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(Please write your Roll no.

immediately) Roll No……………

First–Term Examination (Reappear)

8th Semester [B.Tech- CSE]

Paper Code: ETCS- 423 Sub: Advanced DBMS
Time: 1.5 hrs. Max.Marks:30
Note: Attempt any three questions including Q1 which is compulsory .

Q1. (a) What is PL/SQL procedure.

(b) Define Embedded and Static SQL.
(c) What is query optimization.
(d) Define Data Replication. (2.5X4)

Q2.What is PL/SQL function? Write a PL/SQL function to calculate factorial of a

number. (10)

Q3. Explain various Distributed DBMS architectures. (10)

Q4. Write short note on the following:

(a) Database Management System Structure
(b) Relational model (5X2)

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