Starkville Dispatch Eedition 2-6-20

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Thursday | February 6, 2020

Supes shell
Putting away the paddle? out $41K
Legislators say parental input critical in school discipline for additional
as House bill seeks to ban corporal punishment firefighter
‘It’s effective with some kids
and it’s not with some kids,
but there’s a huge liability Debate centers on
protocol for firefighters
involved with it’
Lowndes County School District requesting equipment
Superintendent Sam Allison

A bill making its way through COLUMBUS —

the Mississippi House of Represen- Lowndes County
tatives potentially banning corpo- Volunteer Fire Ser-
ral punishment — which tradition- vices will receive 12
ally has entailed paddling children additional radios and
for certain school offenses, such pagers it requested
as fighting — from public schools for its new volunteer
has area legislators thinking about firefighters, the board
when to involve parents in school Labat of supervisors decid-
discipline. ed during its Monday
House Bill 12, which was written meeting.
by Rep. Carl Mickens (D-Brooks- The department’s
ville), would amend a 1972 code handling of the re-
to “prohibit the use of corporal quest, however,
punishment in public and charter sparked a lengthy de-
schools to discipline a student; to bate among supervi-
provide that any employee who sors during the meet- Holliman
violates the corporal punishment Allison ing, which eventually
prohibition shall be held liable for civil damages led them to vote to es-
suffered by a student as a result of the administra- tablish a chain of com-
tion of corporal punishment....” mand for firefighters
The topic has become a major enough issue requesting equipment
throughout the country that school districts have purchases.
begun banning it themselves. Starkville-Ok- Supervisors on
tibbeha Consolidated School District got rid of Monday approved
corporal punishment in the early 2000s, and Co- to amend the Fiscal Brooks
lumbus Municipal School District ended the pol- Year 2020 budget to
icy on June 30, 2019, making this the first school include an extra $41,203 to pay for
year in which CMSD teachers and administrators the additional equipment. The new
cannot paddle students. radio model would each cost about
CMSD Superintendent Cherie Labat said ad- $1,000 less than the ones the coun-
ministrators changed the policy after discussions ty ordered for all 114 volunteer fire-
last year, hoping to reinforce positive behaviors fighters late last year, said County
among students rather than focusing on negative. Administrator Ralph Billingsley.
“Corporal punishment is something that The department presented before
should be between a parent and a child and not the board in October an estimated
between an administrator and a child,” she said. $919,000 to buy Motorola communi-
She also said in a message to The Dispatch cation devices for rural firefighters
that there could be severe legal repercussions al- and chiefs, including radios and pag-
ready for teachers and administrators who spank ers for up to 136 volunteer firefight-
children. ers, Billingsley told The Dispatch.
“We live in a litigious society and although The board decided to purchase the
policy supports or give you rights it is still a very equipment up to that amount, he
But the 136 number was based on
a false headcount that double count-
ed some firefighters who live in one
district but worked in another, Bill-

Main Street Association undertakes The pavilion at the in-

tersection of Jackson
and Lampkin streets

overhaul of Fire Station Park will move to the

southwest corner of
Fire Station No. 1 Park
in the first phase of
First phase of renovations to be done by August improvements to make
the park more acces-
BY TESS VRBIN mously approved SMSA’s master sible and user-friendly, plan for the project on the consent Starkville Main Street
agenda Tuesday. The first and most Association board
After several years in the works, visibly obvious change will be the member Jeremy Mur-
the first phase of improvements at transfer of the pavilion at the in- dock said. The pavilion
Fire Station Park will begin soon. tersection of Jackson and Lampkin will be moved in time
“(It’s) probably the biggest phys- streets to the southwest corner of for the King Cotton
ical improvement project that the Crawfish Boil at the
the park, making it an amphithe-
park in April, and the
(Starkville) Main Street Association atre-like setting for performances, rest of phase one of
has taken on,” SMSA board member SMSA vice chair Hagan Walker the long-term project
Jeremy Murdock said. said. will be done by August.
The board of aldermen unani- See FIRE STATION PARK, 3A Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff


1 What artificial sweetener based on sucralose Friday and Saturday MEETINGS
was introduced in 1999? Feb. 14: Starkville
■ Rotary Classic Rodeo:
2 What colorful drink was introduced by Pepsi Board of Aldermen
This Starkville Rotary Club
in 2003 to rival Vanilla Coke, but discontinued work session, 11
a year later? fundraiser features rodeo
action at 7 p.m. nightly at a.m., City Hall
3 In which state’s Black Rock Desert does
the annual Burning Man festival draw tens of the Mississippi Horse Park in Feb. 17: Oktibbeha
Estes McGee thousands of people? Starkville. On Friday, kids 12 County Board of Su-
4 What 80s TV cop show was set in California and under get in free. On Sat- pervisors meeting,
Pre-K, Annunciation
and starred Larry Wilcox and Erik Estrada? urday from 5-6:30 p.m., kids 5:30 p.m., Chancery

47 Low 32
5 What TV personality who had a big mus- enjoy pony rides and a pet- Courthouse
High tache and a coat with deep pockets died in ting zoo, free with admission
2004 after entertaining kids for 36 years from Feb. 18: Starkville
Cloudy and cooler to the rodeo. Adult tickets are
his Treasure House? Board of Aldermen
Full forecast on Answers, 6B $15 at the door, $12 in ad-
meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
page 3A. vance. Saturday kids’ tickets
City Hall
are $5 (3 and under attend
Feb. 24: Public
free). Get advance tickets
INSIDE at Oktibbeha County Co-op, hearing regarding
Business 4B Dear Abby 3B RAM/Parker-McGill, Starkville Oktibbeha County
Classifieds 5B Obituaries 5A CVB and Tractor Supply in Lake, 5:30 p.m.,
Comics 3B Opinions 4A Starkville and Columbus. Tanesha Odeneal enjoys Chancery Court-
Crossword 6B Visit spending her time shopping. house


2A THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 The Dispatch •

Not guilty: Senate acquits

Trump of impeachment charges
President said via
Twitter that he will Romney impeachment vote heartens
speak today from the some, angers others in Utah
White House about ‘our BY LINDSAY WHITEHURST
The Associated Press
Country’s VICTORY on
SALT LAKE CITY — Even though Mitt Romney’s sta-
the Impeachment Hoax’ tus as one of few Republicans willing to publicly criticize
President Donald Trump is well known is his adopted
home state, his unequivocal speech before voting yes on
The Associated Press impeachment Wednesday caught many in Utah by sur-
WA S H I N G T O N Republicans in the state are unusually divided on the
— President Donald president, so while some were heartened to see Romney
Trump won impeach- cast what he described as an agonizing vote dictated by Romney
ment acquittal in the his conscience, Trump supporters were left angry and frustrated.
U.S. Senate, bring- Still, with four years to go before any re-election campaign, Romney
ing to a close only has a long time to explain his vote to an electorate with a deep well of
the third presidential goodwill that gives him a celebrity-like status.
trial in American his- “There will be ramifications,” said Jason Perry, director of the Uni-
tory with votes that Trump versity of Utah’s Hinckley Institute of Politics. But “people do ultimately
split the country, care about what he says, even if they don’t agree with him.”
tested civic norms and fed the tu- Romney appeared emotional during his speech on the Senate floor.
multuous 2020 race for the White He told reporters that he’d been waking up in the early-morning hours
House. as his mind churned over what to do, and cited a Church of Jesus Christ
With Chief Justice John Rob- of Latter-day Saints hymn about doing the right thing despite the con-
erts presiding, senators sworn to sequences.
do “impartial justice” stood and Romney’s key role in saving the troubled 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake
stated their votes for the roll call — City paired with his status as the first major-party presidential candi-
“guilty” or “not guilty” — in a swift date from the state’s predominant faith widely known as the Mormon
tally almost exclusively along party church has made him well-known and liked in the state where he moved
lines. Trump, the chief justice then after his failed 2012 presidential run.
declared, shall “be, and is hereby, Many Utah voters share Romney’s wariness about Trump. A nation-
acquitted of the charges.” wide Associated Press survey of midterm voters in 2018 found that
The outcome Wednesday fol- while two-thirds of church members voted Republican, just over half
lowed months of remarkable im- approved of Trump’s job performance. The VoteCast survey also found
peachment proceedings, from that 64 percent of Utah voters wanted to see the senator confront the
Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House to president.
Mitch McConnell’s Senate, reflect-
ing the nation’s unrelenting par- as an extension of special counsel campaign on Ukraine that resulted
tisan divide three years into the Robert Mueller’s probe into Rus- in the two articles of impeachment.
Trump presidency. sian 2016 campaign interference by But two-thirds of them would have
What started as Trump’s request those out to get him from the start had to vote “guilty” to reach the
for Ukraine to “do us a favor” spun of his presidency. Constitution’s bar of high crimes
into a far-reaching, 28,000-page Trump’s political campaign and misdemeanors to convict and
report compiled by House investi- tweeted videos, statements and a remove Trump from office. The fi-
gators accusing an American pres- cartoon dance celebration, while nal tallies in the GOP-held Senate
ident of engaging in shadow diplo- the Republican president him- fell far short.
macy that threatened U.S. foreign self tweeted that he would speak
On the first article of impeach-
relations for personal, political gain Thursday from the White House
ment, abuse of power, the vote was
as he pressured the ally to inves- about “our Country’s VICTORY on
tigate Democratic rival Joe Biden the Impeachment Hoax.” 52-48 favoring acquittal. The sec-
ahead of the next election. However, the Senate Democratic ond, obstruction of Congress, also
No president has ever been re- leader Chuck Schumer said there produced a not guilty verdict, 53-
moved by the Senate. will always be “a giant asterisk 47.
A politically emboldened Trump next to the president’s acquittal” Only one Republican, Mitt Rom-
had eagerly predicted vindication, because of the Senate’s quick trial ney of Utah, the party’s defeated
deploying the verdict as a political and Republicans’ unprecedented 2012 presidential nominee, broke
anthem in his reelection bid. The rejection of witnesses. with the GOP.
president claims he did nothing A majority of senators expressed All Democrats found the presi-
wrong, decrying the “witch hunt” unease with Trump’s pressure dent guilty on the two charges.

Buttigieg, Sanders nearly tied as Iowa caucus results narrow

BY STEVE PEOPLES and Sanders a burst of votes, then to backlogs as
AND JULIE PACE momentum as they seek those volunteers tried to
The Associated Press to pull away from the call the party to submit
crowded field. The near- their totals.
WASHINGTON — ly complete results show Even as the total num-
Pete Buttigieg and Bernie them leading Massa- ber of results ticked
Sanders are nearly tied chusetts Sen. Elizabeth up throughout the day
in the Iowa Democratic Warren, with former Vice Wednesday, obstacles re-
caucuses, with nearly all Buttigieg Sanders
President Joe Biden and mained. Some tally sheets
results counted in a con- President Donald Trump Sen. Amy Klobuchar trail- were making their way
test marred by technical in November. ing behind. to party headquarters in
issues and reporting de- A new batch of results But the results in Iowa Des Moines through the
lays. released just after mid- were muddied by the stun- mail, which contributed
The race remained too night narrowed the mar- ning breakdown of the to the delay.
early to call early Thurs- gin between Buttigieg, caucus reporting process Much of the political
day with 97 percent of the former mayor of South in a state that tradition- world has already shifted
precincts reporting. Party Bend, Indiana, and Sand- ally kicks off presiden- its attention to next-up
officials were scrambling ers, the progressive sen- tial nominating contests. New Hampshire, which
to verify the remaining ator from Vermont. Butt- Iowa officials initially holds the first primary
results three days after igieg has a lead of three attributed a delay in re- election in the Democrats’
Iowans gathered at cau- state delegate equivalents porting results to techni- 2020 nomination fight on
cus sites across the state out of 2,098 counted. cal problems with an app Tuesday. Both Buttigieg
to begin choosing which The deadlocked con- that precinct chairs were and Sanders are leading
Democrat will take on test gives both Buttigieg supposed to use to record contenders there, as well.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 3A

Ex-welfare chief, wrestler Mississippi Senate

charged in Mississippi fraud case OKs teacher pay raise,
The Associated Press
gan Reeves said the second largest
case had involved embezzlement of
$1.2 million.
are represented by attorneys.
White says the News and their
accountant were the ones who re-
plan goes to House
White said Wednesday that some ceived the contract from the federal
of the money was used to fraudulent- Temporary Assistance for Needy JACKSON — A plan to give Mississippi teachers
former director of
ly pay DiBiase to teach drug abuse Families money and improperly at least a $1,000 pay raise won unanimous approval
Mississippi’s welfare
classes in Mississippi even though routed it to DiBiase. Mississippi Wednesday in the state Senate, and now it goes to
agency and four oth-
er people embezzled DiBiase was in a luxury drug reha- gets a block grant of the money,
the House.
millions in federal bilitation program in Malibu, Cali- made up of funds that once was used
Republican Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann says he
money meant for fornia, at the time. to make welfare payments to low-in-
wants it to be part of a multiyear plan to increase
the poor and instead White said all six have been in- come people, and is supposed to use
some of the lowest salaries in the nation.
channeled some of it White dicted on fraud and embezzlement it on activities that help poor people.
“All members came together today in an effort
to pay for a luxury drug rehabilita- charges by a state grand jury in The education center and the asso-
to continue to show our public educators they have
tion program for a former pro wres- Hinds County. ciated Families First for Mississippi
our support and, most importantly, our respect,”
tler, the state auditor said Wednes- Those indicted and arrested are received multiple grants to provide
Hosemann said after Wednesday’s bipartisan vote.
day. Davis; DiBiase; former Department youth development, parenting edu-
Senate Bill 2001 would give $1,000 across-the-
Former Mississippi Department of Human Services employee Latim- cation, workforce readiness, literacy
board raises to most teachers and to all teachers’
of Human Services Director John er Smith; Nancy New, who is owner promotion, addiction education and
Davis, former wrestler Brett DiB- and director of the Mississippi Com- obesity education. The New family
Teachers in the first two years of their careers
iase and four others have been in- munity Education Center and New is also accused of stealing money
would receive raises of $1,100. That’s an effort to
dicted and arrested, Auditor Shad Learning Resources; her son Zach for their private businesses and to
boost the beginning salaries.
White said. New, who is assistant executive di- invest in medical device companies.
The National Education Association says the
White characterized it as the rector of the education center; Anne “I don’t care how politically con-
McGrew, an accountant for the edu- nected a person may be. You do average teacher salary in the U.S. was $60,477 for
largest public corruption case in
cation center. not have the right to treat taxpayer the 2017-18 school year. Mississippi had the lowest
Mississippi for at least the past 20
Hinds County sheriff’s spokes- money as your own or to lie to the average that year, at $44,926.
years. He said the total of losses
from federal Temporary Assistance man Capt. Tyree Jones said all six taxpayers about what you’re doing The average teacher salary in Mississippi for the
for Needy Families money has not were released without bail. It was with that money,” White said in a 2018-19 school year was $45,105, according to the
been determined. Spokesman Lo- not immediately clear whether they news release. state Department of Education. That is the most re-
cent figure available.
During Mississippi’s election-year legislative
session in 2019, the state approved a $1,500 teacher
pay raise that took effect for the current school year.

