Mwatch Europe 2016 - A Survey of Mobile Readiness in European Cities & Regions

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mWatch Europe 2006

mWatch Europe
A Survey of Mobile Readiness
in European Cities and Regions

“To foster innovation in our companies, cities and regions, the European Commission promotes effective
transfer of good solutions and inventive practices across sectors and borders. mWatch Europe 2006 describes

A Survey of Mobile Readiness in European Cities and Regions

a broad spectrum of original mobile applications and services. We all need to know more on how to design
and develop innovative solutions, practiced in environments where the end-users are engaged even in the
early phases of the innovation process. This book is worth reading by anyone interested in Europe’s current
success in shaping demand-led or user-centric innovation.”

- Reinhard Büscher, European Commission, Enterprise and Industry DG, Innovation Policy
Development Unit

“As Mayor of Stockholm, I introduced the concept of mCity Stockholm – the first mCity in Europe. The
reason for this initiative was my conviction that a city has to find new methods to deliver its services to
citizens as well as visitors and the business community to stay attractive in the Information Society. The
very first mWatch, which was published some years ago, covered the Baltic Sea Region and described the
potential of mobility. I am now happy to announce that the mWatch 2006 has expanded across Europe and
that many more important dimensions have been included. I strongly recommend reading mWatch 2006
for insights and inspiration into a critical area where Europe must improve its performance.“

- Carl Cederschiöld, Mayor Emeritus of Stockholm

mWatch Europe 2006 provides an overview of the mobile and wireless sectors in Europe today. The pan-
European Kaleidoscope of Innovative Mobile Projects, containing 80 case stories of mobile solutions, offers
a comprehensive picture of what currently takes place in European markets. The Mobile Readiness Index
provides an assessment of mobile readiness in 21 participating city-regions, addressing areas such as
inhabitants’ mobile fluency, innovative climate and involvement of local policy makers. Taken together, these
surveys highlight the exiting opportunities that the mobility industry presents for Europe - for economic
growth as well as for improving the everyday lives of European citizens. Local public leadership and a user-
centric approach emerge as critical dimensions for these opportunities to become realized.

€ 40
ISBN-10: 87-92039-00-6
ISBN – 13: 978 - 87-92039-00-6
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mWatch Europe 2006

A Survey of Mobile Readiness in
European Cities and Regions

Anna Rylander

Christer Asplund

Jan Annerstedt

Sascha Haselmayer

Jakob H. Rasmussen

Editor of Kaleidoscope

Henrik Graham
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mWatch Europe 2006

© 2006 Interlace Invent ApS

Interlace-Invent ApS
PO Box 135
1004 Copenhagen

ISBN-10: 87-92039-00-6
ISBN-13: 978-87-92039-00-6

Sergio Catalá Bayona

Living Labs Europe, mWatch and Mobile Readiness
Index are all registered Trademarks of Interlace
Invent ApS.
No reproduction in parts or whole, without written
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Many people and organisations have provided Moncalvo from Fondazione Torino Wireless, Stefan
important input to mWatch 2006. Most importantly, Beding and Michael Gross from Västervik Framåt AB,
we are grateful for the contributions of the inde- Lennart Nilsson from Västerviks kommun, Craig
pendent local partners in the cities and regions rep- Marsh, Oksana Polova, Carlos Jimenez, Elif Bastug
resented in the Mobile Readiness Index survey. and Peter Zipp from EDHEC/Theseus, Jørn Bang-
Andersen from Hansa Consulting House, Gábor
The mClusters consortium, funded under the Europe Békés from Futureal, Éva Bognár from Telecom,
INNOVA programme has been an invaluable partner Ministry for Information and Telecommunications,
in contributing mWatch reports from 9 European Péter Halácsy from Budapest University of
city-regions. Technology and Economics, Bence Ságvári from
Nokia, Centre for Regional Studies (HAS), András
The analysis of these places, and thus the state of Szigeti from CMCS (CEU), Telemedia, Telecom,
mobile readiness in Europe, is based on the local Budapest City Council and Viktor Böhm from Central 3

partners’ reports and could of course not have been European University (CEU), Dr Ursula Maier-Rabler,

made without their valuable input. Karin Moizi, Christian Fuchs from ICT&S Salzburg.

In particular, the contribution of the following people

(in no particular order) deserves a special mention;
Per Annerstedt, Tobi Schneidler, Marcus Walterström
and Günther Schmidt-Taube from Interlace Invent,
Hasan Sheikh, Lesya Bilan, Frank Wagner, Jeroen
Kemp and Liza Wohlfart from Fraunhofer
Gesellschaft, Peter Höjerback, Michael Tharin and
Doris Søgaard from Öresund IT Academy, Uffe
Bundgaard-Joergensen from Mermaid Ventures ApS,
Eva Rikman from BDA Estonia OU, Dúnia Alzaga
from Fundacio Privada Tecnocampus Mataro, Mònica
Mateu from Mateu, Andreu López from TinyTronic
SL, Oriol Alcoba from 22 ARROBA BCN, Anssi Kujala
and Pekka Nykänen from Pöyry Telecom, Nancy
Marek and Werner Sommer from SAP Labs France,
Alan Chapman and Simon Norbury from
Westminster City Council, Mario Calderini and Dario
Moncalvo from Politecnico di Torino, Agostino
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Dear Reader, projects. Our ambition is to inspire by offering spe-

cific examples of European inventiveness in the
Europe is going mobile. More than ever, information Information Society. We will illustrate leadership in
and communications technologies (ICT) have creat- entrepreneurship, design and new business devel-
ed radically new conditions for innovation, econom- opment.
ic growth and social change. Wireless and other
Information Society technologies seem to be alter- We want the readers of this book to get new
ing the life styles of the European citizens. However, insights, share experiences and start collaborating
many of these changes are user-driven, rather than while meeting new demands for mobile solutions.
being induced by technology. This is why we list the contact persons and their
coordinates for each project. To quote a recent inter-
This book – mWatch Europe 2006 – attempts to pro- view with Dr. Reinhard Büscher, Head of the
4 vide a representative picture of pioneering mobile Innovation Policy Development Unit at the European
services that meet advanced user needs. In the Commission’s Directorate-General for Enterprise
mWatch Europe 2006

book we are trying to depict new opportunities and Industry: “Our strategy isn’t to select winning
offered by mobile ICT solutions. Interlace-Invent is technologies, but rather to identify and remove
publishing this and other mWatch reports as part of existing barriers to innovation … Networking innova-
the wider Living Labs Europe efforts, to provide tion actors [who have been able to bring together
inspiration and a solid factual basis for promoting clusters from other countries] remains a corner-
user-driven mobile solutions across the European stone of European innovation policy.”
mWatch Europe 2006 reports from a continental
To develop mobile services and to make them wide- cross-section of European city-regions. The 21
ly available is a major challenge to European com- regions listed in the book are located in both old and
panies in the ICT and telecommunications industry new, and even prospective EU member states. The
as well as to policymakers at the local, national and sizes of the cities range from the London metropoli-
European levels. tan area of 12 million inhabitants to Västervik,
Sweden, with a population of 37,000.
mWatch Europe 2006 contains 80 case stories of
mobile solutions. They are presented in a pan- The Mobile Readiness Index (MRI) has been derived
European Kaleidoscope of Innovative Mobile from systematic reviews of European and other
Projects. Taken together, the cases offer a compre- experiences of constructing mobile infrastructure,
hensive picture of what currently takes place in the strengthening the “mobility industry” and imple-
European “mobility market” and in the European menting successful mobile projects. Anchored in
“mobility industry”. Focus is given to user-driven regional innovation studies, the MRI provides
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assessments of mobile readiness in each of the 21

participating city-regions. Combining indexes at var-
ious levels, the composite MRI brings about up-to-
date assessments of “mobile fluency” of the citizens
in each place, the “innovative climate”, and the
involvement of local policy makers. The review of
the MRI scores highlights the importance of local
public leadership and of close relationships between
telecommunications operators, technology and serv-
ice providers and user communities for fruitful
development of the local “mobility industry”.

Living Labs Europe is a network of urban innovation

spaces, recognising the role of users and user com-
munities in the design and development of new
mobile services. The cities and regions participating
in the Living Labs Europe network are critical
sources for mWatch Europe 2006. The number of
participating Living Labs in the network is rapidly
expanding, with public and private leaders commit-
ting themselves to collaborative innovation.

It is our aspiration that mWatch Europe 2006 will

give you an inspiring depiction of one of the most
dynamic and promising areas of new business devel-
opment in today’s Europe.

For the team of contributors to mWatch Europe 2006

Christer Asplund
Director, Interlace-Invent, and coordinator of
mWatch Europe 2006

1 Sparks, the newsletter of the Europe INNOVA initiative, Year 1, Issue 2, September 2006.
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mWatch 2006 Table of contents

Living Labs Europe 9

Mobilise for Mobility 11

A Paradigm Shift Beyond Technology 12

The Service Challenge 13

From Telecommunications Industry to Mobility Industry 14

The Place Challenge 16

The Importance of the Mobility Industry for Europe 17

mWatch Europe 2006

Assessing the Mobile Readiness in Europe 19

The Mobile Readiness Index (MRI) 19

Methodology 19

Mobile readiness in Europe (21 places)

Helsinki 24 Copenhagen 38 Torino 52

Oslo 26 Malmö 40 Istanbul 54

Tallin 28 London 42 Sophia-Antipolis 56

Stockholm 30 Stuttgart 44 Catalunya 58

Västervik 32 Salzburg 46 Mataró 60

Øresund 34 Zürich 48 Sant Cugat del Vallès 62

Lund 36 Budapest 50 Barcelona 64

Summing up MRI Observations 66

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Kaleidoscope of Innovative Mobile Projects 69

mAdministration 70

mEntertainment 77

mHealth 92

mLearning 99

mLogistics 101

mMarketing 107

mPayments 110

mSecurity 116

mStudents 129

mTourism and location based services 134

Policy implications: Users in the driver’s seat? 150

Glossary 155

Interlace-Invent 157
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Living Labs Europe

Living Labs Europe is a pioneering initiative, driven by Europe has now become the leading European net-
European cities, firms, and citizens, to develop a net- work of cities with a commitment to mobility, facilitat-
work of Living Labs across the 27 European member- ing innovative projects to provide advanced services
ship states. The ambition of the Living Labs Europe to European citizens.
network is to further the development of the mobility
clusters of excellence, innovative capabilities and Living Labs implement pioneering projects within
attractiveness of places in Europe. Enthasis is put on mobility, mobile and wireless solutions and services
promoting economic growth and regional develop- targeted at specific user-communities. Solutions
ment through high technology and user-centric areas include logistics, students, health care, auto-
design and commercialisation. motive, tourism, marketing, food, citizen services,
public administration, business applications, rescue
Living Labs projects have two core objectives: services, advanced textile, security, traffic control,
To improve attractiveness of cities through advanced outdoor life, navigation, and construction. Critical 9

mobile services for citizens, businesses and visitors, mass is built through cross-cluster collaboration,

Living Labs europe

and to support economic growth by opening new enabling a high degree of involvement of SMEs, and
marketplaces through user-involvement and defini- with the users and future customer groups as an inte-
tion of new demand areas. gral part of the innovation process.

Living Labs are open innovation spaces, which recog- Since 2005, the European networking dimension is
nise the design and development roles of users or strengthened by the mClusters project, a Europe
user communities. A Living Lab contains a set of INNOVA project. This initiative is coordinated by
instruments to enable effective interactions between Interlace-Invent, which is also the initiator and coor-
the producers and users of information and commu- dinator of Living Labs Europe.
nications technology for truly inventive uses and for
sensing new products and processes. Professional
users as well as amateurs may play significant roles For further information, please contact:
in identifying new needs and in shaping new designs
and applications. Jakob H. Rasmussen, Managing Director
Living Labs Europe
Living Labs Europe represents self-funded, user-driv- P O Box 135
en partnerships between regional business, authori- DK-1004 Copenhagen K, Denmark
ties, and universities, actively promoting European Telephone +45 3071 1761
integration and growth. As such, Living Labs already e-mail:
operate and collaborate across Europe to exchange
experiences, technologies and markets. Living Labs
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Mobilise for Mobility

Only recently, the following story was recounted to Sure, the mobile operator executive answered, but
us by a major European mobile operator. Unusually for the moment we are quite happy to react to
heavy 3G traffic was detected in the city of Örebro. market developments, picking the low-hanging
Indeed, they were overwhelmed by this intense fruit. Now we were amazed. When incurring heavy
mobile usage among the 3G subscribers and start- losses in an industry in the midst of a fundamental
ed to investigate what had happened. shift from offering a commodity to providing cus-
tomised services, perhaps it is time to stop and
It turned out that the source of this massive take a look into what opportunities and challenges
increase in traffic was to be found in a national markets of tomorrow might bring.
high school for the deaf in Örebro. Here the deaf
students had managed, quite by themselves, to What does this simple real life example teach us?
discover how they could use modern mobile In essence, the story of the high school in Örebro
devices for image interaction. Someone in the illustrates the power of mobile solutions to change 11

deaf community had managed to start an effec- people’s everyday lives. This clever solution was

Mobilise for Mobility

tive dialogue with some school friends with the conceived of by a local community with special
same handicap. Using sign language they could needs seeking to facilitate communication within
see each other on the mobile phone screens and their group.
this became the way they could “talk on the
phone” to each other. Their community had The example also points to the necessity for the big
worked out a new and tailor-made communica- players in the telecommunications industry to think
tion service. At the mobile operator they were in new ways if they are to capitalise on the full
amazed. potential of mobile services. The primary challenge
is no longer solely about technology. It is about
What an excellent example of the impact of a integrating mobile solutions into people’s everyday
user-driven community, we responded. The chal- lives, and this requires a local focus and careful lis-
lenge for today’s mobile operators is to be proac- tening to customers.
tive in identifying such user communities and in
trying to understand their needs. This requires a The ambition of mWatch 2006 is to paint a picture
different mind-set on the part of the incumbent of Europe’s readiness to participate in and benefit
telecommunications operators. In order to from the emerging industry evolving around mobile
explore the full potential of mobile and wireless services. The purpose of this introductory chapter
technologies and networks, operators need to set is to provide the background and context for the
in motion user-driven test-bed projects where mWatch report, describing the exciting opportuni-
the unique needs and behaviours of the user ties and demanding challenges ahead for the
communities are in focus. mobility industry in Europe. The two following
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chapters describe the developments that are cur- opportunities as well as the problems associated
rently taking place within Europe; First by means with the adoption of a new communications medi-
of the Mobile Readiness Index, a tool for assessing um in a commercial context.
and comparing the stage of development and suc-
cess of the mobility sector in 21 cities and regions As a new communications environment, the inter-
throughout the European continent. Then the net follows its own logic and language, and we are
Kaleidoscope of Innovative Projects provides a only now beginning to get a grip on its commercial
selection of 80 mobile applications developed and implications. At first, companies, public policymak-
offered in Europe, most of them developed in close ers and financial markets were overwhelmed by
collaboration with user communities. Finally, some enthusiasm for the seemingly infinite opportunities
policy implications of the mWatch 2006 survey are provided by the new technology. The bubble was
outlined. inflated by speculations about how “the internet
would change everything”. Now, about a decade
later, and after the painful burst of the bubble, we
A PARADIGM SHIFT BEYOND TECHNOLOGY can conclude that indeed to some extent every-
thing has changed – it just did not change the way
The introduction of every new communications we thought at the time. We are still only in the
12 technology changes society because it changes beginning of the Internet learning curve. The
how we communicate and relate to each other. majority of the early online solutions and business
mWatch Europe 2006

