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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020

How to use the Syllabus for the LRN Speaking Exams 2020:
B1 - B2
• There are 8 topics for the January 2020 Exams and 10 for the June 2020 Exams.
3 topics of the Syllabus are common and may be used in either Exam Period.
The common topics for B1 are 1, 2, 3.
The common topics for B2 are 1, 2, 3.

C1 - C2
• There are 10 topics for the January 2020 Exams and 15 for the June 2020 Exams.
5 topics of the Syllabus are common and may be used in either Exam Period.
The common topics for C1 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
The common topics for C2 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
• The common topics for all levels are in bold.
They are also mentioned separately at the end of the Syllabus.

All Levels
• The common topics for all levels are in bold.
They are also repeated at the end of each Syllabus.
• Each general topic is followed by 4 questions. The first question covers Section 2 of the Speaking
Exam and the other three questions relate to Section 3 of the Exam.
• It would be advisable that all topics for the specific Exam period be covered before the Exams so
that students will be able to practise and use the appropriate language for each topic. When LRN
sends the 5 topics for Section 2 of the Exam two weeks before the Exams, they will have already
prepared all topics and they will feel much more confident focusing on one of them.
• Both teachers and students can watch the Sample Video Interviews on the Esolnet Hellas YouTube
• A recommended way to use the Syllabus would be to put aside speaking time every week. Teachers
can divide their students into two groups; each group is assigned a different topic (4 questions);
the teacher may give each group the vocabulary they need.
Each student prepares their topic (4 questions) at home and during the next lesson, the teacher can
make pairs of one student from each group; the teacher can follow the LRN Interview procedure,
allowing the students to practise the LRN Speaking Exam.
• The teacher can give all the students feedback, pointing out their strengths and weaknesses.

LRN B1 Topics for the January 2020 Speaking Exam .................................................................... 3

LRN B1 Topics for the June 2020 Speaking Exam .......................................................................... 5

LRN B1 common Topics for both the January and June 2020 Speaking Exams .......................... 7

LRN B2 Topics for the January 2020 Speaking Exam .................................................................... 8

LRN B2 Topics for the June 2020 Speaking Exam ........................................................................ 10

LRN B2 common Topics for both the January and June 2020 Speaking Exams ........................ 12

LRN C1 Topics for the January 2020 Speaking Exam .................................................................. 13

LRN C1 Topics for the June 2020 Speaking Exam ........................................................................ 15

LRN C1 common Topics for both the January and June 2020 Speaking Exams ........................ 18

LRN C2 Topics for the January 2020 Speaking Exam .................................................................. 19

LRN C2 Topics for the June 2020 Speaking Exam ........................................................................ 21

LRN C2 common Topics for both the January and June 2020 Speaking Exams ........................ 24

Page 2 Esolnet Hellas

LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level B1

LRN B1 Topics for the January 2020 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3 are common for both the January and June LRN B1 Speaking Exams 2020.


1. Which sport is the most popular in your country? Why?

Do young people discover their talents and skills when they do a sport? Why?
In what ways do sports help young people to have a healthier lifestyle?
Can young people learn about the importance of hard work when they participate in a
sport? Why? Why not?


2. Which of your old things would you happily give away? Why?
Why is it difficult to throw away old things that remind us of important moments?
In what ways do old things connect us with a person we care about?
Have you ever regretted giving something away? If yes, why?


3. Can your friends depend on you? Why? Why not?

Why do we feel happy when we help others?
How can we improve our relationships when we help others?
Do we set a good example when we help others?


4. Why do some children dislike board games?

Why might it be better to play board games than use digital devices?
Do board games bring people together in a good way? Why? Why not?
How do we exercise our brains when we play board games?


5. What two home electronic devices do you consider most useful? Why?
Why is the high cost of electronic devices a disadvantage?
How may we waste time when we use electronic devices?
In what ways do electronic devices make people less active?


6. How do you feel if your room is in a mess? Why?

In what ways does a tidy room help us to find things?
Why can we relax better in a tidy room?
Do we feel more comfortable when we invite people to a tidy room?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level B1


7. What should students do when they feel stress?

High school students know that one day they will move away from home. Why does this
worry them?
Why do high school students worry that they won’t find a good job in the future?
Why are young people afraid that they will lose the friends they have in the future?


