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That Will
Make You

According to the British

philosopher, Alain de

“Anyone who isn’t

embarrassed of who
they were last year
probably isn’t
learning enough.”
How different is your life,
right now, from where you
were 12 months ago?

If it’s quite similar, then

you haven’t been learning
very much. To learn, by
nature, is to change and

In order to change and

evolve, you need to
regularly create peak
experiences —those
moments which create
deep awe, gratitude, and a
shift in how you see
yourself and the world.

When was your last peak


What was the last time you

flexed your courage
When was the last time
you tried something that
might not work?

This isn’t anything to be

upset, distraught, or
frustrated about. Life is,
inherently, a learning

Life is beautiful.

You get to have fun with it.

One thing that is really

beautiful about moving
forward intensely in your
future is that,
simultaneously, you
change your memory
about the past.

The past, regardless of

what it has been—great or
change in meaning as you
make new decisions in
your future.

Your future is flexible.

Your past is also flexible.
What you have is now.

You get to decide what

you’re going to do. You get
to decide how you’re going
to live.

Look around… No one is

stopping you. Want to
make a shift?

Here are 30 behaviors to

get you started:

1. Wake
Up Earlier

“You’re more likely to

act yourself into
feeling, than feeling
yourself into action.”
—Dr. Jerome Bruner

Dr. Stephen Covey once

presided over hundreds of
service missionaries as
their leader. One of them
was struggling intensely in
his relationship with
others. Rather than having
the missionary focus on
his relationships, Covey
told the missionary to
start waking up earlier,

“Private victory
always precedes
public victory,” Covey
told the missionary.

If he could just start

waking up a little earlier,
and put first things first,
then his interactions with
others would change.
But the missionary lacked
the confidence that he
could wake up early,
consistently, for 30 days.
Like most people, this
young man was really
good at lying to himself
and hadn’t witnessed
himself living in
alignment with his own
goals and words.

“Start with seven days,”

Covey told him. “Can you
do that?”

“Yes, I can do seven days.”

Seven days later, the

missionary looked like a
different person.

Confidence is the
byproduct of prior
performance. It doesn’t
take much to reset how
you feel about yourself.

Start waking up a little


Then do this:

2. Drink
More Water

As soon as you wake up in

the morning, drink a
HUGE glass of water.
Drinking water first thing
in the morning actually
makes you more alert and
wakes you up. So, if you
wake up and immediately
drink like 20+ ounces of
water, your morning
sleepiness won’t last long.

Having water on an empty

stomach helps to cleanse
the colon, which in turn
increases the efficiency of
the intestine to absorb
nutrients. It also helps in
flushing out toxins from
your body.

As we drink healthy
amounts of water, we have
smaller waistlines,
healthier skin, and better
functioning brains.

3. Write Your
Goals Down,
Single Morning

“Assume the feeling

of your wish fulfilled
and observe the route
that your attention
After you pull yourself out
of bed and drink a huge
glass of water, find a spot
to pull open your journal.

Write your goals down.

Do this every day.

Do this first thing in the

morning, every single day,
and your life will change.

How so?

Your orientation toward

your day reflects how you
approach your day.

Most people allow their

environment and bodily
addictions to trigger
themselves into unhealthy
subconscious patterns,
which are then played-out
every single day.

First thing in the morning,

they are sucked back into
their smartphone.

Then they go through

their day, and not much
different happens from the
day before.

This isn’t very creative,

nor is it imaginative.

But what happens when

you start your day by
writing down your goals
and dreams for the future?

How do you think this

behavior would influence
your imagination and
Former United States
President, Abraham
Lincoln, once said, “The
best way to predict the
future is to create it.”

The best way to CREATE

your day is to start in a
creative mode. In order to
wake up in a creative
mode, you must give
yourself space for

Writing your goals down

on paper doesn’t need to
take more than 2 minutes.
If you’re serious about
your future, it could and
should take longer (like

As you write your goals

down, you shift your
subconscious patterns.
You train your brain to
begin LOOKING for what
you want. As Dan Sullivan
has said,

“Your eyes can only

see what your brain is
looking for.”

Most people’s brains have

been trained to be lazy.
They haven’t proactively
set their brain on a search
for what they want. As a
result, incredible
opportunities pass them
by every day unawares.

But there’s more.

When you visualize your

future in the form of
writing goals, you literally
re-wire your brain and
memory. While writing
your goals, get yourself
into an aroused emotional
state. Imagine and feel
what it would be like to
have those goals.

The more emotional the

writing, the more
subconsciously shifting
the experience.

The more emotionally

arousing, the more your
brain will create new
neural connections.

As your brain makes new

neural connections, your
memories, and perspective
of the world changes.

This is how you create a

“peak-state” every
morning. A peak-state is
simply feeling incredibly
good about where you
currently are, and having
complete confidence and
clarity in where you’re

A peak-state is similar to a
“peak experience,”
wherein you feel immense
awe and gratitude for life.
Your mind and brain are
expanded and changed,

What would happen if

your mind and brain
changed, daily, to reflect
the person you intend to
become and the future you
intend to inhabit?

It’d be pretty amazing,


Well, then get yourself

some peak-states and
experiences every
Within a short period of
time, you’ll begin to see
the world from the
perspective of your goals.
You won’t see the world
from the perspective of
your current

You’ll only see your goals

and possibilities. They’ll
be more real to you than
your present
circumstances. Your brain
will see the world

Your behavior will be


Your mindset and

emotions will be different.

You’ll feel far greater

gratitude and awe for life.
You’ll feel a deeper
connection to yourself,
God, and others. You’ll
love other people more.
You’ll love yourself more.
You’ll love life more.

Because you feel a greater

connection, you’ll feel
safer about life. Because
you feel safer, you’ll be
more imaginative and
creative—and thus more
willing to take risks and
embrace adventure.

You’ll learn stuff that is

outside your comfort zone.

You’ll be willing to set

wildly “unrealistic” goals.

Every morning, you’ll have

15–30 minutes of
complete creative fun in
the cave of your journal.
Your morning journal then
becomes the doorway to a
new universe where
anything is possible.

You’ll write with greater

and greater intensity and
joy. You stop inhibiting
yourself with your
conscious mind and allow
your subconscious mind to
take-over— stream-of-
consciousness writing.