Fire Station Park

Continued from Page 1A
The pa- nity development director
vilion will for the Mississippi Main
be moved in Street Association.
time for the “It’s always been kind of
King Cot- a hidden gem, and it’s very
ton Craw- rare to have greenspace in
fish Boil at your downtown area,” said
the park in Prather, former interim
April, and CEO and special events
the other and projects coordinator
three parts for the Greater Starkville
of the proj- Development Partnership.
ect will be “We saw a unique oppor- Courtesy image/Starkville Main Street Association
complete tunity to take advantage of An overhead rendering of the master plan to renovate
by the time that.” Fire Station No. 1 Park on Lampkin Street shows the
pavilion in the southwest corner. The plan also includes
fall semes- improving the entrances at East Main Street and Univer-
ter classes How the plan developed sity Drive and replacing the fencing along Russell Street.
begin at Walker The park was originally
Mississippi designed and built by the “We did a few improve- that says “Fire Station
State Univer- Starkville Fire Depart- ments here and there, but Park.”
sity in Au- ment with the intent the I think we were just scared The deteriorating PVC
gust, Walker public would use it, and to make the first step,” he fencing along the Russell
said. when that wasn’t happen- said. “Finally (SMSA lead- Street intersection will
P h a s e ing, SMSA started holding ership) said let’s do some- be replaced with more se-
one also en- events there as a strategy thing. We’re never going to cure steel fencing that will
tails refur- to get the public to take ad- have the money to do the provide more security for
bishing the Prather vantage of the park, Prath- whole thing at one time, so young children in the park.
University Drive and East er said. we might as well start im- Mayor Lynn Spruill
Main Street entrances to “At the time, you didn’t plementing it on an incre- praised the phase one
the park and repairing realize it was really there, mental basis.” plans as “very functional
the fencing along Russell you didn’t realize how big Prather was the manag- and practical” and said she
Street. and pretty it was, so the er of the farmers market appreciates
The second of the proj- more we used it, the more when the plans to improve how the
ect’s three phases will the public started using it,” the park started to develop use of the
include the installation of she said. in 2013, and she said the greenspace
restrooms. The third will In addition to the King market has served partial-
has devel-
likely include a splash pad Cotton Crawfish Boil, ly as a fundraiser for those
oped over
for children and possibly the park is home to the plans.
the past sev-
a connection between annual Night Market ev- eral years.
the park and the nearby ery September and the Details of phase one “For a Spruill
railroad, which is under twice-weekly farmers mar- According to the master very long time, it was just
consideration to become a ket from May to August, plan included with Tues- a very quiet, passive little
walking and biking trail, among other events. The day’s board of aldermen park,” she said. “But now
“but those are much more market moved to the park meeting agenda, the Uni- with all the things being
long-term items,” Walker from the Lampkin/Jack- versity Drive entrance to planned for it, I like the fact
said. son intersection in 2015. the park “lacks basic func- that it has become a down-
The Starkville Conven- The park is also avail- tionality and is fundamen- town park with activity.”
tion and Visitors Bureau able for events such as chil- tally unsafe.” The entrance
will cover $12,000 and dren’s birthday parties, needs handrails, lighting
SMSA will cover $15,000 Prather said. and a concrete footpath
of the roughly $27,000 first SMSA realized the park instead of a gravel one to
phase by Hester Concrete, needed to be more accessi- make it wheelchair-acces-
the lowest of three bidders. ble and user-friendly with sible and safe for all pedes-
The entire project will like- so many people using it, trians, the plan says.
ly cost between $300,000 not just for planned events This portion of phase
and $500,000, and the goal but for recreation as well, one will take the longest
is for the city to pay for said Murdock, former and be finished last, Walk-
none of it, Walker said. board chairman for the er said.
The park is Starkville’s Starkville CVB. The East Main Street
main central greenspace, Plans to improve the entrance will also become
which not every city has, park “sat there as inspi- wheelchair accessible and
said Murdock and Jenni- ration for a long time,” he get an aesthetic upgrade,
fer Prather, the commu- said. complete with an archway


Edwards; Jan. 14 Kerri Anne Andrews Perrigin;
Lowndes County ■ John Coleman and Kristie Dec. 23
Marriages Oyler; Jan. 15 ■ Anita K. Sherrod and Robert
■ Mike Martinez and Jasmine ■ Andrea Coley and Cicely T. Sherrod; Dec. 30
Houser; Jan. 1 Hopkins; Jan. 15 ■ Katherine Joan Yeager and
■ Steven Simpson and Fernan- ■ William White and Breanna Byron Lee Yeager; Jan. 1
da Mixon; Jan. 1 Mason; Jan. 18 ■ Jeremy Reed-Wood and Kai-
■ Anthony Welch and Amy ■ Howard Sharp and Betty ley Lavender Reed-Wood; Jan. 7
Yearby; Jan. 2 Jones; Jan. 18 ■ Roy Eric Keene and Mary
■ Jeremy Wells and Jadaquise ■ Jaimin Patel and Ashley Beth Collins Keene; Jan. 16
Liddell; Jan. 3 Smith; Jan. 21 ■ Tracy Deloria Daniels Hill and
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
■ Lance Dodd and Jami Har- ■ Elvis Strickland and Shellie Freddy Lee Hill; Jan. 13 Day Day
Major 10:23a —
vey; Jan. 3 Jenkins; Jan. 24 ■ Amber E. Kilburn and Andrew Minor 4:26p 5:27p
■ Aditya Kosuri and Ashley ■ Jamaal Thompson and Vinta- T. Kilbrun; Jan. 17 Major 10:52a 11:34a
Minor 6:16a 6:43a
Marlowe; Jan. 7 sha Henry; Jan. 24 ■ Eric Ban Duck and Resheca Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
■ Jamie Terry and Haley Smith; ■ Jon Rivera-Hernandez and Lafaye Patton Duck; Jan. 21
Garcia Cortes; Jan. 29

The Dispatch
Jan. 7 ■ Renata Williams and Christo-
■ Quinton Sparks and India ■ Ralph Rushing and Ivie Nath; pher Williams; Jan. 21
Sanders; Jan. 8 Jan. 30 ■ Jessica L. Harrison and Jere-
■ Zacchaeus Green and Taylor ■ Lewis Camp and Shoshoney my C. Harrison; Jan. 21 The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Guyton; Jan. 10 Nunn; Jan. 30 ■ Stephen T. Ellis and Shandre Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
■ Wil Andahazy and Rebecca West Ellis; Jan. 24 Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
Smith; Jan 10 Divorces ■ Geneva E. Karr and Richard POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
■ Quinton Brewer and Shantec- L. Wilson; Jan. 21 The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
■ Jeramie Lee Baucom and
ka Gardner; Jan. 13 Krissy Hall Baucom; Dec. 23 ■ Sara Rebecca Simpson and
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip:
■ Camacho Elliott and Katrina ■ Shawn Parker Perrigin and Dustin Frank Spruill; Jan. 23
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


C Spire wisely proposes law requiring computer education

ome-grown ees, C Spire has the state legislature pass a new pathways and budget adequate than required core classes.
C Spire, one realized the urgent law requiring every Mississip- funding for computer science And 93 percent of parents want
of the last need for better com- pi school to teach computer teacher professional develop- their child’s school to teach
big locally owned puter and software science. Alabama, Georgia, ment. computer science.
cellular phone training for Mis- Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas Computing is a fundamental Mississippi needs to be
companies in the sissippi students. and many other states have part of our daily life and profes- working harder to catch up
country, has been Problem is, only 47 already taken this step. sional development. American with the rest of the nation. If
a great corporate percent of Missis- Details of the tech initiative manufacturers now post more we ever want to land a big tech
citizen for Missis- sippi public high include: jobs for software developers firm in Mississippi, our young
sippi. From their schools teach com- n Mississippi should devel- than production workers. people must be equipped
roots in southwest puter science. As a op a statewide plan for comput- Increasingly, machines are with computer skills. C Spire
Mississippi, Jimmy result, Mississippi er science education. doing the labor, while humans should be praised for providing
and Wade Creek- Wyatt Emmerich is falling further n The Mississippi Depart- need to be able to program the leadership in this initiative. You
more have built behind. C Spire ment of Education should machines. The average salary can visit and
the company into a has put countless appoint a statewide supervisor for a computing occupation learn how to tell your legisla-
tech powerhouse. Hu Meena hours and over $3 million into of computer science education. is $72,039 compared to the ture to support this much-need-
and other family members are growing computer science edu- n Mississippi should re- average salary of $39,420. Over ed legislation.
carrying on the next genera- cation in Mississippi, including quire all high schools to offer 1,000 computing jobs remain Wyatt Emmerich is the editor
tion. The company continues to BaseCamp Coding Academies, computer science in the 2021- unfilled in Mississippi today. In and publisher of The Northside
grow, providing thousands of C Spire Coding Challenges and 2022 school year and all K-12 a recent Gallup poll, 78 percent Sun, a weekly newspaper in
high-tech jobs for our state. C Spire Software Development schools by 2022-2023 of Mississippi principals said Jackson. He can be reached by
As a result of its growth and Pathway. n Mississippi should they believe computer science e-mail at wyatt@northsidesun.
its need for tech-savvy employ- Now C Spire is proposing establish clear certification is just as or more important com.


Voice of the people
Doesn’t see objectivity in letters
I read Raymond Gross’ letter to
The Dispatch from February 5th and
saw a similarity between the two of
us. I’m not sure that realization goes
both ways.
The similarity? We are both
biased. To the same extent? I don’t
think so. In my own February 5th
letter, I questioned Speaker Pelosi’s
actions during the State of the Union
address — and that angered Mr.
Gross — even though I am a Demo-
crat. An apparent difference? Unlike
Mr. Gross, I question both sides, at
least some of the time.
Example: Mr. Gross didn’t men-
tion President Trump’s refusal to
shake Speaker Pelosi’s outstretched
hand prior to the speech. Did Gross
notice? Can’t say. If he did, he either
thought it excusable or avoided it as
inconvenient. Either is worrisome.
In fact, I cannot recall any time Mr.
Gross has shown that kind of objec-
tivity in a letter to The Dispatch —
and I’ve read a lot of them. As far as I
can tell, he finds his side to be above
To be fair, I haven’t done so in
my letters often. But I have done it.
I can only conclude from Mr. Gross’
writing that he is either unwilling or
incapable of looking inward. Reminds
me of President’s Trump’s ‘perfect’
call to Ukraine President Zelensky.
It wasn’t, he isn’t, I’m not, Democrats
aren’t, nor are Republicans. I can’t
tell that Mr. Gross sees that, though.
He is not alone; I see similar think-
ing on both sides. It’s my opinion that
until more of us see that we do not
have a total lock on the moral high
ground - and are sometimes even
Iowa was very good for Bloomberg
wrong - the divisiveness I spoke of in he Iowa caucuses Small wonder that Elizabeth Warren have spent com-
my February 5th letter will continue have long been Bloomberg announced bined.
and the progress we need to make in nearly useless as the day after Iowa that he But when it comes to data,
our country will be slow in coming, if a measure of Americans’ would double spending on Bloomberg will not be outmatched.
it happens at all. preferences for the next a campaign whose sums He built his financial services empire
When it comes to opinions, president. This year it has were already astronomi- (from scratch) on collecting and
certainty usually means you are at been more useless than cal. The multibillionaire delivering data. That’s where his
least partially wrong, that your vision usual. former mayor of New $60 billion fortune comes from.
is at least a little impaired, and that The next star of the York City, a moderate, is Bloomberg clearly knows how to do
you are demonstrating some degree Democratic contest will also nationally famous. data. He’s already close to surpass-
of blindness. Blindness is what we be New Hampshire, And he will not be out- ing Trump on Facebook and Google
absolutely do not need now. whose people are also spent. Not by any Dem- spending — if he hasn’t already done
Paul Mack overwhelmingly white ocrat. Not by President it.
and whose Democrats are Froma Harrop Donald Trump. With Manhattan Project-like
more liberal than average. Bloomberg can read urgency, Bloomberg is building
A letter to the editor is an excellent At least there, ordinary busy people tea leaves. And so, one assumes, did his own digital-ad weapon with the
way to participate in your community. will be given an entire day to cast a many of the estimated 2,000 people wonderful name of Hawkfish. Silicon
We request the tone of your letters be primary ballot in private. who filled Philadelphia’s National Valley hotshots are running it. And
constructive and respectful and the Mike Bloomberg skipped Iowa, Constitution Center for a Bloomberg they are expected to be handed $100
length be limited to 450 words. We and he’ll be absent from New Hamp- rally as the numbers from Iowa were million or more to cover a massive
welcome all letters emailed to voice@ shire, South Carolina and Nevada. still dribbling in. national digital ad campaign. or mailed to The Dis- He’s putting his chips on Super Actually, the entire teapot broke On Super Tuesday, Alabama, Ar-
patch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, PO Tuesday, March 3, when 14 states in Iowa. kansas, California, Colorado, Maine,
Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511. vote and 40 percent of the Democrat- Here was a showcase event — that Massachusetts, Minnesota, North
ic delegates are chosen. And he has was over-reported, speculated about Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee,
an unlimited supply of chips. endlessly and enormously expensive Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and
This is not to say that the strange given how little the results would Democrats living abroad will hold
brew of circumstances in Iowa didn’t reveal. Still, the state’s Democrats their primaries. That’s a good geo-
leave some tea leaves at the bottom couldn’t put together an app capable graphic and demographic sampling
of the cup. They did and obviously of counting. of the American electorate, don’t you
Voice of the People made Bloomberg smile. This just underscores the think? And it’s an event for which
We encourage you to share your opinion
with readers of The Dispatch. Caucuses give advantage to can- long-standing fears that Democrats advertising will matter.
Submit your letter to The Dispatch by: didates with an aggressive activist are being badly outmatched by Tanya Young, a 39-year-old actor
E-mail: base. That would be Bernie Sanders. Trump’s data-mining operations. attending a Bloomberg rally in
Mail: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS Yet the Vermont senator didn’t run This is the ability to locate and target Compton, California, had this to say
39703 away with it. specific groups (non-college-edu- about Bloomberg: “He’s not a stupid
In person: 516 Main St., Columbus, or The results are showing moderate cated white women, for example) man, and if he did not see a path, he
101 S. Lafayette St., No. 16, Starkville. Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor and beam carefully tailored ads and wouldn’t be doing this.”
All letters must be signed by the author of South Bend, Indiana, edging out social media posts in their direction. She is right. Bloomberg is not
and must include town of residence and
Sanders. That’s despite Buttigieg’s It was key to Trump’s victory in 2016. stupid.
a telephone number for verification pur-
poses. Letters should be no more than having entered national politics only Trump has already placed $36 Froma Harrop, a syndicated colum-
500 words, and guest columns should a year ago with virtually no name million in digital ads on Google and nist, writes for the Providence (Rhode
be 500-700 words. We reserve the right recognition and Sanders’ having out- Facebook. That’s more money than Island) Journal. Her e-mail address is
to edit submitted information. spent him by at least $15 million. Sanders, Buttigieg, Joe Biden and
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 5A

Feds investigate Mississippi prisons after string of deaths

DOJ investigation examining whether state corrections officials are Corrections has failed to: end
the violence and ensure hu-
Republican Gov. Tate Reeves
said in his State of the State
adequately protecting prisoners from physical harm and whether mane living conditions,” Gray-
bill said. “Dozens have died and
speech on Jan. 27 that he has
told the Department of Correc-
there are adequate health care and suicide prevention services hundred of others live in squalid
conditions with standing sew-
tions to take steps to shut down
Parchman’s Unit 29, but the de-
BY MICHAEL BALSAMO The investigation by the Jus- Some of the inmate deaths in age in freezing temperatures partment has not said how long
AND EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS tice Department’s civil rights recent weeks happened during as a result of ... Mississippi’s ne- that will take.
The Associated Press division will specifically focus confrontations between in- glect. Mississippi’s prisons are The department’s interim
on conditions at the Mississippi mates. Some were suicides. overcrowded, understaffed, and commissioner, Tommy Taylor,
JACKSON — The Justice State Penitentiary at Parchman, Violence is a recurring prob- aren’t safe for anyone.”
Department has opened a civ- said after Reeves’ speech that in-
the South Mississippi Correc- lem in Mississippi prisons, Health department inspec- mates in Unit 29 have clean wa-
il rights investigation into the tional Institution, the Central where many jobs for guards are tions show Parchman has had
Mississippi prison system after ter to drink and warm water for
Mississippi Correctional Facil- unfilled. Officials with the state longstanding problems with
a string of inmate deaths in the showers. He said some inmates
ity and the Wilkinson County Department of Corrections have broken sinks and toilets in cells,
past few months, officials said had not been allowed to shower
Correctional Facility, the Justice said for years that it’s difficult to holes in cell walls, widespread
Wednesday. Department said. find people to work as guards for several days while prisons
mold and mildew in showers,
Federal prosecutors are The Wilkinson facility holds because of low pay, long hours and sanitation problems in were on lockdown because of
looking into conditions at four state prisoners, and the state and dangerous conditions. kitchens. the violence. He said those no
state prisons after the deaths pays a private company, Man- The deputy legal director for Entertainment mogul Jay-Z longer on lockdown have had a
of at least 15 inmates since late agement & Training Corpora- Southern Poverty Law Center, and rapper Yo Gotti are paying chance to shower and have been
December. The investigation is tion, to operate it. Lisa Graybill, said in a state- attorneys who are suing the given new clothes.
examining whether state cor- The use of such investiga- ment Wednesday that Missis- state on behalf of inmates over Taylor also said toilets have
rections officials are adequate- tions examining the patterns sippi prisons “have a brutal conditions in the prisons. The been repaired and crews are
ly protecting prisoners from and practices of law enforcement history rooted in slavery and lawsuit filed in mid-January patching holes that allowed rain
physical harm and will look agencies has been curtailed un- convict leasing.” says the prisons are “plagued into buildings. He said workers
into whether there are adequate der the Trump administration “It is time for the federal gov- by violence” and inmates are are also repairing problems
health care and suicide preven- compared with their use during ernment to step in and do what forced to live in decrepit and with electrical systems and
tion services. the Obama administration. the Mississippi Department of dangerous conditions. heating.

