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Copyright © 1990 by ASME

The Influences of Fintube Characteristics on the

Manufacturing and Operation of Waste Heat Recovery
Boilers (W. H. R. B.) Behind Turbines
Mannesmann Carnoy N.V.

ABSTRACT These characteristics can be guaranteed for a great

number of finned tubes, being produced at short
The technological developments in the steam boiler notice, constituting an important part in quantity and
field, induced by changes in the use of different fins quality of the body of a WHRB.
and the need to save energy, has its consequential
effects on the heat transfer techniques. The problem areas discussed in this paper are
restricted to these types of RHF welded spiral finned
As the extended surface tube is one of the important tubes, which are used for exhaust gases higher than
components of the steam boilers and particularly of 250°C.(490°F)
waste heat recovery boilers (WHRB) behind turbines, we
want to draw the attention to recent developments in
the field of finned tubes, opening new possibilities HOW TO DEFINE THE FINTUBE ?
for the optimization of construction costs of WHRB on
one hand and reducing the fouling problem by a new - Because of the temperature range in utilization, the
geometry of the helically wound fins on the other fin and the base tube which are taken in account are
hand. either in carbon steel or alloy steel or a combination
of carbon and alloy steel.

- The I-shaped fin can be either solid (plain) or

INTRODUCTION serrated (segmented). (see fig. 1)

The spiral wound welded fin is the most widely used

extended surface tube in Europe and North America, and
the radio high frequency (RHF) welding procedure is by
far the most popular one, this means that references
worldwide in the WHRB-sphere are practically
restricted to this type of welding.

The popularity of this RHF-welding procedure with an

I-shaped fin is justified by different facts :

- The fin remains fused with the base tube for its
life time despite thermal shocks which can occur The metal characteristics are defined as a function of
during normal operation. the existing exhaust gas temperatures (see further in
- The RHF welding procedure does not influence the this paper the problem area of the fintip temperature)
properties of the base tube (so there should not and requirements of the production technology.
be any post weld heat treatment after finning). The largest quantity of the fintubes installed in WHRB
- The fin is bound to the tube continuously. are of the plainfin type. But there is a trend among
certain design- engineering to use segmented fins, in
certain conditions.

'Presented at the Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition—June 11-14, 1990—Brussels, Belgium

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OPTIMIZATION OF THE WHRB CONSTRUCTION COSTS Optimization through the choice of the solid
(plain) fin compared to segmented (serrated or
It is a general aim to reduce to the utmost the cut fin).
construction costs of heat exchanger modules of Whether to use a solid fin or a serrated one seems
WHRB so to reach as good as possible the targets to be a matter of philosophy.
related to the foreseen investment level. The serrated fin increases the turbulence on the
gas side which leads to a better heat transfer.
But on the other hand the serrated fins increase
the pressure drop in the heat exchanging area and
Optimization through the geometry of the fintube it has to be determined how much the p could be
The thermal calculations and the related cost of accepted for the total design.
the fintube determine the final decision on tube There could additionally be an influence on the
length, fin height, fin thickness, fin pitch side of fouling and this matter will be described
(number of fins per unit length). later on in this paper. The price comparison in
The design of the WHRB modules will lead to the absolute value between solid and serrated fins is
option to produce the fintube either fully finned often contradictory depending on the producer; so
or with interruptions i.e. with bare parts, that in one case the serrated fin is the cheapest
depending on the chosen method for tube arrangement one and in another case the solid fin.
in the modules. The selection of these parameters
will influence the final cost of the finned tubes
and automatically the cost of the WHRB.
Optimization through staggered fintube con-
- Optimization through the choice of the steel grade figuration instead of in line.
in connection with the fintip temperature. The staggered arrangement is generally considered
The maximum fintip temperatures accepted for to be the optimal choice, because of the smaller
various steel grades are as follows : module-volume and the higher heat exchange and is
consequently a more economical solution. On the
Carbon Steel 475°C (890°F) other hand, this arrangement seems to be much more
11% Cr-Steel 650°C (1200°F) critical for fouling i.e. more difficult to clean
18-8% Cr-Ni Steel 875°C (1610°F) by sootblowing.
25-12% Cr-Ni Steel 1050°C (1920°F) Design engineers generally estimate that eventual
25-20% Cr-Ni Steel 1100°C (2010°F) problems after start-up will be more difficult to
solve by use of a staggered arrangement.
For this reason it seems that the majority of
As there is a gap between 475°C and 650°C which is installations are designed with an in line arrange-
actually completely covered by an 11% Cr steel ment.
quality, the question has been examined if there
could be an intermediate %Cr quality which could be —Optimization through Differential Finning Pitch
considered good enough for some intermediate fintip (DFP)
temperatures. It is now generally concluded that In certain module designs, the finned tubes are
there is no alloy, on a price level lower than that pushed through drilled tube sheets.
of 11% Cr, which can be considered to have better The thickness of the sheet is chosen as low as
characteristics than those of carbon steel. This possible to get an acceptable rigidity and an accep-
appears clearly in the scaling behavior of various table support area to allow expansion of the fin-
steels during 1000 hours exposure in air at tem- tubes (fins move in the tubesheet).
peratures from 595 to 925°C. (1100°F to 1700°F). It is generally accepted that 3 to 4 fins should be
(see fig. 2) supported by the tubesheet to avoid gliding problems
6ao 650 M M M M ^0 M during expansion of the tubes by changing tem-
The following figures 3 and 4 illustrate this
situation as it happens for a fin density of
200/meter and a sheet thickness of 20 mm.

ti o x
1W X
o F

IW Q0O?o O

M1E 1
^ OaS 1N

Q S ILfll
•• 1000 1100 IY° I]YO 1400 1100 1600 lid IN.

