8)
First footing
Long Walls 2 7.2 0.9 0.6 7.78 L=6.3+0.9=7.2
Short WaLLS 2 3.4 0.9 0.6 3.67 L=4.3-
Second footing
Long Walls 2 7 0.7 0.3 2.94 L=6.3+0.7=7.0
Short WaLLS 2 3.6 0.7 0.3 1.51 L=4.3-
Long Walls 2 6.8 0.5 1.2 8.16 L=6.3+0.5=6.8
Short Walls 2 3.8 0.5 1.2 4.56 L=4.3-
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 169

Total R.R. masonry 28.62
4 Brick work in super
structure c.m. ( 1:8)
Long Walls 2 6.6 0.3 3 11.88 L=6.3+0.3=6.6
Short Walls 2 4 0.3 3 7.2 L=4.3-

4.2 Two roomed building( load bearing type structure)

Detailed Estimate Of A Double Roomed Building By Long Wall And
Short Wall Method
Centre to centre length of long wall = 5.0 + 0.3 + 5.0 + 2x0.3/2 = 10.6
Centre to centre length of short wall = 5.0 + 2x0.3/2 = 5.3 m.
Number of long walls = 2. Number of short walls = 3.
Length of long wall = centre to centre length of long walls + width
Length of short wall = centre to centre length of short wall - width
Total centre to centre line lenght = 10.6 x 2 + 5.3x3 = 37.1 m

Sl. No. Description of No. L B H Quantity Remarks

1 Earthwork in m m m m3
Long Walls 2 11.8 1.2 1.2 33.98 L= 10.6 +
1.2 = 11.8
Short Walls 3 4.1 1.2 1.2 17.71 L = 5.3 -
1.2 = 4.1
Total 51.69
2 C.C. bed in
Long Walls 2 11.8 1.2 0.3 8.5
170 Construction Technology

Short Walls 3 4.1 1.2 0.3 4.43

3 R.R. masonry in
foundation &
First footing
Long Walls 2 11.5 0.9 0.6 312.42 L = 10.6 +
0.9 = 11.5
Short walls 3 4.4 0.9 0.6 7.13 L = 5.3 - 0.9
= 4.4
Second footing
Long Walls 2 11.3 0.7 0.3 4.75 L = 10.6 +
0.7 = 11.3
Short Walls 3 4.6 0.7 0.3 2.9 L = 5.3 -0.7
= 4.6
Third footing &
Long Walls 2 11.1 0.5 1.2 13.32 L = 10.6 +
0.5 = 11.1
Short walls 3 4.8 0.5 1.2 8.64 L = 5.3 - 0.5
= 4.8
R.R. masonry Total 49.16
4 Brick work in
super structure
Long Walls 2 10.9 0.3 3 19.62 L = 10.6 + 0.3 =
Short Walls 3 5 0.3 3 13.5 L = 5.3 - 0.3 =
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 171

Centre line method

Sl. No. Description of No. L B H Quantity Remarks

1 Earthwork in 1 35.9 1.2 1.2 51.69 m3 L= 37.1 -
excavation 2x1/2x1.2
2 C.C. bed in 1 35.9 1.2 0.3 12.93 m3
3 R.R. masonry in
First footing 1 36.2 0.9 0.6 19.55 me L = 37.1 -
Second footing 1 36.4 0.7 0.3 7.65 m3 L = 37.1 -
Basement 1 36.6 0.5 1.2 21.96 m3 L = 37.1 -
1 Total 49.165 m3
4 Brickwork in 1 36.8 0.3 3 33.12 m3 L = 37.1 -
superstructure 2x1/2x0.3


0.7 0.3
0.9 0.6
1.2 0.3

5m x 5 m 5m x 5m

Fig 4.2 Double Room

172 Construction Technology

4.3 Single storied residential building with number of rooms

(load bearing type structure)
Length of long walls = 6.0+0.3+5.0+2x0.3/2=11.6 m.

Number of long walls = 3

Length of short wall of 5.0 m. length = 5.0+2x0.3/2=5.3 m.

Number of 5.0 m shortwalls =3

Length of 4.0 m. length short walls = 4.0+2x0.3/2=4.3m.

Number of 4.0 m. length short walls = 3

Total centre line length = 11.6x3+5.3x3+4.3x3=63.6m.


6.0 x 5.0 m 5.0 x 5.0 m


5.0 x 4.0 m 5.0 x 4.0 m

0.3 0.9
0.6 0.9
D D 0.3 1.2m

Fig 4.3 Plan Section

Paper - II Estimating and Costing 173

m m m






174 Construction Technology

4.4 Single storied residential building with number of rooms

(framed structure type)
Number of columns in a framed structure = 9
Size of the columns = 230 mmx230 mm
Length of R.R. masonry, Brickwork, lintels, plinth beam and beams
under slab = (6+6)x3+(5+4)x3=63 m.
Length of sunshades and external plastering = (12.9+9.9)x2= 45.6 m.
Length of slab with 1 m. extension on both sides = 1.0+1.0=2.0 m.
External Plastering : Area of external plastering = Length x Height
Length of Plastering = 2x(12.9+9.9)=45.6 m.
Height of external plastering = 3.0+0.12, where 3.0m is the height of
the room and 0.12 m. is the thickness of the slab.
Internal plastering : Area of internal plastering = Length x Height
Length of plastering = 2(L+B) , Where L and B are the length and
breadth of the room respectively.
For 6mx5m room, length = 2(6+5)=22m. Similarly for 5mx4m room,
length =2(5+4)=18 m. 100 mm
RCC slab
0.23 x 0.23 3.0 m
R.C.C Column

1.2 m

6.0 x 5.0 m 5.0 x 5.0 m 0.9 m

R.C.C. 0.3 m
0.3 m
6.0 x 4.0 m 5.0 x 4.0 m R.C.C.

1.2 m


Fig 4.4 Residential Building Framed Structure

Paper - II Estimating and Costing 175

S. Description of work No. L B H Quantity Remarks

1 Earthwork in excavation m m m m3
Columns 9 1.2 1.2 1.8 23.33
In between columns 1 63 0.9 0.9 51.03 L=12x3+
Deduct for columns 9 0.6 0.6 0.9 -2.92
2 C.C. bed in foundation
Columns 9 1.2 1.2 0.3 3.89
In between columns 1 63 0.9 0.3 17.01
Deduct for columns 9 0.6 0.6 0.3 -0.972
3 R.R. masonry in
First footing 1 63 0.7 0.6 26.46

Second footing 1 63 0.45 1.2 34.02

4 Brickwork in 1 63 0.23 3 43.47
Deductions Doors 6 1 0.23 2 -2.76
Windows 8 1.2 0.23 1.2 -2.65
Net Brickwork in super structure 38.06

5 R.C.C. column footing 9 1.2 1.2 0.3 3.89

Trapezoidal section (1.44+4x0.985+0.053)/6 0.3 2.44

Stem 9 0.23 0.23 5.1 2.43 H=0.9+1.2+

176 Construction Technology

6 R.C.C. Plinth beam 1 63 0.23 0.3 4.35

7 R.C.C. in
Lintels 1 63 0.23 0.1 1.45

Sunshades 1 45.6 0.7 0.07 2.23 L=2(12.9+

8 R.C.C. slab and beams
Beams under slab 1 63 0.23 0.3 4.35
1m. Projection from 9 1 0.23 0.3 0.62
R.C.C. Slab. 1 14.9 11.9 0.12 21.28 L=12.9+1.0+
26.25 B=9.9+1.0+
9 External plastering L=2(12.9+9.9)
20 mm =45.6
Thick 1 45.6 3.12 142.27 H=3.0+0.12
Doors 6 1 2 -12
Windows 8 1.2 1.2 -11.52
Net External plastering area 118.75

10 Internal Plastering
12 mm thick
Rooms 6mx5m 2 22 3 132 L=2(6+5)=22
Rooms5mx4m 2 18 3 108 L=2(5+4)=18
11 Sand filling in rooms
Rooms 6mx5m 2 6 5 1.2 72
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 177

Rooms 5mx4m 2 5 4 1.2 48

12 C.C. bed in rooms
Rooms 6mx5m 2 6 5 0.1 6
Rooms5mx4m 2 5 4 0.1 4
13 Flooring in rooms
Rooms 6mx5m 2 6 5 60
Rooms5mx4m 2 5 4 40
14 Fabrication & (8.76+4.35+3.68+26.25)x1.25x87.5/100x1000 78.5x100/100x1000
placement of tonnes 4.22 t

4.5 Primary school building with sloped roof

Wall thickness = 0.3 m. in brick masonry.

Width of foundation = 1.2 m. Depth of foundation = 1.8 m.

Width of first footing = 0.9 m. Depth of first footing = 0.9 m.

