AnnualReport 2014 2015

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Connecting People and Ideas to Water Solutions

Annual Report
February 2016

Message to Our Members................................................4
Financial Information.........................................................7
Education, Training and Development...........................24
Marketing and Business Development...........................25

2014/15 Annual Report 2

The International Desalination Association (IDA) is the point of connection for the global desalination and water reuse
community. A non-profit association, IDA serves more than 2,600 core members in 60 countries and reaches an additional
4,000 affiliate members. Its membership comprises scientists, end-users, engineers, consultants and researchers from
governments, corporations and academia. IDA is associated with the United Nations as part of a growing international
network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

About IDA

IDA Mission Statement IDA Vision Statement

IDA is the leading global organization IDA’s vision is to connect people and ideas
focused on desalination and water reuse that enable a sustainable source of fresh
as sustainable solutions to the world’s water.
water challenges. IDA fulfills this mission
by providing a point of connection among This vision statement builds on IDA’s unique
members of the global desalination and strength in its people and knowledge base
water reuse community; encouraging and directs the discussion about desalination
advancements in desalination and separation and water reuse into a conversation about
technologies; use of renewable energy sustainability and our industry’s singular ability
sources to power desalination and achieve to provide the only new and sustainable
true sustainability; facilitating knowledge- source of fresh water for a thirsty planet.
sharing, engagement and communication
through industry events and other programs;
and supporting education in the field of
desalination and water sciences.

2014/15 Annual Report 3

Message to Our Members

IDA is excited to bring to its members, its first Annual Report which will be
covering activities for the year ending December 31, 2015 and financial
information encompassing two fiscal years ending March 31st, 2014 and
March 31st, 2015. Board members and staff began implementing the
five-year Strategic Plan, launched in October 2014. The plan involved a
rigorous process of soliciting input and feedback from IDA’s Directors, its
membership and other stakeholders – highly respected individuals from
various aspects of the industry who could comment knowledgeably about

Six objectives emerged from this process:

• Rebrand and reposition IDA Ms. Patricia Burke

• Further IDA’s role in thought leadership and advocacy of Secretary General
desalination and reuse as critical aspects of water resources
management solutions
• Grow IDA’s membership
• STET (alliances)
• Revisit Board Size and Structure
• Increase revenue generation

Using the strategic plan as a road map for directing resources – human
and financial – IDA created an Implementation Committee to oversee
implementation activities and timelines.

In August/ September, the IDA World Congress 2015 was held in San
Diego, California after a 16-year absence in North America. The theme of
the Congress was “Renewable Water Resources to Meet Global Needs,”
presenting a platform to deepen one’s understanding and to discover, Dr. Emilio Gabbrielli
explore and embrace change as we further our collaboration within the President (2015-2017)
community. The Technical Program consisted of four parallel sessions plus
a fifth track in the form of panel discussions and the Congress featured
several new initiatives including an Innovation Theater for commercial
presentations, Education Day where middle school students learned
about desalination through presentations and interactive exhibits, and
Public Outreach Day where a briefing session was held for local civic
leaders on how countries facing problems similar to California’s solved
their water resource management issues in unique ways.

Additionally, IDA held two specialty technical conferences. One in Rio de

Janeiro, the first IDA conference in this region, focused on water reuse
and desalination development in Latin America and one humanitarian
conference in Portofino, Italy focused on social responsibility and how
it will be possible to design sustainable water solutions for tomorrow’s
generations. Both conferences were highly successful. Dr. Abdullah Al Alshaikh
President (2013-2015)
We appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to serving our
members in the coming year.

2014/15 Annual Report 4

Membership Profile
Membership By Profession Corporate and Individual Members*

IIA - Individuals 432

IIB/C - Rep of corporate member 446

IID - Additional corporate member 1668

IIIA - Student 86

IIIB - Library 3

IIIC - Least Developed Country 2

Total Number of Core Members 2637

*As of end of 2014/2015 membership year

(June 30, 2015)

Membership By Region

2014/15 Annual Report 5

IDA Affiliates
IDA has a network of 16 regional and association affiliate members from around the world. We are pleased to be associated
with the following organizations and their representatives on our Board of Directors.

Regional Affiliate Members Association Affiliates Members

Asociación Española de Desalación y Asia Pacific Desalination Association

Reutilización(AEDyR) (APDA)
Mr. Miguel Angel Sanz Dr. Masaru Kurihara

American Membrane Technology Asociación Latinoamericana de Desalación

Association y Reuso de Aguas (ALADYR)
(AMTA) Mr. Juan Miguel Pinto
Mr. Greg Wetterau

Indian Desalination Association

Australian Water Association
Dr. P.K. Tewari
Mr. Neil Palmer

Caribbean Desalination Association Korea Desalination Plant Association

(CaribDA) (KDPA)
Mr. Shawn Meyer-Steele Dr. In. S. Kim

European Desalination Society Pakistan Desalination Association

(EDS) (PakDA)
Mr. Borja Blanco Eng. Fayyaz Muddassir Mubeen

Japan Desalination Association Singapore Water Association

Dr. Hideaki Kurokawa Mr. Foo Hee Kiang

Levant Desalination Association The Membrane Industry Association of

(LDA) China
Mr. Ziad Salibi (MIAC)
Dr. Ruan Guoling

Water Desalination Engineering Water Science and Technology

Chapter Association
Mr. Ahmed Al-Mudaiheem Mr. Ali Redha Hussain

2014/15 Annual Report 6

Financial Information
Accountant’s Review Report

P.F. Bruno & CO.
Certified Public Accountants

Accountants Review Report

January 27, 2016

Patricia Burke, Secretary General

International Desalination Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 387
94 Central Street
Topsfield, MA 01983

Dear Pat,

We have provided, on an annual basis, the review level of reporting, Accountants Review
Report, in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued
by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Our review engagement takes
financial information that is provided by International Desalination Association and reviewed by
P.F. Bruno & Co., CPAs, which is then presented in the form of financial statements with
supporting footnotes to the financial report. We conduct our engagement at your Topsfield
office and make inquiries of management and staff, as well as apply limited analytical
procedures to balances as of year-end in cash, investments, equipment, furniture and fixtures,
related depreciation, deposits, accounts receivable, accounts payable, accrued payroll, accrued
payroll taxes, accrued expenses, the general fund balance and the scholarship fund balance.