FBI director Wray warns of ongoing Senator calls for crash-warning

systems after Bryant death
Russian ‘information warfare’ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

BY ERIC TUCKER tion-year uptick but is also a round- inee Hillary Clinton and probed LOS ANGELES — U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein
The Associated Press the-clock threat that is in some local election systems for vulnera- is calling for federal rules that crash-warning sys-
ways harder to combat than an bilities. tems be required on commercial helicopters like
WASHINGTON — FBI Director election system hack, Wray said. But, Wray said Wednesday, “I the one that crashed in foggy weather last month
Chris Wray said Wednesday that “Unlike a cyberattack on an don’t think we’ve seen any ongo- outside Los Angeles, killing Kobe Bryant and
Russia is engaged in “information election infrastructure, that kind ing efforts to target election infra- eight other people.
warfare” heading into the 2020 of effort — disinformation — in structure like we did in 2016.” The helicopter carrying Bryant and the others
presidential election, though he a world where we have a First His appearance came two days did not have a device called the Terrain Aware-
said law enforcement has not seen Amendment and believe strongly after Democratic presidential cau- ness and Warning System that signals when an
ongoing efforts by Russia to target in freedom of expression, the FBI cuses in Iowa were marred by a aircraft is in danger of hitting ground.
America’s election infrastructure. is not going to be in the business of malfunctioning app that caused a The National Transportation Safety Board had
Wray told the House Judiciary being the truth police and monitor- delay in the reporting of results. recommended the system be required for helicop-
Committee that Russia, just as it ing disinformation online,” Wray Though local and federal officials ters. But the Federal Aviation Administration only
did in 2016, is relying on a covert said. have stressed that the problems requires it for air ambulances.
social media campaign aimed at The FBI and Department of weren’t caused by a foreign intru- “In order to ensure such a tragedy never
dividing American public opinion Homeland Security are on alert for sion, the error played into existing happens again, I ask that the FAA commence a
and sowing discord. That effort, election-related cyberactivity like unease surrounding election se- rulemaking process to require all commercial
which involves fictional personas, what occurred in 2016, when Rus- curity and risked amplifying con- helicopters operating in the U.S. to have terrain
bots, social media postings and sians hacked emails belonging to cerns among American about the awareness and warning systems,” Feinstein,
disinformation, may have an elec- the Democratic campaign of nom- integrity of the voting process. D-California, wrote in a letter Tuesday.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Edward Wayne Ken- Winfield, Alabama. by his sisters, Doris Sunday, at Lavender’s pital-Golden Triangle.
OBITUARY POLICY nard, 67, died Jan. 29, Services will be at Tucker of Sulligent, Ala- Funeral Service of Arrangements are
Obituaries with basic informa-
2020. 2 p.m. Sunday, at Otts bama and Nancy Evans Aliceville, Alabama. incomplete and will be
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided Services will be at Funeral Home Chapel of Guin, Alabama. Lavender’s Funeral announced by Lown-
free of charge. Extended noon Friday, at Peter’s of Sulligent, Alabama, Service of Aliceville, des Funeral Home of
obituaries with a photograph, Rock C.O.G.O.C. of with Edward Puckett Alvin Hamilton Alabama is in charge of Columbus.
detailed biographical informa- Starkville. Burial will officiating. Burial will HENDERSON- arrangements.
tion and other details families
may wish to include, are avail-
follow at Zion Cypress follow at Fairview VILLE, Tenn. — Alvin Gretchen Orr
able for a fee. Obituaries must
Cemetery. Visitation is Cemetery. Visitation Ray Hamilton, 72, died Gene Guyton COLUMBUS —
be submitted through funeral
from 1-6 p.m. today, at will be one hour prior to Feb. 5, 2020, at Centen- COLUMBUS — Gretchen Ann “Gay”
homes unless the deceased’s West Memorial Funeral services at the funeral nial Medical Center of Therell Gene Guyton, Orr, 76, died Feb. 5,
body has been donated to Home of Starkville. home. Otts Funeral Nashville, Tennessee. 73, died Feb. 5, 2020, 2020, at Baptist Memo-
science. If the deceased’s West Memorial Funeral Home of Sulligent, Arrangements are Baptist Memorial Hos- rial Hospital-Golden
body was donated to science, Home of Starkville is Alabama is in charge of incomplete and will be pital-Golden Triangle. Triangle.
the family must provide official in charge of arrange- arrangements. announced by Memori- Services will be at Arrangements are
proof of death. Please submit
ments. Mr. South was born al Gunter Peel Funeral 2:30 p.m. Saturday, at incomplete and will be
all obituaries on the form pro-
vided by The Commercial Dis-
He is survived by his Dec. 24, 1956, in Lamar Home & Crematory 2nd the 716 Second Ave- announced by Memori-
patch. Free notices must be children; Teresa L. Ken- County, Alabama to Avenue North Location. nue North Chapel of al Gunter Peel Funeral
submitted to the newspaper nard, Angela M. Patton Mary Evelyn McLem- Memorial Gunter Peel Home & Crematory,
no later than 3 p.m. the day Kennard, Edward W. ore and the late Gaynor Funeral Home. Burial College Street Location.
prior for publication Tuesday Kennard, Jr., Lillian W.
Homer Wilkins will follow at Memorial
J. South. He was a 1975 BIRMINGHAM,
through Friday; no later than 4 Kennard, Brandon M.
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday graduate of Sulligent Ala. — Homer Lee Gardens Cemetery.
Duck, Latisha C. Duck, High School. He was Visitation will be two
edition; and no later than 7:30 “Uncle Buddy” Wilkins,
Sharnell M. Patterson, formerly employed at hours prior to services
a.m. for the Monday edition. 72, died Feb. 2, 2020,
Incomplete notices must be re- Edwin J. Kennard and McCoy Manufacturing at the funeral home.
at Brookwood Medical
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. Edwon D. Kennard; and and a member of Mul- Memorial Gunter Peel
Center of Birmingham,
for the Monday through Friday three sisters, Matilda berry Springs Baptist Funeral Home, Second
editions. Paid notices must be Riley Alexander, Peggy Church. Avenue North Location
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion Home Going Cele-
Jones and Vicki Wil- In addition to his is in charge of arrange-
the next day Monday through bration Services will
liams. father, he was preceded ments.
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 be at 11 a.m. Monday,
p.m. for Sunday and Monday in death by his sib- at Mt. Hebron Baptist
publication. For more informa-
tion, call 662-328-2471.
Marvin South lings, Eugene South, Church of Aliceville, Anne West
SULLIGENT, Ala. — Larry South and Kathy Alabama. Burial will COLUMBUS —
Marvin South, 63, died Welch. follow in the church Anne Weeks West, 90,
Edward Kennard Feb. 4, 2020, at North- In addition to his cemetery. Visitation died Feb. 5, 2020, at Durell Homan
STARKVILLE — west Medical Center in mother, he is survived will be from 3-6 p.m. Baptist Memorial Hos- Sunday, Feb. 9 • 12:30-2 PM
2nd Ave North Location
Sunday, Feb. 9 • 2 PM
2nd Ave North Chapel
Greenhill Memorial Gardens

Kirk Douglas, longtime influential movie star, dies at 103 Gene Guyton
Son of illiterate Russian immigrants stars of the 20th century.
He appeared in more than
an Academy Award for an
individual film, despite be-
and Sciences awarded
him an honorary Oscar.
Saturday, Feb. 8 • 12:30-2:30 PM
2nd Ave North Location
appeared in more than 80 films 80 films, in roles rang-
ing from Doc Holliday in
ing nominated three times
— for “Champion,” “The
His other awards includ-
ed a Presidential Medal
Saturday, Feb. 8 • 2:30 PM
2nd Ave North Chapel
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS who lived well into his “Gunfight at the O.K. Cor- Bad and the Beautiful” of Freedom and a lifetime Memorial Gardens Cemetery
golden years, a humanitar- ral” to Vincent van Gogh and “Lust for Life.” achievement award from
Kirk Douglas, the in- ian whose commitment to in “Lust for Life.” But in 1996, the Acade- the American Film Insti- Alvin Hamilton
tense, muscular actor justice and the causes he He worked with some my of Motion Picture Arts tute. Incomplete
with the dimpled chin who believed in set a standard of Hollywood’s greatest 2nd Ave. North Location
starred in “Spartacus,” directors, from Vincente
“Lust for Life” and dozens
for all of us to aspire to,”
Minnelli and Billy Wilder Gretchen Orr
his son Michael said in Incomplete
of other films, helped fa- to Stanley Kubrick and
a statement on his Insta- College St. Location
tally weaken the blacklist Elia Kazan. His career
gram account.
against suspected Com- began at the peak of the
munists and reigned for Kirk Douglas’ death studios’ power, more than
decades as a Hollywood was first reported by Peo- 70 years ago, and ended
maverick and patriarch, ple magazine. in a more diverse, decen-
died Wednesday, his fam- His granite-like tralized era that he helped
ily said. He was 103. strength and underlying bring about.
vulnerability made the
“To the world, he was Always competitive, in-
a legend, an actor from son of illiterate Russian cluding with his own fami-
the golden age of movies immigrants one of the top ly, Douglas never received
6A THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
ingsley said. The actual ers will be purchased for But the money was sibility (to research the said. “They should not the board’s unanimous ap-
number of volunteer fire- $41,203 out of this year’s not included in this year’s price),” he said. be going out and getting proval.
fighters, he said, was 114, general operations fund. budget, Billingsley said, Austin said the county quotes and doing stuff, “I don’t think we have
which brought the estimat- District 3 volunteer and the county needed to staff formed a committee they should go for Neil a specific policy, but they
ed cost down to $780,000. fire chief Wayne Doyle amend the budget to make with several volunteers to and Cindy.” know what the rules are,”
The board approved the reached out to his super- room for it. discuss the purchase. The Brooks said he hopes to Brooks said. “We’re just
actual cost in a Nov. 4 visor, Holliman, for ad- “I cannot spend mon- price estimates, he said, develop procedures writ- gonna put it in writing so
meeting, Billingsley said, ditional equipment, and ey that’s unbudgeted,” he were presented to the ten on paper to address there won’t be any misun-
and the county entered a Holliman said he point- said. committee by one of the the confusion, which won derstanding.”
three-year agreement to ed Doyle to County Fire District 5 Supervisor volunteers who received
pay the $780,000 in sepa- Coordinator Neil Austin Leroy Brooks said the the quote from the same
rate installments, with the and Emergency Services handling of the situation company, Jackson Com-
first payment billed in No- Director Cindy Lawrence did not follow the county’s munications, which gave
vember 2020. to order what he needed procedure. The standard the quotes for the 114 sets
District 3 Supervisor instead of submitting the process, he said, should of equipment to the coun-
John Holliman said the request for their consider- be for the fire department ty.
fire department made the ation. to submit the request His role, Austin said,
request because it needed Billingsley rejected the to the county staff, who was to assist the volun-
to upgrade the devices to order because the amount would then make their teers to get quotes for the
allow rural communica- was not in the budget. own recommendation to equipment.
tion between firefighters Both Doyle and Austin the board — rather than a “I try to help out the vol-
and chiefs. The old radios declined to comment on fire chief starting the pro- unteers with that, because
could not receive signals what happened during cess by going directly to a I’m a county employee and
in certain parts of the their exchange. Lawrence supervisor. they are not,” Austin said.
county, he said. said she would leave it to Brooks also said he “Pretty much I’ll leave
“(The volunteers) took Austin to answer the ques- does not understand that to the volunteers …
it upon themselves to try tions. why the county approved (but) the quote dictates
these different radios out But Holliman said he to buy more expensive who we go with.”
to see which ones would thinks the original agree- equipment in the first But Brooks disagreed
communicate better in ment stands, and it allows place when there is now a with that process. That
these dead spots,” Holli- room for more devices. cheaper alternative. prompted supervisors to
man said. “We had agreed to pay Billingsley said the task Billingsley with cre-
In addition to the 114 for anything up to that price estimates were giv- ating a written protocol
sets of devices, which will 136,” he said. “Ralph re- en by one of the volunteer for firefighter purchase
be paid through the three- ally didn’t have to do that. firefighters. requests.
year agreement, the 12 ...When we approved it, it “Neil is the fire coordi- “(The volunteers) don’t
additional radios and pag- was budgeted.” nator and it’s his respon- run this county,” Brooks

Corporal punishment
Continued from Page 1A
sensitive situation,” she or spanking or paddling
said. “... CMSD is focused them so they can go back
on rewarding positive to school, I have a differ-
behavior and preventing ence of opinion on that.”
negative behaviors.” While the bill hasn’t
That said, what works made it past the House
for CMSD may not work to go to the Senate, Sen.
for every district, she Chuck Younger (R-Co-
Chism McLean Karriem Younger
lumbus) said if it does
Lowndes County on. Most school districts is “past time” for the stu-
get (parents) to sign a dent’s parents to be in- make it that far, he likely
School District Superin-
tendent Sam Allison said permission slip at the be- volved. won’t be for it either. He
while some schools in ginning of the year. It’s “As a parent I like to said he isn’t aware of the
his district use it — with usually in the handbook be called if one of my chil- bill or what all is in it, but
parental consent only —, ... (saying) ‘Corporal pun- dren are not acting prop- that generally he’s for cor-
he understands why it’s a ishment can be used on erly or have done some- poral punishment.
subject of debate and sub- my child.’ So I don’t think thing to the extent when “If the parents sign off
ject to litigation. we need to ban corporal corporal punishment is an on it, I think you ought
“There’s a reason some punishment.” option,” he said. to be able to punish the
states don’t use it any- His sentiment was He said a couple of way the parents (are) OK
more,” he said. “I’m not echoed by newly-elected years ago he introduced with,” he said.
saying it’s not effective. Rep. Dana McLean (R-Co- a bill that would allow
It’s effective with some lumbus) who said she school districts to grade
kids and it’s not with some thinks 19 states, many parents, which he hoped
kids, but there’s a huge lia- of them Southern states, would reinforce the idea
bility involved with it. Yes, currently implement cor- that parents have to stay
you’re probably covered if poral punishment. involved in schools.
you follow the guidelines “Ultimately it’s a de- “Now of course, it
the state puts out but it cision the parent would wasn’t a real popular piece
doesn’t exempt you from have to indicate they’re in of legislation, but it was a
accusations and charges favor of,” she said. way to bring awareness
and things like that. But Rep. Kabir Kar- that parents need to be
“If the legislators riem said he agrees with involved inside the school
the proposed bill and system,” he said. “Before
passed the law, we would
believes school districts corporal punishment
follow that law,” he said.
should look for alterna- is warranted, there are
tive ways to discipline stu- things that lead up to that
Legislators’ opinions dents, such in-school sus- and if children are acting
Most local legislators pension or after-school out or acting improper
said they would be against detention. inside the classroom set-
the bill, arguing corporal “Those things need to ting, I think it’s incum-
punishment could be an be hashed out,” he said. bent on administrators
effective way to enforce “We need to look at school as well as the teachers to
behavior — provided the systems that do not use bring it to the parents’ at-
students’ parent or par- corporal punishment but tention.
ents OK the punishment. have alternative, ways of “Now if the parent does
“I would be opposed to dealing with behavior like not act after it’s brought
it,” said Rep. Gary Chism that, and we need to see to their attention or if the
(R-Columbus), who said how successful they are.” behavior continues, then
he expects the bill to Karriem argued if stu- there has to be a decision
have a hard time getting dent behavior has esca- made on how to handle
passed. “I think teachers lated to the point when the situation,” he added,
need all the tools that corporal punishment is “but to absolutely take a
they can get their hands a consideration, then it child and give them licks

