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1. GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................................4
1.1. Scope .........................................................................................................................................................4
1.2. Measurement Units.....................................................................................................................................5

2. MECHANICAL DESIGN ..............................................................................................................................5

2.1. Design Conditions.......................................................................................................................................5
2.2. Design Stresses..........................................................................................................................................6
2.3. Required Thicknesses.................................................................................................................................6
2.4. Corrosion Allowance ...................................................................................................................................6
2.5. Joint Efficiency............................................................................................................................................7
2.6. Hydrostatic Test Pressures .........................................................................................................................7
2.7. Loading and Pressure Vessel Stability ........................................................................................................8
2.8. Shells, Heads And Conical Sections ...........................................................................................................9
2.9. Nozzles.......................................................................................................................................................9
2.10. Utilities Nozzles in Equipments ...................................................................................................................10
2.11. Manways And Inspection Openings ............................................................................................................11
2.12. Instrumentation Nozzles..............................................................................................................................12
2.13. Safety Systems...........................................................................................................................................12
2.14. Supports and Skirts.....................................................................................................................................12
2.15. Accessories ................................................................................................................................................13

3. MATERIALS ...............................................................................................................................................14
3.1. General.......................................................................................................................................................14
3.2. Material certificates .....................................................................................................................................15
3.3. Impact tests ................................................................................................................................................15
3.4. Steel plates.................................................................................................................................................15
3.5. Pipes and piping components .....................................................................................................................16
3.6. Flanges and forged components .................................................................................................................16
3.7. Gaskets ......................................................................................................................................................16
3.8. Bolts and Nuts ............................................................................................................................................17

4. FABRICATION TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................................18

4.1. General.......................................................................................................................................................18
4.2. Layout and forming of plates .......................................................................................................................18
4.3. Nozzles.......................................................................................................................................................19
4.4. Internal Components...................................................................................................................................19
4.5. General welding requirements ....................................................................................................................19
4.6. Bolt tightness ..............................................................................................................................................20
4.7. Tolerances..................................................................................................................................................20
4.8. Internal Vessel Surface Finish.....................................................................................................................20
4.9. Quality Requirements, Inspections and Testing...........................................................................................20
4.10. Repairs .......................................................................................................................................................21

5. FIELD ASSEMBLY OF VESSELS ...............................................................................................................21

5.1. Scope .........................................................................................................................................................21
5.2. Particular Design and Fabrication Conditions ..............................................................................................21
5.3. Particular Welding, Inspection and Test Conditions.....................................................................................21


6.1. Scope .........................................................................................................................................................22

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6.2. Particular Design and Manufacturing Conditions .........................................................................................22

7. NAMEPLATE ..............................................................................................................................................22

8. PAINTING, MARKING, PREPARATION FOR SHIPPING............................................................................23

8.1. Painting ......................................................................................................................................................23
8.2. Marking.......................................................................................................................................................23
8.3. Preparation for Shipping .............................................................................................................................23

9. DOCUMENTATION TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE MANUFACTURER ........................................................23

9.1. Design Documents......................................................................................................................................23
9.2. Fabrication Documents ...............................................................................................................................24
9.3. Documents Approval...................................................................................................................................25

10. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ......................................................................................................................25

10.1. REPSOL YPF specifications .......................................................................................................................25
10.2. Codes and standards ..................................................................................................................................25
10.3. REPSOL YPF Standards ............................................................................................................................26
10.4. List of Addenda to this Specification............................................................................................................27
10.5. Data Sheets................................................................................................................................................27
10.6. Figures .......................................................................................................................................................28
10.7. Tables.........................................................................................................................................................28

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1.1. Scope

1.1.1. This Specification and their Addenda establishes the minimum requirements for design, selection of materials,
fabrication, inspection, tests, packing and shipping of metallic pressure vessels not subjected to fire and steam
drum boilers, to be installed at REPSOL YPF plants. Shells, heads of shell and tubes heat exchangers, as well
as air cooler headers and steam drum boilers shall be included in this Specification. Storage spheres shall not
be considered a part of this Specification, being the object of another Specification.

1.1.2. This document is part of the latest edition of REPSOL YPF technical specifications, and likewise, refers to the
latest edition of the mentioned and/or applicable Standards and Codes, as well as the stipulations of the
document named “Basic Design Data (BDD)”, which gathers the individual aspects of each project.

1.1.3. Pressure vessels subject to this specification shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with ASME Code
VIII Division I. Though particular vessels shall comply with other Codes, such as:

• Steam drum boilers: ASME I

• Great vessels: ASME VIII Division 2 or AD-Merkblätter (requiring in this case prior approval in writting from
• Vessels working in cyclical pressure-temperature services: ASME VIII Division 2
References appearing in this Specification to specific paragraphs of a code different from the one used in
design calculations must be met, unless they contradict the mentioned calculation code.

1.1.4. Vessels that are the object of this specification must also comply with the design requirements imposed by the
different official standards that exist at the place of installation.

1.1.5. In particular in Europe, the EU 97/23/EC Directive, transposed to the legislations of the countries in the
European Community, shall be met. It is outlined in the Addendum ED-C-01.01 to this specification.

1.1.6. This Specification, along with the Data sheet and/or engineering drawings for the equipment, is part of the
materials requisition. In case of discrepancies between the documents included in the said Requisition, the
following order of priority shall prevail:

• Applicable legislation. (As long as there are no criteria that are more restrictive stated in the data sheets, in
the requisition or in this specification.)
• Data sheet and/or Engineering drawings
• Materials requisition
• What is stated in this Design Specification

1.1.7. Any exceptions, variations or additions that imply any change in the said documents should be communicated
to REPSOL YPF in writing and accepted by the said company.

1.1.8. Compliance with the rules and recommendations stated in this Specification does not provide the equipment
manufacturer with partial or complete exemption from his responsibilities and contract guarantees.

1 GENERAL e go back to index

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1.2. Measurement Units

The measurement units shall be those used in the International Metric System (SI), though inches can be used
for the diameter and pounds for the rating. Likewise, pressures will be allowed in Kg / cm .


2.1. Design Conditions

2.1.1. Vessels subjected to internal pressure shall be designed for a pressure that is the same as the maximum
pressure expected in operations, both in normal and not normal conditions, being increased, at least, by
whichever of the following value proves highest:

• 10% of maximum operating pressure.

• 1.75 Kg/cm

2.1.2. If the design pressure thus calculated is less than 3.5 kg/cm2, the latter shall be taken as the value for this

2.1.3. Vessels subjected to vacuum during normal operation, start-up, shutdown, regeneration, etc., shall be designed
for full vacuum condition.

The following equipment shall also be designed for full vacuum condition:
• Equipment which on being blocked and cooled down, vacuum is likely to be generated.
• Vessels containing steam.
• Distillation columns and associated equipment likely to reach vacuum condition due to heat
Vessels intended to be steamed out shall not be designed for full vacuum condition.

2.1.4. For all vessels subjected to internal pressure, the Manufacturer shall, in addition to the justifying calculations,
supply the corresponding vacuum levels they are capable of resisting and indicate this information in the vessel

2.1.5. In jacketed vessels for heating or cooling fluids, the Engineering or Designer shall make calculations on the
basis of combined stresses, in accordance with the design and operating conditions for each - pressure vessel

2.1.6. Pressure vessels shall be designed for a maximum temperature that is equal to the greatest temperature
expected in both normal and not normal conditions, and increased by at least 15 ºC, but in no event less than
80ºC, and at a minimum metal temperature that is the same as that requested by ASME VIII, Div 1, paragraph
UG- 20 (b). For equipment with steam out connections, the design temperature shall not be lower than the
temperature of the steam with which the steam out is to be performed.

2.1.7. The design temperature for full vacuum conditions shall be, at least, 15ºC higher than dew point temperature at
atmospheric pressure. For steam, 120ºC shall be considered.

2.1.8. The minimum design metal temperature shall be as required by ASME VIII, Div 1 paragraph UG-20 (b).
Consideration shall include the lowest operating temperature decreased by 5ºC.

2.1.9. Except in the case of vessels with internal thermal insulation, the metal temperature taken shall be the same as
that for the fluid contained in the vessel.

2.1.10. When perfectly demarcated zones operating at different temperatures can be established in a vessel, each
zone should be designed on the basis of their respective design temperature.

2.1.11. Vessels stability shall be checked considering the loading combinations mentioned in paragraph 2.7.

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2.1.12. The stress produced in horizontal vessels from their saddle reactions shall be checked in accordance with the
applicable codes.

2.2. Design Stresses

2.2.1. Longitudinal and shear stresses to which pressure barriers are subjected, such as the shell , the heads and
nozzles, as a consequence of internal pressure (or vacuum) and external loads, including the load from pipes
connected to the vessel, shall not exceed the maximum allowable stress for the design temperature specified
by the applicable code for the material selected. Nevertheless, it shall be permissible during the pressure test
for the stress to reach as much as 90% of the yield strength limit of the material at the test temperature.

2.2.2. Stress on external component that are not subjected to pressure, such as skirts, legs and ridging, as well as
other structural components, shall not exceed the maximum admissible stress specified in ASME Section VIII

2.2.3. The effect of external, primary mechanical loads should be studied, in addition to the design pressure. The
resulting combined stresses shall not exceed the limit established by ASME Section VIII Div 2.

2.2.4. The effect of secondary stress, due to differential expansion, shall be studied in accordance with ASME Section
VIII Div 2.

2.3. Required Thicknesses

2.3.1. Independently of the wall thickness calculated, the minimum total resistant wall thickness of shells and heads of
any vessel, depending on its outside diameter, is indicated in Table 2, which is attached to this Specification.

2.3.2. Neck thickness of flanged carbon and alloy steel nozzles for pressure vessels, depending on corrosion
thickness established, is indicated in Table 3, which is attached to this Specification. Greater thickness shall be
justified in accordance with paragraph 2.9.9.

2.3.3. The aforementioned Table 3 is not applicable for integrally forged nozzles, or for self-reinforced parts for nozzle
necks. The required thickness should be calculated for the latter.

2.3.4. The minimum thickness of base rings for anchoring vertical equipment supported by skirts shall not be less
than 20 mm, unless approved by Repsol YPF or their Representative.

2.4. Corrosion Allowance

2.4.1. Unless otherwise specified in the Data Sheet, wall thickness calculated on the basis of design conditions
should at least add the minimum corrosion allowance indicated in Table 1, which is attached to this

2.4.2. When the vessel is lined with interior metal cladding, the thickness of this lining should be 3 mm, unless
otherwise specified.