Additionally, we review revenues and certain expenses including payroll, related payroll taxes,
insurance, conference expenses, promotional expenses, printing, related postage, professional
fees, bookkeeping, rent, scholarships paid and pension contributions. The annual review
identifies the various financial reporting components, examining certain documentation with
related work papers supporting internal year-end balances.

Additionally, P. F. Bruno & Co., CPAs, prepares, on behalf of International Desalination

Association, Federal Form 990, “Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax,” as required
under Section 501 (c) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Very truly yours,

Patrick F. Bruno, CPA

Lynnfield Woods, 230 Broadway, Suite 105, Lynnfield, MA 01940-2365/Phone (781) 592-2727/Fax (781) 592-0055

2014/15 Annual Report 7


September, 2015

Subject: International Desalination Association (IDA) Comptroller’s Report

As the IDA Comptroller I am required to present a brief report on the condition of the
Association at the end of each two year term. The function of the Comptroller is defined
under a provision of the IDA Constitution, Article VII – Section 9. “The Comptroller shall
periodically, at his/her discretion, review all activities of the Association and specifically the
Treasurer’s and Secretary General’s activities to see that they are in accordance with the
Constitution, Bylaws and directives if the Board.

The Comptroller will be a member of the Association but may not be a Director, nor
engaged in any other business arrangement with the Association. The Comptroller may not
have a vote in the business of the Board of Directors but will submit a report at least every
two years which will be read at the next General Meeting and will be printed in the regular
Association publication”

As the Comptroller I have reviewed all of the minutes of the Board meetings and the
monthly and quarterly reports of the Treasurer and Secretary General in addition to the
annual auditor’s report prepared by P. F. Bruno & Company. IDA is compliant and is
meeting all the requirements of its non-profit status under the laws of the United States.
The investments of the Association are managed by UBS and Merrill Lynch based upon
guidance provided by the Secretary General and Treasurer and appear to be appropriate to
meet the goals of the Association.

The Comptroller received inquiries about the most recent Board of Director elections. Upon
review the election did not violate any of the requirements of the Constitution.

The Comptroller received three requests from IDA members to present an overview of the
financial status of IDA at the next Members Meeting in September 2015. This overview has
been prepared in collaboration with the Treasurer and staff in Topsfield and will be
presented as requested (copy attached).

In summation the International Desalination Association has been operating as required by

the Constitution and meeting its non-profit status. I wish to thank the Board of Directors
and all the Officers and Committee Chairmen and members for their cooperation and
continuing efforts. I also commend the President, Secretary General and her staff as well as
the Treasurer for their efforts and diligence in protecting the Association assets and

Randolph L. Truby
Comptroller and Chairman of the Audit Committee

PO Box 387, 94 Central Street, Topsfield, MA 01983 USA

Telephone: +1 978 887 0410 Facsimile: +1 978 887 0411

2014/15 Annual Report 8


Membership Meeting
September 2015

The International Desalination Association (IDA) operates as a non-profit organization under the laws
of the United States.

Information on the organization activities and operation of IDA is published on the website: www.

IDA is focused on the dissemination of information on Desalination: Desalination of Seawater,

Desalination of Brackish Water and Desalination of Wastewater for Reuse.

IDA operates under a Constitution and elects a Board of Directors (BOD) from the membership every
two years. The BOD meets to elect a President and two Vice Presidents. These officers nominate a
Treasurer, Secretary, Secretary General, Editor and Comptroller along with Chairmen of the Standing
and Special Committees, all for board approval. The Treasurer is responsible to prepare an annual
budget and monitor and report on this budget to the BOD. The Treasurer for 2013 to 2015 has been
Mr. Michel Canet.


IDA Current Membership (representing 60 countries) Approximately 2600

Board of Directors (elected) 21
Board of Directors (affiliate reps) 8
Operating Committee 8
Full time IDA staff (Topsfield MA., USA) 8

IDA derives annual revenue from four primary sources:
1. The Congress held every two years (approx. 60-70%)
2. Membership Fees (approx. 20-25%)
3. Technical Programs (approx. 5-10%)
4. Other (approx. 3%)

IDA annual expenses are as follows:
• The Congress held every two years (approx. 40-45%)
• IDA headquarters Topsfield MA (approx. 10-25%)
• Technical Programs (approx. 8-15%)
• Other including any surplus (20-30%)

2014/15 Annual Report 9

IDA Liabilities are all current IDA has no long term debt or bank loans.

IDA maintains assets in three primary accounts:
1. Investment funds (approx. 75-80%)
2. Operating funds (approx. 10-20%)
3. Scholarship Funds (approx. 5%)

*(Note: Fixed assets are less than 4%)

• IDA Total Current Assets (TCA) in June 2009 was $1.45 million

• IDA TCA in June 2015 was $2.48 million

• IDA investment accounts currently are at a level to sustain the organization for
more than two years in the absence of historical revenue

2014/15 Annual Report 10

Summary of Significant
Accounting Policies
Net Assets
Income Taxes
IDA’s detailed financial statements have been prepared on
The Association is registered with the United States
the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with generally
Internal Revenue as an organization exempt from
accepted accounting principles.
income tax under Section 501 (c)(6) of the Internal
Revenue Code and, therefore, files information returns
Net assets of the association and changes therein are
on Federal Form 990 and New Jersey Form NJDCR-
classified and reported as follows:

Unrestricted Net Assets - Net assets that are not Under certain circumstances, the Association could
subject to donor-imposed stipulations. be liable for tax under Internal Revenue Service
Section 512, Unrelated Business Taxable Income.
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets - Net assets subject During, and for the year ended March 31, 2015, no
to donor-imposed stipulations that will be met either by such circumstances occurred. As a result, no income
tax payment was made nor required for the year then
actions of the Chapter and/or the passage of time.