You stop editing yourself.

You just write.

And as you write, you’ll

things go from your hand
to your pen to your paper
to your head… all from
your heart.
“Wow! Did I really just
write that?” says your
conscious mind.

“Absolutely,” echoes your

increasingly confident

4. Put Your Phone

On Airplane Mode
More Often

“Efforts to deepen
your focus will
struggle if you don’t
simultaneously wean
your mind from a
dependence on
Newport, Deep Work:
Rules for Focused
Success in a
Distracted World

Time is the ultimate

currency in life.
But in a world of constant
connection to screens, a
more accurate currency is
time spent not looking at

The amount of time you

spend not looking at a
screen reflects the quality
of your actual life.

You can use screens to

entertain yourself and
produce amazing work.
But that work, although
interesting and important,
should produce a better
quality of life in the real
world for you.

How much time do you

spend away from screens
on a daily basis?

Perhaps more importantly,

how much time do you
spend staring at screens
during prime-time, which
is in the evenings and

How present are you to the

world and those around

How much time and

genuine attention do you
give your loved ones?

How much do they feel

your love?

As someone who is the

parent of children from a
rough background, I have
learned that children need
to know you love them.
They need to feel
protected, like they
matter. Research shows
that parent’s habits
around cellphones directly
influence the emotional
well-being and future
habits of their children.

Which means that given

most people’s habits
around technology, the
rising generation is
basically doomed to digital
addiction and distraction.

It doesn’t need to be this


Children need to be taught

how to control their
emotions and impulses.
They need to know they
matter. They need to feel
your love.

This isn’t just true of

children. It’s true of
spouses and, really, all
How good is your
relationship with others?
The answer to that
question is a pretty
accurate indicator of your
level of happiness and
purpose in life. Thomas
Monson said, “Never let a
goal to be solved become
more important than a
person to be loved.” Sadly,
in the case of the world
today, people not only put
their goals above their
loved ones, but they put
mindless time-wasters and
screen scrolling above
their loved ones.

Put your phone on

airplane mode and watch
as your life improves.

The more present you can

be in life, the more
creative you’ll be, the
better your mind will
function, the more you’ll
be able to concentrate and

If you give yourself space

away from your
notifications and
distractions at night,
you’ll have a far more
meaningful, deep, and
enjoyable life. You’ll
EXPERIENCE more of the
world—rather than your

As you give yourself space

away from your
notifications and
distractions in the
morning, you’ll have the
rare but available privilege
of putting yourself into a
peak-state every morning,
wherein you prime your
mindset, emotions, and
brain to operate from your
ideal future.

That brain priming will

create peak experiences,
which will allow you to
feel deep awe, gratitude,
and inspiration on a daily
basis. Those emotions will
change how you see and
act in the world.

You’ll live more


You’ll be less apathetic.

You’ll begin taking on

bigger challenges, and
thus, your life will become
less predictive of the past.
You’ll be able to engage
your mind in creative and
imaginative thinking—
which will change how you
view yourself and the

Your life may look and feel

pretty average now. But in
365 days, you may just be
embarrassed by who you
are right now.

Your life may start looking

wildly creative,
imaginative, and non-

You yourself may become

a unique and peculiar
person—one with skills
and abilities to attract
amazing mentors,
business partners, and

5. Go On Walks
A.M.A.P (as much
as possible)
Steve Jobs, the late co-
founder of Apple, was
known for his walking
meetings. Facebook’s Mark
Zuckerberg has also been
seen holding meetings on
foot. A recent study by
Stanford researchers
further explains why
walking enhances
creativity and insights.

The study found that

walking indoors or
outdoors similarly boosted
creative inspiration.
Across the board,
creativity levels were
consistently and
significantly higher for
those walking compared to
those sitting.

“Many people
anecdotally claim
they do their best
thinking when
walking. We finally
may be taking a step,
or two, toward
discovering why,” Dr.
Oppezzo and Dr.

Whether you walk in the

morning, afternoon, or
evening, you’ll be stunned
by the creative insights
and clarity that come as
you give yourself space to

Lately, I’ve been walking

between 3 and 6 miles per
day in the mornings while
listening to audiobooks.
Wow! The amount of
inspiration and insights I
get during these walks
often leads me to start
running, so I can get back
to my car and start putting
all of the inspiration to

Start walking. Your life

will change, as will your

The potent combination of

writing your goals down
daily and giving yourself
SPACE to think will change
your life. It will help you
clarify your goals. It will
give you the insights and
ideas you need to achieve
your goals. It will help you
know what you need to do,
right now, to make needed
adjustments in your
relationships and daily
tasks to move forward.

Not only is walking good

for creativity, it’s one of
the best things you can do
for your longevity. In the
book, The Blue Zones:
Lessons for Living Longer
From the People Who’ve
Lived the Longest, Dan
Buettner studied the
cultures that produce the
most healthy 100-year-
olds. A common theme he
found among these
populations is that those
who reach 100 years and
older often have a daily
habit of walking.

Go on daily walks and live

to be 100.

6. Clearly
Your Life

“If you have more

than three priorities
in your life, you have
none.”—Jim Collins
Your priorities are more
important than your
values and goals because
quite literally, your
priorities are where these
things become real.

Your priorities reflect
your priorities and goals.

If you are not doing

something in your life, like
exercise, for example, it’s
not because you don’t have
time. Rather, it’s because it
is not a priority to you.

Anything you are not

currently doing on a
regular basis IS NOT A

If you say spirituality is a

priority to you, but you
rarely engage in it, then
you are lying to yourself.
If you say investing in your
future is a priority to you,
but you spend most of
your time distracted on
the internet, then you are
lying to yourself.

Your daily behaviors are a

mirror—an honest
assessment of your
priorities in life.

Your priorities reflect to

both yourself and the
world what you value and
what you aspire towards.

If you can get your

priorities right, then you
can generally get
everything else right.

So, what are your

What are the things that
matter more than
anything to you?

What do you believe in?

What do you stand for?

What do you want for your


If you can’t answer these

questions, then you can’t
prioritize your time and
your life. And as a result,
you won’t have the clarity,
confidence, or motivation
to focus your time and
attention toward building
the future you desire.