“The Medium is the Message”, as Marshall McLuhan models were either built on flawed assumptions
once famously put it to emphasise the impact the about consumer behaviour in the virtual world, or
various technological forms of media have had suffered from inappropriate understanding about
throughout history on how we experience the world how the characteristics of products and services
1 2
and on how society is organised . However, any change when consumed in a virtual environment .
technology must be understood in the social con- These misconceptions resulted in offerings that
text within which it is used. Indeed, communication failed to attract customers, and in unsustainable
lies at the core of human activity, and all domains business models. Put differently, the development
of social life are therefore potentially modified by was driven by supply of technology rather than
the pervasive use of new communications tech- demand based on customer needs.
Today we stand on the verge of a new wave of tech-
Most recently, the primary example of the intro- nological development, envisioning a new set of
duction of a new communications technology is the exciting opportunities that follow suit. Mobile and
Internet. This medium changed our relationship to wireless technologies allow us for the first time in
the world primarily by removing the constraints of history to have access to the Internet Anywhere,
time and place, allowing easy and instant access to Anytime and Anyhow. When entering this next
vast information resources on a global scale. The phase of development we should endeavour not to
rise of the Internet hype in the late 90’s – and the make the same mistakes again; wireless communi-
subsequent crash in the first years of the 21st cen- cation is not the same as wireless Internet. Mobile
tury – provides an instructive illustration of the devices that allow people to conduct their activities

1 McLuhan, M. (1964/1994) Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

2 Peppard, J. and Rylander A. (2005) “Products and services in cyberspace”, International Journal of Information Management, 25, pp. 335-345.
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– whether leisure or business – where, when and THE SERVICE CHALLENGE

how they want present a different set of challenges.
They require different kinds of services that need to The statement above is an illustrative picture of the
be presented differently. turbulent state of the telecommunications industry.
Clearly, when the world’s largest infrastructure
No longer just a piece of technology, the mobile provider envisions a future as a media company,
phone is a device that allows the user to get in we are about to experience a fundamental change.
touch with people without depending on a fixed Over the past few decades, deregulation, interna-
line. Today, the mobile phone has become indis- tionalisation and technology innovation have dra-
pensable for many people for managing their diary matically changed the European telecommunica-
and contacts, for being continuously updated on tions industry. But none of these changes has had
news or market information, for searching relevant an impact on the industry of the magnitude of the
information when needed (e.g. through location anticipated gearing up of high-speed data traffic.
based services), or for entertainment (such as Why? Because data traffic is dependent on content
downloading music, watching TV and playing and services that are attractive to customers. This
games). Tomorrow mobile devices will be indispen- implies an entirely different game for the tradition-
sable for, and integrated into, the way we carry on al players of the industry. Not only the infrastruc-
with our everyday lives. ture providers, but also the incumbent telecommu- 13

nication operators - traditionally the dominant and

Mobilise for Mobility

As suggested by the CEO of telecommunications powerful centre piece of the telecommunications
giant Ericsson, the introduction of wireless data is a industry value chain – are now revising their busi-
paradigm shift that will change society as much as ness models.
the introduction of the telephone once did . Indeed,
according to Ericsson’s estimates, by 2010 there will Only a decade ago most European telecommunica-
be more data traffic driven through the mobile net- tions markets were dominated by a national
works than through fixed line networks. In order to monopolist operator, owning more or less the
tackle this development Ericsson, traditionally a pro- entire value chain. Today, with penetration rates
ducer of telephony infrastructure, has now decided reaching 100% in the most advanced areas of
to reorganise the company to create three divisions; Europe, growth cannot be expected to come from
Networks, Global Services and Multimedia. These increasing voice traffic. Operators have no choice
divisions reflect the development of the telecommu- but to look for other routes to increase traffic in
nications industry to date rather well. Ericsson has their networks; they have to find new means for
expanded its portfolio of activities from being pro- offering attractive content and services to their
ducers of telephony infrastructure, to offering serv- customers. This is of course something completely
ices to telecommunications operators – to the recent different than their traditional business of offering
newcomer multimedia, developing software to one and the same service to all customers, at the
enable consumption of entertainment and services lowest possible cost.
on mobile devices. If development unfolds according
to Ericsson’s plans, these three divisions will be Addressing the service challenge requires a funda-
equal in size in ten years time mental shift in mind-set, shifting focus from the

3 From interview with Carl-Henric Svanberg, CEO of Ericsson, Veckans Affärer, October 5, 2006, p.24
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cost of supplying a commodity to a focus on value, because they satisfy narrow interests better. We
service delivery and solution provision. are already witnessing this phenomenon in music
Telecommunications operators have to learn to and book retailing. More than half of Amazon’s
think in terms of value delivered to the customer book sales come from outside its top 130,000
rather than cost per subscriber. The customer is titles; this is more than most bookstores will typ-
seeking relevant, high quality services that meet ically stock in a physical book store. Rhapsody
their needs, are easy and secure to use, with fair streams more songs each month beyond its top
and easily understood pricing as well as good sup- 10,000 than it does its top 10,000.
port. Personalisation, communication, positioning
and immediacy are key tenets of the mobile mar- When the total cost of inventory storage and dis-
ketplace. tribution is insignificant, as it is with digital serv-
ices and their distribution channels, it becomes
Third party organisations have emerged as dedi- economically viable to target many small market
cated partners to supply new mobile services, spe- segments, or communities. This could be content
cialising in innovative types of content and servic- specifically around a football team, a company, or
es. This is an increasingly important, but diverse, a school. Services and content that may have low
group of actors, not traditionally associated with volumes can collectively make up a market share
14 the telecommunications industry, ranging from that rivals or exceeds the relatively few ‘big hits’
global players like Disney to small local actors like if distribution channel is large enough.
mWatch Europe 2006

the flower shop around the corner. However, the

nature of these services, as well as the winning Driven by the value chain logic, the large
business models to support their production, is yet European mobile operators have focused on
to be fully understood. As with any user-driven “content ownership” or deployed “content con-
development, this is dependent on consumer trol” strategies. In contrast, the Long Tail thesis
behaviour, which is notoriously difficult to plan and shows that making available a wide variety of
predict – especially in relation to new communica- content from many different sources can be very
tion technologies. profitable. The locus of power in the telecommu-
nications industry thus shifts from the monopo-
We may nevertheless try to glean some insights listic operators to the consumers and user com-
from the failures and successes of the early munities.
online business models. We have for example
learned that consumers behave differently when
purchasing as well as consuming products and FROM TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY TO
services in the virtual world, prompting a MOBILITY INDUSTRY
rethinking of traditional business models when
going on the Internet. In particular, digital con- Indeed, facing up to the service challenge it is not
tent and services seem to imply greater demand so much a question of a changing industry but the
for customisation. The emerging theory of the emergence of a new industry with a completely dif-
Long Tail asserts that if customers have infinite ferent configuration, a new set of players and a dif-
choice, they will gravitate towards niches ferent value creation logic.

4 ‘Profiting from obscurity’, The Economist, May 5, 2005.

5 Examples taken from C. Anderson, ‘The Long Tail’, Wired, October, 2004.
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The traditional telecommunications industry was Technology is no longer the main obstacle hamper-
conceptualised as a straight forward value chain, ing the development of mobile services. Instead,
starting with infrastructure and technology the main problem is to identify user-driven projects
providers, telecommunications operators in the around which innovation and new value networks,
middle, and ending with consumers. This conceptu- including new business models, can be organised.
alisation is not only flawed, but inappropriate for The mobility industry thus includes all actors
the emerging field of mobile services, where build- involved in developing, producing and delivering
ing partnerships with customers as well as other user-centred mobile solutions; anything from hard-
parties is a core capability. The traditional linear ware and software providers to all forms of third
model, a perspective that leads to strategies party content and service providers. This way as
focused on controlling the chain, does not account diverse actors as flower shops, tourist boards,
for the nature of alliances, competitors, partners sports associations or a medical centre can become
and other members in the mobile business net- part of the mobility industry.
works. Instead, it has been suggested, the logic of
value creation in the mobility sector is better con- Of course, the term ”industry” may be a little mis-
ceptualised as a complex value network, involving leading here as it gives the connotation of repre-
a myriad of small and big actors – with the user in senting a coherent set of firms, when in contrast all
the centre, actively driving the development . value networks are unique. In addition, mobile 15

solutions cut across many sectors, and the devel-

Mobilise for Mobility

When adopting a value network approach, the opment of innovative mobile solutions may be a
focus is not that of a single company or an indus- question of converging industries developing
try, but the value creating system itself, within mobile solutions to enhance their current business.
which different actors (various technology However, we stick to the term industry for lack of
providers, operators, partners from other indus- a better word to indicate this diverse set of activi-
tries, various interest groups, public policy makers ties and actors that come together to provide the
and customers) work together to co-produce value. user with a mobile service.
Where once individual companies competed
against each other, today the battle ground is An important implication of the emergence of the
between networks of interconnected organisations. mobility industry is that the business community
continuously searches for test-beds or advanced
In mWatch 2006 we call this new and emerging piloting grounds where risks can be minimised and
field of business the mobility industry. The term where local leaders can be found – private as well
“mobility” is adopted to stress the user-centric as public – who take on the task of coordinating
dimension; it is the function and use of mobile the development of the value network. While the
and wireless technologies that provides the point old telecommunications industry value chain
of departure rather than the technologies them- looked pretty much the same everywhere, con-
selves. While technology is seen as a critical trolled by the incumbent telecommunications oper-
enabler for mobile solutions – it is the service ators, the emergence of a complex value networks
itself that is the focus, or point of departure, of requires something quite different in terms of busi-
the mobility industry. ness as well as place management.

6 See Peppard, J. and Rylander, A (2006) “From Value Chain to Value Network: Insights for Mobile Operators”. European Management Journal, Vol 24,

Nos 2-3, pp. 128-141.

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Summarising Table: Mobilising for Mobility

A Shift in Mindset and Value Creation Logic

Telecommunications industry Mobility industry

Value creation logic Value chain Value network

Competitive unit Single firm Networks

Driver of industry Technology (supply-side) driven User experience (demand-side) driven


Business models Simple, cost driven Multiple, value driven

Primary revenue driver Voice traffic Data traffic (services)

Locus of power Operators Users

Characteristic of offering Standardised Customised

Place management Low High

requirements (Stable industry) (Complex & dynamic industry)

16 THE PLACE CHALLENGE eStrategies, formed eClusters, and established ICT

science parks. Stockholm, for example, boldly argued
mWatch Europe 2006

Within Europe, there are at least 150,000 communi- that it was the leading ICT place in Europe, and chal-
ties in the administrative and geographical meaning. lenged the rest of the world with The Stockholm
All of these communities host citizens who carry out Challenge Award.
their jobs, live their lives, pay their taxes, purchase
and consume products and services. In today’s glob- Today, visionary places are shifting focus to exploit the
alised economy, the vast majority of all social and new possibilities presented by the mobility industry.
commercial interactions still take place within the Thus, they position themselves far beyond the tradi-
boundaries of the local community. tional eStrategy and reorient place management ini-
tiatives towards mStrategies. Local policy makers in
Consequently, the challenge for cities and regions in an increasing number of places across Europe realise
Europe is to create an attractive place for citizens as that mobile services can offer quite new advantages
well as companies and investors, allowing the place for the citizens, but they also look to the mobility
– the city or region - to prosper. As people and com- industry for opportunities for growth. Successfully
panies are becoming increasingly mobile and can exploiting the opportunities of this complex emerging
choose the most attractive place for their purposes industry requires local leadership within a place. One
and interests, many places invest heavily in place option for local leaders, whether public or private, is to
branding to attract talent, businesses and tourists. establish a Living Lab.

ICT capabilities have long been a key ingredient for A Living Lab is a city area which operates as a full-
such place branding strategies to attract talent and scale urban laboratory and test-bed for inventing, pro-
inward investments. Many places have developed totyping and marketing new mobile applications. A
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 17

Living Lab includes interactive testing, but is managed a European scale, these companies often refer to
as an innovation environment well beyond the test- the opportunities offered by the huge European
bed functions. Ideally, each Living Lab should include market of about 500 million potential customers.
stakeholders from the public and private sectors and The potential is obvious, what is now needed are
from research institutions. Innovative resources could viable, convincing (tried and tested) cases that
then be combined and synergies achieved. It is impor- could bring new offerings to the European market.
tant to conduct joint projects within a collaborative A selection of such cases is presented in the
environment, where users are directly involved. Other Kaleidoscope of Innovative Mobile Projects. The
important management features are willingness to next challenge is to gear up from the local to the
benchmark and collaborate with other Living Labs to European scale.
optimise use of resources and create critical mass in
the market-place. Living Labs represent commitment The mobility industry is particularly important for
to act as early adopters and a definition of demand to Europe from a global competitiveness perspective.
foster innovations which must be locally anchored, yet The US market still suffers from the fragmentation
globally competitive. caused by competing mobile infrastructure net-
works and has not managed to get up to speed with
THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MOBILITY INDUSTRY Europe. In contrast, the introduction of the GSM
FOR EUROPE network, in combination with a number strong tech- 17

nology companies, has provided Europe with a

Mobilise for Mobility

From a macro point of view the trend is clear: a new competitive advantage. While Europe underper-
dynamic business area is formed based on mobile forms in innovation relative to USA or Japan in gen-
services. The mobility industry has the potential to eral, mobile technologies and services are areas
surpass many of the traditional base industries in where Europe is often ahead, and every effort
terms of value creation for Europe as a whole. should be made to ensure it retains that leadership
position. This is no easy task, competing with the
Somewhat paradoxically, because of the depend- many Asian companies and places that have been
ence of user-communities, the local dimension is astonishingly successful in technology development
particularly important for the development of the as well as in tapping into user-communities to
mobility industry. In this sense, it is an industry develop services that meet user needs.
that by and large emerges from the “bottom-up” in
spite of the heavy dependence on infrastructure The strategic importance and economic potential of
networks and regulations. Small and unknown com- the mobility industry has not gone unnoticed by
panies with tight relationships to particular user European policy makers. Indeed, mobility is one of
communities are continuously exploring and the strategic industries identified by the European
exploiting the opportunities provided by the new Commission. Communication technologies are
mobile and wireless technologies. Living Labs underexploited in Europe, the challenge is now to
Europe today collaborates with more than 250 com- integrate them into the leisure- and work practices
panies, including Global players as well as a fertile of European citizens, allowing for the as yet
ground of smaller actors driving innovation in the untapped potential for innovation and productivity
Living Labs. On the other hand, eager to expand on improvement to be realised.
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Assessing Mobile Readiness in Europe

The Mobile Readiness Index (MRI) Information provided by MRI will support efforts
to attract inward investments and the creation of
In the previous chapter, we outlined the increas- regional clusters of innovation in the mobility
ing complexity in the mobility industry, involving industry - to empower European growth and inno-
a great number of actors and a variety of direc- vation within this emerging industry. Our ambi-
tions for future development. Of course, this tion is to encourage co-operation (and even co-
increasing complexity also puts greater pressure branding) among leading and developing industrial
on the individual players to find a fruitful place in clusters in the European regions within the mobil-
this disorderly value network. ity industry. These clusters could provide the
foundation for new projects, new firms, inward
Our aim in this chapter is to provide inspiration investments and commercialisation of existing
and guidance to public as well as private actors resources that can create regional innovation,
with an interest in the mobility sector in Europe. growth and development and stir the European 19

The Mobile Readiness Index (MRI) is a unique growth in line with the ambitions set out by the

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

framework designed to quantify the innovative European Union.
potential within mobility in regions across Europe.
MRI is the first index to provide a comparable view METHODOLOGY
of the dynamics of innovation within mobility
throughout the European economic zone. MRI MRI was created by practitioners with long-stand-
reviews and measures areas such as awareness ing experience in the mobility industry as well as
and interest in mobile solutions, available infra- the policies and processes of regional innovation.
structure and usage, and the innovative and man- It is thus based on a deep knowledge of organisa-
agement capabilities so badly needed for the tional and other factors underlying successful
mobility sector to flourish. regional cluster development. Since mobility is a
relatively new and emerging industry undergoing
The overview provided by MRI of the European dramatic changes, the need for a fresh look on the
mobility sector is complemented by detailed sta- factors driving future competitiveness was a trig-
tistical material on each of the triggering factors gering motivation for establishing the MRI as a
enabling innovation in this sector. Further, it allows comparative tool.
for a deeper analysis of each place and the iden-
tification of each place’s unique assets and capa- Underlying the design of the index is an effort to
bilities. Conclusions can be drawn concerning prioritise the critical areas for actions, as well as
technological maturity, regional dynamics and exposing the bottlenecks, for places to become
leadership, ability to innovate and requirements fruitful test-beds and piloting grounds for innova-
for investment. tive, user-driven mobile solutions. Another impor-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 20

tant requirement was to create a comparative first time by the mWatch contributors, highlighting
framework in which the different places could be the requirement to consider a broader array of sta-
measured and benchmarked. tistical inputs to regularly assess a region’s com-
petitiveness. Taken together they provide a unique
MRI is composed of three enabling dimensions, and holistic appraisal of a place’s readiness to
nine sub indexes and 18 variables. 15 of these vari- become successful as a mobile society – and, ide-
ables contain data collected and compiled for the ally, act as an impetus for action.