■ William and Betty Harris; ing Plumbing
City of Columbus 320 8th Street N. Apt. 10; ■ Nicole Lowery; 504 Airline
January 27-30, 2020 Mechanical permit; Weathers Road; Plumbing permit; Ro-
■ Sandra Pilkinton; 1055 Air Conditioning Inc to-Rooter
Greenbriar Dr.; Remodel; ■ Frank Loftis; 1102 9th Ave. ■ Jerry Wrench; 318 12th
same N.; Plumbing permit; P&H Ave. S.; Plumbing permit; P&H
■ Jimmy Stephenson; 2412 Plumbing Plumbing
4th Avenue S.; Reroof; Excel- ■ Vibrant Church; 500 Holly
■ Jewel Jones; 1024 Water-
lent Roofing Hills Road; Plumbing permit;
works Road; Plumbing permit,
■ MTL Properties LLC; 1313 Truesdale Plumbing
Swedenburg Plumbing
Waterworks Road; Repairs; ■ Merchant & Hutchins
Sammie Lee LLC; 1600 27th St. N. Apt. ■ Carmicheal Jones; 2515 5th
■ Phillips & Weiss; 501 7th 5; Plumbing permit; P&H St. S; Plumbing permit, Tabor
Street N.; Signs for Plaza Plumbing Plumbing
Center; Mid-South Signs ■ Caleb Aldridge; 1209 7th ■ Hayes Rector; 620 3rd Ave.
■ Robert and Floye Willimas; St. N.; Plumbing permit; Klutts S.; Plumbing permit; Tabor
1124 Shady St.; Demolish Plumbing Plumbing
residence; Columbus Public ■ Robbie Upton; 427 10th St.
Works S.; Plumbing permit; Truesdale
■ City of Columbus (Sim Plumbing Lowndes County
Scott Park); 909 20th Street ■ Military Lee LLC; 1815 Mil- February 5, 2020
N.; Electrical permit; Malone itary Road; Plumbing permit; ■ Matt Furnari; 313 Dodson
Electric Fowlkes Plumbing Road; Complete s/f residence;
■ Gayle Guynup; 201K Ala- ■ Sandra Pilkinton; 1055
Custom Home Bldrs, Inc
bama St.; Electrical permit; Greenbriar Dr.; Plumbing per-
■ Robin Roberts; 109 W. Mill
Livingston & Sons mit; same
Road; Construct storage/
■ William and Betty Harris; ■ Kedra Gray; 1424 7th Ave.
320 8th Street N. Apt. 17; N.; Plumbing permit; P&H shop; Owner
Mechanical permit; Weathers Plumbing ■ Pete Perkins; 545 Elm.
Air Conditioning Inc ■ Robert Smith; 1101 11th Dr.; Construct s/f residence;
■ William and Betty Harris; Ave. S. Apt. 3; Plumbing per- Michael Scott Swain
320 8th Street N. Apt. 9; mit, Swedenburg Plumbing ■ Joe Holman; 36 River Lane;
Mechanical permit; Weathers ■ Ralph Price; 118 S. McCrary Construct storage/shop;
Air Conditioning Inc Road; Plumbing permit; Brown- Owner


BY BEN PORTNOY South Carolina, Virgin- ia Tech and others, per
STARKVILLE — Cass — an Eight Mile,
While Joe Moorhead Alabama, native — comes
placed the foundation for to Starkville following
the 2020 recruiting cy- two seasons at Delta,
cle, Mike Leach and his where he totaled 65 tack-
staff laid the final bricks les, four tackles for a loss
Wednesday. and one interception.
With National Signing His other offers included
Day ceremonies taking Arkansas State, Old Do-
place across the country, minion, Southern Miss,
Leach and his newly an- Liberty and Middle Ten-
nounced assistants added nessee State.
four players to Mississip- “Really impressed with
pi State’s 26-player class. the class signed by the
“I was really im- previous staff and our re-
pressed,” Leach said of cruiting department and
visiting with the new (Senior Associate Athlet-
signees and those who ic Director for Football)
pledged to MSU during Dave Emerick and (Direc-
the early signing period tor of Player Personnel)
in December. “First of Brittany (Thackery) for
all I think they’re qual- bridging the gap between
ity athletes and quality our staff and the transi-
players. The other thing tion and that,” Leach said.
it reinforced was how im- “We’re really impressed
portant football is in the with the class signed and
state of Mississippi, and excited to have everybody
it reinforced what Missis- on board.”
sippi State means to this Leach noted MSU has
state and the opportunity a few extra scholarships
it provides for those stu- Jim Lytle/Dispatch file photo to play with and could
dent-athletes.” Mike Leach rings a cowbell during his introductory press conference Jan. 10 in Starkville. add more prospects to
Most notably, the coaches at Santa Mar- staff,” he added. fenders throughout his more of a slot receiver the class — most likely of-
Bulldogs officially added garita High School was Also included in MSU’s final season at Starkville. once at MSU, according fensive linemen or inside
graduate transfer quar- an early sticking point in National Signing Day haul “He’s really good with to inside receivers coach linebackers.
terback KJ Costello. A MSU’s recruitment of the was three-star Starkville the ball in his hands — I Steve Spurrier Jr., who The full list of Wednes-
Stanford product, Costel- former Cardinal signal High wide receiver Rufus think that’d be the quick- spoke with the media day’s signees:
lo concluded his time in caller. Harvey. Harvey, who con- est way to describe him,” shortly after Leach did. WR Rufus Harvey
Palo Alto completing 495 “He was pretty familiar cluded his senior season Leach said. “Pretty com- MSU’s other signees — Starkville/Starkville
of 791 passes for 6,151 with what we did,” Leach with the Yellow Jackets plete player in terms of Wednesday included High School
yards and 49 touchdowns said of Costello. “We with 1,066 yards and 16 being productive with three-star Florida line- DB Kyle Cass — Eight
compared to just 18 in- played him two times, and touchdown receptions, special teams and on of- backer Jamari Stewart Mile, Alabama/Missis-
terceptions in 28 career so he liked the way we was previously commit- fense. In some places it’d and Mississippi Delta sippi Delta Community
games. threw it and always knew ted to Arkansas State be- be kind of inexplicable Community College College
Leach, who previously about three people on our fore flipping Wednesday. how (he was available), cornerback Kyle Cass. QB KJ Costello — San-
coached three of Costel- team when it happened.” The 5-foot-10, 167-pound but very productive with Stewart signed with the ta Margarita, California/
lo’s high school team- “KJ is kind of a strang- receiver is slightly un- the ball in his hands.” Bulldogs over a long of- Stanford
mates at Washington er to Mississippi, but he dersized but plays well A versatile playmaker fer sheet that reportedly LB Jamari Stewart —
State, said his relation- really wasn’t a stranger above his frame, as he inside and outside, Har- included Michigan, Au- Fort Pierce, Florida/Cen-
ship with the players and to most of our offensive outjumped numerous de- vey will likely line up as burn, Miami, Ole Miss, tennial

Columbus High
sends off four
BY THEO DEROSA “Chris is gonna do great at Gulf Coast be-
cause one, he’s a compet-
They say no man is an itor, and two, his willing-
island. Christopher John- ness to learn,” Pulphus
son might be. said.
Many opposing teams Johnson is just one of
found that out the hard the four Falcons who took
way this season when their next steps during
their best wide receivers Wednesday’s National
were matched up against Signing Day ceremony.
the lanky Columbus High Strong safety Kameron
School cornerback. The Jenkins signed to Coaho-
6-foot-2 senior simply ma Community College,
“eliminated parts of the and offensive linemen De-
field,” Columbus coach veon Boykins and Gerald
Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff Joshua Pulphus said. Wells both signed to Mis-
Heritage Academy seniors Ethan Bumgarner, Brantley Prescott, KJ Smith, Carter Putt and Davis Fitch all signed Before long, colleges sissippi Delta Communi-
their letters of intent Wednesday. Prescott and Putt will both play at Northeast Mississippi Community College. began to take notice. ty College.
Johnson received schol- “It’s just a dream come

Patriots add five more signees to stellar senior class arship offers from East
Mississippi Community
College, East Central
true,” Jenkins said. “I’ve
been dreaming of this
day since elementary.”
BY THEO DEROSA next fall. Smith signed to Missis- en signings shows you Community College, Co- Both he and Wells were “That’s what I told my sippi Delta Community why we went 14-0.” piah-Lincoln Community “full qualifiers,” achiev-
wife: I’m trying to figure College, offensive line- To Putt, the accom- College and even NCAA ing an ACT score high
Heritage Academy out how in the world I’m man Ethan Bumgarner plishment is more than Division I program Loui- enough to mean they can
football coach Sean Har- gonna get to see them signed to Northwest Mis- that. With Smith coming siana Tech. sign with an NCAA pro-
rison knows he can’t be in all,” Harrison said. sissippi Community Col- to Heritage Academy But he couldn’t shake gram after just one year
two places at once. It’s a good problem to lege, and tight end Davis from Columbus High and the school that wanted at the community college
How about six? have for Harrison. His Fitch will play at Belhav- Prescott coming in from him the most: Mississippi level. For Pulphus, who
Seniors Eli Acker team romped to a state en University. With Acker New Hope, the special Gulf Coast Community wants to see even more
(Ole Miss) and Jared title without a single loss, and Long already in the season is an example of College. of his players reach that
Long (Central Arkansas) allowing fewer than 10 fold, that’s a lot of talent the Patriots coming to- “From Day 1, they kept mark in his second year
signed their national let- points per game and en- moving to the next level. gether to reach their goal. it real with me,” Johnson at the helm, that’s just
ters of intent Dec. 18, acting the mercy rule Fri- “I think it’s a testament “It just shows that no said. “They kept coming what the Falcons expect.
and during a ceremony day after Friday. to them, their parents, matter where you come by the school, coming by “Our goal here at Co-
Wednesday for National Wednesday, many of the school community,” from, you can do any- my house.” lumbus High: We don’t
Signing Day, five more of the team’s key pieces took Harrison said. “I think thing,” Putt said. For the Bulldogs, that want to put a limit on suc-
Harrison’s players signed their next steps. Quar- having over 50 percent of He’ll again team up persistence eventually cess,” he said. “We want
theirs to four different terback Carter Putt and your senior class sign is with Prescott, who joked paid off. On Wednes- to be college and career
schools around the state. center Brantley Prescott unprecedented here and Wednesday that he and day, Johnson signed his ready, so we want to just
That has Harrison con- doubled up at Northeast probably a lot of places. Putt are undefeated to- national letter of intent be ready in life. For them
flicted when he seeks out Mississippi Community We were blessed with a gether after their first to play football at Gulf to have the option to go
former players to watch College, running back KJ great group of kids. Sev- See PATRIOTS, 2B Coast. See FALCONS, 2B
2B THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 The Dispatch •

BRIEFLY Patriots
Continued from Page 1B
Prep Football
National Signing Day roundup year playing football and falls in love with “It means the
Fourteen seniors at Starkville High School, nine at on the same team. him, watches his film world to me,” he said
West Point High School, seven from Noxubee County “It’s neat that the and comes and offers Wednesday. “It’s just
High School and one at New Hope High School signed center-quarterback ex- him.” surreal.”
their letters of intent at Wednesday’s National Signing
Day ceremony.
change is gonna keep It was a similar case It’s the same for
From Mississippi State to East Mississippi going,” Harrison said. for Smith — Harrison Harrison, who said
Community College and everywhere in between, these For Prescott, it’s said he was “shocked” Bumgarner will al-
31 players will spread out around the Magnolia State as “all family” even when at how long it took for ways be special to him.
they continue their careers. he and Putt match up a school to offer the After starting the first
Here’s a list of Wednesday’s signees.
with their former high talented back, though two games his sopho-
school teammates a few opportunities more season, Bumgar-
Starkville High School next season. came in late ner didn’t play much
WR Rufus Harvey -- Mississippi State
LB Tyrese Hopkins -- Southern Miss “We’re all proud But at Delta, Smith the rest of the year.
WR Josh Aka -- East Mississippi Community of each other, even will be reunited with But he didn’t get down
College though some of us will his brother, former — he got better.
K Peyton Rodgers -- East Mississippi Community play each other next Heritage Academy as- “He took it as moti-
WR Tae Lucious -- East Mississippi Community year,” Prescott said. sistant Tobias Smith, vation,” Harrison said.
College (football and baseball) Fitch, who signed now the offensive coor- “He wasn’t sour about
WR Orien Thompson -- East Mississippi Commu- with NCAA Division dinator for the Trojans. it. He was the ultimate
nity College III Belhaven, will “KJ ended up with teammate and worked
DE Tevontae Bond -- Holmes Community College
S Justice Robinson -- Holmes Community College likely be the odd man a couple offers, and I his tail off in the weight
CB Ashton Wilson -- Holmes Community College out when it comes to had a feeling that he’d room and has gone
DT Jaylan Ware -- Hinds Community College scheduling. He didn’t go to Tobias,” Harri- and earned everything
CB Khiry Gee -- Hinds Community College receive much recruit- son said. “We hated he’s gotten. I’m excited
OL Max Hyche -- Itawamba Community College
DB Jaquan Jenkins -- Coahoma Community
ing interest until Bel- to lose Tobias but so to see his next signing
College haven made the short proud for him and his day and where it is.”
DB Khris White -- Jones College trip across Jackson opportunity. That’s Indeed, that could
to watch the Patriots gonna be a neat deal: be the case for all five
West Point High School rout Starkville Acade- KJ knows he’s gonna Patriots who signed
RB/QB Brandon Harris -- East Mississippi Com- my 55-10 in the MAIS be featured.” Wednesday. They all
munity College Class 5A title game. For Bumgarner, hope to play at the Di-
LB Tyron Orr -- East Mississippi Community
“We tell these kids too, it was sort of a vision I level, and all of
RB Jimothy Mays -- East Mississippi Community all the time, ‘You nev- family affair. The line- them have confidence
College er know who’s watch- man was able to fulfill in each other, too.
WR Jordan Rupert -- Holmes Community College ing,’” Harrison said. a promise he made to “Just know my 2020
RB Dantariyus Cannon -- Holmes Community “Nobody was on Da- his parents long ago: class, we’re coming
OL Jonquez Roby -- Hinds Community College vis, and then Belhaven They wouldn’t have to for everything they
TE TJ Anderson -- Hinds Community College sees him in the state pay for him to go to said we couldn’t have,”
DL Robert Spearmon -- Coahoma Community championship game college. Smith said.
OL Miller Conn -- Mississippi College

New Hope High School

RB Braylen Miller -- East Mississippi Community
West Lowndes WR Sanders
Noxubee County High School
QB/LB Marlon “Emjai” Windham -- Coahoma
Community College
WR Jakarion “Kobee” Lockett -- Coahoma
signs to Jones College
Community College BY THEO DEROSA That’s the goal for many schools recruit-
WR Jeffery Malone -- Hinds Community College
LB Kevarious Harris -- Hinds Community College Sanders, who saw in- ed him as a safety.
S Edward Colvin -- Hinds Community College terest from Memphis “That experience is
DE Jaylon Barnett -- Mississippi Delta Community When West Lown- and Southern Miss gonna benefit him big
College des football coach and received NCAA time at the next level,”
WR Jaqualon Sherrod -- McPherson College (Kan.) Anthony King looks offers from Austin King said.
at Mississippi’s three Peay and Jackson The senior had 600
Women’s College Basketball Division I football pro-
State. Neither of the receiving yards and
Frazier named Athlete of the Month grams, he sees oppor-
FBS schools dangled 499 rushing yards in
Mississippi University for Women forward My’Neka tunity knock.
Frazier has been named the Renasant Bank Athlete of
an offer, though, so just 10 games in 2019,
New Mississip-
the Month for January, according to a news release from Sanders decided to helping the Panthers
pi State coach Mike
the school. go the junior college reach the playoffs. A
Frazier is averaging a double-double on the season Leach is known for his
route despite pushes first-round blowout
for the Owls, recording 13.4 points per game and 13.0 pass-heavy “Air Raid”
from coaches as late as loss at Biggersville put
rebounds per game. offense. Coach Lane
The senior transfer from East Central Community Wednesday morning. a damper on things,
Kiffin at Ole Miss
College averaged 20.4 points and 15.4 rebounds per
plans to lean on the “I think he made a though.
game in January, including a 30-point, 27-rebound really good decision “It was tough the
game against Judson College. passing game heavily.
“My’Neka has played a vital role for us this year and And quarterback Jack by going there,” King way it ended, but ev-
she’s done so while playing out of position the entirety Abraham and South- said. “I think better erything happens for a
of her senior season,” head coach Drew Johnson said ern Miss will throw football is ahead of him reason,” Sanders said.
in the news release. “She has shown great versatility once he gets stronger.” “Our team overcame a
and demonstrated a drive to do whatever is best for her their way to success.
team no matter what is required of her. She has been That means a lot of King said Sanders’ lot of adversity. We had
the embodiment of selflessness and has proven to be openings for receivers slight frame is partial- several different inju-
a fantastic example for our younger players to follow for like West Lowndes ly the result of West ries, but injury comes
years to come. I can’t say enough about the job she has Lowndes’ size or lack with the game of foot-
done this year and I’m glad she is being recognized for senior Jherquaveus
the work she has put in.” “Qua” Sanders. The thereof — a MHSAA ball.”
6-foot-2, 180-pound Class 1A school, West Now, the senior will
Lowndes doesn’t have finish up the basket-
College Softball speedster signed his
a strength and condi- ball season before he
national letter of intent
Davidson, Leilua named all-Americans again to Jones County Junior tioning program for heads to Ellisville to
Just days from the start of the 2020 season, the
accolades continue to pile up for Mississippi State College on Wednes- its football team. The play for the Bobcats.
softball players Mia Davidson and Fa Leilua. day, and he’ll be eligi- school will implement Once there, he hopes
Davidson, a junior catcher, and Leilua, a senior util- ble to sign with a Di- athletic periods next to make the difference
ity player, were both named second-team all-Americans season, King said. his coach knows he
by D1Softball on Tuesday.
vision I program after
Previously, both members of the duo were named just one season. And if Sanders can can.
preseason all-Americans by Softball America, and both “Hopefully I can go add 10 to 15 pounds “I just felt like Jones
landed on the top 50 watch list for the USA Softball to Jones, put up some of muscle, King said, was the place for me,”
Collegiate Player of the Year Award. good numbers, and in he’ll reap the benefits. Sanders said. “They’re
Mississippi State’s season begins Friday at the
NFCA Leadoff Classic in Clearwater, Florida. The December, I can be Sanders has history the place that I can call
Bulldogs will face Missouri State at 11 a.m. Friday and signing another schol- playing quarterback home, the place where
play an exhibition with Team USA at 5 p.m. Friday. arship to a Division I and running back as I can go in and make
school,” Sanders said. well as receiver, and an immediate impact.”
SOURCE: From Special Reports

