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Southern Louisiana salt dome xenoliths: First glimpse of Jurassic (ca. 160 Ma)
Gulf of Mexico crust

Article  in  Geology · March 2011

DOI: 10.1130/G31635.1

13 105

10 authors, including:

Bob Stern E. Y. Anthony

University of Texas at Dallas University of Texas at El Paso


Minghua Ren Brian Lock

University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of Louisiana at Lafayette


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Southern Louisiana salt dome xenoliths: First glimpse of Jurassic
(ca. 160 Ma) Gulf of Mexico crust
Robert J. Stern1*, Elizabeth Y. Anthony2, Minghua Ren2, Brian E. Lock3, Ian Norton4, Jun-Ichi Kimura5, Takashi
Miyazaki5, Takeshi Hanyu5, Qing Chang5, and Yuka Hirahara5
Geosciences Department, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas 75083-0688, USA
Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas 79968, USA
Department of Geology, Box 44530, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana 70504, USA
Institute for Geophysics, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78758, USA
Institute for Research on Earth Evolution (IFREE), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC),
Yokosuka 237-0061, Japan

ABSTRACT Salt that was deposited on top of the Late Juras-

No direct information about the age and composition of rift-related igneous activity associ- sic crust, occasionally bring up samples of igne-
ated with the Late Jurassic opening of the Gulf of Mexico exists because the igneous rocks are ous rocks (Lock and Duex, 1996; Ren et al.,
deeply buried beneath sediments. Three salt diapirs from southern Louisiana exhume samples 2009). The Five Islands of southern Louisiana
of alkalic igneous rocks; these salt domes rise from the base of the sedimentary pile and overlie are part of seven uniformly spaced salt diapirs
an isolated magnetic high, which may mark the position of an ancient volcano. Three samples that define a linear northwest trend (Fig. 1). The
from two domes were studied; they are altered but preserve relict igneous minerals including Five Islands trend overlies transitional crust
strongly zoned clinopyroxene (diopside to Ti-augite) and Cr-rich spinel rimmed with titanite. thought to have formed during Gulf of Mexico
Ar/39Ar ages of 158.6 ± 0.2 Ma and 160.1 ± 0.7 Ma for Ti-rich biotite and kaersutite from two opening (Dobson and Buffler, 1997; Harry and
different salt domes are interpreted to represent the time the igneous rock solidified. Trace Londono, 2004). The diapirs containing mafic
element compositions are strongly enriched in incompatible trace elements, indicating that the igneous rocks (Jefferson, Avery, and Weeks)
igneous rocks are low-degree melts of metasomatized upper mantle. Isotopic compositions of rise over a magnetic high (Fig. 1), as might be
Nd and Hf indicate derivation from depleted mantle. This information supports the idea that expected from a significant volume of buried
crust beneath southern Louisiana formed as a magma-starved rifted margin on the northern mafic igneous rocks. Salt mine exposures reveal
flank of the Gulf of Mexico ca. 160 Ma. These results also confirm that some magnetic highs highly deformed bedding defined by interlay-
mark accumulations of mafic igneous rocks buried beneath thick sediments around the Gulf ered halite and anhydrite with inclusions of
of Mexico margins. Oligocene sandstone, shale, and igneous rocks,
as well as pockets of water, oil, and gas (Lock
INTRODUCTION lack of correlatable, spreading-related magnetic and Duex, 1996). Structure in the salt domes
The Gulf of Mexico opened as the western- anomalies. Indirect evidence indicates opening is essentially vertical, with multiphase isocli-
most arm of Tethys, related to breakup of Pangea between ca. 165 and 139 Ma (Late Jurassic) and nal folding. The original stratigraphic position
and synchronous with opening of the Central that the transitional crust ranges from a narrow, of the igneous samples is not known, but must
Atlantic (Pindell, 1985). In spite of this general magma-rich volcanic rifted margin beneath the have been immediately beneath, interbedded
understanding about when and how it opened, Texas coast to a broader, magma-poor rifted with, and/or intruded into or above the salt
the Gulf of Mexico is a rare example where the passive margin beneath Louisiana (Mickus et (Fig. 2). The age of the Louann Salt is bracketed
origin of a sizable oceanic basin at low latitudes al., 2009; Stern and Dickinson, 2010). We have on stratigraphic grounds (Salvador, 1991) as
is unclear, due largely to thick blanketing sedi- no direct way to sample and study this Jurassic post–Early Jurassic to pre–late Oxfordian, prob-
ments (to 16 km; Muehlberger, 1992) and the seafloor, but salt diapirs, sourced from Louann ably mostly Callovian (165–161 Ma; Walker
and Geissman, 2009). We report here mineral
chemical, whole-rock chemical, Nd and Hf iso-
Figure 1. Magnetic anom- topic compositions, and radiometric ages for
aly map of Louisiana
Mississippi Ala (United States) and en- Avery to Weeks ~12 km
Louisiana 32°N
virons. Red is magnetic
high, blue is magnetic
Texas low. Seven black dots are Cenozoic sediments

