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Shop No. 6, Upper Ground Floor, Grand Pl aza,
Marris Road Chauraha, Maris Road, A

Name : Mr. MADAN GOPAL Collected : 16/9/2019 7:35:00AM

Received : 16/9/2019 8:22:58AM
Lab No. : 271617715 Age: 68 Years Gender: Male Reported : 16/9/2019 2:07:35PM
A/c Status : P Ref By : A.I.I.M.S. HOSPITAL Report Status : Interim

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval


(Reflectance Photometry,Direct ISE)
Bilirubin Total 0.27 mg/dL 0.20 - 1.10

Bilirubin Direct 0.16 mg/dL <0.20

Bilirubin Indirect 0.11 mg/dL <1.10

AST (SGOT) 12 U/L <50

ALT (SGPT) 11 U/L <50

GGTP 14 U/L <55

Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) 138 U/L 30.00 - 120.00

Total Protein 6.09 g/dL 6.40 - 8.10

Albumin 3.59 g/dL 3.20 - 4.60

A : G Ratio 1.44 0.90 - 2.00

Urea 103.17 mg/dL 17.00 - 43.00

Creatinine 2.20 mg/dL 0.67 - 1.17

PatientReportSCSuperPanel.GENERAL_PANEL_ANALYTE_SC (Version: 6)

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Shop No. 6, Upper Ground Floor, Grand Pl aza,
Marris Road Chauraha, Maris Road, A

Name : Mr. MADAN GOPAL Collected : 16/9/2019 7:35:00AM

Received : 16/9/2019 8:22:58AM
Lab No. : 271617715 Age: 68 Years Gender: Male Reported : 16/9/2019 2:07:35PM
A/c Status : P Ref By : A.I.I.M.S. HOSPITAL Report Status : Interim

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval

Uric Acid 7.68 mg/dL 3.50 - 7.20

Calcium, Total 9.09 mg/dL 8.80 - 10.20

Phosphorus 3.77 mg/dL 2.30 - 3.70

Sodium 137.50 mEq/L 136.00 - 146.00

Potassium 5.11 mEq/L 3.50 - 5.10

Chloride 106.40 mEq/L 101.00 - 109.00

PatientReportSCSuperPanel.GENERAL_PANEL_ANALYTE_SC (Version: 6)

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Shop No. 6, Upper Ground Floor, Grand Pl aza,
Marris Road Chauraha, Maris Road, A

Name : Mr. MADAN GOPAL Collected : 16/9/2019 7:35:00AM

Received : 16/9/2019 8:22:58AM
Lab No. : 271617715 Age: 68 Years Gender: Male Reported : 16/9/2019 2:07:40PM
A/c Status : P Ref By : A.I.I.M.S. HOSPITAL Report Status : Interim

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval


(Impedence, Photometry, Calculated, DHSS, Flow Cytometry & Cytochemistry)

Hemoglobin 8.80 g/dL 13.00 - 17.00

Packed Cell Volume (PCV) 26.80 % 40.00 - 50.00

RBC Count 2.95 mill/mm3 4.50 - 5.50

MCV 91.00 fL 80.00 - 100.00

MCH 29.90 pg 27.00 - 32.00

MCHC 32.90 g/dL 32.00 - 35.00

Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) 16.10 % 11.50 - 14.50

Total Leukocyte Count (TLC) 8.60 thou/mm3 4.00 - 10.00

Differential Leucocyte Count (DLC)

Segmented Neutrophils 85.40 % 40.00 - 80.00

Lymphocytes 10.10 % 20.00 - 40.00
Monocytes 3.30 % 2.00 - 10.00
Eosinophils 0.90 % 1.00 - 6.00
Basophils 0.30 % <2.00
Absolute Leucocyte Count

Neutrophils 7.34 thou/mm3 2.00 - 7.00

Lymphocytes 0.87 thou/mm3 1.00 - 3.00
Monocytes 0.28 thou/mm3 0.20 - 1.00
Eosinophils 0.08 thou/mm3 0.02 - 0.50
Basophils 0.03 thou/mm3 0.01 - 0.10
Platelet Count 244.0 thou/mm3 150.00 - 450.00

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Shop No. 6, Upper Ground Floor, Grand Pl aza,
Marris Road Chauraha, Maris Road, A