Example of Mobile Readiness Index

Scale 1= EU lowest - 3,5= EU Average - 7 = EU highest

3,78 MRI Overall Score

5,00 Articles in Local Media

5,00 Awareness of Mobile Services
5,00 Attitudes Among Local Population

5,00 Penetration Rates - Mobile Phones/1000 Citizens

3,60 Mobile Fluency 3,62 Infrastructure
2,23 Number and size of Hotspots

3,35 Costs for Usage

mWatch Europe 2006

2,18 Usage of Mobile Services

1,00 Payments executed via Mobile Devices

3,27 Innovative Capabilities

4,64 Ability to Intro. Killer Applications
6,00 Interests already shown in Mobile solutions

3,50 Actual Networks with International Implication

3,00 Innovative Climate 2,25 Networking Interest
1,00 Local Cluster-Building - R&D Centres/Incubators/Science-Tech Parks*

3,25 Start-ups - Technical & Content providers

2,13 Innovate Culture 1,00 Technology Pattents/100.000 inhabitants

6,00 Existence of Local mStrategy

5,25 Local Public Sector Involvement
4,50 Public leaders expressing interest

6,00 Interests shown in other cities’/regions’ results

4,75 Management Capacity 4,50 Benchmarking Activities
3,00 Public leaders visiting other Living Labs etc

5,00 Opennness to PPP

4,50 Cross-Sector Partnerships
4,00 Actual PPP Results
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 21

Mobile Fluency Within the innovative climate category of enablers,

Mobile fluency captures the enthusiasm for, as well measures of innovative capabilities within the region,
as easy access to, mobile services for the general as well as the interest shown in mobile solutions from
public. The development and uptake of mobile appli- actors in other industries (third party organisations),
cations is critically dependent on the users. Firstly, are included. Unless there is an interest in mobile
the technological infrastructure needs to be in place solutions and relevant content provided by third par-
so that users have access to high quality wireless ties, mobile solutions will fail to be attractive.
connection when and where they need it. Secondly, Furthermore, measures on international networking
costs for usage must not be prohibitive and transac- as well as local clustering activities are assessed to
tions have to be experienced as secure and easy to get an overall view of the climate for new combina-
make. Thirdly, but just as important – users have to tions of actors and incorporation of international
be aware of and interested in the services available. experiences. Finally, successful innovation initiatives
to date are assessed by reviewing the number of
Hence, the measures of mobile fluency assess atti- start-ups and high-tech patents in relation to num-
tudes towards mobile solutions among the local pop- ber of inhabitants in the region.
ulation as well as the local media. Data on penetra-
tion rates and costs for usage indicate access to Management Capacity
mobile services. The number of payments executed A third dimension for successful place development 21

via mobile phones is an important measure in this in the mobility industry is the management capacity

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

dimension as it indicates the extent to which mobile by the local actors and their ability to coordinate
services have become commercialised in a place. complex networks towards implementing strategic
projects. Due to the complexity of the value network
Innovative Climate in the mobility industry, local leadership is required
As discussed in the previous chapter, the avail- to bring all the parts together in a coherent way. Here
ability of relevant services is perhaps the most the local public administration has an important role
critical issue for the mobility industry at the to play in developing an mStrategy, i.e. spelling out
moment. The development of innovative solutions the directions for the local development of the user-
is dependent on a number of third party actors driven mobility projects and making sure the require-
with deep understanding of user communities and ments are there for it to be implemented. Local
their needs. But it also requires an environment administrations can set the stage for private actors
that allows the initiatives to emerge and flourish. to develop and deliver the solutions, using the instru-
In this complex industry, where the different play- ments available to also draw on international part-
ers are so dependent on each other for comple- ners and experiences.
mentary competence and technology, networking
becomes critical. Nobody can do it on their own – A productive relationship between public and pri-
not even the large telecommunications operators. vate sectors is therefore particularly important for
They are dependent on various technology providers the mobility industry. As a dynamic industry
as well as the small local actors with close rela- marked by rapid development, no actor can sus-
tionships with user communities that often are the tain their activities in isolation in the long term.
originators of innovative solutions. International networking with other Living Labs
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 22

cities, facilitating the sharing of experiences and will give some added insights into the regional dynam-
joint creation of markets is therefore considered ics of these areas. Places are presented in geograph-
an important element of management capacity. ical order, from North to South, and were chosen so
as to be representative of the European continent in
The interest expressed by public leaders in mobility, geographical terms. It was also important to cover
as well as how this interest is acted upon, are assessed small as well as large cities to get a representative
in the MRI. Local mStrategies are reviewed alongside overview of the dynamics of the mobility industry in
international benchmarking activities and efforts to Europe, where often smaller cities can compensate
develop true public-private partnerships (PPP) that critical mass through agility.
go beyond procurement of services to joint future-
oriented innovation activities. As the data was collected during 2005 and 2006
it forms two groups. The scores were compared
MRI draws on data from a number of different sources, internally within these two groups (or years).
ranging from EU, national and regional statistics to Because the rankings are all relative, the selec-
qualitative rankings based on more than 200 inter- tion of cities will affect the actual score of the
views conducted with industry experts and stake- ranking. MRI scoring years are noted next to the
holders. The data for each place was collected and heading of the places.
22 analysed by independent local partners.
mWatch Europe 2006

Rankings are relative to each other, which means For more information on the MRI and its
that the top score (7) signifies “best in class” and the underlying methodology, please visit Living
bottom score (1), represents the lowest recorded Labs Europe web site:
score. (3.5) thus reflects an average within the group
assessed. This means that scores can only be con-
sidered as comparative measures in relation to the
European places included in the survey. MRI does not
claim or aspire to prove any absolute figures in mon-
etary terms or of the success/profitability of the
mobility industry in a particular place. Within the
objectives of MRI, trying to pin down such absolute
measures in a high-velocity industry appears to be
of little use.

In the pages to come, the MRI rankings for 21 places

in Europe are presented together for the first time.
In addition to the comparison of 19 cities of varying
sizes compared, we have also included two larger
regions consisting of city clusters; Catalunya and
Øresund. The cities included in these regions are also
presented individually. We hope that this approach
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 23


Oslo FIN
NOR Stockholm
SWE 5.26
5.06 5.21
4.85 4.60 5.57
5.67 5.00 5.00
4.67 5.13
Oresund Lund
4.83 5.24
5.14 Vaester vik 4.09
4.97 4.66
4.67 Kalmar 5.58
4.94 5.18
4.46 SWE
4.58 5.58
5.88 23
Copenhague 3.27
DEN Malmö 6.50

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

4.00 4.86
5.21 4.66
4.58 5.18
3.74 Stuttgart
3.00 GER

Zurich Salzburg Budapest

4.60 3.61 3.30
3.76 Catalunya 4.63 3.61 3.47
3.48 ESP 4.83 4.47 4.35
3.21 4.33 Torino 2.75 2.08
4.58 ITA
4.13 Barcelona 4.28
4.06 3.70
3.66 3.08
4.67 Sophia-Antipolis
4.04 Mataro 3.40
3.86 2.75 Istanbul
3.67 5.13
4.58 2.33
3.78 Sant Cugat
Overall Score 3.08
3.60 Mobile Fluency
4.75 Innovative Climate
Management Capacity

© Interlace-Invent ApS. No Reproduction in whole or part.

mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 24

Helsinki Helsinki, FIN Overall MRI 5,26 private facilities. There are a num-
2006 ber of companies in the Helsinki
5,00 Awareness of Mobile Servies
area that offer usability and user
interface testing with an interna-
5,21 Mobile Fluency 4,51 Infrastucture tional reach. These test-services
cover testing of the actual user
6,13 Usage of Mobile Services interface functionality (10-15 per-
sons), user documentation (100 –
200 persons) and customer accept-
6,00 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
ance testing with large test-audi-
ences (hundreds to thousands of
5,57 Innovative Climate 4,88 Networking Interest
people). These cross-fertilising
efforts can be described in terms
5,83 Innovate Culture of a de facto mCluster in Helsinki.

4,75 Local Public Sector Involvement Mobile fluency: 5.21

Great attention is directed towards
24 the mobility industry in the press,
5,00 Management Capacity 4,00 Benchmarking Activities
adding to the awareness of mobile
mWatch Europe 2006

services among the local popula-

6,25 Cross-Sector Partnerships
tion. Naturally, the phenomenal
NOKIA success, with its spin-offs,
has given an extra impetus for news
coverage. Still, the ranking of atti-
tudes among local population stays
at an average score – perhaps due
to the long history of mobility in
Helsinki, or a lack of articulation of
More information: demand. Infrastructures are good,
cost for usage very low and the
number of payments executed via
Overall MRI: 5.26 from a number of intermediaries mobile phones is very high.
The Helsinki region, with its 1.24 supporting innovation in general
million inhabitants in Helsinki, and innovations in mobility in par- Innovative climate: 5.57
Espoo and Vantaa, has long been ticular. The Helsinki area offers Helsinki has developed a support-
perceived as a dynamic region test-centres open for third party ive environment via a number of
among potential investors. The application development. A Mobile public and private institutions,
overall MRI indicates a European TV test-platform, Octopus mobile including:
cutting-edge position, just behind application test-service and a RFID Dimes is an industry led organisa-
Tallinn. The region has benefited test-site area are the most notable tion. The mission of the Dimes
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 25

Association is to shorten the time

to market for new technological
applications. All major ICT com-
panies as well as universities are
members of Dimes.
Culminatum, owned by Helsinki,
Espoo and Vantaa, the business
community of the Helsinki region
plus the universities, promotes
utilisation of the best available
knowledge, including the world of
Forum Virium is a cooperation clus-
ter focusing on the development of
new cluster driven digital services.
The Forum Virium was founded by
a number of anchor companies:
Elisa, Nokia, Tieto Enator, WM- 25

data, Telia Sonera, YIT Group and

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

Finnish Broadcasting Companies.
Consequently, innovative capabili- development, and it has also expressed in conjunction with
ties receive a top score and the helped in starting to use new Finland’s EU presidency.
number of high-technology patents services like banking services via There is always the threat that a
is remarkable. Equally, the number internet”. Consequently, actual more laissez-faire attitude could
of start-ups and benchmarking PPP-results receive a top score, damage Finland’s star performance
interest get ranked well above aver- on par with that of Tallinn. That in innovation. The famous top
age. the efforts and interest from pub- result from European Innovation
lic leaders are solid and consis- Scoreboard 2005 must be proac-
Management capacity: 5.00 tent is also illustrated in the other tively defended by many coordinat-
In the underlying documentation scores in the category for man- ed stakeholders in public and pri-
for the Helsinki report, the well- agement capacity – they are all vate communities. Furthermore,
established atmosphere of pri- above average. Finland runs the risk of not being
vate-public cooperation is a home to a representative advanced
repeated theme. For example: Opportunities and threats user-community enabling truly
“One specific feature in the Finnish There is a widespread feeling that user-centric innovations for inter-
life style, including the Helsinki “small Finland” must act in a coop- national products. Here the inter-
region, is a certain openness and erative manner in the global mar- national networking can be a criti-
trusting attitude towards your ket place to defend its competi- cal factor to position Helsinki as a
neighbour. This significantly helps tiveness. Furthermore, a Finnish gateway to a market for mobile
collaboration in research and interest in Living Labs has been solutions.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 26

Oslo said Oslo does not possess an

optimal strategic location geo-
Oslo, NOR Overall MRI 5,06
2005 graphically. Due to its geograph-
5,50 Awareness of Mobile Servies ic configuration with mountains
and deep fjords and many small
4,85 Mobile Fluency 4,56 Infrastucture communities, a high IT-standard
has always been a prioritised field.
4,50 Usage of Mobile Services
Mobile fluency: 4.85
The mobile penetration rate has
6,27 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
reached almost 100% and mobile
services are well advertised in
5,67 Innovative Climate 5,50 Networking Interest the city. Prices for mobile servic-
es are relatively low in the Oslo
5,25 Innovate Culture area due to fierce competition.
The mobile phone is not only used
as a device for voice communica-
5,00 Local Public Sector Involvement
26 tion but for consuming various
services. Norwegians are among
mWatch Europe 2006

4,67 Management Capacity 4,25 Benchmarking Activities

the world’s most frequent users
of SMS and MMS when it comes
4,75 Cross-Sector Partnerships to consuming information on
weather, news, share prices, etc.
30% of major operators’ revenues
were estimated to come from
these services in 2005.

Mobile commerce in Oslo, launched

by a wide range of companies,
offers the possibility to pay for a
More information:
number of products and services
such as busses, carwashes, cine-
Overall MRI: 5.06 tionally for its quality of life . Oslo ma, theatre, concert tickets, vend-
The Oslo region, consisting of the has specialised in sectors such as ing machines and flower delivery.
two counties Oslo and Aakershus, ICT, biotechnology and the mar- A number of mobile service oper-
is a growth region with about 1 itime industry. The region has ators have implemented a stan-
million inhabitants. The region one of Europe’s most educated dardised system called Content
has one of the world’s highest workforces and is ranked among Provider Access (CPA) making it
purchasing power standards. It is the world’s leading information possible to pay for a number of
ranked as number one interna- societies (Eurostat 2004). That services via the telephone.

mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 27

Innovative climate: 5.67 expand the cultural experience of the elements. There are also
The very high innovative climate Oslo through the use of wireless interesting developments in the
ranking (only outdone by Lund) is technology. Mobile devices will also integration of health care servic-
of course an important factor of be used to gain quick access to es and wireless technology
attraction for Oslo. Innovative
capabilities rank as excellent and
great interest is already shown in
mobile solutions from private com-
panies and public authorities alike.
Third party integration is also on
the move, involving more service
providers in the mobile communi-
cations sector. The interest in
mobile services has inspired a
great many companies to locate
in Oslo, which has developed into
a true mCluster. As a result, the
number of start-ups in the mobil- 27

ity industry, as well as high-tech

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

patents coming out of the Oslo
region is very encouraging.

In addition, Norway was the first

country in Europe to use satellites
in its domestic telecommunication
network. Therefore the Oslo region
has become the world’s leading
cluster in satellite communica-
tions and the innovation rate is information on delays in traffic, through the use of bluetooth and
high in this field. book cars and movies and to exe- radio protocols to monitor dis-
cute a number of purchases. ease.
Management capacity: 4.67
Telenor, the largest Norwegian Opportunities and threats A relevant threat is that the Oslo
mobile operator, envisions becom- The Oslo region is considered an region is already one of the most
ing the leading telecom company attractive market for mobile serv- expensive regions in Europe - a
in Scandinavia, a strategy that is ices and is one of the world’s fact that might hamper invest-
being enthusiastically pursued. most sophisticated regions for ments. Also, Norway is not an EU-
mobile internet services. member country which might slow
Oslo has a well developed mStrate- Location-based services, portals down the European networking
gy. An important vision is to and entertainment are some of and funding.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 28

Tallin Europe in the process. Tallinn’s

development towards a success-
Tallin, EST Overall MRI 5,39
2006 ful mCluster has been boosted by
7,00 Awareness of Mobile Servies public policies such as the digital
signature act, enabling secure pay-
6,50 Mobile Fluency 6,50 Infrastucture ments via mobile devices, and
electronic voting. This develop-
6,00 Usage of Mobile Services ment was a consequence of the
Information Society Development
Plan, outlining the principles of
5,57 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
the ICT development.