Permanently Restricted Net Assets - Net assets subject Revenue and Expense Recognition
to donor-imposed stipulations that they be maintained 1. Membership revenue is recognized upon receipt
permanently by the Chapter. Generally, the donors or of the dues within a fiscal year, for that year. If
these assets permit the Chapter to use all or part of the received for a future fiscal year, membership dues
income earned on related investments for general or are recorded as a liability classified as deferred
specific purposes.
2. Conference fees, seminar fees, and registration
fees if collected in advance are deferred until the
The Association classifies three net assets as follows,
date of the related conference or seminar, and
General Operating Fund, Scholarship Fund and IDA
recognized as revenue at that time. Administrative
Foundation Fund.
and operating expenditures related to the
academy, conferences and seminars are reported
The General Operating Fund is to maintain the daily
as prepaid expenditures and recognized as
operations of the Association and is unrestricted and
expenses when the course and related conference
temporarily restricted.
or seminar takes place.
The Scholarship Fund consists of Trust funds that are
Cash and Cash Equivalents
restricted. The Trust funds are required to be invested
The Association considers all cash on hand and short-
in securities to earn income. The income generated
term investments in liquid, non-risk/low-risk funds, with
from these investments is disbursed as scholarships, and
maturity dates of 90 days or less as cash equivalents.
administrative expenses related to the fund.

The IDA Foundation Fund was established in 1998 to

acquire and disperse funds to support the activities and
programs of the Association. The IDA Foundation Funds
are restricted by the board of directors, however, these
funds are considered unrestricted funds of the Association.

2014/15 Annual Report 11

Investment Policies

2014/15 Annual Report 12

World Congress 2015
World Congress 2015 Income

Technical Program Submissions


Submissions (470 total)






50 4%

421, Accepted by the TPC 17, Rejected by the TPC 32, Withdrawn
Series1 421 17 32

*470 submissions; 64% resulted in actual

presentation in the Final Program

2014/15 Annual Report 13

World Congress 2015 Attendee Profile By IDA Regions

2014/15 Annual Report 14

IDA World Congress 2015 New Initiatives

Conversations with Pioneers (renamed “The Public Outreach Day – Invitation Only
IDA Pioneer Chronicles”). A briefing session was presented to local civic leaders
In honor of her father, Gordon Leitner, an early regarding topics about how countries, facing problems
pioneer in desalination and widely known and similar to California’s, solved their lack of water supplies
respected in his field, Faith Leitner, funded the in unique ways.
first installment of a “pioneer” project to preserve
a valuable part of desalination industry’s history, Mobile App Voting
which was so important to him. The first chapter of In addition to having a mobile app available to delegates,
“The Chronicles” took place at the World Congress IDA engaged delegate participation by introducing three
where a series of videotaped interviews with thirteen new Awards, the winners of which would be determined
distinguished veteran desalters was filmed at the solely by votes from the delegates using the mobile app
Convention Center on Sunday, August 30, 2015. to cast their votes.
WDR editor Tom Pankratz conducted the interviews
which included a discussion about the development IDA Booth Collaboration with Affiliates
and commercialization of the desalination industry The theme for the IDA booth at this Congress was a
from 1960 through 1980, with an emphasis on “Global Village” showcasing the IDA community. The
thermal desal technologies. Interviewees were Affiliates were invited to be part of the IDA booth inside
asked how they became involved in the industry, the IDA Pavilion. Out of 16, five affiliates committed to
and what anecdotes they could provide about the participating and having representation at their counter.
companies, projects and people with whom they Affiliates who participated include:
worked. The video interviews are available on the
IDA website. • European Desalination Association (EDS)
• American Membrane Technology Association
Innovation Theater • Caribbean Desalination Association (CaribDA)
Sponsored by Suez, the Innovation Theater was a
• Pakistan Desalination Association (PakDA)
new feature for the World Congress bringing another
• Asociación Latinoamericana de Desalación y Reuso
form of networking opportunities to spotlight the
de Aguas (ALADYR)
desalination and water reuse community. Twelve
companies participated. Acciona Agua, Acuamed,
Adionics, Avista Technologies, LG Chemistry, DesalTech 2015 Conference
Marine Technologies, Ocean Pacific Technologies, IDA partnered with National Water Research Institute
Piedmont Pacific, Salt Water Solutions, Spiral (NWRI) in cross promotion of the two events. DesalTech
Water Technologies, Suez and Thermal Purification 2015 was held August 28-29 and the World Congress
Technologies. registration opened on August 30th. The conference
focused on innovative research in emerging seawater or
brackish water desalination technologies.
Education Day
More than 400 students from five middle schools
came to the Exhibition Hall throughout the day AMTA Workshop
and viewed a presentation by Jim Birkett and Lisa Although not a new initiative to the World Congress,
Henthorne about desalination before being escorted IDA’s supporting local affiliate, the American Membrane
by a member of the Young Leaders Program for a Technology Association (AMTA) held a pre-Congress
tour of the Exhibit Hall. The tour included stops workshop titled “Pioneering Achievements in
at interactive exhibits designed especially for the Desalination with a Review of Current Status”.
students and participating exhibitor booths where
exhibitors had giveaways.

2014/15 Annual Report 15

World Congress 2015 Sponsors

The World Congress sponsorship program included a number of different opportunities to enhance brand
visibility. Additionally, the IDA special event at the Birch Aquarium was supported by 25 sponsors bringing
the total number of sponsors of the World Congress to 35.

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2014/15 Annual Report 16

Facility Tours
IDA conducted two facility tours after the World Congress to the
Carlsbad Project, the largest seawater desalination project in the
Western Hemisphere and the Groundwater Replenishment System
(GWRS), the world’s largest water purification system for potable
reuse. Over 100 people participated in these tours.

2014/15 Annual Report 17




Oral Presentation: Dr. Glenn Byrne Stray Current Corrosion in SWRO

State of the Art Rolled Alloys UK Systems

Oral Presentation: Mr. Bart Nelemans New Module Design Development

Innovation Aquastil b.v., Netherlands for Membrane Distillation

Innovative, Membrane-Based
Oral Presentation: Mr. James C. Lozier
Treatment Method for Brines from 5000USD
Research & Development CH2M HILL, USA
Coal seam Gas Production
Safety and Reliability of Direct
Oral Presentation: Mr. Troy Walker
Potable Reuse: Using the Critical 5000USD
Environment & Sustainability Hazen and Sawyer, USA
Control Point Methodology
Ceramic Membrane Treatment for
Oral Presentation: Ms. Johanna Ludwig
Saline Water Reuse in a Large Marine 5000USD
Young Leaders Program akvolution Gmbh, Germany
Sponsored By ARWADEX – Water
Emerging Leader: Achievement in Dr. Prakash Narayan Govindan
Desalination Conference in the Arab 5000USD
Desalination and Water Reuse Gradiant Corporation, USA
Experimental Investigation of High
Mr. Jaichander Swaminathan
Best Presenter: Efficiency Single-Stage Membrane 500USD
Distillation Configurations

Mr. David Martin Warsinger Effect of Filtration and Particulate

Best Poster: 500USD
MIT, USA Fouling in Membrane Distillation

Dr. Heike Glade Thermal Desalination: Membrane

Best Moderator: 500USD
University of Bremen, Germany Distillation


Outgoing President Dr. Abdullah Al-Alshaikh

Presidential Award Mr. Doug Eisberg

Presidential Award Dr. Richard L. Stover

Mr. Mohammad Abunayyan, Chairman of Abunayyan Holding and ACWA Power

Presidential Award
Industry Contribution Award in
Ms. Faith Leitner
Memory of Gordon Leitner

2014/15 Annual Report 18

IDA held two specialty conferences in 2015: Water Reuse and Desalination for Latin
America Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and New Horizons for Desalination
Portofino, Italy, and also announced its first conference focused on Water Reuse in
Nice, France.