If this cladding is made of Titanium, the minimum thickness shall be 2 mm.

2.4.3. When the lining referred to in the above point is deposited by welding, the minimum thickness of the overlay not
affected by mutual dilution phenomena between the latter and the base material shall be 3 mm, the total
thickness level for this cladding having to be determined in the welding procedure homologation.

2.4.4. Linings other than non explosion cladding or overlay shall not be admitted, unless expressly approved by
Repsol YPF.

2.4.5. Unless otherwise specified, the overthickness corrosion allowance in vessels with compartments should be
added to both sides of the separating wall.

2.4.6. Internal parts not subjected to pressure and welded to the vessel shall have overthickness corrosion
allowances corresponding to 50% (on each side) of that required in Table 1. On those internal parts subjected
to pressure, the total overthickness corrosion allowance value shall be applied to both sides. Unless otherwise
specified, minimum total thickness shall be 10 mm for carbon steel and 6 mm for stainless steel.

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2.4.7. If product inlet velocity in the vessel is greater than 10 m/s., or if accelerated erosion is expected in the fluid
stream incident zone, impingement plates should be fitted with a minimum thickness of 10mm and of the same
quality as the vessel shell that completely covers the area. Alternatively, a system shall be designed to reduce
this problem.

2.5. Joint Efficiency

2.5.1. All pressure vessels shall be designed with a minimum joint efficiency of 0.85 (spot radiographic examination of
welded joints).

2.5.2. Joint efficiency considered in stability calculations for the joint between the lower head and the skirt shall be
0.55 and 0.7 for the joint between the base ring and skirt.

2.6. Hydrostatic Test Pressures

2.6.1. All pressure vessels should be designed to resist the hydrostatic test pressure listed below:

a) Test in manufacturer’s workshop , which shall be carried out with the vessel in fabrication position, and in
accordance with ASME VIII Division 1 and official regulations in force in this area, unless the pressure
value indicated in the following paragraphs corresponds to the initial test pressure.
b) Initial hydrostatic test in the place of installation, which shall be carried out with the vessel in its operating
position and in accordance with ASME VIII Division 1 and official regulations, unless the pressure value
indicated in the following paragraphs corresponds to the initial test pressure.
c) Periodic hydrostatic tests at the place of installation, in accordance with official regulations in force in this

2.6.2. Hydraulic test pressure levels shall be determined in accordance with the following formula:


Ph = Initial hydrostatic test pressure.

Pd = Design pressure.

Sh = Maximum allowable stress at test temperature.

Sd = Maximum allowable stress at design temperature.

t = Total vessel thickness, including corrosion allowance.

c = Corrosion allowance.
And taking the following limits into account
t/(t-c) : Vessel part giving the lowest value shall be taken for this quotient, the maximum value considered being
equal to 1.2.

c: In cases where corrosion allowance is replaced by a different lining material (cladding or overlay), c shall
be considered to be equal to zero.

Sh/Sd : In cases where different vessel sections can be distinguished due to different temperature designs or
different resistant materials, the section giving the lowest value shall be taken for this quotient. Quotient t/(t-
c) in this case shall correspond to this section

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2.6.3. Hydrostatic test pressure levels for vertical vessels tested in horizontal position shall be those obtained from
applying the above formula, increased by the water column pressure corresponding to the vessel’s height.

2.6.4. Should as a result of the initial hydrostatic test value, determined in the aforementioned paragraph, it is
necessary to modify any vessel item, such as flanges or tube plates, the maximum value admitted for the item
without modification shall be taken as the hydrostatic test value, meaning that this value may never be less
than that obtained from applying the above formula and without taking account of the corrosion allowance,
taking the value of c to be zero.

2.6.5. Test pressure values for vacuum vessels shall correspond to the value defined in the design manual.

2.6.6. Unless otherwise specified, stress on any vessel section during the hydrostatic test shall not be greater than
90% of the yield strength limit for the material. The overthickness corrosion allowance should be taken into
account to determine this stress.

2.7. Loading and Pressure Vessel Stability

2.7.1. The vertical vessels stability and its supports, as well as the horizontal vessel stability and the stresses induced
into the shell by the saddles support, shall be checked considering the loading combinations shown in Table 4.
For definition of loads and reference values, the provisions and requirements of the specification ED-M-02.00
“Loading for Structure Design” and respective addendas.

2.7.2. For stability calculations, neither the cladding thickness nor welding overlay thickness shall be considered.

The corrosion allowance thickness shall not be considered for the stability calculations under the following
•.... Operation
•.... Shutdown
•.... Periodic hydraulic tests
The corrosion allowance shall only be considered for new equipments hydraulic test stability calculations.

2.7.3. For earthquake and wind non-corroded vessel shall be considered in all conditions to determine weight, the
interior metal lining also being included.

2.7.4. When seismic and wind design is required, the applicable regulations, as well as earthquake and wind basic
design data, shall be shown on drawings.

The applicable standards shall be in compliance with the provisions and requirements of the specification ED-
M-02.00 and respective addendas. Additionally, the applicable national legislation shall be applied.

2.7.5. The total moment caused by the wind and earthquakes shall be increased by 10%, in order to consider
eccentric loads caused by the head steam line and by heavy equipment directly connected to the vessel.

2.7.6. Stability inspections under all conditions should be included for vertical vessels, legs, anchorage bolts and base

In order to determine the surface exposed to the wind, the following parameters should be considered:
• Outside vessel diameter, including insulation.
• Outside diameter, insulation included, of the head steam line.
• Type of vessel surface
• 4 m2 platform (one platform per manhole at least to be considered, plus one at the top).
• 0.4 m2 per m. vertical ladder. (if this is not defined, a minimum length equal to the length between the
tangential lines from the bottom head to the top head should be considered)

2.7.7. In vertical vessels with a H/D ratio of greater than 15, vortex shedding vibration analysis shall be carried out to
ensure structural stability, where:

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• H is vessel height from the base support to the upper part of the tangent line
• D is the average diameter in the upper third of the vessel.

2.7.8. In columns with trays, the maximum deflection permitted shall not be greater than 1/200 of the total height.

2.7.9. Vendor shall perform all necessary calculations to verify stability equipment and handling devices (lifting lugs)
for stresses induced during transportation and erection.

2.8. Shells, Heads And Conical Sections

2.8.1. Semi-ellipsoidal 2:1 or Korbbogën type heads shall normally be used in vessels. Other head types
(hemispherical, conical, etc.) might be used if required by process conditions and they are approved by Repsol

2.8.2. Conical heads and transition sections shall be -toriconical type only in the cases indicated below, their knuckle
radius (R) being those indicated for each case:

a) When required by ASME R shall be the largest between 6% and three times the conical section thickness.
Equipment whose Pd·x V ≥ 300, where Pd = design pressure in kg/ cm2; V = volume in m3 (except where the
fluid is liquid water): R shall be the largest between 6% and 3 times the conical section thickness.
b) Equipment constructed in place of installation: R = 15 %.
c) Equipment for low temperature services: R shall be the largest between 6% and 3 times the conical section
d) Cyclical service: R = 15 %
e) Equipment with thickeness of more than 20 mm.: R = 15 %.
The indicated percentage for the knuckle radius (R) should be applied to the outside diameter of the adjacent
cylindrical section.

2.9. Nozzles

2.9.1. All nozzles shall be flanged, except for dangerous services, when determined by Basic Engineering, which shall
have butt welds. Use of this type of nozzle shall be subject at all times to the prior approval of Repsol YPF.

2.9.2. Nozzle flanges for connection of 2” and above shall have Welding Necks (WN), and those required for 1½” and
under shall preferably be with Long Welding Necks (LWN).

2.9.3. Slip-on flanges shall not generally be accepted. As a sole exception, this type of flange shall be accepted on
carbon steel vessels with no interior metal cladding, if the following conditions apply and subject to written
approval by Repsol YPF:

a) Design temperature is less than 230ºC.

b) The flange rating is 150 pounds.
c) The vessel is not for special services, according to the indications in specification ED-B-04.00
d) The vessel is not for low temperature service, or for pressure-temperature cyclical service.

2.9.4. Nozzle flanges shall be in accordance with ASME/ANSI B 16.5 for size of up to 24” inclusive, and with ASME /
ANSI B. 16.47 B series for bigger sizes. Flanges with conditioning factors not covered by the above regulatory
limits shall be designed in accordance with the procedures in Asme VIII, Div I.

2.9.5. When determined by Basic Engineering, nozzles for dangerous services should be self-reinforced.

2.9.6. Outlet nozzles at the head bottom of vessels with packing and distillation towers, except those for draining,
shall be equipped with vortex breakers and in-line filters of at least 4", according to type I in standard Repsol
YPF drawing PE-C-0100.11.

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In special cases, and when indicated in engineering drawings, the filter shall be specified separately, case by
case, in accordance with the type of service and the product class.
Nozzles used for reboiler connections shall be exempted from this requirement, since vortex breakers are not
permitted in this case.
Outlet nozzles at the bottom of vertical vessels, accumulators or separators, except those for draining, shall be
equipped with vortex breakers, according to types I or III in Standard Drawing PE-C-0100.11.

2.9.7. The position of the reflux inlet in the tower top shall be defined by the Licensor or by Basic Engineering. If this
position is not defined, in single pass columns, it shall be located on the opposite side (180º) of the downcomer
of the highest tray, so that the reflux is evenly distributed over this tray. Should the location of the inlet
connection, as described above, not be feasible, then the inlet shall be provided with an internal pipe section,
in order to redirect the fluid to the opposite side of the downcomer. If the position has not been defined, prior to
starting the manufacture, the final positioning details shall be submitted to the Basic Engineering for approval.

2.9.8. The column inlet nozzle from the reboiler shall be located at 90º relatively to the downcomer from the lowest
tray, so that the reboiler return does not disturb the descent liquid in this tray. If the position has not been
defined, prior to starting the manufacture, the final positioning details shall be submitted to the Basic
Engineering for approval.

2.9.9. Nozzles used for safety valve connections should have an inner diameter that is equal to or greater than the
valve. This value should in any case figure in the vessel data sheet.

2.9.10. In vessels with demister pads installed immediately under the outlet nozzle, a nozzle under this section should
be provided for connecting the safety valve. In case of vessels operating completely filled up with liquid or with
several demisters, the location of this nozzle shall be agreed with Repsol-YPF, taking into account the licensor

2.9.11. When an external pipe connected to a nozzle transmits stresses and moments of an intensity that makes it
necessary to increase neck thickness beyond that indicated in Table 3, attached to this Specification, this
should be communicated to Repsol YPF, indicating the thickness taken into account in the pressure drop
calculation in this line.

