Summative Test in English 6 No.4.1

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Because since for therefore so

I.Choose the correct signal words inside the box to complete each

1. snakes are cold-blooded creatures and

move with a crawling motion, many people find snakes unattractive.
2. Snakes are useful creatures they eat mice and
other small animals.
3. Some people get over their dislike of snakes; ,
they may adopt them as pets.
4. snakes are very clean, they can be kept in
5. You shouldn’t make a pet of a rattlesnake, its bite
is very deadly.
6. Grant lived next door, , I often saw him with his pet
boa constrictor.
7. Boa constrictors do not eat daily, Grant found that
feeding his pet was cheap.
8. boas need sunshine and fresh air, Grant often
took his boa outside.
9. Grant and his boa always attracted much
attention, boas are a rare sight in the city.
10. Grant’s landlady was terrified of snakes, Grant
finally had to give his boa constrictor to the zoo.

II. Underline the cause and box its effect in each of the following sentences.
11-12. After the dog bit her, we had to take her to the hospital.

13-14. Her computer stopped working due to a virus.

15-16. The police arrested him because he committed a crime.

17-18. She set fire to the curtain first before the whole house burnt


19-20. If she gets accepted to university, she will become a doctor.

21-22. Unless she finds a replacement, she will be fired.

23-24. Owing to the lack of customers, the restaurant closed down this week.
25-26. Since she is scared of clowns, she never goes to the circus.

27-28. He passed his first year at university; as a result, his parents bought him
a car.

29-30. She is lazy, therefore she has failed all of her subjects.

III. Directions: For each sentence, decide which adverb form is needed –
positive, comparative or superlative. Write the letter of your choice next to its
corresponding number

31. Mary behaved ____________ at the party.

A. nicely B. more nicely C. most nicely
32. Charles sang ____________ of everyone in the choir.
A. loudly B. more loudly C. most loudly
33. The patient’s illness was ____________ painful.
A. unbelievably B. more unbelievably C. most unbelievably
34. My dog barked ____________ than her dog.
A. fiercely B. more fiercely C. most fiercely
35. Of the three men, the ____________ exhausted one collapsed.
A. thoroughly B. more thoroughly C. most thoroughly
36. They are the ____________ married couple of anyone I know.
A. happily B. more happily C. most happily
37. I am ____________ coming to the conclusion that you are right.
A. slowly B. more slowly C. most slowly
38. It was the ____________ attempted stunt I had ever witnessed.
A. dangerously B. more dangerously C. most dangerously
39. The students arrived for class ____________ than ever before.
A. cheerfully B. more cheerfully C. most cheerfully
40. I ____________ descended the stairs in the subway.
A. rapidly B. more rapidly C. most rapidly
41. Mom sat ____________ on the chair in the den.
A. quietly B. more quietly C. most quietly
42. The group ____________ accepted the honor.
A. gladly B. more gladly C. most gladly
43. Most people are ____________ nervous in a dentist’s office than in a
doctor’s office.
A. obviously B. more obviously C. most obviously
44. Of all the teachers I’ve ever had, Miss Bell yelled the ____________ in class.
A. frequently B. more frequently C. most frequently
45. She cried ____________ when she heard the news.
A. bitterly B. more bitterly C. most bitterly
Answer key

2. Because , for, or since
4.because or since
5. because , for , or since
6. therefore
7. so
8. because or since
9. because , for, or since
10. so

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