March 23-24, 2015

Water Recycling and Desalination for Latin American Development
Rio de Janeiro

Session 1: Water Reuse and Desalination - Success Stories I

Session 2: Water Reuse and Desalination - Success Stories II
Session 3: Oil & Gas Applications (Upstream and Downstream)
Session 4: Industry Applications

Attendees by Country Sponsors

Argentina 3 Acciona Agua
Australia 2 Cadagua
Brazil 150 Degremont
Canada 1 General Water
Chile 6 PWT
France 2 RWL Water
Israel 3 Toray Membrane (Europe)
Italy 1 Toray Membrane (US)
Mexico 3 Valoriza/Sacyr
Netherlands 1 Dow Brazil
Peru 1 GS Inima Brasil Ltda
Singapore 2
Spain 15
Switzerland 1
United Kingdom 1
Total 214

2014/15 Annual Report 19

May 17-19, 2015

New Horizons for Desalination
Santa Margherita, Italy

Session 1: Water Issue: Regional Perspective

Session 2: Desalination Innovative Solutions
Session 3: Efficiency Improvements and Sustainability in Power and Desalination Industry
Session 4: Alternative Application of Desalination and Membrane Systems
Session 5: Renewable Energy Application to Desalination
Session 6: Auxiliary Equipment and Material Selection Technology Enhancement
Session 7: Advances In Thermal Desalination Technology

Attendees by Country Sponsors

Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for
Belgium 1 Water (SIPW) Platinum
Denmark 2 Abengoa Silver
France 5 Acciona Aqua Silver
Germany 2 Arabian Japanese Membrane Company (AJMC) Silver
Iran 1 Cadagua Silver
Italy 38 Suez Silver
Japan 5 Silver
Aliaxis Utilities & Industry
Netherlands 2
Fisia Italimpianti Silver
ILF Consulting Engineers Silver
Russia 2
OTV Veolia Silver
Spain 1
Termomeccanica Pompe Silver
Switzerland 4
United Kingdom 3
Total 82

2014/15 Annual Report 20

World Congress Site

Selection Process
In 2015, the IDA Site Selection Committee reassessed the The IDA Headquarters invites bid proposals from
site selection scoring and voting process to further enhance candidate cities from April 15-September 15, 2016.
transparency to the Board regarding the site selection The final candidate location recommendation will be
recommendation. The revisions will be implemented for sent to the IDA Board by the Site Selection Committee
the 2019 candidate locations. This voting process outlines for final vote in April 2017.
step-by-step procedures in which candidate host locations
are solicited, vetted, voted and recommended to the IDA
Board for final location selection. The 2019 Site Selection
voting process includes two new categories – Regional
Rotation of the World Congress Location and Personal

Upcoming Events

Sept 25-27, 2016

IDA International Water Reuse Conference
Nice, France

Nice, France – Water Reuse and Recycling: Turning Vision Into

Reality. In 2015, IDA announced it would hold its first International
Water Reuse Conference in Nice, France on September 25-27,
2016. The conference starts with an opening ceremony and
welcome reception on September 25 and features two days of
technical sessions., two plenary sessions and two panel discussions
conducted by invited speakers.

October 16-20, 2017

IDA World Congress
São Paulo, Brazil
The Future is Now

The 2017 IDA World Congress will be held at the São Paulo World
Trade Centre, Brazil, October 16-20. Please be sure to check the
IDA website for information.

2014/15 Annual Report 21

Co-Located Events with Strategic Partnerships

IWS 2015 January 20-21, Abu Dhabi IWA 2015 October 18-22, Dead Sea,
IDA had a strong presence in
the IWS conference program. Leaders from IDA traveled to Jordan
On Day Two (January 20), in October to join over 1000 water
IDA presented a stream of professionals at the International
sessions focused on Energy Water Association (IWA) World
Efficient and Clean Technology Desalination chaired Congress. IDA was a strategic
by Leon Awerbuch, IDA Director and past president, partner of the event.
Dean – IDA Desalination Academy, and President, Representing IDA were Emilio Gabbrielli, IDA
Leading Edge Technologies. Session topics included: President; Patricia Burke, IDA Secretary General;
Shannon McCarthy, IDA 1st Vice Prescient; and
• Case Study Desalination: Next Generation Leon Awerbuch, IDA Director and Dean of the IDA
Renewable Energy Powered Desalination Desalination Academy, who met with Ger Bergkamp,
Pilot Project IWA Executive Director; Keith Robertson, Innovation
• Keynote Presentation: Opportunity to & Learning Director at IWA; and João Grilo, IWA
Enhance Energy Efficiency in the Saudi Conference Programme Manager.
Desalination Sector
• Panel Discussion on Desalination Energy & IDA leaders also presented several sessions at the
Environment Nexus Congress including:
• Panel Discussion on Sustainable Desalination
and Advanced Water Reuse; Development • Water Security: Desalination and Water Reuse,
and Trends Leading to Energy and Cost Leon Awerbuch
Reduction • Introduction of the IDA and the status and
trends of Desalination and Water Reuse
In addition, IDA President Dr. Abdullah Al-Alshaikh industry, Emilio Gabbrielli
participated in a high-level panel discussion on • Water Security and the Role of Non-
“Taking a Unified Strategic Approach to Address Conventional Water Resources in National
the Challenges of the Water Energy Nexus.” The Water Sustainability Programs, Shannon
discussion addressed the following: McCarthy
• Different Procurement Models for Desalination
• Setting common objectives and targets for Projects (DBO vs BOT, etc.), with Advantages
improvement and Disadvantages, Borja Blanco, IDA Director
• Creating an effective method for distribution • Lessons Learned from Desalination and
of water and energy resources Advance Water Reuse Projects in Emerging
• Solving the interlinked challenges of urban Economies, Leon Awerbuch
water and energy to enable the growth of • Issues and Considerations for Selecting
cities and businesses Pretreatment of Desalination Plant in Aqaba,
• Sharing urban solutions to improve utility Nikolay Voutchkov, IDA Director
performance • The use of FRP-Fiberglass Pipe System in
Water Applications and Brine Discharge, Ziad
Salibi, IDA Director
• Water-Energy Nexus, New Solutions for Solar
Desalination, Leon Awerbuch