Get clear on your priorities

and productivity becomes
7. Eliminate All
(your life is a
product of your

Writing your goals in your

journal every morning
helps your brain create the
outcomes you’re striving
to create. Writing your
priorities in your journal
regularly helps ensure
you’re pursuing the right

As you hone and clarify

your priorities, have the
courage to eliminate all
the things in your life that
don’t match.

No one is perfect at this.

For all of us, there is a
mismatch between our
daily behaviors and what
we want our priorities to

It is your responsibility to
spend the majority of your
time on your core
priorities. Only then will
they actually be priorities.

If you don’t think you can

do this, then your
subconscious hasn’t been
expanded enough yet.
Once you expand your
subconscious, your life
will reflect your priorities
(more on this below).

The first step is

courageously eliminating
everything that isn’t what
you believe in or want for
yourself. This act, in itself,
is a profound message to
yourself and others that
you are serious about

Spend all of your time on

those things you value
most—on those things
which you believe go
beyond the here-and-now.
The more time you can
spend on things you
believe to be of infinite
worth, the more powerful
your daily life and
behavior will be.

As a rule, I only invest my

time in things that add to
my present
experience and my future.
Thus, I invest time in
relationships that I plan to
have forever, like with my
family and friends. I invest
time in my education and
growth. I invest time on
work I believe in. I invest
in experiences that create
profound memories.

What do you invest time


Is this investment making

your future better than
your past?

8. Become More
Playful And

“Imagination is more
important than
knowledge. For
knowledge is limited
to all we now know
and understand,
while imagination
embraces the entire
world, and all there
ever will be to know
and understand.”—
Albert Einstein
Life is meant to be a joy,
not a grind.

You get to be creative and

playful about how you
design and live your life.
In fact, you are a creator. If
man is made in the “image
of god,” then man is, by
nature, a creator.

Even if you don’t believe

in God, research clearly
shows that imagination is
linked to learning and
emotional wellbeing.
Moreover, the opposite is
also true: the less
emotionally mature a
person is, the less likely
they are to be imaginative
and creative about
themselves and their lives.
Dr. Carol Dweck has
produced some of the
most important research
in psychology in the past
50 years. The essence of
her work is that many
people have a “fixed”
mindset about themselves,
wherein they believe they
can’t learn, change, and
develop. Others have a
“growth” mindset,
wherein they believe they
can change, grow, and

If you have a fixed

mindset, then imagination
probably isn’t a big part of
your life.

Having imagination means

you’re mentally and
emotionally flexible. In
order to be mentally and
emotionally flexible, you
need to feel protected in
your relationships—
particularly with your
parents, your higher power
if you have one, and other
key people in your life.

In order to be imaginative,
you have to see beyond
what is currently in front
of you. You need to be
willing to see things that
may or may not be “real”
or “true,” but could be.

Imagination is about
playing and creating—
without respect to the
outcome. Being
imaginative about your
future means you believe
you can do and be things
that others can’t see.

You’re not interested in
odds or statistics. Instead,
you’re driven by curiosity
and play. You’re motivated
by your WHY and what’s

You don’t care if other

people can’t see the future
you can see. You’re a
creator. You know you can
learn and transform.
You’ve done it in the past,
and you’ll do it again.

Like Einstein, you

emphasize imagination
over knowledge.

9. Create More
Peak Experiences
“Peak experiences as
rare, exciting,
oceanic, deeply
moving, exhilarating,
elevating experiences
that generate an
advanced form of
perceiving reality,
and are even mystic
and magical in their
effect upon the
Abraham Maslow

Maslow said that, in order

to become self-actualized
as a person, you need to
have a multitude of “peak-

Peak experiences are those

moments where your soul
is stretched such that it
cannot go back to its prior
Peak experiences, by
nature, are novel and new.
They involve experiencing
or seeing the world in a
new way.

In order for you to have a

peak experience, you need
to be open to new
experiences. You need to
be humble.

Peak experiences are more

likely to happen outside of
your comfort zone. They
generally involve
“experiential” learning.

Last week, my wife gave

birth to two beautiful twin
girls. They have my heart.
They are gorgeous. Last
week was a peak
experience for me. I’m
now a new person. My
motivation has changed.
My priorities have honed
and clarified. My vision for
my future has expanded.

Creating peak experiences

is how you change the
trajectory of your life.
They are those pivotal
moments that are so
meaningful that they serve
as check-points—core
memories—directing your
future path.

Peak experiences don’t

need to be rare. They are
only as rare as your
courage is exercised. If you
begin being courageous
daily, you’ll start having
more peak experiences.

As you have more peak

experiences, your
emotional wellbeing will
increase, and thus, your
imagination and ability to
direct and create your
future will expand.

But even more—through

having peak experiences,
your memory will change.

A healthy memory is a
changing memory. As you
have new and powerful
experiences, you’ll create
new associations with your
past, and thus, change the
very fabric of your
memories and identity.

Put simply, you can and

must create experiences
that change your identity.
As your identity changes,
your future will change.
Einstein wisely said, “The
measure of intelligence is
the ability to
change.” Change can only
happen by imagining a
different world, and then
courageously seeking new
and expansive
experiences. Change
happens as you learn and
expand your world.

10. Deepen Your

Relationship With
Your Parents

“The parent-child
connection is the
most powerful mental
health intervention
known to mankind.”
—Bessel van der Kolk

In the important book, The

Body Keeps The Score,
Bessel van der Kolk M.D.
explains that suppressed
emotions and trauma lead
people to unhealthy and
addictive cycles.
One of the most
fundamental components
of making a positive
change in your life is
developing a healthy
relationship with your
parents—whether they are
alive or not.

Your relationship with

your parents is a powerful
indicator of your
emotional well-being as a
person. It doesn’t matter
how “successful” you
appear on the outside, if
you don’t have this key
relationship established,
then chances are you are
an emotional wreck.

Oftentimes, people have

“toxic” or unhealthy
parents. These parents
should be viewed and
treated with love and
forgiveness, not spite and
disdain. As you improve
your own life and deepen
the relationship with your
parents, you often give
them permission to
expand and evolve

They need you just as

much as you need them.

11. Develop Other


In a recent interview, Kobe

Bryant told the story of his
first year playing
basketball at age 11. He
scored zero points. He was

After that season, his dad

looked him in the eyes and
“I don’t care if you
scored 60 points or 0
points. I will love you
no matter what.”