4,09 Innovative Climate 3,21 Networking Interest Mobile fluency: 6.50

The outstanding score for mobile
3,50 Innovate Culture fluency reveals a user-driven
development enabled by excel-
lent infrastructures and spurred
6,00 Local Public Sector Involvement
28 on by enthusiastic media. With
a mobile penetration rate of over
mWatch Europe 2006

5,58 Management Capacity 4,50 Benchmarking Activities

80%, availability of free or low
cost hot spots and awareness of
6,25 Cross-Sector Partnerships mobile services higher than any
of the other European cities in
this survey, Tallinn’s mobile serv-
ice providers face a red carpet
for launching innovative solu-
tions. Furthermore, Tallinn
enjoys the top position also in
terms of number on payments
executed via mobile devices,
More information:
reflecting the extent to which
users take advantage of mobile
Overall MRI: 5.39 from a point with next to no infra- service in their daily lives. Costs
With an excellent MRI score of structure, but with an already IT for usage are also relatively low,
5.39 Tallinn, the capital of Estonia savvy population yearning for removing further obstacles for
- a small country of 1.4 million change and anything new, allowed the mobility industry.
inhabitants that gained its inde- the Estonians to skip a few steps
pendence from the Soviet Union in the development when rebuild- Innovative climate: 4.09
only 15 years ago, achieves the ing their country - and running If there are some weak spots in
higherst overall score. Starting past their neighbours in Western Tallinn’s performance in mobility
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 29

they are to be found in the inno- Private organisations such as

vative climate. While the number banks and ICT vendors were invit-
of start-ups and the ability to ed to participate in the develop-
introduce killer applications ment of mobile infrastructures.
remain high, networking interest Developing services became a
is below average. In particular, natural next step. At the same
the building of local clusters has time, an early deregulation of the
received less focus than physical market has promoted a healthy
infrastructures. More alarming is competition among service
the low rate of technology patents providers and operators, pulling
per 100,000 inhabitants. These costs down and generating a diver-
scores highlight the need for sity of service offerings. should be kept in mind that Tallin’s
focusing on investments in intan- leading position is relative to other
gible resources such as compe- Opportunities and threats cities in Europe. If progress is not
tence and intermediate struc- Tallinn enjoys excellent techno- made at the same pace as the
tures. Not only technological logical infrastructures and as yet others, this means staying in the
infrastructures, but also struc- unsurpassed mobile fluency, posi- same place implies falling down
tures for professional business tioning the city as a test-bed for in the ranking. If Tallinn is to 29

services had to be created from innovative mobile services. Still, move on to the next level it needs

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

scratch when Estonia gained its the MRI highlighted a few areas to make sure it focuses on lifting
independence. While Estonians of unexploited potential. Notably, the intangible infrastructures up
focused on building state of the further exploring networking to the same advanced level as
art physical infrastructures, many opportunities both within the the physical infrastructures.
of the business services were put Tallinn mCluster and internation-
in place by large foreign firms. al networks (also beyond the Nordic A particular risk is to be found in
Consequently, these services are countries) may be necessary for the lack of a true local market and
not tailored to the needs of the scaling up the local initiatives. An the experience in launching world-
Estonian mCluster in the way the interesting two-way spill over class solutions. Currently, Estonia’s
physical infrastructures are. effect to the neighbouring city of mCluster has a ‘making do’
Tartu has taken place, which may approach of rapid trial of ideas,
Management capacity: 5.58 act as a reminder of the impor- great local collaboration and skills.
A critical factor for the success of tance for the national economic Yet, technological supremacy,
the Estonian ICT strategy that development of the Tallinn international standards develop-
has spurred on the development mCluster. In fact, it is almost ment, global business orientation
of the mobile industry is revealed impossible to view either city in and adequate financial possibili-
in the measure of cross-sector isolation in a country the size of ties to push solutions across bound-
partnerships. No other mCluster a medium-sized European region. aries will be determining factors
city has been as successful as for future competitiveness, when
Tallinn in achieving actual public- There is always the threat of com- other places have recognised the
private partnership results. placency for the successful. It potential of mobility.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 30

Stockholm of the leading ICT-companies, and

was famously touted on the cover
Stockholm, SWE Overall MRI 4,60
2005 of the Business Week as the lead-
4,75 Awareness of Mobile Servies ing city for New Economy compa-
nies. The city was considered a
5,00 Mobile Fluency 5,25 Infrastucture living test-bed for new ICT solu-
tions. However, much of the buzz
5,00 Usage of Mobile Services disappeared with the burst of the
bubble in 2000 and the ICT sec-
tor suffered badly from the con-
4,90 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
sequences. In addition, a change
in local administration after the
5,13 Innovative Climate 5,75 Networking Interest 2002 election resulted in a change
in policy, putting less emphasis on
4,75 Innovate Culture initiatives for supporting the devel-
opment towards a mobile city.

3,50 Local Public Sector Involvement

30 Mobile fluency: 5.00
Mobile fluency in Stockholm is
mWatch Europe 2006

3,67 Management Capacity 3,50 Benchmarking Activities

generally speaking very high. The
number of hot spots is quickly
4,00 Cross-Sector Partnerships increasing and the penetration
rate is almost 100%. Cost for
usage is at a European low. Articles
in media about the “wonder” of
mobile solutions are frequent and
attitudes are positive among the
population. However, surprising-
ly few solutions with mobile pay-
ments have emerged, except for
More information:
mPayments for parking. This has
impeded a broader scale adop-
Overall MRI: 4.60 very turbulent period in the past tion of mobile services and drags
The city of Stockholm is home to decade. Some 5-7 years ago down the overall score for mobile
700,000 inhabitants and the entire Stockholm had a world leading fluency.
region between 2 and 3 million. position as a TIME-city (the acronym
The figures fluctuate since there for Technology, Information ech- Innovative Climate: 5.13
are different definitions of the actu- nology, Media and Entertainment) The innovative climate in
al Stockholm region. Stockholm’s and a mobile city, branded as the Stockholm is well documented and
ICT industry has experienced a mCity. Stockholm attracted many is reflected in a very high score for
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 31

innovative capabilities. The ICT marking activities have dimin- again after 4 years. The turbu-
sector is well represented in cer- ished. lence, both in terms of the busi-
tain clusters, especially within the ness cycle and public policy caus-
Kista Science City, a suburb to Opportunities and threats es backlashes and a certain
Stockholm City. Election results in September 2006 hesitation within the business com-
changed the arena again. The new munity and may hamper inward
Unfortunately, the mCity and TIME administration has declared that investments.
concepts have experienced a neg- ICT, mobility and hot spots are all
ative development in recent years. areas of high priority within the city The establishment of a platform to
The activities under the mCity of Stockholm. New opportunities provide continuity for longer-term,
umbrella were moved to another are foreseen in the industry. With true Public-Private Partnership ini-
city in Sweden where conditions all the major players in mobility tiatives around a well accepted
were considered more favorable, represented in Stockholm, a strong mStrategy in the form of a Living
and the project in Stockholm was innovative climate and excellent Lab Stockholm is today under con-
kept on a backburner. On a more mobile fluency, the prerequisites sideration. Learning from the
positive note, the recovery of for becoming a driving city within volatility of particularly the
Ericsson, as well as many of the mobile readiness are all there. Management Capacity should pro-
smaller companies in the ICT con- vide all stakeholders an interest to 31

sultancy area, has generated new The threat against a more stable create a stable platform for mCity

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

confidence in the industry and and long-term development is of Stockholm.
signs of recovery are increasingly course that priorities will change

Management Capacity: 3.67

This relatively low, or average,
score for management capacity
reflects the turbulence of the
ICT sector in Stockholm on a
public policy level as well.
Changing administrations, with
the ensuing changes in public
policy and public initiatives in
the area of mobility create a lack
of continuity that weakens man-
agement capacity. Today, there
is no clear local mStrategy for
Stockholm and the number of
public-private partnerships has
fallen in the last few years.
Equally, international bench-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 32

Västervik al was launched by the mayor.

Since a small test-bed case for
Västervik, SWE Overall MRI 5,22
2006 health monitoring with the help of
6,00 Awareness of Mobile Servies mobile devices was already in
place, yielding positive results, it
5,88 Mobile Fluency 5,64 Infrastucture was logical that new mobile appli-
cations could foster more inter-
6,00 Usage of Mobile Services esting results – also commercial-
ly. Thus, an industrial crisis
combined with positive test-beds,
5,14 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
willingness to pioneer new organ-
isational forms and solutions in a
3,27 Innovative Climate 2,67 Networking Interest limited context, all formed the
launching pad for Living Labs
2,00 Innovate Culture Västervik.

Mobile fluency: 5.88

7,00 Local Public Sector Involvement
32 Västervik ranks high for its mobile
fluency. While the number and
mWatch Europe 2006

6,50 Management Capacity 5,75 Benchmarking Activities

size of hot spots could improve,
this is probably not the big issue.
6,75 Cross-Sector Partnerships What counts here is the overall
penetration rate of mobile phones
(among the highest in Europe)
and a supportive attitude among
the general public to promote
mobile test-beds. Equally, the
number of supportive articles in
the local press and other media
has contributed to the general
More information:
sense of mobile urgency felt in
MRI Overall score: 5.22 took a number of brave decisions.
The fact that the small communi- Electrolux’ decision to move the Innovative climate: 3.27
ty of Västervik – with only 37,000 production site for vacuum clean- The score for innovative climate is
inhabitants – has managed to ers (employing about 1,000 peo- just below average and is the vari-
achieve such a high ranking is ple) from Västervik to Hungary able that drags down an otherwise
probably impressive in the eyes of created a pressure to find new ori- excellent score. While the ability to
many observers. The background entations. In the wake of this cri- introduce killer applications is rela-
is that the local administration sis a massive program for renew- tively high due to the exceptional-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 33

ly high interest already shown in cate a window of opportunity. A a small place is always to run out
mobile solutions from other indus- local mStrategy has been devised of critical mass.
tries, Västervik has not managed to articulate and implement a vision
to fully capitalize on the innovative of a mobile community. The inter- From a European perspective
ideas. The low numbers of start- est has also manifested itself in Västervik provides an interesting
ups and patents per 100,000 inhab- benchmarking activities such as showcase for thousands of small
itants indicate that there are poten- visits to other Living Labs. cities. At the same time, Västervik
tially unexploited commercial Furthermore, the local adminis- could benefit from the experi-
opportunities to be reaped from the tration is repeatedly emphasising ences in other places in Europe
test-beds – especially with a view the need for public-private part- that have been more successful
to exportable solutions. However, nerships, as evidenced in a high at building international networks
there is an awareness of this issue score for actual PPP results. and develop solutions that can be
within the community and the coun- exploited in a wider commercial
ty administration has put an addi- Opportunities and threats context. Here, a critical point lies
tional pressure on measures to A small city can quickly change in building the innovative capabil-
catalyse new mobile solutions. directions and grasp new oppor- ity – devising and protecting con-
tunities. Today, the opportunities cepts for international markets. It
Management capacity: 6.50 of yesterday have been realised will be more capital-intensive and 33

Herein lies the real strength of in Västervik. The next phase is to high-risk to the partners involved

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

Västervik – the highest score in extend the mobile services from in such developments, yet the
management capacity in Europe. Västervik to the region at large, rewards will position Västervik
The mayor, Harald Hjalmarsson, with its 12 communities and some more firmly in the mobile com-
managed to seize and communi- 240,000 inhabitants. A threat for munity.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 34

Øresund tunities. The Øresund region has

excellent IT and mobile infrastruc-
Øresund, SWE/DEN Overall MRI 4,83
2006 tures, a population of 3.5 million
5,00 Awareness of Mobile Servies with high general use of ICT and
mobile phones and a long tradi-
4,97 Mobile Fluency 4,74 Infrastucture tion of research in mobile technol-
5,17 Usage of Mobile Services
Mobile fluency: 4.97
The Øresund region scores high on
6,04 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
mobile fluency. Given the great
support from local media and costs
4,94 Innovative Climate 4,92 Networking Interest for usage that are among the low-
est in Europe, an average score for
3,88 Innovate Culture attitudes among local population
is somewhat surprising. These fig-
ures do, however, hide groups of
3,75 Local Public Sector Involvement
34 very demanding early adopters
who help to drive the development
mWatch Europe 2006

4,58 Management Capacity 4,75 Benchmarking Activities

of mobile applications. Another
bottleneck for further uptake of
5,25 Cross-Sector Partnerships mobile services is the low number
of payments executed via mobile
devices. Recently however, a num-
ber of successful user-driven ini-
tiatives for developing mobile pay-
ment solutions indicate that this
figure is on the rise, thus remov-
ing an important obstacle for fur-
ther adoption of mobile services.
More information:

Innovative climate: 4.94

dealing with different regional poli- The ability to introduce killer appli-
Overall MRI: 4.83 cies, not to mention different lan- cations is excellent thanks to high
The Øresund region is a special guages. The main cities of the innovative capabilities and inter-
case in this survey as the region region are Copenhagen, Malmö, est in mobile applications shown
stretches over a national border Helsingborg, Helsingør and Lund. from other industry clusters in the
and thus needs to deal with the This diversity poses particular chal- region (notably logistics, construc-
policies and regulations of two dif- lenges for the region, but also tion and health care). Networking
ferent countries - in addition to holds the promise of great oppor- capabilities is a more challenging
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 35

issue in this complex region. On Management capacity: 4.58 Denmark have been talking about
the one hand, the number of actu- There is no explicit mStrategy for building an intangible bridge over
al networks with international the Øresund region. Instead, the Øresund to make it an integrated
implications is very high as one development towards mobility has region. The tangible bridge is now
would expect for a cluster aiming been driven by particular initia- there. Huge efforts have been put
for a position in the world-class tives of private companies. Public in to this vision, but as these fig-
league. On the other hand, the leaders have recently opted for an ures show, with varied results.
score for local cluster building approach promoting public-pri- The mobility industry presents an
lingers just below average. This is vate partnerships to build on these opportunity to capitalise on these
in spite of an impressive density initiatives, instead of pushing a efforts. The Øresund region today
of high quality local science parks top-down mStrategy for the entire is at a threshold of achieving a
and incubators. However, this region. This approach is reflected broad implementation of mobile
region is characterised by multi- in very high scores for openness services that have been devel-
ple clusters, with many different to PPP as well as high actual PPP oped in the region. It is now up to
industries competing for resources results. The ambition of the region- regional policy makers to seize
and attention from policy makers. al public administrations to fur- this opportunity and take concrete
For example, Lund has its own ther the regional development of measures for creating an integrat-
mobile cluster that has emerged mobile solutions is displayed in ed region. A first promising step 35

from Ericsson’s early mobile phone the interest shown in learning from is the transnational initiative

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

business in the 1980’s. While many other places, with high scores both between Denmark and Sweden
technologies and spinouts have for expressed interest in other called Øresund Science Region,
emerged from this cluster and regions and actual visits to other intended to serve as an umbrella
gained worldwide adoption, such Living Labs by public leaders. and alliance for the regional clus-
as the Bluetooth technology, it has ters, universities and public
not resulted in a natural network- Opportunities and threats authorities. In addition, activities
ing with clusters in other areas of For 20 years national and region- for branding Øresund as a united
the region like Copenhagen. al policy makers in Sweden and region are important for attract-
ing international interest as well
as for increasing a sense of region-
al belonging internally.

A threat is that the diversity of the

clusters and cluster opportunities
in the region draw attention away
from the promising mCluster, yet
herein one can also see the poten-
tial cross-fertilisation if mobility is
adopted as a horizontal paradigm
shift acting as a catalyst for many
other innovation areas.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 36

Lund Malmö it is natural that Lund has an

almost identical mobile awareness.
Lund, SWE Overall MRI 5,24
2005 However, both cities have a weak
5,25 Awareness of Mobile Servies position when it comes to mobile
payments. An mPayment solution
4,67 Mobile Fluency 3,75 Infrastucture for parking is a recent and encour-
aging exception. The system was
5,00 Usage of Mobile Services developed in cooperation with a
Norwegian company based in Oslo.
As in the rest of Sweden, penetra-
6,25 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
tion rates are very high and great
interest is shown in mobile solu-
6,46 Innovative Climate 6,25 Networking Interest tions.

