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CRJ 101-0803

Prof: Lakisha Adams


Chapter10: Correctional Responses In The Community

*John Augustus
widely considered the father of probation. He is recognized as initiating virtually every
practice associated with traditional and contemporary probation, including presentence
investigations, conditions of probation, reporting back to the court, and revocation.
In 1841 augustus posted buil for a man accused of being a common drunk. Augustus
peruaded the judge in this case to delay the drunk man’s sentencing for 3 weeks and to release
the suspect to his custody.
Over time, augustus recruited others to volunteer as probation officers.
As the role of probation grew in the criminal justice system, it became apparent that a
one size fits all approach to probation was inadequate. Some offenders required new approachs
that were more severe than traditional probation, but less severe than full time incarceration in
jail or prison.


The goals of correctional reponses in the community align with the perspectives and
purposes of the overall criminal justice system. The five overlapping perspectives of the criminal
justice system: crime control, rehabilitation, due process, restorative justice, and
nonintervention. Community correction sentences are in many ways an improvement over
traditional incarceration.

Probation is a sentence that suspends or delays a term of full time incarceration in
prison or jail. In return for the suspended or drlayed sentence, the judge orders the offender
returned to the community, where he or she must abide by certain rules and conditions.

The second primary category of correctional response in the community is
intermediate responses and sanctions. Intermediate, also called probation plus, involve
probation plus additional community sanctions, which are usually administered by probation
department, as with people serving traditional probation, probation officers generally supervise
those serving intermediate sanctions.

Many evaluatons have shown that intermediate sanctions are likely to be successful
and save money or prison beds only if they are used primarily for offenders who otherwise
would serve prison terms.
Frist, it increases rather than decreases the costs of the criminal justice system.
Second, closer supervision leads to higher uncovering of technical violations and
ultimately revocation.
Third, net widening is problematic in term of social control.


First, while difficult to precisely quanify, probation and intermediate reponses are
thought to be less expensive than traditional incarceration.

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