That was exactly what

Kobe needed to hear. He
knew that regardless of his
behavior—he was safe. His
father would love him.

This protection gave

Kobe permission to fail. It
gave him permission to
take risks. The buffer of
his father’s love allowed
Kobe to step outside of his
comfort zone—to the only
place high performance
can exist.

If you don’t feel protected

in your relationships, it
can be hard to push your
own boundaries. It can be
hard to be free because
you’re actually a slave to
the relationship. This is
living in an unhealthy
dependent state where
everything you do is based
on trying to please other

But when you feel loved

and protected regardless
of outcomes, then you can
rise to independence and
attempt things that will
likely fail, often.

The next season, Kobe

began failing intensely
and as a result, he began
learning intensely. He left
his comfort zone behind
and began playing in the
realms of creativity and
imagination—where no
limits were placed upon
All he had to do was step
beyond the boundaries of
who he had been in the
past, and step into the new
role and identity
emblazoned in his own
imagination and fortified
by his father’s love.

He embraced the unknown

over and over because he
was willing to be free—free
to see what was possible,
to fail, to explore, to
create. Free to become

Do you have powerful

protection relationships in
your life?

Do you feel stabilized and

Do you have a firm
foundation that allows you
the flexibility to jump way
outside of your comfort
zone, and yet be safe?

12. Less

In psychology, there are

two core forms of behavior
—avoidance or approach.

Avoidance-behaviors are
where you’re putting
energy toward avoiding
something from
happening. Avoidance-
behaviors are generally
focused on risks, rather
than the potential for

Avoidance-behaviors often
happen when you don’t
have protection and
emotional-safety in your
life. For example, Kobe
Bryant’s first year playing
summer basketball
reflected avoidance-
playing. He didn’t feel free
to fail, so he avoided
failure. He was worried
about his dad’s love and
opinion. Therefore, he
wasn’t free to be
imaginative and creative.

He was playing life on

emotional defense because
he wasn’t protected.

When you feel safe and

secure emotionally and
spiritually, you are
empowered to play life on
And approach-orientation
toward life doesn’t mean
you’re a reckless risk-
taker. What it means is
that you are willing to
courageously face risks to
accomplish meaningful
and important goals.

When the WHY is strong

enough, you’ll be willing
to endure any how.

You’re less worried about

the risks or difficulty
involved because your
focus is on your goals and
dreams. Your priorities are
clear. You’re moving
forward. Nothing is going
to stop you.

13. More

Every behavior and

experience you have in
your life either elevates or
downgrades your
subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind

reflects what you perceive
and experience as
“normal” in the world.

As Dr. David Hawkins

explains in his
book, Letting Go: 

“Our unconscious will

allows us to have only
what we believe we
deserve. If we have a
small view of
ourselves, then what
we deserve is poverty.
And our unconscious
will see to it that we
have that actuality.”

Every behavior signals to

your subconscious what
you think you deserve and
what you believe about the

When you sit and stare at

your cellphone mindlessly,
your subconscious
structures your world
around that reality. You
see that behavior as
“normal,” and your life
then formulates itself
around the quality of that

But you can create

“subconscious enhancing

You can have experiences

that radically expand your
subconscious perception
of normal. You can
regularly “reset” what
normal life is for you.

You can create a “new

normal” regularly.

You do this by having

powerful experiences and
by behaving in powerful
ways. You can create
experiences on a daily
basis that “reset” your
perception of normal.

I recently decided to treat

myself to a “fine-dining”
experience as an
experiment in
subconscious resetting. I
went to a really great
restaurant in a different
country, and just soaked-
up and absorbed the
This is “normal,” I felt.

Being surrounded by
brilliant and interesting
people can become

Engaging in powerful and

important daily behaviors
can become normal.

Feeling inspired and living

in a peak-state can be

Not worrying about money

every day can be normal.

Having transformational
experiences daily can be

What’s crazy is that, over

time, your life really will
change. It may be
imperceptible and subtle.
But your daily life and
daily experiences will be
radically different than
they were 2 to 3 years ago.

You’ll have reset your

normal world. This should
happen regularly.

14. Become More


Susan David Ted Talk

Your emotional flexibility

represents your ability to
regulate your emotions in
challenging situations.

How flexible are you?

How adaptive are you?

Do you control your

emotions or do your
emotions control you?

Everything you want in

your life is on the other
side of fear. However, in
order to get there, you
must courageously cross
that threshold and then
successfully navigate the
unknown of being outside
of your comfort zone.

Emotional flexibility, then,

represents your ability to
1) step outside of your
comfort zone, and 2)
successfully navigate the
emotional craziness of the

The only way to become

more emotionally flexible
is to practice. To regularly
expose yourself directly to
what you fear and avoid.
To move forward.

You must be more


You must try stuff that

might not work.

You must be bolder.

Then, as you experience

the emotional shock of the
unknown, you need to get
better at moving forward
toward your goals—
regardless of how you feel
in the moment.
This doesn’t mean you
suppress your emotions.
Nor does it mean you
ignore them.

Instead, you appreciate

and acknowledge your
emotions as a real factor
in your situation. Then
you allow those emotions
to be a part of your
experience and you
continue to direct your
focus on your goals, not
the perceived risks or
threats you think may

This is being approach-


This is being courageous.

This is how you shatter

unhealthy emotional
This is how you shatter
subconscious blocks.

This is how you re-write

your memories and heal
your past traumas and
blocks. By proactively
creating your future, you
simultaneously heal your

You need to shock your

system. To quote
Napoleon Hill, “A good
shock often helps the brain
that has been atrophied by

15. Focus On 90-

Day Sprints
Rather Than New
Years Resolutions

New Years’ Resolutions

don’t work. Think we
know that by now.

So what’s a better

A better method is setting

90-day sprint goals. Every
90 days, you review the
previous 90 days, then you
set new goals for the next
90 days.

Every 90 days, you reset

and re-assess.

Some epic questions you

could ask yourself every 90
days come from Dan
Sullivan, who has coached
more successful
entrepreneurs than
anyone on the planet:

“Winning Achievements?
Looking back over the past
quarter, what are the
things that make you the
proudest about what you
have achieved?”

