UPS Stands For

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• COBOL is acronym for:

Common Business Oriented Language

• BASIC is acronym for:
Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
• KB, MB, GB, is respectively:
Kilo Bites Mega Bites Giga Bites
• A set of 8 bits is called:
• A set of 4 bit is called:
• HDD and FDD are respectively:
Hard Disk Drive, Floppy Disk Drive 
• Winchester drive is also called:
Hard disk Drive
• The center processing unit of a computer consist 3 units namely:
Arithmetic Logic Unit, Control Unit, Memory Unit
• A program written using binary codes is called:
Machine language
• The computer which has incorporated the characters of analog and digital
computers is:
Hybrid computers
• The medium is used by input dives light pen for graphical input is:
CRT screen
• SMPS stands for:
Switch Mode Power Supply
• UPS stands for:
Uninterrupted Power Supply
• The translator program that translates each line of the source program as it run is
• The pictorial representation of the procedure proposed to solve a problem by a
Flow chart
• ANCII stands for:
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
• ANSI stands for:
American National Standard Institute
• EBCDIC is the acronym for:
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
• ERP packages are: 
Enterprise Resource Planning Package
• Example for ERP packages:
SAP, BAN etc..
• Write office automation package of Microsoft:
Ms Office 
• The time gap during the failure of a computer system is also called 
Down Time
• What is meant by ‘system analyst’?
A person who examine and defines actives, flow and problems to be solved and
system and procedures to determine hoe best the necessary operation can
• Fetch means:
To retrieve data or instructions from storage

• UNIX was developed by:

Bell laboratory s 

• Digital computers are computer are classified into four categories

what are they?

Micro Computers, Mainframe Computer and Super Computers

• PC/XT stands for:
Personal Computers Extended Technology
• PC/AT stands for:
Personal Computers Advance Technology
• MIPS is 
Million Instructions per Second
• Examples of Mini computer 
HP9000 etc.
• In the case of micro computer speed of CPU is:
Speed of CPU in case of mini computer
(20-50 MIPS)
• The program change that makes up the operating system along with
associated utility program change, as distinct from an application
program is:
System software
• 4GL stands for:
Fourth generation language
• The basics of Internet:
• A standard protocol that that describes communication between
computers, synthesizers and musical instrument:
• The main memories have three distinct parts, what are they?
RAM, ROM, Cache
 • Language processing means:
Analysis of source program +synthesis phase
• Language processor consists of two phases. What are they?
Analysis phase and synthesis phase
• The process of recognizing the lexical component in a source string is
• There are two fundamental approaches to parsing. What are they?
Top Down parsing and Bottom Up parsing 
• MDT stands for:
Macro Definition Table
• SST stands for:
Sequencing Symbol Table
• ATP stands for: 
Actual Parameter Table 
• In compiler, which analyzer convert s the source program into a
sequence of atomic units called tokens?
Lexical Analyzer 
• Identifiers, keywords, constants, operators, and punctuation
Symbols such as commas and parentheses are typical:
• The name of device used for user to computer communications,
usually the display and keyboard is called:
• What is CON?
It is the abbreviation for consol
• CAE stands for:
Computer aided engineering 
• CADD stands for:
Computer aided drafting and design
• The leading personal computer software company Microsoft
Corporation founded in which year?
1975 by Bill Gates & Paul Allen
• What is Microsoft’s first product?
A BASIC Interrupter for the Intel 8080 up
• Windows 3 was released in which year?
March 1990
• POSIX stands for:
Portable Operating System Interface
• PASCAL was developed by:
Niklaus Wirth

• What is INTERNET?

Internet is the world's largest computer network, the "network of networks".

Scattered all over the world
• When was the INTERNET Created?
It was created thirty six years ago as a project of U.S Department of Defense,
• What Internet service provider (ISP)?
It is the companies that provide INTERNET access.
• What is WWW?
It is the system based hypertext and HTTP for providing organizing and accessing
wide verity of resources that are available by the INTERNET.
• What is web page?
It is a unit of information often called a document that is available over the WWW.
• Name the protocol that allows a computer to use the TCP/IP protocol and connected
directly to the Net using a standard voice telephone line and high speed modem:
P P P (point-to-point protocol)]
• It is a software program that acts as an interface between the user and WWW what
is it?
Web Browser
• Name two different type of Web Browser:
Text-based browser and Graphical Browser
• It collects and organizes resources that are available via the WWW, and designed to
provide a starting point for locating information. Name it:
Web Index
• It is an interactive tool that enables to locate information available via Name it:
Search Engine
• It is unique, numeric identifier used to specify a particular host computer on a
particular network, and is part of a global , standard’s scheme of identifying
machines that are connected with INTERNET Name it:
IP Address (Internet Protocol)
• It is the way of identify and locate computers connected to the INTERNET Name it:
Domain Name
• It provides hierarchical way of identifying and locating INTERNET resources on the
WWW Name It:
Uniform Resources Locater (URL) 
• A binding document signed by all users that explains the rules of INTERNET use at
an institution. Name it:
Acceptable user policy (AUP)
• What is gopher?
It is a protocol designed to search, retrieve and display documents from remote site
on the Internet 
• It is an Internet search tool that has the capability of searching many databases at
one time. Name it:
Wide area information service (WAIS)
• What is FTP (file transfer protocol?)
The medium that allows transferring of files between computers on the net using an
FTP program or via Netscape
• What is E-Journal?
It is an electronics publications, typically found in academic circles
• What is NNTP?
Network News Transport Protocol-This is used to distribute network news 
• Name the security feature that allows access to information on an individual basis:
 MIPS is an acronym for:
Millions of instructions per second 
 The duplicate copy of data/program on a separate storage medium is called:
Back up
 A center processor placed on a semi-conductor chip is called as a: 
 Who invented the modem?
AT&T Information System, USA
 Which is standard internet protocol for distributing E-Mail?
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
 The computer generated environment is called:
 Who coined the term hypertext in 1965? 
Ted Nelson 
 Which protocol provides basis for the net?
Internet Protocol –IP

