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To Do List

This is a list of items we have identified as needing work:

Concentrate disposal (evap. Ponds)
outfalls Energy cost for Concentrate outfall
Dechlorination / Ozonation mods.
Cost formulas, where did they come from, are they estimated from graphs or from qasim
Evap Ponds
Deep Well injection
set lower limits
set upper limits
heating & lighting is not based on day light or outside air temp.
"H2O analysis" - Valence changes with pH
"References" Section

WT Cost Software Comments

have check marks for including/not including certain costs (e.g. building heating)
trate outfall
Introduction to this model (WaTER)

WaTER or "Water Treatment Estimation Routine" is a model for estimating the cost of drinking water treatment. WaTER is
the MS Excel program that is the basis for the Visual Basic program called "WTCost". WaTER was developed by the U.S.
Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) "Water Treatment Engineering and Research Group". WaTER is updated on a semi
continuous basis (adding new treatment techniques, modifying costs, etc.). WaTER can be downloaded at:

WaTER uses the 1979 USEPA water treatment cost estimates (1978 dollars) and the 1992 Quasim updates to the 1979
costs as the basis. Costs are updated to todays costs. Processes not included in the 1979 or 1992 updates are estimated
from USBR experience and manufacturere estimates. The majoirty of the program is based on applicable flows between 1
and 200 MGD. There has been some recent work incorporating smaller flows of 2,500 gpd to 1 MGD.

Information on treatment techniques included in WaTER for all USEPA regulated contaminants can be found in the USBR
publication "Water Treatment Primer for Communities in Need"

WTcost is a Visual Basic version of this program (with some edits and additions) developed by Irvine Moch. This program
is for sale through Irvine Moch & Associates.
I. Moch & Assoc., Inc.
PMB 161, Suite 6, 1812 Marsh Road, Wilmington, DE 19910-4528
(302) 477-0420, Fax: (302) 477-0242, E- Mail:imoch@aol.com

This version last updated on: 12/18/06


This model is updated on a continuous basis when funding and time permits. Work on this model is not currently funded
and has not been funded since FY04. Although this is labeled as a "Non Functional Version" there are many components
that work. The non functional status comes from the fact that not everything has been fully checked and there are some
components that do not funciton or do not function correctly.

We welcome any comments (especially corrections).

Comments on this model should be addressed to Michelle Chapman at the USBR in Denver
Key for WaTER program

= usually contain formulas or data that do change

= requires entry of data, and may or may not change
= entered data that usually do not change
= reference
= goal seek cells
= limit error
### = unknown use of data
= future work and problems that need to be fixed

Major Notes
Capital costs are computed using the peak day flow and an operation time factor (OTF) to account for down tim
O&M costs are computed using the average daily flow which accounts for daily usage of chemicals, power, etc.

Design Notes
r (OTF) to account for down time which increases the hourly flow rate, but not the daily flow rate
usage of chemicals, power, etc.
Components of the WaTER program
Intake Pre-Treatment Primary Treatment Desalination Disinfection

Dechlorination Concentrate Disposal
Concentrate Outfall -Cl2
-Sodium Bisulfite - Outfall
-Ozone -Sodium Sulfite - Evap. Ponds
-Potassium Permanganate -Sulfer Dioxide
Pre Desal Primary NF/RO NF/RO Product
Treatment Feed Flow Feed Flow Flow
Air Stripping UF
PreDesal Primary Desal
Plant Production Flow
Treatment Product Feed Flow ED
Flow Desal
Product Flow
Rapid Mix Tank UFSCC Gravity Filter
-Cl 2
-Potassium Permanganate
-Lime -Ozone
Coagulant -Chlorine Dioxide
-Ferric Chloride Blending Blending -Chloramines
-Ferric Sulfate Flow Stabilization
-Alum (dru)
-Alum (liquid)

Intake Pipe Coagulant Aid

-PolyElectrolyte Plant Production Flow
-PACl Clearwell
Plant Feed
Concentrate Outfall

Drawing Not Completely Accurate


Primary Treatment
Feed Flow
Air Stripping UF
Plant Production Flow

Primary Treatment
Product Flow
Rapid Mix Tank UFSCC Gravity Filter
-Cl2 FLOW Disinfection
-Potassium Permanganate -Ozone
-Acid -Chlorine Dioxide
-Ferric Chloride
-Ferric Sulfate
-Alum (dry)
-Alum (liquid)

Coagulant Aid
Note: If Warnings are present, they are higlighted with red fill e.g.

Worksheet Worksheet Paremeter units

b Capacity Feed Flow MGD
e H20 Analysis Ion Product for Concentrate
i Acid Acid addition H2SO4 Dose Rate by volume
j IronFeed Basis dose rate kg/day
Calculated dose rate kg/hr.
k AlumFeed Liquid Alum dose rate kg/hr.
L PolyAC Calculated dose rate kg/hr.
m De-Cl2&O4 Basis dose rate kg/day: kg/hr.
n CL2 Basis kg/day
Calculated Cl2 Dose kg/day
o NHCL Calculated Aqua Ammonia kg/day
p Ozone Ozone Requirements: kg/day
Basis Lime: kg/hr
q LimeFeed Basis Soda: kg/hr
r Antiscalent Polymer Basis Polymer Feed kg/day
s PolyElectrolyte Basis Polymer Feed kg/day
Basis KMnO4 kg/day
t KMnO4 Feed/Product Flow gpd
w GravityFilt Filter area (m2): m2
Filter area (m2): m2
Service Flow Rate : L/(hr*L resin)
y IX Filter area (m2): m2
z MF-P input Design MF product flow rate MGD
f RO&NF Input Primary Treatment Product Flow L/s
Size hp
Size hp
Size hp
Value Lower limit Upper Limit

0 0.00019
0 0.04 20
1212 144 72000
64 4 2300
128 4 2500
16 4 2300
401 0.5 100
946 4 4500
1568 4 4500
376 110 2300
379 4 1800
118 4 4500
0 4 4500
223 0.4 100
223 0.5 100
891 0.4 220
81699 2500 200,000,000
2120 13 2600
2120 13 2600
20 16 40
50 13 2600
100 0.01 0
4796 0 0
528 error error
163 3 350
139 3 350

assuming H2SO4 limits and not HCL

assuming ferrics sulfate and not ferrous chloride limits

b/w pump
gravity filter

high pressure pump

transfer pump
product water pump
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 39-41)
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 39-41)
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 16-18)
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 16-18)
not in epa
not in epa
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 1-3)
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 1-3)
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 42-44)
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 11-13)
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 24-26)
not in epa
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 21-23)
not in epa
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 27-29)
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, and EPA-600/3-79-162b
wrong calculation/referece in table
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 67-69)
Estimating Water Treatment Costs. Volume 3. Cost Curves Applicable to 2,500 gpd to 1 MGD Treatment Plants
Hansen, Sigurd, Robert Gumerman, and Ressell Culp.
August 1979.Concract # 68-03-2516
196 pages
gpd to 1 MGD Treatment Plants
Project Info
Project Name Model Development

Date 06/07/04

Membrane Stage A1 (if applicable)

Worksheets included in this program:

# Worksheet Description
a Project & Stage Info Project title, date, list of worksheets in WaTER
b Capacity Production Capacity and water data report
c Report Process information input and cost output
d Cost Index Cost indices, interest rates, amortization
e H2O Analysis Water quality input
f RO & NF Input Input of membrane and system parameters
g RO & NF Output Cost and energy output
h CO2 Recarbonation basin
i Acid Sulfuric & Hydorchloric acid
j IronFeed
k Alum Feed
m De-Cl2 Dechlorination with sodium sulfite, sodium bisulfite, and sulfer dioxide
n Cl2
o NHCl
p Ozone
q Lime Feed
r Antiscalant
s PolyElectrolyte
t KMnO4
v Clearwell
w Gravity Filter
y IX
z MF Input
aa MF Output
bb Rejection
cc ConcOutfall
dd IonicsED
ee ED2
f Pumps
gg StandardAnalyses
hh S&DSI
ii LSI NF & RO Conditioning
jj Stif & Davis

Project Name Date Stage

Model Development 06/07/04 A1

Flow Rate Input Page & Water Data Report

Plant Operations Schedule % decimal

Plant availability due to down time 95 0.95 (used to estimate production/year)
Planned operation time per day 100 1.00 (used to calculate energy & chemical costs)
Combined operation time factor (OTF) 0.950

Note: Peak daily flow should be used for capital costs and average daily flow should be used for O&M costs 1000 cfs and 300 cfs.
Most flow rates are limited to 1 to 200 MGD 1,292,630,400 646,315,200 193,894,560
897,660 448,830 134,649
2000 1000 300
Average Daily Flow
Plant Production Flow L/Sec. L/Min. L/day gpm gph gpd MGD gal/year m3/day m3/year
Flowrate (Enter in ONE of these cells, set rest cells to "0") 0.00 0.0 0 0 0 0 100.00 0
O&M: Flowrate 4,380.79 262,847.2 378,500,000 69436.9 4,166,215 99,989,169 99.99 36,520,244,042 378,500 138,244,097
Flowrate (with OTF) 4,611.35 276,681.3 73,091.5 4,385,490 105,251,757
System Capacity (with OTF) 398,421,053 105.3 38,442,362,150 398,421.1 145,520,102

Peak Day Flow

Plant Production Flow L/Sec. L/Min. L/day gpm gph gpd MGD gal/year m3/day m3/year
Flowrate (Enter in ONE of these cells, set rest cells to "0") 0.00 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 1.00 0
Flowrate 43.81 2,628.5 3,785,000 694.4 41,662 999,892 1.00 365,202,440 3,785 1,382,441
Capital: Flowrate (with OTF) 46.11 2,766.8 730.9 43,855 1,052,518
System Capacity (with OTF) 3,984,211 1.1 384,423,621 3,984.2 1,455,201.0

NF/RO Feed Flow Rate L/Sec. L/Min. L/day gpm gph gpd MGD gal/year m3/day m3/year
O&M: NF/RO Feed Flow Rate:* 5,153.87 309,232.03 445,294,118 81,690.50 4,901,429.85 117,634,316 117.63 42,964,992,991 445,294.12 162,640,114.12
Capital: NF/RO Feed Flow Rate (with OTF): 54.25 3,255.07 859.90 51,594.00 1,238,256
Note: NF/RO Feed Flow = (Plant Production Flow) / (NF/RO Recovery)

Rapid Mix Feed Flow Rate L/Sec. L/Min. L/day gpm gph gpd MGD gal/year m3/day m3/year
O&M: Rapid Mix Feed Flow Rate:* 5,153.87 309,232.03 445,294,118 81,690.50 4,901,429.85 117,634,316 117.63 42,964,992,991 445,294.12 162,640,114.12
Capital: Rapid Mix Feed Flow Rate (with OTF): 54.25 3,255.07 859.90 51,594.00 1,238,256
Note Rapid Mix Feed Flow = (Plant Production Flow) / (NF/RO Recovery)

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Granular Activated Carbon Filtration

Desired Flow Rate: 4611 L/s

Bed Life (months) 12

1978 Capital Cost: % $ 28,273,633

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Alternative Units Alternative Units

73,099 gpm 398,421 m3/day

6 3
$ 59,763,158 $ 79,684,211

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program

Project Name Date Stage
Model Development 06/07/04 A1

Cost reports for water treatment processes

Production Capacity
Average Daily Flow (for O&M) Peak Daily Flow (for capital)
378,500 3,785 m3/day
138,244,097 1,382,441 m3/year
99,989 1,000 kgal/day
36,520,244 365,202 kgal/year

Construction Cost Operating Cost

Process Cost Parameter Units Alternative Units $ $/m3 $/kgal $/yr $/m3 $/kgal

Ozone $ 2,927,245 $ 773.38 $ 2,927.56 $ 233,064 $ 0.18 $ 0.67

Dose Rate (~5mg/L): 1.0 mg/L
Contact Time (~2 min): 2.0 min

Chlorination $ 371,544 $ 98.16 $ 371.58 $ 77,792 $ 0.06 $ 0.22


Residual; 2.5 mg/L

Calculated Dose Rate: 2.5 mg/L
Alternative Dose Rate: mg/L

Air Stripping #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

Residual; 2.5 mg/L
Calculated Dose Rate: 2.5 mg/L
Alternative Dose Rate: mg/L

Microfiltration $ 62,355,748 $ 164.74 $ 0.05 $ 2,670,491 $ 0.02 $ 0.07

Microfilter system equipment Memcor, 90M10C
Number of microfilter 103
Recovery 0.98 (decimal)

Granular Activated Carbon

Flow rate 5153.9 L/sec 81699 gal/min
Alternative Flow Rate: L/sec gal/min
Bed Life
Months 12 $ 74,243,293 $ 196.15 $ 742.51 $ 17,655,788 $ 0.13 $ 0.48
Months 6 $ 156,931,146 $ 414.61 $ 1,569.48 $ 23,668,969 $ 0.17 $ 0.65
Months 3 $ 209,241,528 $ 552.82 $ 2,092.64 $ 26,132,532 $ 0.19 $ 0.72
Primary Treatment

Gravity Filtration
Calculated Surface Area: 2,120.45 m2 22825 ft2
Alternative Surface Area: m2
Structure: $ 11,921,849 $ 31.50 $ 119.23 $ 670,324 $ 0.00 $ 0.02
Backwashing: $ 5,647,058 $ 14.92 $ 56.48 $ 59,945 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Rapid Sand $ 1,797,258
Coal/Sand $ 1,797,258
Coal/Sand/Garnet $ 2,546,115
Coal/GreenSand/Coal $ 2,995,430