“What’s Hot? When you

look at everything that’s
going on today, which
areas of focus and progress
are making you the most

“Bigger and Better? Now,

looking ahead at the next
quarter, what new things
are giving you the greatest
sense of excitement?”

“What are the five new

‘jumps’ you can now
achieve that will make
your next 90 days a great
quarter regardless of what
else happens?”

Every 90 days, you should

have a celebration for the
progress you’ve made. You
should focus on results
rather than time spent.

Every 90 days, you should

see clear and tangible
progress toward your

Every 90 days, you should

be able to observe changes
in your environment,
income, and life.

Every 90 days, your life

should increasingly reflect
your highest priorities.

You can do this.

Forget New Years’

Resolutions. 90-day
sprints, then recovery
breaks, are much better.
They’re more sustainable.
They’re more action-
oriented. They allow you
quicker feedback and more
energy, results, and

16. Rest More

“Recovery never stops.”—

Mike Mancias, LeBron
James’ performance coach

Recovery is productivity.

Sleep is for geniuses.

Rest isn’t just sleeping. It’s

taking breaks. It’s focusing
on short spurts of intense
activity, followed by long
breaks filled with fun and
engaging experiences.

How imaginative are you

about the design of your
In the TED , Stefan
Sagmeister shares his
unique story of how he
focuses on “recovery.”

He’s a famous designer in

New York. Every seventh
year, he closes his studio
and spends a full year
traveling the world and
“not working.”

Yet, during this recovery

time, he gets more
creative insights and
inspiration to fill the next
six years.

If you apply this principle

to your daily life, you can
have far more creativity
and inspiration in your
life. Proactively give
yourself quality
time away from your work.
The better quality your life
is away from work, the
more effective and
creative you’ll be while
you’re at work. This
concept is known as
detachment from work.”

Research has found that

people who
psychologically detach
from work experience:

Less work-related
fatigue and
Far greater engagement
at work, which is
defined as vigor,
dedication, and
absorption (i.e., “flow”)
Greater work-life
balance, which
directly relates to
quality of life
Greater marital
Greater mental health

17. Think More
“I’m talking about
deliberately setting aside
distraction-free time in a
distraction-free space to
do absolutely nothing
other than think.”—Greg
McKeown, Essentialism:
The Disciplined Pursuit of

One of the reasons you

need to give yourself time
in the morning and
evening is simply to allow
yourself the space to

How much time do you

spend just thinking daily?

Another reason to walk

regularly is to provide time
to think.

The more time you have to

think deeply about your
life, your goals, and your
priorities, the better
decisions you’ll make
regarding those things.

While I’m walking—even if

I’m listening to
audiobooks—I’m also
thinking about my life and
goals. In fact, I’m often
getting so many ideas that
I need to carry a notepad
with me to capture the

In large measure, the

quality of your thinking
determines the quality of
your life.

Most people have the

same recurring thoughts,
every single day. In fact,
95% of a person’s thoughts
each day are the same
thoughts as yesterday.
This is a horribly
ineffective use of the
creative brain.

If you’re constantly
upgrading your life and
learning new things, then
your thoughts will
continually be changing,
expanding, and

You’ll become a creative


You’ll more fully enjoy


You’ll achieve your goals

more quickly because
you’ll learn how to turn
your thoughts into reality.

You won’t get stuck for

years in the same
repetitive thought

Give yourself time to


Record your thoughts.

Get better at training the

garden of your mind.

What you plant, you will


18. Give More
“Life gives to the
giver and takes from
the taker.”—Joe

One of the most powerful

mental transitions a
person can make is going
from taker to giver.
As a parent of five
children, I can attest that,
primarily, these children
are focused on getting.
Without question, they
give a lot of love. But for
the most part, they are
interested in their own
survival and needs.

Becoming self-actualized
as a person means you’ve
developed the inner and
outer confidence to have
your own needs met. You
can then dedicate the rest
of your life to contributing
to the world at large and
transforming lives.

Darren Hardy, the author

of the Compound Effect,
has said,

“A person’s life can

generally be
measured by the size
of the problems they
are trying to solve.”

What size of problems are

you solving in the world?

How much do you really

want to contribute?

Are you still primarily

focused on what you can
get out of life, or what you
can give?

When it comes to powerful

relationships, you will not
be able to develop them
from a transactional-
approach, wherein you’re
trying to get everything
you can from the

Joe Polish is the founder of

considered by many to be
the top-tier of
masterminds. He has a list
of “rules” that he expects
of those whom he
interacts with. He calls it
his “Magic Rapport
Formula.” The principles
of his formula are the

Focus on how you will

help them reduce their
Invest time, money, and
energy on relationships
Be the type of person
they would always
answer the phone for
Be useful, grateful, and
Treat others how you
would love to be treated
Avoid formalities, be fun
and memorable, not
Appreciate people
Give value on the spot
Get as close to in-person
as you can
You must evolve beyond
your small-mindedness to
a transformational-
relationship approach,
wherein you are entirely
focused on giving,
gratitude, and growth.

19. Invest More

In Yourself

Although a religious
example, this next story is
incredibly instructive and

George Q. Cannon was a

leader of the Latter-Day
Saint Church some time
ago. As a young and
impoverished man, he
approached his tithing
practice in a unique way.
Tithing, in that faith, is
Biblical and encourages
members to pay 10% of
their income.

But George was highly

imaginative in how he
paid his tithing. Rather
than paying retroactively,
wherein he paid 10% of
what he earned, he
decided to pay 10% of
what he intended to earn in
his future.

In a talk, Dr. Wendy

Watson further expounded
on this story:

When his bishop

commented on the
large amount of
tithing poor young
George was paying,
George said
something like: “Oh
bishop, I’m not
paying tithing on
what I make. I’m
paying tithing on
what I want to
make.” And the very
next year George
earned exactly the
amount of money he
had paid tithing on
the year before!

George Q. Cannon was

not transactional in his
religious approach to
tithing. He
was transformational. He
didn’t see tithing as a cost,
but an investment in
himself and his
relationship with his faith.

Whether you are

spiritually-minded or not,
the implications of this
story are psychologically
How was he able to turn
his financial investments
into upgraded skills and

Rather than acting from

your present
circumstances, you act
from your future

Rather than living from

the present or past, you
can “assume the feeling of
your wish fulfilled.”

