Hair and Beauty

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Hair and Beauty collagen, noun

cologne, noun
Afro, noun comb1, noun
aftershave, noun comb2, verb
anti-perspirant, noun compact2, noun
astringent1, adjective complected, adjective
astringent2, noun complexion, noun
atomizer, noun condition2, verb
auburn, adjective conditioner, noun
backcomb, verb cornrows, noun
bald, adjective cosmetic, adjective
balding, adjective cosmetic surgery, noun
balm, noun cosmetics, noun
bang1, noun cotton bud, noun
barber, noun cotton wool, noun
barbershop, noun cream1, noun
barrette, noun dental floss, noun
bath1, noun deodorant, noun
bathe1, verb depilatory, noun
beard1, noun dimple, noun
beautician, noun do2, verb
beautify, verb doll2, verb
beauty contest, noun double chin, noun
beauty mark, noun down3, noun
beauty parlor, noun downy, adjective
beauty queen, noun eau de cologne, noun
beauty salon, noun electrolysis, noun
bikini line, noun emery board, noun
blackhead, noun epidermis, noun
blond, adjective essential oil, noun
blonde1, adjective eye shadow, noun
blonde2, noun eyebrow pencil, noun
blow-dry, verb eyeliner, noun
blusher, noun face1, noun
bob1, verb face cream, noun
bob2, noun face pack, noun
bobby pin, noun face powder, noun
body, noun facelift, noun
body spray, noun facial2, noun
brilliantine, noun facial scrub, noun
Brylcreem, noun false teeth, noun
bubble bath, noun fix1, verb
bun, noun flannel1, noun
bunch1, noun flattop, noun
buzzcut, noun flyaway, adjective
cleanser, noun foam1, noun
clipper, noun foundation, noun
close2, adjective fragrance, noun
coiffure, noun fringe1, noun
cold cream, noun gel1, noun
grey1, adjective moisturizer, noun
grey3, verb mousse, noun
grip1, noun moustache, noun
hair slide, noun moustachioed, adjective
hairbrush, noun mousy, adjective
haircut, noun mouthwash, noun
hairdo, noun mudbath, noun
hairdresser, noun mudpack, noun
hairdryer, noun musk, noun
hairgrip, noun mustachioed, adjective
hairline, noun mutton chop whiskers, noun
hairnet, noun myrrh, noun
hairpiece, noun nail file, noun
hairpin, noun nail polish, noun
hairspray, noun nail scissors, noun
hairstyle, noun nailbrush, noun
headed, adjective nit, noun
health farm, noun nose job, noun
henna, noun oil1, noun
highlight1, verb ointment, noun
highlight2, noun olive, noun
hirsute, adjective pageboy, noun
hourglass, noun paint2, verb
hydrogen peroxide, noun part1, noun
kinky, adjective part2, verb
knot1, noun parting1, noun
kohl, noun pate, noun
lacquer1, noun peach1, noun
lacquer2, verb pedicure, noun
lank, adjective perfume1, noun
lanolin, noun perfume2, verb
lather2, verb perfumery, noun
layer2, verb perm1, noun
liner, noun perm2, verb
lip gloss, noun permanent2, noun
liposuction, noun permanent wave, noun
lipstick, noun peroxide, noun
lock2, noun pigtail, noun
loofah, noun plait2, noun
lotion, noun pomade, noun
lowlights, noun ponytail, noun
made-up, adjective powder2, verb
make1, verb powder puff, noun
make-up, noun preen, verb
manicure, noun preparation, noun
manicured, adjective primp, verb
mascara, noun pumice, noun
medicated, adjective quiff, noun
milky, adjective raven2, adjective
moisturize, verb razor, noun
razor wire, noun tease1, verb
recede, verb tester, noun
red1, adjective toilet bag, noun
redhead, noun toilet water, noun
rhinoplasty, noun toiletries, noun
roll-on, noun tone2, verb
rosewater, noun toner, noun
rouge, noun tooth, noun
sandalwood, noun tooth powder, noun
scent1, noun toothbrush, noun
shampoo1, noun toothpaste, noun
shampoo2, verb toothpick, noun
shave1, verb tweezers, noun
shave2, noun vanity case, noun
shaven, adjective Vaseline, noun
shaver, noun war paint, noun
shaving brush, noun wash2, noun
shaving cream, noun wave1, noun
short back and sides, noun wave2, verb
shower cap, noun wavy, adjective
shower gel, noun wax2, verb
sideboard, noun wear1, verb
sideburns, noun wetting solution, noun
skincare, noun whisker, noun
slide2, noun wig, noun
soak1, verb wrinkle1, noun
soak2, noun
soap2, verb
spa, noun
spiky, adjective
split ends, noun
spray2, noun
stringy, adjective
strop, noun
stylist, noun
sun cream, noun
sun-worshipper, noun
sunbed, noun
sunblock, noun
sunburn, noun
sunglasses, noun
sunlamp, noun
sunscreen, noun
sunshade, noun
suntan, noun
suntan lotion, noun
swarthy, adjective
swept-back, adjective
talc, noun
talcum powder, noun

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