2.9.12. Nozzles sized 1½” or less shall conform to the indications in PE-C-0100.13.

2.9.13. Centerline flanged nozzles should pass through the mid points of distances between adjacent drill holes of

2.9.14. Clips and nozzle reinforcing pads, and all sealed attached parts on the exterior of the vessel shall be ventilated
by means of a threaded 1/8” NPT hole.

In the case of insulated vessels, a venting hole projection shall be provided through this insulation.

2.9.15. Threaded nozzles shall in no event be permitted, except the typical ¾” hole in heat exchangers, when the
process does not prevent their use.

2.9.16. The minimum projection of nozzles, from the outside diameter of the vessel, except for LWN nozzles, shall be
250 mm for nozzles smaller or equal to 12” and 300 mm for nozzles larger than 12”. As for the LWN nozzles,
the projection shall be in accordance with their standard length.

2.10. Utilities Nozzles in Equipments

2.10.1.Usually at Basic Engineering the utilities connections, namely, steam, water, air, oil, inert gas, etc, will be
defined. In the event these are not defined, the Engineering contractor shall as a minimum include steam
nozzles in all the vessels and towers to meet maintenance needs and for safety reasons of both the personnel
and the facility.

2.10.1 The vessels shall be provided with independent vent, drain, steam out and blanket off nozzles, according to the
sizes required in Table 5.
2.10.2 In horizontal vessels, the ventilation nozzle shall be located on the upper part of the vessel, close to the
opposite end of manhole. The vent nozzle shall be located close to the opposite end of the steam out nozzle.

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For vertical vessels, the ventilation nozzle shall be located on the top head of the vessel, unless two or more
manholes are specified for the upper and lower parts of the vessel, respectively.
2.10.4The nozzles for steam out shall be located on the lower part of the horizontal vessels, while for vertical vessels,
these nozzles shall be located on the shell, close to the lower tangent line.
2.10.5 For horizontal vessels with separating walls or baffles, an independent drain nozzle shall be provided for each
2.10.6 When the outlet nozzles on the lower part of the vessel are above the bottom, and independent drain nozzle
shall be provided, located on the lowest point of the vessel.

2.11. Manways And Inspection Openings

2.11.1.In all vessels with inside diameters greater than 1 m., manholes shall be provided in the shell or heads, unless
construction difficulties exist and there are other possible access points.

Columns shall have at least one man-hole each in the upper and lower parts of the shell, one in the flash zone
and another one in all extraction tray plate areas.

The manholes shall be located above a tray, avoiding the downcomer area, in order to facilitate the access into
the inside of the vessel.

The maximum spacing between two manholes in a column shall be 18 m.

2.11.2.The horizontal vessels without internal lining shall be provided with a lateral manhole at the centreline of the
vessel. If the lower half of the horizontal vessel is lined, the access will be made through the upper part.

In horizontal vessels with baffles, access to the several compartments through the bafffles shall be foreseen.

2.11.3.Manhole nozzles shall have a rated diameter of 20” in vessels without internal parts, 24" in those with internal
parts and in columns. In vessels where it may be necessary to use internal scaffolding to carry out inspection
and repair work, the rated nozzle diameter for material inflow shall be 24”. Unless otherwise specified, the
cover plates for these nozzles shall be fitted with hinges to facilitate opening in accordance with standard
drawing PE-C-0100.06 or PE-C-0100.08..

In vessels containing polymerised products, catalysts or solid products, the interior seal for these covers should
reach the internal surface of the vessel, eliminating the possibility of dead zones where the product could be
retained, unless otherwise specified.

2.11.4.When specified, vessels with inside diameters the same or less than 1 m should have one end flanged, this
being fitted with lifting lugs; they shall also have a hand-hole of at least 8" on the other end. Hand-holes on
vessels with packing that are not reactors shall be located in a position that enables them to be used for
inspection or for removing the packing materials.

2.11.5.In reactors such as those of the HDS and Hydrocracker, the size of the manhole shall be 36”, when reactor
size permits and subjected to Licensor approval.

2.11.6.All opening flanges for inspection access, as well as vessel heads, shall have welding necks. Dimensions shall
be in accordance with ASME/ANSI B 16.5 for sizes of up to 24" inclusive, and with ASME/ANSI B 16.47 B
series for larger sizes.

2.11.7.Rails shall be welded for steps and handles in the inside of the vessel shell, near to the man-holes to facilitate
access. These rails shall also be placed where they are needed to be able to measure the corrosion specimen.
To facilitate access to the lower part of the column, ladders with rails should also be installed; in towers with
internal parts only situated in the upper part, this ladder should be installed to permit access to the other side of
the internal part. Standard drawing PE-C-0100.09. should be consulted for reference.

These rails shall be the same quality as that used for internal materials, and shall be welded directly onto them
in areas with interior cladding.

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2.11.8.When corrosion allowance of greater than 3 mm is specified, the Manufacturer should check the thickness of
standard blind flanges.

2.11.9.Centreline opening flange should pass through the mid points of distances between adjacent drill holesof

2.12. Instrumentation Nozzles

2.12.1.Unless otherwise specified by the Basic Engineering, the temperature measuring instruments in column trays
shall be installed in the liquid calm zone located in the lower part of the downcomer, since the heat
transmission between the liquid and the thermometer bulb is better than between the gases and the bulb.

2.12.2.The pressure metering instruments may be installed throughout the periphery, except in the zone of the
downcomer, from the upper tray to the distillation columns. It would be advisable installing these instruments
the highest possible over the liquid level.

2.12.3.The level indicators or transmitters shall be located in such a way that in case a liquid or gas stream exists, this
latter will not disturb the indication of the level. The level indicators or transmitters shall not be installed in the
zone of the inlet piping projection cone (30º around the centre line of the connection, from the centre of the
vessel), as the liquid inlet could influence on the indicator.

2.12.4.In reactors, any interference of thermocouples located at the same elevations of bed supports and/or clips, with
supporting beams shall be prevented, with prior approval of the Licensor. Consequently, the thermocouples
shall be located parallel to the said beams. Likewise, possible interferences of thermocouples with catalyst
discharge nozzles shall be prevented.

2.13. Safety Systems

2.13.1.The safety valves as well as their situation in the pressure vessels shall comply with the criteria established in
the specifications ED-A-02.00-I “Piping and Instrument Diagrams for Process and Service in Units and Off-
Sites” and ED-J-18.00-I “Pressure Relief Valves and Rupture Disks”.

2.14. Supports and Skirts

2.14.1.Vertical vessels shall normally be supported by skirts, as in PE-C-0100.03 standard drawings, or by means of
legs, as in PE-C-0100.05 standard drawing. Vessels with small loads should be supported by means of legs
made from structural steel or tubing. Vessels with a height between tangents of less than 3 m, and those of
less than 1 m. outside diameter, shall be initially considered for support by legs. Any other support system
should be subject to the approval Repsol YPF, who shall accept, where applicable, supports using any other
items. Where very high skirts are required, they should be mostly made of reinforced concrete.

2.14.2.Skirts shall be designed so that they can be joined to both the lower part of the vessel and the base ring by
seam welding.

2.14.3.Skirts shall be equipped with vent openings and access openings in accordance with the PE-C-0100.03
standard drawing, except when it is possible to gain access to the inside from underneath the vessel. Openings
shall be fitted with reinforcing rings at all times.

2.14.4.Openings for pipe connections to the bottom head of the vessels shall also be required.

2.14.5.Flanged or threaded joints shall not be permitted inside skirts. Nozzles at the bottom head of vessels shall
have a 90º elbow and horizontal piping extending to the outside of the connected skirt and, once on the
outside, to a flange; these items should be installed by the vessel manufacturer and shall comply with all the
requirements in this Specification. Where, due to the nature of the process, it is unacceptable to use elbows,
the extending pipe should be inclined. In cases where it is essential to use flanged nozzle without the
possibility of them extending outside the skirt, the vessel support shall be constructed using a suitable open
structure and without using a skirt.

2.14.6.Skirts for towers with a L/D height/diameter ratio of ≥20 shall be designed with a conical shape to obtain
greater diameter at the base ring. The angle of the cone with respect to the vertical plane shall not be greater
than 8 degrees.

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2.14.7.Horizontal vessels shall normally be supported by steel saddles, in accordance with the PE-C-0100.04.
standard drawing.

2.14.8.The upper section of the skirt support, with a minimum length of 600 mm, shall be fabricated with the same
material as the vessel shell.

2.14.9.Support bearing plates shall be made of the same material as the vessel shell.

2.14.10. For design temperatures of less than –29 ºC, skirts, saddles, legs and lugs shall be made of the same
material as the vessel shell.

2.14.11. Unless otherwise specified by Repsol YPF, saddles or support lugs for vessels operating at a temperature of
less than –10 ºC shall be fitted with the appropriate wooden isolating parts (or other more suitable means) to
prevent direct contact with the foundations.

2.14.12. The upper, outer diameter of the vessel skirt should coincide with the outer vessel shell diameter.

2.14.13. The support saddle system design should include suitable provisions to permit the thermal expansion
movement estimated in calculations. Thermal expansion movement calculations shall be indicated in the
vessel drawing.

2.15. Accessories

2.15.1.Unless otherwise specified, vessels shall be equipped with tray support rings, vacuum stiffening rings, lifting
lugs or eye bolts, , clips for ladders and platforms and piping supports. All vertical vessels should be equipped
with lifting lugs, the approval of Repsol YPF being necessary with respect to their location and design. Vessels
shall be also provided with insulation supports and fire proofing supports according to PE-C-0100.14.

Unless otherwise indicated, davit heads shall be installed in towers, in accordance with PE-C-0100.07.
In order to minimise corrosion under insulation, exterior weldments, such as supports, profiles, etc shall be
continuously welded and they should have drill-holes at every metre for draining, in order to avoid the
accumulation of water that could cause subsequent corrosion. The Engineering should ensure that these welds
do not cause a concentration of stress or other loadings, suitable flexibility being provided, where applicable.

2.15.2.Reinforcement continuously welded plates shall be necessary for those items that cause excessive
concentration of stress in vessels. Reinforcement plates shall have rounded edges and radii of no less than 50
mm, also being supplied with a venting drill-hole threaded at 1/8 “ NPT or in the case of larger size
reinforcement plates, a venting drill hole threaded at ¼“ NPT as minimum.

