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Week 4 Blog

This week I started off by doing the feedback that I received from Alexa from last Thursday
were we gave feedback on each other in our groups work so I was working on this at the
start of the week and then I started to work on my research I added more information
about diabetes and obesity and the sugar tax that I started last week I found out more
about the types of diabetes and how wide spread this issue is.

I also started on my target audience I sent out a genre survey to get information about
what my target audience think about production story and what genre they think is my
production is an action film so that is what I got back from my feedback.
I also did a focus group with people who are in the age of my target audience to see what I
could improve in my production and what they thought was good and bad.

I started to analyse productions I started off by analysing a scene from the Netflix series
Narcos I learnt a lot from this scene because I would like the ending scene of my
production to be a bit like this scene I really liked the intensity of this scene I liked all of the
Chaos in the scene with the low amount of light and the smoke and glass flying about all
over the room and the constant shooting from the people in the room and the people
attack it is a very tense scene and would like to look back on this analysis and get ideas
for my ending scene in my production.

Things that I need to do this week

I need to do some more target audience research.
I would like to add some more topic research as well.
I need to analyse some more productions.
Finnish off any feedback.

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