Prep Boys Soccer Continued from Page 1B
Starkville Academy at Washington, 3
to a four-year college enced offensive line, took over the job in No-
or to a junior college, Pulphus said. vember.
Prep Girls Basketball
I consider that a suc- “He’s one of those “Coahoma, with
Oak Hill Academy vs. Carroll Academy
cess.” offensive linemen the new groups that
at district tournament, Carrollton, 5:15
Wells said the abili- who’s constantly got- they’ve got coming
Heritage Academy vs. Starkville Acade-
ty to play three years at ten better and better in, they’re bringing in
my at district tournament, Lamar, 6:30 a Division I program, and better,” Pulphus guys that have a win-
p.m. should the chance ar- said. “His impact on ning tradition, win-
New Hope at Caledonia, 6 p.m. rive, “means a lot.” our program was the ning culture, and they
Noxubee County at West Point, 6 p.m. “I’ll probably be fact of his leadership. want to get that pro-
Prep Boys Basketball out in one year, so He also led the youth gram changed, which
Heritage Academy at district tourna- I’m going down there in showing them how is great,” Pulphus said.
ment, Lamar, 5:15 p.m. with the mindset that to practice and what Even after the Ti-
Oak Hill Academy vs. Indianola Acade- I’m ready to grind,” new standards we gers went 1-8 in 2019,
my at district tournament, Carrollton, he said. “It makes me were going by.” Jenkins has high
5:15 p.m. feel like I’m complet- Wells, a four-year hopes for his time in
New Hope at Caledonia, 7:30 p.m. ing what I wanted to starter, was hurt by Clarksdale.
Noxubee County at West Point, 7:30 do: get to that bag and the coaching chang- “We’ve got to get
p.m. work hard.” es the Falcons went one of them rings,
Women’s College Basketball He and Boykins through in the past baby,” he said. “We’ve
Mississippi State at Tennessee, 5:30 will team up again at few years, his coach got to.”
p.m. Delta, where former said, but the guard and Pulphus’ expecta-
MUW at Judson, 5:30 p.m. Columbus offensive tackle is a “great kid” tions for Jenkins and
Marshall at Southern Miss, 6 p.m. line coach Tobias with a “great motor.” his teammates are
EMCC at Coahoma Community College, Smith will be waiting “He was one of the even higher.
5:30 p.m. for them. Smith, who forefront leaders of the “I really believe
Men’s College Basketball coached at Heritage team as well,” Pulphus all four of these kids,
EMCC at Coahoma Community College, Academy, took over as said. we’ll probably be see-
7:30 p.m. Delta’s offensive coor- Jenkins will enter ing them playing on
Southern Miss at Marshall, 6 p.m. dinator, and his pres- a Coahoma program Sundays one day,” he
ence was a factor in with a new coaching said. “I know the city’s
ON THE AIR Boykins’ decision. staff led by former excited, I know the
Boykins, who Northwest Mississippi community’s proud for
is 6-foot-4 and 242 Community College them, and they’re gon-
5:30 p.m. — Mississippi State at
pounds, has brought defensive line coach na go and make a great
Tennessee, SECN
together an inexperi- Travis Macon, who mark on Columbus.”
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 3B


Tyree’s big night leads Ole Miss past South Carolina

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS was one of our very best like we had just won the Ole Miss shot 27 of er at 13.9 points per game, a two-game losing streak.
games. I am proud of our Super Bowl, but it was 57 (47.4 percent) from had a tough night. After scoring 17 points in
OXFORD — Ole Miss guys, and this team has all positive in our locker the field, including 6 of Lawson was 1 of 6 from the previous two games,
coach Kermit Davis con- good basketball ahead for room,” Tyree said. “This 12 from 3-point range, the field, including 1 of 4 Tyree had 18 at halftime.
vinced his team to begin them.” team hasn’t given up. We and 24 of 32 (75 percent) from 3-point range in the Hinson did not score
a brand new season with Tyree finished 12 of talked about winning the from the free throw line. first half, while the Rebels in 24 minutes in his previ-
a win Wednesday night, 21 from the field, 11 of month of February and The Rebels outrebounded built an 11-point halftime ous start at LSU, but had
and it worked convincing- 13 from the free throw we still have a lot to play South Carolina 39-29, as lead that was never seri- a strong bounce-back per-
ly. line and added three re- for.” Sy had a team-high eight ously threatened in the formance that included 13
Breein Tyree scored bounds and two assists. South Carolina (13-9, rebounds. second half. points, seven rebounds,
a career-high 38 points Blake Hinson and Khad- 5-4) was led by Jermaine South Carolina was 23 “That’s not the way we two assists, a blocked
as Mississippi defeated im Sy scored 13 and 10 Cousinard’s career-high of 56 (41 percent) from have played the last four shot an a steal.
South Carolina 84-70, points respectively as Ole 28 points. Maik Kotsar the field and 6 of 20 (30 games,” Martin said.
snapping a three-game Miss (11-11, 2-7 SEC) nev- added 19 points with percent) from the 3-point “We’ve had a lifeless Career milestone
winning streak by the er trailed. a team-high eight re- line, highlighted by Cous- approach to practice late- The win was No. 500
Gamecocks and earning The Rebels raced to an bounds. inard with 8 of 18 from the ly. Our practice attitude for Kermit Davis in a 25-
the 500th career victory 8-0 lead in the opening “We weren’t good. field, including three 3s. will have to change if we year career that includes
for Davis. three minutes, led 43- But give Ole Miss a lot of Big picture are going to give our- Coach of the Year hon-
“I told them to forget 32 at halftime and by as credit,” South Carolina South Carolina: The selves a chance to play ors in four different con-
everything, look straight many as 19 points, 72-53, coach Frank Martin said. Gamecocks did not play better.” ferences. Davis won 332
ahead and win February, on a 3-point shot by Tyree “Tyree led his team like a like a team that had won Ole Miss: The Reb- games during a 16-year
starting now,” Davis said. with 6:29 remaining. senior guard is supposed five of the last six games. els opened a three-game stint at Middle Tennessee
“From start to finish, this “We didn’t celebrate to do.” Lawson, the leading scor- homestand by snapping State.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: DEAR ABBY: soon who can reciprocate his
My niece Last week, I was romantic feelings. He may not
on my hus- in my college’s like the message, but he will
band’s side was cafe, minding my respect you for your honesty
engaged to be own business and for not wasting his time.
married two years and studying for DEAR ABBY: I have many
ago. There was a test. I looked older friends, and when we go
a bridal shower, toward a group out for lunch or dinner, all they
and everyone of guys that hang talk about is their aches and
gave gifts or gift out there and pains and other medical stuff.
cards. Two weeks made eye con- I will always be their friend and
after the shower, tact with a guy support them, but sometimes
ZITS the wedding friend I’ve known it’s such a downer, they even
was canceled since preschool. get depressed listening to
because of the He made his way each other.
groom-to-be’s to my table, sat What’s the best way to
infidelities. The down and we
shower gifts and
Dear Abby started talking
change the conversation to
happy subjects while being
gift cards were about classes sensitive at the same time? —
never returned nor was anyone and whatnot. Suddenly, he
reimbursed. changed the subject and
The same niece is getting asked me if I was seeing any-
people sometimes dwell on
married to someone else now. one. I said no, and he blurted
Another shower is being given out that he’s in love with me! their aches, pains and other
for her. Everyone on her side He said he has loved me for a medical stuff because they
of the family is invited. Are we very long time, that I am per- have little else to occupy their
required to give gifts again? fect in his eyes, and that I’m minds. If you are sensitive, you
will listen sympathetically for
GARFIELD Can we attend the shower and too harsh and doubt myself.
a period of time, then propose
not give a gift? Should we all Then he said he wants me to
just not attend? Please help. give him a chance. you all change the subject to
— ALREADY GAVE ONCE The thing is, I don’t like something more upbeat — and
DEAR ALREADY GAVE: Any him that way and never have. SUGGEST something.
unopened gifts from the first He’s not the type of guy I’m
shower should have been re- attracted to. How do I go about Dear Abby is written by
turned to the givers. Because rejecting him without losing Abigail Van Buren, also known
they weren’t, you are not him as a friend? — FRIEND as Jeanne Phillips, and was
“obligated” to give the bride ZONE IN WASHINGTON STATE founded by her mother, Pauline
another gift. However, if you DEAR FRIEND ZONE: Tell Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
plan to attend this shower, in him the truth — that you like at or P.O.
my opinion, you should not go him, too, but only as a friend, Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
empty-handed. and hope he will find someone 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. into love as a verb. and they will return the interest
6). This solar journey empha- TAURUS (April 20-May 20). today.
sizes self-expression and you’ll Helping feels good to you, serv- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
share yourself in different medi- ing feels comfortable, assisting When what you’re selling makes
ums, genres, colors and tones. feels right. But if you don’t feel sense to people, and they hap-
One of your many gifts will be good if you’re not doing those pen to also want it very badly,
communicating with hard-to- things, this indicates a problem. the sale is merely a transaction:
reach people. Your willingness Make sure you’re taking turns, You provide it; they buy it, no
to bridge gaps will also grow serving and being served. show, no influence, no convinc-
your influence. There’s a finan- GEMINI (May 21-June 21). ing involved.
cial element to this you’ll love. You can make a difference in VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Sagittarius and Cancer adore someone’s life just by talking Don’t let anyone waste your
BABY BLUES you. Your lucky numbers are: 3, about what you know and love. time with catastrophizing a
22, 28, 16 and 30. The passion you feel is tangible. noncatastrophe. Unless there’s
ARIES (March 21-April Your giddiness is the rising tide actually a tornado involved, the
19). Can love that’s not put that carries all ships. best approach is being calm
in motion really be love? Yes. CANCER (June 22-July 22). and reasonable with the intent
What’s happening is internal — It’s not that you need to network to enjoy, help or improve.
thoughts and considerations, or want to be more popular. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
ideas and intentions all churn- Such things have little to do Not everything you do takes en-
ing around in a stew of potential with your friendliness. You’re ergy. Some things give energy.
that could someday be turned genuinely curious about people, With the right sort of tasks on
the list, you can schedule your-
self densely and be massively
productive, gaining vitality as
you go.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
BEETLE BAILEY 21). Navigating values can
be tricky. It helps to have an
organizing principle to keep you
aligned. This question serves
well: What would happen if
everyone were doing it the way
you’re doing it?
21). Other people’s preferences
matter, but how much? That
is the question of the day.
You’ll think about your loved
ones when you’re not together,
though you’ll resist or deny
their ability to control from a
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Stay playful. Keep every-
thing loose, creative and flowing
in a productive direction. If you
feel yourself getting too serious,
then leave the scene for a few
minutes to do something as
close to fun as you can find.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). That person who can sub-
tly and consistently nudge you in
the right direction is invaluable
in your life. A few degrees off of
the trajectory, over time, totally
FAMILY CIRCUS changes the journey and drasti-
cally alters the destination.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). If it’s been a long while and
you’re still not achieving your
goal, consider that it might be
the wrong aim. Get out into the
world with the intent of finding
something new to want. Better
to wander than to go stale.

Bed and breakfast

4B THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 The Dispatch •


Global tourism takes major hit How’s the economy?
as virus halts Chinese travel Fed increasingly
Thirty airlines have
Disconnect? Stocks rise despite
turns to private data
suspended service to BY CHRISTOPHER RUGABER
China and 25K flights
fears over virus from China
AP Economics Writer

were canceled this week WASHINGTON — About a year ago, Federal

Reserve officials were nervous. Markets were cra-
BY DEE-ANN DURBIN tering. Fear about a trade war was rising. The of-
AP Business Writer NEW YORK — The virus outbreak out of China has exposed a seem- ficials needed to know if the turmoil was chilling
ing disconnect between the financial markets and science. consumer spending. Problem was, a partial shut-
This should have been a good Health experts don’t know how far the virus will spread and how bad down of the government had halted the release of
year for global tourism, with trade the crisis will get, yet stocks are rallying as if investors are expecting most economic data.
tensions gradually easing, certain no more than a modest hit to the global economy. So Fed officials did something they couldn’t
economies growing and banner On Wall Street, the S&P 500 erased all its losses from the past few have done during previous shutdowns. They
events like the Summer Olympics weeks and hit a record on Wednesday, while markets in Japan and turned to a backup: Consumer spending figures
taking place in Tokyo. But the viral Hong Kong, closer to the center of the crisis, rose as well. The gains from First Data, a card payment company that pro-
outbreak in China has thrown the came even as the number of people infected globally surged to more cesses about $2 trillion in transactions each year.
travel industry into chaos, threaten- than 28,000 and the death toll climbed to 563, with the overwhelming First Data’s figures showed that most consumers
ing billions in losses and keeping majority of cases in China. were shrugging off the upheaval. Weeks later,
millions of would-be travelers at Investors aren’t pretending to know any more than the scientists. But when the government’s data was finally released, it
home. after an initial, mini-freakout over worries about a big blow to China, closely tracked First Data’s figures.
Gabrielle Autry, an American the world’s second-largest economy with 1.4 billion people, and the po- “It was a big deal for the Fed in terms of hav-
who lives in China, had expected to tential ripple effects, investors are taking into account better-than-ex- ing information about the economy when the retail
travel to Hong Kong this week to get pected earnings from some of the globe’s biggest companies and other sales data did not come out,” said Claudia Sahm,
engaged to her Chinese boyfriend. encouraging economic indicators from outside China. a former Fed staffer who helped compile the First
But those plans are on hold, and the Perhaps most important, investors are looking at more than just the Data figures. Fed policymakers were “extremely
couple is quarantined in their apart- public health measures that are being taken against the virus; they are interested in what those readings were.”
ment in Hangzhou, an eight-hour taking into account the financial tools available to counter the econom- The experience seems to have whetted the Fed’s
drive from the epicenter of the out- ic damage. appetite for private sources of data that can help as-
break in Wuhan. As of Wednesday, They are hoping that even if the virus spreads further, central banks sess the economy’s health. An institution that often
China had reported 28,018 cases and can once again come to the rescue and prop up the global economy by calls its interest-rate stance “data-dependent,” the
563 deaths. cutting interest rates and offering other stimulus, much as they have Fed is increasingly recognizing that some privately
“We are thankful for our health done since the 2008 financial crisis. produced data is nearly as accurate as — and often
and that we are together here,” Au- timelier than — the government reports that it has
try said. She doesn’t know when they long depended upon.
will be able to reschedule their trip. Before the outbreak, the United number of travelers from China, “We have been working with big data ... with the
Thirty airlines have suspended Nations World Tourism Organiza- where rapidly growing incomes purpose of better understanding the current posi-
service to China and 25,000 flights tion was forecasting growth of 3-4 have led to a global tourism boom. tion of the economy,” Chairman Jerome Powell said
were canceled this week alone, ac- percent in global tourism this year, In 2018, Chinese tourists made last summer. “It’s an area of real interest for us.”
cording to OAG, a travel data compa- an increase over the 1.5 billion tour- nearly 150 million trips abroad and Thanks to an array of technological break-
ny. Hotel rooms in China are largely ist arrivals in 2019. Upsides, like spent $277 billion, according to IHS throughs, the potential opportunities have expand-
empty; Chinese hotel occupancy economic improvement in the Mid- Markit. That’s up from just $15.4 bil- ed. Millions of financial transactions, digitized and
plummeted 75 percent in the last two dle East and Latin America, out- lion in 2002. compiled by private firms, could help the Fed and
weeks of January, according to STR, weighed some potential downsides, The loss of those tourists is be- other government agencies track changes in com-
a hotel research firm. More than like the uncertainty of Brexit or any ing felt most acutely in Asia, which pany sales, prices, and wages. Computer process-
7,000 passengers are quarantined on lingering U.S.-China trade disputes. usually attracts 75 percent of Lunar ing power and data storage have become cheaper.
two cruise ships in Japan and Hong Central to those numbers was New Year travelers, says Forward- Advanced software can make it easy to manipulate
Kong. the promise of an ever-growing Keys, a travel consulting company. huge troves of raw data.