Upflow Solids Contact Clarifier

How Many? 1 $ 8,059,211 $ 21.29 $ 80.60
Retention Time (min) 180
Calculated Surface Area: 9857 m2 106101 ft2
Alternative Surface Area: m2 ft2
G Rating % 70 $ 150,352 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
G Rating % 110 $ 234,071 $ 0.00 $ 0.01
G Rating % 150 $ 319,042 $ 0.00 $ 0.01

Reverse Osmosis/Nanofiltration $ 93,010,050 $ 245.73 $ 930.20 $ 23,847,981 $ 0.17 $ 0.65

Membrane Type FilmTec
Number of elements 20139 elements
Operating Pressure 1542 kPa 224 lb/in2
NaCl Rejection 0.995 (decimal)
Recovery 0.85 (decimal)
Target Product TDS 50 mg/L
Blending? (Y or N) Y
Ratio (Blend:Product) 9.5 %

Ion Exchange $ 2,208,278 $ 5.83 $ 22.09 $ 3,081,756 $ 0.02 $ 0.08

Cation Equivalents/L Resin 20
$/m3 Cation Exchange Resin $1,607 45 ft3
Cation Resin Volume: 1,577 m3 56,324 ft3

To Remove Cation Equivalents/L: 1.05E-04

Anion Equivalents /L Resin 11
$/m3 Anion Exchange Resin $6,250 175 ft3
Anion Resin Volume 1,577 m3 56,324 ft3
To Remove Anion Equivalents /L: 7.21E-03
Run Cycle 1 days

Ionics Electrodialysis Reversal $ 37,892,808 $ 100.11 $ 378.97 $ 66,640,633 $ 0.48 $ 1.82

Staff Days/day 3
TDS 1000 mg/L

Electrodialysis $ - $ - $ - $ 150,865 $ 0.00 $ 0.00


Membrane Area: 0 m2 0 ft2

Product TDS 500 mg/L
Number of Stages (1 or 2) 2 stages
Recovery per Stage 0.5 (decimal)
Recovery 0.75 (decimal)



Concentrate Disposal

Free Chlorine Level 1.0 mg/L as Cl2

Sodium Bisulfite: Cost 300 $/ $ 2,499,500 $ 6.60 $ 25.00 $ 2,462,340 $ 0.02 $ 0.07
Calculated Dose 1.5 mg/L

Alternative Dose mg/L

Sodium Sulfite: Cost 300 $/ $ 480,299 $ 1.27 $ 4.80 $ 504,695 $ 0.00 $ 0.01
Calculated Dose 0.9 mg/L
Alternative Dose mg/L

Sulfur Dioxide: Cost 300 $/ $ 480,299 $ 1.27 $ 4.80 $ 504,695 $ 0.00 $ 0.01
Calculated Dose 0.9 mg/L
Cost reports for water treatment processes

Production Capacity
Average Daily Flow (for O&M) Peak Daily Flow (for capital)

378,500 3,785 m3/day

138,244,097 1,382,441 m3/year
99,989 1,000 kgal/day
36,520,244 365,202 kgal/year

Construction Cost Operating Cost

Process Cost Parameter Units Alternative Units $ $/m3 $/kgal $/yr $/m3 $/kgal
Alternative Dose mg/L

Chlorine $ 371,544 $ 0.98 $ 3.72 $ 77,792 $ 0.00 $ 0.00

Residual; 2.5 mg/L
Calculated Dose Rate: 2.5 mg/L
Alternative Dose Rate: mg/L

Chloramines #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! $ 57,885 $ 0.00 $ 0.00

Residual: 3 mg/L
Calculated Chlorine Dose: 4.1 mg/L

Calculated Ammonia Dose: 1.0 mg/L

Alternative Chlorine Dose 6.0 mg/L
Alternative Ammonia Dose 2.0 mg/L

Ozone $ 2,927,245 $ 7.73 $ 29.28 $ 233,064 $ 0.00 $ 0.01

Dose Rate (~5mg/L): 1.0 mg/L
Contact Time (~2 min): 2.0 min

Chlorine Dioxide $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Residual; 2.5 mg/L
Calculated Dose Rate: % mg/L
Alternative Dose Rate: mg/L

Feed LSI (for TDS>5000) -1.77 Conc LSI 0.62

Calc Dose 96% H2SO4 (mg/L) 99.0 Conc LSI 0.32 w/Acid #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! $ 151,276 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Alternative: 7 mg/L

Calc Dose 37% HCl (mg/L) 73.4 Conc LSI -1.43 w/Acid #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! $ 2,708,709 $ 0.02 $ 0.07
Alternative: mg/L

Alum (dry feed) $ 118,587 $ 0.31 $ 1.19 $ 198,162 $ 0.00 $ 0.01

Calculated Dose: 328 mg/L
Alternative Dose: mg/L
Based on: 64 kg/hr 141 lb/hr

Alum (liquid feed) Dose Rate $ 163,393 $ 0.43 $ 1.63 $ 371,823 $ 0.00 $ 0.01
Calculated: 655 mg/L
Alternative: mg/L
Based on: 128 kg/hr 282 lb/hr

Poly Aluminum Chloride Dose Rate $ 74,547 $ 0.20 $ 0.75 $ 260,653 $ 0.00 $ 0.01
Calculated: 98 mg/L
Chemical Feed Systems (Main Process)

Alternative: mg/L
Based on: 16 kg/hr 36 lb/hr

Ferric Sulfate Dose Rate $ 445,537 $ 1.18 $ 4.46 $ 140,350 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Calculated: 259 mg/L
Alternative: mg/L
Based on: 1212 kg/day 2667 lb/day

Ferric Chloride $ 455,307 $ 1.20 $ 4.55 $ 780,776 $ 0.01 $ 0.02

Calculated Dose 266 mg/L 5 - 150
Alternative Dose
Based on: 1245 kg/day 2740 lb/day

Lime & Soda Ash Dose Rate $ 240,456 $ 0.64 $ 2.40 $ 106,016 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Leave out Soda Ash "Y" or "N"? Y
Calculated Lime: 6 mg/L
Calculated Soda Ash: 0 mg/L
Alternative Lime mg/L
Alternative Soda Ash: mg/L
Based on Lime dose: 118 kg/hr 259 lb/hr
Based on Soda Ash: 0 kg/hr 0 lb/hr

AntiScalant Dose Rate $ 164,315 $ 0.43 $ 1.64 $ 182,717 $ 0.00 $ 0.01

Suggested: 0.5 mg/L
Alternative: mg/L
Based on: 222.6 kg/day 490 lb/day
Cost of Chemical 990 $/500 lb

Polyelectrolyte Dose Rate $ 164,315 $ 0.43 $ 1.64 $ 182,717 $ 0.00 $ 0.01

Suggested: 0.5 mg/L
Alternative: mg/L
Based on: 222.6 kg/day 490 lb/day
Cost of Chemical 990 $/500 lb

Potassium Permanganate Dose Rate $ 94,662 $ 0.25 $ 0.95 $ 1,309,257 $ 0.01 $ 0.04
Calculated: 0 mg/L
Alternative: 2 mg/L
Based on: 891 kg/day 1959 lb/day

Single Stage Tubine $ 9,003,237 $ 23.79 $ 90.04 $ 22,789,633 $ 0.16 $ 0.62
Variable Speed Turbine $ 4,748,362 $ 12.55 $ 47.49
Centrifugal, Singe Stage $ 1,728,164 $ 4.57 $ 17.28
Misc. Equipment

Number of pumps: 1 pump(s)

Height differential: 1 m 3.3 ft
Discharge pressure: 1750 kPa 254 psi Operating Cost Depend on Number and Horsepower only.
Full flow rate: 5.154 m3/s 81699 gal/min
Basis flow rate 5.154 m3/s 81699 gal/min
Pump Efficiency: 75 %
Pipe Diameter: 0.1 m 3.94 in
Motor Efficiency: 87 %
HP 111482
Power consumption: 128140 kWhr


Below Ground Capacity: 60,000 m3 15852 kgal $ 8,118,781 $ 21.45 $ 81.20

Ground Level Capacity: 55,000 m3 14531 kgal $ 4,317,924 $ 11.41 $ 43.18
Daily Production: 3,785 m3 1000 kgal
{d}Cost Index

Project Name Date

Model Development 06/07/04

Cost Indices Data

Month Year
Date of Cost Indices Values November 2006
Desalination Costs
Ratio for October 1978 Ratio for 1995 (1913
Cost Indices Categories: November 2006 Used For (1913 basis) basis)
ENR Construction Cost Index
Construction Cost 7910.81 Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 2.78 1.46
Wage ($/hr) 29.05 Labor (for operating the plant - approximation) 2.81 0.91
ENR Building Cost Index
Building Cost 4462.38 Housing 2.59 1.44
Skilled Labor 7449.82 Excavation and Sitework, Labor 3.02 1.30
ENR Materials Cost Index
Materials 2637.27 Piping & Valves 2.08 1.19
Materials 2637.27 Maintanace Materials 2.08 1.19
Cement ($/ton) 94.42 Concrete 1.96 1.17
Steel ($/CWT) 40.40 Steel 2.57 1.43
Electricity Cost ($/kWHr) 3 0.0700 Power 2.33 1.00

Rates and Lifecycles

Interest Rate (%) 6.00 On Construction & Bond Money
Amortization time (yr) 30.00 For Bond Period
Water Rate ($/kgal) 0.00 Cost of Feed Source Water


ENR - Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index published monthly by McGraw Hill in New York City (212-512-2000)

See http://www.enr.com

2 EPA-600/2-79-162 "Estimating Water Treatment Costs"

3 DOE - Department of Energy "Electric Power Monthly"

Source of DOE data: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-826, "Monthly Electric Sales and Revenue Report with State Distributions Report."

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program

{e}H20 Analysis

Feed Water Analysis

Last check for accuracy of the MCL values 1/1/2000 Implement eH-pH diagrams to automatically change valence with pH

Amount Valence Molecular Equivalent Moles/ Equiv./ Ionic mg/L as

Component Secondary Eff Units MCL (mg/L) Over MCL Charges Wt. Weight Liter Liter Strength CaCO3
Aluminum mg/L 0.05 3 26.98
Antimony mg/L 0.006 3 121.75
Arsenic mg/L 0.010 3 74.92
Barium mg/L 2 2 137.34
Beryllium mg/L 0.004 2 9.01
Boron mg/L 0.5
Cadmium mg/L 0.005 2 112.41
Calcium 2.1000 mg/L --- 2 40.08 20.04 5.24E-5 1.05E-4 2.10E-4 5.24
Chromium, total mg/L 0.1 2 52
Copper mg/L 1 2 63.54
Iron mg/L 0.3 2 55.85
Lead mg/L 0.015 2 207.19
Magnesium mg/L --- 2 24.31
Manganese mg/L 0.05 2 54.94
Mercury mg/L 0.002 2 200.59
Nickel mg/L --- 2 58.71
Potassium 40.0000 mg/L --- 1 39.1 39.10 1.02E-3 1.02E-3 1.02E-3 102.30
Selenium mg/L 0.05 4 78.96
Silver mg/L 0.1 1 107.87
Sodium 140.0000 mg/L --- 1 22.99 22.99 6.09E-3 6.09E-3 6.09E-3 608.96
Strontium mg/L --- 2 87.62
Zinc mg/L 5 2 65.37
Alkalinity-Bicarbonate 180.00 mg/L --- -1 61 61.00 2.95E-3 2.95E-3 2.95E-3 295.08
Alkalinity-Carbonate 0.75 mg/L --- -2 60 30.00 1.25E-5 2.50E-5 5.00E-5 1.25
Carbon Dioxide (aq) 7.91 mg/L --- 0 44 1.80E-4 17.98
Chloride 150.00 mg/L 250 -1 35.45 35.45 4.23E-3 4.23E-3 4.23E-3 423.13
Cyanide, free mg/L 0.2
Fluoride mg/L 4 -1 19
Nitrate (as N) mg/L 10 -1 14
o-Phosphate mg/L --- -3 94
Sulfate mg/L 250 -2 96
Silica 7.60 mg/L
pH 7.54 pH 6.5-8.5 1 1 1.00 2.88E-8 2.88E-11 2.88E-8 0.00
pOH 6.46 pOH -1 1 1.00 3.47E-7 3.47E-10 3.47E-7 0.03
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 500 mg/L 500
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 22.00 mg/L ---
Conductivity 23.00 uS/cm ---
Temperature 11.75 °C ---