8. Why do most people prefer supermarkets to small neighbourhood shops?

Why does it usually take longer to shop in a supermarket?
Why do people spend more money when they shop in a supermarket?
Why is it an unpleasant experience to wait in a queue in a supermarket?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level B1

LRN B1 Topics for the June 2020 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3 are common for both the January and June LRN B1 Speaking Exams 2020.


1. Which sport is the most popular in your country? Why?

Do young people discover their talents and skills when they do a sport? Why?
In what way do sports help young people to have a healthier lifestyle?
Can young people learn about the importance of hard work when they participate in a
sport? Why? Why not?


2. Which of your old things would you happily give away? Why?
Why is it difficult to throw away old things that remind us of important moments?
In what ways do old things connect us with a person we care about?
Have you ever regretted giving something away? If yes, why?


3. Can your friends depend on you? Why? Why not?

Why do we feel happy when we help others?
How can we improve our relationships when we help others?
Do we set a good example when we help others?


4. What are the benefits of all-inclusive holidays?

Why do we often see very little of the local area when we are on an all-inclusive holiday?
Why is the food at an all-inclusive hotel usually of low quality?
Why can it be difficult to find a quiet place at an all-inclusive hotel?

Social Media

5. What do you like most about the social media you use?
Why are the advertisements on social media annoying?
If there were uninteresting posts on the social media you use, would it bother you?
How do you feel when you receive game requests on the social media you use?


6. Why do so many teenagers go to bed late?

Does the lack of a good night’s sleep make people feel tired?
How does the lack of sleep affect our ability to concentrate?
Why is it easier to develop unhealthy eating habits when we do not sleep well?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level B1


7. What can dentists do to make patients feel more comfortable?

Is fear of pain the main reason people do not like visiting the dentist’s?
How do stories of other people’s experiences at the dentist’s affect us?
Why might some people feel too embarrassed to visit a dentist?


8. What is your favourite childhood memory? Why?

Do our early school years teach us the importance of working with other people?
Why do we remember our first day at school?
How much do you remember about your first school friendships?


9. Why do people prefer to use their cars instead of public transport?

Why is public transport especially useful for the young and old?
In what ways does a good public transport system save people money?
Why would a good public transport system reduce air and noise pollution?


10. What problems could you have if you had a mountain holiday in summer?
Why can cooler temperatures make a mountain holiday better in summer?
What activities can a summer mountain holiday offer?
Summer mountain holidays attract fewer people. Why do some holidaymakers prefer less
crowded areas?

Page 6 Esolnet Hellas

LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level B1

LRN B1 common Topics for both the January and June 2020 Speaking Exams


1. Which sport is the most popular in your country? Why?

Do young people discover their talents and skills when they do a sport? Why?
In what way do sports help young people to have a healthier lifestyle?
Can young people learn about the importance of hard work when they participate in a
sport? Why? Why not?


2. Which of your old things would you happily give away? Why?
Why is it difficult to throw away old things that remind us of important moments?
In what ways do old things connect us with a person we care about?
Have you ever regretted giving something away? If yes, why?


3. Can your friends depend on you? Why? Why not?

Why do we feel happy when we help others?
How can we improve our relationships when we help others?
Do we set a good example when we help others?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level B2

LRN B2 Topics for the January 2020 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3 are common for both the January and June LRN B2 Speaking Exams 2020.

Leisure time

1. How can we stay active in our free time?

In what ways do sports centres bring people living in a city together?
What kinds of activities do sports centres offer to keep people physically active?
How do sports centres promote a healthy lifestyle?


2. What makes travelling easier nowadays?

What can we learn about a country’s culture from meeting the local people?
How can people of a country we visit make us feel more at home?
What are the benefits of making friends from a country we visit on holiday?

People and Relationships

3. Have your childhood friendships changed? Why? Why not?

How can a lack of good friends lead to loneliness and depression?
Why may people who lack good friends develop unhealthy habits?
What are some of the consequences of hanging out with the wrong people?


