Adults FC Exam 3rd Term

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1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words.

-The doctor said I should give up smoking. ADVISED

-The doctor …..............................................................................smoking.
-You won't lose weight unless you stop eating junk food. IF
-You won't lose weight …....................................................................eating junk food.
-Parents who have overweighted children should be given special help. WHOSE
-Parents....................................................................................should be given special help.
-”Why don't we go for a jog?” Mike said. SUGGESTED
-Mike …..............................................................................................for a jog.
-I expect people ate more vegetables in the past. MUST
-People … the past.
-”I'll give you a check-up next week”,said Amy's doctor. TOLD
-The doctor …..............................................................give her a check-up the following week.
-Ella was so tired she couldn't study properly. TOO
-Ella … properly.
-Children's diets are not as healthy as they used to be. MORE
-Children's diets are ….......................................................................they used to be.

2. Complete the newspaper article below by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct
form of the passive.

-A dance festival has been held (hold) in our town every summer since 2000. It …............................
(organise) every year by three local schools and each child …........................................(give) the
opportunity to take part in a performance, competition or street parade.
This year's festival will take place on 15 July and will be bigger than ever because 3000 €
…...................................(raise) for the prizes and there's more to come, we hope. Last year, 15
prizes of 100 € ….......................................(award) but this year there will be at least 30 prizes. At
last summer's festival, a local boy, Marcus Aston, ….....................................(choose) to go into a
national competition. It …..................................(hope) that other children …................................
(offer) that chance this year.
At the end of the day, there will be a special performance by the City Schools Dance Troupe which
…......................................(form) in 2002 and has won many prizes. They can also …........................
(see) later in the summer at the Victoria Hall and the Thames Festival.
Plans ….........................................(already make) for next year's festival so if you would like to
help, please get in touch via the website. If you would like your name ….........................................
(add) to the mailing list, you can also do that on the website.

3. Rewrite the newspaper headlines as sentences, using the verb in brackets. You will need to
add some extra words.
The Prime Minister is expected to resign tomorrow.


It …........................................................................................................................................
It .............................................................................................................................................
Federer ....................................................................................................................................
This summer …..................................................................................................................................
It .........................................................................................................................................................
4. Add suffixes to these words to make personal nouns.

electric politics fish

photograph music post
account biology report
science guitar manage
cycle police design

5. Complete with one if these linking words: even if, even though, whether, if, in case, when. mobile phone was only a few months old, the company wanted to give me
a new one.
-You should always back up your work ….................................... the computer crashes. had their phone number, it's till too late to call them.
-.....................................I had the choice, I'd buy a huge plasma screen TV.
-I'm not sure …'s worth investing in a new laptop, or not.
-The company recommends taking out insurance when you buy your MP3 player
… gets damaged.
-They say that ….............................the spare parts come in, they'll call you straight away. are worried about your children's safety on the internet, then this
software will be of interest to you.
-I'm such a technophobe! I never understand instruction manuals for machines …........................
they are very simple.
-...........................................I explained how to set the timer several times, she still can't do it by

6. Complete the text. Use the word given at the end of some of the lines to form a word that
fits in the gap.

Today, technology aids us in doing even the …...............................of domestic SIMPLE

chores but until the middle of the twentieth century most women's lives were
dominated by backbreaking tasks requiring not only a …............................... CONSIDER
amount of time but also a lot of ….............................................. . Before the STRONG
…..................................of the electric washing machine, women spent a full INVENT
day or more every week doing the …......................................laundry. That is WEEK
something which many women today would find …................................... to POSSIBLE
The electric washing machine was of course a great ….................................... TECHNOLOGY
success. It was in fact a …................................. triumph which made a DRAMA
huge difference to women's lives. It represents one of the twentieth century's
greatest ….................................advances though it rarely receives recognition SCIENCE
for this. No one who had the …....................................would ever give up their CHOOSE
washing machine and do laundry the …....................................way. FASHION

7. Rewrite these sentences as type 2 or 3 conditional sentences.

Ex: He's tired because he works all the time.
If he didn't work all the time, he wouldn't be tired.

-Sue was ill, so she didn't go to the party.

-I don't often go to the theatre because there isn't one in my town.
-Jeff couldn't play football because he'd broken his leg.
-My mother never goes swimming because she's afraid of water.
-I'd like to buy a yacht but I haven't got 100,000 € to spare.
-It didn't snow, so we couldn't go skiing.
-I can't send her a postcard because I don't know her address.
-He walked into the road sign because he wasn't looking where he was going.

8. Read the text below and complete it with the word which best fits each space. Use only one

Mini televisions
-Scott Newman wouldn't be without his pocket-size TV, …........................... he mainly watches in
bed. “I only watch programmes which last about …......................... hour, as any longer strains my
eyes. I use the TV for the general entertainment, though it is also really good for keeping
…......................................... with current affairs. The main problem with the set is that it's not loud
…......................., even when you use headphones. The reception is all right …..................... long as
nothing moves in front of the aerial”. Scott admits that he is a bit of a gadget man, but doesn't regret
buying the set since he uses …........................ nearly every year.
-Retired engineer Paul Hardcastle …....................owned a pocket TV for a number …..…...............
years. “I use it mostly in the bathroom. I wanted to use it outdoors, …....................................... the
trouble is that in bright light you …......................... see the picture. I use rechargeable batteries as
ordinary ones would cost such a lot. Paul believes that this sort of TV could be improved …............
the screen was slightly bigger and it didn't use up batteries …........................... quickly: he can only
get half an hour's viewing ….........................the batteries run out.

9.Complete the sentences with the correct form of have something done and one of his verbs.
Clean, check, cut, cut down, decorate, deliver, repair, take out, test, design.

-The new television is too heavy for me to carry, so I … …........................... this
-Next week, my parents …............................their bedroom.............................. They've already
chosen the paint.
-My camera broke while we were on holiday, so, as soon as we got home, I took it back
…......................... it …...................... .
-I spilt coffee all over my best suit, so I …............................. it..................................tomorrow.
-A tall tree in the garden was making our house very dark, so we …
…....................................... last week.
-One of my back teeth was very painful, so I went to the dentist's and …........................... it
….............................. .
-My hair's very long, so I ….............................. it ….......................... this afternoon.
-I think I might need new glasses, so I …............................ my eyes..............................tomorrow.
-Do you like our new house? We … … a well-known
-She's been feeling very tired recently, so she went to the doctor's to ….......................... her blood
pressure …................................. .

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