2.15.3.Vertical vessels shall be equipped with lifting lugs or eye bolts and with retaining lugs to facilitate handling
during transport and erection at the plant.

Eye bolts and lifting or retaining lugs shall be designed to withstand the weight of the lifted equipment,
considering an impact factor of 1.5 if the REPSOL YPF or their Representative do not indicate otherwise.

2.15.4.All vessels should be supplied with two earth connections. Connections should be installed in the vessel

2.15.5.All external items that are directly welded to the shell shall be made of the same material as the vessel, unless
otherwise indicated by the Engineering or Designer.

External items for stainless steel equipment may be made of carbon steel, provided they are welded to an
exterior plate made of the same vessel material and previously welded over the vessel.

2.15.6.All internal items in contact with the fluid, and their joining welds to the shell, shall, unless otherwise indicated,
be of the same quality as the material inside the vessel.

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3.1. General

3.1.1. Quality of supplied materials shall comply with the requirements of ED-B-02.00 specification.

3.1.2. Construction materials for vessel parts subjected to internal or external pressure shall be in accordance with
ASME Section II specifications, with the limitations indicated in the following paragraphs. These materials must
have the original identifying manufacture’s data required in the corresponding quality material specifications.

3.1.3. Materials complying with other specifications may be used prior approval from REPSOL YPF. For this approval,
the Manufacturer must attach to the application the complete specification for the material proposed for
replacement. The application shall preferably be written in Spanish or, failing this, in English. The allowable
stress shall in any case be determined when the material has been identified in accordance with paragraph
UG-10 of ASME VIII, Division 1. Special attention shall be paid to any change in mechanical properties as a
result of a possible heat treatment applied in accordance with ASME. Besides that, all material shall have an
acceptance certificate according to its specification that must be approved by an Official Control Corporation of
the country of origin. The vessel Supplier shall also be responsible for the material complying with all tests and
heat treatment required in the corresponding equivalent ASME specification. The replacement approval given
by REPSOL YPF shal not exempt the Manufacturer from his responsibility.

3.1.4. Maximum carbon or equivalent carbon content for carbon steels, micro alloys or Cr-Mo alloy steels to be
welded shall be never greater than values indicated in ED-B-05.00 Specification.

3.1.5. Any non-pressure component welded to a pressure one must be of the same quality as the part where is to be
welded. To this purpose, killing and micro alloy carbon steel conditions shall be taken as qualities different to
those of simple carbon steel.

3.1.6. Material qualities shall be those referred to in this Specification. In the exceptional case of being forced to use a
no reference quality, this shall be requested in writing with the reasons outlined. REPSOL YPF shall give a
reply to this request with the limitations that they consider appropriate.

3.1.7. C-Mo and C-Mn-Mo alloy steels must not be used, unless previous written approval by REPSOL YPF.

3.1.8. Design conditions shall be those indicated by REPSOL YPF, but the Manufacturer must warn its Suppliers of
these conditions, as well as the heat treatments they are going to carry out at the workshops.

3.1.9. The Manufacturer must always guarantee that materials in the finished vessels preserve the properties
specified in the Standardof these materials. Besides that, he shall take into account other conditions such as:

a) Risk of fragile fracture during the hydraulic test and/or start up.
b) Cracking by Hydrogen in the heat affected zone due to the base material’s hardenability.
c) Hardness limitations in the heat affected zone.
d) Risk of laminar tearing.
e) Laminar sheet defects caused by problems during rolling shall be totally inacceptable.

3.1.10. Wall thicknesses included in the engineering drawings shall be understood as minimum, and therefore in the
material procurement, the Supplier tolerances and loss of thickness in some workshop processes, such as
forming, shall be taken into account. They shall be bought with the adequate allowance.

3.1.11. The orders made by the Manufacturer to its Suppliers shall have attached the Manufacture’s own purchasing
specification, which shall include all technical conditions of the supply. A copy of it shall be sent to REPSOL
YPF for its approval.

3.1.12. For those equipment where it is necessary to perform heat treatments during their fabrication, the Manufacturer
shall request test specimens with simulated heat treatments to guarantee the minimum mechanical
characteristics required by the corresponding Standard.

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3.1.13. The Manufacturer shall have a list of selected Suppliers, those ensuring compliance with the requirements laid
down and relating to the main materials: plate metal, heads, tubing, forged parts, etc.

The Manufacturer shall send REPSOL YPF a specific list including the proposed suppliers in the bidding phase
or prior to the award of the contract. REPSOL YPF reserves the right to veto any supplier that does not comply
with the necessary guarantees or that is not duly homologated by them.
The Manufacturer shall not be authorized to subcontract components that include welding without prior
approval from REPSOL YPF.

3.1.14. Material Inspection Programme:

The Manufacturer shall send it to REPSOL YPF or its Representative with sufficient advance notice to allow
any comments or their corresponding approval. It should contain the following:
a) Inspection Points Programmee (PPI), at source, of components such as plates and special forged pieces.
b) Once the PPI´s have been approved by REPSOL YPF or its Representative, the Manufacturer shall
convert them into contractual documents for supply orders.

3.1.15. REPSOL YPF Inspectors or its Representatives shall be authorized to reject any material that has not been
subjected to an inspection programme, duly completed and approved by REPSOL YPF.

3.2. Material certificates

3.2.1. All materials to be subjected to pressure used to manufacture vessels with wall thickness equal to or greater
than 32 mm, shall be bought with EN-10204 3.2, certificates. They shall be guarantee by an Inspection
Corporation proposed by the Manufacturer or Supplier and accepted by REPSOL YPF. Other materials shall
be supplied with certificates EN-10204 3.1.

3.2.2. When an Intermediate Store Supplier presents pieces marked in accordance with the original manufacturer’s
certificates which included correct results but not completed due to the lack of any test that was not initially
required, the Supplier can complete them by using the service of an independent Inspection Corporation
previously accepted by REPSOL YPF.

3.2.3. Stored materialswithout identifying stamps to guarantee their traceability shall not be used at any time.

3.3. Impact tests

3.3.1. All materials to be used in vessel fabrication shall be supplied with impact tests when required by ASME VIII,
Div 1, paragraph UG-84.

3.3.2. For plates, Charpy-V test specimens shall be taken transversal to the rolling direction and with the V-notch
perpendicular to the rolled surfaces, according to ASME SA-20.

3.3.3. For forged components, test specimens shall be taken according to ASME SA-350. The test specimen shall
have it axis transversal to the fibre direction.

3.3.4. For thicknesses lower than 32 mm, only one set of specimens shall be taken, centred on the thickness of the
piece to be tested. For thickness of 32 mm and above, two sets of specimens shall be taken, one in the centre
of the thickness and another on the surface.

3.3.5. Similar to the rest of specimens used for mechanical tests, impact strength specimens shall also be subjected
to a simulated heat treatment, if heat treatments are going to be performed in the workshops.

3.3.6. Testing temperature shall be the lesser of the two following values: – 5º C and the minimum metal temperature
defined in accordance with paragraph 2.1.5 of this Specification.

3.3.7. Retests shall only be admitted, due to wrong results in the initial impact tests, and only if this is permitted for
the case in question by the applicable code.

3.4. Steel plates

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3.4.1. Steel plates quality for vessel shells and heads shall be in accordance with the specifications indicated in their
respective vessel drawings.

This quality shall usually correspond to ASTM SA-285, SA-516, SA-387 and SA-240 specifications.
Likewise, all pressure components fabricated from rolled plate shall be the same quality as that used for the
shell or heads.
Steel plates with thickness over 20 mm used for vessel shells and heads shall be inspected in accordance with
ASME SA 578 Level 1.

3.4.2. Quality for base rings steel plates, skirt opening supports and saddles for horizontal vessels shall be in
accordance with ASME SA 283 Gr C or equivalent.

3.5. Pipes and piping components

3.5.1. Tubes and pipes used for nozzle necks shall be seamless, in accordance with ASME specifications SA-106,
SA-333, SA-335 and SA-312. Nevertheless, nozzle necks with nominal diameters (DN) of 14 “ and above can
be manufacture of the same steel plate as the shell, with the conditions imposed in section 3.4 and in the note
b) of Table 3 attached to this Specification.

3.5.2. Piping accessories, except flanges, shall be of a quality in accordance with the specifications ASME SA-234
and SA-403 and the grade shall correspond to that for the nozzle pipe to be welded.

Piping accessories with nominal diameters (DN) of up to 12” shall be seamless. Those of 14” or greater can be
manufactured with just one joint weld, which shall be fully radiographed in the same conditions as those for the
vessel shell.

3.6. Flanges and forged components

3.6.1. For carbon steel vessels, flanges and forged components shall comply with ASME SA-105 specification for
standard forged components and SA - 266 Gr.2 for non standard forged components.

3.6.2. Forged components for alloy steel vessels shall be in accordance with specification ASME SA-182 for standard
forged components and SA –336 for non standard forged components. The quality grade in both cases shall
correspond to that for the vessel material.

3.6.3. All forged components with a thickness of 50 mm and above shall be at least normalized or normalized and
tempered. For flanges, the thickness to be considered for the above mentioned shall be that of the neck
welding and that of the flange side.

3.6.4. Shaped forged components mustcome close to the final design of the piece, avoiding mechanization in areas of
maximum stress fibres. Mechanization shall always give a rounded finish, especially in section changes.

3.6.5. Forged components that still preserve their cast structure shall not be acceptable. They must have been
reduced by at least a 3 to 1 ratio.

3.6.6. Forged components with a thickness of 50 mm or above, shall be ultrasonically examined in accordance with
ASME SA-388.

3.6.7. Gasket seat faces for flanges shall be protected during heat treatment to be received in order to avoid the scale
formation. If this protection is not applied, the surface face must be machined.

3.7. Gaskets

3.7.1. Internal items supplied by the vessel Manufacturer should be equipped with all gaskets needed for operating.
These gaskets should be sent in a package box if they are not going to be installed or connected by the
Manufacturer themselves, and they should always be identified in accordance with their position in the
equipment .