This is one of the reasons

to write down your goals
daily—it allows you to live
as though your desired
future is already a
concrete fact.

But this is also another

reason to invest money in
yourself, your
relationships, your
priorities, and your future.
When you invest in
something, you upgrade
your subconscious
mindset around that thing.
Essentially, you’re saying
to yourself—I can be, do,
and have more than I
currently am. This is why
imagination is so key.

In George Cannon’s case,

he invested in his
relationship with his God,
which led to a 10X
Investment is always a
more powerful mindset
than seeing things as a

20. Invest More

In Others

“Never believe that a

few caring people
can’t change the
world. For, indeed,
that’s all who ever

You love what you invest

yourself in. You love who
you invest yourself in.
Wrote William
Shakespeare, “They do not
love that do not show their

Love comes after
time, financial, etc.—when
it comes to relationships.
Love is a powerful force,
but it is not so much a
feeling as it is a “verb.”

Love is an action. The

ensuing feelings we often
call “love” is
really connection—
something which is quite
rare these days.

The more you invest of

yourself in others, the
more connected you’ll be
to them. The more you
invest yourself in
humanity, the more you’ll
care about this entire
planet. And the more
you’ll see that people are
important, every single

21. Invest More In

uses You
Believe In

“For success, like

happiness, cannot be
pursued; it must
ensue, and it only
does so as the
unintended side effect
of one’s personal
dedication to a cause
greater than oneself
or as the by-product
of one’s surrender to
a person other than
oneself.”—Viktor E.
Frankl, Man’s Search
for Meaning

What are you deeply

committed to?

What do you truly believe


Do you even know?

Success and happiness

are unintended “side-
effects” that come from
being dedicated to
something you truly
believe in.

Success and happiness

are unintended “side-
effects” that come from
being intensely invested
in someone else’s success
and happiness.

If you’re still trying to find

happiness for yourself,
you’ll be searching for a
long time, and likely in all
the wrong places.

Hence, for most people,

happiness is an elusive
illusion leaving them
chasing. As the Indian
author and educator
Ruskin Bond said, 

“Happiness is an
elusive state of mind
not to be gained by
clumsy pursuit. It is
given to those who do
not sue for it: to be
unconcerned about
the desired good is
probably the only way
to possess it.”

22. Focus On
Over “Time”

“The faster you move,

the slower time
passes, the longer
you live.”—Peter H.

Time, as we understand it,

is an arbitrary construct.

In physics, time is not the

passing of minutes on a
clock. Rather, time is the
velocity and distance
traveled by a particular

Light travels at
approximately 186,282
miles per second (299,792
km per second). Therefore,
a light-year is 5.88 trillion
miles (9.5 trillion km).

The earth is 238,900

miles from the Moon.
Therefore, the Moon is
about 1.3 light-
seconds away.
The earth is 92.96
million miles from the
Sun. Therefore, the Sun
is a little over 8 light-
minutes away.
The earth is 33.9 million
miles (54.6 million
kilometers) from Mars.
Therefore, Mars is 187
light-seconds, or 3.11
light-minutes away.

Each of these are a

measure of “distance.”

Recent research in the

science journal
“Astronomy &
Astrophysics,” shows that
our Milky Way galaxy may
be bigger than we
previously imagined.
Specifically, our spiral
galaxy’s vast rotating disk
of stars spans at least
170,000 light-years, and
possibly up to 200,000

If you could drive across at

an averaged 60 miles an
hour, it would take more
than 2 trillion years—
which is around 150 times
greater than the age of the
universe, estimated to be
about 13.8 billion years.

The point of all of this is

to say, “time” is
not time as we understand
it. Time is actually a
measurement of distance.
According to Einstein’s
relativity theory, the faster
an object moves through
space, the slower time
goes. At the speed of light,
time stops altogether.

In the Christopher Nolan

film, Interstellar, there is a
beautiful scene that
depicts the reality of “time
dilation”—the stretching
and constricting of time.

The astronauts enter the

orbit of a planet in a
different galaxy
moving enormously
faster than the orbit of our
earth. In fact, the planet is
moving so fast that for
every hour they spend on
that planet, seven years
pass by on earth.

As a result, they need to

move quickly, because if
they lose a few hours then
everyone they know back
home will be history.
The “experience” of time
is the same for everyone—
regardless of how fast
you’re traveling. But the
reality of time is based on
distance traveled.

Why are we talking about


Because you shouldn’t

measure your life based
on how long something
takes. Instead, you should
measure your life based
on how far you go.

Time is a distance.

From this perspective, you

could travel the same
distance in a single
day that many people
travel in their entire lives.
And without question,
most people are simply
trying to pass away the
time. Because they aren’t
making tangible progress
toward any meaningful
goals, time flies by. They
are simply “working for
the weekend,” because the
rest of their week is almost
too painful to endure.

Why is it too painful to


Because they aren’t

actually making any
meaningful progress.

But if you start being

courageous and powerfully
honest with yourself, you
can move farther as a
person in a day than you
have in potentially years
or decades.
If you make acting
courageously a way of life,
you can start traveling so
fast that—as a few hours
pass by for you, years or
decades have occurred for
those around you.

The faster you move in the

desired direction, the
slower time will move for

23. Focus On
Over Process

“When a measure
becomes a target, it
ceases to be a good

Time relativity is a reason

to focus on results over
“process.” Many people
argue that you should
focus solely on the
“process” and ignore the
results you get in life.

But, the world doesn’t

really work this way.

The world works based on

outcomes and results.

At the end of the month,

you’re still going to have
to pay your rent—
regardless of how
masterful your “process”

According to Dan Sullivan,

there are two types of
people: those who get
results and those who
have reasons for not
getting results. Don’t be a
person with reasons.
Ironically, one of the most
common “reasons” people
say they aren’t getting
results is because they
don’t care about them, but
instead, only care about
the “process.”

Even though Alabama

Football says their only
focus is “the process,” you
better believe Nick Saban
is upset if they don’t win.