Second footing width = 0.7 m. Depth = 0.6 m.

Width of third footing and plinth = 0.5 m. Height = 0.9 m.

Centre to centre length of long walls = 3.0+0.3+3.0+2x0.3/2=6.6 m.

Centre to centre length of short walls = 3.0+2x0.3/2=3.3 m.

Total centre line length = 6.6x2+3.3x3=23.1 m.

Number of junctions = 2.
Height of the sloping roof =1.0 m.
178 Construction Technology

Length of the sloping roof = square root of (1.5mx1.5m + 1.0m.x1.0

m.) = 1.8 m.

Number of gable rafters at a spacing of 30 cms. Centre to centre =(


Length of the gable rafters = 1.8+1.8+0.5+0.5=4.6 m.

Number of reapers along a length of 6.05 mts. At a spacing of 10 cms

each = (4.6/0.1)+1=47
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 179


1.5 m

2.0 m

0.9 m 0.9 m 0.9 m

0.6 m 0.6 m

0.9 m 0.9 m
0.3 m 0.3 m
1.2 m

D - Door 1.00 m x 2.00 m

W - Window 1.2 m x 1.2 m

Room Room Width of 1st footing : 0.9 m

3.0 x 3.0 m 3.0 x 3.0 m Second footing : 0.7 m
Basement : 0.5 m


180 Construction Technology

4.6 RCC Dog legged – open well stairs




E L E V A T I O N S E C T I O N - A A

2500 1000


Fig 4.5 Dog Legged Stair case

Paper - II Estimating and Costing 181

Sloping side 22 0.28 0.4 2.464

Tota l 11.264
182 Construction Technology

Length of the inclined flight = Square root of (1.65x1.65+2.5x2.5)=3.0

Size of base of flight = 1.0x0.5x0.25 m3
Landing at the middle and top floor =2.0mx1.0mx0.15m.
Length of the hand rail = (2x3.0+0.40)=6.8 m.
Number of risers = 11
Height of the first flight = 11x0.15=1.65 m.
Number of treads = 10
Length of treads in each flight = 10x0.25=2.5 m.
Triangular portion of the brick has a base of 0.25 m. and height 0.15 m.
Area of the brickwork = 1/2x(0.25x0.15) m2.
4.6.1 Open Well Staircase

Each Tread



Each Riser


No. of Treads

Flight No. No. of Risers




Note :
1. All dimensions are in Milli meters
2. Follow the written dimensions only


Scale 1:50

DRG. No. 18

Fig 4.6 Open well Stair case

Paper - II Estimating and Costing 183

Flight No. A
Horizontal distance of treads = 0.3x8=2.4 m.
Height of risers = 0.15x9=1.35 m.

Sloping length of flight = Square root of(2.4x2.4+1.35x1.35)=2.75 m.

Flight No. B
Horizontal length of treads = 0.3x3=0.9 m.
Height of risers = 0.15x4=0.6 m.
Sloping length of flight= Square root of (0.9x0.9+0.6x0.6)=1.08 m.
Flight No. C
Horizontal length of treads = 0.3x7=2.1 m.
Height of risers = 0.15x8=1.2 m.
Sloping length of flight = Square root of (2.1x2.1+1.2x1.2)=2.42 m.
184 Construction Technology

4.7 Two storied residential building (framed structure type)

Parpet wall

Lintel &
3.05 m sunshade
Roof slab

3.05 m
C.C. flooring

R.C.C Mix
0.902 Sand filling
Elevation C.C. floring


Fig 4.7 Two storied residential building

Paper - II Estimating and Costing 185

Fig 4.8 Ground Floor & First Floor

Ground floor
Number of columns = 15
Height of columns in ground flo or & first floor =
0.90+0.9+3.05+0.1+3.05+0.1+0.8=8.9 m.
Height of column in ground floor = 0.9+9+3.05+0.1=4.95 m.
Height of column in first floor = 3.05+0.1+0.8=3.95 m.
Length of brickwork, lintels and beams =
4.21x4+4.20x4+3.05x2+3.00x2+2.00x2+4.00x2+3.34x2 = 64.42 m.
Openings – Main door – 1.00mx2.1m -1 No., Door – D 0.9x2.1 – 3
Nos., Door D1 – 0.76x2.1 – 2 Nos.
Windows - W – 1.8mx1.2m – 5 Nos., W1 – 1.2mx1.2m – 2 Nos.
Length of wall 100 mm. thick = 4.21+3.79+1.5= 9.5 m.
Length of sunshade = 2.1x5+1.5x2+1.1x1+1.3x1 = 15.9 m.
186 Construction Technology

Length of slab = 12.68 m., Width of slab = 9.10 m.

Length of external plastering = 2(12.68+9.10)=43.56 m.
Trapezoidal section of the column foundation : Area of base A1 =
1.0x1.0=1.0 m2.
Area of the column stem = 0.23x0.23=0.0529 m2=A2
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 187
188 Construction Technology
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 189
190 Construction Technology

4.8 Detailed estimate of compound wall and steps

Length of the compound wall between the brick columns 230 mm x
230 mm = 6.0 + 4.0 = 10.0 m.
Height of the compound wall = 1.5 m.
Depth of excavation below ground level = 0.9 m.
Width of the foundation = 0.9 m.
Thickness of the C.C. bed = 0.3 m.
Size of the first footing = 0.6 m. x 0.6 m.
Size of the plinth = 0.45 x 1.0m2.
Size of the brickwork in columns = 0.23 x 0.23 x 1.5 m.
Number of brick columns = 3
Length of the earthwork in excavation =
Quantity of earthwork in excavation = 10.69x0.9x0.9=8.66 m3.
Quantity of C.C. bed in foundation = 10.69x0.9x0.3=2.89 m3.
R.R. masonry first footing = 10.69x0.6x0.6= 3.85 m3.
R.R. masonry in plinth = 10.69x0.45x1.0= 4.81 m3.
R.R. masonry total = 3.85+4.81= 8.66 m.
Brick masonry in columns = 3x0.23x0.23x1.5=0.24 m3.
Brickwork in between columns = 10.0x0.10x1.5= 1.5 m3.
Total brick masonry = 0.24+1.5=1.74 m.
Deduction for gate 2.0mx1.5m = 2.0x0.1x1.5=0.3 m3.
Net brickwork in superstructure = 1.74-0.3 = 1.44 m.
Plastering in columns = 4x0.23x1.5x3=4.14 m2.
Plastering in between columns = 10x1.5x2=30 m2.
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 191

Total area of plastering = 4.14+30=34.14 m2.

Estimate of steps
Quantity of first step = 1.0x0.9x0.3=0.27 m3.
Quantity of second step = 1.0x0.6x0.3=0.18 m3.
Quantity of third step = 1.0x0.3x0.3=0.09 m3.
Total quantity of brickwork in steps = 0.27+0.18+0.09=0.54 m3.
1.5 m Front View

0.45 1.0 m

Side View
0.6 0.6 m

0.3 m
0.9 m 0.3

0.23 0.3


1.0 m
4.0 m Top view

Fig. 4.9 Plan and Section of a compound Wall

0.23 6.0m 0.23

192 Construction Technology

To estimate the cost of a building or a structure the steps involved are
1. Taking out the measurement of various items and calculate the
quantities as per the detailed estimate.
2. Determining the cost of the calculated quantities as per Abstract
The methods of calculating quantities are Long wall and short wall method
and Centre line method.
Length of Long wall = Centre to centre length of the long wall + width
Length of short wall = Centre to centre length of the short wall – width
In centre line method, the length = Total centre line length – (number of
For a double room building, the total centre line length = sum of the
centre line lengths of two long walls and three short walls. The number
of junctions = 2.
For a building with number of rooms, the total centre line length = sum
of the centre to centre lengths of three long walls, three short walls of length 5.3
m. and three short walls of length 4.3 m. Number of junctions = 6.
The long wall short wall method and the centre line method are not
applicable. The lengths of the R.R. masonry, Brickwork in superstructure, Plinth
beam, lintels and beams under slab are obtained by adding the internal dimensions
of the rooms.
The roof for the primary school building is a gable roof, having its slope
in two directions. The roof under consideration is the roof having its width = 3.0
m. and its length = 6.0 m.
Length of the gable rafter = square root of [(width/2)2 + (Rise)2]
Number of gable rafters = Length of the roof/ spacing of the rafters.
Area of the tiled surface = 2x(Length of the roof )x Width of the sloping
Number of risers = Height of the flight/ rise.
Number of treads = Number of risers – 1.
Treads length = Number of treads x Tread.
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 193