4. Can teachers change the lives of their students? Why? Why not?
How can teachers make their students feel proud of themselves?
Do you think students study more when their teachers encourage them?
Why would a friendlier classroom environment motivate students more?

The elderly

5. What does your community do to help the elderly?

How can the peaceful environment of the countryside benefit the elderly?
Why is it easier for the elderly to ask for help when they live in the countryside?
In what ways can the elderly benefit when they live close to nature?


6. What are the advantages of living in an area with a lot of shops?

If you know your rights as consumers, how does it help you protect yourself when you
Why is it important to know what to do when you buy a faulty product?
Is it good to complain if you are unsatisfied with a purchase?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level B2


7. What can be done to reduce traffic in a city?

How much are cars to blame for air and noise pollution in cities?
What problems can traffic delays cause?
Why does traffic cause stress and anger among drivers?


8. In what way are zoos safe places for wild animals?

Why is habitat loss a serious threat to wildlife?
How does climate change affect wild animals?
How much are wild animals in danger from pollution?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level B2

LRN B2 Topics for the June 2020 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3 are common for both the January and June LRN B2 Speaking Exams 2020.


1. How can we stay active in our free time?

In what ways do sports centres bring people living in a city together?
What kinds of activities do sports centres offer to keep people physically active?
How do sports centres promote a healthy lifestyle?


2. What makes travelling easier nowadays?

What can we learn about a country’s culture from meeting the local people?
How can people of a country we visit make us feel more at home?
What are the benefits of making friends from a country we visit on holiday?

People and Relationships

3. Have your childhood friendships changed? Why? Why not?

How can a lack of good friends lead to loneliness and depression?
Why may people who lack good friends develop unhealthy habits?
What are some of the consequences of hanging out with the wrong people?


4. What is the best way to study for exams?

Do students feel a lot of pressure when they study for exams? Why? Why not?
Does the fear of failing school exams make students feel stressed?
How much do parents’ expectations add to a student’s stress during exams?


5. What characteristic of your personality would you most like to change? Why?
In what ways do new experiences affect our personality?
Does interaction with new people change our personality in a significant way?
How do the things we learn as we grow older change us?


6. Why can advertisements influence children more than adults?

Why do advertisements increase the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes?
Why are smoking and alcohol harmful for people’s health?
Do advertisements make smoking and alcohol fashionable?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level B2


7. What causes bad habits?

Why is it difficult to change a bad habit once it becomes part of our routine?
Does the instant pleasure a bad habit may give us make it difficult for us to stop it?
Do some people take up bad habits to fit in their social circle?


8. What dangers has technology brought?

How has new technology helped us learn more about other countries?
In what way does new technology make it easier to travel to distant places?
How does new technology help us communicate with people around the world?


9. What are the advantages of living in the suburbs?

Why are houses in the suburbs more expensive?
Suburbs do not have a lot of places for entertainment. What problems could this create?
What problems are caused by too little public transport in suburbs?


10. What kinds of activities do you enjoy doing with your friends? Why?
Why can we deal with our problems better when we spend more time with friends?
Can we cope better with stress if we see our friends regularly?
In what ways does having good friends improve our mental health?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level B2

LRN B2 common Topics for both the January and June 2020 Speaking Exams


1. How can we stay active in our free time?

In what ways do sports centres bring people living in a city together?
What kinds of activities do sports centres offer to keep people physically active?
How do sports centres promote a healthy lifestyle?


2. What makes travelling easier nowadays?

What can we learn about a country’s culture from meeting the local people?
How can people of a country we visit make us feel more at home?
What are the benefits of making friends from a country we visit on holiday?

People and Relationships

3. Have your childhood friendships changed? Why? Why not?

How can a lack of good friends lead to loneliness and depression?
Why may people who lack good friends develop unhealthy habits?
What are some of the consequences of hanging out with the wrong people?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level C1

LRN C1 Topics for the January 2020 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are common for both the January and June LRN C1 Speaking Exams 2020.


1. Why can shopping be a source of pleasure for some people?

To what extent are our shopping habits influenced by online advertising?
How has online shopping affected the way we buy things?
Is it good to trust shopping recommendations on social media? Why? Why not?