Bernard Madoff seeks prison release,

citing terminal kidney failure
BY JIM MUSTIAN Post in a phone interview, investment scheme in-
The Associated Press expressing remorse for volving billions of dollars,
orchestrating the largest admitting he swindled
NEW YORK — Epic Ponzi scheme in history. thousands of clients over
Ponzi schemer Bernard After spending more decades. The rich and
Madoff asked a federal than a decade behind famous were among his
judge Wednesday to grant bars, Madoff said his dy- victims, as well as people
him a “compassionate re- ing wish is to salvage his of lesser means who had
lease” from his 150-year relationships with his invested with him un-
prison sentence, saying grandchildren. knowingly through feeder
he has terminal kidney “I’ve served 11 years funds.
failure and less than 18 already,” he said, “and, The new court filings
months to live. quite frankly, I’ve suffered say Madoff was admitted
Madoff’s attorney filed through it.” in July to the palliative
court papers saying the The U.S. Attorney’s care unit of the federal
81-year-old has end-stage Office in Manhattan de- prison in Butner, North
kidney disease and other clined to comment. Prose- Carolina.
“chronic, serious medical cutors are expected to file “Madoff’s health has
conditions,” including hy- a motion in response to and will continue to deteri-
pertension and cardiovas- the request in the coming orate, and he will require
cular disease. days. more assistance physical-
“There’s no cure for Madoff pleaded guilty ly and medically leading
my type of disease,” Mad- in 2009 to 11 federal up to his death,” attorney
off told The Washington counts in a fraudulent Brandon Sample wrote.
record in the office of the Chan- WHEREAS, on September 21,

cery Clerk of Lowndes County, 2012, Tony Springer, Jr. and
State of Mississippi in Book Titashia Brooks, husband and
ADS APPEAR IN THE COMMERCIAL DISPATCH, 2019 at Page 11324; and wife executed a certain deed of
trust to Denise McLaurin, Trust-
WHEREAS, Nationstar Mort- ee for the benefit of Regions
has heretofore substituted
Bank d/b/a Regions Mortgage
which deed of trust is of re-
Shapiro & Brown, LLC as Trust- cord in the office of the Chan-
ee by instrument dated Janu- cery Clerk of Lowndes County,
To place ads starting at only $12,
ary 14, 2020 and recorded in State of Mississippi in Book
the aforesaid Chancery Clerk's 2012 at Page 22724; and
call 662-328-2424 or visit
Office in Book 2020 at Page
1106; and WHEREAS, Regions Bank has
heretofore substituted Shapiro
having been & FEBRUARY
Brown, LLC as 6,Trustee
2020 n 5B
by in-
made in the terms and condi- strument dated January 13,
tions of said deed of trust and 2020 and recorded in the
the entire debt secured thereby aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Of-
having been declared to be due fice in Book 2020 at Page
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legalpayable
and Notices in accordance with 1103;
Legal Notices

the terms of said deed of trust,
TICE OF SALE TICE OF SALE TICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE TICE OF SALE Mr. Cooper, the legal holder of made in the terms and condi-
said indebtedness, having re- tions of said deed of trust and
CALL US: 662-328-2424 WHEREAS, on December 18,
2006, John Christian, Married
WHEREAS, on December 7,
2010, Tia E. Rice and Dexter E.
WHEREAS, on November 6,
2006, Samuel Lance Luckey
WHEREAS, on April 27, 1998,
Angela I. Hobbs, executed a
quested the undersigned Sub- the entire debt secured thereby
stituted Trustee to execute the having been declared to be due
Man executed a certain deed Rice, wife and husband ex- and Tammy Luckey executed a deed of trust to W.H. Jolly, Jr., trust and sell said land and and payable in accordance with
Legal Notices of trust to Real Estate Closing ecuted a certain deed of trust certain deed of trust to Vinh Trustee for the benefit of First property in accordance with the the terms of said deed of trust,
Services, Trustee for the bene- to Cecil D. McClellan, III, Trust- Pham, Trustee for the use and Federal Bank for Savings, terms of said deed of trust and Regions Bank, the legal holder
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE'S NO- fit of Mortgage Electronic Re- ee for the benefit of Mortgage benefit of Mortgage Electronic which deed of trust is recor- for the purpose of raising the of said indebtedness, having
TICE OF SALE gistration Systems, Inc. as Electronic Registration Sys- Registration Systems, Inc. act- ded in Deed of Trust Book sums due thereunder, togeth- requested the undersigned
nominee for New Century Mort- tems, Inc. as nominee for Res- ing solely as nominee for BNC 1239 at Page 417 in the Of- er with attorney's fees, Substituted Trustee to execute
WHEREAS, on July 1, 2005, gage Corporation which deed of idential Finance Corporation, Mortgage Inc, a Delaware Cor- fice of the Chancery Clerk of trustee's fees and expense of the trust and sell said land and
Sammy L. Fulton, a single man trust is of record in the office its successors and assigns poration, which deed of trust is the County of Lowndes, State sale. property in accordance with the
executed a certain deed of of the Chancery Clerk of which deed of trust is of re- of record in the office of the of Mississippi; and terms of said deed of trust and
trust to James L. Robertson, Lowndes County, State of Mis- cord in the office of the Chan- Chancery Clerk of Lowndes, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & for the purpose of raising the
Trustee for the benefit of Mort- sissippi in Book 2006 at Page cery Clerk of Lowndes County, County, state of Mississippi, in WHEREAS, by merger effective Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- sums due thereunder, togeth-
gage Electronic Registration 36581; and State of Mississippi in Book Book 2006, Page 31982; and September 1, 1999, First Fed- ee in said deed of trust, will on er with attorney's fees,
Systems, Inc. as nominee for 2010 at Page 27285; and eral Bank for Savings became February 27, 2020 offer for trustee's fees and expense of
BankFirst Financial Services, WHEREAS, DEUTSCHE BANK WHEREAS, Wells Fargo Bank, National Bank of Commerce of sale at public outcry and sell sale.
its successors and assigns NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, WHEREAS, Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trust- Mississippi; and within legal hours (being
which deed of trust is of re- as trustee for SECURITIZED AS- N.A. has heretofore substi- ee for Structured Asset Securit- between the hours of 11:00 NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro &
cord in the office of the Chan- SET BACKED RECEIVABLES tuted Shapiro & Brown, LLC as ies Corporation Mortgage Pass- WHEREAS, by name change ef- a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust-
cery Clerk of Lowndes County, LLC TRUST 2007-BR4, MORT- Trustee by instrument dated Through Certificates, Series fective October 11, 2005, Na- Southeast Door of the County ee in said deed of trust, will on
State of Mississippi in Book GAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTI- January 9, 2020 and recorded 2007-BC1, the current holder tional Bank of Commerce of Courthouse of Lowndes February 27, 2020 offer for
2005 at Page 20035; and FICATES, SERIES 2007-BR4 in the aforesaid Chancery and/or assignee, substituted Mississippi became Cadence County, located at 505 2nd Av- sale at public outcry and sell
has heretofore substituted Clerk's Office in Book 2020 at Jauregui & Lindsey, LLC as Bank, N.A.; and enue North, Columbus, MS within legal hours (being
WHEREAS, Deutsche Bank Na- Shapiro & Brown, LLC as Trust- Page 673; and Trustee by instrument recor- 39701, to the highest and best between the hours of 11:00
tional Trust Company, solely as ee by instrument dated Janu- ded in the Chancery Clerk’s Of- WHEREAS, the aforesaid, Ca- bidder for cash or certified a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the
Trustee for MASTR Specialized ary 7, 2020 and recorded in WHEREAS, default having been fice on November 5, 2018 in dence Bank, N.A., the holder of funds the following described Southeast Door of the County
loan Trust 2006-2 Mortgage the aforesaid Chancery Clerk's made in the terms and condi- Book MORT 2018, Page said deed of trust and the note property situated in Lowndes Courthouse of Lowndes
Pass- Through Certificates, Office in Book 2020 at Page tions of said deed of trust and 23508; and secured thereby, substituted County, State of Mississippi, County, located at 505 2nd Av-
Series 2006-2 has heretofore 663; and the entire debt secured thereby Underwood Law Firm PLLC, as to-wit: enue North, Columbus, MS
substituted Shapiro & Brown, having been declared to be due WHEREAS, Default having been Trustee therein, as authorized 39701, to the highest and best
LLC as Trustee by instrument WHEREAS, default having been and payable in accordance with made in the terms and condi- by the terms thereof, by instru- Lot No. 6 of D and D Subdivi- bidder for cash or certified
dated January 7, 2020 and re- made in the terms and condi- the terms of said deed of trust, tions of said deed of trust and ment dated May 22, 2019 and sion, an unrecorded subdivi- funds the following described
corded in the aforesaid Chan- tions of said deed of trust and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., the leg- the entire debt secured thereby recorded in the Office of the sion located in the Southwest property situated in Lowndes
cery Clerk's Office in Book the entire debt secured thereby al holder of said indebtedness, having been declared to be due aforesaid Chancery Clerk in Quarter of the Northwest County, State of Mississippi,
2020 at Page 669; and having been declared to be due having requested the under- and payable in accordance with Book 2019 at Page 10485; quarter of Section 5, Township to-wit:
and payable in accordance with signed Substituted Trustee to the terms of said deed of trust, and 19 South, Range 17 West,
WHEREAS, default having been the terms of said deed of trust, execute the trust and sell said Wells Fargo Bank, National As- Lowndes County, Mississippi, Lot 67 of and in PARKLAWN
made in the terms and condi- DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL land and property in accord- sociation, as Trustee for Struc- WHEREAS, default having been and being more particularly de- SUBDIVISION, a subdivision in
tions of said deed of trust and TRUST COMPANY, as trustee ance with the terms of said tured Asset Securities Corpora- made in the terms and condi- scribed as follows: and to the City of Columbus,
the entire debt secured thereby for SECURITIZED ASSET deed of trust and for the pur- tion Mortgage Pass-Through tions of said deed of trust and Beginning at the Southwest Lowndes County, Mississippi,
having been declared to be due BACKED RECEIVABLES LLC pose of raising the sums due Certificates, Series 2007-BC1, the entire debt secured corner of the Northwest Quarter as shown by the map or plat
and payable in accordance with TRUST 2007-BR4, MORTGAGE thereunder, together with attor- the legal holder of said in- thereby, having been declared of Section 5, Township 19 thereof of record in Subdivi-
the terms of said deed of trust, PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, ney's fees, trustee's fees and debtedness, having requested to be due and payable in ac- South, Range 17 West, sion Plat Book 2 at Page 44 in
Deutsche Bank National Trust SERIES 2007-BR4, the legal expense of sale. the undersigned Substitute cordance with the terms of said Lowndes County, Mississippi; the Chancery Clerk's Office of
Company, solely as Trustee for holder of said indebtedness, Trustee in said deed of trust, deed of trust, and the legal thence South 86 degrees 30 Lowndes County, Mississippi.
MASTR Specialized loan Trust having requested the under- NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & will on March 5, 2020 offer for holder of said indebtedness, minutes East along the center-
2006-2 Mortgage Pass- signed Substituted Trustee to Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- sale at public outcry and sell Cadence Bank, N.A., having re- line of a county road known as SUBJECT TO the restrictive cov-
Through Certificates, Series execute the trust and sell said ee in said deed of trust, will on within legal hours (being quested the undersigned Sub- Lake Lowndes Road, a dis- enants and conditions as
2006-2, the legal holder of land and property in accord- February 20, 2020 offer for between the hours of 11:00 stituted Trustee to execute the tance of 20 feet; thence North shown by and written on said
said indebtedness, having re- ance with the terms of said sale at public outcry and sell a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the trust and sell said land and a distance of 30 feet to the recorded plat and SUBJECT TO
quested the undersigned Sub- deed of trust and for the pur- within legal hours (being main front door of the County property in accordance with the point of intersection of said the reservation of easements
stituted Trustee to execute the pose of raising the sums due between the hours of 11:00 Courthouse of Lowndes County terms of said deed of trust for Lake Lowndes Road and the for utility and drainage installa-
trust and sell said land and thereunder, together with attor- a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the in Columbus, Mississippi, to the purpose of raising the East boundary line of a county tion as set forth in said restrict-
property in accordance with the ney's fees, trustee's fees and Southeast Door of the County the highest and best bidder for sums due thereunder, togeth- gravel road known as Casey ive covenants and as shown by
terms of said deed of trust and expense of sale. Courthouse of Lowndes cash the following described er with attorney’s fees, Substi- Lane; thence North along the said recorded plat.
for the purpose of raising the County, located at 505 2nd Av- property situated in Lowndes tuted Trustee’s fees and ex- East boundary line of said Ca-
sums due thereunder, togeth- NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & enue North, Columbus, MS County, Mississippi, to wit: pense of sale; sey Lane, a distance of 622.50 I WILL CONVEY only such title
er with attorney's fees, Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- 39701, to the highest and best feet to the initial point of the as vested in me as Substi-
trustee's fees and expense of ee in said deed of trust, will on bidder for cash or certified TRACT 1: NOW, THEREFORE, WE, Under- lot herein described; thence tuted Trustee.
sale. February 20, 2020 offer for funds the following described Lot Number Twenty-Two (22) of wood Law Firm PLLC, Substi- continue North along the East
sale at public outcry and sell property situated in Lowndes Myers Estates, Lowndes tuted Trustee in said deed of boundary line of said Casey WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & within legal hours (being County, State of Mississippi, County, Mississippi, as shown trust, will on the 27th day of Lane, a distance of 111.25 this 24th day of January, 2020.
Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- between the hours of 11:00 to-wit: by plat recorded in Plat Book 3, February, 2020, offer for sale feet; thence South 86 degrees
ee in said deed of trust, will on a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the page 61, in the Chancery at public outcry for cash to the 30 minutes East, 200 feet; Shapiro & Brown, LLC
February 20, 2020 offer for Southeast Door of the County THAT PART OF THE SOUTHW- Clerk`s Office, Lowndes highest bidder, and sell within thence South, parallel with the SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE
sale at public outcry and sell Courthouse of Lowndes EST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, County, Mississippi. legal hours (being between the East boundary line of said Ca-
within legal hours (being County, located at 505 2nd Av- TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE hours of 11:00 A.M. and 4:00 sey Lane, a distance of 111.25 Shapiro & Brown, LLC
between the hours of 11:00 enue North, Columbus, MS 18 WEST, IN LOWNDES SUBJECT TO those restrictive P.M.) at the Main front door of feet; thence North 86 degrees 1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite
a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the 39701, to the highest and best COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, AND covenants and conditions con- the County Courthouse at 30 minutes West, 200 feet to B-202
Southeast Door of the County bidder for cash or certified MORE PARTICULARLY DE- tained in deed from Donald F. Columbus, County of Lowndes, the initial point of this descrip- Flowood, MS 39232
Courthouse of Lowndes funds the following described SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: Myers and Sid Myers, Jr. to State of Mississippi, the follow- tion, and containing 0.51 acre, (601) 981-9299
County, located at 505 2nd Av- property situated in Lowndes BEGINNING AT THE NORTHW- John B. Dexter and wife, Cyn- ing described property situated more or less.
enue North, Columbus, MS County, State of Mississippi, EST CORNER OF THE NORTH- thia L. Dexter, dated Novem- in the County of Lowndes, SUBJECT TO a 10 foot wide 421 Summerhaven Drive
39701, to the highest and best to-wit: EAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTH- ber 5, 1978, filed for record State of Mississippi, to-wit: utility and drainage easement Columbus, MS 39702
bidder for cash or certified WEST QUARTER OF SAID SEC- November 14, 1978 and ap- along and adjoining the East 20-025597
funds the following described A survey of a lot or parcel of TION 23; THENCE SOUTH 88 pearing of record in Book 600, Lot No. 132 of Chilcutt Subdivi- and West property lines, and a
property situated in Lowndes land located in the Southeast DEGREES 34 MINUTES EAST page 495, of the land records sion, Second Extension, of the 5 foot side drainage and utility Publication Dates: January 30,
County, State of Mississippi, Quarter (SE 1/4) of the South- FOR 229 FEET; THENCE SOUTH in the office of the Chancery City of Columbus, Lowndes easement along and adjoining February 6, 13 and 20, 2020
to-wit: east Quarter (SE 1/4) of Sec- 04 DEGREES 46 MINUTES Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- County, Mississippi, as recor- the North and South property
tion 31, Township 16 South, EAST FOR 209 FEET ALONG sissippi; and ded in Plat Book 2 at Page 40 lines of the above described
TRACT 1: Range 17 West, Lowndes THE EAST SIDE OF A PRIVATE in the Office of the Chancery lot. IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
Beginning at a corner post at County, Mississippi, and being ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 03 DE- SUBJECT, ALSO, to the reserva- Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- SUBJECT TO those restrictive LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS-
the Southwest corner of the more particularly described as GREES 10 MINUTES EAST FOR tion or easements for utility sissippi. covenants and conditions SIPPI
Marvin L. and Mildred 0. Smith follows: 988.5 FEET; THENCE SOUTH and drainage installation as set dated July 26, 1978 and recor-
residence lot from thence run- 89 DEGREES 07 MINUTES forth in said restrictive coven- Subject, however, to restrictive ded in Deed Book 592 at page IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
ning East along said Smith's Beginning at the point of inter- WEST FOR 78.7 FEET TO AN ants and as shown by said re- covenants, dated April 15, 404 in the office of the Chan- TATE OF MAMIE L. BROWN, DE-
South line a distance of One section of the East boundary IRON PIN ON THE EAST SIDE corded plat. 1959 and filed for record on cery Clerk of Lowndes County, CEASED
Hundred & Twenty (120) Feet line of Section 31, Township OF A PRIVATE ROAD AND THE May 7, 1959 and recorded in Mississippi.
East more or less; thence 16 South, Range 17 West, POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE TRACT 2: Book 287 at Page 430, Land SUBJECT TO any and all oil, DIONNE TAYLOR, ADMINIS-
South a distance of Sixty-Six Lowndes County, Mississippi, NORTH 89 DEGREES 07 Beginning at the Southeast Records, Lowndes County, Mis- gas, and other mineral interest TRATRIX
(66) Feet, more or less to Whit- and the North right of way line MINUTES EAST FOR 208.7 corner of Lot 22 of Myers Es- sissippi. that have been reserved by pri-
field Street, thence West a dis- of Woodlawn Road; thence FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE tates, a residential community or owners, and the Grantors CAUSE NO. 2019-0211-S
tance of One Hundred & Twenty North 86 degrees 16 minutes SOUTH 00 DEGREES 53 in Lowndes County, Missis- WE WILL CONVEY only such herein only convey such in-
(120) feet, more or less along West along the said North right MINUTES EAST FOR 197.1 sippi, as shown by plat thereof title as is vested in Underwood terest that they own in said SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION
the North side of said Whit- of way line a distance of 640 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE recorded in Plat Book 3 Page Law Firm PLLC as Substituted property and do so without war-
field street; thence North a dis- feet to a point; thence North NORTH 89 DEGREES 24 61 in the office of the Chan- Trustee. ranty. THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
tance of Sixty-Six (66) feet, 01 degree 16 minutes West, a MINUTES WEST FOR 217.2 cery Clerk of said county (said
more or less, to the point of distance of 420 feet to the ini- FEET TO THE EAST SIDE OF corner being in the centerline WITNESS OUR SIGNATURE, I WILL CONVEY only such title TO: ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS AT
beginning. All in Section Twenty tial point of the property herein SAID PRIVATE ROAD; THENCE of a ditch) as the POINT OF BE- this the 29th day of January, as vested in me as Substi- LAW OF MAMIE L. BROWN, DE-
(20), Township Eighteen (18), described; thence North 01 de- NORTH 01 DEGREE 38 GINNING; thence North 44 de- 2020. tuted Trustee. CEASED, AND ANY UNKNOWN
Range Sixteen (16) East In the gree 16 minutes West a dis- MINUTES EAST FOR 191.6 grees 47 minutes East along PERSONS CLAIMING AN EQUIT-
Town of Artesia, Mississippi. tance of 210 feet; thence FEET ALONG SAID EAST SIDE the East side of said lot for Underwood Law Firm PLLC WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on ABLE OR LEGAL INTEREST IN
The foregoing description is in- South 86 degrees 16 minutes TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 79.7 feet; thence South 59 de- SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE this 24th day of January, 2020. THE ESTATE OF MAMIE L.
tended to describe a parcel of East, a distance of 190 feet; grees 38 minutes East for 34.6 BROWN
land with dimensions of One thence South 01 degree 16 Parcel ID: 41W2300006600 feet; thence South 29 degrees Control# Hobbs, Angela/BLO Shapiro & Brown, LLC
Hundred Twenty (120') Feet minutes East, a distance of 03 minutes East along the SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE You have been made a defend-
East & West and Sixty-Six (66') 210 feet; thence North 86 de- I WILL CONVEY only such title South side of a public road PUBLISH: 02/06/2020, ant in the Petition to Determ-
feet North and South off the grees 16 minutes West, a dis- as vested in me as Substi- known as Sanders Lane (as 02/13/2020, 02/20/2020 Shapiro & Brown, LLC ine Heirs-at-Law seeking to de-
West end of the 0. G. Mcllwain tance of 190 feet to the initial tuted Trustee. built) (20 feet from centerline) 1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite termine the heirs-at-law of
tenant dwelling lot as per deed point of this description, con- for 67.8 feet; thence South 44 SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE'S NO- B-202 Mamie L. Brown, Deceased.
dated Feb. 21, 1935 as per taining 0.90 acres, more or WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on degrees 56 minutes East along TICE OF SALE Flowood, MS 39232 Other than you, the only other
Deed Book # 153 Pages 379- less. this 23rd day of January, 2020. said South side of road for 57 (601) 981-9299 interested parties in this ac-
80 of the Land Records of said SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to a five feet; thence South 39 degrees WHEREAS, on June 13, 2019, tion are: Dionne Taylor and
Lowndes County, Mississippi. foot wide easement along and Shapiro & Brown, LLC 49 minutes West for 30 feet to Douglas Russell and Misty Rus- 1173 Casey Ln Devrice L. Brown.
adjoining the North and South SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE the centerline of a ditch; sell, husband and wife, as joint Columbus, MS 39702
TRACT 2: boundary lines and a ten foot thence North 59 degrees 10 tenants executed a certain 19-025525 You are summoned to appear
"Begin at the Northeast corner wide easement along and ad- Shapiro & Brown, LLC minutes West along said deed of trust to Jack H. Hayes, and represent your interests
of the J. S. Mcllwain-Roberts lot joining the East boundary line 1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite centerline for 163 feet to the Jr., Trustee for the benefit of Publication Dates: against said Petition before the
on which the residence of said lot which easements B-202 point of beginning, containing Mortgage Electronic Registra- February 6, 13 and 20, 2020 Honorable Joseph N. Studdard,
formerly occupied by J. S. Mcil- are hereby reserved for the in- Flowood, MS 39232 0.2 acres, more or less, and ly- tion Systems, Inc. as nominee Chancellor of the 14th Chan-
wain now stands, which point stallation and maintenance of (601) 981-9299 ing in the Northeast Quarter of for LeaderOne Financial Corpor- SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE'S NO- cery District at 9:00 o'clock
is Sixty (60) feet north of the utility facilities. the Southeast Quarter of Sec- ation, its successors and as- TICE OF SALE a.m. on the 5th day of March,
intersection of the West bound- TOGETHER WITH a permanent 78 Champion Rd tion 8, Township 16 South, signs which deed of trust is of 2020 at the Oktibbeha County
ary line of Thompson Street and perpetual non-exclusive Columbus, MS 39705 Range 17 West, Lowndes record in the office of the Chan- WHEREAS, on September 21, Courthouse in Starkville, Mis-
with North boundary line of easement which shall enure to 19-025503 County, Mississippi. cery Clerk of Lowndes County, 2012, Tony Springer, Jr. and sissippi, and in case of your
Whitfield Street in the Town of the benefit of the grantees State of Mississippi in Book Titashia Brooks, husband and failure to appear, your interest
Artesia, Mississippi; and from herein, their heirs and assigns, Publication Dates: January 30, I will convey only such title as 2019 at Page 11324; and wife executed a certain deed of in this matter will not be con-
said point of beginning, run for purposes of ingress and February 6 and 13, 2020 vested in me as Substituted trust to Denise McLaurin, Trust- sidered.
North along the West boundary egress in, over, upon and Trustee. WHEREAS, Nationstar Mort- ee for the benefit of Regions
line of Thompson Street Sixty across a strip of land 60 feet IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF gage LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper Bank d/b/a Regions Mortgage You are not required to file an
(60) feet; run thence West Two in width East and West and LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Jauregui & Lindsey, LLC has heretofore substituted which deed of trust is of re- answer or other pleading, but
Hundred and Twenty Six (226) 420 feet in length North and SIPPI Substituted Trustee Shapiro & Brown, LLC as Trust- cord in the office of the Chan- you may do so if you desire.
feet; run thence South on a South extending from the ee by instrument dated Janu- cery Clerk of Lowndes County,
line parallel with Thompson •Woodlawn Road and being IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Jauregui & Lindsey, LLC ary 14, 2020 and recorded in State of Mississippi in Book ISSUED under my hand and
Street a distance of Sixty (60) more particularly described as TATE OF SUE WILLIE MC- 244 Inverness Center Drive the aforesaid Chancery Clerk's 2012 at Page 22724; and seal of said Court, on this the
feet to said Mcilwain-Roberts follows, to-wit: CARTHY, DECEASED Suite 200 Office in Book 2020 at Page 28th day of January, 2020.
lot; thence run East along the Birmingham, AL 35242 1106; and WHEREAS, Regions Bank has
north line of said Mcliwain- Beginning at the intersection of ESTATE NO. 2019-0029PDE (205) 970-2233 heretofore substituted Shapiro CINDY E. GOODE, LOWNDES
Roberts lot a distance of Two the East boundary of Section WHEREAS, default having been & Brown, LLC as Trustee by in- COUNTY CHANCERY CLERK
Hundred Twenty (226) feet to 31, Township 16 South, Range BY: BESSIE M. KETTON, EX- Publication dates: made in the terms and condi- strument dated January 13, (Seal)
the point of beginning. Said lot 17 West, Lowndes County, Mis- ECUTOR February 6, 2020, February 13, tions of said deed of trust and 2020 and recorded in the BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander-
is located in the East Half sissippi, with the North right of 2020, February 20, 2020, Feb- the entire debt secured thereby aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Of- son, D.C.
(E1/2) of the Northwest way line of the Woodlawn Road NOTICE TO CREDITORS ruary 27, 2020 having been declared to be due fice in Book 2020 at Page
Quarter (NW1/4) of Section and run thence North 86 de- and payable in accordance with 1103; and PUBLISH: 1/30, 2/6, &
Twenty (20), Township Eight- grees 16 minutes West along STATE OF MISSISSIPPI the terms of said deed of trust, 2/13/2020
een (18) North, Range Sixteen said North right of way line a COUNTY OF LOWNDES Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a WHEREAS, default having been
distance of 640 feet to the ini-