Horizontal length of the stairs = Treads length + Width of the landing

Length of the sloping side = Square root of [(Treads length)2 + (Height
of flight)2].
Area of brickwork in each step = (Rise x Tread) x ½.
Short Answer Type Questions
1. What are the steps involved in finding the cost of the building?
2. What are the methods involved in taking measurements in a detailed
3. Write the tabular formula of a detailed estimate.
4. Calculate the number of risers in a flight of height 1.50 m. and the rise
of 15 cms.
5. If the number of risers = 10, find the number of treads.
6. Find the length of the gable rafter for a room of width 6.0 m. and
length 12.0 m and the rise is 1.5 m.
Long Answer Type Questions
1. Find the earthwork in excavation, C.C. bed in foundation, R.R.
masonry in foundation, Brick work in superstructure and plastering for single
room building and double room building by long wall short wall method and
centre line method.
2. Detailed estimate of a dog legged stair case.
3. Detailed estimate of compound wall and steps.
O.J.T. Type Questions
1. Detailed estimate of a number of rooms.
2. Detailed estimate of a framed structure.
3. Detailed estimate of a Primary school building.
4. Detailed estimate of an open well stair case.
5. Detailed estimate of a double storied building.
194 Construction Technology

Specifications and Analysis
of Rates
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Prepare specifications for different items of work.
5.2 Find the cost of materials at source and at site.
5.3 Study of the cost of labor types of labor using standard schedule
of rates
5.4 Concept of lead and lift- leads statement
5.5 Preparation of unit rates for finished items of works
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit student will be able to
• Prepare the unit ratio of various items of works. Find the cost of
materials, specifications of various of various items of works.
5.0 Introduction
To estimate the cost of the building, the quantities of various items of
work are calculated from the drawings. The unit rates of various items of work
are calculated from the specifications of the various types of materials. The rates
are calculated as per the rates in the standard schedule of rates. The unit rates of
various items of work increase considerably with the specifications. The
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 195

specifications indicate the quality of the work while the drawings are used for
the quality of the work.
5.1 Prepare specifications for different items of work
Specifications specifies or describes the nature and the class of work,
materials to be used in the work, workmanship etc. From the study of the
specifications one can easily understand the nature of the work and what the
work shall be.
Detailed specifications : Detailed specifications are written to express
the requirements clearly in a concise form avoiding repetition and ambiguity.
The detailed specifications for various items of work are as follows.
Earthwork excavation of foundation
The following specifications shall be followed in the earthwork in
excavations in foundations.
1. Foundation trench shall be dug to the exact width and depth of
2. Excavated earth shall not be placed within 1 m. of the edge of the
3. The bottom of the trenches shall be perfectly leveled both
longitudinally and transversely.
4. If water accumulates in the trench, it should be pumped out. Care
should be taken to prevent water from entering the trench.
5. If rocks and boulders are found during excavation, they should be
removed and the bed of the trench should be leveled and
6. Foundation concrete should be laid only after the inspection and
approval by the Engineer in charge.
Cement concrete in foundation (1:5:10)
The following specifications should be followed in cement concrete in
1. Course aggregate should be of hard broken stone, free from dust,
dirt and foreign matter.
2. Fine aggregate shall be of coarse sand, consisting of hard, sharp and
angular grains and shall pass through screen of 5 mm. square mesh.
196 Construction Technology

3. Sand should be free from dust, dirt and organic matters.

4. Water shall be clean and free from alkaline and acid matter.
5. Mixing should be done on masonry platform or sheet iron tray in
hand mixing.
6. Coarse aggregate and sand should be mixed by volume and cement
by weight.
Random rubble masonry
The following specifications should be followed in random rubble
1. The stones should be sound, hard and durable. Stones with rounded
surface shall not be used.
2. No stone shall be less than 15 cm. in size.
3. Bond stones should be provided at every 1 m. length.
4. Cement mortar 1:3 to 1:6 shall be provided.
5. The joints in the stone masonry shall not be thicker than 2 cm.
6. The masonry shall be watered for at least 10 days.
Brick masonry
The following specifications should be followed in brick masonry first
1. Bricks of standard size, copper red color, regular in shape, having
sharp square edges should be used.
2. The bricks should not absorb more than 20% of water when immersed
in water for 24 hours.
3. The mortar used in brick masonry shall be 1:3 to 1:6.
4. The bricks shall be well bonded and laid in English bond unless
otherwise specified.
5. Mortar joints shall not exceed 6 mm. in thickness and the joints shall
be fully flushed with mortar.
6. The bricks should be soaked in water before use in masonry.
7. The brick masonry shall be watered for at least 10 days.
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 197

The following specifications should be followed in plastering
1. The materials of mortar, cement and sand used in plastering should
be as per specifications.
2. The joints of the brickwork shall be raked for a depth of 18 mm. on
the surface.
3. Ceiling plastering should be completed before the start of wall
4. The thickness of the plastering should not be less than 12 mm. for
internal plastering and 20 mm. for external plastering.
5. The plastering work shall be checked for horizontality with a straight
edge and for verticality with a plumb bob.
6. Any defective plastering shall be cut in rectangular shape and replaced.
7. The plastering should be watered for at least 10 days.
5.2 Find the cost of materials at source and at site.
The amount required to purchase the material at the source of its
production is the cost of materials at the source.
Cost of materials at site : The cost of materials at site includes the
cost of materials at source along with the cost of seignories, taxes, royalties,
transport, stacking, loading and unloading etc.
Seignories are collected for materials like sand, stones etc., which are
under the control of respective local agencies under government control.
5.3 Study of the cost of labor types of labor using standard
schedule of rates
Labour rates
Category of worker
S. Rate
198 Construction Technology

Skilled catregory
• 1 Bar bender 330
• 2 Black smith / Tin smith / Rivetor 315
• 3 Blaster ( Licensed ) 355
• 4 Carpenter Cl- I 315
• 5 Electrician ( Licensed ) 355
• 6 Fitter Cl- I 315
• 7 Floor Polisher / Tile Layer 315
• 8 Foreman 355
• 9 Gauge reader 300
• 10
• Maistry / Work Inspector with Non-technical Qualification
• 300
• 11 Mason Cl- I / Brick layer Cl- I 315
• 12 Mechanic Cl- I 315
• 13 Operator Air compressor / DG set 315
• 14 Operator Batching plant 355
• 15 Operator Bus/Ambulance/ Lorry/ Tanker 315
• 16 Operator Concrete / Asphalt mixer 315
• 17 Operator Concrete / Asphalt paver 315
• 18 Operator Concrete pump / Placer/ ice plant 315
Common SoR 2012 : 13
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 199

Category of worker
S. Rate
• 19 Operator Core drilling machine 355
• 20 Operator Crane/ Tower crane/ Cable way 355
• 21 Operator Drilling jumbo / Loco / Winch 315
• 22 Operator Grouting/ Guniting/ Shotcreting 315
• 23 Operator Jackhammer/Pneumatic tamper 315
• 24 Operator Pump / Ventilation fan 315
• 25 Operator Lathe/Drilling/Shearing machine 355
• 26 Operator Bending / Planing machine 315
• 27 Operator Road roller 315
• 28 Operator Shovel / Scraper / Dozer 355
• 29 Operator Spillway / Sluice gate 315
• 30 Operator Crusher / Conveyor / Mucker 315
• 31 Operator Tipper / Dumper / Transit mixer 355
• 32 Operator Concrete vibrator 315
• 33 Operator Vibratory plain / pad foot roller 315
• 34 Operator Wagon drill / Drifter 355
• 35 Painter Cl- I 350
• 36 Plumber / Pipe fitter 350
• 37 Sarang / Khalasi 315
• 38 Spun pipe moulder 315
• 39 Stone chiseller CI- I / Stone cutter Cl- l 315
• 40 Struct. steel Fabricator / Marker / Erector 355
200 Construction Technology

• 41 Welder / Gas Cutter 315

• 42 Welder (X-ray quality) 355
II. Semi skilled category
1. Asphalt Sprayer / Boiler attendant 285
2. Bhisti 285
3. Boatman with boat 300
Common SoR 2012:13
Category of worker
S. Rate
• 4 Carpenter Cl- II / Erector shuttering 285
• 5 Cartman with double bullock cart 330
• 6 Cartman with single bullock cart 310
• 7 Chavali / Navagani 285
• 8 Crowbarman / Jumper man 285
• 9 Fitter Cl- II 285
• 10 Gang man / Head / Survey mazdoor 285
• 11 Gardener / Trained mali 285
• 12 Helper Air compressor / DG set 285
• 13 Helper Batching plant 285
• 14 Helper Blasting 285
• 15 Helper Bus/ Ambulance/ Lorry/ Tanker 285
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 201