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program Page 20

{f}RO&NF Input

Project Name Date Stage

Model Development 06/07/04 A1

RO & NF INPUT 95.9 574 35.0853658537

Process Input Construction Cost Input Operations & Maintenance Cost Input
Applicable Range Applicable Range
Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit Upper Limit
Flow & Water Quality Membrane & Unit Configuration
Membrane Capacity 342,666 m3/day 90,532,544 gpd Electricity Rate 0.07 $/kWh
Primary Treatment Product Flow 4795.5 L/s 76019 gpm Bypass 35,834 m3/day 9,467,456 gpd Chemical Costs
Plant Production Flow 4380.8 L/s 69444 gpm Total Capacity 378,500 m3/day 100,000,000 gpd Citric Acid 0.14 $/kg
Feed TDS 500 mg/L Element Productivity 17m3/day 4,496 gpd H2 PO4 23.7 $/kg
Production TDS (target) 50 mg/L Flux 0.46m3/(m2 * day) 11.29 gfd NaOH 18 $/kg 50% Some Example Membrane Specifications
Percent of Mono-valent ions 1.00 Decimal Number of Elements 20,137.0 elements Membrane Life 3 Years Date last checked: 9/24/2004 9/24/2004
Percent of Multi-valent ions 0.00 Decimal Number of elements per vessel 7elements / vessel Ave Intrinsic Rejection 0.996 Type NF NF
Average Molecular Weight 35.82 g/mol Number of Elements 20139 elements Ave Observed Rejection 0.996 Test Solution Membrane Manufacturer FilmTec FilmTec Hydranautics Koch/Fluid Systems Koch/Fluid Systems Koch/Fluid Systems DuPont Rowpu SW30M-6040 8040 HSY SWC NF 90 BW30
Allow Blending Y Yes (Y) or No (N) Number of Pressure Vessels 2877 for 2:1 array Apparent Rejection 0.996 Site Concentrate Model # BW30-400 SW30-8040 8040LHYCPA2 FS8822HR400 Prem TFC-S4 (4920 S) TFC-SR2 8" (8723 SR2-400) 6880T B-10 Twin Rowpu SW30M-6040 8040 HSY SWC
Recovery Rate 0.85 Decimal Max Vessels per Skid 60vessels / skid Productivity 23 m3/module Membrane Diameter (cm) 20.32 20.32 20.32 20.32 10.16 20.32 20.32 15.24 20.2
Product TDS 3 mg/L Number of Skids (manual input) skids Cleaning Rate 6 per Year Productivity (m3/day) 40 23 41.6 32.2 7.6 45.4 60.5 8 23.5
Product Flow 3966.0 L/s 62870 gpm Number of Skids (automatic calc) 48 skids Staff Days/day 30 Area per module (m2) 37 27.7 37.2 30.7 7.2 37.2 1810 4389.0 29.26
NF/RO Feed Flow 4665.9 L/s 73964 gpm Recovery Rate 0.85 Decimal Labor Rate 29.05 $/hr Operating pressure, Papp (kPa) 1550 5500 1550 1550 552 380 6890 5500 5500
Concentrate TDS 3317 mg/L Building Area 10934 m2 117692 ft2 Lifetime 30 Years Test solution TDS 2000 35000 1500 2000 850 2000 35000 19000 32000
Concentrate Flow 699.9 L/s 11095 gpm Administrative Area 100 m2 1076 ft2 Interest Rate 6 % Avg. MW of TDS, 58.44 58.44 58.4 58.4 58.4 58.4 58.44 58.44 58.44 90 99
Bypass flow for blending 414.75 L/s 6575 gpm Odor Control? N Yes (Y) or No (N) Chloride Rejection 99.5 99.1 99 99.7 85 20 99.1 99 99.2 95 99.5
% blending 9.5 % Emergency Generatore Size 0.7 MW Sulfate Rejection 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.9 98.5 97 99.8 99 99.8
Membrane Manufacturer Specifications High Pressure Feed Pump Y Yes (Y) or No (N) Recovery Rate 15 10 15 10 15 15 35 8 10
Membrane Manufacturer FilmTec Pump Style PD *PD, VST or CSS Temperature (oC) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 8" size 8" size
Model # BW30-400 Height DIfference 4 m 13.12 ft
Membrane Diameter 20.32 (10.16 or 20.32 cm) 8.0 in Motor Efficiency 0.95
Productivity 23 m3/day 6.1 kgal/day Pump Efficiency 0.90 Densities Cost
Area per module 37 m2 398 ft2 Coupling Efficiency 1.00 Sufuric acid 1.84 g/mL 0.11 $/kg
Operating pressure, Papp 1550 kPa 225 psi Number of Pumps 21 Sodium Hydroxide 2.13 g/mL
Test solution TDS 1500 mg/L Differential Pressure 1542 kPa 224 psi Antiscalant 1.3 g/mL
Avg. MW of TDS, 58 mg/mmole NaCl Capacity per pump 0.245 m3/s 3890 gpm Disinfectant 1 g/mL
Chloride Rejection 99.5 % 0.995 decimal Pipe X-Sectional Area 0.098 m2 152.2 in2 H2 PO4 1.7 g/mL
Sulfate Rejection 99.8 % 0.998 decimal Size 528.3 hp
Recovery Rate 10 % Energy Recovery for Seawater n Yes (Y) or No (N) error error HCl 37% 0.14 $/kg
Temperature 25 oC 77 oF Efficiency 0.60
NaCl dissociation constant 0.99 Efficiency 0.00 This number is the efficiency of the energy recovery device - it reduces the size of the High Pressure pump
Transfer Pumps (to HPP) Y Yes (Y) or No (N)
Cf, conc. of salt in feed water 26 mole/m 3
Pump Style css VST or CSS
Cp, conc. of salt in product water 0.13 mole/m3 Height DIfference 2 m 6.56 ft
Cr, conc. of salt in reject 29 mole/m3 Motor Efficiency 0.94
Cm, bulk conc. 27 mole/m3 Pump Efficiency 0.75
Osmotic pressure 146 kpa 21 psi Coupling Efficiency 1.00
Net driving pressure, NDPo 1404 kpa 203.753 psi Number Transfer Pumps 20
A, water transport coefficient 4.64E-12 m3m-2Pa-1sec-1 Pressure Differential 310 kPa 45.0 psi
Operating pressure Capacity per Pump 0.258 m3/s 4085.0 gpm
Net driving pressure , NDP i 1404 kPa 203.753 psi Pipe X-Sectional Area 0.103 m2 1.11 ft2
Cf, conc. of salt in feed water 14 mole/m3 Size 163 hp
Cp, conc. of salt in product water 0.062 mole/m3 Product Water Pump Y Yes (Y) or No (N)
Cr, conc. of salt in reject 93 mole/m3 Pump Style CSS VST or CSS 3 350
Cm, conc. of 53 mole/m3 Height DIfference 2 m 6.56 ft
Temperature 12 oC Length of Pipe 10 m 32.81 ft
Temperature Coefficient =1.023^(-25+T) 0.740 Motor Efficiency 0.94
Osmotic pressure, Posm 138 kpa 20 psi Pump Efficiency 0.75
Applied pressure, Papp 1542 kPa 224 psi Coupling Efficiency 1.00
Number Pumps 20
Pressure Differential 310 kPa 45.0 psi
Capacity per Pump 0.219 m3/s 3472.2 gpm
Pipe X-Sectional Area 0.088 m2 0.29 ft
Size 139 hp

3 350

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program

{g}RO&NF Output

Project Name Date Stage

Model Development 06/07/04 A1


Estimating Construction Costs for NF90 Membrane Treatment Plant Estimating O&M Costs

Membranes $ 10,069,500 @ $ 500 $/module Electricity $ 7,442,994

RO Skids $ 20,542,736 Steel @ $ 5,000 $/Vessel Labor $ 2,544,780
Building $ 17,124,107 Housing @ $ 1,076 $/m2 $100/ft2 Membrane Replacement $ 3,988,841
Electrical $ 5,634,062 Manf & Elect With Base of $ 977 $/m3 Cleaning Chemicals $ 261,376
Insturmentation & Controls $ 4,843,764 Manf & Elect add $300,000 for top of the $ 65,000 base cost Cartridge Filters $ 1,695,709
Repairs and Replacement $ 435,421
High Pressure Pumps $ 3,955,456 Piping 68,878,199 kWhr Insurance $ 174,169
Energy Recovery for Seawater $ - Manf & Elect Lab fees $ 547,612
Transfer Pumps $ 1,518,818 Piping 20,243,395 kWhr Total O&M Cost $ 17,090,902
Product Water Pumps $ 1,212,889 Piping 17,206,886 kWhr
Odor Control $ - Piping $ 50,000 base cost Total Costs
Process Piping $ 76,888 Piping $ 55,000 base cost
Yard Piping $ 67,117 Piping $ 50,000 base cost Capital Recovery $ 6,757,079
Cartridge Filters $ 20,465 Maint Materials $ 15,000 base cost O&M $ 17,090,902
Membrane Cleaning Equip $ 97,574 Manf & Elect $ 67,000 From Reference
Contractor Engineering & Training $ 91,266 Labor $ 100,000 base cost
Concentrate Treatment & Piping $ 806,912 Piping $ 13 $/m3 Concentrate Annual cost $ 23,847,981
Generators $ 73,271 Electrical 0.7 MW RO & Building $/m3 Product $ 0.18
$/1000 gal Product $ 0.69
Sitework $ 7,144,179 Electrical $ 14.53 $/m3 $/acre foot Product $ 224.12
Total Direct Capital Costs $ 73,279,004

Indirect Capital Costs

Interest During Construction $ 3,663,950 5 % of Total
Contingencies $ 4,379,095 6 % of Total
A&E Fees, Proj. Management $ 8,756,841 12 % of Total
Working Capital $ 2,931,160 4 % of Total
Total Indirect Captial Cost $ 19,731,046 27

Total Construction Cost $ 93,010,050

Cost per m3/day capacity $ 246

Cost per gpd capacity $ 0.93

Based on "Estimating the Cost of Membrane (RO or NF) Water Treatment Plants" By William B. Suratt, P.E., Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. Vero Beach Florida
Presented at the AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, Reno, NV, 1995. also published as "Estimating the cost of membrane water treatment plants."

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program

Project Name Date Stage
Model Development 06/07/04 A1

Recarbonation Basins Not currently being used

Single Basin Volume

Cost Category (ft3) 770 1375 2750 5630
Cost Category (m3) 22 39 78 159
Excavation & Sitework $ 520 $ 620 $ 980 $ 1,390
Concrete $ 1,380 $ 1,860 $ 2,820 $ 4,050
Steel $ 2,250 $ 3,010 $ 4,670 $ 6,560
Labor $ 2,830 $ 3,800 $ 5,730 $ 8,090
Pipe & Valves $ 90 $ 130 $ 250 $ 480
Subtotal $ 7,070 $ 9,420 $ 14,450 $ 20,570
Miscellaneous & contingency $ 1,060 $ 1,410 $ 2,170 $ 3,090
Total $ 8,130 $ 10,830 $ 16,620 $ 23,660

Percent of Subtotal
Excavation & Sitework 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
Concrete 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
Steel 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32
Labor 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.39
Pipe & Valves 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02
Subtotal 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Miscellaneous & contingency 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Total 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15

Construction Cost of Recarbonation Basins 1979 $

1979 $

f(x) = - 0.0077257513x^2 + 90.9694779795x + 7900.1537644409

$80,000 R² = 0.9981354063
$60,000 Polynomial (
$40,000 Total)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Volume - Cubic Meters

Construction Cost for Liquid CO2 as CO2 Source

Cost Category (Installed - lb/day) 380 750 1500 3750

Cost Category (Installed - kg/day) 173 341 682 1705
Manufactured Equipment $ 27,000 $ 31,000 $ 35,250 $ 49,250
Labor $ 7,650 $ 8,780 $ 12,170 $ 17,330
Pipe & Valves $ 1,530 $ 2,340 $ 4,620 $ 8,710
Housing $ 7,360 $ 7,360 $ 7,360 $ 7,360
Subtotal $ 43,540 $ 49,480 $ 59,400 $ 82,650
Micsellaneous & Contingency $ 6,530 $ 7,420 $ 8,910 $ 12,400
Total $ 50,070 $ 56,900 $ 68,310 $ 95,050

Percent of Subtotal
Manufactured Equipment 0.62 0.63 0.59 0.60
Labor 0.18 0.18 0.20 0.21
Pipe & Valves 0.04 0.05 0.08 0.11
Housing 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.09
Micsellaneous & Contingency 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Total 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
C on s tru c tion C o s t 197 8$

Construction Cost of Recarbonation - Liquid CO2 as a CO2 source

f(x) = 55052.7549730458 exp( 0.0002523941 x )
$200,000 R² = 0.972736168


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Installed Capacity (kg/day)

O&M Summary for Recarbonation - Liquid CO2 as CO2 source

Cost Category (Installed - lb/day) 380 750 1500 3750

Cost Category (Installed - kg/day) 173 341 682 1705
Energy kWhr/yr * $/kWhr $ 520 $ 728 $ 1,147 $ 2,290
Maintenance Material $/yr $ 2,860 $ 3,300 $ 4,400 $ 5,500
Labor Hr/yr * $/Hr $ 910 $ 910 $ 910 $ 1,820
Total Cost $ 4,290 $ 4,938 $ 6,457 $ 9,610

$/kWhr 0.03
$/hr Labor 10

Energy kWhr/yr * $/kWhr 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.24

Maintenance Material $/yr 0.67 0.67 0.68 0.57
Labor Hr/yr * $/Hr 0.21 0.18 0.14 0.19
Total Cost 1 1 1 1
C ons truc tion C os t 1979$
Operation & Maintenance of Recarbonation - Liquid CO2 as a CO2 source

f(x) = - 0.0001369974x^2 + 3.4807626568x + 3878.7452482663
$15,000 R² = 0.9990603788
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Installed Capacity (kg/day)

assuming from qasim

Basin Volume
8800 17600 35200
249 498 997
$ 1,790 $ 3,050 $ 5,570
$ 5,190 $ 8,570 $ 15,320
$ 8,320 $ 13,960 $ 25,240
$ 10,240 $ 16,740 $ 29,730
$ 680 $ 1,360 $ 3,360
$ 26,220 $ 43,680 $ 79,220
$ 3,930 $ 6,550 $ 11,880
$ 30,150 $ 50,230 $ 91,100

nt of Subtotal Average
0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 ENR Skilled Labor Index
0.20 0.20 0.19 0.20 ENR Cement Cost ($/ton)
0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 ENR Steel Cost ($/cwt)
0.39 0.38 0.38 0.39 ENR Labor Rate ($/hr)
0.03 0.03 0.04 0.02 ENR Materials Index
1.00 1.00 1.00
0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
1.15 1.15 1.15

Polynomial (

00 3000

7500 15000
3409 6818
$ 73,000 $ 141,000
$ 28,990 $ 58,010
$ 16,940 $ 37,540
$ 8,450 $ 8,900
$ 127,380 $ 245,450
$ 19,110 $ 36,820
$ 146,490 $ 282,270

nt of Subtotal Average
0.57 0.57 0.60 ENR Construction Cost Index
0.23 0.24 0.21 ENR Labor Rate ($/hr)
0.13 0.15 0.09 ENR Materials Index
0.07 0.04 0.11 ENR Building Cost Index

0.15 0.15 0.15

1.15 1.15 1.15

7000 8000

7500 15000
3409 6818
$ 4,428 $ 8,549
$ 7,700 $ 10,000
$ 1,820 $ 2,730
$ 13,948 $ 21,279

0.32 0.40 0.23 Electricity Cost ($/kWhr)
0.55 0.47 0.60 ENR Materials Index
0.13 0.13 0.16 ENR Labor Rate ($/hr)
1 1 1.00
s a CO2 source

x + 3878.7452482663

000 6000 7000 8000


Acid: Sulfuric & Hydrochloric Acid

This estimates the amount of acid addition which is depenedent on NF/RO feed flow rate.