6,88 Innovate Culture Innovative climate: 6.46

The innovation potential in Lund
is ranked as exceptionally high, as
4,25 Local Public Sector Involvement
36 indicated by the high number of
high-tech patents. Many impor-
mWatch Europe 2006

4,58 Management Capacity 5,00 Benchmarking Activities

tant actors in the mobility indus-
try are already there, employing
4,50 Cross-Sector Partnerships a relatively large proportion of
Lund’s highly qualified work force.
For instance, Sony Ericsson
employs almost 2,000 people in
another 600. Lund also hosts the
so-called “Creative Design Center”
as well as the “Ericsson Consumer
Lab”, the latter being yet another
More information:
important actor in the effort to
understand end-users.
Overall Readiness: 5.24 Scandinavian university. Lund also
The city of Lund is one of the top hosts many high-tech companies As a university city, Lund is a
ranked places in Europe. As a medi- and a relevant innovation promotion show case in terms of local clus-
um sized municipality by Swedish platform drawing on the expertise ter building. IDEON, created
standards (115,000 inhabitants) from the university. already in 1983, was the first
Lund is dominated by the universi- science park in Scandinavia. A
ty, with its 34,000 students and Mobile fluency: 4.67 large number of successful appli-
more researchers than any other Since Lund is so closely located to cations have been generated by
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 37

IDEON. Today, the science park start-ups and a high ratio of

includes more than 200 compa- patents, Lund represents a place
nies and some 2,200 employ- where many of the elements for
ees. IDEON acts as a knowledge a positive user-driven environment
intermediary connecting people are represented. Opportunities are
and ideas. A large number of abound - the challenge is how to
smaller companies have found exploit these attraction factors. In
themselves benefiting from the other words; the future outcome
larger actors in Lund. One can can be described as a manage-
speak of Lund as a true mCluster ment challenge.
where Sony Ericsson plays a cru-
cial role. In a 1000-year old city charac-
terised by academic traditions –
Management capacity: 4.58 with a flavor of secure employ-
The city of Lund has traditional- ments, no historical crises and
ly been rather passive in the a skeptical public sector – a cer-
area of public-private partner- tain inbuilt resistance against
ships. Lately however, a new too much focus on commercial- 37

openness towards public-private ization may sometimes mani-

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

partnerships and more commer- fest itself. The challenge is to
cially viable strategies has find a balance between healthy
emerged. There are many skepticism and too much resist-
resourceful stakeholders in the ance that may undermine local
private sector that might be initiatives, causing no action at
approached and prepared to all. Lifestyle factors begin to
develop new projects within the affect attractiveness – IDEON is
ICT sector. The Øresund IT asso- highly productive, yet not urban-
ciation could act as an impor- ized, reflecting few of the aspi-
tant intermediary strengthening rations of today’s talented and
the management capacity of internationally oriented work-
Lund, and also the municipality, force. Unless efforts are made
leading the “Lund: City of Ideas” to build a holistic knowledge-
project towards a holistic urban city model (Third Generation
innovation model, may become Science Park), mature compa-
a leading actor in building attrac- nies less reliant on the genius
tiveness. of entrepreneurial university
researchers, may opt for near-
Opportunities and threats by places like Malmö or
As a knowledge-intensive city, Copenhagen as more attractive
packed with high tech companies, metropolitan areas.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 38

Copenhagen Region” due to its well-established

transportation system, including
Copenhagen, DEN Overall MRI 4,93
2005 Kastrup Airport.
5,25 Awareness of Mobile Servies
Mobile fluency: 4.00
4,00 Mobile Fluency 4,75 Infrastucture Penetration rates for mobile phones
are high (90%). Mobile awareness
2,00 Usage of Mobile Services is good in Copenhagen; mobile
services are today well advertised
and mobile commerce is relatively
5,80 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
common. GPRS and 3G phones
offer MMS services that are avail-
5,21 Innovative Climate 5,58 Networking Interest able for paying for parking and cin-
ema tickets, for checking bank-
4,25 Innovate Culture accounts and ordering flowers etc.
Almost all of the most well known
mobile service providers offer
5,75 Local Public Sector Involvement
38 mCommerce solutions. However,
the number of payments executed
mWatch Europe 2006

5,58 Management Capacity 5,50 Benchmarking Activities

via mobile phones still remains just
above average.
5,50 Cross-Sector Partnerships
Innovative climate: 5.21
The local cluster building is well
organised in Copenhagen. Among
the most well known actors are the
Technical University of Denmark
and the IT University. Several incu-
bators add top the innovative cli-
mate in the region, including
More information:
Symbion Science Park, focusing on
start-ups, and the Danish Science
Overall MRI: 4.93 after London in the ability to attract Park at Hoersholm, which is in fact
The Copenhagen region has a pop- foreign corporate headquarters . one of the biggest science parks in
ulation of 1,850,000.The city is The city, with the surrounding Europe. Crossroad Copenhagen is
located in the centre of the Øresund region, is developing into a a private-public platform acting as
region1. Roughly nine million peo- Scandinavian hub for ICT, pharma- a clearing-house for high-tech proj-
ple live and work within a 300 km ceutical and biotech companies. It ects with a user driven ambition.
radius from Copenhagen. In 2002, is often termed “The Gateway to Copenhagen scores high for the
Copenhagen was ranked second Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea capacity to build functional net-

1 See previous section for MRI Øresund

mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 39

works with international implica-

tions. Many of the big ICT compa-
nies and telecom operators are rep-
resented in Copenhagen. As an
illustrative example NOKIA has
located its largest R&D centre out-
side Finland in Copenhagen. The
company employs 1.200 people of
which 1.000 are involved in R&D.
It is essentially thanks to the strong
position of Copenhagen that
Denmark ranks second after Hong
Kong on the mobile-internet inte-
gration ranking .

Management capacity: 5.58

The city of Copenhagen benefits
from a well-developed mStrategy. 39

The city is involved in developing a

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

new mobile infrastructure, opening
up for much cheaper connection to
the internet via the mobile phone.
A clear interest in what others are
doing is reported from Copenhagen
and is acted upon by public lead-
ers, for example by visiting other
Living Labs. This expressed inter-
est and open-minded climate has boring Swedish cities of Lund and might be of importance for further
prompted many ICT companies to Malmö – may serve as an illustra- development of mobile services.
establish and further develop them- tion of Copenhagen’s networking
selves in Copenhagen. capacity. However, telecommuni- A detriment to Copenhagen’s
cations are a global industry and continued success in the mobili-
Opportunities and threats: strong relationships with key actors ty industry may be interregional
The natural hub function of outside Europe are also required competition which could destroy
Copenhagen can spark off many for long-term success. Korea and the critical mass as Danish cities
new opportunities for the mobility Singapore are two interesting and communities are normally
industry, where networking capa- places with which ties have now relatively small. Mobile solutions
bilities are essential. The quickly been established. The SME profile often need a large customer base
developing ties to other European of Denmark and Copenhagen is in order to be successfully
cities - and of course to the neigh- another important dimension that launched.

3 Ibid.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 40

Malmö hand, there are many ICT con-

sultancy firms located in the city.
Malmö, SWE Overall MRI 4,86
4,75 Awareness of Mobile Servies Mobile fluency: 4.77
The penetration rate for mobile
4,77 Mobile Fluency 4,56 Infrastucture phones is 98% and costs for
usage are very low by European
5,00 Usage of Mobile Services standards. The number of hot
spots is low and payments via
the mobile phone are rare. That
4,55 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
said, local media has shown an
interest in the world of mobility
4,30 Innovative Climate 5,09 Networking Interest and attitudes among the local
population are positive.
3,25 Innovate Culture
Innovative climate: 4.30
Malmö Incubator (MINC) plays
5,25 Local Public Sector Involvement
40 an important role in the efforts
to support the innovative cli-
mWatch Europe 2006

5,50 Management Capacity 5,25 Benchmarking Activities

mate. MINC is a public body spon-
sored by the city of Malmö, focus-
6,00 Cross-Sector Partnerships ing on ICT and digital media,
nanotechnology and environ-
mental technology. One activity
is to develop the number of wire-
less hot spots in Malmö. Malmö
Stad Innovation is an institution
aiming to develop new meeting
places for knowledge-based com-
panies. M-Town is a Malmö-based
More information:
company that offers services
based on the integration of dif-
Overall MRI: 4.86 Malmö’s strategy is to develop ferent sectors. Medeon Science
Malmö is the third largest city in new meeting places and contact Park, in the heart of Malmö, is
Sweden with just above 500.000 nodes for knowledge-based com- another platform for innovation
inhabitants including suburbs. panies. The city itself hosts a in fields such health-care and
However, this is the old fashioned fairly weak ICT sector compared medical technology that could
way to look at Malmö. Due to the to those of Copenhagen and Lund, be used as a basis for develop-
Øresund bridge the business region so the really big players are not ing user-driven mobile health
also includes the Copenhagen area. found in Malmö. On the other applications.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 41

which wireless technology is an

area of priority.

An example of a local initiative

is the “Instant Phone Guide”,
offering all kinds of information
about the city of Malmö, giving
users access to city-related serv-
ices for 3 SEK (approximately
0.3 euros) per minute.

Opportunities and threats

One important opportunity to be
exploited is the huge market of
the Øresund region. Having
already started its Instant Phone
Guide, the city of Malmö has a
natural market for expansion. 41

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

The fact that Malmö is a gate-
way to the rest of Sweden could
also be developed into an oppor-
tunity. Malmö also is home to
some leading international
research on user-centric innova-
tion, such as the K3 institute at
Malmö University which could be
positioned as a strategic resource
also for international partners.

A threat is that Malmö “disap-

pears” in the shadow of the big
and vibrant city of Copenhagen.
This threat might be tackled by
a proactive strategy of coopera-
Management capacity: 5.50 Øresund IT is a public-private tion within the common umbrel-
Malmö has a tradition of public- organisation offering free of la of Øresund IT and other plat-
private partnerships, reflected charge services to companies forms promoting ICT in general,
in high PPP scores. The main interested in establishing busi- and mobile applications in par-
actors here are MINC and Medeon. ness in the Øresund region, in ticular.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:11 Página 42

London ernment. Given this background, an

MRI just about average may seem
London, UK Overall MRI 3,62
2006 surprising. However, the promotion
3,75Awareness of Mobile Servies of mClusters has not been a priori-
tised area for London local authori-
4,12 Mobile Fluency 4,99 Infrastucture ties and London is not regarded as
having an exceptional profile in mobile
3,62 Usage of Mobile Services offerings by investors.

Mobile fluency: 4.12

3,60 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
This is a score that reflects a mobile
fluency moderately above average.
3,74 Innovative Climate 4,13 Networking Interest Londoners are not known for being
particularly technologically savvy or
3,50 Innovate Culture early adopters. London is a city with
a high density of knowledge workers
that are dependent on mobility.
2,25 Local Public Sector Involvement

While penetration rates for mobile

mWatch Europe 2006

3,00 Management Capacity 1,50 Benchmarking Activities

phones are high, so are costs for
usage, shutting out parts of the pop-
5,25 Cross-Sector Partnerships ulation and acting as a hindrance for
broad adoption of mobile data serv-
ices. However, a number of innova-
tive services, notably in the trans-
port and surveillance sector, have
recently been successfully intro-
duced, increasing the awareness of
mobile services. This is also reflect-
ed in the score for payments execut-
More information:
ed via mobile devices. While not
exceptional, a score above average
Overall MRI: 3.62 tributing to the exceptional diversity indicates that an important barrier
With a population of 7,4 million (or and dynamic culture of the city. In for the up-take of mobile service has
12 million in the larger metropolitan particular, London is known for its been removed.
area), London is one of the largest financial sector and growing creative
cities in Europe. An international hub sector – already about 40% of all Innovative climate: 3.74
and gateway to Europe, London jobs relate to the creative industries London’s overall innovative capacity is
attracts highly qualified people from – as well as the entrepreneurial cli- average. Standing out in this context
all over the world, constantly con- mate, actively fostered by the gov- are those numbers indicating net-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 43

working activities. The score for SMEs and improving education and
networks with international impli- skills. As a result, there seems to
cation is very high reflecting the be a lot of grass-root and demand-
international character of the city driven innovation taking place.
and its inhabitants. Yet, one should While this is an excellent platform
bear in mind that in absolute num- for developing mobile service offer-
bers London is a heavyweight with ings, for the sector to flourish,
many of Europe’s leading research some overall coordination is
and academic institutions. In addi- required. Due to the mobility indus- ture, London today faces huge
tion, nearby Oxbridge resources try’s complex value networks, it problems with transportation of
are seamlessly linked in particular faces particular challenges in terms people and goods. Access to mobile
to the global financial services hub. of leadership. This lack of interest services, for businesses and con-
for cluster policies is also reflect- sumers alike, therefore becomes a
At the same time, the score for ed in the lack of interest for the strategically important area for
local cluster building is low,despite activities of other regions. London. However, while several
the geographic density of people isolated innovative mobile proj-
and companies within the creative Opportunities and threats ects can be identified, the mobili-
and telecommunications industries The MRI for London points to a ty industry has not been able to 43

and high profile academic institu- weakness in terms of management flourish without active leadership

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

tions. This indicates a great poten- capacities, but it also highlights a from local policy makers. Crafting
tial for cross-fertilisation among great opportunity. The strength of and implementing a coordinated
these entities that is not current- London is not leadership in tech- mStrategy remains an unexplored
ly met. Moderate interest is shown nology itself, but in the combina- challenge – but one with great
from private and public organisa- tion of technology, businesses of potential benefits.
tions in mobile applications and a various kinds that apply it - and
lack of active coordination for local most importantly, the densest An important catalyst will be the
cluster building has been detect- agglomeration of creative indus- London 2012 Olympic games, in
ed. tries in the world. London provides which an mStrategy (at least at
a climate conducive to innovation infrastructure level) forms an inte-
Management capacity: 3.00 and entrepreneurship and has a gral part. Much will depend on
There is no local mStrategy for the tradition of interactive user-cen- visionary leadership to make
London area and the local author- tric R&D. London a truly mobile experience
ities have adopted a hands-off – in particular by providing attrac-
approach towards the mobility This combination of factors consti- tive services. Here, our recom-
industry. The British government tutes a unique platform for taking mendation has to be that London
considers entrepreneurship to be the lead in the mobility industry. should draw on expertise gathered
one of the main productivity driv- Furthermore, due to rapid growth around Europe and beyond, team-
ers and has made it a focus of of the city in combination with ing up with Living Labs that share
national policy, emphasising low many years of under-investment the burden of innovation and have
regulation, lowering of taxation for in the transportation infrastruc- gained valuable insights.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 44

Stuttgart Germany. 24% of all jobs are in

high-tech sectors, the highest ratio
Stuttgart, GER Overall MRI 4,61
2006 in Europe. In addition, the Stuttgart
4,00 Awareness of Mobile Servies region currently has the highest
density in Germany of scientific,
3,68 Mobile Fluency 4,36 Infrastucture academic and research organisa-
tions. Based on these observa-
2,67 Usage of Mobile Services tions one might reasonably expect
Stuttgart to be the host also of an
interesting mCluster.
6,25 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications

Mobile fluency: 3.68

5,24 Innovative Climate 5,46 Networking Interest Results point at a mobile fluen-
cy somewhat above average. In
4,00 Innovate Culture line with that modest figure is an
interest from local media also
just above average. However, as
5,00 Local Public Sector Involvement
44 noted in the mWatch report under-
lying these figures, “people seem
mWatch Europe 2006