2014/15 Annual Report 22

WEX Global 2015, February 23-25, 2015,

Istanbul Turkey
For the fourth year, IDA played a prominent
role in the Water-Energy-Exchange (WEX),
an invitation-only conference involving
high level executives with both technical
and commercial backgrounds from both
the public and private sectors. IDA will once again be a
Support Partner for the event, which takes place February
23-25 in Istanbul, Turkey.

IDA organized two sessions, one on Technology Trends led

by Miguel Angel Sanz, and the second on Policy, Business
Opportunities and Utilities Experiences led by Leon

The conference was organized around five streams of critical

importance to water professionals including:

• Energy, Water and Sustainability

• Finance and Investment
• Regional Business Forums
• Intelligent Infrastructure, Asset management, and
Non-revenue Water Management
• Waste Water Treatment, Sludge and Energy from

2014/15 Annual Report 23

Education, Training and Development

Mentor Program/YLP accounts but have not yet purchased/enrolled in the IROC
program. Seventeen people are currently enrolled in the
IDA’s Young Leaders Program enables emerging Masters Degree in Desalination Post Graduate program. For
desalination leaders to connect, advance their more details on both these programs, please visit the IDA
careers, and promote interest in desalination around website – Since its inception in 2012, the
the world. The goals of this initiative are to help IDA Academy has taught over 189 students from around the
promote opportunities in the industry, support career world.
advancement, and provide a forum for communication
and the exchange of ideas among young professionals
and the industry at large. The YLP is open to any IDA
member 35 years of age or under.
In 2015, the YLP in conjunction with the IDA office The IDA Fellowship Award provides recipients with an
took on the Mentorship Program initiative. The IDA unprecedented opportunity to spend time with a host
Mentorship Program pairs an established industry agency – a high-profile public utility or well-respected
leader within IDA with a member of IDA’s Young research organization – working alongside colleagues in
Leaders Program (YLP). For the emerging professional, the desalination industry, gaining insights into the host
the program offers an invaluable opportunity to draw agency’s operations, strategies and policies, and ultimately
upon the technical and business knowledge and exchanging ideas with the global desalination community.
experience of his or her mentor. In turn, it presents
the mentor with an opportunity to foster the next Raed A.I. Bashitialshaaer, PhD, Dr. Eng., Lund University in
generation of leaders while further strengthening Sweden, was named the recipient of the 2014-15 Fellowship
the desalination and water reuse industry by passing Award.
along their knowledge.
Dr. Bashitialshaaer received a monetary award of $10,000
The program is structured to create a close working US and participated in a six-week attachment with the Public
relationship between the mentor and mentee. Each Authority for Electricity and Water (PAEW), located in Ruwi,
mentor will be assigned to no more than two young Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. PAEW was the host agency for
professionals, and they will contribute up to three the 2014-2015 IDA Fellowship Program.
hours a month of time sharing their knowledge,
advice and guidance. Mentees and mentors are asked
to commit to the program for a period of one year. Scholarship
IDA’s Channabasappa Memorial Scholarship Trust assists
IDA Desalination Academy graduate students in science and engineering to further
their education in subjects related to desalination. The total
maximum grant per student is 10,000 USD. The Scholarship
The Academy held two courses in 2015 at the World
is administered under a separate entity, the IDA Scholarship
Congress. Attendance averaged between 10-12
Trust. Trustees are IDA’s President, two Vice Presidents,
students per course. Additionally, the Academy
Treasurer and the Chair of the Scholarship, Education and
offers two online courses: The International Reverse
Fellowship Committee.
Osmosis Certificate program (Level 1) and the
Heriot-Watt Post Graduate degree program. One
The last Channabasappa Memorial Scholarship was
person has completed the RO Certification-1 and
awarded to Ms. Leila Karima (Iran) in 2013 who, is currently
has earned his Level 1 certificate, 9 are currently in
obtaining her Ph.D. at New Mexico State University in the
the program representing countries from the United
United States. No Scholarship was given in 2014 and 2015.
States, Bahamas, United Arab Emirates, Chile, India
We expect to resume scholarships again in the coming
and Egypt. An additional 32 people have created
year through potential collaborations with highly respected
educational institutions.

2014/15 Annual Report 24

Marketing and Business Development

Email Alerts and Bulletins
IDA continuously updates its members on Association
news and updates through its e-alerts and World
Congress news through specific bulletins.

IDA Website
IDA has the capability to track website traffic through
Google Analytics to help gain insight about our online
marketing efforts. Statistical information is provided
on page twenty five.

IDA Newsletter The IDA Yearbook is provided in hard copy to members
The Newsletter is published six times a year. Currently, only. It includes the market profile, featured plants and
four issues are electronic and two issues are both the supplier directory. It is published by Global Water
digital and printed. A new feature this year included Intelligence (GWI).
the addition of the Analyst’s Corner and podcasts on
various industry topics. This is a member only benefit.
DesalData is a business development tool and
Proceedings consultancy package for desalination professionals. The
IDA members are able to access Congress/Conference publishers of Global Water Intelligence, in association
Proceedings through the IDA website at no charge. with IDA, produce this interactive database and it has
Non-members may purchase a manuscript for $5 per revolutionized the ways in which companies work in the
manuscript. desalination sector by bringing together a powerful set
of analytical tools alongside an intuitive user interface.
White Papers
Currently IDA has invited qualified and experienced A free trial of DesalData is offer to both members and
experts to prepare white papers on subjects of non-members of IDA.
interest to members. Currently two White Papers are
available to view. More White Papers will be added IDA Update
to this library in the future. As of December 31, 2015, Taylor and Francis Publishing
(formerly Maney Publishing) will cease with the
Fact Sheets publication of the IDA Journal. This publication was an
In collaboration with AMTA, a series of Fact Sheets online publication only. Taylor and Francis published
have been authored by professionals in every field of Volumes 5-7 for IDA. IDA is currently investigating an
water treatment expertise. Currently, the Fact Sheets alternative publication as a benefit to our members to
provide information on membrane technology, system access.
design, application, operation and key industry
definitions. More Fact Sheets will be added to the
library on topics such as thermal technology, hybrids,
MED and more. The Fact Sheets are accessible to the
General Public via AMTA website.