Capital Calculations 96% H2SO4 37% HCL

NF/RO Feed flow (peak day flow w/ OTF) (433.69) -433.69 L/sec.
(37.47) (37.47) m3/day
Dose by mass 7.00 73.40 mg/L
Density 1.841 1.600 g/L
Percent solution 0.96 0.37 decimal Applicable Range
Dose by volume 0.0040 0.1240 mL/L Lower Limit Upper Limit
Dose Rate by volume (0.1484) (4.6461) m3/day 0.04 20 Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 30-32)

1978 Capital Cost: % #VALUE! #VALUE!

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.7 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Housing 0.07 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.16 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Piping and Valves 0.07 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Steel 0 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Concrete 0 #VALUE! #VALUE!
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 #VALUE! #VALUE!

O&M Calculations 96% H2SO4 37% HCL

NF/RO Feed flow (average daily flow) 4,665.93 4665.93 L/sec.
403.14 403.14 m3/day
Dose by mass 7.00 73.40 mg/L
Density 1.841 1.600 g/L
Percent solution 0.96 0.37 decimal
Dose by volume 0.0040 0.1240 mL/L
Dose Rate by volume 1.5967 49.9858 m3/day
Acid Cost ($/ton): $ 124 $ 72

O&M Cost: $ 1,630 $ 14,741 1978 Costs

Materials 0.04 $ 136 $ 1,227
Energy 0.05 $ 190 $ 1,720
Labor 0.91 $ 4,173 $ 37,723 Today's
Chemical Cost $/yr: $ 146,778 $ 2,668,039
November, 2006 O&M $: 1.00 $ 151,276 $ 2,708,709

Sulfuric Acid feed

Capital Cost
General Form: (A)*(XB) + C
A= 6010.6

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Capital Calculations Fe2(SO4)3-7H2O FeCl3 6H20

NF/RO Feed flow (peak day flow w/ OTF) 54 54
4687307 4687307
Molecular weight 526.0 270.2
Bicarbonate Alkalinity: 180 180
2.95 2.95
Alternative dose 0.0 0.0
Calculated dose 258.6 265.7
Basis dose rate 1,212.2 1,245.4
Chemical Cost $/ton bulk $150 $1,420

Capital Cost: $ 164,585
Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.72 $ 328,850
Housing 0.21 $ 89,611
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.02 $ 9,948
Piping and Valves 0.05 $ 17,128
Steel 0 $ -
Concrete 0 $ -
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.000 $ 445,537

O&M Cost: $ 24,704

Materials 0.07 $ 3,599
Energy 0.09 $ 5,188
Labor 0.84 $ 58,357
Ferric Sulfate Cost $/yr: $ 73,206
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 140,350

Ferric Sulfate Feed

Capital Cost
General Form: A*X^B*e^(C*X)
A= 10613
B= 0.319
C= 0.000393

O&M Cost
General Form: A*e^(B*X)+C
A= 1260926
B= 0.00001394

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program



FeCl3 6H20
$ 168,194 1978 Costs

$ 336,061
$ 91,576
$ 10,166
$ 17,503 Today's
$ -
$ -
$ 455,307

$ 25,298 1978 Costs

$ 3,686
$ 5,313
$ 59,761 Today's
$ 712,017
$ 780,776

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Capital Calculations
Al2(SO4)3-18H2O Units
NF/RO Feed flow (peak day flow w/ OTF) 54 L/sec
195 m /hr.

Molecular weight of Alum 666.41 g/mol

Cost $/100 lbs. $ 15 per 100 lbs
Bicarbonate Alkalinity 180 mg/L
2.95 mmoles/L
Alternative dose 0 mg/L
Alternative dose rate 0 kg/hr
Calculated Alum Dose Rate (6 mmol/mmol HCO3) 0.492 mmoles/L
Calculated dose 328 mg/L Lower Limit Upper Limit
Calculated dose rate 64 kg/hr. 4 2300 Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 16)
Basis dose rate 64 kg/hr.

Capital Cost: $ 48,335 1978 Costs Construction Cost Equations (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 16)
Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.46 $ 61,701
Housing 0.03 $ 3,760
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.04 $ 5,843
Piping and Valves 0.47 $ 47,283 Today's
Steel 0 $ -
Concrete 0 $ -
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $ 118,587

O&M Cost: $ 4,723 1978 Costs Applicable Range

% Lower Limit Upper Limit
Materials 0.17 $ 1,671 4 2300 Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 16)
Energy 0.03 $ 331
Labor 0.8 $ 10,625 Today's
Alum Cost: $ 185,535
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 198,162

Coagulant: Aluminum Sulfate (Alum) (Liquid) Feed Cost Calculations

Capital Calculations
Liquid Alum dose rate 128 kg/hr. O&M cost (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 19,20)
Multiplier between dry and liquid 2
Alternative dose 0 mg/L
Alternative dose rate 0 kg/hr.
Basis dose rate 128 kg/hr.

Capital Cost: $ 53,996 1978 Costs Applicable Range

% Lower Limit Upper Limit
Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.71 $ 106,388 4 2500
Housing 0.15 $ 41,375 Construction Cost Equations (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 16)
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.12 $ 15,005
Piping and Valves 0.02 $ 625 Today's
Steel 0 $ -
Concrete 0 $ -
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $ 163,393

O&M Calculations
Liquid Alum dose rate 128 kg/hr.
Multiplier between dry and liquid 2
Alternative dose 0 mg/L
Alternative dose rate 0 kg/hr.
Basis dose rate 128 kg/hr.

O&M Cost: $ 2,376 1978 Costs O&M cost (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 17,18)
Materials 0.04 $ 198 Applicable Range
Energy 0.59 $ 272 Lower Limit Upper Limit
Labor 0.37 $ 283 4 2500
Alum Cost: $ 371,069
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 371,823

Alum Feed
Capital Cost
General Form: A*X^(B)*e^(C*X)
Dry Feed Liquid Feed
A= 12333.4 13223.3
B= 0.3205 0.285
C= 0.000515 0.000377

O&M Cost
General Form: A*e^(B*X)+C
Dry Feed Liquid Feed

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 16)

Cost Equations (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 16)

Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 16)

m EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 19,20)

Cost Equations (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 16)

m EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 17,18)

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Capital Calculations
Al6(OH)12Cl6 Units
Primary Treatment Feed flow (peak day flow w/ OTF) 46 L/sec.
166 m3/hr.
MW of PACL 596.66 g/mol
Cost $/100 lbs.: $ 80 per 100 lbs.
Alternative dose rate 0 mg/L
0 kg/hr
Bicarbonate Alkalinity: 180 mg/L
2.95 mmoles/L
PACl Dose Rate 98 mg/L
PACl Dose Rate (18:1 HCO3:PACl) 0.164 mmoles/L
Calculated dose rate 16 kg/hr.
Basis dose rate 16 kg/hr.

1978 Capital Cost: % $ 30,385 1978 Costs

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.46 $ 38,787

Housing 0.03 $ 2,363
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.04 $ 3,673
Piping and Valves 0.47 $ 29,723 Today's
Steel 0 $ -
Concrete 0 $ -
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $ 74,547

1978 O&M Cost: % $ 3,603 1978 Costs

Materials 0.17 $ 1,275

Energy 0.03 $ 252
Labor 0.8 $ 8,107 Today's
Alum Cost: $ 251,020 Costs

November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 260,653

Alum Feed
Capital Cost
General Form: A*X^(B)*e^(C*X)
Dry Feed Liquid Feed
A= 12333.4 13223.3
B= 0.3205 0.285
C= 0.000515 0.000377

O&M Cost
General Form: A*e^(B*X)+C
Dry Feed Liquid Feed
A= 1205293 -6880.7
B= 0.000019433 -0.000659
C= -1202070 8700

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Applicable Range
Lower Limit Upper Limit
4 2300

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


(not included here are: sodium thiosulfate, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia)


Volume Treated (): 445,294

Free Chlorine Level (mg/L) 1 1 1
Default Free Chlorine Level (mg/L) 0.5 0.5 0.5
Calculated dose rate (mg/L) 1.47 0.9 0.9
Alternative dose rate (mg/L) 0 0 0
Basis dose rate kg/day: 654.6 400.8 400.8
Water Usage (totally dissolved) 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cost $/ton: $ 300 $ 300 $ 300

Relationship between ORP & Dose, see Membrane Manual 29

1978 Capital Cost: % $ 922,114 $ 177,192 $ 177,192

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.72 $ 1,842,438 $ 354,039 $ 354,039
Housing 0.19 $ 454,246 $ 87,287 $ 87,287
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.04 $ 111,474 $ 21,421 $ 21,421
Piping and Valves 0.01 $ 19,192 $ 3,688 $ 3,688
Steel 0 $ - $ - $ -
Concrete 0.04 $ 72,149 $ 13,864 $ 13,864
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $ 2,499,500 $ 480,299 $ 480,299

1978 O&M Cost: % $ 11,633 $ 6,879 $ 6,879

Materials 0.24 $ 460,617 $ 88,511 $ 88,511
Energy 0.1 $ 215,160 $ 41,345 $ 41,345
Labor 0.66 $ 1,711,491 $ 328,877 $ 328,877
Chemical Cost $/yr: $ 75,072 $ 45,963 $ 45,963
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 2,462,340 $ 504,695 $ 504,695

Polymer Feed - Yes I know - This is a place holder equiation. I need to find out how these chemical injection systems differ fro
Capital Cost
General Form: A*e^(B*X)+C
A= 11760.71
B= 0.00665
C= 8200

O&M Cost
General Form: A*e^(B*X)
A= 3000.8
B= 0.00207

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Chemical options:

mg/L Applicable Range
mg/L Lower Limit Upper Limit
kg/day 0.5 100


chemical injection systems differ from polymer.

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Units Alternative Units

Production Flow 4,380.79 L/sec.

Chromium (Cr 2+): 0.00 mg/L 0.00E+00 mMoles/L

Nickel (Ni 2+): 0.00 mg/L 0.00E+00 mMoles/L
Iron (Fe 2+): 0.00 mg/L 0.00E+00 mMoles/L
Manganese (Mn 2+): 0.00 mg/L 0.00E+00 mMoles/L
Total: 0.00E+00 mMoles/L
Desired Residual 2.50 mg/L 3.52E-02 mMoles/L
Cl2 needed 2.50 mg/L 3.52E-02 mMoles/L
Alternative Dose 0.00 mg/L
Basis 946.25 kg/day
Cl2 Cost $ 20 per ton, tanks

1978 Capital Cost: % $ 137,974

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.52 $ 199,102
Housing 0.38 $ 135,936
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.06 $ 25,019
Piping and Valves 0.04 $ 11,487
Steel 0 $ -
Concrete 0 $ -
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $ 371,544

1978 O&M Cost: % $ 27,196

Materials 0.18 $ 10,189
Energy 0.18 $ 11,422
Labor 0.64 $ 48,947
Chemical Cost $/yr: $ 7,234
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 77,792