2. Why do some people abandon their pets?

What can a local animal shelter do to help an abandoned animal?
What could be the benefits of adopting a stray animal?
How can donating money to a charity that helps stray animals be valuable?


3. What factors influence our food habits?

Does what we eat reflect the values and traditions of our culture?
How can food unite members of a particular community?
What role does food play in our celebrating special events?

Bad habits

4. How can we inform young people of the dangers of smoking?

Are passive smokers at risk from inhaling the same harmful chemicals as smokers do?
Is it fair that passive smokers have no say in someone else’s decision to smoke?
Why do passive smokers develop smoking-related disorders?


5. What are the advantages of being a child actor?

What kinds of pressure do you think child actors face?
Do child actors miss out on fun childhood activities?
In what ways are child actors exploited?


6. Why has the problem of childhood obesity increased in recent years?

How important is a balanced diet in dealing with childhood obesity?
To what extent can physical activity prevent the development of childhood obesity?
Should parents ban unhealthy food from their house to protect their children from obesity?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level C1


7. In what way do you think education will change in the future?

In what ways does traditional education encourage social interaction?
How does traditional education teach discipline and commitment?
Does traditional education create a sense of belonging to a place of learning?


8. Should cars be banned from the city centres? Why? Why not?
Why would there be less pollution if there were more pedestrian zones?
How can pedestrian zones make a city a more pleasant place for people to live in?
Would the existence of more pedestrian zones allow for more community activities?


9. Why do people sleep less nowadays?

What problems could result from fatigue due to a lack of sleep?
How does a lack of sleep reduce our efficiency?
How is our mood affected by a lack of sleep?


10. How does technology threaten our privacy?

How important is it to keep other people’s secrets?
What is the value for a person to feel they have their own personal space?
Why is it difficult nowadays to protect our personal information?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level C1

LRN C1 Topics for the June 2020 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are common for both the January and June LRN C1 Speaking Exams 2020.


1. Why can shopping be a source of pleasure for some people?

To what extent are our shopping habits influenced by online advertising?
How has online shopping affected the way we buy things?
Is it good to trust shopping recommendations on social media? Why? Why not?


2. Why do some people abandon their pets?

What can a local animal shelter do to help an abandoned animal?
What could be the benefits of adopting a stray animal?
How can donating money to a charity that helps stray animals be valuable?


3. What factors influence our food habits?

Does what we eat reflect the values and traditions of our culture?
How can food unite members of a particular community?
What role does food play in our celebrating special events?

Bad habits

4. How can we inform young people of the dangers of smoking?

Are passive smokers at risk from inhaling the same harmful chemicals as smokers do?
Is it fair that passive smokers have no say in someone else’s decision to smoke?
Why do passive smokers develop smoking-related disorders?


5. What are the advantages of being a child actor?

What kinds of pressure do you think child actors face?
Do child actors miss out on fun childhood activities?
In what ways are child actors exploited?

6. What factors can make a film great?

Do films entertain us? Why? / Why not?
How can watching films relieve stress?
In what way do films influence how we live?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level C1


7. Which two lessons do you think should be removed from the school curriculum?
How much pressure do children feel when they are pushed to get high marks?
Does pushing children to succeed cause them to experience lower self-esteem if they fail?
Pushing children to get high grades often makes them over-competitive. What kind of
problems can this create?

8. Why do some people look down on vocational education?

What kinds of practical experience can be gained through vocational education?
Are students who do vocational education more interested in what they learn than other
Why may it be easier to get a job if we attend a vocational school?


9. Why do people like to travel to exotic places?

Which everyday comforts would you probably miss if you visited an exotic place?
Why might you experience culture shock when visiting an exotic place?
What possible dangerous encounters could you have in an exotic place?


10. What is the importance of a garden?

What are the benefits of growing and consuming your own produce?
In what ways can growing your own plants connect you with nature?
Is taking care of a vegetable garden a good form of exercise?


11. How does the place where we live influence our lives?
What are the benefits of keeping a neighbourhood clean and green?
How important is it to keep the streets in a neighbourhood safe?
How could organising community events improve a neighbourhood?