(16) East, and is the PROP- Mr. Cooper, the legal holder of made in the terms and condi-
ERTY CONVEYED to grantors ( tial point of this description; By The Chancery Court of said indebtedness, having re- tions of said deed of trust and
W.I. and Mrs. Annie S. McCol- thence North 01 degree 16 Lowndes County: quested the undersigned Sub- the entire debt secured thereby
lum) herein by deed from R. L. minutes West for a distance of stituted Trustee to execute the having been declared to be due
Frye and wife, recorded in Land 630 feet to the Northwest Letters Testamentary have trust and sell said land and and payable in accordance with
Record No. 232 at pages 299- corner of the above described been granted and issued to the property in accordance with the the terms of said deed of trust,
300 of the Public Land Re- lot; thence North 86 degrees undersigned upon the Estate of terms of said deed of trust and Regions Bank, the legal holder
cords of Lowndes County, Mis- 16 minutes West a distance of Sue Willie McCarthy, deceased, for the purpose of raising the of said indebtedness, having
sissippi, to which reference is 60 feet; thence South 01 de-
here made. gree 16 minutes East a dis-
by the Chancery Court of
sums due thereunder, togeth-
er with attorney's fees,
requested the undersigned
Substituted Trustee to execute
tance of 630 feet to a point on on the 9th day of April, 2019. trustee's fees and expense of the trust and sell said land and
I WILL CONVEY only such title the North right of way line of This is to give notice to all per- General Services
sale. property in accordance with the Lawn Care / Landscaping
General Services
as vested in me as Substi- said Woodlawn Road; thence Carpet & Flooring
sons having claims against terms of said deed of trust and
tuted Trustee. South 86 degrees 16 minutes for the purpose of raising the
said estate to probate and Re- NOW,
A &THEREFORE, I, Shapiro &
East a distance of 60 feet to gister same with the Chancery Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- sums due thereunder, togeth-
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on the initial point of this descrip- Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- Bucket
ee in truck
said deed of & stump
trust, will on er with attorney's fees, LAWN SERVICE
this 22nd day of January,

Shapiro & Brown, LLC


I WILL CONVEY only such title

as vested in me as Substi-
sissippi, within (90) days from
the first publication date of this
Notice. A failure to so Probate
and Register said claim will
sale at

27, 2020
public outcry
legal 1987.
hours (being
disc. Call
and sell
of Alvin
Just for Ladies
trustee's fees and expense of

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro &

Mowing, cleanup,
landscaping, sodding,
& tree cutting.
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE tuted Trustee. forever bar the same. a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the
242−0324/241−4447 MossyLLC,
Brown, OakSubstituted
Mall • West Point
Southeast Door of the
"We’ll go out on a limb County for ee in662-492-4221
said deed of• trust,
will on
Shapiro & Brown, LLC WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on THIS the 30th day of January, Courthouse of Lowndes CHILDREN’S
February 27,& LADIES’
offer for Painting & Papering
1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite this 22nd day of January, you!" sale at public outcry and sell
2020. County, located at 505 2nd Av-
B-202 2020. enue North, Columbus, MS within legal hours (being SULLIVAN’S PAINT
Flowood, MS 39232
/s/Bessie M. Keeton, Executor DAVID’S CARPET & 39701, to the highest and best between the hours of 11:00 SERVICE. Special Prices.
(601) 981-9299 Shapiro & Brown, LLC bidder a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the
UPHOLSTERY WORKfor cash or certified
WANTED: Interior and Exterior
Publish: February 6, 13, 20, CLEANING funds the following described SoutheastE Door of the County
159 Thompson St Licensed & Bonded. RK RSof Lowndes
Courthouse Painting. 662−435−6528
2020 1 Room − $50 property situated in Lowndes
Carpentry, PA
Artesia, MS 39736 Shapiro & Brown, LLC Stateminor electrical, County, located at 505 2nd Av-

2 Rooms − $70 County, of Mississippi,


19-024425 1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite minor plumbing, insulation,

to-wit: enue North, Columbus, MS
B-202 3+ Rooms − $30 EA painting, demolition, Tree Services
39701, to the highest and best
100 Russell St.
Publication Dates: January 30, Flowood, MS 39232 Rugs−Must Be Seen Lot No. 6cleaned,
gutters of D and D Subdivi-
pressure E for cash orStarkville,
bidder certified MS