Chlorine storage and feed with Cylinder storage

Capital Cost
General Form: A*X^B + C
A= 680.75
B= 0.763
C= 11010

O&M Cost
General Form: A*X^B+C
A= 47.6
B= 0.89
C= 6000

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program

Data from water analysis. Units Alternative Units The addition of Chlorine and Ammonia to water produces chloramines.
Production Flow to be treated 4380.79 L/sec. Chloramines are the "combined chlorine residual." They are more persistent
in the water lines than "free chlorine," which is HOCl, and OCl-.
Chromium (Cr): 0.00 mg/L 0.00E+0 mMoles/L If there is sufficient ammonia in the water already, it doesn't need to be added,
Copper (Cu): 0.00 mg/L 0.00E+0 mMoles/L of course. If not, chlorine and aqueous ammonia should be added at the molar
Iron (Fe): 0.00 mg/L 0.00E+0 mMoles/L ratio of 1:1, Cl2:NH3(aq). We will use the moles of divalent metal ions
Manganese (Mn): 0.00 mg/L 0.00E+0 mMoles/L and NO2- to calculate a chlorine demand. The molar ratio is 1:2 Cl2 to divalent
cations, and 1:1 for Cl2:NO2-. The residual for Chloramines must be at least
Desired NH2Cl Residual 3.00 mg/L 5.84E-2 mMoles/L 2 mg/L which translates to approximately .03 moles per liter at pH 7.
Cl2 needed/L: 4.14 mg/L 5.84E-2 mMoles/L Applicable Range
Ammonia Needed/L: 0.99 mg/L 5.84E-2 mMoles/L Lower Limit Upper Limit
Calculated Cl2 Dose 1568.49 kg/day 4 4500
Alternative Cl2 Dose 2.15 kg/day Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure
1-3) storage and feed with Cylinder storage
Basis Cl2 Dose 2.15 kg/day Applicable Range
Cl2 Cost $/ton: $ 20 per ton Lower Limit Upper Limit General Form: A*X^B + C
Calculated Aqua Ammonia 375.55 kg/day 110 2300 Capital Cost
Alternative Aqua Ammonia 757.00 kg/day Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure
A= 42-44) 680.75
Basis Ammonia kg/day: 757.00 kg/day 1665.4 lbs/day B= 0.763
NH4OH Cost $/ton: $ 200 per ton C= 11010

Total Capital Cost #VALUE! O&M Cost

Total O&M Cost $57,885 A= 47.6
B= 0.89
C= 6000
Chlorine Feed Source: Qasim, et al, Aug. 1992, AWWA

1978 Capital Cost: % $ 12,230

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.52 $ 16,489 Anhydrous Ammonia Feed
Housing 0.38 $ 10,844 same place and form.
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.06 $ 2,036 X=kg/day ammonia feed capacity
Piping and Valves 0.04 $ 957
Steel 0 $ - Capital Cost:
Concrete 0 $ - A*X^B*e^(C*X)
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $ 30,326 A= 3849.2
B= mg/L
1978 O&M Cost: % C= -0.000035
Materials 0.18 $ -
Energy 0.18 $ - O&M Cost:
Labor 0.64 $ - A*e^(B*X) +C
Chemical Cost $/yr: $ 16 A= -28063
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 16 B= -2.41E-4
C= 36160

Ammonia Feed

1978 Capital Cost: % #VALUE!

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.66 #VALUE!
Housing 0.09 #VALUE!
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.15 #VALUE!
Piping and Valves 0.1 #VALUE!
Steel 0 #VALUE!
Concrete 0 #VALUE!
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 #VALUE!

1978 O&M Cost: % $ 12,776

Materials 0.4 $ -
Energy 0.06 $ -
Labor 0.54 $ -
Ammonia Cost: $ 57,869
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 57,869

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program

{p} Ozone

Units Alternative Units

Production Flow to be treated 4380.79 L/s
Flow Rate: 262847 L/min 69444 gpm
Ozone level required (typically 1-5 mg/L) 1 mg/L
Total ozone needed: 378.50 kg/day 832.7 lbs/day
Contact time : 2 min
Contact chamber size: 525.7 m3 18565.4 ft3
Power (~26.5kWh per kg ozone): 22067 kWh



Note: Ozone requirements (ozone demand) are based on water quality analysis outside of this program

Ozone Generator: Contact Chamber:

Applicable Range
Lower Limit Upper Limit
Ozone Requirements: 378.50 kg/day 4 1800
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 11-13)

1978 Capital Cost: % $ 972,674 1978 Capital Cost: % $ 72,735

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.81 $2,186,391 B) Manufactured Equipment 0.00 $ -
Housing 0.03 $ 75,656 H) Housing 0.00 $ -
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.16 $ 470,344 A) Excavation and Site Work 0.50 $ 109,912
Piping and Valves 0.00 $ - F) Piping and Valves 0.00 $ -
Steel 0.00 $ - D) Steel 0.31 $ 57,911
Concrete 0.00 $ - C) Concrete 0.19 $ 27,032
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $2,732,391 Capital Cost: 1.00 $ 194,855

1978 O&M Cost: % $ 98,627

Materials 0.11 $ 22,580
Energy 0.77 $ 177,200
Labor 0.12 $ 33,283
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 233,064

Ozone Generation Costs Ozone Contact Chamber Costs

Construction Costs: Construction Costs:
General Form: A *X ^B*e^(C*X) General Form: A *X ^B+C
A= 18631.2 A= 1771.4
B= 0.674 B= 0.5967
C= -0.000121 C= 1700

O & M Costs: O&M Costs: NONE

General Form: A*X^B+C
A= 392.4
B= 0.919
C= 6800

Source: Qasim, et al, Aug. 1992, AWWA Source: Qasim, et al, Aug. 1992, AWWA

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Volume Treated 5154 L/sec. Lime

Purity 0.9

FROM WATER ANALYSIS Units Alternative Units

Ca (2+): 2.1 mg/L 0.1 mmoles/L
Mg (2+): 0.0 mg/L 0.0 mmoles/L 0.0 mg/L
HCO3 (-): 180.0 mg/L 3.0 mmoles/L 0.0 mg/L
CO2 (2-): 0.8 mg/L 0.0 mmoles/L 0.72 mg/L
Excess: 5.0 mg/L
Total 6.4 mg/L
volume treated: 18554 m3/hr.
Lime Dose: 118 mg/L
Lime Cost $/ton: $ 60 mg/L
Soda Ash Cost $/ton: $ 160 per ton
Alternative dosage rate Lime 0.0 kg/hr.
Alternative dosage rate Soda 0.0 kg/hr. Applicable Range
Lower Limit Upper Limit
Basis Lime: 117.8 kg/hr 4 4500 Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure
Basis Soda: 0.0 kg/hr 4 4500

1978 Capital Cost: % $ 88,611

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.7 $ 172,131
Housing 0.25 $ 57,435
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.02 $ 5,356
Piping and Valves 0.03 $ 5,533
Steel 0 $ -
Concrete 0 $ -
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $ 240,456

1978 O&M Cost: % $ 15,124

Materials 0.06 $ 1,889
Energy 0.09 $ 3,176
Labor 0.85 $ 36,151
Lime Cost: $ 64,799
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 106,016

Updated from
EPA-600/2-79-162b, Aug. 1979

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Mg Ca HCO3+CO2 Ca(OH)2 Mg and Ca react with Alkalinity and Lime to precipitate CaCO3 and
Ratio 1 1 4 3
Soda Ash Limit 0.00
Requirement eq 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.58 mg/L 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Mg Ca HCO3+CO2 Ca(OH)2 Remaining Mg or Ca react with remaining alkalinity

0.0 mg/L Ratio 1 1 2 1
eq 0.00 0.05 5.94 0.00
mg/L 0.0 2.1 362.1 0.0

Mg Ca Na2CO3 Ca(OH)2 If Ca and/or Mg are in excess of Alkalinity, then add soda ash
0.0 mg/L Ratio 1 1 1*mg+1*Ca 1*Mg
eq 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0 mg/L mg/L 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 24-26) 100

0.09 mol/m3
100 g/mol Calcium Carbonate
1.80 11.4 g CaCO3 /m3 treated
19 g sludge/m3 treated assuming 30% solids
8,493 kg sludge per day
18,684 lbs sludge per day

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


react with Alkalinity and Lime to precipitate CaCO3 and Mg(OH)2

Mg or Ca react with remaining alkalinity

Mg are in excess of Alkalinity, then add soda ash

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Units Alternative Units

Volume Treated 5,154 L/sec. 445,294
Alternative dosage rate (default = 0.5 mg/L): 0 mg/L
Basis Polymer Feed 222.6 kg/day
American Water Chemicals $/500 lb.: $ 500 per 500 lbs.

1978 Capital Cost: % $ 59,895

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.76 $ 126,323
Housing 0.19 $ 29,505
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.04 $ 7,241
Piping and Valves 0.01 $ 1,247
Steel 0 $ -
Concrete 0 $ -
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $ 164,315

1978 O&M Cost: % $ 4,758

Materials 0.1 $ 990
Energy 0.24 $ 2,664
Labor 0.66 $ 8,830
AntiScalant Cost $/yr: $ 170,232
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 182,717

Polymer Feed
Capital Cost
General Form: A*e^(B*X)+C
A= 11760.71
B= 0.00665
C= 8200

O&M Cost
General Form: A*e^(B*X)
A= 3000.8
B= 0.00207

Source: Qasim, et al, Aug. 1992, AWWA

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Units Alternative Units

Volume Treated 5154 L/sec. 445,294
Alternative dosage rate (default = 0.5 mg/L): 0 mg/L
Basis Polymer Feed 222.6 kg/day
American Water Chemicals $/500 lb.: $ 500 per 500 lbs.

1978 Capital Cost: % $ 59,895

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.76 $ 126,323
Housing 0.19 $ 29,505
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.04 $ 7,241
Piping and Valves 0.01 $ 1,247
Steel 0 $ -
Concrete 0 $ -
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $ 164,315

1978 O&M Cost: % $ 4,758

Materials 0.1 $ 990
Energy 0.24 $ 2,664
Labor 0.66 $ 8,830
PolyElectrolyte Cost $/yr: $ 170,232
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 182,717

Polymer Feed
Capital Cost
General Form: A*e^(B*X)+C
A= 11760.71
B= 0.00665
C= 8200

O&M Cost
General Form: A*e^(B*X)
A= 3000.8
B= 0.00207

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Units Alternative Units

Feed/Product Flow 5154 L/sec. 445,294 m3/day
Mn 2+ 0.00 mg/L
Fe 2+ 0.00 mg/L
Calculated KMnO4 Dose: 0.000 mg/L
Alternative dosage rate 2 mg/L
Basis KMnO4 890.6 kg/day
KMnO4 $/lb (hopper trucks): $ 1.9 per lb.

1978 Capital Cost: % $ 35,277

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.66 $ 64,612
Housing 0.19 $ 17,378
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.05 $ 5,331
Piping and Valves 0.1 $ 7,342
Steel 0 $ -
Concrete 0 $ -
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $ 94,662

1978 O&M Cost: % $ 5,600

Materials 0.03 $ 350
Energy 0.05 $ 653
Labor 0.92 $ 14,488
KMnO4 Cost $/yr: $ 1,293,766
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 1,309,257

Permanganate Feed
Capital Cost
General Form: A*X^B*e^(C*X)
A= 9681.7
B= 0.0304
C= 0.00122

O&M Cost
General Form: A*e^(B*X)+C
A= -2125.9
B= -0.01689
C= 5600

Source: Qasim, et al, Aug. 1992, AWWA

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Construction cost for clear well storage

Below Ground (concrete)

Storage Capacity 15852 kgal
60000 m3

1978 Capital Cost: % $ 3,169,927

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.02 $ 175,936
Housing 0.13 $ 1,068,429
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.3173 $ 3,039,822
Piping and Valves 0 $ -
Steel 0.2753 $ 2,241,342
Concrete 0.25695 $ 1,593,252
November, 2006 Capital Cost: 1.00 $ 8,118,781
November, 2006 Unit Cost ($/kgal) $512

Data from EPA-600/2-79-162b, August 1979, pg453-454. They are used in determining cost formula.

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Ground Level (steel)

Storage Capacity 14531 kgal
55000 m3

1978 Capital Cost: % $ 1,628,817

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.6891 $ 3,114,799
Housing 0.13 $ 548,995
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.01 $ 49,227
Piping and Valves 0.07066 $ 239,546
Steel 0.044 $ 184,068
Concrete 0.0569 $ 181,289
November, 2006 Capital Cost: 1.00 $ 4,317,924
November, 2006 Unit Cost ($/kgal) $297

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Units Alternative Units

Desired Flow Rate 5153.87 L/s 81721 gpm
Temperature 53.15 oF
Total Suspended Solids 22.0 mg/L
Wash Cycle 24 hr
TSS Density 35 g/L*
Media Depth 1.2 m 1.31 yd
Maximum Media Capacity 110 L-TSS/m3*
Required Media Volume 2,544.54 m3 3328.26 yd3
Calculated Bed Area: 2,120.45 m2 4156.08 yd2
Alternative Bed Area: 0.00 m2 0.00 yd2
Tank Depth 1.56 m 1.7 yd
Backwash rate 13.93 gpm/ft2
Backwash duration 6 min.
Backwash frequency times per day
Loading Rate 2.2 gpm/sqft

Media Cost Delivered

$/yd3 Sand $ 540 $ 699 $/m3
$/yd3 Coal $ 540 $ 699 $/m3
$/yd3 Greensand $ 1,620 $ 2,098 $/m3
$/yd3 Garnet $ 1,215 $ 1,573 $/m3


Rapid Sand: $ 1,797,258
Coal/ Sand: $ 1,797,258
Coal/ Sand/ Garnet: $ 2,546,115
Sand/Greensand/Coal $ 2,995,430
Media costs assume equal parts of each type.

*Media capacity based on information in 'Water Treatment and Plant Design',

R.L. Sanks, Co: 1978, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc.

Construction cost is 100% Manufactured Equipment

O&M costs are included with the structure.