• 16 Helper Bending/Shearing/Planing machine 285

• 17 Helper Carpenter 285
• 18 Helper Concrete / Asphalt mixer 285
• 19 Helper Concrete / Asphalt paver 285
• 20 Helper Core drilling machine 285
• 21 Helper Crane/ Tower crane/ Cable way 285
• 22 Helper Drilling jumbo / Loco / Winch 285
• 23 Helper Fitter / Fabrication/Electrician 285
• 24 Helper Grouting/ Guniting/ Shotcreting 285
• 25 Helper Jack hammer / Pneumatic tamper 285
• 26 Helper Laboratory / Instrumentation 285
• 27 Helper Road roller 285
• 28 Helper Shovel / Scraper / Dozer 285
• 29 Helper Crusher / Conveyor / Mucker 285
• 30 Helper Tipper / Dumper/ Transit mixer 285
• 31 Helper Vibrator 285
• Common SoR 2012:13
• 282
Category of worker
S. Rate
• 32 Helper Vibratory plain/ pad foot roller 285
• 33 Helper Wagon drill/ Drifter 285
202 Construction Technology

• 34 Lineman Electric / Telephone 285

• 35 Mason Cl- ll / Brick layer Cl-II 285
• 36 Mechanic Cl- II 285
• 37 Painter Cl- II 300
• 38 Patkari / Neeraganti / Sowdy 285
• 39 Stone Chiseller Cl- II 285
• 40 Stone breaker / Hammer man 285
• 41 Valve man / Canal sluice operator 285
III. Un-skilled category
• 1 Cement / Asphalt handling mazdoor 250
• 2 Civic worker 250
• 3 Heavy mazdoor 250
• 4 Light mazdoor 250
• 5 Watchman 250
IV. Other category
• 1 Care-taker / conductor / Lift Attender 300
• 2 Cook / Mess man 300
• 3 Dhobi 300
• 4 Diploma Engineer / Surveyor 450
• 5 Diver with headgear 365
• 6 Graduate / Laboratory Assistant 350
• 7 Graduate Engineer/ Geologist 600
• 8 Horticulture Assistant / Photographer 300
• 9 ITI certificate holder / Tracer / Printer 350
• 10 Literate mazdoor 285
• 11 Stenographer / Computer Operator 400
• Common SoR 2012:13
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 203

Category of worker
S. Rate
• 12 Telephone / Wireless Operator 350
• 13 Typist / Job Typist 350
• 14
• CAD operator with Diploma in Engineering/General degree with
• CAD certificate
• 500
• 15 Jeep Driver 355
• 16 Data Processing Operator 500
• Note : 1. The wage should not be less than the minimum wages of
schedule of employment,
• Subject to out turn. 2. 25% extra over the corresponding labour
rates in respect of the work to be
• Done during night time subject to issue of certificate accordingly by
the concerned estimate.
• Sanctioning authority for providing in the data and by concerned
Executive Engineer in charge of the work for payment. The night time
allowance is applicable only to the works done under Greater
• Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal
Corporation and Vijayawada Municipal Corporation limits only.of
various government agencies.
• Transport cost includes cost of transporting the material from source
to the site. In S.S.R., the cost of transporting on a mettaled road is
204 Construction Technology

given. If transport is required on a cart track or a sand track, to reach

the site, that distance is converted to equivalent metalled road.
Distance on cart track = Distance on metalled road x 1.1
Distance on sand track = Distance on metalled road x 1.4
Stacking includes placing the material in a specified heap for a given
volume in the case of materials like sand and coarse aggregate. Bricks are stacked
for a given number. Sometimes are stacking charges are included in loading and
unloading. Loading and unloading charges are fixed for a given volume or weight
for different materials.
The cost of labor wages for each category of labor are given above as
per Standard schedule of rates 2012-13.
Standard schedule of rates : In standard schedule of rates (S.S.R.) ,
the rates of various materials, machinery and hiring charges and wages of labor
are prepared. It is prepared by the board of chief engineers and approve it for
that year.
5.4 Concept of lead and lift- leads statement
The distance between the source of material to the worksite is known
as the lead. This lead distance changes from one project to another project
depending upon the location. The vertical height through which the material is to
be disposed is known as the lift.
Lead charges : The conveyance charges of the materials from source
to the site of work is called lead charge. In S.S.R. the lead charges are given for
Metalled roads. The equivalent distance of metalled road for cart track = 1.1xlead,
while for sandy track = 1.4xlead.
Lead statement : Lead statement gives the cost of various materials at
site. It includes basic rate, plus conveyance, blasting charges, seignorage charges
Lead Statement
S. Mat- Source Unit Cost at Lead Equi Blas Seign Cess Cru Deduc Net Re
No erial source inKm. valent ting orage charges shing tions rate mar
metal char char char if any at ks
led ges ges ges site
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 205

5.5 Preparation of unit rates for finished items of works

Cost of sand as per S.S.R. : For concrete = Rs. 375., For filling =
Rs. 288., For plastering = Rs.490.
Cost of cement = Rs. 5100/ton., = Rs. 255 per bag.
Mixing charges for mixing 1 m3 of mortar = Rs. 85.
Cost of preparation of 1 m3 mortar for different proportions

Mix Quantity of Quantity Cost of Cost of Mix Total cost

propor cement in of sand cement sand -ing
-tion bags in m3 charges
1:2 9.5 bags 0.66 Rs.2422. Rs. 323. Rs.85 2831.50
50 40
1:3 7.2 0.75 Rs. 1836. Rs. 367. Rs.85 2288.50
00 50
1:4 5.76 0.8 Rs. 1469. Rs. 392. Rs.85 1946.00
00 00
1:5 4.79 0.83 Rs. 1221. Rs. 406. Rs.85 1713.20
50 70
1:6 4.11 0.857 Rs.1048. Rs.419.95 Rs.85 1553.00
1:8 3.19 0.89 Rs.813. Rs. 436.10 Rs.85 1334.55
1:10 2.62 0.91 Rs.668. Rs. 445.9 Rs.85 1199.00

5.5.1. Cement concrete in foundation (1:5:10)1

Quantity of cement =(1.52/16)x1=0.095 m3=0.095x1440/50=2.74
Quantity of sand = (1.52/16)x5=0.475 m3
Quantity of aggregate = (1.52/16)x10=0.95 m3.
Cost of cement = Rs.255 per bag., Cost of sand=Rs. 375/m3., Cost of
Coarse aggregate=Rs.588/m3.
206 Construction Technology

Particulars Quantity Rate Cost

Materials Cement 2.74 bags Rs. 255/bag Rs. 698.70
Sand 0.475 m3 Rs. 375/m3. Rs. 178.15
Coarse aggregate 0.95 m3 Rs. 588/bag Rs. 558.60
Labor: Head mason 0.05 No. Rs. 350/No. Rs. 17.50
Mason 0.15 No. Rs. 315/No. Rs. 47.25
Men mazdoor 1.2 NO. Rs. 250/No. Rs. 300
Women mazdoor 1.8 No. Rs. 250/No. Rs. 450
Waterman 0.4 No. Rs. 250/No. Rs. 100
Add 20% for labor Rs.182.95
Total Rs.2533.15

R.C.C. (1:2:4) works in Beams, slab, columns etc

Quantity of cement = 1.52x1/7=0.217 m3 =0.217x1440/50=6.25 bags.
Quantity of sand = 1.52x2/7=0.434 m3.
Quantity of coarse aggregate = 1.52x4/7=0.869 m3.
Quantity of steel =1.1x78.5/100=0.86quintals=86.35 kgs.
Centering and scaffolding charges with casurina ballies, bamboos,
wooden reapers, poles etc.
Lintel = Rs. 1215/m3; Sunshades = Rs. 214/m2., Columns = Rs. 929/
m2., Beams = Rs. 1637/m2.
Slabs up to 150 mm. = Rs. 184/m2.
Particulars Quantity Rate Amount
R.C.C(1:2:4) including cost of
materials, labour charges,
centering charges but excluding
cost of steel and its fabrication.
Cement 6.25 bags Rs. 255/bag Rs. 1593.75
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 207

Sand 0.434 m3 Rs. 375/m3 Rs. 162.75

Coarse aggregate 0.868 m3 Rs. 1161.80/ Rs. 1003.80
Total Rs. 2760.30
Head mason 0.05 Rs. 350/No. Rs. 17.50
Mason 0.3 Rs. 315/No. Rs. 94.50
Men mazdoor 1.2 No. Rs. 250/No. Rs. 300.00
Women mazdoor 2.0 NO. Rs. 250/No. Rs. 500.00
Waterman 0.6 No. Rs. 250/No. Rs. 150.00
Rs. 1062.00
20% local Rs. 212.40
Rs. 1274.40
Total cost of materials & labour
= Rs.2760.30+1274.40=
R.C.C. works in lintel, slab,
beams and columns
Centering charges with
Casuarinas baileys, bamboos,
poles, wall plates etc.
Item Centering Cost of Total Cost
charges materials and
including labour
materials and
Lintel Rs.1215 Rs. 4034.70 Rs. 5249.70
Slab Rs. 1533.33 Rs. 4034.70 Rs. 5568.00
Beam Rs. 1637 Rs. 4034.70 Rs. 5671.70
Column Rs.929 Rs. 4034.70 Rs. 4963.70
208 Construction Technology