It seems interesting to note that different alloys

such as TP304, 316, 321, 347 are all similar in As soon as there is a necessity to install fintubes
consideration of the maximum temperature without with, for example, a fin density of 100/metre, the
excessive scaling. contact of the fins with the tube sheet surface will
This temperature is generally accepted to be on a be insufficient.
level of 900°C (1650°F). fig. 4

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Most of the WHRB are engineered for exhaust gases

from turbines firing natural gas.
More and more however it appears that there could
be the possibility of temporarilly running with
oil-fuels with a higher fouling factor.
Different ways are available to reduce fouling.

a) Adapting the Finned Tube design i.e. the fin

pitch for a bare tube dia 51 mm (Kentube
Corporation USA).
These pitches are recommended for economizers
behind steamboilers and can be a base for esti-
mating finpitch differences in case of
WHRB. (see table 1)
Presently design-engineers have only three solu-

1) Consider tube sheets with a aru...l ot..r

higher thickness, which
involves a higher weight and
71 higher price Co.l Fird 24 Y..

2) Fit, by welding to the drilled F:rin6 heavy

buvker 'C" 04_30
sheet holes or to the tube, a Y..

shell to get a larger gliding Firing nth /5 . d /6 oil 36 Y.

"- —^ surface. (see figure 5) Fi rieg ^it6 IL avd /4 vll N Ye.

This means a considerable Coal Fired ^ieh precipft.tlm

price increase up .t resin of acmun:ser 1g Y..

3) Take the option, for a speci- Firing —Y ^N utvr.l g.. 54-T2 No

fic zone, to use unfinned N.eo .l ga. [i riog with •2

hr:ng m .t.ndby Pau 16.,
parts which means a higher 30 d.y./y..rl 60 No
cost per tube and a more Natural gfl hi g .rltb /2 4 /4

expensive support structure o:l II rivg m inter nrptble W.i. 48 Y..

(Christmas tree) N.tur.l g.` fir:g with bevy

.Id:wn ..Mby (.merg.ny
1 'IY) 36 Y..

A NEW possibility has been developed, the so called N.tur.l g.. (:nng^ tl heavy
re um (or tote t evt

Differential Finning Pitch (DFP). 24-3o Y..

b) Choice of the better sootblowing system together

This new technical possibility results in a still with an in-line arrangement of fintubes. (see
continuous weld but, on those places chosen by the figures 7 and 8)
design-engineer, the finning density is increased
to reach, for the same sheet thickness, the accep-
table number of fincontacts. Figure 6 illustrates
this new development.



The cost increase for this zone DFP is negligible

in comparison with the cost savings which are
obtained during WHRB-Construction so that this
opportunity is largely profitable.

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The advantages of a staggered configuration to an This geometrical result has been obtained actually
in-line one are a higher heat transfer for a by a spiral wound RHF welded fintube with the
smaller volume of fintubes, but this implies a following advantage :
higher pressure drop together with a more difficult
cleaning. The angle between fin and pipe is more "open" i.e.
less fouling and easier blowing.
No corrugation at the foot and consequently less
c) Effect of fouling on "serrated" and "solid" fins fouling.
and other general characteristics of the Very small welding beam at the foot. This means a
finning. smoother surface which is again helpful against
Tests conducted at the Air Research Manufacture fouling.
Company in Torrence, USA, with diesel exhaust
grade 6-oil on serrated and plain finned tubes
(197 fins/m, 16 mm fin height, 51 mm base tube It is, on the other hand of interest to know that
diameter), show that after 28 days the fouling for the same pitch and fin height the heat transfer
height was about 0,5 mm for the plain fin and is at least the same as for the rectangular cross-
1,15 mm for the serrated fin. section. These conclusions have been taken on a
theoretical basis, by way of laboratory tests per-
After 37 days, 90% of the fin height on the serrated Service de Thermique, Professeur H. MEUNIER.
finned tube was already bridged but it took 10
days longer to produce the same effect on a solid It is expected that in the near future practical
fin. But after 56 days without cleaning, both finned experience will confirm this theoretical basis, expe-
tube types had collected the same amount of soot. cially according the assumption of lower fouling.
This heavy fouling and bridging effect only occurs
on high numbers of fins per unit length. The same
test was conducted on tubes with 118 fins/m (40%
less fins) and no bridging was noticed. It is CONCLUSIONS
obvious that a reduced number of fins per length
will reduce the fouling con siderably. The growing investment in combined cycle powerplants
generate the above mentioned problems, which become
exponentially more important because of their influence
on the total result of a WHRB. The importance of the
There are three other characteristics which fintube problem areas are therefore evident and it
influence the fouling : appears the producers of these kind of products are
1. The attachment of the fin on the bare tube has working hard to investigate new and better technical
an influence on fouling. and economical solutions.
If there are not properly welded-through areas
at the foot of the fin, soot will enter and stay.
2. The corrugation of the finfoot has to be main-
tained as low as possible.
This leaves low opening corners between fin and
tube in which soot and dirt like to stick.
3. The dishing of the fin. A helically wound fin
very rarely sits at 90 0 angle on the tube.
It usually is inclined to the tube and the higher
the inclination the more fouling can occur.

d) Adaptation of the fin cross-section geometry.

It is by practice well known for years that an
extended surface based on a geometry near to a tra-
pezium instead of rectangular is less fouled by soot
and is much easier to clean by blowing. (see
figure 9)

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