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Gravity Filter

Backwashing Pump Gravity Filter Structure

What is relationship of BW pump to filter area Applicable Range Applicable Range
for min and max calcs Actual Lower Limit Upper Limit Actual Lower Limit Upper Limit
Filter area (m2): 2,120.45 13 2600 Filter area (m2): 2,120.45 13 2600
Limits (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 67-69)
12000 f(x) = 53.377411897 x^0.7006642414
1978 Capital Cost: % $ 2,150,536 1978 Capital Cost: % $ 4,625,190 R² = 0.9941239156
Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.69 $ 4,117,857 Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.26 $ 3,337,171
Housing 0 $ - Housing 0.18 $ 2,158,515
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.07 $ 454,960 Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.22 $ 3,075,255
Piping and Valves 0.24 $ 1,074,241 Piping and Valves 0.23 $ 2,214,120
Steel 0 $ - Steel 0.05 $ 593,953 2000
Concrete 0 $ - Concrete 0.06 $ 542,835
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 300
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $ 5,647,058 November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $ 11,921,849

1978 O&M Cost: % $ 25,105 1978 O&M Cost: % $ 262,655

Materials 0.24 $ 12,540 Materials 0.12 $ 65,601
Energy 0.52 $ 30,460 Energy 0.36 $ 220,630
Labor 0.24 $ 16,944 Labor 0.52 $ 384,092
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 59,945 November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 670,324

Backwash Pumping Costs Gravity Filter Structure Costs

Construction Costs: Construction Costs:
General Form: A + B*X + C*X^2 General Form: A *X^B*e^(CX)
A= 36000 A= 35483.4
B= 1254.21 B= 0.591
C= -0.1212 C= 0.000162

O & M Costs: O & M Costs:

General Form: A*X^B+C General Form: A*X^B+C
A= 73.3 A= 359.5
B= 0.75 B= 0.8568
C= 2200 C= 8100

Source: Qasim, et al, Aug. 1992, AWWA Source: Qasim, et al, Aug. 1992, AWWA

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


16000 50
f(x) = 53.377411897 x^0.7006642414
R² = 0.9941239156 300 Column R
10000 Power (Column
8000 R)
2000 1200
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Upflow Solids Contact Clarifier (UFSCC)

Units Alternative Units

Production Flow to be treated 4380.79 L/sec 69444 gpm
Retention Time 180 min.
Assumed Depth = 4.8 m 4.8 m
Calculated Settling Area 9856.8 m2
Alternative settling Area 0 m2
Basis: 9856.8 m2

1978 Construction Cost % $ 2,921,679

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.516 $ 4,183,673
Housing 0 $ -
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.293 $ 2,587,194
Piping and Valves 0 $ -
Steel 0.11 $ 825,425
Concrete 0.081 $ 462,918
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: $ 8,059,211

% G=70 % G=110 % G=150

1978 O&M Cost: $ 58,325 $ 92,595 $ 128,007
Materials 0.17 $ 20,637 0.14 $ 26,981 0.11 $ 29,307
Energy 0.23 $ 31,301 0.38 $ 82,101 0.5 $ 149,342
Labor 0.6 $ 98,413 0.48 $ 124,989 0.39 $ 140,393
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: $ 150,352 $ 234,071 $ 319,042

Construction Cost Equations (From EPA-600/2-79-162b, figure 63)

$ = a+b*x a b
<400 m2 62801.114 416.77163
>400 m2 132264.71 244.33215

O&M Cost (From EPA-600/2-79-162b figure 63 & 64)

$=a+b*x a b
G = 70 5967.9519 5.3118202
G = 110 5806.5744 8.80491
G = 150 5939.8245 12.384121

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Ion Exchange
Regeneration/Backwashing Pump
Applicable Range
Actual Lower Limit Upper Limit
Production Flow to be treated 4380.79 L/s Filter area (m ):
49.61 13 2600
Equiv/L , CATION >+1 1.05E-04 equiv/L Applicable Range
Equiv/L , ANION 7.21E-03 equiv/L Lower Limit Upper Limit
Service Flow Rate : 20 L/(hr*L resin) 16 40 1978 Capital Cost: % $ 97,922
Cation Equivalents/Liter of Resin 20 equiv/L Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.69 $ 187,501
Anion Equivalents/Liter of Resin 11 equiv/L Housing 0.00 $ -
Desired Run Cycle: 1 days Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.07 $ 20,716
Piping and Valves 0.24 $ 48,914
Medium: Cation Anion Steel 0.00 $ -
Min Volume: 788.5 788.5 m3 Concrete 0.00 $ -
Time until exhaustion of min volume: 397.6 3.2 days November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.00 $ 257,131
Resin for desired Run Cycle: 788.54 788.54 m3
Resin Expansion Coefficient 2 2 1978 O&M Cost: % $ 3,570
Total Vessel Volume 1,577 1,577 m3 Materials 0.24 $ 1,783
Nominal Resin Price $/m3 $1,607 $6,250 Energy 0.52 $ 4,332
Resin Cost: $ 1,267,299 $ 4,928,385 Labor 0.24 $ 2,410
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 8,525
Aspect ratio: 4 height/dia
Bed area : 49.61 m2
Base pressure vessel correlation: Total Construction Cost: % $ 2,208,278 Resin w/ Tank & Regeneration Tank
Number of Vessels (Reality check) Height is 31.8 m Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 0.57 $ 1,845,612
(446 kPa/ 50 psig) b= 3.446 Housing 0.01 $ 31,839
log($) = b + m*log(m^3) m= 0.562 Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.03 $ 86,053
Cost factor for operating pressure: 2 Piping and Valves 0.43 $ 1,118,253
Tank cost at base pressure: $ 174,786 Steel 0.00 $ -
TOTAL TANK COST: $ 349,572 Concrete 0.00 $ -
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: 1.04 $ 3,081,756

Regeneration (with NaCl) Units Alternative Units 1978 O&M Cost: % $ 820,280
Mass of NaCl /vol of resin: 150 kg/m3 9 lb/ft3 Materials 0.24 $ 233,956
NaCl required: 236,563 kg 521,526 lb Energy 0.52 $ 426,546
Chemical cost per kg NaCl: $0.02 per kg $0.01 per lb. Labor 0.24 $ 179,673
TOTAL CHEMICAL COST PER YEAR: $ 820,280 November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: 1.00 $ 840,175

Chemical concentration: 10 percent

Regeneration fluid req'd : 2,366 m3 625 kgal

Units Alternative Units 80,000 gallon 319,000.00

Pumping 100,000 gallon 333,000.00
Height DIfference 32 m 104.3 ft
Pipe Diameter 0.51 m 1.7 ft
Length of Pipe 10 m 32.8 ft
Efficiency 78
Number Transfer Pumps 1
Pressure Differential 200 kPa 29.0 psi
Capacity per Pump 5.154 m3/s 81,699 gpm
Size 6512.9 hp

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program

{z}MF-P input

Process input Units Alternative Units Alternative Units Lower Limit Upper Limit Process Flow Calculation Units Alternative Units
Design MF product flow rate 99,989,169 gpd Feed flow 4380.3 L/s 69430 gpm
Design MF product flow rate 100.0 MGD 0.01 Product flow 4351.1 L/s 68966 gpm
Design MF product flow rate 69437 gpm Backwash 908.4 L/hr 4 gpm
Design MF product flow rate 4380 L/s 378,459,004 L/day Recovery rate 99.3 %
Design MF product flow rate 378,459 m3/day Feed pump horsepower 1519 hp
Feed pump (kwh) 9,429,856 kwh
Plant availability (%) 95 % Backflush (kwh) 62,866 kwh
Membrane Module equipment cost $ 211,500 90M10C Number of Modules 103
Cost per membrane $650 Number of Membranes 9270
modular system flow rate 675 gpm 42.6 L/s 0.972 MGD Building Area 49995 ft2 4645 m2
Flow per module 7.5 gpm
No. membranes per module 90
Pump efficiency 80 %
Motor efficiency 93 %
Design feed pressure 30 psi 207 kpa
Backflush pressure 29 psi 200 kpa 576
Backwash Flow 600 gpm 37.9 L/s
Backwash intervals 15 minutes 900 second 0.0104 days
Backwash and backflush duration 0.1 minutes 6 second 0.0001 days

Operations & Maintenance Cost Input

Electricity Rate 0.07 $/kWh

Sodium Hypochlorite Cost 0.43 $/L
Design dosage 200 mg/L
Specific gravity (NaOCl) 1.168
Solution concentration 12 %
Membrane Life 10 Years
Staff Days/day 3

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program

O&M Cost Estimation
Direct Capital Costs
Membrane Modules $ 21,784,500 @ 211500 $ each Electricity $ 664,491
Membrane $ 6,025,500 @ 650 $ each Labor $ 254,000
Building $ 4,999,464 @ 100 $/ft2 1076 $/m2 Chemicals (Sodium Hypochlorite) $ 215,000
Installation $ 7,210,000 @ 70000 $/90M10C Membrane Replacement $ 603,000
Miscellaneous $ 1,089,225 5 % of Module Cost Cleaning Chemicals(NaOCl) $ 43,000
Plant interconnecting piping $ 1,143,686 5 % of Module and misc. Repairs and Replacement and Misc. $ 891,000
Engineering $ 2,287,373 10 % of Module and misc. Total O & M Cost $ 2,670,491
Total Direct Capital Costs $ 44,539,748

Indirect Capital Costs

Interest During Construction $ 2,672,000 6 % of Total direct
Contingencies $ 8,908,000 20 % of Total direct
A&E Fees, Proj. Management $ 4,454,000 10 % of Total direct
Working Capital $ 1,782,000 4 % of Total direct
Total Indirect Captial Cost $ 17,816,000

Total Construction Cost $ 62,355,748 Total costs



Pure water permeability (m3/s) 2.66E-04 3.97E+00 0.9958

Feed Flow (m3/s) 2.66E-03 3.97E+01
Transmembrane pressure (Pa) 1,550,000 1,404,096 0.9957
Area (m2) 37 551245
Channel height dh(m) 1.00E-05 1.00E-05 0.9956
Cf (mol/m3) 25.68 13.96
Density (kg/m3) 1000 1000 0.9955
Viscosity (Pa s) 0.001 0.001
a (Pa m3mol-1) 4908 4908 0.9954
Diffusivity of NaCl (m2/s) 1.20E-09 1.20E-09
1 2
Calculated paramters determined by configuration and operating conditions Ra Test Ri
Jv (m/s) 1st pass 7.19E-06 7.19E-06 A
Pv/tm (m3m-2s-1Pa-1) 4.64E-12 5.12E-12 A
Average Uc (m/s) 1.44E+01 1.44E+01 A
Schmidt Number 838 838 A
Reynolds Number 143 143 A
a 0.875 0.875 B
b 0.250 0.250 B
c 0.065 0.065 B
k (m/s) for laminar flow in flat channel 3.23E-03 3.23E-03 A and B

Iterations neccessary for model convergence (pp 9.13 item 8, reference A)

Solving the design equations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jv/k 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Recovery 0.1000 0.0910 0.0911 0.0911 0.0911 0.0911 0.0911 0.0911
Intrinsic Rejection Ro 0.996 0.996 0.996 0.996 0.996 0.996 0.996 0.996
Appartent Rejection Ra 0.9955 0.9956 0.9956 0.9956 0.9956 0.9956 0.9956 0.9956
Cw (mol/L) 28.5895 2.83E+01 2.83E+01 2.83E+01 2.83E+01 2.83E+01 2.83E+01 2.83E+01
Cp (mol/L) 0.1144 1.13E-01 1.13E-01 1.13E-01 1.13E-01 1.13E-01 1.13E-01 1.13E-01
Cr (mol/L) 28.5261 28.2444 28.2472 28.2472 28.2472 28.2472 28.2472 28.2472
Jv Theoretical (m3m-2s) 6.55E-06 6.55E-06 6.55E-06 6.55E-06 6.55E-06 6.55E-06 6.55E-06 6.55E-06
Exp (Jv/k) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Project Name Date Stage
Model Development 06/07/04 A1
What is purpos
This sheet originally from Ellen Show dp or dia
Velocity 2.3 m/sec other

Used for predic

Outfall Length (enter "m" or "ft.") 100 m
Two equations,
Concentrate Flow 0.70 m3/sec given to calcul
Pipe Diameter 0.62 m diameter size.
dP 0.37 m
99.9 kPa The other eqn
Schedule 80 Pipe Cost 900 $/m Hazen Williams

Total Pipe Cost $90,025

Use this one.

Velocity Length Flow m3/s Diameter (m) dP1 kPa
2.3 100 0.001 0.024 22.947
0.01 0.074 5.379
0.02 0.105 3.476
0.03 0.129 2.692
0.04 0.149 2.246
0.05 0.166 1.952
0.06 0.182 1.740
0.07 0.197 1.579
0.08 0.210 1.451
0.09 0.223 1.348
0.1 0.235 1.261
0.11 0.247 1.188
0.12 0.258 1.124
0.13 0.268 1.069
0.14 0.278 1.020
0.15 0.288 0.977
0.16 0.298 0.938
0.17 0.307 0.903
0.18 0.316 0.871
0.19 0.324 0.842
0.2 0.333 0.815
0.3 0.408 0.631
0.4 0.471 0.527
0.5 0.526 0.457
0.6 0.576 0.408
0.7 0.623 0.370
0.8 0.666 0.340
0.9 0.706 0.316
1 0.744 0.296
1.1 0.781 0.278
1.2 0.815 0.264
1.3 0.849 0.251
1.4 0.881 0.239
1.5 0.911 0.229
1.6 0.941 0.220
1.7 0.970 0.212
1.8 0.998 0.204
1.9 1.026 0.197
2 1.052 0.191
What is purpose of graph?
Show dp or diameter as a function of the

Used for predicting optimum pipe diameter.

Two equations, one simpler (Darcy-Wisebeck)

given to calculate dP, depending on pipe
diameter size.