4,92 Management Capacity 4,50 Benchmarking Activities

to be more interested than
informed in Stuttgart”. 63% of
5,25 Cross-Sector Partnerships companies supply their employ-
ees with a mobile phone and the
penetration rate is above EU-
average. The number of hot spots
is high. Costs for usage are about
average by European standards.
There is no certain figure of the
early use of mPayments in
Stuttgart, but there is an overall
More information:
estimate that points to about
900,000 people using mobile
Overall MRI: 4.61 try has been prioritised and there devices to make payments.
The Stuttgart region is composed are well-established links between
of 179 local authorities and 2,7 industry and various research insti- Innovative climate: 5.24
million inhabitants. It is argued tutes. An international position is The EU has rewarded Stuttgart
that its directly elected parlia- marked via Stuttgart’s interna- with its “Award of Excellence for
ment, unique in Germany, ensures tional airport and the fact that Innovative Regions” twice for its
fast and effective decision-mak- 50% of local companies’ trade is innovation achievements. The
ing on local issues. The IT-indus- with customers outside of international position is far above
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 45

average and innovative capabili-

ties receive a top score.
Furthermore, with a high per-
centage of business already being
conducted with foreign firms,
Stuttgart has a top position also
in networks with international
implication. This can act as an
important catalyst for inward
investments and a relevant test-
environment for new solutions. A
wide range of competence and
support centres, relevant for user-
driven tests, have their roots in
Stuttgart, and the region has the
highest number of patent appli-
cations in Germany. All these
observations point to the same 45

result: There are strong factors

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

in favour of an mCluster in

Management capacity: 4.92 regions. Trustful management Design, media, ICT, tool-making,
The Stuttgart region has several cooperation between public and auto-motive and electrical man-
local mStrategies in place and private leaders has led to high ufacturing are sectors with a delib-
public leaders are reported to rankings for openness towards erate effort to network in order
show an interest in the develop- public-private partnerships and to inspire unique mixtures and
ment of the regional mobility and impressive PPP results. business ideas.
ICT sectors. A recent study has
revealed that 94% of CEOs have Opportunities and threats Consequently, clustering in the
stated that they see the possibil- Cross-border collaboration with Stuttgart region has many prom-
ity of fostering their competitive many European regions is a key ising features. That said, the com-
edge via mobile business. Together sphere of action for the Stuttgart plexity of the region, symbolised
these two observations provide a region. Wireless Cities, funded by the 179 independent small
positive picture of the manage- under the INTEREG program, towns and city districts, may cause
ment capacity in Stuttgart. The including cities in Spain, Poland, organisational burdens and con-
management interest is also Finland, Italy and Ireland, is one flicts. The threat is obvious: a
reflected in mobility benchmark- example. Another stronghold for fragmented structure can under-
ing efforts, where the aim is to cluster building is the so-called mine the building of critical mass
initiate cooperation with other cross-sectoral competence mixes. within the cluster.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 46

Salzburg drama and musical concerts.

There is also the Sound of Music
Salzburg, AUS Overall MRI 3,61
2006 Tour, attracting many tourists.
2,75 Awareness of Mobile Servies The whole city could be seen as
concept, offering a high-class
3,61 Mobile Fluency 3,96 Infrastucture mTourism service. However,
there is no such service yet and
4,11 Usage of Mobile Services in fact Salzburg has a modest
overall ranking.

3,00 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications

Mobile fluency: 3.61
There is little interest in issues of
4,47 Innovative Climate 4,92 Networking Interest mobility in the local media. It is
reported that media plays a key
5,50 Innovate Culture role in criticising new projects, hold-
ing back development. Whilst there
is a general interest in issues relat-
3,25 Local Public Sector Involvement
46 ed to tourism among the local pop-
ulation, the attitudes are “very con-
mWatch Europe 2006

2,75 Management Capacity 1,50 Benchmarking Activities

servative”, or passive, with respect
to ICT. The mobile phone penetra-
3,50 Cross-Sector Partnerships tion rate is 100%, yet 50% are
afraid of various health conse-
quences caused by radio waves
from wireless antennas – leading
to international headlines about
the ‘Salzburger Vorsorgewert’, a
preventive policy that has led to a
more holistic planning approach to
More information:

The number of hot spots is on par

Overall MRI: 3.61 fronted with something unique. with the “EU-average”. A system of
The city of Salzburg, located in This uniqueness is also resonant micro-payments has been launched
Western Austria, hosts 145,000 in the placement of the old city via telecom operators and resulted
of the total 520,000 inhabitants on the UNESCO World Heritage in a relatively high number of pay-
in the federal state of the Land List in 1997. ments executed via mobile devices.
Salzburg. Already at the airport, In Salzburg one can, for example,
named W. A. Mozart, “The Son The Salzburg Festival is renowned pay with the mobile phone when
of Salzburg”, the visitor is con- world wide for featuring opera, renting a bike.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 47

and considered a growth area. within the tourism industry. In

Tourism, sports and adventure are particular, the unique musical her-
also promising areas in this respect. itage including global icons such
Logistics and traffic management as Mozart and Sound of Music pro-
are other sectors that have demon- vides opportunities for innovative
strated an interest in mobile solu- mTourism solutions. For example,
tions and mobile learning for func- an integrated application with
tionally illiterate people is music from Salzburg could be an
mentioned as an opportunity. effective showcase for the rest of
Europe and the world.
There is also a Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) cluster Furthermore, the dichotomy
in Salzburg consisting of 12 - 13 between a population that is open
companies. Indeed, in the German and used to new technologies on
speaking world Salzburg is actual- the one hand, and it’s growing
ly referred to as a “GIS-Mecca”. concerns about health risks on the
Yet, an undercurrent of new media GIS is used to develop new forms other, could be channelled con-
related art projects organised for citizen participation in urban structively into a hotspot of devel- 47

under Subnet, as well as techno- and territorial planning, including opment of environmentally con-

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

logically ambitious researchers also unique competences in map- scious applications, technologies
and companies with strong inter- ping radiation by mobile phone and materials. This concern and
national linkages, provide an antennas to plan least health-intru- the ensuing policy measures were
important challenge to the con- sive implementations. unique among the 21 cities
servative environment, triggering reviewed, with only Mataró report-
a continual intellectual debate (and Management capacity: 2.75 ing comparable experiences.
provocation) that must be quite There is no mStrategy for Salzburg.
unique in Europe. It has been argued that public lead- Among the more important threats
ers have little understanding of for the further development of the
Innovative climate: 4.47 issues of mobility and there have mobility industry in Salzburg is the
The ability to introduce killer appli- been no visits to other Living Labs lacking coordination of the com-
cations is ranked relatively low in Europe so far. Lately however, plex value network required to build
due to the weakest innovative there has been a certain pressure mobile solutions. The value net-
capabilities in this survey. Focus to develop an mStrategy and pub- work partners in Salzburg do not
in Salzburg is given to more tra- lic leaders have shown more inter- seem to be motivated enough.
ditional infrastructure projects. est in the mobility industry. Opportunities that lie in the strong
brand and musical heritage risk
Despite this, significant interest in Opportunities and threats turning Salzburg into an eternal,
mobile solutions has been triggered The well known brand of Salzburg self-referential museum, lacking
from other industries. Wireless nav- could be further developed via triggering conditions for innovative
igation systems are widely used new mobile solutions, especially approaches.
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Zürich inhabitants an exceptional quality

of life.
Zürich , SUI Overall MRI 4,60
2,75 Awareness of Mobile Servies Mobile fluency: 4.63
Zürich’s mobile infrastructure
4,63 Mobile Fluency 3,96 Infrastucture holds very high standards.
Penetration rates are high – around
4,11 Usage of Mobile Services 85% overall in Switzerland – and
public wireless hot spots are wide-
ly available in urban areas.
3,00 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
Awareness of mobile services is
generally high, both among the
4,83 Innovative Climate 4,92 Networking Interest local population and the media.
Although the telecommunications
5,50 Innovate Culture market has been deregulated since
the beginning of 1998, there are
still only 3 GSM operators. The
3,25 Local Public Sector Involvement
48 mobile network operators market
is still dominated by the former
mWatch Europe 2006

4,33 Management Capacity 1,50 Benchmarking Activities

state-owned fixed-line operator
Swisscom-Mobile, enjoying a 63%
3,50 Cross-Sector Partnerships market share. Consequently costs
of usage remain amongst the high-
est in Europe.

Innovative climate: 4.83

The innovative climate in Zürich
is also supportive for the mobili-
ty industry. Great interest is shown
in mobile solutions from other
More information:ürich
industries and innovative capa-
bilities are high compared to
Overall MRI: 4.60 Schaffhausen, Schwyz, Solothurn, European standards. Being such
The Greater Zürich Area is defined St Gallen and Zürich. Thus defined, an international city, hosting a
as the region within a 60-minute the Greater Zürich Area has approx- vast number of international com-
drive from Zürich international air- imately 3.2 million inhabitants and panies, it is only natural that the
port. This area includes all or parts is Switzerland’s economic centre. score for international networks
of 8 of the 26 Cantons that make Zürich is also a leading financial is high. While not an EU member,
up the Swiss Confederation; centre in Europe and is often Switzerland nevertheless has
Aargau, Glarus, Graubünden, referred to as a city offering its many bi-lateral agreements with
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 49


Living Labs europe

the EU. When it comes to local Greater Zürich Area also receives ploited potential to be reaped, if
cluster building however, scores a score above average. Although a better local coordination of the
stay at a European average. Public public-private partnership is a mobility industry can be achieved.
funding to support private sector relatively new concept, there now The recent interest in PPP is a
innovation is a new concept in seems to be a commitment to promising development.
Switzerland, and there is no strat- cross-sector partnerships as
egy for regional clustering. reflected in a score slightly above The strong tourist position of
Nevertheless, the number of tech- average. Furthermore, bench- Switzerland could (should) gen-
nology patents per 100.000 inhab- marking activities are now active- erate an interest in a mobile
itants is very high. This score ly pursued and public leaders do tourism service and form the
may, however, hide the fact that visit other Living Labs to acquire inspiration for a number of user-
many Swiss patents come out of more knowledge. driven test-beds.
the pharmaceutical industry, and
thus do not adequately reflect Opportunities and threats The traditional reluctance in
the development of the telecom- Zürich is an international, innova- Switzerland to embark on PPP-
munications sector. tive and highly developed region solutions, at least in highly inno-
with great mobile infrastructure. vative areas, might act as a threat
Management capacity: 4.33 While MRI performance is well to broad and brave mobile initia-
The management capacity of the above average, there is still unex- tives.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 50

Budapest per employee is 25% higher than

national average.
Budapest, HUN Overall MRI 3,30
2,75 Awareness of Mobile Servies Mobile fluency: 3.47
While Budapest is generally known
3,47 Mobile Fluency 4,23 Infrastucture as an open and receptive commu-
nity, the attitudes towards mobile
3,44 Usage of Mobile Services services are somewhat ambivalent.
There is a small community of very
advanced users, predominantly in
4,05 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
universities and R&D centres, driv-
ing the development of some high-
4,35 Innovative Climate 5,77 Networking Interest ly innovative mobile solutions. But
the general public has yet to embrace
3,23 Innovate Culture mobile commerce on a larger scale.
A major reason is the limited avail-
ability of mobile services and the
1,00 Local Public Sector Involvement
50 lack of mPayment systems. These
issues are probably related to the
mWatch Europe 2006

2,08 Management Capacity 3,50 Benchmarking Activities relative immaturity of the telecom-
munications industry in Hungary.
1,75 Cross-Sector Partnerships Only 20 years ago, hardly more
than a third of all households had
access to fixed telephony. Today
own a mobile phone, which is about
EU average - no doubt a spectacu-
lar expansion. However, the
Hungarian telecommunications
market is overregulated and marked
More information:
by stifled competition. Hence, costs
for usage are perceived as high
Overall MRI: 3.30 ed economic and commercial among the local population.
Budapest, the capital of Hungary, engine of Hungary, accountable
has a population of over 1,6 mil- for 35% of the national GDP. Innovative climate: 4.35
lion inhabitants and is also one of Budapest is also considered the Despite the above observations,
the important entry points for busi- most knowledge-intensive area of there is a positive innovative cli-
nesses looking to establish them- Hungary and the only real centre mate for mobile applications, and
selves in Eastern Europe. The of innovation. Most R&D activity is high energy in the R&D communi-
Budapest region is the uncontest- found here, and the net income ty. Innovative capabilities are high
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 51

and networking activities are fre- their purpose misunderstood. become available, the uptake is
quent and enthusiastic. Several of There is no local mStrategy and generally good. The rapid devel-
the largest European telecom play- little by way of benchmarking activ- opment of the telecom sector has
ers are represented in Budapest ities with other cities. to a large extent been driven by
and several Hungarian universi- growing demand for mobile and
ties are involved in international Opportunities and threats ICT services by both corporate 51

partnerships with mobile service As a recent EU member with a and private users. The real prob-

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

and technology providers. On a great market potential as well as lem seems to be one of leader-
local level, there is a considerable a strategic location in Eastern ship. The uptake of the Living
number of large high-quality edu- Europe, a well educated work force Labs strategy already manifested
cational institutions, research insti- and an established R&D cluster in the Municipal Plan, may prove
tutions, R&D centres and science with international implications, a turning point connecting the
parks, some of which are actively Budapest has excellent opportu- vast technological, institutional
involved in the development of nities for developing a flourishing and market potentials.
mobile technologies. mobility industry. But there are
some serious obstacles, such as While public policy makers appear
Management capacity: 2.08 an unfit regulatory framework, to be aware of the deficiencies of
Quite contrary to the encouraging that have to be overcome to clear the regulatory environment, there
figures above is Budapest’s man- the way for such a development. seems to be a history of consid-
agement capacity. Public sector erable resistance to change.
involvement in the development Perhaps the greatest threat are However, for the mobility indus-
of the mobility industry is very the prevailing attitudes in try to be allowed to flourish, a
low. Proactive leadership is still Budapest. While there most cer- clearly formulated, cross-sectoral
more of an exception than a rule, tainly is room for improvement of mStrategy has to be developed
and regional policy makers are attitudes among the local popu- and implemented with some deter-
rather sceptical towards public- lation towards mobile services, mination. Tallinn may serve as an
private partnerships. PPPs are this is probably not the major instructive case study to bench-
often viewed with suspicion or problem. Whenare services mark against in this respect.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 52

Torino stage. However, no specific mobile

tourism service was launched for
Torino, ITA Overall MRI 3,69
2006 this purpose.
4,75 Awareness of Mobile Servies
Mobile fluency: 4.28
4,28 Mobile Fluency 4,41 Infrastucture The penetration rate for mobile
phones in Torino is very high, and
3,67 Usage of Mobile Services cost for usage are seen as reason-
able. Furthermore, awareness of
mobile services is good as are the
3,75 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
attitudes among the local popula-
tion. On a less positive note how-
3,70 Innovative Climate 4,24 Networking Interest ever, there are few hot spots and
hardly any payments are execut-
3,13 Innovate Culture ed via mobile phones.