Av Fl
salt domes of Five Islands
trend. Note that three salt
J W domes containing mafic
30°N xenoliths (J—Jefferson, 2. Alkalic mafics
Late Jurassic and Cretaceous
Av—Avery, W—Weeks) sediments intruded into salt?
3. L
are above magnetic high pluc ked above salt
avas ?
interpreted to mark pres- Louann Salt (176–158 Ma)
ence of buried mafic
1. Alkalic mafics plucked from beneath salt?
lavas. Magnetic anoma-
lies are from Maus et al.
Gulf of Mexico (2007). Fl—Florida, Ala— Figure 2. Possible relationship between salt
Alabama. and alkalic mafic rocks. Mafic rocks could
94°W 92° 90° 88°
be plucked by rising salt from underneath or
above, or could have intruded. Note distance
*E-mail: between two salt domes containing xenoliths.

© 2011 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or
Geology, April
April 2011
2011; v. 39; no. 4; p. 315–318; doi: 10.1130/G31635.1; 4 figures; 1 table; Data Repository item 2011108. 315
three samples of igneous rocks entrained in two (Fig. DR3). Diopside also exhibits core-over- 1

2EO kaersutitic amphibole
of these salt bodies. A third salt dome, Jeffer- growth textures with two distinct core composi-
son Island (Fig. 1), also contains altered mafic tions: one with a high Cr, Si and a second with
xenoliths (Balk, 1953), but samples of this were low Cr, Si (Fig. DR1). Rims for both core types 200 0.1
not available for study. This is the first time that exhibit titanopyroxene (MgSi2 = TiAl2) and Ca-

Apparent age (Ma)

such information has been presented for igneous tschermaks (MgSi = AlviAliv) substitution and 180
rocks that formed when the Gulf of Mexico is are identical to matrix diopside, indicating that 160.1 ± 0.7 Ma (MSWD = 2.37)
thought to have opened, in Jurassic time. We use the rim compositions were in equilibrium with 160
this information to further our understanding of the final melt. The diopside cores and chromite
Gulf of Mexico formation. are probably xenocrysts and have compositions 140
similar to minerals in mantle rocks, e.g., abys-
Integrated Age = 167.1 ± 0.8 Ma
RESULTS sal peridotites from the Vulcan Fracture Zone 120
Methods are summarized in the GSA Data (Dick, 1989) or Samoan xenoliths (Wright, 100

Repository1 (Ar results and chemical and iso- 1987; Hauri and Hart, 1994). Kaersutitic amphi- 10
topic analytical procedures). Three samples of bole occurs as small grains in W26 and as large B W26 biotitte
porphyritic igneous rocks from two salt domes phenocrysts in 2EO (Fig. DR4). Similar min- 200 1

were studied. Sample 2EO is from the 1000′ eral associations have been reported for alkalic

Apparent age (Ma)