1 m3 of R.C.C. work requires approximately 90 kgs. of steel. The cost

of fabrication of steel including bending and placement in position is Rs. 6.00/
5.5.3 Brick masonry in cement mortar
The size of the bricks considered are 19 cmx9 cmx9 cm. The volume
of mortar is 0.32 m3. Cost of brick masonry for 1.0 m3 is considered.
Number of bricks required = 500
Mortar with a proportion of 1:6 is considered.
Quantity of cement = 0.32/7=0.0457 m3=0.0457x1440/50=1.32 bags
Quantity of Sand = 0.32x6/7=0.274 m3
Cost of 1000 no. of bricks 19cmx9cmx9cm as per S.S.R. =Rs. 4687,
Loading and unloading charges=Rs.37.30, Conveyance charges
=118.65+17.80x10=Rs. 297.( for 15 K.M.)
Total cost of bricks = Rs.4687+Rs.37.30+297=Rs.5021.30

Particulars Quantity Rate Amount

Brick masonry in
superstructure including cost
of materials and labour
Bricks 500 Nos. Rs. 5021.30per Rs.2510.65
1000 Nos.
Cement 1.32 bags Rs. 255 per bag Rs. 336.60
Sand 0.274 m3. Rs. 490/m3. Rs. 134.30
Materials cost Total Rs. 2981.55
Head mason 0.05 No. Rs. 350/No. Rs. 17.50
Mason 1.0 No. Rs. 315/No. Rs. 315.00
Men mazdoor 0.7 NO. Rs. 250/No. Rs. 175.00
Women mazdoor 1.0 No. Rs. 250/No. Rs. 250.00
Waterman 0.2 No. Rs. 250/No. Rs. 50.00
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 209

Total Rs. 807.50

Add 20% Rs.161.50
Rs. 969.00
Materials and Labour Rs. 3950.55
Total Cost

5.5.4 Course rubble stone masonry(CRS) in cement mortar

Quantity of stone required = 1.25 m3. Volume of mortar required
Quantity of cement required for C.M. 1:6 = 0.4/7=0.06 m3=0.06x1440/
50=1.8 bags.
Particulars Quantity or No. Rate Amount
Stone including bond 1.25 m3. Rs.535.60/m3 Rs. 669.5
stone and wastage
Cement 1.8 bags Rs. 255/ bag Rs. 459
Sand 0.36 m3. Rs. 490/m3. Rs. 176.40
Rs. 1304.90
Head mason 0.05 No. Rs. 350/No. Rs. 17.50
Mason 1.6 No. Rs. 315/No. Rs. 504.00
Men mazdoor 1.6 No. Rs. 250/No. Rs. 400.00
Women mazdoor 0.8 No. Rs. 250/No. Rs. 200.00
Waterman 0.15 No. Rs. 250/No. Rs. 37.50
Add 20% Rs. 231.80
Rs. 1390.80
Total cost of materials and Rs. 2695.70
210 Construction Technology

Quantit y of sand= 0.36 m3. Cost of rubble stone =

Rs.293+Rs.74.60+11.20x15 = Rs. 535.60 for a conveyance of 20 K.M.
5.5.5 Plastering
External plastering 20 mm. thick and Internal plastering 12 mm. thick.
Materials for 20 mm. thick plastering in a wall of 100 sq. m.
Volume of plastering = 100x20/1000=2.0 m3.
Add 20% for wet volume and increasing 25% dry
volume=2.0+0.4+0.6=3.0 m3.
Cost of 1:6 cement mortar = Rs. 1553.00/m3. Cost of 3.0 m3 cement
Labour charges : Head mason =1/3 no. Cost=(1/3)x350=Rs. 116.70
Mason=12 Nos. Cost=10x315=Rs. 3150.00 Men mazdoor=15 Nos.
= 15x250= Rs. 3750.00
Waterman= ¾ No. Cost = (3/4)x250=Rs. 187.50.
Cost of labour = Rs.116.70+Rs. 3150+Rs.3750.00+Rs. 187.50= Rs.
7204.20 Add 20% allowance =Rs. 1440.80. Total
cost of labour = Rs. 7204.20+1440.80=Rs. 8645.00
Total cost of external plastering=Rs.4659.00+ Rs. 8645.00=Rs.
Cost of 20 mm. thick plastering/m2 = 13304.00/100= Rs.133.04
Materials for internal plastering 12 mm. thick for 100 m2.
Volume of plastering= 100x12/1000=1.2 m3. Add 30% for uneven
surfaces and 25% for dry volume.
Total volume of plastering = 1.2+0.36+0.29=1.95 m3. say 2.0 m3.
Cost of 1:6 cement mortar for 1 m3= Rs. 1553.00 Cost of 2.0 m3
mortar = 2x1553.00= Rs.3106.00
Labour charges = Rs. 8645.00.
Total cost of plastering 12 mm. thick = Rs. 3106.00+ Rs.8645.00=Rs.
Cost of plastering 12 mm thick per m2= 11751/100=Rs. 117.51
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 211

5.5.6 Pointing in cement mortar

For pointing in brickwork the total dry volume of materials is taken as
0.60 m3 for 100 m2.
Pointing with cement mortar of proportion 1:2 : Dry volume of mortar
= 0.60 m3
Cost of mortar 1:2 for 1 m3=Rs. 2831.50. Cost of 0.6 m3 mortar =
0.6x2831.50=Rs. 1699.00
Labour : Head mason (1/3)x350=Rs. 116.70
Mason = 10x315=Rs.3150.00; Men mazdoor=10x250=Rs.2500.00;
Waterman=0.5x250=Rs. 125.00
l Cost of labour = 116.70+3150+2500+125.00=Rs. 5891.70
Add 20% allowance=Rs.1178.30; Total cost = 5891.70+1178.30=
Total cost of materials and labour = 1699.00+7070.00=Rs.8769.00
Cost of pointing per m2= 8769.00/100=Rs. 87.70
5.5.7. Cement concrete flooring
Considering 2.5 cm. thick concrete for an area of floor = 100 m2.
Volume of concrete floor = 100x2.5/100=2.5 m3. Add 10% for
unevenness of concrete
Quantity of concrete = 2.5+0.25=2.75 m3. Add 50% for dry volume
of concrete=1.375 m3.
Total quantity of concrete= 2.75+1.375=4.125 m3.
Quantity of cement required = 4.125/7=0.60 m3.=0.6x1440/50=18
Quantity of sand= 0.6x2=1.2 m3. Quantity of stone aggregate = 0.6x4
= 2.4 m3.
Cement for surface finishing = 100x2/1000=0.2 m3. = 0.2x1440/50=6
Cost of cement= Rs. 255/ bag; Cost of sand= Rs. 490/m3.; Cost of
aggregate = Rs.1161.80/m3.
212 Construction Technology

Particulars Quantity or No. Rate per Amount

Stone aggregate 2.40 m3. Rs. 1161.80/m3. Rs. 2788.40
Sand (coarse) 1.20 m3. Rs. 490/m3. Rs. 588.00
Cement 18 bags Rs. 255/ bag Rs. 4590.00
Cement for surface 6 bags Rs. 255/ bag Rs.1530.00
Rs. 9496.40
Labour etc.
Head mason ¾ no. Rs. 350/day Rs. 262.50
Mason 10 Nos. Rs. 315/day Rs. 3150.00
Men mazdoor 5 Nos. Rs. 250/day Rs. 1250.00
Women mazdoor 5 Nos. Rs. 250/day Rs.1250.00
Waterman 2 Nos. Rs. 250/day Rs.500.00
Rs. 6412.50
Add 20% extra Rs.1282.50
Rs. 7695.00
Side forms Lump sum Rs. 300.00
Total cost of materials Rs. 9496.40
Total cost of labour Rs. 7695.00
Side forms for finishing Lump sum Rs. 300.00
Total cost Rs.17491.00

Cost of cement concrete flooring per sq. meter = 17491.00/

100=Rs.174.91/sq m.
5.5.8. Doors and windows – paneled and glazed
Consider preparation of door frame with Sal wood . The size of the
door is 1.00 m. x 2.00 m.
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 213

Materials : Teakwood of cross section 8 cmx12 cm.

