The Functionality of An Effective Communication

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The Functionality of an Effective Communication: Difficulties of Teenagers in

Speaking English Language Fluently

A Research Proposal
Presented to

The Faculty of Asian Learning Center

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in
Practical Research 1

Camoro, Gyssa Mae

Castro, Queenaver
Deja, Ryan Voltaire
Meriales, Princess Jhia
Mosqueda, Lezzie
Secuya, Kathleen
Solasco, Trisha

March, 2020
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas




FLUENTLY” prepared and submitted by Gyssa Mae Camorro, Queenaver Castro, Ryan
Voltaire Deja, Princess Jhia Meriales, Lezzie Mosqueda, Kathleen Secuya, and Trisha
Solasco, We partial fulfillment of the requirements in practical research 1 of Humanities
and Social Sciences has been examined and is recommended for approval and


Asst. School Principal Asst. Principal-SHS Night Class


Asst. Principal - Main campus Practical Research 1 Adviser
We, the researchers of this study, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude

to everyone who helped in accomplishing this study. Without your help this wouldn’t

have been possible.

First and foremost, we would like to thank our Almighty Father, who never left

our side throughout the study and we are very grateful for the love, support and

guidance he gave us especially the wisdom that are capable in making this study.

We would also like to extend our sincerest gratitude to our English Teacher,

Ms. Cristel Biongcog for guiding us in our research, for teaching us the correct form of

sentence and grammar, and for giving us knowledge on how to conduct this research


We would also like to thank our respondents, who gave us their time in giving

us insights and answering our prepared questionnaires. Without them this research will

not be done because their presence is really needed.

We, the researchers, would also like to thank our parents who let us do this

research. Who gives support to us for making our research successful.

This research will not be done without their presence, and we are greatly

thankful because of them.

Chapter 1

Effective communication skills are underlying to various lessons of life.

Individuals with excellent communication abilities regularly relish sufficient interpersonal

ties with friends and family. It is about more than just exchanging information, it is about

fathoming the fondness and the objective behind the information. Being able to convey a

clear message, you entail listening in a way that acquires the full definition of what is

being said and makes the other individual perceive and fathom the statement. In simple

words it is nothing but the presentation of views by the sender in a way best understood

by the receiver. We can say that it generally involves, the person who initiates the

process of communication by conveying a message to the one whom the message is to

be delivered. This study aims to inspire the teenagers on communicating using the

universal language, English.

Since English language is a foreign language in our country the Philippines,

most of the youths especially the senior high school students are not familiar with it.

Some teenagers can’t speak English fluently while having a conversation, they used to

speak English only inside the class and less frequent outside the class. Whereas,

students have limited time to learn English in class, and they still do not have enough

encouragement to practice English outside or in their homes. This investigation brings a

problem that can make a teenagers have difficulties to communicate in English. This

study will analyze the causes that make the youths difficult to communicate in English

and suggest some solutions that can overcome the difficulties. The main goal of
teaching speaking English is to have the teenagers an English proficiency. Teaching

speaking literally means helping the youths to develop their ability to interact

successfully with the people around them. Each of us must have communicative

competence. Speaking English helps the teenagers to enhance their speaking skills, the

teachers or parents must help the youth to improve their grammar and enrich their

vocabulary with words, and manage interactions.

The study aims at exploring the speaking difficulties encountered by the

researchers within their environment. It aims to explore the causes od such difficulties in

speaking English. The researcher designed an interview to be applied on the sample of

the study. Such interview will be applied for each teenagers to investigate speaking

difficulties and the causes of such difficulties. Some causes that might be gathered are

fear of mistake, shyness, having an anxiety and the most common are having a lack of

confidence. The researchers would like to establish an environment support and

encourage the youths to speak English frequently.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to explore the difficulties of speaking English

language fluently. The study will revolve among the teenagers in Asian Learning Center

– Main Campus for the year 2020. The study attempts to answer the following questions:

1. How the study helps the

1.1 Teenagers

1.2 Teachers

1.3 Parents

2. What are the causes of difficulties of teenagers in speaking English language?

3. Why do student learners need to have an English proficiency skills?

4. What is the connection between studying English and effective communication?

5. What are the recommendations and interventions that should be done to

overcome those difficulties?

Significance of the study

The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

Teenagers / students. The result of this study will serve as the basis in improving the

delivery of teenagers in speaking English language fluently. This study can develop their

skills and their cognitive language ability. It would also help them in their remaining

future in English subjects and for applying jobs.

Teachers. This study will help them to know the weaknesses of their students in

speaking English language, and this can also be their guide on teaching students an

English Language and teaching them how to speak fluently.

Parents. Like the teachers, the parents too can benefit this study to encourage their

child on speaking English fluently. The findings of this study would also help them learn

the actions of their children.

Society. The results or findings of the study will affect society and the lives of people.

Over the course, the society will progress because of individuals who ascribes and

achieve a speaking and interpersonal skill. The knowledge and speaking learnings skill

of teenagers is vital for future endeavors as the teenager are the hope of the country

,more specifically, the society itself.

Researcher. The study will improve the researcher’s understanding about the essence

of English language usage. Through the findings of investigations, the researcher will be

able to integrate some knowledge into their own perspective. Over the discourse

researcher’s knowledge will also be applied in to real life situations.

Scope and Delimitation

This study primarily focused on the functionality of an effective communication

that deals with difficulties of teenagers in Asian Learning center – Main Campus. The

choice of the locale is prompted by the fact that the youth is the hope of the country.

With this, it is presumed that the said teenagers could be the best representative of the

desired type of students for the study. The focus of the study aims at exploring the

speaking difficulties of teenagers within their environment. The subject matter of the

study revolves only on the difficulties experienced by the students in speaking English


At this point, the researcher focuses on identifying inhibiting factors to speak

English faced by teenagers in Asian Learning Center-Main Campus. Therefore, by

knowing and understanding those inhibiting factors will be solved by students

themselves. Those factors will serve as their lessons on speaking English fluently. The

study also aims to enrich the students learning and speaking skills. Over the course,

teenagers in the said school are the best participants to the study on the functionality of

an effective communication.

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