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3.7.2. The Manufacturer shall supply all flanged connection gaskets, which they should connect. The quality of these
gasket materials shall be in accordance with Table 2-5.1D of ASME VIII, Div 1, and with the following

a) Whenever it is possible, the gaskets materials should be compatible with the fluid and the flange face
material, it being necessary, therefore, to follow Licensee or basic Engineering recommendations.
b) Spiral-wound metal, jacketed fiber filled metal, solid flat metal or ring joint types shall be used wherever
c) Spiral-wound metal and jacketed fiber filled metalfillings shall be vermiculite, graphite, ceramic fibre or
d) Gaskets shall at no time contain asbestos.
e) Synthetic fiber gaskets, when approved for use by REPSOL YPF, shall be 1.5 mm thick and capable of
withstanding at least 232 ºC for the design pressure.

3.7.3. Octagonal ring joints in carbon steel vessels with a corrosion allowance equal to that indicated in the enclosed
Table 1 may be made of soft Iron or low carbon steel, but if the corrosion allowance is higher than this
minimum, or if the vessel is not made of carbon steel, then the ring joint material should be one with a
corrosive speed of no greater than 0.25 mm / year.

3.7.4. ASME/ANSI flanges in the 1500 lb and 2500 lb ratings series shall be with RTJ gaskets and octagonal rings in
accordance with ANSI B 16.20.

3.7.5. Face flange finish and gaskets shall be in accordance with the classification pipe rating, indicated in PE-L-

a) All ASME/ANSI flanges series up to 900 lb inclusive shall have suitable face finishes for spiral-wound
metal gaskets, unless otherwise specified for internal parts.
b) ASME/ANSI flanges in the 1500 lb and 2500 lb series shall be with RTJ joints and octagonal ring joints in
accordance with ANSI B 16.20. Interconnected flange pairs shall be made of the same material.
c) Surface seating finishes on octagonal groove flange shall have a maximum roughness level of 63
microinches, in accordance with the indications of ASME/ANSI B 46.1.

3.7.6. Gaskets used for hydrostatic tests shall be of the same quality as those used for the final service, provided it is
not necessary to remove the flanged joint after testing.

3.7.7. Spiral-wound metal gaskets should have an external centering ring, in accordance with ASME/ANSI B 16.20.
Whenever possible, gaskets shall have an internal ring of the same material of the winding.

3.7.8. The use of graphite shall be avoided in gaskets for temperatures above 400ºC, unless the connection is not
critical and the vessel is going to be in operation for less than one year with the medium isolated from
oxidation. As an alternative, materials such as the one obtained from the vermiculite or ceramic materials, may
be used.

3.7.9. Graphite (or similar soft material) filled “grooved metal” gaskets or spiral wound gaskets shall be specified for
flanged connections at: high temperature services; services subjected to thermal cycles or vibrations; high
pressure steam services.

3.8. Bolts and Nuts

3.8.1. Internal items supplied by the vessel Manufacturer should be equipped with all bolts needed for operating.
These bolts shall be sent in a package box if they are not going to be installed or connected by the
Manufacturer themselves, being duly marked or identified.

3.8.2. The Manufacturer shall supply all nuts and bolts for flanged joints, which they should connect and which shall
be according to the flange material as specified in ED-B-02.00.-

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3.8.3. External bolting materials shall be threaded stud types with two hexagonal nuts for each stud unless otherwise
specified, studs shall be threaded full length and with the necessary length so that when the nuts are tightened
there remains a threaded section free at each end of no less than a diameter.

3.8.4. When the stud diameter is 1.½” or more, the following extra requirements shall be taken into account to permit
tightening with the use of hydraulic tightener devices.

a) Flange design shall take into account this requirement to leave the minimum possible free spare between the
bolts circle and the flange neck.
b) Each nut shall be supplied with a hardened washer provided with a molybdenum bisulphide cover, 6 mm
total thickness and diameter equal to that of the circle circumscribing the nut. In internal nuts, the use of
bisulphide or of any other lubricating will require previous approval of REPSOL YPF.
c) After tightening, the bolts shall protrude from the nuts, at least, a length equivalent to their diameter.
d) Only bolts with the middle part plain, i.e., threadless, shall be used.
e) The seating face of the flange nuts shall be machined, in order to allow the support of the hydraulic tightening
f) The equipment and nozzle projections shall be designed to allow, at least, tightening 50% of the bolts
simultaneously and allow sufficient available space for the tightener.

3.8.5. The use of hydraulic tightener devices shall be considered for joints with 1” or more, for any of the following
services: high pressure or high temperature services; cyclic services, high pressure steam services,
inflammable services at temperatures above the flash point (H2, etc.), services with high degree of toxicity
(H2S, HF, etc.).


4.1. General

4.1.1. The Manufacturer, if not the Vessel Designer, shall check all vessel design documents for vessels to be
supplied and shall give REPSOL YPF written notification of any anomaly observed.

4.1.2. All shell and head components should stamp the identifying marks indicated in the respective material
standards, and which should be maintained visible throughout the fabrication and usage process. When the
original mark is not going to appear on the finished vessel, the data should be copied in a suitable position,
subject to inspection by the REPSOL YPF inspector and prior to cutting. When the vessel is going to be
subjected to any process that erases identification marks, such as heat treatment, these should be copied onto
a vessel drawing, which should be checked by the REPSOL YPF inspector prior to subjecting it to the
aforementioned process. All the remains from cutting and other left-over materials shall be marked in the same
way, and should be retained until REPSOL YPF authorises their disposal.

4.1.3. The Manufacturer should develop all working drawings needed from the design documentation.

4.2. Layout and forming of plates

4.2.1. The number of welding joints needed to join plates and other vessel components should be restricted to a
minimum. Circumferential welding joints shall not be affected by any component, either internally or externally,
or by its welds. Longitudinal weld joints may only be affected by total circumferential welds.

4.2.2. The minimum distance between two welds shall be as specified in ED-B-05.00.

4.2.3. Any horizontal welding seam will not have the 120º sector of the lower shell on horizontal vessels.

4.2.4. The Manufacturer shall measure the actual wall thickness of each plate when it is formed, noting these
measurements in a sketch that shows the location of each measurement. This sketch shall be included in the
Construction Book. In the case of vessels with overlay or similar, the wall thickness noted shall correspond to
the base plate, and in vessels that are integrally lined with cladding, this wall thickness shall be the total
amount including the cladding. It should in any case be made clear in the sketch whether the wall thickness
noted down corresponds to the base material or to the total.


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4.2.5. All heads that are not formed by one single piece shall require the approval of REPSOL YPF, which should be
requested by submitting manufacturing details such as plates and welding arrangements, welding procedure,
heat treatment and inspections and tests. Heads with welds accepted by REPSOL YPF should be 100%

4.2.6. The plate, or any other carbon steel or low alloy steel component formed at a temperature of less than 425 ºC
should be subjected to stress relieving heat treatment if the external fibre elongation is more than 5%.

To calculate this elongation, the formulas in ASME VIII, Div 1, paragraph UCS-79 shall be used.
Conditions for this treatment shall be the same as the post welding heat treatment required in the General
Welding Requirements Specification ED-B-05.00.

4.3. Nozzles

4.3.1. Weld penetration for nozzles, both for connection pipes and for access and inspection, should be situated at
least the distance specified in ED-B-05.00, away from any other welding beams.

These requirements should also be complied with by weld passes for reinforcements.

4.3.2. Unless otherwise indicated, nozzles shall be fitted so they are completely level with the interior vessel surface,
the remaining material being cut off and the edges rounded, except those situated at the head or in the lower
generatrix that are not for product outflow or draining, which shall project outwards by 30 mm when fitted.

4.3.3. When the interior diameter of a nozzle is specified in vessel drawings, this value should be maintained, it not
being possible to reduce the above level, not even due to dimensional tolerances.

4.3.4. Any dead space, such as annular gaps on small connections between the nozzle neck and its lining, should be
vented to the atmosphere by means of a threaded 1/8” NPT.

4.3.5. Nozzles and their reinforcements shall be fitted to the vessel by total penetration welds, the angle between the
nozzle and the shell vessel having sufficient opening to avoid defects caused by lack of fusion and penetration.

4.4. Internal Components

4.4.1. All welds on internal accessories shall be supplied with the corrosion allowance specified for the vessel.

4.4.2. Deflectors and trays inflow nozzles on vessel, with internal diameters of 1.200 mm or more, shall have rib ends
at the edges that shall be continuously welded to the vessel.

4.4.3. The dimensions of trays and their accessories and supports shall be provided by the tray designer.

4.4.4. Demisters and interior pipe flanges shall be in accordance with standard drawings PE-C-0100.10 and PE-C-
0100.12, respectively.

4.5. General welding requirements

4.5.1. REPSOL YPF specification: ED-B-05.00 and its Addenda shall fully apply, where applicable.

4.5.2. REPSOL YPF shall check welding procedures affecting:

a) Materials not included in ASME group P1.

b) Carbon steel or carbon-manganese alloy steel materials where the limits indicated in ED-B-05.00
specification have been exceptionally exceeded.

4.5.3. Unless otherwise indicated, joint welds on skirt support shall be butt welded by welding from both sides of the
joint. The joint between the skirt and the vessel head shall be filled with welding deposit and shall have the
appearance of a smooth weld, its width being equal to the skirt thickness and its height equal to twice its width
(see details in the standard drawing PE-C-0100.03).


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4.5.4. Post-weld heat treatment to relieve stress should be carried out in accordance with ASME VIII, Div 1, and using
the temperatures indicated in Specification ED-B-05.00.

4.5.5. Special treatment shall be considered for unusually shaped vessels or components where high stresses may
develop in welds as a result of fastening, and also when there is a danger of stress corrosion. These
treatments should be approved by REPSOL YPF or their Representative.

4.5.6. Internal items attached by bolts shall be fastened after stress relief.

4.5.7. Flange faces should be protected against oxidation during heat treatment.

4.5.8. The Manufacturer of Vessels that have to undergo heat treatment should consider this on procuring materials
for manufacture, and shall take into account the possible existence of vessels areas with need for two or more
heat treatments cycles due to the eventual need for manufacturing or installation weld repairs. Materials should
keep to their mechanical properties within the limits laid down by the purchasing specification and this
specification following heat treatment.

4.6. Bolt tightness

4.6.1. Bolts that are smaller than the indicated in paragraph 3.8.4 shall be tightened with a dynamometric wrench and
those that are equal or greater shall be tightened with hydraulic tighteners.

4.6.2. The quality mark on the bolt shall be situated on the most visible end of he stud.

4.7. Tolerances

4.7.1. Unless otherwise specified, dimensional tolerances for all pressure vessels shall comply with the indications in
paragraphs UG-80 and 81 of ASME VIII Division 1 and with standard drawing PE-C-0100.02..

