2 6 2 7 Independent

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February 6 + 7 

Independent Station Expectations 

You are to work ​silently​ and ​independently​ for the duration of the rotation. If you have a 
question, raise your hand so Ms. Chavez can assist you. ​Do not ask your neighbors​. 
If Ms. Chavez cannot promptly assist you, move on to another part of the assignment. 
Use this ​Google Timer​ to time yourself for each section.​ ​Make sure to turn the sound off. 
I will do ​2 spot checks​ during your work time to make sure you are actively working. I 
included a reminder for when these checks will occur in your directions. 

Part 1 - Vocabulary​ ​(5 min) 

1. Below the objective, write “​VOCABULARY​.” 
2. Glue the following table in below the vocabulary title. Either​ draw a sketch​ to 
represent the vocabulary words ​or​ write the definitions ​in your own words​ in the 
final column. 

Word  Definition  Drawing/Definition in 

your own words 

Cell cycle  the cycle of growth and reproduction of a cell,   

consisting of interphase followed in actively 
dividing cells by mitosis 

interphase  the resting phase between successive mitotic   

divisions of a cell, or between the first and second 
divisions of meiosis 

G​1​ phase  Gap 1: part of cell cycle, between mitosis and S   

phase, where the cell grows physically larger, 
copies organelles, and makes the molecular 
building blocks it will need in later steps 

S phase  Synthesis: the phase of the cell cycle when DNA   

packaged into chromosomes is replicated 

G​2​ phase  Gap 2: safety gap before cell division where a cell   

February 6 + 7 

can check to make sure its DNA and other 

intracellular components have been properly 
duplicated, also its final chance to grow 

mitosis  (M phase) a type of cell division that results in   

two daughter cells each having the same number 
and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus 
STAMP 1   

Part 2 - Reading ​(15 min) 

2. RIGHT SIDE​: Write “​CELL CYCLE READING​.” Glue in the cell cycle, it was taken 
from Khan Academy so you can go there to look at the embedded links if you would 
3. Read and annotate the text using the CATCH annotations Criteria For Success.  
4. Respond to the following reflection questions on the ​left side​ of your notebook. 
1. What are the two main phases of the cell cycle? What happens during each one? 
[Your response] 
Sentence Starters​: 
● One phase of the cell cycle is…  
● During this phase,... 
● In the other phase, _______________, the cell…  
2. What occurs during M phase (mitosis)? 
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 
● During M phase,...   
3. What is the G0​ ​ phase? What kinds of cells enter this stage? Is it permanent? 
[Your response] 
Sentence Starters​: 
● During the G​0​ phase the cell...  
● Cells that can enter this stage include… 
● G​0 [is/is
​ not/can be] a permanent stage…  

February 6 + 7 

STAMP 2   

Part 3 - Video​ ​(15 min) 

2. Go to ​Edpuzzle ​and watch the video “​The Cell Cycle (and cancer) [Updated]​.​” 
3. On the​ left side​, copy the following questions in blue ink and respond in black ink. 
1. How do multicellular organisms grow? 
[Your response] 
Sentence Starters​: 
● Multicellular organisms grow when…   
4. How are cancer cells different from our healthy cells? Name at least 3 
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 
● Cancer cells are different because they… 
● Also,...  
5. What are risk factors that may lead to the formation of cancer cells? 
[Your response] 
Sentence Starters​: 
● Risk factors that may lead to the formation of cancer cells include...  
6. Where do the three checkpoints occur? What are they each checking for? 
[Your response] 
Sentence Starters​: 
● Checkpoint one occurs during…and makes sure that... 
● The next checkpoint occurs in…and checks that… 
● The final checkpoint occurs during…and ensures that... 
5. What happens to cells that don’t pass the checkpoints because of errors that 
can’t be fixed? Why? 
[Your response] 

February 6 + 7 

Sentence Starters​: 
● Cells that can’t move past the checkpoints and can’t be repaired 
undergo ____________ because….   
6. What are two proteins involved in the positive regulation of the cell cycle? 
[Your response] 
Sentence Starters​: 
● Two proteins involved in positive regulation of the cell cycle are…  
STAMP 3   

Part 4 - Extra​ ​(Done Early) 

1. Study vocabulary. 
2. Study for quiz. 
3. Make sure classwork is complete. 

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