2014/15 Annual Report 25

IDA actively pursues forged alliances to expand visibility of the Association to benefit its members. Current ongoing
alliances include:

David H. Paul, Inc. (DHP)

Global Water Intelligence of the United Kingdom (GWI)

Global Clean Water Desalination Alliance, H2O minus CO2 1

HWU-Heriot-Watt University (HWU)

International Water Summit (IWS)

King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (KACARE)

MASDAR-Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company

Murdoch University & NCEDA-National Centre of Excellence in Desalination Australia

National Water Research Institute (NWRI)

Public Authority for Electricity and Water-Oman (PAEW)

Public Utilities Board-Singapore International Water Week (PUB)

Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC)

Tianjin University

Water and Energy Exchange (WEX)

United Nations2

World Water Council

IDA recently participated in the efforts to draft the Clean Global Water Desalination Alliance, an international Initiative
to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the desalination industry. The initiative was launched at the United
Nations Climate Change Conference COP21 on December 7-8, in Paris.

Reviewed annually.

2014/15 Annual Report 26

Public Relations
Media relations is an important aspect of conveying and reuse on Bloomberg BNA, timed to prompt further
IDA’s role as the leading global association dedicated to discussion and awareness ahead of the World Congress.
desalination and water reuse. It is also a critical channel in Media partnerships with influential outlets around the
promoting advancements in desalination technologies as world introduced IDA to new audiences and conveyed
well as advocating for the appropriate use of desalination our message to thousands of readers.
and water reuse around the world.
More than 30 media representing media from around the
In 2015, IDA took advantage of the IDA World Congress globe attended and covered the World Congress. On
to talk about desalination and reuse on a global stage. The opening day, IDA held a press briefing to orient journalists
Congress’s location in drought-stricken southern California on the latest trends and facts about desalination and
(also a hotbed of innovation in desalination technologies), reuse. Delivered by a dynamic panel consisting of five
and its timing vis-à-vis the opening of the highly anticipated water leaders from Europe, the USA, Australia and
Carlsbad desalination plant, prompted unparalleled media Singapore, the briefing provided a powerful overview of
interest. IDA seized this opportunity to discuss desalination successes around the world.
and reuse as key parts of an integrated water resources
management approach that is needed to help the world Earlier in 2015, IDA also coordinated extensive press
cope with increasing water stress due to climate change, coverage in Brazil of the conference held in Rio de
population growth, and degradation of existing resources. Janeiro.

Prior to the World Congress, IDA arranged two media Interviews, press releases, feature articles, opinion pieces
tours targeting southern California with IDA spokespersons and ongoing promotion on Water World’s Desalinate
Doug Eisberg and Randy Truby, generating coverage in video newscast provide a steady stream of coverage for
all the region’s leading media. We arranged a segment IDA throughout the year. We are sourced by hundreds of
on how desalination works on one of the most important media outlets every year, each one eager to talk about
TV network’s online site, featuring past president Lisa the increasingly important role that desalination and
Henthorne. We also conducted a webinar on desalination reuse play as solutions for a thirsty planet.

2014/15 Annual Report 27

Digital Based Marketing

Social Media

In 2014/2015, IDA developed a presence on three major social media platforms, LinkedIn, FaceBook and Twitter.
Additionally, we also became active on YouTube and Google Plus. The chart below depicts the increase in the
Association’s visibility from May 2014 to September 2015. IDA will continue to enhance its efforts in this area and
is working with outside institutions such as Heriot-Watt University, David H. Paul, Inc. and its Affiliates to increase
engagement and to cross-market more heavily through these platforms.

2014/15 Annual Report 28

Website Analytics

General Website Traffic Statistics

A group of interactions that take
place on your website within a
given time frame.

The person who goes to a website.

Page View:
The amount of times visitors ar-
rive on individual pages of your
website. If a user reloads a page,
that action will be counted as an
additional page view.

A session represents a series of
hits for a single user with no inter-
ruptions longer than 30 minutes.

Bounce Rate:
The percentage of visits in which
the visitor only views one page of
your website before leaving

Sources of Website Traffic Organic Traffic:

Visitors who come to your website
from unpaid organic or natural
search engine results.

Direct Traffic:
Visits to your site where the user
types your URL into their browser’s
address bar or when a visitor uses
a bookmark to get to your web-

Referring Sites:
Other websites that refer or send
visitors to your Website are called
referring sites.

Social Media refers or sends
people to your site.

When referral is directly from an
e-mail source

2014/15 Annual Report 29

Full Election Report
Candidate Eligibility

In order to be placed on the ballot, candidates The nomination process closed on June 8, 2015. All
must have been selected by the Membership and nominations were sent to the IDA Office to the attention
Elections Committee; proposed by letter or petition of the IDA Secretary General, Ms. Patricia A. Burke at
by at least five Class I and Class II members or their
designated representatives from the same region; or
have submitted a written request to the Committee Current directors who wished to stand for re-election had
to be considered for election and be sponsored by to notify Patricia Burke at prior to
at least five Class I and Class II members or their June 8, 2015.
designated representatives.

Because the Board of Directors is IDA’s governing Regional Representation

body, one of the major criteria in considering
candidates was their ability to provide leadership In order to assure proper regional representation,
and make significant positive contributions to the directorships are allocated in proportion to the number
Association. Candidates were knowledgeable about of Class I and Class II members in good standing in each
IDA’s mission and policies and prepared to assist region. Twenty-one directors may be elected to the Board
in further developing IDA’s vision, programs and of Directors, and each region may have at least one and no
services. more than seven. Based on the membership numbers, the
Regional allocation of Directors for the 2015 election were
In addition, they were prepared to dedicate a as follows:
significant amount of time to their duties once
they were elected to IDA’s Board. For example, EU (Europe) 5
Directors are expected to prepare for and attend LAC (Latin America, Caribbean) 1
two Board meetings per year, actively participate MEA (Middle East, Africa) 7
in IDA’s standing committees, undertake NA (North America) 4
special assignments, and respond promptly to PA (Pacific Asia) 4
communications from Committee chairpersons and
IDA’s headquarters.