4.7.2. For vertical vessels, the levelling shall be such that any vertical deviation from any point on the vessel axis
does not exceed 1/200 of the height of said point.

4.7.3. For distillation towers with trays, the levelling shall be such that the slope of any plate does not exceed the
value obtained on applying the diagram in Figure 1, which is attached to this Specification.

4.7.4. Horizontal vessels shall not be sloped, unless required in the Data sheet or Engineering drawing.

4.7.5. Exchangers and other equipment that has to be mounted in stacked piles in the plant shall be mounted before
in the same way in the Manufacturer’s workshop to check the position and alignment of supports and
connecting flanges.

4.7.6. Fabrication tolerances for heat exchangers shall be within the limits set by the TEMA Standard, the code ASME
VIII Division 1 and REPSOL YPF specification ED-E-01.00 for different exchanger parts and fabrication jobs,
and shall allow any identical parts to be nominally interchangeable.

4.8. Internal Vessel Surface Finish

4.8.1. Unless otherwise specified, internal vessel surface finish shall be in accordance with the F-0 type described in
Specification ED-B-02.00.

Any other type of finish specified shall be included in the type described in Specification ED-B-02.00..

4.9. Quality Requirements, Inspections and Testing

4.9.1. All pressure vessels shall be inspected in accordance with the design and manufacture code used and the
Specification ED-B-02.00 shall fully apply.

4.9.2. The manufacturer shall draw up a Quality Control and/or Inspection Points Program contemplating all activities
to be supervised by their Quality Control and/or third parties, as well as by REPSOL YPF or their
Representative, and which shall be those required by the code and the specification ED-B-02.00.


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This Program shall be subject to the prior approval of REPSOL YPF or their Representative.

4.10. Repairs

4.10.1.Prior to carrying out any repairs, a procedure including the following points shall be subject to the prior
approval of REPSOL YPF or their Representative:

a) Elimination of the defect (execution, method, etc.)

b) Confirmation of defect elimination by non destructive methods (X rays, ultrasound, magnetic tests and
penetrant liquids).
c) Welds and materials repairs using homologated welding procedures.
d) Postweld heat treatment (if the original welding requires it)
e) Non destructive final examination to be carried out, which shall at least include: radiographic and magnetic
particles or penetrant liquids.


5.1. Scope

The section applies to the design and fabrication of pressure vessels not subjected to fire, and which need to
be totally or partly assembled in the place of installation.

5.2. Particular Design and Fabrication Conditions

5.2.1. Lifting lugs shall be provided on every part to facilitate its assembly in the field. The number and position of
these shall be subject to the prior approval of REPSOL YPF or their Representative.

Unless otherwise specified, lifting lugs shall be removable after use.

5.2.2. The number of parts to be built or assembled in the place of installation should be kept to a minimum, being
limited to components that, due to their size or weight, are impossible to transport and that have to be built at
the Manufacturer’s workshop.

5.2.3. All nozzles for the process, instrumentation, access and inspection and other components that have to be
installed in the vessel shall be built in the Manufacturer’s workshop and sent to the place of installation to be

5.2.4. All openings for nozzles situated 150 mm or less from any shell or head weld shall be cut at the workshop.

5.2.5. All internal or external accessories that have to be welded on the vessel shell in field shall be curved and fitted
in the Manufacturer’s workshop for checking.

Once the REPSOL YPF inspector has inspected and checked them, they shall be disassembled and marked to
facilitate their fitting and sent to the place of installation.

5.2.6. All curved parts shall be marked to facilitate their fitting at the field and suitably prepared for delivery.

5.2.7. Parts with surfaces that have to be machined at the field should also be protected against knocks and weather
conditions to be encountered during their transport.

5.3. Particular Welding, Inspection and Test Conditions

5.3.1. The Manufacturer shall submit a procedure to be approved by REPSOL YPF that specifies all details regarding
preweld and postweld heat treatment that may affect welding carried out at the place of installation. This
procedure shall not only refer to temperatures, methods used etc, but it shall also specify the actions that
should be carried out to prevent deformations, stresses superimposed during treatment, the way to avoid loads
and stresses at treatment temperature, stiffening of parts if required, etc.

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5.3.2. The edges of metal plate forming the vessel’s shell and heads, which shall have to be welded at the place of
installation, shall be sent with machined bevels and, in order to protect them form any damage, 3 mm thick
metal rims shall be spot welded on edges rolled plates, projecting out a sufficient amount to ensure their
complete protection.

5.3.3. The obligations of both REPSOL YPF and the Manufacturer with regards to construction at the place of
installation shall conform to the indications in the following documents:

a) EC-B50
b) Other additional condditions issued for the project the vessel forms a part of.

5.3.4. When gas fire heating installations are necessary for outside heat treatment, these installations should be
legalised on Official Corporation by the actual equipment Manufacturer.

5.3.5. The equipment Manufacturer shall submit a “Hydrostatics test procedure” to be approved by REPSOL YPF,

a) Test fluid
b) Test sequence
c) Safety measures
d) Test Authentication


6.1. Scope

6.1.1. Equipment shall be considered as working in cyclical service when it is specified as such in its Data Sheet or
when ASME Code VIII Div 2 requires fatigue analysis according to paragraph AD- 160

6.2. Particular Design and Manufacturing Conditions

6.2.1. The calculating code for these conditions shall be ASME Sec VIII Div 2.

6.2.2. All nozzles shall be self-reinforced, and welded joints to the shell should be 100% radiographed.

6.2.3. Conical sections should have transition sections with knuckle radius in accordance with point 2.8.2 of this

6.2.4. The butt welds on vessels subjected to cyclical loads should have full penetration and be externally and
internally machine ground until same plane of the base material. Angled welds should be rounded off in
accordance with Figure AD 560-1 in ASME VIII, Div 2.

6.2.5. Welding joints should be 100% ultrasonically inspected, the inspection taking place after heat treatment, should
the latter be necessary.

6.2.6. Cyclical temperature service vessels, such as coke chamber vessels, should be designed to minimise stress at
skirt-shell joints.

6.2.7. The critical crack size admissible by fracture mechanics in operating conditions for “as built” equipment should
be determined, as well as in simulated welding repairs, with and without heat treatment.


7.1.1. The nameplate, engraved with the aforementioned information in REPSOL YPF standard plan PE-C-0100.01,
shall be fitted on a 6 mm support built of metal plate welded to the vessel in an easily visible place in its final

7.1.2. For heat exchanger and aircooler nameplate definitions, see the Specification corresponding to this equipment.


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8.1. Painting

8.1.1. Painting shall be performed in compliance with the requirements of the construction specification EC-B57.

8.1.2. Painting shall in any case only take place after having carried out all tests leading to the acceptance of the

8.2. Marking

8.2.1. Vessel and vessel sections should be clearly identified with the purchase order and vessel numbers in an
easily located place on the heads, shells or supports.

8.2.2. Apparatus that has received heat treatment after welding or that is internally lined with organic material should
be identified with the following legend:

The letters should be approximately 75 mm (3 inches) high and painted in prominent colours.
This sign shall be placed on the two opposing sides on vertical vessels, near the tangential line and repeated at
every height interval of approximately 3 m (10 feet), but rotated 90 degrees.
This sign shall be placed on both sides on horizontal vessels, near the horizontal line.

8.2.3. North and East directions on all vertical vessels should be marked at approximately 6” under the upper tangent.
The marks should be surrounded by a circle painted in a prominent colour.

8.3. Preparation for Shipping

8.3.1. The indications in the general transport Specification ED-B-01.00 should be complied with.


9.1. Design Documents

9.1.1. In the bid stage, the documents stated in the Request for Quotation.

9.1.2. In the purchase order stage: the vessel Manufacturer should supply REPSOL YPF, or their Representative,
with the following documents for comments and/or their approval:

a) Assembly plan, which should at least indicate the following:

• Service fluids
• Notes on special services, where applicable.
• Partial H2 ,pressure, where applicable.
• Design and construction codes.
• Design and operating pressure and temperature
• Minimum metal design temperature.
• Basic Design Data for earthquake and wind loading, and applicable standards and codes
• Materials specification.
• Corrosion allowance.
• Vessel part welding details , with their WPS number.
• P.W.H.T, if required.
• Non destructive tests.


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• Initial and periodic test pressure.

• Minimum pressure test temperature.
• Vacuum it is capable of resisting.
b) Detailed drawing
c) Reviewed Data sheets, where applicable
d) Calculations
e) Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS)
f) Welding map
g) Procedure Qualification Record (PQR/WPAR)
h) Non destructive test applicable specifications
i) Quality plan and/or inspection points programme
j) List of subcontractors and sub-suppliers

9.2. Fabrication Documents

9.2.1. On delivery of the vessel the Manufacturer should supply REPSOL YPF with the following minimum

a) Design Manual, which should at least include the following:

• Designer identification.
• Basic process information necessary for design.
• Design code and/or calculating system.
• Justifying calculations.
• Complementary technical specifications not included in the code used.
• Basic drawings, indicating the materials to be used and items forming an integral part of the pressure
equipment that may affect its safe functioning.
• Hydrostatic test specification.
b) Construction Manual, which should include:
• Manufacturer’s entry number in the appropiate official Register.
• Engineering company name and address.
• Construction drawings complementing those outlined in the Design Manual.
• Forming, welding, heat treatment and inspection procedures.
• Layout of areas subjected to inspection of non destructive tests and results.
c) Quality dossier, which shall include:
• Manufacturing certificate.
• List of authorised modifications and concessions.
• Non conformity report.
• Materials Certificates and test reports for same materials.
• Procedure qualification record.
• Welding operators qualification.
• Quality plan/inspection points.
• Repairs report.


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• Heat treatment reports.

• Inspection and test certificates.
• Hydraulic test certificate.
• As built drawing with dimensions and tolerances certificate.
• Nameplate.
• List of equipment and materials subjected to third party regulations or certificates.
• Third party documents of regulatory approval or certificates.
d) Any other information that may be requested by Official Corporations for vessel authentication at the field.

9.3. Documents Approval

9.3.1. The approval of Manufacturer documents by REPSOL YPF or the delegated Representative shall not exempt
the Manufacturer from their responsibility with respect to mechanical design, manufacture and testing of


In every applicable case, the requirements and/or recommendations of the documents mentioned in this section
must be complied with. When purchase contract conditions do not specify their edition date, the latest issue at
the date of the purchase order must necessarily be applied.