The process is a means to
an end—the goal you’re
trying to accomplish. The
goal determines the
process, not the other way

In the book, So Good They

Can’t Ignore You: Why
Skills Trump Passion in the
Quest for Work You Love,
Dr. Cal Newport explains
that many young people
mistakenly seek a life of

According to Newport,
people seek a job they are
“passionate” about
because they are self-
absorbed. They’re only
thinking of themselves.

Instead of seeking
“passion,” Newport
recommends you go
through the laborious
process of developing rare
skills and abilities for the
purpose of helping other
people. In other words,
become incredibly useful
to others and society at

Rather than seeking

passion directly, passion is
an unintended by product of
doing something well.
When you’ve invested
yourself into something,
you love that thing.

But most people want

instant gratification. They
want cheap love. They
don’t want to earn

An obsession and focus on

“process” is equivalent to
an obsession and focus on
“passion.” It’s entirely
focused on the self.

Instead, you should have

something important and
meaningful you’re
attempting to accomplish.
As the saying goes, “When
the WHY is strong enough,
you’ll figure out the
The process should be
fluid. As Tony Robbins
said, “Stay committed to
your decisions but
stay flexible in your

If you’re truly committed

to something, then you’ll
do whatever it takes to get
that thing—regardless of
whether or not you
“enjoy” the process. For
you, the work is too
important not to do.
You’re not committed to
any specific approach—
you’re only committed to
achieving what you believe
needs to be done.

According to Albert
Einstein, “The definition of
insanity is doing the same
thing over and over again,
but expecting different
results.” If you’re not
currently successful at
what you’re doing, then
you’re probably going to
have to change your
process. Unless of course,
you really don’t care about
the results. Then you can
keep doing what you’re
doing. But don’t get mad if
things don’t change.

24. Focus On
Over Passion

“Passion comes after

you put in the hard
work to become
excellent at
something valuable,
not before. In other
words, what you do
for a living is much
less important than
how you do it.”—Cal
Rather than looking for
your passion or looking for
that perfect “process,”
decide what you either
want to do, or believe you
should do, and then go
about getting that thing.

The steeper the learning

curve, the better.

In the book, The Art of

Learning: A Journey in the
Pursuit of Excellence, Josh
Waitzkin tells the story of
how he become a world
champion in Tai Chi.

When given unsupervised

practice time, Waizkin
observed that most others
in his Tai Chi class would
naturally practice with
those at their same skill-
level or slightly worse. This
was done in many ways
out of ego, because who
wants to lose? It’s more
fun to beat someone when
given the opportunity.

Waitzkin took the opposite

approach, and applied a
principle he termed,
“investing in failure.” He
would purposefully
practice with people far
more skilled than he was.
In so doing, he would get
the crap kicked out of him,
over and over.

However, this process—

rooted in his desire to
advance himself—
compressed and quickened
Waitzkin’s skill
development. He could
experience first-hand the
abilities of those often
years ahead of him. The
mirror neurons in his brain
allowed him to quickly
mimic, match, and counter
his superior competitors.
Thus, he progressed much
faster than others in his

How steep is your current

learning curve?

How fast are you learning?

How much are you failing?

Are you avoiding failure

and loss?

If so, what does that say

about your imagination for

If you’re avoiding failure

and loss, what does that
say about the depth of
your WHY?
It’s been said that you do
not “rise to the occasion,”
but instead, “fall to the
level of your preparation.”
But how do you effectively
“prepare” yourself?

How could I properly

“prepare” myself to
immediately go from zero
to three kids when my wife
and I became foster

I could have spent years

reading books, going to
seminars, and learning
everything I could to
“prepare” myself for
parenting. And I’m sure a
lot of that stuff would
have been helpful.

But instead, we simply

threw ourselves into the
fire of learning.
Did we fall flat on our face
several times? Absolutely!
We still do, especially now
that we have five kids!

But experiential learning is
far more powerful than
abstract learning.

The best form of

“preparation” is by rising
to an occasion.

The fastest way to learn

something is when the
stakes are high. When the
situation is set up so that
you’re getting immediate
feedback on your
performance. When it
really matters that you
adjust and figure stuff out.

According to “The
Pygmalion Effect” in
psychology, human beings
actually do rise or fall
according to the demands
and expectations of the
situation. Therefore, if you
really want to develop
skills and abilities, don’t
wait until you’re ready to

Those who become

successful always start
long before they feel

They live in an approach-

manner, rather than an
avoidance-manner. Rather
than trying to accumulate
an enormous amount of
information BEFORE
acting, they take action
first, and then based on
the intensity of the
feedback they receive,
they THEN have the clarity
to acquire the right
information to properly
move forward.

Put simply, you are never

pre-qualified to do
something great. It is the
act of doing the thing that
qualifies and transforms

25. Focus On
Over Money

“It pays to be nice to

the people you meet
on the way up, for
they are the same
people you meet on
the way down.”—
Wilson Mizner

When you decide you

really want to be
successful, then you
realize that you must
develop meaningful and
important relationships.

Life is about “who” you

know, more than “what”
you know. In other words,
you could have all the
skills and abilities in the
world, but if you can’t
work well with people,
your chances of success
are far diminished.
However, if you have skills
and learn how to use those
skills to help the right
people, your success will

26. Focus On
Family Over

“You leave home to

seek your fortune
and, when you get it,
you go home and
share it with your

“Families are the

compass that guides
us. They are the
inspiration to reach
great heights, and
our comfort when we
occasionally falter.”
—Brad Henry

“No other success can

compensate for
failure in the home.”
—J.E. McCulloch

There is some wild

research on how children
develop emotional
maturity and flexibility in
life—and it depends very
much on the care they get
from their parents.
In the book, Hold On to
Your Kids: Why Parents
Need to Matter More Than
Peers, Gabor Maté M.D.
explains the negative
consequences that happen
when children emotionally
attach to peers, rather
than parents.

When children and

adolescents build their
deepest emotional
attachments with their
peers, then they become
obsessed with that
attachment. This
attachment can lead them
to become less creative,
imaginative, and flexible
in their lives.