Name : Mr. MADAN GOPAL Collected : 16/9/2019 7:35:00AM

Received : 16/9/2019 8:22:58AM
Lab No. : 271617715 Age: 68 Years Gender: Male Reported : 16/9/2019 2:07:40PM
A/c Status : P Ref By : A.I.I.M.S. HOSPITAL Report Status : Interim

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval

Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) 7.80 fL 6.50 - 12.00

1. As per the recommendation of International council for Standardization in Hematology, the differential
leucocyte counts are additionally being reported as absolute numbers of each cell in per unit volume of

2. Test conducted on EDTA whole blood

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Shop No. 6, Upper Ground Floor, Grand Pl aza,
Marris Road Chauraha, Maris Road, A

Name : Mr. MADAN GOPAL Collected : 16/9/2019 7:35:00AM

Received : 16/9/2019 8:22:58AM
Lab No. : 271617715 Age: 68 Years Gender: Male Reported : 16/9/2019 2:07:46PM
A/c Status : P Ref By : A.I.I.M.S. HOSPITAL Report Status : Interim

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval

1. This is a recommended test for detection of prostate cancer along with Digital Rectal Examination
(DRE) in males above 50 years of age
2. False negative / positive results are observed in patients receiving mouse monoclonal antibodies for
diagnosis or therapy
3. PSA levels may appear consistently elevated / depressed due to the interference by heterophilic
antibodies & nonspecific protein binding
4. Immediate PSA testing following digital rectal examination, ejaculation, prostatic massage, indwelling
catheterization, ultrasonography and needle biopsy of prostate is not recommended as they falsely
elevate levels
5. PSA values regardless of levels should not be interpreted as absolute evidence of the presence or
absence of disease. All values should be correlated with clinical findings and results of other
6. Sites of Non - prostatic PSA production are breast epithelium, salivary glands, peri -urethral & anal
glands, cells of male urethra & breast milk
7. Physiological decrease in PSA level by 18% has been observed in hospitalized / sedentary patients
either due to supine position or suspended sexual activity
8. Recommended assay for PSA levels between 4-10 ng/mL (gray zone) is OncoPro Prostate Screen. It
helps physicians to decide if biopsy is necessary

Recommended Testing Intervals

· Pre-operatively ( Baseline)
· 2-4 days post-operatively
· Prior to discharge from hospital
· Monthly followup if levels are high or show a rising trend
| Post Surgery | Frequency of testing |
| 1st year | Every 3 months |
| 2nd year | Every 4 months |
| 3rd year onwards | Every 6 months |

PatientReportSCSuperPanel.SP_GENERAL_TEMPLATE01_SC (Version: 7)

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Shop No. 6, Upper Ground Floor, Grand Pl aza,
Marris Road Chauraha, Maris Road, A

Name : Mr. MADAN GOPAL Collected : 16/9/2019 7:35:00AM

Received : 16/9/2019 8:22:58AM
Lab No. : 271617715 Age: 68 Years Gender: Male Reported : 16/9/2019 2:07:46PM
A/c Status : P Ref By : A.I.I.M.S. HOSPITAL Report Status : Interim

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval

Clinical Use
· An aid in the early detection of Prostate cancer when used in conjunction with Digital rectal
examination in males more than 50 years of age and in those with two or more affected first degree
· Followup and management of Prostate cancer patients
· Detect metastatic or persistent disease in patients following surgical or medical treatment of Prostate

Increased Levels
· Prostate cancer
· Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
· Prostatitis
· Genitourinary infections

Dr Waliullah
DCP, Pathology
Chief of Laboratory
Dr Lal PathLabs Ltd

Result/s to follow:


*Test results released pertain to the specimen submitted .*All test results are dependent on the quality of the sample received by the Laboratory .
*Laboratory investigations are only a tool to facilitate in arriving at a diagnosis and should be clinically correlated by the Referring Physician .*Sample
repeats are accepted on request of Referring Physician within 7 days post reporting.*Report delivery may be delayed due to unforeseen
circumstances. Inconvenience is regretted.*Certain tests may require further testing at additional cost for derivation of exact value. Kindly submit
request within 72 hours post reporting.*Test results may show interlaboratory variations .*The Courts/Forum at Delhi shall have exclusive
jurisdiction in all disputes/claims concerning the test(s) & or results of test(s).*Test results are not valid for medico legal purposes. * Contact
customer care Tel No. +91-11-39885050 for all queries related to test results.
(#) Sample drawn from outside source.

PatientReportSCSuperPanel.SP_GENERAL_TEMPLATE01_SC (Version: 7)

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