(~304 m) level of the Weeks Island dome, and magmas from the Jasper (Gee et al., 1991) and 180
W26 is from the 1300′ (~395 m) level and W25 Line Island seamounts (Natland, 1976). Ti- 158.6 ± 0.2 Ma (MSWD = 1.49)
is from the 1600′ (~486 m) level of the Avery rich (~5%–7% TiO2) biotite is intergrown with 160
Island dome. The samples are altered, as is magnetite and quartz. Magnetite has substantial D

obvious from petrographic examination, which jacobsite (Mn) and ulvospinel (Ti) components, 140 B

reveals that primary igneous minerals such as typically (Mn0.5Fe1.1)(Fe0.9Ti0.5)O4. Relict igne-
Integrated Age = 158.1 ± 0.3 Ma
clinopyroxene are replaced by secondary quartz, ous feldspar was not found. This mineral assem- 120
0 20 40 60 80 100
vermiculite, calcite, hematite, and K-feldspar blage, i.e., mantle-like diopside and Cr-spinel 39
Cumulative % Ar Released
(Figs. DR2, DR8, and DR9 in the Data Reposi- with Ti-rich rims and Ti-rich hydrous phases of
tory). The K-feldspar assemblage is similar to biotite and amphibole, indicates involvement Figure 3. 40Ar/39Ar age and K/Ca spectra. A:
Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 453 samples of moderately depleted mantle, overprinted by Weeks Island kaersutitic amphibole (sample
described by Natland (1982). Intergrown with water-rich alkaline melts, probably low-degree 2EO). B: Avery Island biotite (sample W26).
calcite is mcgillite, a manganous hydroxychol- partial melts. These melts were strongly alka- MSWD—mean square of weighted deviates.
orosilicate (Stevenson et al., 1984). Because a line, most likely undersaturated basanite or oliv-
significant component of this alteration involves ine nephelinite (Anthony et al., 1989; Panina
carbonate and water-rich vermiculite, a simple and Usoltseva, 2008). strength elements (HFSE, e.g., Ti, Zr, Hf, Nb,
way to quantify alteration is with measured loss Biotite (W26) and kaersutitic amphibole Y; Fig. 4A). This interpretation is confirmed
on ignition (Table DR1 in the Data Repository) (2EO) with primary, igneous morphologies by elevated abundances of immobile incom-
for whole-rock samples. By this criterion, and were dated at the New Mexico Institute of Min- patible trace elements (Fig. 4A), the most
consistent with assessment based on thin-sec- ing and Technology using 40Ar/39Ar techniques incompatible of which are one to two orders
tion examination, W26 is the least altered, fol- (Fig. 3; for Ar results, see the Data Repository). of magnitude enriched relative to normal mid-
lowed by 2EO. W25 is the most altered. Both yield well-defined Ar plateau ages: 158.6 oceanic ridge basalt (N-MORB). This implies
The rocks contain fresh igneous minerals of ± 0.2 Ma for W26 biotite and 160.1 ± 0.7 Ma for that the alkalic mafic magma was derived from
diopside, Mg-Al chromite, titanite, kaersutite, 2EO kaersutite. These minerals are inferred to extremely low degree of partial melts (~2%–
and Ti-rich biotite; these are set in a more-altered be original igneous phases, so we interpret these 3%) in contrast to MORB melts produced by
matrix comprising diopside, titanite, biotite, ages as approximating when the magma cooled. ~10% melting (Fig. 4A). The mantle source
apatite, and vermiculite (representative mineral These are the first radiometric dates for igneous was more enriched than expected for MORB-
compositions and textures are in Table DR2, and rocks that can be directly related to opening of type asthenosphere considering extremely
Figs. DR1, DR3, DR4, and DR5). Primary min- the Gulf of Mexico in Jurassic time. These ages high highly incompatible elements. Positive
eral assemblages reveal significant disequilibria are older than previously reported ca. 146 Ma anomalies for Zr and Hf suggest that melting
between cores with compositions characteristic Ar/39Ar dates from biotite diorite xenoliths of amphibole in the source was involved.
of depleted mantle (diopside, Cr-rich spinel) found in salt diapirs in the La Popa Basin, Nd and Hf are much less mobile than Sr and
and rims that are strongly enriched in Ti (tita- northeastern Mexico, interpreted as metamor- Pb during alteration, so their isotopic composi-
naugite, titanite), indicating that early refractory phic ages by Garrison and McMillan (1999). tions are most likely to reflect those of the unal-
minerals reacted with an alkaline mafic melt. The ages reported here are, however, consistent tered magmas and mantle source. This inference
Spinels have Cr# (100 Cr/Cr + Al) from 36 to 42 with zircon dates obtained from laser ablation− is supported by the fact that Nd and Hf isoto-
(Table DR2) and are typically rimmed by titanite inductively coupled plasma−mass spectrometry pic compositions are indistinguishable for the
from La Popa xenoliths (J. Amato, 2010, per- three samples (Table 1), in spite of the fact that
GSA Data Repository item 2011108, Fig- sonal commun.), consistent with the hypothesis these show different extents of alteration. These
ures DR1−DR9, Ar results, chemical and isoto- that rifting related to the opening of the Gulf of results indicate derivation of the magma from
pic analytical procedures, Table DR1 (whole-rock Mexico also affected the interior of northeastern mantle with a long-term depletion history (high
chemical data), and Table DR2 (representative Mexico (Stern and Dickinson, 2010). Lu/Hf and Sm/Nd). The mantle source was not
mineral compositions), is available online at www, or on request from
Alteration disturbed primary igneous com- as depleted as MORB-type mantle, but similar to or Documents Secretary, positions, especially Si, alkali metals, alka- the depleted mantle source of Hawaiian basalts
GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA. line earths, Pb and H2O, but not high field (εHf ~+9, εNd ~+7 at 160 Ma; Table 1; Fig. 4B).

