Physics Lab #1 Linear Motion

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Human Motion: Exploring the Concept of Linear Motion

NERY IV, Isidore John Paulo C.​1

Department of Chemistry, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City,

Motion is a fundamental part of life, especially for human beings. This experiment focuses on
exploring one of the simplest kinds of motion, linear motion. This motion was quantified
using the physical quantities of displacement, velocity, and acceleration through the use of a
motion detector. Then by having a test subject do various motions in front of the motion
detector, the distance, and velocity of an object over a certain amount of time were recorded
and given visual representation using the software LoggerPro.These data and graphs were
then analyzed to see the position-time and the velocity-time relationship of the various
situations. It was found that for the first situation with an object at rest the graph of both
position-time and velocity-time was a straight line indicating no change in distance and
velocity. For the second and third situations, distance is proportional to time with the slope
depending on whether it is going toward or away from the motion sensor. For the velocities,
the direction of the motion had an effect on whether the velocity was positive or negative.
The fourth situation shows these three concepts in one graph with the graphs behaving
similarly when going away, staying still and going toward the sensor. The last two situations
have a sudden change in velocity, the first from slow to fast and the other fast to slow, which
coincides with the results gathered. It was concluded that motions going away from the
sensor produce a positive velocity while motions going toward the sensor produce a negative
velocity. Although not perfect, human motion still follows the basics and theories of linear

Keywords: kinematics, linear motion, distance, velocity, acceleration

I. Introduction Frst is the displacement or the change in

position of the body, second, velocity or
Movement can be found all around us. In the change of distance over time, and
the field of Physics, the specific branch lastly is, acceleration or the change in
that studies and focuses on these and the velocity over time.
forces that interact and affect this
movement is called ​mechanics (​ 1). There Both displacement and velocity are vector
are several sub-branches such as statics, quantities meaning that they not only have
kinematics, and kinetics, however, for this a magnitude but also a direction, this
experiment, we focus only on kinematics. direction is important in whether the
values of these quantities are either
Kinematics is specifically the study of the positive or negative.
possible movements a body, or object can
do, without taking into consideration the In this experiment movement in only
external forces that may normally affect it. one-dimension, or linear motion is
There are three important physical observed. It aims to explore the concepts
quantities that are used to describe the of kinematics and observe using
motions, that are observed. quantifiable data the relationships between
distance, velocity, and acceleration to graph and the velocity-time graph. The
time. graphs were then interpreted.

II. Methodology
III. Results and Discussions
1. Motion Sensor The first 3 motions focus on motion with a
2. Computer with Recording Software constant velocity. This can be seen
3. Cameras primarily in the slope of the distance over
time graph and more precisely in the
Set-up velocity over time graphs.
The motion sensor was attached to the
laboratory computer and the software
named LoggerPro was initiated. The
Motion sensor was then put near a table
facing an empty space where the
movement for one person was possible.
Two phone cameras were used, one to
record the subject as they moved and one
to record the recording of the data on the
computer screen. Another researcher was
the one to initiate the recording of the Figure 1. Distance in meter (m) over time in
motion. seconds (s) relationship graph of the first three
motions as follows: Motion 1, at rest in grey,
Motions Motion 2, going away in orange, Motion 3
Six motions were done in order to fully going towards, in blue
explore the concept of linear motion.
These are listed down as follows:
1. Subject at rest
2. Subject moving away from the
sensor at a constant velocity
3. Subject moving toward the sensor
at a constant velocity
4. Subject moving away from the
sensor at a constant velocity then
staying still, then moving toward it Figure 2. Velocity in meter per second (m/s)
at a constant velocity over time in seconds (s) relationship graph of
5. Subject moving away from the the first three motions as follows: Motion 1, at
sensor with a sudden change in rest in grey, Motion 2, going away in orange,
velocity Motion 3 going towards, in blue
6. Subject moving towards the sensor
with a sudden change in velocity. As seen in Figures 1 and 2, for the first
motion, at rest, there is no change in
Interpretation distance and there is no change in the
The data was collected in two forms, first velocity either. For the second motion,
in tabular form which was then graphed in going away, as seen in Figures 1 and 2
excel in order to produce the distance-time there is a direct relationship between the
change in position and time. It forms a
graph that is almost a perfect line starting
at the point where the subject starts

This can be explained by the fact that the

subject is moving away from the sensor
meaning that as time goes on the subject is
getting farther and farther from the sensor
until the sensing time is over or until the
subject stops.

The velocity rose to a positive value as the

subject started moving but then held a
somewhat constant velocity until the Figure 3. Distance in meter (m) over time in
subject stopped where it went back to zero. seconds (s) relationship graph of Motion 4,
moving away and going toward
For the third motion, going toward, as seen .
in Figures 1 and 2, there is an indirect
relationship between distance and time. As
time goes on the distance decreases. It also
forms a graph that is almost a perfect line
at the moment the subject starts moving.
The velocity also showed a negative value
for the velocity however it held constant
until the subject stopped moving.

This follows the same principle as Motion Figure 4. Velocity in meter per second (m/s)
2 since as time passes the distance between over time in seconds (s) relationship graph of
the subject and the sensor diminishes as Motion 4, moving away and going toward.
the subject gets closer to the sensor.
The same patterns in the graphs of Motion 4
can be observed, as seen in Figures 3 and 4 as
This also shows that in this experiment,
the subject moves away or toward the motion
velocity is positive when the subject is
getting further from the sensor and
negative when the subject gets closer to
the sensor.

Figure 5. Distance in meter (m) over time in

seconds (s) relationship graph of Motion 5,
moving away with a change in velocity

For Motion 5 the subject is going from slow to

fast. As seen in Figure 5, there is a sudden
change in position at about the 2.05-second
mark, as well as in Figure 6 with a sudden
jump in the values of velocity at the same

Although the data and graphs are flawed at

about the 4.3-second mark because of the
motion sensor detecting something other than
Figure 6. Velocity in meter per second (m/s) the subject.
over time in seconds (s) relationship graph of
Motion 5, moving away with a change in For Motion 6 the subject is moving from fast
velocity to slow. A slower change in position and a
decrease velocity can be seen in the graphs of
this motion. In Figure 7, this can be seen with
the graph having a less steep slope at about the
2.05-second mark, as well in Figure 8 with a
decrease in velocity at about the same point.


With this, it can be seen that in this

experiment, moving away from the motion
Figure 7. Distance in meter (m) over time in sensor creates a positive velocity while
seconds (s) relationship graph of Motion 5, moving toward it creates a negative velocity. It
moving away with a change in velocity shows that velocity is still a vector quantity
having both magnitude and direction. It can
also be concluded that if there is a constant
velocity, the slope of the majority of the
distance-time graph is almost close to 1 and
the velocity-time graphs hover on a certain
velocity for most of the observation period. If
to be done again, the experiment could be
done in a more open space for more precise

Figure 8. Velocity in meter per second (m/s) References

over time in seconds (s) relationship graph of 1. Young, Hugh D., et al. ​University
Motion 5, moving away with a change in Physics​. Pearson, 2014.

For the last 2 motions, there is now a sudden

change in velocity at some point during the
observation period.

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