12. What impact do rainforest fires have on the planet?

How are plants and animals in tropical rainforests in danger from humans?
Why are rainforests considered a crucial source of food and medicines?
In what ways do tropical rainforests support local economies?

13. Why should we save endangered species?

Is volunteering for an environmental organisation a good way to achieve a sense of purpose?
How would volunteering for an environmental organisation make us more aware of
environmental problems?
As a volunteer in an environmental organisation, would interacting with other like-minded
people be beneficial for us or not?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level C1


14. Why can professional athletes be good role models for children?
Why do highly aggressive and competitive athletes have a bad influence on children?
Why should children not idolise athletes who believe in winning at any cost?
Is it right for children to admire athletes who put financial gain above athletic spirit?


15. Why are some jobs more popular than others?

What role does a smart appearance play in a job interview?
Why should someone have an enthusiastic attitude during a job interview?
How important is it to have an impressive C.V. for a job interview?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level C1

LRN C1 common Topics for both the January and June 2020 Speaking Exams


1. Why can shopping be a source of pleasure for some people?

To what extent are our shopping habits influenced by online advertising?
How has online shopping affected the way we buy things?
Is it good to trust shopping recommendations on social media? Why? Why not?


2. Why do some people abandon their pets?

What can a local animal shelter do to help an abandoned animal?
What could be the benefits of adopting a stray animal?
How can donating money to a charity that helps stray animals be valuable?


3. What factors influence our food habits?

Does what we eat reflect the values and traditions of our culture?
How can food unite members of a particular community?
What role does food play in our celebrating special events?

Bad habits

4. How can we inform young people of the dangers of smoking?

Are passive smokers at risk from inhaling the same harmful chemicals as smokers do?
Is it fair that passive smokers have no say in someone else’s decision to smoke?
Why do passive smokers develop smoking-related disorders?


5. What are the advantages of being a child actor?

What kinds of pressure do you think child actors face?
Do child actors miss out on fun childhood activities?
In what ways are child actors exploited?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level C2

LRN C2 Topics for the January 2020 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are common for both the January and June LRN C2 Speaking Exams 2020.


1. Are some school lessons more important than others?

Why can music education make students feel a sense of achievement?
In what ways does music connect us with other people?
Can studying music improve our memory?


2. How much importance do you pay to your diet?

How does the fast pace of life lead us to unhealthy eating habits?
In what way do advertisements of junk food affect our eating habits?
Why are food additives and preservatives dangerous?


3. Why do some people follow a career that does not make them happy?
Why is it good for career guidance programmes to inform students of what jobs are
Can career guidance programmes help students to understand their strengths and
Why should career guidance programmes help students choose a career they like?


4. Why do standards of beauty change over time?

Is it right that beauty contests emphasise physical appearance more than talent?
In what way do beauty contests promote unhealthy eating habits?
How do beauty contests affect the participants’ self-esteem?


5. How can we use technology to fight crime?

What can happen when personal data is stolen?
Should cyberbullying be considered a serious crime?
How are computer viruses used in crime?


6. What motivates you to do things?

Why would a lack of motivation prevent us from setting and accomplishing goals?
Why would a lack of motivation lead to low self-esteem?
Why might our life be monotonous if we lacked motivation?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level C2


7. Why might some people not enjoy an adventure holiday?

In what ways can adventure holidays help us escape our daily routine?
How is experiencing new things while on holiday beneficial for us?
Why would an adventure holiday help us become more confident?

Culture and Traditions

8. What effect can technology have on local cultures and traditions?

How can learning about other cultures broaden our minds?
In what ways can learning about other cultures help us overcome stereotypes?
How important is it to respect other people’s traditions?


9. Who would you ask for help in a difficult situation? Why?

Why is it difficult to ask for help when we fear we will be let down?
Are we afraid to ask for help because we might appear weak?
Do we avoid asking for help for fear of burdening others with our problems?