316 GEOLOGY, April 2011

A istics of depleted mantle (Cr-rich spinel and
100 W26 diopsidic clinopyroxene) and rims showing
2EO Figure 4. Plots of geochemi- strong alkaline affinities (titanite and Ti-augite;
W25 cal and Nd-Hf isotopic data. see Figs. DR1 and DR3). Ti-rich amphibole and
30 A: Relatively immobile trace biotite are related to the late alkaline overprint,

element abundances nor-

20 malized to normal mid-oce-
and demonstrate the hydrous nature of the infil-
anic ridge basalt (N-MORB; trating alkaline melt. These petrographic fea-
10 Sun and McDonough, 1989). tures can be explained if depleted mantle was
Elevated abundances of infiltrated by a volatile-rich alkaline metaso-
4 high field strength elements matic melt, perhaps accompanying early stages
3 and rare earth elements are
consistent with original lam- of extension and mantle upwelling as the Gulf
2 of Mexico began to open. Because the meta-
prophyric magma. B: Hf-Nd
isotope diagram comparing somatic agent transported Ti, it must have car-
1 initial isotopic composi- ried HFSEs as well as large ion lithophile ele-
More Incompatibility Less tions of Nd and Hf in 160 Ma
alkalic mafics with those
ments. Thus, the isotopic compositions of Nd
U Ta Ce Nd Zr Eu Gd Dy Ho Tm Lu of present mantle sources and Hf are almost certainly dominated by the
Th Nb La P Sm Hf Ti Tb Y Er Yb (EMI, EMII [enriched man- metasomatizing melt. These isotopic composi-
tle types], DMM [depleted tions indicate derivation from a mantle source
28 Atlantic MORB mantle MORB], HIMU [high
B Iceland 238
U/204Pb ratio]). Also shown
with a time-integrated history of light rare earth
Indian MORB DMM is Indian-Pacific mantle do- element and Hf/Lu depletion, with no evidence
20 ian main boundary in south- for participation of old continental lithosphere.
Hawaii Ind c
16 ifi western Pacific. X-Y axes Instead, these samples have an oceanic isotopic
Rarotonga Pac
are in ε units to allow us to character, as expected for the igneous rocks of
12 Society EMII correlate present-day man-
an embryonic oceanic basin.