Length of the frame = 2x( 2.14+1.2)=6.68 m. Quantity of
timber=6.68x0.08x0.12=0.064 m3.
Add 5% for wastage = 0.0032 m3. Total quantity of timber
=0.064+0.0032=0.0672 m3.
Rate of sal wood = Rs. 40012.00/m3.
Cost of timber = 0.0672x40012.00= Rs. 2688.80
Labour : Head carpenter =1/16 No. Cost =350x1/16= Rs.21.90
Carpenter =1/4 No. Cost =315x1/4= Rs.78.75
Men mazdoor = ½ No. Cost =250x1/2= Rs.125.00
Cost of labour Rs.225.65
Add 20% allowance Rs.45.20
Total cost of labour Rs.270.85
To tal cost of materials and labour = Rs. 2688.80+Rs.
270.85=Rs.2959.65 say Rs. 2960.00
Width of the plank=1.0-0.10-0.10-0.10=0.6 m. (Width of the stiles)
Length of the plank = 2.0-0.10-0.10-0.10-0.15-0.10=1.55 m. (width
of top, frieze, lock and bottom rails
Unit rate of 40 mm. thick paneled door shutter of size 1.0x2.0 sq m.
double door in teak wood.

Particulars No. L B Thick Quantity/ Rate Amount

ness Nos.
Stiles 4 2.00 0.10 0.04 0.032
Top rail 1 1.00 0.10 0.04 0.004
Frieze rail 1 1.00 0.10 0.04 0.004
Lock rail 1 1.00 0.15 0.04 0.006
Bottom 1 1.00 0.10 0.04 0.004
214 Construction Technology

Planks for 1 1.55 0.6 0.025 0.023


Ad d for wastage 0.00365
0.0767 m3 Rs.1054 Rs.8090.80
Tower bolt 1No. 1 No. Rs.248 Rs. 248.00
30 cm. .00/No.
Tower bolt 1No. 1 No. Rs.121.00/ Rs.121.00
15 cm. No.
Handle 10 2.no 2 Nos. Rs.337.00/ Rs.674.00
cm. No..
Hinges 6.no 6 Nos. Rs.112.00/ Rs. 672.00
Aldrop 30 1 No. 1 No. Rs. Rs. 729.00
cm. 729.00/
Door 1 No. 1 No. Rs.146.00
stopper 146.00/
Cost Of accessories Rs.2590.00
Head 1/15 1/15 No. Rs. 350/ Rs. 23.35
carpenter No. day
Carpenter 4 Nos. 4 Nos. Rs. 315/ Rs.
day 1260.00
Helpers 2 Nos. Rs. 250/ Rs.500.00
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 215

Add 20% Rs. 356.65

Total Rs. 2140.00

Cost of materials = Rs. 8090.80

Cost of brass accessories=Rs.2590.00
Cost of labour = Rs. 2140.00
Total cost = Rs.12820.80
Specification defines the nature and class of work, materials to be used
in the work, workmanship etc.
Cost of materials at the source : The amount required to purchase
the materials at the source of its production is the cost of materials at the source.
Cost of materials at the site = Cost of materials at the source + Seignories
+ Taxes + Royalties + Transport + Loading + unloading etc.
Cost of transport on metal led road is given in the S.S.R.
Distance on cart track = 1.1 x Distance on metal led road
Distance on sand track = 1.4 x Distance on metal led road
Standard Schedule of Rates (S.S.R.) : Standard schedule of rates
consists of the rates of materials, machinery, hiring charges and wages of labour.
It is prepared by the board of chief engineers and approved for that year.
Lead and Lift : The horizontal distance between the source of the
material to the work site is known as the lead. The vertical height through which
the material is lifted is known as the lift.
Lead Statement : The statement in detail of the cost of materials at the
site is known as the lead statement.
Quantity of materials in Plain cement concrete (1:5:10) :
Quantity of cement = 1.52 x 1/16 = 0.095 cu m. = 0.095 x 1440/50 =
2.74 bags
Quantity of sand = 1.52 x 5/16 = 0.475 cu m.
216 Construction Technology

Quantity of coarse aggregate = 1.52 x 10/16 = 0.95 cu m.

Brick masonry in cement mortar for 1.0 cu m.
Number of bricks of size 19 cm. x 9 cm. x 9 cm. = 500
Volume of mortar = 0.32 cu m.
Course rubble masonry :
Quantity of stone = 1.25 cu m.
Volume of mortar = 0.40 cu m.
Plastering 20 mm. thick : The volume of cement sand mortar required
for an area of 100 sq m. and a thickness of 20 mm. is 3.0 cu m.
Plastering 12 mm. thick : The volume of cement sand mortar required
for an area of 100 sq m. and a thickness of 12 mm. is 2.0 cu m.
Pointing : The volume of cement sand mortar required for pointing of
an area of 100 sq m. with a mix proportion 1:2 is 0.60 cu m.
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Define specification.
2. What is cost of materials at the source.?
3. What is the cost of materials at the site?
4. Write a tabular form for an abstract estimate.
5. List out the various types of labour.
6. Define standard schedule of rates.
7. What is lead and lift?
8. What is a lead statement.
Long Answer Type Questions
1. Prepare specifications for the following
(a) Earthwork in excavation, (b) Cement concrete in foundation, (c)
R.R. masonry, (d) Brick work in cement mortar.
2. Find the unit rate for Plain cement concrete (1:6:12)
3. Find the unit rate for course rubble masonry of cement mortar (1:6).
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 217

4. Find the unit rate for brick work in cement mortar (1:6) using standard
size of bricks.
5. Find the unit rate of plastering 12 mm. and 20 mm. thick with a
proportion of (1:5) cement mortar.
O.J.T. Questions
1. Prepare a unit rate of brickwork in cement mortar for 1.0 cu m.
using modular bricks.
2. Prepare a unit rate of R.C.C. (1:2:4) for 1.0 cu m. in slabs, beams
and columns.
3. Find the cost of a door (1.00m. x 2.00 m.) in country wood
4. Find the cost of a window (1.2 m x 1.2 m) in Sal wood.
218 Construction Technology

Earthwork Calculations

6.0 Introduction
6.1 Trapezoidal, Prismoidal, Mid ordinate
6.2 Taking out quantities from L.S. and C.S. in cutting and embankment
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit student will be able to
• Calcualate the quantities of earth work in banking and cutting by
Trapezoidal and Prismoidal Rule

6.0 Introduction

All types of roads, railways and irrigation works are constructed over
earthwork. To understand the calculation of earthwork involved in these structures,
these methods of calculation have to be studied in detail.

Cross section of earthwork is in the form of a trapezium. The quantity of

earthwork may be calculated by the following methods.
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 219

6.1. Trapezoidal, Prismoidal, Mid ordinate

Sectional and mean sectional area methods for calculating earthwork.
Mid sectional area method : In the mid sectional area method, the
average height of the two ends is taken as the mean depth. L is the length of the
section. B is the formation width, and S:1 is the side slope and d1 and d2 are the
height of the embankment at the two ends
Mean height dm = (d1+d2)/2
Area of midsection = Area of rectangular portion+ area of two triangular
Quantity of earthwork = (Bdm+sdm2)xL
The quantities of earthwork may be calculated in a tabular form as below

Stations Depth Mean Central Area of Total Length Quantity

or depth or area Bd sides Sd2 sec between (Bd+Sd2)xL
Height Height tional stations L Embank
area ment cutt
Bd+Sd2 ing

Mean Sectional Area Method : In this method, the area at the ends
of depth d1 and d2 are calculated and the mean area of the section is found.
Sectional are at one end A1 = Bd1+S(d1)2
Sectional area at the other end = Bd2+S(d2)2=A2
The mean sectional area A=(A1+A2)/2
Quantity Q=((A1+A2)/2)xL
The quantities of earthwork may be calculated in a tabular form as follows

Station Height Area of Area of To t a l M e a n Length Quantity

or depth cent ral s i d e s sectional sectional between =(Bd+Sd2)
portion Sd2 a r e a area stations x LBanking
Bd Bd+Sd2 L Cutting
220 Construction Technology




Sd1 Sd1 Sd2 Sd2


Fig 6.1

Trapezoidal-Prismoidal Formula : In the prismoidal formula the areas

at the ends and the mid sectional area are also taken into consideration. If the
area at the ends are A1 and A2 respectively and Am is the mid sectional area,
Quantity or volume = (A1+A2+4Am)xL/6
• Cross sectional area at one end A1 = Bd1+S(d1)2
• Cross sectional area at the other end = A2 = Bd2+ S(d2)2
• Depth at the mid section = dm = (d1+d2)/2
• Area at the mid section = Bdm+S(dm)2 = Am
• Quantity = (A1+A2+4Am)xL/6
Trapezoidal formula and prismoidal formula for a series of cross
sections : When the series of cross sections A0,A1, A2,A3, …………An are
at equal distances D, then the volume by the trapezoidal formula is given by V =
((A0+An)/2+A1+A2+A3+ ………..+An-1 +An)
Volume by Prismoidal formula : V=((A0+An)+2(Sum of the odd
areas)+4(Sum of even areas))xD/3
Example 1 : Calculate the quantity of earthwork for 200 metre length
for a portion of a road in an uniform ground. The heights of the banks at the two
ends are 1.00 and 1.60 m. The formation width is 10 metre and side slopes are
2:1. Assume that there is no transverse slope.
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 221