February 6 and 13, 2020 (601) 981-9299 Car Upholstery sion, an unrecorded
washing, landscaping,subdivi- funds the E
E Lfollowing662-268-8058
described J&A TREE REMOVAL
Cleaning Available sion located in the Southwest
cleanup work, moving help. property situated in Lowndes Work from a bucket truck.
94 Winfrey Drive
Caledonia, MS 39740 All notices must be 662−722−1758 Quarter of the Northwest
quarter of Section 5, Township
County, State of Mississippi,
Call Jimmy Prescott for free
emailed to 19 South, Range 17 West, $545 plus Filing Fee estimate, 662−386−6286.
Shop Publication Dates:
January 30, February 6 and 13,
Got leaky pipes?
Lowndes County, Mississippi,
and being more
$360 particularly
as follows:
Lot 67 of and in PARKLAWN
All Attorney
and Fees of
to the City
subdivision in
Through The Plan
Read local.
2020 Local delivery, 14 yd truck.
Classifieds Find a plumber in the
of Section
at &

corner of the Northwest Quarter
Mobile5,Home Pads 19&
Lowndes County, Mississippi,
Jim Arnold, Attorney
as shown by the map or plat
of record in Subdivi- Driveways.
South, Range 17 West, sion Plat Book 2 at Page 44 in
Lowndes 662−497−1388
County, Mississippi;
104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville
the Chancery Clerk's Office of
thence South 86 degrees 30 Lowndes County, Mississippi.
minutes East along the center-
address of the property
believed to be 201 MASON The Dispatch •
In the event of any discrep-
Legal Notices Legal between
ancy Notices this street ad- Mobile Homes for Rent General Merchandise

dress and the legal description
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF of the property, the legal de- RENT A CAMPER! Over 100 pairs of Name
scription shall control. CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL! Brand Women’s Shoes for ON THE WEB
Utilities & cable included, Sale Sale starts February 6
Title to the above described
property is believed to be good,
CALL US: 662-328-2424 from $145/wk − $535/ −8! I have over 100 pairs Visit
month. Columbus & County of Name Brand Women’s
for a printable copy of
but I will convey only such title
CAUSE NO.: 2019-0611-S as is vested in me as Substi- General Help Wanted School locations. 662−242 Shoes for Sale starting as
tute Trustee. −7653 or 601−940−1397. low as $9.99! Some are
THE COMMERCIAL new in the box! Location; these puzzles.
DISPATCH is seeking a Meeting Room, 303
INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL mechanically-minded indi- near CAFB, Caledonia
BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. vidual to work in its press- MS, 39705. $10.00 662−
QUINTEN MOSBY RESPOND- schools. Call 601−940−
ENT room. Applicants must be 889−8928
428 North Lamar Blvd, Suite comfortable working around
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION 107 heavy machinery, adhering
Oxford, MS 38655 Office Spaces For Rent QUALITY COMPUTER
to tight deadlines and must SERVICE & REPAIR.
Tel: (877) 813-0992 have an eye for detail & OFFICE SPACE FOR PCs & Laptops.
TO: QUINTEN MOSBY, Natural Fax: (404) 601-5846 quality. Flexible hours are a LEASE. 1112 Main St., Hardware & Software.
Father of Quiarah Mosby, a must. Must pass drug test. Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft. Windows, MacOS, Linux.
Minor PUBLISH: 02/06/2020, Email resume to Plenty of private parking. Call Kevin @ 773−231−
Last known address: 1232 Har- 02/13/2020, 02/20/2020, 662−327−9559. 7349 and leave voicemail.
rison Road, Steens, MS 39766 02/27/2020 or drop resumes off at Golden Triangle Area.
516 Main Street
A Petition for Authority to Com- Columbus, MS 39701.
promise a Doubtful Claim of a WANTED FREON R12.
Minor has been filed by Shar- No phone calls please.
We pay CA$H.
onie Cannon, Petitioner, on be- R12 R500 R11.
half of Quiarah Mosby, a Minor.
You are hereby summoned to NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE
appear and defend against TRUSTEE’S SALE Certified professionals.
said Petition on March 17,
2020 at 9:00 a.m., before the STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Houses For Sale: North 312−291−9169
Honorable Joseph N. Studdard
in the Lowndes County Chan-
FSBO: 3BR/2BA, 3304 5th Sporting Goods
cery Courthouse located at 502 WHEREAS, default has oc- St N. Fenced back yard w/
2nd Avenue North in Colum- curred in the performance of Apts For Rent: South
bus, Mississippi. In case of the covenants, terms and con-
sm shop. Great neighbor− ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
your failure to appear and de- ditions of a Deed of Trust hood. $110,000. 662−356 OPEN FOR SEASON!
fend, a judgment will be dated July 2, 2013, executed located at 121 5th St. S.
−4764 or 901−848−0051. 9−5: Tues−Fri & YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
entered against you for the by THOMAS RICHARDSON, 9−12: Sat.
money or other things deman- ASHLEY RICHARDSON, convey-
$700/mo. 662−328−
Houses For Sale: New Hope
Over 50 years experience!
ded in the Petition. ing certain real property therein 8655.
Repairs, cleaning, Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
You are not required to file an
described to JOHN H. SHOWS,
Apts For Rent: West 16 WIDNER IN NEW HOPE refinishing, scopes placing puzzle based on
as Trustee, for MORTGAGE 1 8 9 3 5 2 6 4 7
answer or other pleading, but ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION Newly remodeled. 3BR/ mounted & zeroed, Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
handmade knives. ber-placing
given numbers.puzzle 6 4 3 7 9 1 8 2 5
you may do so if desired. 2BA home. Approx. 1,500

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

sq. ft. Has 25’x30’ wired Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
Issued under my hand and the
BANK OF MERIDIAN, Original metal shop w/ roll−up front of West Point, turn right on based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 7 2 5 4 8 6 1 3 9

seal of this Court, on this 23rd Beneficiary, to secure the in- & side door. $164,900. Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 5 3 2 6 7 8 9 1 4
day of January, 2020. debtedness therein described, 662−549−9298. left on Darracott Rd, see given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 4 9 6 2 1 5 7 8 3
as same appears of record in
CINDY EGGER GOODE the office of the Chancery Clerk Apartments & Houses
sign, 2.5mi ahead, shop on
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
Houses For Sale: Caledonia left. 662−494−6218.
numbers 8 1 7 9 4 3 2 5 6
contains the1same to 9 number
Lowndes County Chancery of Lowndes County, Missis-
Clerk sippi filed and recorded July 8,
2013, in Deed Book 2013, 1 Bedrooms FSBO: 3BR/2BA ON 2.5 the empty spaces so
only once. The difficulty
9 5 8 1 6 4 3 7 2
that each row, each 3 7 4 8 2 9 5 6 1
2 Bedroooms
Page 19510 ; and ACRES. 1600 sqft.
level increases from
By: Shantrell W. Granderson, Completely remodeled. column and each 2 6 1 5 3 7 4 9 8
D.C. WHEREAS, the beneficial in-
terest of said Deed of Trust
3 Bedrooms $178,000. 662−386− Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 2/05

Attorney for Petitioner: was transferred and assigned
Furnished & Unfurnished ADS STARTING AT $12 the same number only once. The difficulty level
Suzanne Childress to LakeView Loan Servicing,
Nahon Saharovich & Trotz, Lots & Acreage increases from Monday to Sunday.
LLC.; and
1, 2, & 3 Baths Campers & RVs
201 Magazine Street, Ste. 201
Tupelo, MS 38804
WHEREAS, the undersigned,
Rubin Lublin, LLC has been ap-
Lease, Deposit WINTER SPECIAL. 1.75
& Credit Check acre lots. Good/bad credit. 2012 JAYCO EAGLE 5th
Telephone: 662-350-9102 pointed as Substitute Trustee; WHEEL. 39ft, 4 slide−outs.
Facsimile: 662-840-7745 10% down, as low as
Email: $299/mo. Eaton Land. 2BR, 48" TV & 27" TV.

NOW, THEREFORE, the holder 662−361−7711. $26,500. 662−386−9605.
PUBLISH: 1/30, 2/6, & of said Deed of Trust, having
2/13/2020 requested the undersigned so


to do, as Substitute Trustee or Apts For Rent: Other
NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE his duly appointed agent, by vir-
TRUSTEE’S SALE tue of the power, duty and au-
thority vested and imposed 1ST MONTH − RENT FREE!
1−2 BR Apt: $350−435
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI upon said Substitute Trustee
shall, on February 27, 2020 1−2BR TwnHome: TWO FREE SIGNS ADS STARTING AT $12
within the lawful hours of sale $625−650
WHEREAS, default has oc- between 11:00AM and 4:00PM Lease, Dep, Credit Check. Estate Sales Instruction & School
curred in the performance of at the southeast front door of Coleman Realty
the covenants, terms and con- Courthouse proceed to sell at 662−329−2323
public outcry to the highest and Dr. Mark G. Hazard &
ditions of a Deed of Trust Sarah S. Hazard
dated October 15, 2010, ex- best bidder for cash or certi-
ecuted by THECHARE MC- fied funds ONLY, the following 249 S. Division St.
CHRISTON, conveying certain described property situated in Feb 7 & 8:9−4, Feb 9:1−4
real property therein described Lowndes County, Mississippi, Nice Collection of antique
to RECONTRUST COMPANY to wit: furnishings: access, lamps,
N.A., as Trustee, for Mortgage mirrors, rugs, kitchen items
Electronic Registration Sys- BEGINNING AT THE INTERSEC- & much more.
tems, Inc., solely as nominee TION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF
THE NORTH HALF (N-1/2) OF View @
for BANK OF AMERICA N.A., Ori- Antiques & Collectibles
ginal Beneficiary, to secure the THE NORTH HALF (N-1/2) OF
SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 18 662−570−5686 Christian Women’s Job
indebtedness therein de- Corps Class Spring
scribed, as same appears of SOUTH, RANGE 17 WEST,
record in the office of the Chan- WITH THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY Garage Sales: New Hope 2020−FREE TRAINING
cery Clerk of Lowndes County, LINE OF THE COUNTY ROAD Evening classes in
Mississippi filed and recorded NOW KNOWN AS BEERSHEBA Computer Training,
ROAD, FORMERLY KNOWN AS Multi−Family Sale @ 8214
October 22, 2010, in Deed Hwy 182 East. Saturday. Resume Writing &
Book 2010, Page 22841 ; and THE UPPER JEMISON MILL Interview Skills for Job
ROAD, SAID INTERSECTION Baby/toddler clothes,
Seeking Women.
WHEREAS, the beneficial in- POINT BEING 2,160 FEET, Medela breast pump, toys,
MORE OR LESS, EAST OF THE diaper genie & more. Adult Enrolling now for Tues &
terest of said Deed of Trust Thurs starting February
was transferred and assigned NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE clothes. Household items.
to BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.; SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE-1/4) 4th at Christian

Too much
(NW-1/4) OF SAID SECTION; Min H.S. Diploma or
WHEREAS, the undersigned, THENCE SOUTH 6 DEGREES Equivalent required. Call

Rubin Lublin, LLC has been ap- 00 MINUTES WEST ALONG THE 662−722−3016 or visit
pointed as Substitute Trustee; WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF
NOW, THEREFORE, the holder STAKE; THENCE NORTH 86 DE- CH&A, 1 story, W/D,
GREES 30 MINUTES WEST A historic district, 1 block Pets
of said Deed of Trust, having
requested the undersigned so DISTANCE OF 497 FEET TO A from downtown.
to do, as Substitute Trustee or FENCE CORNER, THE INITIAL $575/mo. + $575 dep. AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD
his duly appointed agent, by vir- POINT OF THE PROPERTY NO PETS. 662−574−8789. PUPPIES. Exc. ped. Blk/
tue of the power, duty and au- HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE Peaceful & Quiet area. red. Vet checked, w/s,
thority vested and imposed NORTH 6 DEGREES 00 wormed. Ready to go!
upon said Substitute Trustee MINUTES EAST ALONG A 662−213−4609.
shall, on March 5, 2020 within FENCE A DISTANCE OF 195
the lawful hours of sale FEET; THENCE NORTH 86 DE-
between 11:00AM and 4:00PM GREES 30 MINUTES WEST A
COLEMAN Pet Supplies / Accessories
at the southeast front door of TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
Courthouse proceed to sell at FENCE CORNER; THENCE Happy Jack® LiquiVict 2x: 1 Dance moves
public outcry to the highest and SOUTH 6 DEGREES 00
best bidder for cash or certi- MINUTES WEST ALONG A 1 BEDROOM recognized safe & effective
by U.S. CVM against hook 5 Blue state
fied funds ONLY, the following FENCE A DISTANCE OF 732.5 2 BEDROOMS & round worms in dogs. 11 Plot unit
described property situated in FEET; THENCE SOUTH 51 DE-
Lowndes County, Mississippi, GREES 30 MINUTES EAST 3 BEDROOMS At Tractor Supply. 12 Iroquois
to wit: ALONG A FENCE A DISTANCE ( League member
OF 459 FEET TO A POINT ON LEASE, 13 Bank offering
© The Dispatch

Start your
AND Need a new 14 Customs
15 Deserving
MINUTES EAST ALONG SAID CREDIT CHECK de-cluttering by companion? 17 Rival
126.6 FEET; THENCE NORTH placing a garage 18 Namely
662-329-2323 sale ad today!
22 Tire in the
GREES 20 MINUTES EAST A 2411 HWY 45 N 24 Disparaging
38 MINUTES EAST A DIS- Ads starting at...
FOR A DISTANCE OF 476 FEET TANCE OF 66 FEET; THENCE Commercial Property For Rent 26 Negating
1 day $10 word
27 Swallows valley 23 Not to men-
3 day $18
THE INITIAL POINT OF BEGIN- POINT OF THIS DESCRIPTION, DOWNTOWN. 3,000 sq. ft. 30 Soup server 2 File stand-in tion
truck terminal, 9,500 sq.
ft. shop & 3,200 sq. ft. 32 Useful ability 3 Slapstick 28 Bike pair
6 day $34 When looking
VEYED, FROM SAID INITIAL BEING SITUATED IN THE office/shop. Buildings can stunts 29 Basic need
POINT OF BEGINNING, RUN SOUTH HALF (S-1/2) OF THE be rented together or worker 4 Grad-to-be 30 Gettysburg
THENCE EAST PARALLEL WITH NORTH HALF (N-1/2) OF SEC- separately. All w/ excellent 34 Middle East 5 Music category loser
THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF TION 27, TOWNSHIP 18 access & Hwy. 82 visibility.
tree 6 Beginnings 31 Llama’s
for a new pet,
Price includes 4 lines of text;
$1/line after base cost.
38 Party nibble 7 Turn the page, cousin
Houses For Rent: North 41 Lotion say 35 Hardy
adoption is
QUARTER FOR A DISTANCE OF street address of the property 3BR/1BA, BRICK HOME,
42 Coral isles 9 Poem of praise 36 “Behold!”
110 FEET RUN THENCE WEST is believed to be 1548 BEER- central heat & window air,
39702. In the event of any dis-
crepancy between this street
fenced yard. Close to
shopping! $575/mo + always a 43 Artery
10 Used to be
16 Casual top
37 Citi Field
$500 dep. 1120 6th Ave. 44 Past and 19 Sources of 38 Manx, for one
good option.
TANCE OF 184 FEET TO A address and the legal descrip-
N. 662−352−4776.
POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT OF tion of the property, the legal present sudden wealth 39 Consumed
description shall control.
STREET, RUN THENCE SOUTH 3BR/2BA BRICK Home, General Merchandise 45 Invites 20 Pop star 40 Dijon denial
ALONG THE EAST RIGHT OF Title to the above described ch/a, stove, dw, & fridge 21 Henri’s head
WAY OF SAID EXISTING STREET property is believed to be good, furn. Fenced backyard. 2 TIRES w/ rims & DOWN 22 Sweeping
FOR A DISTANCE OF 110 FEET but I will convey only such title
TO ME INITIAL POINT OF BEGIN- as is vested in me as Substi-
1204 6th St. N. $785/mo
+ dep. 662−352−4776.
hubcaps. Fits 2004 Ford
Taurus,$25 EA; 2 Butane Five Questions: 1 Secluded story
Tanks 1o gla. & 5 gal., $15
1 Splenda
THE WEST HALF OF THE ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY 2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3 length, Autumn Haze, size
SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL bath townhouses. $625 to 10, $500 Cash Only. Call
SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SEC- BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. $675. 662−549−9555. 662−352−1440.
2 Pepsi Blue—It
SOUTH, RANGE 17 WEST, 428 North Lamar Blvd, Suite Ask for Glenn or text.
was colored
SIPPI, AND BEING DESIGNED Oxford, MS 38655 Houses For Rent: East FEB 1−29. ALL MUST GO!
AS LOT 22, OF AN UNRECOR- 662−435−0641. 548 Hwy.
with a blue
DED PLAT OF THE ERNEST MA- Tel: (877) 813-0992 3 BR/1BA HOUSE Poplar 45 N. Frontage Rd. 10−till.
SON PROPERTY. TOGETHER Fax: (404) 601-5846 St. 425/mo. 425/dep. No By appt: 662−352−4460.
dye that was
WITH AND INCLUDING A PER- Hud. No Section 8. 205− Furn, home decor, linens,
EASEMENT FOR PURPOSES OF 02/06/2020, 02/13/2020,
442−2011 or 601−940− Tonneau cover, comm kit
02/20/2020 1397. items, etc. No junk.
banned in some
BOOK 434, AT PAGE 461, OF Looking for 3 Nevada

your dream job?


4 CHiPs

Check here first!

street address of the property
is believed to be 201 MASON
In the event of any discrep- 5 Captain
ancy between this street ad-
dress and the legal description Kangaroo
of the property, the legal de-
scription shall control.

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