8 tle source and salt dome

Pitcairn The correspondence of salt diapirs containing
Xenoliths samples. References for
mantle sources and Indian- alkalic mafic xenoliths and a magnetic high in
HIMU Rurutu
Pacific boundary are from
coastal Louisiana supports the hypothesis that
Salters and White (1998) and magnetic fabrics along the northern Gulf of
EMI St. Helena Pearce et al. (2007).
Mexico reflect rift-related crustal structure, with
magnetic highs marking accumulations of mafic
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 igneous rocks and magnetic lows corresponding
εNd to intervals of stretched continental crust (e.g.,
Mickus et al., 2009). This study is, to our knowl-
edge, the first time that magnetic highs in the
northwestern Gulf of Mexico have been directly
correlated with mafic igneous rocks in the crust.
Sample 143
Nd / 144Nd 147
Sm / 144Nd εNd(160)* 176
Hf / 177Hf 176
Lu / 177Hf εHf(160)† This is consistent with geophysical cross sec-
±2σ ±2σ
tions depicting the Louisiana margin as lack-
W26 0.512941 ± 7 0.1409 7.05 0.282944 ± 6 0.00377 9.20 ing extensive magmatism (Harry and Londono,
W25 0.512944 ± 8 0.1511 6.90 0.282960 ± 5 0.00354 9.81
2004). Extrapolating from our observations, we
W25(r) 0.512943 ± 6 0.1522 6.86 0.282948 ± 6 0.00361 9.39
2EO 0.512940 ± 5 0.1489 6.87 0.282950 ± 7 0.00352 9.45
predict that if and when mafic Jurassic xenoliths
JB-2 0.513079 ± 6 0.283241 ± 7 are recovered from salt domes along the Texas
JNdi-1 0.512091 ± 5§ margin, they will be higher degree tholeiitic
JMC-475 0.282141 ± 11** basalts, inasmuch as these overlie a much more
Note: (r) indicates duplicate dissolution and analysis. continuous and broad magnetic high (Mickus et
*Relative to CHUR (chondritic uniform reservoir) 143Nd/144Nd = 0.512638. al., 2009).

Relative to CHUR 176Hf/177Hf = 0.282772 (Blichert-Toft and Albaréde, 1997).
Mean of 3 analyses. Deposition of the Louann Salt marked a criti-
**Mean of 7 analyses used for normalization to 176Hf/177Hf = 0.282160. cal time between rifting and seafloor spreading
in the nascent Gulf of Mexico. Salt was depos-
ited on transitional crust on either side of the Gulf
of Mexico as the gulf began to open. Seawater
The isotopic and trace element data consid- DISCUSSION was able to flow into the basin, but this narrow
ered together indicate that the mantle source Three points are discussed in this section: (1) connection was repeatedly closed, allowing sea-
was recently enriched as a result of metaso- the significance of ca. 160 Ma low-degree melts water in the basin to evaporate. Untold cycles
matism; this enrichment may have been asso- of metasomatized mantle beneath rifted crust of of seawater flooding and evaporation occurred
ciated with Gulf of Mexico rifting. Alkalic the Louisiana margin; (2) the implications of salt before the basin widened sufficiently that com-
mafic composition is typical of rift-initiation dome mafic xenoliths for understanding regional munication with the world ocean was perma-
magmas from strongly metasomatized source magnetic fabric; and (3) the significance of xeno- nently established. Salt deposition thus ended
regions (Maria and Luhr, 2008; Elkins-Tanton lith ages for understanding the age of the Louann about the time that seafloor spreading began to
et al., 2007), a conclusion consistent with Salt and when Gulf of Mexico rifting occurred. form true oceanic crust, or shortly thereafter.
petrographic evidence that the salt dome xeno- Relict igneous minerals in the xenoliths are The age of salt deposition thus constrains when
liths formed from volatile-rich melts. strongly zoned, with cores showing character- Gulf of Mexico rifting occurred, but has been

GEOLOGY, April 2011 317

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last lavas erupted during the main phase of the 452 on the western side of the Mariana Trough, Printed in USA

318 GEOLOGY, April 2011

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