Mid sectional area method : Height d1 = 1.00m. Height d2 = 1.60

m. Formation width = B = 10 m.
• Height at the mid section dm = (d1+d2)/2 = (1.00+1.60)/2=1.3 m.
Side slopes S = 2.
• Area at the mid section = Bdm + S(dm)2 =10x1.3 + 2(1.3)2 = 16.38
sq. m. Length = L = 200 m.
• Quantity = Area x length = ((Bdm+S(dm)2)xL=16.38x200 = 3276
cu m.
• Mean sectional area method : Quantity = Mean sectional area x
• A1 = Sectional area at one end = Bd1 + S(d1)2 =10x1+2(1.0)2 =
12 sq m.
• A2 = Sectional area at another end = Bd2+S(d2)2 =10x1.6+2(1.6)2=
21.12 sq m.
• Mean sectional area = Am = (A1+A2)/2 =(12+21.12)/2 = 16.56 sq
• Quantity = Mean sectional area x length = 16.56x200=3312 cu m.
• Prismoidal formula : Quantity = (A1+A2+4Am)xL/6
• A1 = sectional area at one end = Bd1+S(d1)2 = 10x1.0+2(1)2 = 12
sq m.
• A2 = Sectional area at another end = Bd2+S(d2)2 =
10x1.6+2(1.6)2= 21.2 sq m.
• Am = Mid sectional area = Bdm+S(dm)2 dm = (d1+d2)/2=
(1.0+1.6)/2 = 1.3 m.
• Am = Bdm+S(dm)2 = 10x1.3+2(1.3)2 = 16.38 sq m.
• Quantity = (12+21.12+4x16.38)x200/6 = 98.64x200/6= 3288 cu
• Area of side sloping surface : Area of side slopes = Lxdx(square root
of (S2+1))
Example 2 : Calculate the area of the side slopes of a portion of a bank
for a length of 200 m. The heights of the banks at the two ends are 2.50 m and
3.50 m. and the ratio of side slope 2:1. If the side slopes are to be provided with
15 cm. thick stone pitching, calculate the cost of pitching at the rate of Rs. 200
per cu m.
222 Construction Technology

• Mean height = (2.5+3.5)/2 = 3.0 m.

• Sloping breadth at the mid section = d(square root of s2+1)=3[Square
root of( 2x2)+1] = 6.71 m.
• Area of the two side slopes = 2x200x6.71 = 2684 sq m.
• Quantity of pitching = Area x thickness =2684x0.15 = 402.6 cu m.
• Cost of stone pitching = 402.6 x 400=Rs. 161040.
6.2. Taking out quantities from L.S. and C.S. in cutting and
Example : Reduced level (R.L.) of ground along the centre line of a
proposed road from chainage 10 to chainage 20 are given below. The formation
level at the 10th chainage is 107 m. and the road is in downward gradient of 1 in
150 up to the chainage 14 and then the gradient changes to 1 in 100 downward.
Formation width of the road is 10 metre and side slopes of banking are 2:1.
Length of the chain is 30 metre. Calculate the quantity of earthwork.
Chainage : 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
R.L. of ground : 105.00, 105.60, 105.44, 105.90, 105.42, 104.30
105.00 , 104.10, 104.62, 104.00, 103.30
R.L. formation : 107.00, 106.80, 106.60, 106.40, 106.20,105.90.
105.60 105.30 105.00 104.70 104.40
Height of bank : 2.00, 1.20, 1.16, 0.50, 0.78, 1.60, 0.60, 1.20,
0.38, 0.70, 1.10
Chainage Height Mean Central Side Total Length in Quantity =
or Depth height area area area between [(Bd+S(d)2]xL
or depth Bd Sd2 Bd+Sd2 chainage Banking

10 2.00 -

11 1.20 1.60 16.00 5.12 21.12 30 633.6 -

12 1.16 1.18 11.80 2.78 14.58 30 437.4 -

13 0.50 0.83 8.30 1.38 9.68 30 290.4 -

14 0.78 0.64 6.40 0.82 7.22 30 216.6 -

15 1.60 1.19 11.90 2.83 14.73 30 441.9 -

16 0.60 1.10 11.00 2.42 13.42 30 402.6 -

Paper - II Estimating and Costing 223

17 1.20 0.90 9.00 1.62 10.62 30 318.6 -

18 0.38 0.79 7.90 1.25 9.15 30 274.5 -

19 0.70 0.54 5.40 0.58 5.98 30 179.4 -

20 1.10 0.90 9.00 1.62 10.62 30 318.6 -

Total 3513.6 cu m.

A railway embankment is 10 m. wide with side slopes 11/2 to1. Assume

the ground to be level in direction transverse to the centre line, calculate the
volume contained in a length of 120 metres, the centre heights at 20 m. intervals
being 2.2, 3.7, 3.8, 4.0, 3.8, 2.8, 2.5 m.
For a level section, the area is given by A=(b+nh)h
• Slope is 11/2:1. Hence n=1.5
The areas at different sections will be as under
• A1 = (10+1.5x2.2)2.2=29.26 m2.
• A2 = (10+1.5x3.7)3.7=57.54 m2.
• A3 = (10+1.5x3.8)3.8=59.66 m2.
• A4 = (10+1.5x4.0)4.0=64.00 m2.
• A5 = (10+1.5x3.8)3.8=59.66 m2.
• A6 = (10+1.5x2.8)2.8=39.76 m2.
• A7 = (10+1.5x2.5)2.5=34.37 m2.
• Volume by trapezoidal rule : V = d[(A1+An)/2 +A2+A3+A4+. . .
. +An-1 ]
• V = 20[( 29.26+34.37)/2 +57.54+59.66+64.00+59.66+39.76] =
6258.9 m3.
• Volume by prismoidal rule : V=d/3[(A1+An)+2(Sum of odd
areas)+4(sum of even areas)]
3[(29.26+34.37)+2(59.66+59.66)+4(57.54+64.00+39.76)]=6316.5 m3.
Problems involving banking and cutting : At the 30th chainage the height
is banking of height 0.3 m. and at 31st chainage, it is cutting at a depth of 0.40 m.
224 Construction Technology

Find the volume of banking and cutting if the formation width is 10 m. and the
side slopes are 2:1 in banking and 11/2 : 1 in cutting.
Chainage distance = 40 m. Let the height of embankment be zero at a
distance of x mts.
• Length of cutting =( 40-x) . (x/0.3) =[(40-x)/0.4] 0.4x=12-
0.3x 0.7x= 12 x=17.14 say 17.0 m.
• Volume of banking : Mean height = (0.3+0.0)/2=0.15 m. Central
area = 10x0.15 = 1.5 sq m.
• Side area = 2x(0.15x0.15)=0.05 sq m. Total area = 1.5+0.05=1.55
sq m.
• Volume of banking = Area x length = 1.55x17=26.35 m3.
• Volume of cutting : Mean depth = (0.0+0.4)/2 = 0.2 m. Central
area = 10x0.2 =2.0 sq m.
• Side areas = 1.5(0.2x0.2) = 0.06 sq m. Total area = 2.0+0.06 =
2.06 sq m.
• Volume of cutting = Area x length = 2.06 x 23 = 47.38 m3.



x (40-x)

Fig 6.2

• Earthwork calculations are required for various engineering works as
roads, railways, irrigation and water supply and sanitary works.
• The various methods of calculation of earthworks are Mid sectional
area method, mean sectional area method, trapezoidal rule and
prismoidal rule.
• Prismoidal formula is not applicable for even number of areas.
• Banking : If the earthwork is above the ground level it is banking.
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 225

• Cutting : If the earthwork is below the ground level, it is cutting.