10.1. REPSOL YPF specifications

• ED-A-02.00-I Piping and Instrument Diagrams for Process and Service in Units and Off-site.
• ED-A-03.00-I General unit and equipment Layout
• ED-B-01.00-I Preparation of equipment and materials for shipment.
• ED-B-02.00-I Quality assurance and control for static and dynamic equipment.
• ED-B-04.00-I Materials requirements and limitations for special services.
• ED-B-05.00-I General requirements for welding.
• ED-B-06.00 Painting scheme selection (until this specification be available, EC-B-57 specification
“Anticorrosion protection in industrial environments” shall be applicable).
• ED-E-01.00-I Shell and tube heat exchangers.
• ED-E-02.00 Surface condensers.
• ED-E-03.00 Plate heat exchangers.
• ED-E-04.00-I Air cooled heat exchangers.
• ED-J-18.00-I Pressure relief valves and rupture disks
• ED- L-01.00-I Piping design for process and service units and auxiliary facilities
• ED-M-02.00 and their addendas Design loads in structures.
• ED-N-02.00 Passive fire protection of structures, equipment items and cable trays
• EC-B-50 Mechanical assembly for static equipment.
• EC-B-57 Anticorrosive protection in industrial environment

10.2. Codes and standards


CODE. In addition to those listed below, the codes and standards indicated by the contractual conditions of the
purchase order for the equipment, are also applicable.

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• Section I Rules for Construction Power Boilers

• Section II Materials Specifications
Part A - Ferrous Materials
Part B - Nonferrous Materials
Part C - Welding Rods, Electrodes and Filler Metals
Part D - Properties
• Section V Nondestructive Examination
• Section VIII Div. 1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
• Section VIII Div. 2 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels. Alternative Rules
• Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications

the codes and standards indicated by the contractual conditions of the purchase order for the equipment, are
also applicable.
ASME/ANSI, B1.1, B2.1, B16.5, B16.20, B16.21, B18.2, B31.1, B31.3, B46.1, B16.47.

ASTM - AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS. Are applicable, the ones indicated by the
contractual conditions of the purchase order for the equipment.


10.3. REPSOL YPF Standards

• PE-C-0100.01 Pressure vessels nameplates

• PE-C-0100.02 Fabrication tolerances
• PE-C-0100.03 Skirt for vertical vessels
• PE-C-0100.04 Saddles to support horizontal vesseles
• PE-C-0100.05 Legs to support vertical vessels
• PE-C-0100.06 Manholes covers (with hinge pins)
• PE-C-0100.07 Pressure vessels davits
• PE-C-0100.08 Manholes covers (with davits)
• PE-C-0100.09 Internal ladders for columns and vessels
• PE-C-0100.10 Demisters
• PE-C-0100.11 Vortex breakers and mesh for Pressure vessels
• PE-C-0100.12 Flanges for internal pipes
• PE-C-0100.13 Nozzles 1½” and smaller for pressure vessels
• PE-C-0100.14 Insulation and fireproof supports
• PE-C-0100.15 Aging test coupons for equipment
• PE-C-0100.16 Welding and nozzles details for pressure vessels with internal metal alloys linings
• PE-L-0100.08 Flanges, gaskets and bolts requirements
• PE-N-0200.02 Fireproofing for skirts and equipment legs

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• PE-P-0100.02 Sheet 20/26 earth connection. Structures and equipments

• PE-Q-0100.01 Anchoring Bolts - dimensions
• PE-Q-0100.02 Anchoring Bolts - calculation data and notes

10.4. List of Addenda to this Specification.

• ED-C-01.01 "Addendum for equipment to be installed in the European Union”

• ED-C-01.02 "Addendum for vessels with thickness greater or equal to 50 mm”
• ED-C-01.03 ”Addendum for low temperature services”
• ED-C-01.04 ”Addendum for special services”
• ED-C-01.05 ”Addendum for Cr- Mo alloy steel vessels"
• ED-C-01.06 "Addendum for vessels with internal metal linings”

10.5. Data Sheets

• HD-B-0200.01 Inspection and tests data sheet

• HD-B-0200.02 Quality Materials data sheet
• HD-B-0500.01 Weld plan
• HD-B-0500.02 (WPS) Welding Procedure Specification
• HD-B-0500.03 (PQR/WPAR) Welding Procedure Qualification
• HD-B-0700.01 Spare parts and interchangeability data

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10.6. Figures

Figure 1.......... Inclination of column trays

10.7. Tables

Table 1........... Minimum corrosion allowance

Table 2........... Minimum thickness of shells and heads
Table 3........... Flanged nozzle neck thickness
Table 3A for 150 rating
Table 3B for 300 rating
Table 3C for 400 rating
Table 3D for 600 rating
Table 3E for 900 rating
Table 4........... Loading combinations for pressure vessels design
Table 5........... Vent, ventilation, drain and steam out nozzles

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h (mm)

0 D (mts)
0 1 2 3 4

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Vessel material Notes Minimum corrosion allowance (mm.)

Carbon steels (1) 3

Low alloy steels (2) 3
Medium alloy steels (3) 1,5
High alloy steel (4) and (5) 1,5
Non-ferrous materials (5) 0,5
Vessels with inner linings (6) 0


(1) Includes any type of carbon steel, even carbon-manganese alloy steels and microalloy carbon steels.

(2) Includes ½% Cr - ½% Mo; 1% Cr - ½% Mo; 1 ¼% Cr - ½% Mo and 2 ¼% Cr - 1% Mo alloy steels.

(3) Includes 5% Cr - ½% Mo and 9% Cr - 1% Mo alloy steels.

(4) Includes alloy steels with more than 9% Cr, including all types of stainless steel.

(5) When the material has been selected due to fluid contamination considerations, the overthickness
corrosion allowances will be 0 mm.

(6) Refers to metallic and non-metallic linings resistant to the corrosive medium in operating conditions,
and provided that they totally prevent the corrosive medium’s contact with the resistant material they

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Outside vessel diameter, D (mm.)

Minimum thickness
t (mm.) between between between between
Note (1) < 1000 1000 and 1500 and 2000 and 2500 and > 3000
1500 2000 2500 3000
Resistance. Note (2) 3 4 5 6 7 Minimum of
Total (Resistance + 0.00267D
corrosion allowance) 5 6 7 8 10 Minimum of
Note (3) 10

(1) Minimum thickness for the shell and heads on any vessel shall be the largest value between:

- Resistance level indicated on the table + the corrosion allowance set for each vessel
- The total thickness level on the table.

(2) Minimum resistant thickness shall be taken as being the thickness after discounting the admissible
manufacturing and forming tolerances, and corrosion allowance.

(3) Minimum total thickness shall be taken as being the final thickness once the vessel has been

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This Table is composed of the following:

• Table 3A: for 150 rating
• Table 3B: for 300 rating
• Table 3C: for 400 rating
• Table 3D: for 600 rating
• Table 3E: for 900 rating

NOTES: (Common to the five Tables)

a) Nozzle necks of 12" and less shall be made of seamless tube.

b) Nozzle necks of 14" and more may be made of plate metal but welded on both sides (inside and outside)
c) The indicate thickness has a tolerance of + 12,5% for those fabricated of piping and one of + 0,25 mm. for
those fabricated of plate metal, except when they are underlined, in which case the lesser tolerance level is not
admissible due to the fact that it is the minimum calculated level.
d) All dimensions are given in mm., except where indicated otherwise.
e) Symbols have the following meanings:
DN : Nominal diameter
De : outside diameter
D.i : inside diameter
Sch : Schedule according to ASME
t : neck thickness

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Corrosion allowance
c=0 c = 1.5 c=3 c=6
DN De Sch Di t Sch Di t Sch Di. t Sch Di t

1" 33,4 40 26,6 3,4 160 20,6 6,4 XXS 15,2 9,1 - - -
1½" 48,3 40 40,9 3,7 160 33,9 7,2 XXS 27,9 10,2 XXS 27,9 10,2
2" 60,3 40 52,5 3,9 160 42,9 8,7 160 42,9 8,7 XXS 38,1 11,1
2½" 73,0 40 62,6 5,2 160 54,0 9,5 160 54,0 9,5 XXS 45,0 14,0
3" 88,9 40 77,9 5,5 160 66,7 11,1 160 66,7 11,1 XXS 58,5 15,2
4" 114,3 40 102,3 6,0 80 97,1 8,6 120 92,1 11,1 160 87,3 13,5
6" 168,3 40 154,1 7,1 80 146,3 11,0 80 146,3 11,0 160 131,7 18,3
8" 219,1 40 202,7 8,2 60 198,5 10,3 80 193,7 12,7 120 182,5 18,3
10" 273,1 40 254,5 9,3 60 247,7 12,7 80 242,9 15,1 100 236,5 18,3
12" 323,9 Std 304,7 9,6 XS 298,5 12,7 60 295,3 14,3 80 288,9 17,5
14" 355,6 R 329,6 13,0 R 329,6 13,0 R 329,6 13,0 R 323,6 16,0
16" 406,4 R 380,4 13,0 R 380,4 13,0 R 380,4 13,0 R 374,4 16,0
18" 457,2 R 431,2 13,0 R 431,2 13,0 R 431,2 13,0 R 425,2 16,0
20" 508,0 R 482,0 13,0 R 482,0 13,0 R 482,0 13,0 R 476,0 16,0
24" 609,6 R 583,6 13,0 R 583,6 13,0 R 583,6 13,0 R 577,6 16,0



Corrosion allowance
C=0 C = 1.5 C=3 C=6
DN De Sch Di t Sch Di t Sch Di t Sch Di t

1" 33,4 40 26,6 3,4 160 20,6 6,4 XXS 15,2 9,1 - - -
1½" 48,3 40 40,9 3,7 160 33,9 7,2 XXS 27,9 10,2 XXS 27,0 10,2
2" 60,3 40 52,5 3,9 160 42,9 8,7 160 42,9 8,7 XXS 38,1 11,1
2½" 73,0 40 62,6 5,2 160 54,0 9,5 160 54,0 9,5 XXS 45,0 14,0
3" 88,9 40 77,9 5,5 160 66,7 11,1 160 66,7 11,1 XXS 58,5 15,2
4" 114,3 40 102,3 6,0 80 97,1 8,6 120 92,1 11,1 160 87,3 13,5
6" 168,3 40 154,1 7,1 80 146,3 11,0 80 146,3 11,0 160 131,7 18,3
8" 219,1 40 202,7 8,2 60 198,5 10,3 80 193,7 12,7 120 182,5 18,3
10" 273,1 40 254,5 9,3 60 247,7 12,7 80 242,9 15,1 100 236,5 18,3
12" 323,9 XS 298,5 12,7 XS 298,5 12,7 80 288,9 17,5 100 281,1 21,4
14" 355,6 R 329,6 13,0 R 329,6 13,0 R 325,6 15,0 R 319,6 18,0
16" 406,4 R 380,4 13,0 R 380,4 13,0 R 376,4 15,0 R 370,4 18,0
18" 457,2 R 427,2 15,0 R 427,2 15,0 R 421,2 18,0 R 413,2 22,0
20" 508,0 R 478,0 15,0 R 478,0 15,0 R 472,0 18,0 R 464,0 22,0
24" 609,6 R 573,6 18,0 R 573,6 18,0 R 565,6 22,0 R 559,6 25,0