10. What are the advantages of using online booking systems?

How do online booking systems reduce face-to-face interaction?
Why is it a drawback that online booking systems rely on an Internet connection?
How can online booking systems put our personal data at risk?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level C2

LRN C2 Topics for the June 2020 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are common for both the January and June LRN C2 Speaking Exams 2020.


1. Are some school lessons more important than others?

Why can music education make students feel a sense of achievement?
In what ways does music connect us with other people?
Can studying music improve our memory?


2. How much importance do you pay to your diet?

How does the fast pace of life lead us to unhealthy eating habits?
In what way do advertisements of junk food affect our eating habits?
Why are food additives and preservatives dangerous?


3. Why do some people follow a career that does not make them happy?
Why is it good for career guidance programmes to inform students of what jobs are
Can career guidance programmes help students to understand their strengths and
Why should career guidance programmes help students choose a career they like?


4. Why do standards of beauty change over time?

Is it right that beauty contests emphasise physical appearance more than talent?
In what way do beauty contests promote unhealthy eating habits?
How do beauty contests affect the participants’ self-esteem?


5. How can we use technology to fight crime?

What can happen when personal data is stolen?
Should cyberbullying be considered a serious crime?
How are computer viruses used in crime?

6. Is there more violence nowadays than in the past?

How would a ban on owning guns reduce the risk of gun violence?
Does owning a gun increase the odds of accidental injuries?
Would it be difficult for criminals to have access to guns if gun ownership were made

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level C2


7. Why do some people decide to have a tattoo?

What health problems can tattoos cause?
In what ways can tattoos affect a person’s chances of employment in some fields?
Is removing a tattoo easy? Why? Why not?


8. How can ambition lead to success?

Can focusing on achieving goals become a problem?
Why are ambitious people often not satisfied with what they do?
How can ambition lead to strained relationships?


9. Why is it sometimes hard to express our feelings and emotions?

Why does talking about our feelings give us a sense of relief?
How can talking about our feelings help us overcome a problem?
In what ways does talking about our feelings lead to healthier relationships?


10. Why do some people dislike going to parties?

Is throwing a party a good way to spend time with friends? Why? Why not?
Why is it easier to meet people at parties?
Why do parties often create such happy memories?

11. Why are video game competitions so popular?

Are eSports too violent to be added to the Olympics?
How can playing eSports lead to an unhealthy addiction?
As eSports involve no real physical activity, could they ever be an Olympic sport?


12. What advice would you give to a friend who works long hours?
How can time management reduce stress levels?
Why can people who manage time better complete tasks more promptly?
How can time management allow us to make better use of time?


13. Why is overconsumption of natural resources unhealthy for the environment?

How can conserving energy reduce the consumption of natural resources?
Why is using alternative sources of energy a good way to protect earth’s resources?
How much would we reduce the use of natural resources if we used our cars less?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level C2


14. How can travelling change the way we think?

Why is it important to know we can rely on our friends when travelling?
How important is it to compromise when we travel with friends?
How can the memories created when travelling with friends lead to better friendships?

15. Why do we feel exhausted when we travel?

Why is it vital to keep important documents safe when we travel abroad?
Why should we avoid drawing attention when we are in a foreign country?
Is it necessary to be familiar with local customs when travelling abroad?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2020 Level C2

LRN C2 common Topics for both the January and June 2020 Speaking Exams


1. Are some school lessons more important than others?

Why can music education make students feel a sense of achievement?
In what ways does music connect us with other people?
Can studying music improve our memory?


2. How much importance do you pay to your diet?

How does the fast pace of life lead us to unhealthy eating habits?
In what ways do advertisements of junk food affect our eating habits?
Why are food additives and preservatives dangerous?


3. Why do some people follow a career that does not make them happy?
Why is it good for career guidance programmes to inform students of what jobs are
Can career guidance programmes help students to understand their strengths and
Why should career guidance programmes help students choose a career they like?


4. Why do standards of beauty change over time?

Is it right that beauty contests emphasise physical appearance more than talent?
In what way do beauty contests promote unhealthy eating habits?
How do beauty contests affect the participants’ self-esteem?


5. How can we use technology to fight crime?

What can happen when personal data is stolen?
Should cyberbullying be considered a serious crime?
How are computer viruses used in crime?

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