Candidates are prepared to serve the desalination

and water reuse community as a whole rather than
espouse the particular interest of any single entity.
They will maintain confidentiality when appropriate,
and avoid prejudiced judgments on specific issues.
The candidates also have standing within the
desalination and water reuse industry.


The nomination period for the 2015-2017 Board

of Directors began April 20, 2015. All persons who
were continuous active members in the IDA since
April 20, 2014 were eligible to stand for election.

2014/15 Annual Report 30


Directors were elected by a electronic vote of IDA’s Class I and Class II members. The Membership and Elections
Committee asked that each candidate provide a biography and brief description of what he or she intended to
contribute to the Association. Ballots were posted on the website on June 17, 2015 and voting began. Eligible IDA
members were able to log in and vote electronically. Voting closed on August 5, 2015. Results were posted on the
IDA website prior to August 15, 2015 and members were notified of the results by email.

Region # of Canidates
EU (Europe) 9
LAC (Latin America, Caribbean) 1
MEA (Middle East, Africa) 8
NA (North America) 7
PA (Pacific Asia) 6

Europe (5) Latin America/ Caribbean (1)

Michel Canet Emilio Gabbrielli
Gerard Canton
Carlos Cosin
Omar Ibrahim North America (4)
Shannon McCarthy Leon Awerbuch
Doug Eisberg
Rick Stover
Middle East, Africa (7) Nikolay Voutchkov
Zamzam Al Rakaf
Rachid Ghamraoui
Mounib Hatib Pacific Asia (4)
Mohammed Jaroudi Gary Crisp
Fady Juez Nobuya Fujiwara
Imad Makhzoumi Maurice Neo
Johnny Obeid Li Youqing

2014/15 Annual Report 31

Board Meeting Information Constitutional Advisory Group

IDA operates under a Constitution and elects a In 2015, IDA formed the Constitutional Advisory Group to
Board of Directors (BOD) from the membership conduct a comprehensive analysis of the IDA constitution.
every two years. The BOD meets to elect a President The Advisory Group was co-chaired by Ms. Lisa Henthorne,
and two Vice Presidents. These officers nominate a Past IDA President and Treasurer and Mr. Randy Truby,
Treasurer, Secretary, Secretary General, Editor and current IDA Comptroller and Past IDA President. Results
Comptroller along with Chairmen of the Standing of the constitutional review will be discussed in more
and Special Committees, all for board approval. The detail at the April 2016 Board meeting. The full Board
Treasurer is responsible to prepare an annual budget will review and recommend changes or amendments that
and monitor and report on this budget to the BOD. will then be sent to the membership for vote in the form
The Treasurer for 2013 to 2015 has been Mr. Michel of a ballot.
Canet. Two Board meetings took place in 2015: one
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil an the other in San Diego,
California, USA.


A Parliamentarian is an expert in rules of order and

the proper procedures for the conduct of meetings
of deliberative assemblies.

The primary function of a Parliamentarian is to

advise the President or chairperson about procedure
during meetings. The Parliamentarian also ensures
that meetings are conducted in an orderly way
and operated in accordance with an organization’s
Constitution and Bylaws.

Parliamentarians may also assist organizations in the

drafting and interpretation of bylaws and rules of
order, and the planning and conduct of meetings.

(Sources: Opertec, Inc. and the National Honor


2014/15 Annual Report 32

Board of Directors
TERM 17: 2015-2017 TERM 16: 2013-2015

Dr. Emilio Gabbrielli Dr. Abdullah Al Alshaikh

President President
Ms. Shannon McCarthy Dr. Emilio Gabbrielli
1st Vice President 1st Vice President
Eng. Zamzam AlRakaf Mr. Miguel Angel Sanz
2nd Vice President 2nd Vice President
Mr. Michel Canet Mr. Michel Canet
Treasurer Treasurer
Mr. Neil Palmer Mr. Lance Johnson
Secretary and Parliamentarian * Secretary
Mr. Antonio Casanas Dr. Corrado Sommariva
Editor (no vote - appointed officer) Editor
Mr. Randy Truby Mr. Randy Truby
Comptroller (no vote - appointed officer) Comptroller (no vote – appointed officer)
Ms. Patricia Burke Ms. Patricia Burke
Secretary General (no vote - appointed officer) Secretary General (no vote – appointed officer)

Mr. Omar Abou Ibrahim Mr. Ahmed Al Mudaiheem * Mr. Ahmed Al Mudaiheem * Mr. Mohamad Jaroudi
Mr. Leon Awerbuch Mr. Borja Blanco * Eng. Zamzam AlRakaf Mr. Fady Juez
Mr. Gerard Canton Mr. Carlos Cosin Mr. Leon Awerbuch Dr. In S. Kim **
Mr. Gary Crisp Mr. Doug Eisberg Mr. Borja Blanco * Dr. Masaru Kurihara **
Mr. Antonio Casanas * Mr. Li Youqing
Mr. Hee Kiang Foo ** Dr. Nobuya Fujiwara
Mr. Rachid Ghamraoui Dr. Ruan Guoling ** Mr. Men Leong Chew Mr. Imad Makhzoumi
Mr. Mounib Hatab Mr. Ali Redha Hussain ** Mr. Guillaume Clairet Ms. Shannon McCarthy
Mr. Mohamad Jaroudi Mr. Fady Juez Mr. Carlos Cosin Mr. Shawn Meyer-Steele *
Dr. In S. Kim ** Dr. Masaru Kurihara ** Mr. Gary Crisp Mr. Fayyaz Mubeen **
Dr. Hideaki Kurokawa * Mr. Youqing Li Mr. Doug Eisberg * Mr. Johnny Obeid
Mr. Imad Makhzoumi Mr. Shawn Meyer-Steele * Mr. Hee Kiang Foo ** Mr. Neil Palmer *
Mr. Fayyaz Mubeen ** Mr. Maurice Neo Dr. Nobuya Fujiwara Mr. Juan Miguel Pinto **
Mr. Johnny Obeid Mr. Juan Miguel Pinto ** Dr. Congjie Gao ** Mr. Devesh Sharma
Mr. Ziad Salibi * Mr. Miguel Angel Sanz * Mr. Mounib Hatab * Dr. Rick Stover
Dr. Richard Stover Dr. P.K. Tewari ** Mr. Ali Redha Hussain ** Dr. P.K. Tewari **
Mr. Nikolay Voutchkov Mr. Greg Wetterau * Dr. Hideo Iwahashi *

