Jamie Owens Slideshow

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Jamie Owens

A Slideshow
My Family and Me
This picture to the left is of my
mom and I. It was taken after I
won The Most Outstanding
Female Student Award at
Kennedy Middle School.

This picture to the right is

of my sister, Shelby and I.
This too was taken after I
won the award for

I’m close with my aunt and

cousins too. Although, I don't
have any pictures of us
together. I also don’t have any
photos with dad. We don’t take
my pictures as a family.
My Friends and I (Part 1)
In the pictures to the left is
of me and a couple of my
friends at Farewell last year.
I’m not that close with many
of them anymore. The girl
with the peace sign fingers is
Monica. The girl in the
bottom right hand corner is
Alyssa. The girl next to her in
a black dress is Gracie. The
girl next to her and above
Alyssa is Faith.

In the picture to the right is of my friend, Madison and I. We’ve been

friends since the 1st grade and still hang out together. We don’t look very
happy in the picture because neither of us enjoy dances too much.
My friends and I (Part 2)
In this picture to the left is my
best friend, Spencer and I. This
too was taken at Farewell. Even
though she’s my best friend, we
don't have many photos together.
I don't like taking pictures.
Anyway, we hang out alot and
she’s always been there for me.
We love to watch movies

In this picture to the right is my

friends and I at Faith’s birthday
party. In the photo is Aly, Monica,
Lindsey , Faith and one of Faith’s
friends that I don't know the name
In the photo to the left is me and my
friends Mariah and Presley. (Presley is
on the ground). It was taken at the end
of 7th grade, that’s why I look so
different. I didn't even have my glasses

In the photo the right is Shelby and I.

Out of everybody, most of my photos
are with my sister. She takes pictures all
the time, and has me be in them. We
take a lot of pictures in the car, as you
can tell from the first slide.

When I attended Kennedy Middle School,

I was in the Drama Club’s production of
Sally Cotter and the Censored Stone.
Obviously, it was a parody of Harry Potter.
I had the lead role of Sally Cotter. In the
photo to the left is Aly and me. Aly had the
role of The Censor. It was my first time
being the lead in a play. I had a lot of fun
and I plan on being involved in other
drama productions in the future.
Mrs. Glombowski and I
In this photo is Mrs. Glombowski and I. Mrs. Glombowski is the social
worker at Kennedy. She is easily one of the sweetest people you will
ever meet and I miss her so much. I was lucky enough to have met her in
6th grade and have her there for me all 3 years. We took this photo at
Farewell, as many of my photos are. After meeting Mrs. Glombowski
and getting to know her, the idea of being a counselor interested me. My
plan was to always be a director, and it still is. Although, if I was to pick a
different job I would be a counselor like Mrs. Glombowski.
Newton (My dog)
This is my lovely dog Newton. He’s a Brittany Spaniel. We’ve had him for
10 years. He used to be really crazy and loud. Though, now that he’s
gotten older, he’s quiet and lazy. Either way, he’s an amazing dog. I’d have
more photos if every time I took a picture he didn't move away. I was lucky
enough to get this one.
These are photos of me! Just me
and only me. Besides the photos
of me and my sister, most of my
photos are of just me. Unless you
include random screenshots on
my phone. In the photo to the left,
i’m wearing my Led Zeppelin shirt.
Led Zeppelin is one of my favorite
bands. I really love that shirt
because it’s tie dye, and I love to
tie dye.
Whenever I take pictures, I try to
look crazy. Don’t ask why. I just
always go to looking crazy instead
of looking normal. I took this
picture after watching an episode
of SNL when Bill Hader hosted. I
was super happy because I LOVE
BILL HADER. More about him
later because he’s an idol of mine.
John Mulaney: An idol of mine
This is John Mulaney. I
included John Mulaney in my
slideshow because John
Mulaney is an idol of mine. He
is a comedian and SNL writer
alumni. John used to write the
Stefon sketches with Bill
Hader. Anyway, the photo to
the left is of a drawing I made
of John from a stand up
special of his. I don’t ever plan
on becoming a comedian in
the future. Though, John is an
award winning comedy writer.
His work is spectacular and I
can only hope to be even close
to his level of work when I
grow up.
Bill Hader :
An inspiration
This is Bill Hader! Bill Hader is my
inspiration. He is an actor, writer,
director and producer. I look up
to him because he grew up in a
small town in Oklahoma and
watched movies all the time. He
wanted to be a director like I do.
Bill achieved his goal. He moved
out to New York, got a job at SNL,
and later created a show called
Barry. Bill has won Emmys for his
work on Barry as you can tell in
the second photo. We are so
much alike, and he’s such an
amazing and humble person. I
look up to him and I hope to be
like him in the future. The first
photo is of a drawing I did of Bill.
It’s one of my favorite drawings.
Drawings of mine (Part 1)

During the month of October, I did a

31 day drawing thing on Snapchat.
Everyday I would draw a horror movie
character. These are my two favorites.
The one to the left is Pennywise from
the 1990’s IT Miniseries. The one to
the right is Freddy Krueger from The
Nightmare on Elm Street. I really like
horror movies and I love to draw.
Being able to mix the two was a lot of
Drawings of mine (Part 2)

These are some other drawings of

mine. I have a lot of drawings of
celebrities as you can tell from the
other two slides in this slideshow.
The one to the left is of Mandy
Moore. The one to the right is of
Jack Dylan Grazer. Both of them
are favorite celebrities of mine. I
hope to draw more photos of
celebrities I like later on.

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