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Corrosion allowance
C=0 C = 1.5 C=3 C=6
DN De Sch Di t Sch Di t Sch Di t Sch Di t

1" 33,4 40 26,6 3,4 160 20,6 6,4 XXS 15,2 9,1 - - -
1½" 48,3 40 40,9 3,7 160 33,9 7,2 XXS 27,9 10,2 XXS 27,9 10,2
2" 60,3 40 52,5 3,9 160 42,9 8,7 160 42,9 8,7 XXS 38,1 11,1
2½" 73,0 40 62,6 5,2 160 54,0 9,5 160 54,0 9,5 XXS 45,0 14,0
3" 88,9 40 77,9 5,5 160 66,7 11,1 160 66,7 11,1 XXS 58,5 15,2
4" 114,3 40 102,3 6,0 80 97,1 8,6 120 92,1 11,1 160 87,3 13,5
6" 168,3 80 146,3 11,0 80 146,3 11,0 120 139,7 14,3 160 131,7 18,3
8" 219,1 60 198,5 10,3 80 193,7 12,7 100 188,9 15,1 120 182,5 18,3
10" 273,1 60 247,7 12,7 80 242,9 15,1 100 236,5 18,3 120 230,3 21,4
12" 323,9 80 288,9 17,5 80 288,9 17,5 100 281,1 21,4 120 273,1 25,4
14" 355,6 R 323,6 16,0 R 323,6 16,0 R 319,6 18,0 R 311,6 22,0
16" 406,4 R 374,4 16,0 R 374,4 16,0 R 370,4 18,0 R 362,4 22,0
18" 457,2 R 421,2 18,0 R 417,2 20,0 R 413,2 22,0 R 407,2 25,0
20" 508,0 R 468,0 20,0 R 468,0 20,0 R 464,0 22,0 R 458,0 25,0
24" 609,6 R 559,6 25,0 R 559,6 25,0 R 559,6 25,0 R 553,6 28,0



Corrosion allowance
C=0 C = 1.5 C=3 C=6
DN De Sch Di t Sch Di t Sch Di t Sch Di t

1" 33,4 40 26,6 3,4 160 20,6 6,4 XXS 15,2 9,1 - - -
1½" 48,3 40 40,9 3,7 160 33,9 7,2 XXS 27,9 10,2 XXS 27,9 10,2
2" 60,3 80 49,3 5,5 160 42,9 8,7 160 42,9 8,7 XXS 38,1 11,1
2½" 73,0 40 62,6 5,2 160 54,0 9,5 160 54,0 9,5 XXS 45,0 14,0
3" 88,9 80 73,7 7,6 160 66,7 11,1 160 66,7 11,1 XXS 58,5 15,2
4" 114,3 80 97,1 8,6 120 92,1 11,1 120 92,1 11,1 XXS 80,1 17,1
6" 168,3 120 139,7 14,3 120 139,7 14,3 160 131,7 18,3 XXS 124,3 22,0
8" 219,1 100 188,9 15,1 120 182,5 18,3 120 182,5 18,3 160 173,1 23,0
10" 273,1 100 236,5 18,3 120 230,3 21,4 120 230,3 21,4 140 222,3 25,4
12" 323,9 100 281,1 21,4 120 273,1 25,4 120 273,1 25,4 140 266,7 28,6
14" 355,6 R 311,6 22,0 R 311,6 22,0 R 307,6 24,0 R 301,6 27,0
16" 406,4 R 358,4 24,0 R 358,4 24,0 R 352,4 27,0 R 346,4 30,0
18" 457,2 R 403,2 27,0 R 403,2 27,0 R 397,2 30,0 R 391,2 33,0
20" 508,0 R 448,0 30,0 R 448,0 30,0 R 442,0 33,0 R 436,0 36,0
24" 609,6 R 537,6 36,0 R 537,6 36,0 R 533,6 38,0 R 529,6 40,0

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Corrosion allowance
C=0 C = 1.5 C=3 C=6

DN De Sch Di t Sch Di t Sch Di t Sch Di t

1" 33,4 40 26,6 3,4 160 20,6 6,4 XXS 15,2 9,1 - - -
1½" 48,3 80 38,1 5,1 160 33,9 7,2 XXS 27,9 10,2 - - -
2" 60,3 160 42,9 8,7 160 42,9 8,7 XXS 38,1 11,1 - - -
2½" 73,0 80 59,0 7,0 160 54,0 9,5 XXS 45,0 14,0 XXS 45,0 14,0
3" 88,9 160 66,7 11,1 160 66,7 11,1 XXS 58,5 15,2 XXS 58,5 15,2
4" 114,3 120 92,1 11,1 160 87,3 13,5 XXS 80,1 17,1 XXS 80,1 17,1
6" 168,3 160 131,7 18,3 160 131,7 18,3 XXS 124,3 22,0 XXS 124,3 22,0
8" 219,1 XXS 174,7 22,2 160 173,1 23,0 160 173,1 23,0 - - -
10" 273,1 160 215,9 28,6 160 215,9 28,6 160 215,9 28,6 - - -
12" 323,9 160 257,3 33,3 160 257,3 33,3 160 257,3 33,3 - - -
14" 355,6 R 295,6 30,0 R 295,6 30,0 R 287,6 34,0 R 283,6 36,0
16" 406,4 R 338,4 34,0 R 338,4 34,0 R 334,4 36,0 R 330,4 38,0
18" 457,2 R 381,2 38,0 R 381,2 38,0 R 377,2 40,0 R 373,2 42,0
20" 508,0 R 428,0 40,0 R 428,0 40,0 R 424,0 42,0 R 418,0 45,0
24" 609,6 R 513,6 48,0 R 513,6 48,0 R 509,6 50,0 R 505,6 52,0

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Document code: Design Specification:


Engineer Division Technical Department PRESSURE VESSELS DECEMBER 2006 Page 36 of 38





• Equipment dead-weight (EQ)

• Dead-weight of the internals permanently welded to the equipment
ERECTION (EE) • Dead-weight of platforms, ladders/stairs, etc, welded to the equipment
According to applicable
At ambient • Wind Load (W) or Earthquake Load (E) whichever results in the most codes and design
temperature and unfavourable stress condition. method
atmospheric • Snow Load (SL) depending on the season during which erection is
pressure carried out.
• All transient loading combinations or temporary loads due to
construction (CL) which may be originated from erection (hoisting, etc.)
• Equipment dead-weight (EQ)
• Dead-weight of fittings and internals previously installed on testing
EQUIPMENT • Dead-weight of platforms, walkways, ladders/stairs etc., plus their
TESTING (ET) corresponding operation live-load (L)
• Weight of testing liquid (usually water), considered as live load According to applicable
codes and design
At ambient • Dead-weight of piping without insulation (P), plus the testing liquid if part method
temperature and of the system to be tested together, considered as live-load.
testing pressure • 50% of the Wind (W) maximum load or the load due to a 16 m/s wind
speed, whichever is greater (Earthquake not to be considered).
• Snow Load (SL), depending on the season in which the testing will be
• Equipment dead-weight (EQ)
• Dead-weight of equipment insulation
• Dead-weight of all fittings and internals installed in the equipment
NORMAL • Dead-weight of platforms, walkways, ladders/stairs, etc., plus their
OPERATION corresponding operation live-load (L)
At design • Live-load of any solids and/or liquids that, normally, are contained in the According to applicable
temperature and equipment during its operation. codes and design
design pressure/ method
• Dead-load of piping plus insulation (P).
• Thermal Loads (T)
(considered as
normal condition) • Impact Loads (IL) (but not together with Earthquake load).
• Wind Load (WL) or Earthquake Load (E), whichever be the most
• Snow Load (SL)

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Document code: Design Specification:


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• Equipment dead-weight (EQ)

NOT NORMAL • Dead-weight of equipment insulation
• Dead-weight of all fittings and internals installed in the equipment
• Dead-weight of platforms, walkways, ladders/stairs, etc., plus their
At corresponding corresponding operation live load (L).
temperature and • Live load of the solids and/or liquids that are contained in the equipment
pressure during its operation.
• Dead-load of piping plus insulation (P) According to applicable
codes and design
(this combination • Thermal Loads (T) method
shall be considered
when a possible • Impact Loads (IL) (but not together with Earthquake load).
significant abnormal
• 1/3 of the Wind (W) maximum load or the load due to a 16 m/s wind
operation is
speed, whichever is greater (Earthquake not to be considered)
expected or in
operational • Snow Load (SL)
conditions) • Not Normal Operation Loads: Start up, machine shutdown due to
emergency failure, impact due to unexpected solid-fluid transition,
hydraulic ram surges, etc.
• Equipment dead-weight (EQ)
• Dead-weight of equipment insulation.
• Dead-weight of all fittings and internals installed in the equipment
MAINTENACE OR • Dead-weight of platforms, walkways, ladders/stairs, etc., plus their
SHUTDOWN corresponding maintenance live load (L)
• Dead load of piping plus insulation (P) According to applicable
codes and design
At design • Thermal Loads (T) method
temperature and
atmospheric • Impact Loads IL)
pressure • Maintenance Load (ML) (simultaneously distinct maintenance loads
shall be considered)
• 1/3 of the Wind (W) maximum load or the load due to wind speed of 16
m/s, whichever is greater (Earthquake not included)
• Snow Load (SL)

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Engineer Division Technical Department PRESSURE VESSELS DECEMBER 2006 Page 38 of 38


Vessel Diameter Drain, Vent and steam out Ventilation

(mm) Diameter (inches) Diameter (inches)

≤4500 2 4

4500 a 6000 3 6

≥6000 4 8

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