*appointed voting director (8)

**appointed nonvoting director (8)

2014/15 Annual Report 33

IDA Operations

Patricia Burke Darlene Seta Patti Gorman

Secretary General Technical Program Manager Project Administration

Karen Zilinek Leslie Merrill Mary-Beth Cuzner

Deputy to the Secretary General Exhibits & Publications Manager Marketing,Communications Administration
Nancy Pagels Michele Pzenny
Membership & Finance Manager Office Administration


Board of

IDA Staff
Secretary General
Deputy to the Secretary General
World Congress and Technical Program Manager
Member Services and Finance Manager
Exhibits and Publications Manager
Office Administration
Project Administration
Marketing, Communications Administration


Membership Conference/ Scholarship

Operations Finance Constitution Publications and World Fellowship Audit Technical
and Bylaws Elections Congress and Program


Energy & Foundation/ Young

Affiliates Research & Site Selection Awards Environmental Public Leaders
Development Task Force Outreach Program

2014/15 Annual Report 34

IDA Committees
The Committees of the Association per the Constitution, must consist of nine Standing Committees and are as follows:
Operations, Finance, Constitution and Bylaws, Publications, Membership and Election, Conference, Education and
Scholarship, Audit and Technical Programs. Except for the Audit Committee each Standing Committee shall be chaired
by a Director.

The Board of Directors has also established seven Special Committees composed of General Members of the Association.
The composition and duties of each committee are set out in a resolution of the Board. No Special Committee shall
infringe upon the duties of the Standing Committees.

Standing Committees

Operations membership categories for review. The Committee also

The Operation Committee is the executive committee develops new membership development campaigns to
of IDA chaired by the President and composition spelled increase and retain membership.
out by Constitution and shall be composed of eight
Directors which will include the President, First Vice The other function of the Committee is to prepare a
President, and Second Vice President. The Secretary slate of directors once every two years and provide this
General is a member ex-officio. to the office to assure that the ballot for new directors is
adequately populated.
The Finance Committee reports to the Treasurer and The Membership Committee must have at least one
reviews the finances of the association and prepares General Member for each region.
quarterly financial reports based on data supplied by
the bookkeeper and accountant. Conference/World Congress
The main function of this Committee is to prepare the
The Treasurer reviews the investments of the Association Technical Program for the World Congress. This includes
and makes quarterly recommendations to the President preparing the Call for Papers and allocation of abstracts;
on a strategic approach quarterly regarding investments. prepare session categories; nominating session co-chairs;
and then reviewing all abstracts, draft manuscripts and final
Constitution and Bylaws presentations. This is done with the support of the office
The Constitution Committee reviews the Association’s and our on-line submission program. All other related
Constitution and Bylaws and, as needed, makes Congress activities are handled by the IDA office.
motions to amend the Constitution or bylaws following
the procedures outlined in the Constitution. Education and Scholarship
This Committee administers the IDA Scholarship, Education
Publications and Fellowship programs. They recommend candidates for
The Publications Committee reports to the Editor. the programs and make appropriate awards according to
Together with the Editor the Publications Committee the criteria.
reviews all IDA publications both new and existing and
makes recommendations to the board on updating Audit
existing publications. This Committee also includes This Committee is made up of the Comptroller as Chairman
the Association’s electronic media assets such as the and the remaining members of the committee may not be
website and video production. Directors and may not have any business dealings with the
Association during the past year.
Membership and Elections
The Membership and Election Committee is responsible
for reviewing all new members and submitting the
names to the Board for acceptance on a regular basis.
The committee is also responsible for recommending
any increase in dues and recommending any new

2014/15 Annual Report 35

Technical Programs
This committee organizes all IDA Technical Programs Energy and Environmental Task Force
including conferences, seminars, workshops and other The ultimate objective of the Energy and Environment
events. In some cases they are stand alone events and Committee is to encourage the industry to implement best
while others are co-sponsored or supported by IDA and practices on energy efficiency in all desalination projects
other organizers. The roles for each event are reviewed using the best available and most appropriate technologies
and selected based on the stated criteria for acceptance according to the location of the plants. This committee will
and the agreed upon role IDA will play. facilitate discussion of environmental issues associated with
desalination. They will form a task force that will include
Special Committees experts in the industry and the environment.

Affiliates Foundation/Public Outreach

The role of this Committee is to review the ideas This Committee will build strategic alliances with utilities,
and concerns of each affiliate – both regional and industry, non-governmental organizations, governments,
association affiliates. The committee is composed and international institutions to broaden the opportunities
of the representative from each affiliate. The mission to support worthy activities in education, thought leadership
statement is to increase participation, communication and humanitarian endeavors related to water sustainability
and the free exchange of ideas and resources between and the role of desalination and water reuse.
the IDA and its affiliates in the desalination and water  
reuse industry worldwide, while promoting mutual Young Leaders Program
interests. This Committee allows emerging leaders to connect with
one another, advance their careers, and promote interest
in desalination and water reuse around the world. The
Research and Development
platforms used to promote the Young Leaders Program
This Committee reviews potential R&D development
include networking events, educational tours, webinars,
with other entities and offers guidance to facilitate
and the mentor program.
capacity building.

Site Selection
This Committee is charged with reviewing all bids for the
IDA World Congress in 2019. The Committee comprises
a global cross-section, and endeavors to discharge its
duties in a clear, transparent manner, so as to ensure
that the most suitable venue is chosen to host the event.

This Committee nominates and selects the best paper
awards at the World Congress and also nominates and
selects candidates for special categories i.e. Lifetime
Achievements, World Water Masters Awards and others.
The committee insures all authors and presenters are
given an equal and fair chance to win. They establish
the selection criteria and evaluation methodology and
determine the best way and time to announce the
winners after the World Congress. The Committee also
promotes the awards within the two-year term.

2014/15 Annual Report 36

2014/15 Annual Report 37

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