Short Answer Type Questions
1. List out the various types of engineering works involving earthwork.
2. What are the various methods of calculating earthwork?
3. Define banking and cutting
4. Mention the relationship between the Reduced level of formation
and the ground line
5. What is the formula for calculating the side slope area.?
Long Answer Type Questions
1. The areas within the contour line at the site of reservoir and the
proposed face of the dam are as follows
Contour Area
101 1,000 m2
102 12,800m2
103 95,200 m2
104 147,600 m2
105 872,500 m2
106 1350,000 m2
107 1985,000 m2
108 2286,000 m2
109 2512,000 m2
Taking 101 as the bottom level of the reservoir and 109 as the top level,
calculate the capacity of the reservoir.
O.J.T. Questions
1. Prepare a detailed estimate for earthwork for a portion of road from
the following data.
226 Construction Technology

Distance in metres R.L. of ground R.L. of formation

0 114.50 115.000
100 114.75 Upward grad. 1 in 200
200 115.25
300 115.20
400 116.10
500 116.85
600 118.00
700 118.25 Downward grad 1 in 400
800 118.10
900 117.80
1000 117.75
1100 117.90
1200 117.50

Formation width of road is 10 m. wide. The side slopes are 2:1 in banking
and 11/2:1 in cutting.
Detailed Estimates

7.0 Introduction
7.1 Estimate of gravel roads
7.2 Cement concrete road
7.3 Septic tank with soak pit
Learning Objectives
After studying this unit student will be able to
• Calculate the quantities of material required for gravel and cement
concrete roads. Calculate the quantities of Septic Tank.

7.0 Introduction
A road consists of sub base, base course and wearing course. The sub
base consists of earthwork prepared as per the height of formation. Over this
sub base a base course of stone ballast or brick ballast of 12 cm. Thickness
compacted to 8 cm. is laid. Finally a wearing coat is laid over this base course.
The wearing course may be of cement concrete, bitumen or gravel. Depending
upon the wearing course provided the roads are classified as cement concrete
roads, bituminous roads and gravel roads. Depending upon the cost involved
the appropriate road required is decided. In order to estimate the cost of the
228 Construction Technology

road, we should be able to prepare the detailed estimate of the various types of
roads and calculate the materials required. In the sixth unit we studied about
calculation of earthwork involved in the formation of roads. In this unit we shall
find the quantities of the base course and wearing course.
7.1. Estimate of gravel roads
In a gravel roads, the gravel is generally laid over stone ballast. It is laid
over the entire width of the road. The quantity of stone boulders and gravel
consists of thickness of their respective layers multiplied by its thickness.
Calculate the quantity of metal required for a 3.70 m. wide road for one
kilometer length for one layer of 8 cm. compacted thickness.
Metal of 12 cm. is required for compact thickness of 8 cm. as volume
of loose metal gets reduced on half compaction.
Quantity of metal = 1000 x 3.70 x 0.12 = 444 cu m.
Prepare a detailed estimate for the construction of one kilometer length
W.B.M. road. The formation width of the road is 10.0 m. and the average
height of the bank is 1.0 m. and the side slopes are 2:1. The metal led width is
3.7 m. m. and three coats of metal are to be provided as per cross section.
Soiling coat of 15 cm. thick boulders at the base. Over this soiling coat, inter
coat and top coat of 12 cm. compacted to 8 cm. A gravel coat of 5 cm. thick is
laid over these metal led surface.
Quantity of earth work = [Bd+S(d)2] x L = [10 x 1.0 + 2(1)2] x 1000
=12000 cum.
Length of the soling coat = 3.7 +0.15 + 0.15 = 4.0 m.
Detailed estimate of wbm road with gravel

3.15m 3.70m 3.15m

1.0 m 1.0 m

Saeing coat

Inter coat Gravel

Top coat

Fig 7.1 Cross section road

Paper - II Estimating and Costing 229

S.No. Particulars of No. L B Hor D Quantity

work m m m2 m3
1 Metal ling
Preparation of sub
(a) grade Soling coat 1 1000 4 0.15 600
(b) Inter coat 1 1000 3.7 0.12 444
(c) Top coat 1 1000 3.7 0.12 444
2 Layer of gravel 1 1000 3.7 0.05 185

7.2 Cement concrete road

Prepare an estimate for one kilometer length of a cement concrete track
way with 60 cm wide tracks 1.50 meter centre to centre over 15 cm rammed

S.no Particular No Length Breadth Thickness Quantity

m m m2 m3
1 Cement concrete 2 1000 0.6 0.1 120
1:2:4in tracks includ-
ing laying.
2 Kankar metal loose 2 1000 0.9 0.2 360
under c.c.tracks in be-
tween c.c.tracks. 1 1000 0.9 0.133 120

For consolidating kankar an allowance of 1/3 is to be provided while

taking loose thickness of kankar.
Eg. For 0.10 m. thickness loose kankar taken = 0.1 + 0.1 x 1/3 = 0.
133 m.
Similarly for 0.15 m thickness loose kankar = 0.15 x 1.33 = 0.20 m.
230 Construction Technology

10 cm Thick cc .Track Rammed kankar

60 cm 60 cm
10 cm cc
15 cm kankar

90 cm 90 cm

Rammed kankar

Fig 7.2 C.C. Track

7.3. Septic tank with soak pit

Septic tank shall be of first class brickwork in 1:4 cement mortar, the
foundation and floor shal be of 1:3:6 cement concrete. Inside septic tank shall
be finished with 12 mm cement plaster and floor shall be finished with 20 mm
cement plaster with 1:3 cement mortar. Upper and lower portions of soak pit
shall be of second class brick work in 1:6 cement mortar and middle portion
shall be of dry brickwork. Roof covering slabs and baffle wall shall be of precast
Details of Measurement & Calculation Of Quantities

S.No Particulars of No. Length Breadth Height Quantity

items or m3
m m Depth
1 Earthwork in
septic tank 1 2.8 1.7 1.95 9.28
Soak pit upto 1 (22/28)x(2.0)2 3 9.42
3.0 m
Lowerportion 1 (22/28)x(1.4)2 0.2 0.3
2 Cementconcrete
Foundation 1 2.8 1.7 0.2 0.95
Sloping floor 1 2 0.9 0.05 0.09
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 231

3 First class
brickwork in
1:4 c.m. in
septic tank
First step 2.6 0.6 0.94
2 0.3
Long walls
Short wall 0.9 0.6 0.32
2 0.3
2nd step Long 2.4 1.15 1.1
wall 2 0.2

Short wall 0.9 1.15 0.42

2 0.2
4 2nd class
brickwork in
1:6 cement
mortar in
0.5 0.38
soak pit (22/7) x 1.20 0.2
Upper portion
Lower portion (22/7) x 1.20 0.2 0.15
1 0.2
5 2nd class dry (22/7) x 1.20 2.5 1.88
1 0.2
in soak pit
6 Precast
R.C.C. work
Coverslab 2.4 0.075 0.234
1 1.3
(22/ 0.075 0.115
Coverslab 28)x(1.40)2
Soak pit
Baffle wall 1 0.04 0.45 0.018
septictank 0.367

12 mm
7 cement plaster
1:3 in septic
232 Construction Technology

Long walls 2 2 1.7 6.8

Short walls 2 0.9 1.7 3.06
9.86 sq m.
8 20 mm
c e m e n t
1:3 in floor of
1.80 sq m.
septic tank 1 2

Section Baffle wall

0.4 m
In let 0.9 Out let
2.0 m


Fig. 7.3 Septic Tank

Structure of a road : The structure of a road from base to the top is as
follows. Earthwork formation , sub base, base course and wearing course.
Types of roads : Gravel road, cement concrete road, bituminous road.
Structure of a gravel road : Soling coat of boulders about 15 cm
thick, inter coat and top coat 8 cm to 10 cm thick and wearing course of gravel
5 cm thick.
Paper - II Estimating and Costing 233

Structure of a cement concrete road : Plain cement concrete is

provided over rammed earth.
Component parts of a septic tank : A septic tank consists of Plain
cement concrete at its base, Walls on all the four sides in brickwork or R.R.
masonry, baffle wall, sum board for large tanks, Precast R.C.C. slabs at the
top, inlet and outlet pipes. A soak pit is connected to the septic tank to collect
the discharge effluent. A soak pit consists of hollow circular brickwork constructed
with cement mortar. Dry brickwork is placed in the hollow section.
Short Answer Type Questions
1. What is the structure of a road ?
2. List out the various types of roads.
3. Mention the various parts of a gravel road.
4. What are the various parts of a septic tank?
Long Answer Type Questions
1. Prepare a detailed estimate for the construction of one kilometer
length over a formation of an embankment. The formation width is 10.0 m. and
side slope 2:1. The metal led width is 4.0 m. and three coats of metal ling are to
be provided. Soling coat of 15 cm. boulders, inter coat and top coats of 12 cm
loose compacted to 8 cm thick. Wearing coat of gravel 5 cm thick.
2. Prepare a detailed estimate for one kilometer length cement concrete
road 4.0 m wide and 15 cm thick. It is laid over rammed earth 6.0 m. wide and
20 cm thick.
3. Prepare a detailed estimate for a septic tank 2.0 m. long and 1.0 m.
wide. The height of the septic tank is 2.0 m. Assume suitable data for pre cast
slabs , baffle wall, inlets and oulets.
O.J.T. Questions
1. Calculate the materials required for proposed construction of gravel
road and cement concrete road over an existing formation.

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