The other eqn which is used to calculate dP is

Hazen Williams with HDPE pipe, Cf = 145

Pressure Drop vs Diameter - Two Versions

dP2 kPa
dP (Kpa)

4.496 100.000
1.005 Eq III
0.821 Alt
0.636 10.000
0.474 1.000
0.380 0.100
0.367 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000
Diameter (m)


800 1.000
Project Name Date Stage
Model Development 06/07/04 A1

Ionics Formulas for USBR Pricing of an EDR System

Last Revision Date 7/6/2000

TDS 1000 mg/l 500

Production Flow 105.25 mgd
Capital Cost $ 35,326,384
Total Power 22.8 kWh/Kgal
Membrane Replacement $ 5,049,026
Staff days/day 3
All cost numbers are only within +,- 15%

Estimate O&M Costs

Electricity $ 58,171,969
Labor $ 31,810
Membrane Replacement $ 5,049,026
Cleaning Chemicals $ 105,252
Cartridge Filters $ 2,024,874
Repairs and Replacement $ 176,632
Insurance $ 70,653
Lab fees $ 1,010,417
Total O & M Cost $ 66,640,633

Total Costs $ 35,326,384

Capital Recovery $ 2,566,423

Annual cost $ 69,207,056

$/m3 Product $0.50
$/1000 gal Product $1.90
$/acre foot Product $617.99

Ms. Antonia von Gottberg

avongottberg@ionics.com, personal communication.

First Stage

Input from Interface Value: Units Sample Values: Membrane Replacement

Production Flow to be treated 4380.79 L/sec. Membrane Cost/m2: $ 25.00
Flow Rate 15771 m3/Hr. Membrane Life Expectancy (yrs): 15
Feed TDS 500 mg/L
Product TDS 500 mg/L Construction Cost Items
Average Equivalent Weight: 35.55 Construction Cost Factor (%): 1.65
Percent Recovery: 0.5 Electricity Cost $/kWh: $ 0.07

Production Data Labor and Overhead

Delta N eq/m3: 0.00 Labor cost, Lh ($/h) $ 29.05
Desal Ratio: 1.00 Shifts per day, S (number/day) 0.2
Workers per shift, Ws (number/shift) 1
Membrane Characteristics
Transport efficiencies Sum<=1.00 Capital Recovery
Insert rows after Na+ or Cl- System lifetime, r (yr) 30
to add more ion efficiencies. Downtime, Dt (%) 0.05
Na+: 0.470 0.400 Annual interest rate, i (%) 6

Sum cations efficiencies: 0.470 First Stage Capital Costs

Based on Membrane Cost @ $25/m2 $ -
Cl-: 0.470 0.400
First Stage O&M Costs/ year
Sum anions efficiencies: 0.470 Chemicals $ 1,249
Maintenance $ -
Transport effieciency: 0.940 Membrane Replacement: $ -
Sum of Anion & Cation Efficiency. Labor Cost: $ 16,965
Area/membrane pair Asahi is 0.85 m^2 0.850 m2 ED Electicity Cost/year @ $0.07/kWhr: $ 82,201
Dilute side resistance "Rd" 0 (ohms/cm)/cm2 Capital Recovery $ -
Concentrate side resistance "Rc" 0 (ohms/cm)/cm2 November, 2006 O&M $: $ 100,415
Membrane resistance "Rm" 0.070 (ohms/cm)/cm2:
Total resistance Rt = (Rd+Rc+Rm): 0.070 0.860
Current density 30 amps/m2 30 - 300
Current Efficiency: 0.860
Membrane Voltage Potential "Vm" volts/pair
Voltage per cell Vc = Rt*CD+Vm: 0.021 1.000

Energy Requirements
Power requirements 0.00 kWhr/m3:
Pumping energy requirements 0.17 kWhr/m3 0.17
Total 64345 kWh/day

Membrane Requirements
Total Membrane Area 0 m2
Number of cell pairs: 0

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Second Stage

Input from Interface Value: Sample Values: Membrane Replacement

Flow Rate 2576.9 L/sec Membrane Cost/m2: $100.00
Flow Rate 9277 m3/hr. Membrane Life Expectancy (yrs): 15
Feed TDS 500 mg/L
Product TDS 500 mg/L Construction Cost Items
Ave Equivalent Weight: 35.55 Construction Cost Factor (%): 1.65
Percent Recovery: 0.50 Electricity Cost $/kWh: $0.07

Production Data Labor and Overhead

Delta N 0.00 equiv/m3 Labor cost, Lh ($/h) 29.05
Desal Ratio: 1.00 Shifts per day, S (number/day) 0.2
Workers per shift, Ws (number/shift) 1
Membrane Characteristics
Transport efficiencies Sum<=1.00 Capital Recovery
Insert rows after Na+ or Cl- System lifetime, r (yr) 30
to add more ion efficiencies. Downtime, Dt (%) 0.05
Na+: 0.470 0.400 Annual interest rate, i (%) 6

Sum cations efficiencies: 0.470

Second Stage Capital Costs
Cl-: 0.470 0.400 Based on Membrane Cost @ $100/m2 $ -

Sum anions efficiencies: 0.470 Second Stage O&M Costs/ year

Chemicals $ 1,249
Transport effieciency: 0.940 Maintenance $ -
Sum of Anion & Cation Efficiency. Membrane Replacement: $ -
Area/membrane pair Asahi is 0.85 m^2 0.850 m2 Labor Cost: $ 848
Dilute side resistance "Rd" 0 (ohms/cm)/cm2 ED Electicity Cost/year @ $0.07/kWhr: $ 48,353
Concentrate side resistance "Rc" 0 (ohms/cm)/cm2 Capital Recovery $ -
Membrane resistance "Rm" 0.070 (ohms/cm)/cm2 November, 2006 O&M $: $ 50,450
Total resistance Rt = (Rd+Rc+Rm): 0.070 0.860
Current density 30 amps/m2 30 - 300
Current Efficiency: 0.860
Membrane Voltage Potential "Vm" 0.650 volts/pair
Voltage per cell Vc = Rt*CD+Vm: 0.671 1.000

Energy Requirements
Power requirements 0.00 kWhr/m3
Pumping energy requirements 0.17 kWhr/m3 0.17
Total 37850 kWh/day

Membrane Requirements
Total Membrane Area 0 m2
Number of cell pairs: 0

Total capital cost (1st and 2nd stage) $0

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Suggested Values
$ 100.00

$ 0.08

$ 15.00


Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program


Suggested Values




Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program

Project Name Date Stage
Model Development 06/07/04 A1

Units Alternative Units
Number of pumps: 1 pump
Height differential: 100 m 328.1 ft
Discharge pressure: 1750 kPa 254 psi
Full flow rate: 5.15 m3/s 81,699 gal/min
Basis flow rate 5.15 m3/s 81,699 gal/min
Pump Efficiency: 75 %
Velocity (m/s) 2.4 m/s 8 ft/sec
Motor Efficiency: 87 %
HP 24251
Power consumption: 20795 kW

Direct Costs (material and labor) 3 - 300 HP 3 - 500 HP 3 - 1200 HP
Pump, drive, Piping and driver 7,275,306 3,016,431 234
Piping 1,727,931 1,727,931 1,727,931
Controls 4,000
Installed Capital Cost $9,003,237 $4,748,362 $1,728,164

Operating Costs
Power Cost $/year 12,113,659
Lubrication ($/L oil) 0.7 59,483
Cooling water ($/m3 water) 0.075 9,559,752
Maintenance (hr/Hp) 1.5 1,056,738
Source: "Pump Handbook" Karassik, Krutzsch, Fraser and Messina pg (9-66)
Required Information
Plant life expectancy, n 30
Annual Interest Rate, i 6%
Annual fixed-charge rate, AFC 10
Present-worth factor, PWF 13.76
Captial-recovery factor, CRF 0.073
Operating factor, OF 0.95
Annual levelized cost, ALC $0

hp calc may change if hp calc changes for RO sheet

6.31E-05 1 235.9613
6.31E-04 10 235.613
3.15E-03 50 234.065
6.31E-03 100 232.13
6.31E-02 1000 197.3
1.26E-01 2000 158.6
3.15E-01 5000 42.5
Chart Title

200 f(x) = - 0.0387x + 236
R² = 1
0 Linear
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 (gal/min)
Project Name Date Stage
Model Development 06/07/04 A1

Stiff and Davis Saturation Index

For water with TDS > 15000 mg/L

Ca+2 mg/L as CaCO3 5

Alkf mg/L as CaCO3 148
CO2 mg/L as CO2 7.91 Calculated from alkalinity & pH
H +
Major Ions mg/L 500
TDS Concentrate 3317
Cac= 35
Alkc= 979
Ionic Strengthf = 0.01
Ionic Strengthc = 0.05
pCa 4.28
pAlk 2.55
pHs = 9.21 2.38 K from 'Stiff&Davis'
S&DSIf -1.67
pCac 3.46
pAlkc 1.70
pHsc = 7.66 2.50 for concentrate Ionic Strength and Temperatu
Alkc/CO2 123.85
pHc = 8.34
S&DSIc 0.68
For the Concentrate Stream with Acid
Guess mg H2SO4 7.00 Guess mg HCl 73.40
Alk C acid 972 879
CO2 acid 14 97
Alk c acid/CO2 acid 68.4 9.1
pHc acid 8.09 7.24
pAlk 1.70 1.75
pHs = 7.67 7.71
pHc = 8.09 7.24
S&DSI (c adjusted) 0.42 -0.48
entrate Ionic Strength and Temperature
Project Name Date Stage
Model Development 06/07/04 A1
Use pCa and pAlk and pH vs MO Alk/CO2 from 'Stif&Davis' sheet

From Water Analysis

Caf in mg/L CaCO3 5
Alkf in mg/L CaCO3 148
TDSf 500
pHf 7.54
Temperature 12
pHf 7.54
CO2f 8
pCaf 4.28
pAlkf 2.55
"C" 2.48
pHs 9.31
LSIf -1.77

From Report or RO&NF

Recovery 0.85
Rejection 0.995

Concentrate Values Product Values

Cac 35 Cap
Alkc 979 Alkp
TDSc 3319 TDSp
CO2c 7.91 CO2p
pHc 8.34 pHf
pCac 3.46 pCap
pAlkc 1.70 pAlkp
"C" 2.56 "C"
pHs 7.72 pHs
LSIc 0.62 LSIp

Acidification H2SO4 HCl

Guess mg/L Acid 7.0 73.4 Could change this to a goal seek
Alk acid 140.4 46.94
CO2 acid 14.2 96.73
Alkf/CO2 9.88 0.49
pHf acid 7.3 6.00
pAlk 2.58 2.22
pCa 4.28 3.46
"C"acid 2.48 2.56
pHs = 9.34 8.23
LSIf -2.07 -3.31
Alkc acid 931.94 311.59
Alkc/CO2 65.58 3.22
pHc = 8.06 6.80
pAlkc 1.72 2.22
"C"c 2.56 2.56
pHs 7.74 4.77
LSIc 0.32 -1.43

Caustic Soda Soda Ash Lime

Product Stabilization 98% NaOH 99.16% NaHCO3 90% CaO
Guess mg/L 2.1 100 0.015105
Alkstab 3 95 1
Ca stab 0 0 0
CO2 stab 5.6 -33.1 7.9
Alkstab/CO2stab 0.6 -2.9 0.1
pHp stab (actual pH after chem. addition) 6.1 Err:502 5.4
pAlk 4.2 2.8 4.9
pCa 6.5 6.5 5.9
TDS stab 7 145 3
"C"stab 2.3 2.4 2.3
pHs (theoretical pH of stabilized water) 13.1 11.7 13.1
LSIstab -7.0 Err:502 -7.7
"C" Values dependent on Temperature and TD
Temperature °C
TDS (mg/L) 5
10 2.51
20 2.53
30 2.54
50 2.55
100 2.58
200 2.6
300 2.62
500 2.65
1000 2.68
2000 2.71
5000 2.73
Calculated Values
10 2.48
20 2.51
30 2.52
50 2.54
100 2.57
200 2.59
300 2.61
500 2.63
Product Values 1000 2.65
0 2000 2.68
1 5000 2.71
7.91 x = TDS in mg/L
5.37 C (45) = 0.0368Ln(x) + 1.5825
6.51 C (40) = 0.0371Ln(x) + 1.6678
4.86 C (35) = 0.0383Ln(x) + 1.7581
2.29 C (30) = 0.0372Ln(x) + 1.865
13.66 C (25)= 0.0372Ln(x) + 1.965
-8.29 C (20) = 0.0372Ln(x) + 2.0658
C (15) = 0.037Ln(x) + 2.1775
C (10) = 0.0362Ln(x) + 2.2963
C (5) = 0.0377Ln(x) + 2.412