Put simply, you need deep

and healthy bonds with
family. If you don’t have a
family, then build
one. Said bestselling
author, Ryan Holiday:

“For all the

productivity and
success advice I’ve
read, shaped and
marketed for dozens
of authors in the last
decade, I’ve never
really seen someone
come out and say:
Find yourself a
spouse who
complements and
supports you and
makes you better.
Instead, we’re
supposed to believe
that relationships tie
people down, that
they are the death
knell for creativity
and ambition.”
27. Focus On
Creativity Over

“When you can do a

common thing in an
uncommon way; you
will command the
attention of the
Washington Carver

“You can’t use up

creativity. The more
you use, the more you

“If it doesn’t sell; it

isn’t creative.”—
David Ogilvy

“The principal mark

of genius is not
perfection but
originality, the
opening of new

“Vulnerability is the
birthplace of
innovation, creativity
and change.”—Brené

True creativity takes


It takes courage because

creativity in it’s most
honest and pure form is
what Seth Godin calls,
“Emotional labor.”

Creativity is
transformational because
it involves imagination
and attempting something
that could fail. It involves
unveiling a certain side of
yourself to others in
attempts of creating a

Creativity heals and

transforms former
wounds, making you a far
more capable and powerful
person. It’s fascinating,
but research has shown
that creativity can help
people overcome

Addiction is an unhealthy
attempt to resolve
suppressed trauma and
pain. The only way out of
suppressed emotion is
through courageously
moving forward in life.

When you create

something, you go deep
into an emotional place
and release it in a new
form. This creative act can
shift your memories and
emotions, allowing them
to become healthy and

Creativity not only

transforms your emotional
life, but it can also
transform your financial
life. Professionals create,
while the masses

Everything you’ve ever

bought or used was
created by someone else.

What are you creating?

28. Focus On
Over Status

Most people, if they are

honest with themselves,
want “success” because of
some form of status it will
give them. They won’t
admit this to you, but deep
down, the status is what

It is for this reason that

success is generally short-
lived for most people.
Once they achieve a
certain degree of status,
their motivation for doing
the work goes away.

When your focus is on

status, your job becomes
to create and maintain
that status. This is
particularly common in
today’s social media world
where everyone is
attempting to be famous
for one thing or another.

Growth often comes at the

expense of status.
In order to keep growing,
you’ll need to risk the
status and success of your
past for something new
and better.

The reason most writers

will never succeed is that
ultimately, what they
really want is status. Yet,
deep down, they also feel
this strange belief that
they need to be “pure” to
their art, so they don’t
want to do it for money.

People who go on to
become successful at
something are not afraid
of success. They aren’t
afraid of making money.
But money inherently isn’t
interesting to them. They
are fascinated by growth
and pushing their own
boundaries. They can
never actually quantify
“success” because, for
them, that very idea is
continuously changing.

They’ve never arrived, and

they never intend to

They don’t care about

their previous
achievements. They don’t
care about their status.

Do they have a status? Of

course! When growth is
your focus, status
generally comes. But that
status doesn’t matter.
There’s no attachment to
it. And there’s certainly no
fear about losing that

People seeking growth are

willing to embrace the
unknown. They’re willing
to fail. They’re willing to
attempt stuff that may not
work. Actually, when true
growth—seeing how far
you can actually go—is
your only true measure of
success, then you’re
willing to risk everything
you’ve previously built to
attempt what you want or
believe you should do.

29. Focus On
Learning Over

“Change is the end

result of all true

“While I thought that

I was learning how to
live, I have been
learning how to die.”
—Leonardo da Vinci
“If you are making
mistakes, then you
are making new
things, trying new
things, learning,
living, pushing
yourself, changing
yourself, changing
your world. You’re
doing things you’ve
never done before,
and more
importantly, you’re
doing something.”—
Neil Gaiman

“You don’t learn to

walk by following
rules. You learn by
doing, and by falling

I started this article by

saying that you could
change your whole life in a
single year.
But you cannot change
your life without learning
something new. Because
the process of change
forces you to adapt.

If you strive to make big

leaps in your life, you’ll be
forced out of your shell of
comfort. By very nature of
being out of that shell,
you’ll experience a great
deal of stress. If you
acquire emotional
flexibility by properly
handling those emotions,
then you’ll transform

You’ll change your

relationship with your

You’ll change your

memories and your past.
You’ll also transform your
brain and your very

If you’re not embarrassed

by the person you were 12
months ago, then you
didn’t learn much.

Rather than asking

yourself “How long could
this take?,” a more
interesting question is,
“How far could you go?”

How far could you go in a

single year?

The faster you move, the

slower time passes.

In the next 12 months, you

could learn and do more
than many people do in
their entire lives.
According to Jean-Jacques

“The person who has

lived the most is not
the one with the most
years but the one
with the richest

experiences are those
“peak experiences” that
alter your life.

How many peak

experiences have you had
in the past 12 months?

How many peak

experiences are you going
to have in the next 12
How many mornings are
you going to wake up and
immediately put yourself
into a peak state?

30. Focus On
Over Cost

“The cynic knows the

price of everything
and the value of

Nothing is a cost.

Everything is an

And the more you look at

life as an investment, the
more you’ll focus on what
you can give rather than
what you can get.
This is what blows my
mind about most people:
they aren’t willing to
invest in themselves. They
see things like education,
mentorships, mastermind
groups, and other similar
things as a “cost.”

In other words, they don’t

believe they are worth it.

However, when your

mindset shifts from “cost,”
to “investment,” then you
start investing big time in
yourself, your skills, your
relationships, your
environment, and the
other things that are
important to you.

When you come from the

perspective of investment,
you are totally open. When
you come from the
perspective of cost, you
are closed off.

Investment is how George

Q. Cannon saw his tithing.
Perhaps most people see it
as a cost.

Investment transforms.
Cost doesn’t.

Do you see yourself as a

cost or an investment?

Do you see your

relationships as a cost or
an investment?

Do you see your work as a

cost or an investment?

When you shift to

investment, you begin to
experience 10X thinking.
You begin to stretch your
subconscious mindset
about what you can have
and be and do.

You come to realize that

you as a person are
incredibly flexible and
fluid. In other words, you
can change and transform.
Investing in yourself
shatters unhealthy
subconscious patterns and
courageously places
yourself in a higher and
more elevated plane,
wherein you can rise to
new occasions.

Are you going to focus on

giving, gratitude, and

Are you going to be

Have you ever gone 10X

You can do this when you

start investing in yourself.
When you stop seeing
yourself as a cost.

Enjoy This Articl
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