Music- Quiz Questions and Answers

• Name the Australian musician who composed the famous waltz “On the beautiful,
Blue Danube” in 1866:
Johann Strauss (The Younger)
• Which eminent German family produced musicians over seven generations? 
Bach family
• Name the famous German composer who continued writing musical pieces even
after he turned deaf:
Ludwig van Beethoven
• Name the Russian born musician who composed the ballet “The Firebird” in the
year 1910:
Igor Stravinsky
• Which musical instrument is reputed to be the oldest in the world?
The Drum
• When was violin introduced into the Indian music?
19th century
• What is the name of the Chinese guitar?
• In the music what is the highest attainable male voice called?
• To which country does the musical stringed instrument ’balalaika’ belong?
• Which is the national musical instrument of Japan?
Koto-A kind of zither
• Which instrument is keyboard read-organ, powered by foot pedals and used in
American churches during the 1800?
• Which instrument has 47 strings and seven pedals, and was introduced into
orchestra in the 19th century?
Concert harp
• Which instrument‘s name translates literally as ‘soft loud ’?
Pianoforte piano
• What were performed at La Scala, Milan at the auditorium in convent garden,
• What was the surname of Thomas Arthur who collaborated to write ‘The Savoy
Gilbert and Sullivan
• Which composer wrote 27 piano concertos, 23 string quartets, 35 violin sonatas and
more than 50 symphonies’?
• What was the title of Beethoven’s only in opera?
• What was used to conduct the orchestra before the baton was introduced in the
early 19th century?
A Violin bow
• Which Irish flautist was a member of the Berlin philharmonic 1969-75 before
pursuing a solo career?
James Galway
• Which symphony did Dvorak write during his time as director of the National
Conservatory in New York?
The ‘New World’ symphony
• For the British king did Handel compose the ‘water music‘in 1717?
George 1

• Name of the civilization that become most advanced in the middle age:

• When did the barbarian conquer Rome?
A.D 455
• Where did the feudalism first originate?
• The language of learning the middle ages:
• The Frist University is started at:
• Which subject is called the queen of science in the middle ages?
• What was the source of power in feudal society?
• In the mid-level times there were three different kinds of guilds-craftsmen and
religious were two what was third?
• The Dark Age is supposed to have ended in:
AD 1453
• What marked end of ancient age and beginning of modern age?
The destruction of Roman Empire
• The city remained a Christian center of civilization:
• Constantinople was captured by the:
• In feudalism, the persons who held the land was called:
• Who formed the base of feudal society?
The serfs
• The growth of christen organization was one of the most significant development of
The Middle age 
• Who conducted a crusade against luxury and idleness of monks?
• Who gave a set of rules for government of monastic order?
St Basil 
• What are the best specimens of architecture in the middle ages?
The Churches
• The year which Prophet Muhammad died:
AD 632
• Who expanded Muslim dominion to Syria, Egypt Mesopotamia and Persia?
• Who was the first caliph?
• Kufa is in modern:

 Iraq 

The father of the history:


 In which year Alexander invaded India

In 326 B.C 

 The period of unrecorded history is known as:

 Pre Historic Age 

 Which Indian king put up tough residence and fights against Alexander?

Porus of Panjab

 The thing Neanderthal man accidentally discovered:


 The superior type of human being compared top the Neanderthal:

The Co-Magnon

 The greatest king of Mesopotamia who gave his subject a code of laws:


 The ancient people who invented the writing of Cuneiform:

The Sumerians

 What was the king of ancient Egypt?

 The Pharaoh 

 The preserved dead body of the ancient Egyptians is called:


 The greatest pyramid:


 The great temple of ancient Egyptians which was dedicated to the Sun God:

The temple of Abu Simbel

 The ancient Egyptians script which means”Scared Writing “:


 Which was the major Chinese states exit in third centuries BC?

Chin, Chu, Ehi

 The Chinese ruler who built the Great Wall of China:


 The dynasty which ruled china for nearly 400 years?

 A religious leader and philosopher who lived in china about 500 BC


 The ancient people who invented Seismograph

The Chinese

 The most powerful leader in Persia in the 6th century B.C:


 The founder of the religion, Zoroastrianism:


 The god of Parsees was called:

Ahura Mazda

 The most famous Greek poet:


 The important Epics of the Greeks:

Iliad and odyssey

 What were the most important city states in ancient Greece?

Athens and Sparta

 What is meant by oligarchy?

The rule by a few rich men

 The most famous ruler of the ancient Athens:


 The great Greek women who sang on the beauty of love and nature:


 The great lyric poet who wrote poem to honors the victorious Greek athletes?

 The founder of tragedy drams:


 The greatest of Greek tragedians:


 The most famous philosophers of ancient Greece:

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle  

 The most famous student of Socrates:


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