Could change this to a goal seek equation 45
B =- 0.0207*Temp + 2.491


Calcium Hydraded Lime Gas Lime & Soda ash

Hypochlorite 93% Ca(OH)2 CO2(g)
0.0666 0 1.00 Could change this to a goal seek equation
1 1 2 95
0 0 0 0
7.9 7.9 8.9 -33.09
0.1 0.1 0.2 -2.9
5.4 5.4 5.6 Err:502
4.9 4.9 4.5 2.8
6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5
3 3 5 118
2.3 2.3 2.3 2.4
13.2 13.7 13.4 11.7
-7.8 -8.3 -7.8 Err:502
dependent on Temperature and TDS in mg/L from figure 2 in ASTM D 3739
Temperature °C
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
2.39 2.28 2.17 2.07 1.97 1.86 1.77 1.68
2.41 2.29 2.18 2.08 1.98 1.87 1.78 1.69
2.42 2.3 2.19 2.09 1.99 1.88 1.79 1.71
2.43 2.31 2.2 2.1 2 1.9 1.8 1.72
2.45 2.34 2.22 2.12 2.02 1.93 1.83 1.74
2.48 2.37 2.26 2.15 2.05 1.96 1.86 1.77
2.5 2.38 2.27 2.17 2.07 1.98 1.88 1.79
2.52 2.41 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 1.9 1.81
2.56 2.44 2.33 2.23 2.13 2.03 1.93 1.85
2.58 2.47 2.36 2.26 2.16 2.05 1.96 1.87
2.6 2.49 2.38 2.28 2.18 2.08 1.98 1.89
Calculated Values
2.38 2.27 2.17 2.06 1.96 1.85 1.75 1.64
2.40 2.30 2.19 2.09 1.98 1.88 1.78 1.67
2.42 2.31 2.21 2.10 2.00 1.89 1.79 1.69
2.44 2.33 2.23 2.12 2.02 1.91 1.81 1.70
2.46 2.36 2.25 2.15 2.04 1.94 1.84 1.73
2.49 2.38 2.28 2.17 2.07 1.97 1.86 1.76
2.50 2.40 2.29 2.19 2.09 1.98 1.88 1.77
2.52 2.42 2.31 2.21 2.10 2.00 1.90 1.79
2.55 2.44 2.34 2.23 2.13 2.03 1.92 1.82
2.57 2.47 2.37 2.26 2.16 2.05 1.95 1.84
2.61 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.19 2.09 1.98 1.88

x = TDS in mg/L
C (45) = 0.0368Ln(x) + 1.5825 R2 = 0.9871
C (40) = 0.0371Ln(x) + 1.6678 R2 = 0.987
C (35) = 0.0383Ln(x) + 1.7581 R2 = 0.9923
C (30) = 0.0372Ln(x) + 1.865 R2 = 0.9785
C (25)= 0.0372Ln(x) + 1.965 R2 = 0.9785
C (20) = 0.0372Ln(x) + 2.0658 R2 = 0.9811
C (15) = 0.037Ln(x) + 2.1775 R2 = 0.9854
C (10) = 0.0362Ln(x) + 2.2963 R2 = 0.9862
C (5) = 0.0377Ln(x) + 2.412 R2 = 0.9882

A B C (x) = A Ln (x) +B Coefficients for Calcul

0.0368 1.5825
0.0371 1.6678 3
0.0383 1.7581
0.0372 1.865 f(x) = - 0.0207103333x + 2.4910916667

0.0372 1.965 R² = 0.9950856101

2 f(x) = - 0.0207103333x + 2.4910916667

R² = 0.9950856101
0.0372 2.0358 1.5
0.037 2.1775
0.0362 2.2963
0.0377 2.412 0.5
0.037189 0
B =- 0.0207*Temp + 2.491 R2 = 0.9983 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

C (x,T)= 0.0372*Ln(x)-0.0209*T+2.499

TDS Factor
ge this to a goal seek equation
2.9 5
f(x) = 0.0377390603 ln(x) + 2.4119582969 mic (5)
2.5 R² = 0.9882006916 10
2.1 25
1.9 30
f(x) = 0.0367723977 ln(x) + 1.5824622719 Logarith
1.7 R² = 0.987123486 mic (30)
1.5 35
1.3 45
1.1 Logarith
10 100 1000 10000 mic (45)

Coefficients for Calculated "C"

0.0385 B
0.038 Linear (B)
7103333x + 2.4910916667 0.0375 A

56101 0.037
0.0385 B
0.038 Linear (B)
7103333x + 2.4910916667 0.0375 A

56101 0.037
20 25 30 35 40 45 50
mic (5)
mic (30)
00 mic (45)
Project Name Date Stage
Model Development 06/07/04 A1

Temp 50 40 30 25
Ionic Strength K
0 1.5 1.7 1.85 1.97
0.2 2.27 2.45 2.65 2.75
0.4 2.57 2.77 2.95 3.07
0.6 2.7 2.92 3.14 3.25
0.8 2.8 3.04 3.25 3.36
1 2.82 3.1 3.32 3.42
1.2 2.85 3.1 3.33 3.44
1.4 2.85 3.09 3.32 3.42
1.6 2.82 3.09 3.3 3.4
1.8 2.81 3.08 3.28 3.38
2 2.8 3.05 3.24 3.35

Curve Fits: x = ionic strength

Temp x3 x2 x a
50 0.634 -2.5651 3.2205 1.5931
40 0.6053 -2.508 3.2522 1.7809
30 0.6061 -2.5612 3.3709 1.9387
25 0.615 -2.5826 3.3744 2.0527
20 0.5679 -2.4127 3.1941 2.2134
10 0.576 -2.4149 3.1519 2.3873
0 0.5466 -2.2635 2.9032 2.616
From Feed Water Analysis
T 11.75
I 0.01 Curve fit: T = Temperature, I = Ionic Stre
K= (.0016*T+.5528)I +(.0002T^2-.0142T-2.2695)*I2+(-.0004T^2+.0266T+2.9

K= 2.3788520254

From Concentrate Analysis

T 11.75
I 0.05
K= (.0016*T+.5528)I3+(.0002T^2-.0142T-2.2695)*I2+(-.0004T^2+.0266T+2.9
K= 2.504296137

Source: ASTM Method for S&DSI

20 10 0
2.12 2.3 2.52 4
2.9 3.05 3.25
3.18 3.35 3.5 f(x) = 0.5465714841x^3 - 2.263548951x^2 + 2.9032245532x + 2
3.35 3.5 3.63 R² = 0.9680542308
3.47 3.6 3.7 3
3.5 3.65 3.75
f(x) = - 0.5554341492x^4 + 2.8557206682x^3 - 5.3422931235x^2 + 4.3
3.55 3.68 3.78
= 0.9932721682
3.54 3.68 3.78
3.52 3.65 3.75 2
3.49 3.62 3.72
3.45 3.6 3.7 1.5


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1
Ionic Strength

0.9738 4
0.9813 3 f(x) = - 0.0004133109x^2 + 0.0265632605x + 2.9071655462 x
0.9832 R² = 0.8986671283
0.9771 f(x) = - 0.0205954286x + 2.5980428571 L
0.9784 2 R² = 0.994110018 x
1 l
f(x) = 0.0016088571x + 0.5527642857
0 R² = 0.8147202092 x
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 P
-1 l
-2 L
f(x) = 0.0001728291x^2 - 0.0141723137x - 2.2694890756
-3 R² = 0.8316299784
-2 L
f(x) = 0.0001728291x^2 - 0.0141723137x - 2.2694890756
-3 R² = 0.8316299784

= Temperature, I = Ionic Strength


548951x^2 + 2.9032245532x + 2.616013986 3
682x^3 - 5.3422931235x^2 + 4.3314005439x + 1.5291608392
al (50)
10 Conversion of Ca and Alk to pCa an

pCa and pAlk

Polynomi 6
al (0)
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 f(x) = -0.4342944819 ln(x) + 5
f(x) = -0.4386374267 ln(x) + 4.73
Strength 4 R² = 1

1 10 100 1000
Ca and Alk as mg/L CaCO3
Linear (x3)
l (x2)
50 60 Polynomia
l (x)
Linear (a)
Linear (a)
pH vs Alk/CO2
pAlk Fig 3 D 4582 1998 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Volume 11.02
4.75 1
3.7 10 pH of Water MO Alk/CO2 Expressed as mg/L CaCO
2.7 100 5.3 0.098
1.7 1000 5.4 0.12
pH vs

pH of Water
0.7 10000 5.6 0.19
5.8 0.305
6 0.5 9
6.2 0.775 8
f(x) = 0.4
6.4 1.25 7
R² = 0.99
6.6 2 6
6.8 3.2 5
7 5 4
7.2 8
Conversion of Ca and Alk to pCa and pAlk 7.4 13
7.5 17
7.6 21.5
0.01 0.1
7.8 34
x) = -0.4342944819 ln(x) + 5 8 54
x) = -0.4386374267 ln(x) + 4.73
=1 8.2 100
8.3 1000 pH=0.423 Ln(Alk/CO
mic (Alk)
mic (Ca)

10 100 1000 10000

Ca and Alk as mg/L CaCO3
tandards Volume 11.02 Water (II)

as mg/L CaCO3/mg/L CO2

pH vs Alk/CO2

f(x) = 0.4230111901 ln(x) + 6.302165873

R² = 0.9997090349

01 0.1 1 10 100
MO Alk/CO2

pH=0.423 Ln(Alk/CO2) + 6.3022

Project Name Date Stage
Model Development 06/07/04 A1

Units Alternative Units
Volume treated: 69437 gal/min 99,989,169
Power consumption per lamp: 0.05 kW
Alternative power consumption per lamp: 0.00 kW
Lamp replacement time: 1.0 year 12
Alternative lamp replacement time: 0.0 year 0
Required UV lamps: 4907 lamps
Lamp replacement cost: $48.00 per lamp
Annual lamp replacements: 4907 lamps
Annual power consumption: 2,149,266 kWh
Required annual labor hours: 834 hours

Units Alternative Units

Capital cost: $2,009,031
Annual lamp replacement cost: $235,536
Annual power cost: $150,449
Annual labor cost $24,219
Total annual operating cost: $410,204

data from Irvine Moch, 5/2/2000

Alternative Units


Alternative Units
Project Name Date Stage
Model Development 06/07/04 A1

Double Wall Fiberglass Tanks

Units Alternative Units

Required Tank Capacity 500,000 gallons 1,892,700

Nov 2000 Construction Cost % $ 546,043

Material 0.901 $ 603,206
Labor 0.089 $ 62,239
Equipment 0.010 $ 6,881
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: $ 672,326

Construction Cost Equations (From http://www.get-a-quote.net)

$ = a+b*x a b
2842.7 1.0864
Alternative Units
Project Name Date Stage
Model Development 06/07/04 A1

Microfiltration / Ultrafiltration

Units Alternative Units

Production Flow to be treated 99.99 mgd 69437

2001 Construction Cost % $ 50,374,732

Manufactured & Electrical Equipment 1.00 $ 62,915,209
Housing 0.00 $ -
Excavation, Site Work & Labor 0.00 $ -
Piping and Valves 0.00 $ -
November, 2006 Capital Cost $: $ 62,915,209

2001 O&M Cost: %1 $ 3,083,396

Materials 0.13 $ 514,167
Energy 0.12 $ 359,730
Labor 0.75 $ 2,839,634
November, 2006 Operation & Maintenance $: $ 3,713,531

Construction Cost2
$ = a*x^b a b
2.4914 -0.3471

O&M Cost2
$ = a*x^b a b
1.0451 -0.5462

1 from Oneby, Nordgren, and Ericson, Membrane Microfiltration As A Cost Efective Solution For A Small Utility
AWWA Membrane Conference Proceedings, 2001

from Elarde & Bergman, The Cost of Membrane Filtration for Municipal Water Supplies,
AWWA Membrane Conference Proceedings, 2001
Alternative Units

ctive Solution For A Small Utility,


2nd Eff RO
Brackish 1 Brackish 2 Brackish 3 Hi Brackish Seawater Municipal Secondary Eff Perm
Aluminum 0.35 0.01
Antimony 3.30E-04
Arsenic 0.0029 0.0025
Barium 0.050 0.0983 0.03 0.11
Beryllium 6.00E-07 0.0005
Boron 0.2230 0.1300
Cadmium 0.001 1.10E-04
Calcium 100.000 182 110 637 406 22.2 64.0000 1.1000
Chromium 0.010 0.023 5.00E-05
Copper 0.050 0.09 3.00E-03
Iron 0.050 0.019 0.01
Lead 0.005 0.006 3.00E-05
Magnesium 35.000 85 80 283 1.29E+03 7.3 24.0000
Manganese 0.550 0.0811 2.00E-03 0.03 0.0285
Mercury 3.00E-05
Nickel 5.40E-03 0.004
Potassium 1.800 4.78 10 131 385 2 14.3000 1.3000
Selenium 0.005 9.00E-05 0.005
Silver 0.005 3.00E-04
Sodium 110.900 175.8 815 3284 10741 25 62.5000 3.1500
Strontium 1.300 2.71 5 15 14 0.61 0.2600
Zinc 0.050 0.01 0.02 0.0593
Alkalinity-Bicarbonate 232.000 189.00 125.00 163.00 144.00 25 345.00 11.60
Alkalinity-Carbonate 0.000 0.5 16.60
Carbon Dioxide (aq) 10.100 13 13.7 44.8 2.50E+00 2.7
Chloride 95.000 560 811 6545 19333 71.7 55.00 5.30
Flouride 0.640 0.31 1 1 1.3 0.5 0.30
Nitrate (as N) 1.000 10.7 0.5 12.50
o-Phosphate 0.37 0.07 0.04 3.70 1.22
Sulfate 300.000 231 1100 680 2688 20 39.50
Silica 17.000 11.9 12 18 10 27.00
pH 7.620 7.39 7.2 6.8 8 7.2 7.50 6.80
pOH 6.50 7.20
Solids (TDS) 905.000 1453 3070 11757 35005 184 425 18
Total Suspended Solids: 1.000 1.3 1 1 1 1
Conductivity 1560.000 2758 5232 19604 54534 362 790.00 25.00
Temperature 25.000 25 25 25 25 25 25.00 25.00

Water Treatment Cost Estimation Program

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