Innovation climate: 3.70

2,75 Local Public Sector Involvement
52 The bold statement from the mayor
above has so far not pushed the
mWatch Europe 2006

3,08 Management Capacity 2,25 Benchmarking Activities

innovative climate in the mobility
industry much above EU average.
4,25 Cross-Sector Partnerships However, in December 2002 the
Torino Wireless Foundation was
established, as an initiative to build
a cluster platform involving nation-
al and local authorities, enterpris-
es, universities and financial insti-
tutions. Torino Wireless is dedicated
to ICT and solutions for transmis-
sion of multimedia services to mobile
More information:

Overall MRI: 3.69 infrastructures are in place. Yet, the number of start-ups is still
With roughly 1 million inhabitants, According to the Mayor, Torino below EU average, as are high-
the city of Torino has a long man- “must attract and nurture entre- tech patents and local cluster build-
ufacturing tradition, notably in the preneurial skills in innovative busi- ing efforts. In contrast, Torino has
automotive industry. Measures are ness sectors and raise education an impressive number of interna-
now taken to modernise the entire to international levels”. Torino tried tional networks. The voluntary pub-
industrial sector. Plans for new to use the 2006 Winter Olympics lic association Torino Internationale,
telecommunications and logistical to promote itself on the worldwide with around 400 members from all
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 53

parts of society, may be an impor- their resources, and the Winter tudes among the local population
tant reason for this score, as it Olympics was a “once-in-a-lifetime” constitute a good platform for
has managed to open the doors to opportunity. This event is now in the launching mobile services on a
the international market. past and public leaders expressed broader scale, providing suitable
interest for the mobility industry platforms for mPayments are put in
Management capacity: 3.08 can be seen as an opportunity that place.
The managerial dimension has been can now be realised.
ranked relatively low. Despite some A serious threat for more proactive
positive PPP results and average Opportunities and threats initiatives is the complex stakehold-
expressed interest from public lead- Food and leisure attractions, er situation. Diversity of interest
ers, there is little to show in terms research and training institutes, from all parts of society may hinder
of local mStrategies and actual and entrepreneurial activities brave and bold decisions to be taken.
benchmarking activities with other throughout the Piedmont region Successful business development is
cities. The huge efforts before and represent an opportunity for the often a result of unique and risky
during the Winter Olympics 2006 future. mTourism services could investments. Overly heavy negotia-
have steered energy and resources open “secret” attractions to a broad tion processes run the risk of end-
away from the mobility area. Any audience. In addition, the high pen- ing up in compromises and endless
city must prioritise when spending etration rates and the positive atti- discussions. 53

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 54

Istanbul institutions. Furthermore, with a

mobile phone penetration rate of
Istanbul, TUR Overall MRI 2,94
2005 85% - well above EU average and
3,50 Awareness of Mobile Servies in stark contrast to the rest of
Turkey (where the average pene-
3,42 Mobile Fluency 4,00 Infrastucture tration rate is 55%) - mobile phones
have rapidly become a natural part
2,75 Usage of Mobile Services of the everyday lives of Istanbul’s
diverse population. Still, com-
pared to the European countries
3,25 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
represented in this study, Turkey
remains behind in economic devel-
3,08 Innovative Climate 3,75 Networking Interest opment, as is reflected in the low
overall MRI score.
2,25 Innovate Culture
Mobile fluency: 3.42
As indicated above, mobile pene-
2,50 Local Public Sector Involvement
54 tration rates in Istanbul are high
and promising. But the number of
mWatch Europe 2006

2,33 Management Capacity 1,50 Benchmarking Activities

hot spots is low and very few pay-
ments are executed via mobile
3,00 Cross-Sector Partnerships phone, even though there are
some advanced pilot projects.
Interest shown in mobile services
from media and the local popula-
tion are about average compared
to the other cities and regions
included in this study. All in all,
the score for mobile fluency thus
ends up as average by EU stan-
More information:

Overall MRI: 2.94 than 10 million inhabitants, one Innovative climate: 3.08
With its unique location as a gate- foot in Europe and one in the Istanbul scores below European
way between Europe and Asia, the Middle East, Istanbul is Turkey’s average in the Innovative Climate,
Mediterranean and the Black Sea, undisputed economic centre. Over yet reveals some promising devel-
as well as its unique, diverse cul- 50% of the largest industrial com- opments. In particular, networking
tural heritage, Istanbul’s strategic panies in Turkey are located in activities have started to bear fruit
position is as relevant as it ever Istanbul, which also hosts 75% of and local cluster building receives a
was throughout history. With more Turkey’s real estate and financial score above average. The density of
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 55

R&D centres and incubators is very Opportunities and threats

high by Turkish standards. Five of The opportunities for Istanbul are
Turkey’s technology parks and more great and exciting. With a mobile
than a third of the country’s univer- savvy population in a city of 10
sities are located in Istanbul. Among million – and a further 60 million
the incubators located in Istanbul, in Turkey outside the Istanbul
the majority are university initia- area – the telecom market is
tives. However, a few international growing fast. In addition, while
telecommunications companies the demographic situation of
have set up local incubators in Western Europe is perceived as a
Istanbul, notably Ericsson Mobility threat with an ageing population,
World and Siemens Business the opposite is true for Turkey
Accelerator, indicating an interest in where the average age is 27. The
and commitment to the region. increasing usage of mobile serv-
ices by both corporate users and
The ability to turn ideas into com- the young population is the main
mercial solutions seems to be lag- factor behind future growth poten-
ging behind this development. The tial of the market.
number of high-tech patents filed
is just below average and the num- Exciting as the opportunities may
ber of technical and content be, as serious threats prevail.
provider start-ups is low. This is Turkey is highly volatile econom-
perhaps an illustration of the low ically as well as politically, which
interest and experience in entre- is seriously hampering foreign
preneurship in high tech sectors, investment and general involve-
but may also be due to the poor ment from foreign companies.
information available on regional Furthermore, the positive devel-
R&D and innovation performance. opment of the mobility industry
is largely user-driven. The man-
Management capacity: 2.33 agement capacity of local author-
Management capacity is the real- ities remains very low and more
ly weak spot of Istanbul’s MRI. active coordination and leader-
There are virtually no internation- ship from the local policy makers
al benchmarking activities and is required to fully leverage the
interest shown for the results of investments already made in infra-
other cities and regions receives structure and cluster building.
a bottom score. There is also lit- Physical clusters need to be com-
tle by way of second mStrategy plemented by intangible resources
and the general involvement of such as competence and inter-
the local public sector is low. mediate structures.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 56

Sophia-Antip Sophia-Antipolis scores below

European average – a lack of sys-
Sophia-Antipolis, FRA Overall MRI 3,40
2006 tematic regional integration.
2,00 Awareness of Mobile Servies
Mobile Fluency: 2.75
2,75 Mobile Fluency 3,48 Infrastucture Mobile fluency in Sophia Antipolis
is significantly below EU average
2,79 Usage of Mobile Services despite relatively low costs for
usage and a relatively high num-
ber and size of hot spots. The rea-
4,13 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
son for the low ranking is thus not
to be found in infrastructural obsta-
5,13 Innovative Climate 6,00 Networking Interest cles but rather in the attitudes
within the wider user communi-
5,25 Innovate Culture ty. Mobile phone penetration rates
are low from a European perspec-
tive (although high from a French
1,50 Local Public Sector Involvement
56 perspective), attitudes among
local population even lower score
mWatch Europe 2006

2,33 Management Capacity 2,75 Benchmarking Activities

and payments executed via mobile
phones are a non-existing practice
2,75 Cross-Sector Partnerships in Sophia-Antipolis. Furthermore,
the media does not show a great
interest in the mobility industry,
thus not helping to raise the
awareness of available mobile
solutions or the activities of the
technology park.

Innovative Climate: 5.13

More information:
It is in this area that Sophia-
Antipolis excels. Sophia-Antipolis
Overall MRI: 3.40 mobile applications is not a priori- itself hosts 25 research centres,
Sophia-Antipolis technology park, tised area. Indeed, with only 12,000 benefits from the proximity of the
created already in 1969, today inhabitants there are very few six universities within the region
hosts more than 1,200 companies end-users in the area itself – and and 1,200 IT companies within
in areas such as telecom, bio- the regional context as a host of the Côte d’Azur area. It is consid-
science and energy. The high-tech user-centric activities has not yet ered to be an important site for
profile has always been a pre- been exploited. This may help elu- telecommunications research and
dominant feature, and driving cidate why the overall MRI of development in France. Activities
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 57

polis for nurturing the local cluster are well recognised in Sophia-
intense – it is indeed the premise Antipolis and there are several
of the technology park. About 10 large-scale projects underway
% of the tech firms located in in the telecommunication sec-
Sophia Antipolis are foreign, pro- tor. These are however, more
viding a natural basis for interna- attractive to larger firms than
tional networking. This cluster SMEs developing mobile servic-
strategy has yielded some very es. Consequently the score for
encouraging results. While the actual PPP results in the area of
number of patents stays at an mobility turns out low.
average, the impressive number of Furthermore, although great
technology and content provider- interest is expressed in other
start-ups per 100,000 inhabitants mClusters, very few actual vis-
is unrivalled by the other Living its have been made to other
Lab cities. In addition, contrary to Living Labs indicating that bench- mented with intangible resources
the attitudes among the wider marking is not actively pursued. and competencies, particularly
public, the interest already shown in the area of cross-sector coop-
in mobile solutions and other busi- Opportunities and threats eration. Such initiatives are start- 57

ness sectors is high, an important In the case of Sophia Antipolis, ing to emerge, for example in

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

prerequisite for the ability to devel- the low ratings may be looked the area of mTourism - which is
op killer applications. upon as an opportunity. Cutting a natural starting point for
edge high-technological compe- Sophia-Antipolis.
Management Capacity: 2.33 tence is abundant and most of
This is the most worrying score the necessary infrastructure is A serious threat for Sophia-
for Sophia-Antipolis. The involve- in place for a successful Living Antipolis is the apparent discon-
ment of local public sector lead- Lab to develop. Furthermore, nect between the inhabitants of
ers in promoting development funding at all levels of ventur- the region and the high-tech clus-
of the mobility industry is very ing can be found in the region. ter. In order to become a true
low. There is no local mStrategy Located in a region reaching 4,5 Living Lab, where the region acts
to guide the development of local million inhabitants, but also as a test-bed for new innovative
initiatives, nor have any plans receiving a large influx of mobile mobile solutions, there has to be
for developing such a strategy tourists every season along the a seamless integration between
been expressed. It seems the Côte d’Azur, it presents a huge users and developers of the solu-
idea of a public policy in ICT unexploited market. tions. An interest from the public
related areas is traditionally is of course a prerequisite, but
equated with state intervention Discovering and exploiting these this has to be encouraged by pub-
in Sophia-Antipolis, thus leav- resources is a management chal- lic policy that promotes involve-
ing local policies an unattended lenge for the local authorities. ment of the public. At the moment,
area. Similarly, the importance The physical infrastructure of a local strategy for developing the
of public-private partnerships is the cluster has to be comple- mobility industry is lacking.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 58

Catalunya in the score for existence of an

Catalunya, ESP Overall MRI 3,76
4,25 Awareness of Mobile Servies Consequently, the ranking for
“management capacity”, a result
3,48 Mobile Fluency 3,78 Infrastucture of great efforts in clustering and
benchmarking activities, has a
2,43 Usage of Mobile Services much better comparative position
than the overall MRI. Furthermore,
Catalunya is an attractive place
3,64 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
both in terms of its geographical
position and its impressive histor-
3,21 Innovative Climate 4,13 Networking Interest ical heritage and culture. Barcelona
is an international hot spot for
1,88 Innovate Culture tourism and business – hosting
events is a strategic attraction fac-
tor of great relevance for Catalunya
5,25 Local Public Sector Involvement
58 as a region (see below). The Catalan
identity could well add unique val-
mWatch Europe 2006

4,58 Management Capacity 4,75 Benchmarking Activities

ues to the efforts of building mobile
3,75 Cross-Sector Partnerships
Mobile fluency: 3.48
The highlights of this section are
“penetration rates for mobile
phones” (the highest in Spain)
and “attitudes among local popu-
lation”. These figures are well
above the EU average. Also of
great importance is the presence
More information:
of a smaller group of advanced
users, or early adopters, that are
Overall MRI 3.76 attitude among local population driving the development of new
The overall results of the MRI for and the number of articles in local innovative solutions. While there
Catalunya do not reveal any peak- media was observed in 2006. are relatively few hot spots, there
performance – at least not for the Equally, an increasing interest from are over 100 wireless communi-
moment. However, a slight public policy leaders was noted ties in Catalunya. A major obsta-
improvement in performance can and reflected in higher scores for cle for the up-take of mobile serv-
be noted when comparing the 2005 local cluster building activities, ices is the ability and ease with
and 2006 scores. A more positive and most importantly, an increase which payments are made via
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 59

mobile devices. Currently this score groups have been proposed in a lic-private partnerships and coor-
is very low. Costs for usage are market plan for Catalunya. How dinated strategies. Another threat
also a serious bottleneck. these proposals are handled is is the comparatively high cost for
essentially a management chal- data transfer in Spain. The low
Innovation climate: 3.21 lenge for Catalunya. In this process number of mobile phone opera-
The innovative climate is about it is also important to add more tors (3) has hampered competi-
average; great efforts are put into communities to the few already tion on pricing.
developing clusters and interna- on board the mobility challenge.
tional networks. However, such
efforts have not been oriented Opportunities and threats
towards software and user-driven The leading mobile infrastructures
innovation in the mobility indus- and strategic position of Catalunya
try. The dark spot of the innova- in the Mediterranean market, con-
tive climate in Catalunya is the taining 100 million potential end-
“innovative culture”. Scores for users, constitutes a great oppor-
start-ups and patents per 10,000 tunity for the region that remains
inhabitants are very low. In addi- unexploited. The massive influx of
tion to risk capital and seed money, visitors participating in the 3GSM 59

competences, networking, men- meeting in Barcelona 2007 pres-

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

toring etc. are important intangi- ents a favourable platform and
bles that should receive more starting point for exploitation of
emphasis in clustering activities. these opportunities. 50,000 mobile
To achieve a more innovative cli- savvy business visitors are expect-
mate it is necessary to build inter- ed to visit Catalunya for attending
mediate structures to complement the forthcoming event. A well coor-
the buildings made up of bricks. dinated mobile service for tourists
to be launched for the 3GSM event
Management capacity: 4.58 has been proposed. The decision
Catalunya performs much better is in the hands of the City of
than average with regards to “man- Barcelona and the region of
agement capacity”. Active private Catalunya.
as well as public sector interest in
the mobility industry is reflected A major threat to the develop-
in the many institutions that pro- ment of coherent clusters in the
mote public-private partnerships. mobility industry is a lack of a
To yield superior results however, common vision and coordination
these efforts need to be further of research and development ini-
coordinated and more active net- tiatives. The industry structure of
working is required. Mobile appli- Catalunya is dominated by SMEs
cations for some strategic target which increases the need for pub-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 60

Mataró Mobile fluency: 3.86

Attitudes towards mobile appli-
Mataró, ESP Overall MRI 4,04
2006 cations are positive among the
4,75 Awareness of Mobile Servies local population as well as the
local press. Penetration rates
3,86 Mobile Fluency 4,65 Infrastucture are high and hot spots readily
available. However, no mobile
2,18 Usage of Mobile Services applications have yet been
launched where payments can
be executed via the mobile.
4,39 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications

Innovative climate: 3.67

3,67 Innovative Climate 3,00 Networking Interest Mataró hosts a Technology
Campus platform, which has
3,63 Innovate Culture opened up for a better dialogue
between the private and public
sectors. Start-ups are relative-
5,25 Local Public Sector Involvement
60 ly common and there is today
a clear interest shown in mobile
mWatch Europe 2006

4,58 Management Capacity 4,00 Benchmarking Activities

solutions from businesses in
other sectors as well as the
4,50 Cross-Sector Partnerships local administration. However,
networking activities, particu-
larly local cluster building, show
a clear potential for improve-

Management capacity: 4.58

The restructuring of Mataró has
generated an interest in public-
More information:
private partnerships, which has
yielded results. A local
Overall MRI: 4.04 significant interest is shown in mStrategy has been developed
Mataró, ”the City of Inventors”, mobile applications. An industrial and public leaders officially
with a ranking close to that of restructuring of Mataró was neces- express a supportive intent. This
Barcelona, is the host of many sitated by a wave of lay-offs in the interest is also reflected in a
SMEs. The city tries to live up to textile industries. This crises inject- high score for interest shown
the City of Inventors brand. Start- ed some extra energy and open- towards other cities, although
ups and new patents are more fre- ness to find new business oppor- actual visits seem to be few and
quent here than in Barcelona and tunities. far between.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 61

Opportunities and threats long-term strategy. The “City of city of Västervik, could well form
As a medium sized community, Inventors” brand has to be an inspiration for mutual contacts
with 116,000 inhabitants, Mataró deployed based on facts. Within and benchmarking.
has always faced a branding chal- the context of mobile readiness,
lenge, being located so closely to this could act as a triggering ele- A threat is that old time indus-
Barcelona. Running the risk of ment to invite technical and con- trial logics keep popping up,
disappearing beside the Barcelona tent providers to invest in Mataró. destroying the first steps towards
metropolis, Mataró needs to act The industrial restructuring ele- a city hosting talented mobility
in a consistent way and with a ment in Mataró, like in the Swedish enterprises and professionals.


Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

Photographer: Marga Cruz

Laia's Statue
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 62

Sant Cugat d Mobility fluency: 3.60

Like elsewhere in the region the
Sant Cugat, ESP Overall MRI 3,78
2006 score for mobile fluency is
5,00 Awareness of Mobile Servies dragged down by the lack of
payments via mobile devices and
3,60 Mobile Fluency 3,62 Infrastucture an average cost of usage.
However, attitudes among local
2,18 Usage of Mobile Services population as well as in media
are positive and penetration rates
are high.
4,64 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications

Innovative climate: 3.00

3,00 Innovative Climate 2,25 Networking Interest A very high interest has been
shown in mobile solutions from
2,13 Innovate Culture private businesses as well as pub-
lic authorities, but there is no
local cluster building or incuba-
5,25 Local Public Sector Involvement
62 tor focusing solely on developing
mobile and wireless solutions.
mWatch Europe 2006

4,75 Management Capacity 4,50 Benchmarking Activities

Rather the inhabitants at large
may be seen as a “user-driven
4,50 Cross-Sector Partnerships cluster”. Technology patents score
low, yet major multi-national cor-
porations conduct highest-level
R&D in Sant Cugat. Further, ESADE
Business School has anounced a
70m EUR investment for the new
Creapolis Campus in Sant Cugat.

Management capacity: 4.75

More information:
Management capacity is the forte
of Sant Cugat. The city adminis-
Overall MRI: 3.78 is not too promising at first sight tration has, since long, expressed
As a suburb to Barcelona, Sant Sant Cugat has a potential for their commitment to mobile serv-
Cugat enjoys a high proportion of developing into a cutting-edge ices for “their” citizens. This is
well-educated families and early city. In particular the user-driven reflected in the high scores for
adopters. In addition, the city innovation dimension is a promis- local mStrategy as well as open-
hosts several advanced compa- ing starting point - given a clear ness to public-private partnerships
nies conducting R&D on mobility and consistent definition of the and interest in benchmarking with
solutions. While the overall score target group: families. other mClusters.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 63

del Vallès
Opportunities and threats could form an effective starting secure a more stable mStrategy
Advanced users in combination point for developing new mobile competence. An obvious threat
with an open-minded leadership solutions. Cluster building is is that the committed leadership
in the community administration underway nearby and this might in the community is changed.


Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 64

Barcelona to what others are doing in the

Barcelona, ESP Overall MRI 4,13
4,75 Awareness of Mobile Servies Mobile fluency: 4.06
Mobile phone penetration rates,
4,06 Mobile Fluency 4,49 Infrastucture positive attitudes among the local
population combined with frequent
2,93 Usage of Mobile Services articles in local press form positive
ingredients for mobile fluency. The
positive attitudes in such a big city
4,14 Ability to Introduce Killer Applications
as Barcelona constitute a tempting
market possibility for technical and
3,66 Innovative Climate 4,59 Networking Interest content providers. While still well
below EU average, and a serious
2,25 Innovate Culture bottleneck for widespread adop-
tion of mobile services, the num-
ber of payments executed via mobile
4,75 Local Public Sector Involvement
64 devices are higher in Barcelona
than in its neighbouring cities in
mWatch Europe 2006

4,67 Management Capacity 5,00 Benchmarking Activities

Catalunya. This indicates that there
is a community of consumers of
4,25 Cross-Sector Partnerships commercial mobile services emerg-
ing in Barcelona.

Innovative climate: 3.66

In terms of innovative climate
Barcelona is a bit of a paradox. Its
world reputation for dynamic ini-
tiatives and a competitive hospital-
ity industry cannot be disputed.
More information:
Interest in mobile solutions from
other industries is high as well as
Overall MRI: 4.13 as surprise that the figure that the scores for networking activities
The overall score for Barcelona is pulls the overall MRI down should – both for networking with inter-
above average. Barcelona often be that of the lacking innovative national implications as well as
comes out as the “quality of life” climate. However, some recent locally, promoting cluster building.
winner in Europe in various rank- events indicate that Barcelona has At the same time, results are not
ings and is well known as an impor- increased its interest in issues great. The city is struggling with
tant place for design and creative related to the world of mobility. too few start-ups and high-tech
industries. It may therefore come There is today a certain openness patents, and the score for innova-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 65

tive capabilities are just below proactive role is taken, that clus- and that the limited number of
European average. However, with ter building occurs without a clear telecommunications operators
a growing interest from the public orientation and unique offerings, results in impaired competition.
and private stakeholders in mobile
solutions, a future breakthrough in
innovation should not be ruled out.

Management capacity: 4.67

The management capacity dimen-
sion adds some extra value in
favour of Barcelona’s development
towards mobility. Today, Barcelona
has developed its first local
mStrategy – the issue of mobility
is on the local public policy mak-
ers’ agenda. Benchmarking activ-
ities are supportive and many
actors are willingly coming to 65

Barcelona to share and compare

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

their experiences.

Opportunities and threats

A general trend among cities, espe-
cially big cities, is to use their geo-
graphical position as a gateway to
various regions and business or cul-
tural sectors. In the case of Barcelona
the gateway opportunity has been
exploited extensively. For interna-
tional businesses this gateway role
is attractive also for players in the
mobility sector. A launch in Barcelona
is logical, especially if Barcelona
improves its brand in the direction
of innovation and mobile solutions.
The 3GSM events are milestones
for Barcelona in this respect.
Among the threats for Barcelona
the following can be identified;
that a reactive role rather than a
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 66

SUMMING UP MRI sceptical towards telecommunications technology in

OBSERVATIONS the wake of unfulfilled promises from telecom oper-
ators during the hype years and frustrating experi-
The accumulated MRI scores and comments are com- ences with complex handsets lacking user-friendly
mended below in a number of overall observations. interface. On the other hand, the mWatch survey has
There are a few themes that seem to be particular revealed that there is widespread curiosity and inter-
important for the successful development of mobile est among European users in the opportunities pro-
solutions in a city or region - and in aggregate may vided by mobile services improving people’s every-
have an effect even on European competitiveness. day lives. There is, in other words, a great potential
Others act like thresholds that must be overcome to for mobile services – if they are user-friendly. This
further boost growth and development of Europe’s implies a significant opportunity for the mobility
mobility clusters. industry. Without excited customers no product or
service is ever going to be successful. The challenge
Penetration rates are no longer the issue in Europe, is now to develop mobile solutions that can meet cus-
it has become little more than a “hygiene factor” – tomers’ demands.
it is simply taken for granted. Only a few years ago
penetration rates were communicated as an impor- mWatch highlights that a well-functioning, i.e. easy
66 tant factor for attracting investors and other stake- to use, secure and trusted, mobile payment sys-
holders in the mobility industry. tem is a prerequisite for a commercial breakthrough
mWatch Europe 2006

of mobile services. It is often the small, everyday

Costs for usage may have serious impact on the routine transactions, such as paying public trans-
uptake of mobile services. It was noted in the pre- portation fares with the mobile phone, that make the
ceding survey that places marked by high costs of benefits of mobile payments real to people. This is
usage also suffered from poor competition among why micro payment systems constitute a critical
mobile operators. However, high competitive pres- threshold for the mobility sector.
sures, pulling prices down stimulate the offering of
new mobile services, may generate better and Successful mobile services usually emerge from a
higher value-added services which motivate high- user-driven context. A local climate that supports
er prices and better margins for operators. Pricing a user-driven business logic provides a fruitful plat-
transparency is a key issue, as it becomes almost form for the development of tailor-made and inno-
impossible to show European citizens a compara- vative services. It is important that the user-cen-
tive view for unbundled offerings. Lowest and high- tric approach is not limited to marketing material,
est costs can vary by a factor of 7 to 10 between but forms the very basis for the development of new
European places, representing an astonishing dis- services.
tortion of accessibility of advanced services.
Benchmarking, particularly within Europe, is
All in all the MRI survey shows a generally positive becoming an increasingly utilised tool to find new
attitude towards mobile services among the gener- ideas for mobile applications as well as for identi-
al public as well as the local media in many places. fying new stakeholders. Living Labs Europe has
On the one hand, Europeans have become rather already organised several study trips to cross-fer-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 67

tilize European cities. Benchmarking can give inspi- mStrategies to exploit the latest technological and
ration and confidence to a place trying to develop organisational opportunities regarding mobility. A
new mobile services. clear mStrategy is important not least for devel-
oping public-private partnerships (PPP), where
Due to the complexity of the mobility industry, par- the private partners can envisage a stable direc-
ticular efforts are required in terms of coordination tion and on that basis invest time and other re-
of the complex value network. The presence of good sources.
leadership, both in the public and private sectors,
therefore stands out as the most important enabling A successful leadership should be connected to, or
factor for a place to become successful in the mobil- result in, some sort of innovation platform, or
ity industry. Effective leadership, or management mCluster. This includes of course the necessary
capacity in the MRI terminology, creates positive technological infrastructures, but also a variety of
energy also in the business community within a other support mechanisms such as practical and
place, adding to the interest from the local popula- forward looking tender procedures that support
tion. But perhaps most importantly, it attracts addi- innovation, facilitating institutions, clear local deci-
tional players to the mobility sector and to the place. sion-making structures regarding issues on mobili-
This includes both local players from other industries ty and science parks and incubators. Not least, of
(the key to providing relevant content and develop- course, availability of an array of service providers 67

ing suitable services) as well as inward investments. with good insights into the local user communities

Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

and their needs are fundamental. mWatch Europe
Leadership can be – indeed needs to be – driven from 2006 has shown that innovative platforms of this
many sources, private just as well as public. However, sort are mushrooming in Europe.
strong local public leadership is not optional,
judging from the MRI survey, it is rather a necessity Interestingly, the number of patents filed seemed
for a place to arrive at a leading position. In sever- to have little impact on overall success in the mobil-
al cases it comes down to the ideas and energy of ity sector. For some places where many internation-
one enthusiastic and convinced person, often the al high-tech R&D centres are located, the low ratings
mayor, who drives the direction and intensity of the of patent filings may be partly distorted if the actu-
development. al patent filings are made in the home country (usu-
ally the US). Another, and perhaps more important,
One critical task for local public leaders it to devel- explanation is that innovative mobile services are
op a local mStrategy. Since a number of quite dif- often not based on technological innovations, and
ferent stakeholders must be involved in the devel- therefore do not result in a patent.
opment of successful mobile applications on a
broader scale, it is advisable to stake out a gen- The whole business area of mobility in Europe con-
eral direction and framework of action for the stitutes a new, dynamic market with enormous poten-
place. In the 1990´s a majority of European places, tial for investors. Only twenty years ago European
or communities, elaborated their own local eStrate- telecom markets were national, dominated by a few
gy to exploit the opportunities of the Internet. The actors and inaccessible to new entrants. Today, dereg-
time has now come to move in the direction of ulation has dismantled the monopolies and markets
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 68

are now global and open to new players, providing greatest challenge and bottleneck for the industry,
technology, content and services based on mobile the situation has become reversed. It is now the
solutions. In spite of the apparent potential of the small firms with close relationships to user commu-
mobility industry, often outweighing many of the nities (third party organisations) that are the key
more traditional clusters in terms of revenue, growth to future growth. Opportunities for new start-
and other values, it has not received as much atten- ups are abundant.
tion from local policymakers as many other indus-
tries in Europe. Efforts at city and regional levels to To conclude, the most important observation on
identify new clusters have been directed more mobile readiness is that mobile solutions today are
towards areas such as bioscience, logistics, food less a matter of technology than they are about
and beverage, paper and packaging, automotive, understanding the customers, and about develop-
manufacturing, etc. Perhaps this relatively mild ing solutions that make their lives somehow better
interest in the mobility sector reflects the history of or easier. As is so often the case, the best solutions
the telecommunications sector. As an industry that are often the simplest.
used to be closed to small firms and start-ups,
requiring heavy technological and infrastructure The following chapter, the Kaleidoscope of projects,
investments it was irrelevant for cluster-building will give an illustration of what these innovative
68 activities. Today, when the development of exciting solutions might look like.
content and user-friendly services has become the
mWatch Europe 2006
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 69

Kaleidoscope of Innovative Mobile Projects

mAdministration 70

mEntertainment 77

mHealth 92

mLearning 99 69

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects

mLogistics 101

mMarketing 107

mPayments 110

mSecurity 116

mStudents 129

mTourism and location based services 132

mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 70

mAdministration - Spain

Secure mobile voting and participation

As Spain’s first ever multi-chan-
nel e-participation event for
some 120,000 citizens (also one
of the largest such events in tions via PDAs, mobile phones,
Europe), Madrid Participa con- tablet PCs, direct recording
sulted citizens regarding key electronic voting machines
issues related to the develop- (DREs), PCs and touch-screens.
ment of their district. 16% of Pnyx completely guarantees the
participants utilised the secure privacy of the voter as well as
mVoting platform piloted at this the integrity of the outcome.
event, developed jointly by Also, by giving the participants
Tempos21 and Scytl Online a voting receipt they could veri-
World Security. fy the correctness of the final
Accenture, Telefonica, Oracle, tally.
The event was organised by the Intel and Hewlett-Packard.
70 City of Madrid, Scytl acted as Citizens had the opportunity to To provide the mobile voting
coordinator of the secure express their opinion via platform, Tempos21 provided
mWatch Europe 2006

mVoting platform and Tempos21 Internet, mobile phones and Scytl with its connectivity plat-
lead the mobile channel imple- text messages (SMS). form, and collaborated in the
mentation. Other leading compa- development of the mobile
nies involved in the project were The consultation system was channel with different technolo-
based on Pnyx, Scytls multi- gies like J2ME and SMS, to
channel electronic voting plat- enable citizens to vote via their
form, enabling citizen-consulta- mobile phones.

Joan Borràs
Business Development
Avda Canal Olimpico, s/n
Edificio PMT-B
08860 Castelldelfels
Tel +34 93 635 2921
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 71

mAdministration - Turkey

Speech technologies in mobile applications

GVZ is Turkey’s leader in speech Speech Recognition Technology subscribers listen to their e-
technologies. The company has converts the recorded speech in mails using TTS technology.
three main products: to the best matching words
among a list of words or phras- • Household Appliances: SR
• Speech Recognition (SR) – es. Text-to-Speech engine reads and TTS technologies are
instead of dialing digits, and converts electronic text into integrated with Arçelik and
voice commands are used the most natural sounding intel- BEKO electronic appliances
ligible voice available in Turkish allowing the customers to
with accurate pronunciation of have remote control over the
• Text to Speech Synthesis names, addresses, date, time phone and listen to docu-
(TSS) – applied in GSM and monetary amounts. Voice ments with TTS technology
services for handicapped Authentication Technology veri- on their PCs.
mobile users fies the identity of a speaker
from his/her voice. • Finance and Banking:
• Voice Authentication (VA) Koçbank customers access
– to verify identity of the stock market quotes and 71

speakers from their voices exchange rates via SR tech-

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mAdministration

nology. Eczac›ba›
Investment use TTS technol-
ogy to give up to date finan-
cial information to its cus-
tomers over the phone.

GVZ’s products have been imple- CONTACT INFORMATION:

mented in different industries,
such as telecommunications,
banking, brokerage, airlines, Levent Arslan
voice portals, home electronics Co-Founder
and areas where command and Çamlica I Merkezi B3 Blok
control using human voice is Kat:3
critical. Some examples are: 81190 Üsküdar-Istanbul
• Telecommunications: GSM Tel: +90 (216) 556 15 30
operator Avea’s customers
can send SMS messages to
landline telephones. Avea’s
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 72

mAdministration - United Kingdom

Comprehensive electronic parking management systems

Parkmobile offers a totally inte- permit on the Internet. Existing notices.
grated solution for the manage- permit holders can renew their Phonixx:
ment of all parking-related mat- permits, make payments and Cashless
ters: from on-street parking to change details via their own per- Parking by
parking permits, from issuing Mobile Phone
parking fines to back-office Cashless park-
administration. The solution con- ing by mobile
sists of 5 modules: phone allows
the motorists
Permixx: Permit Management to use their
System The system allows the mobile phone
public to apply for any types of to pay for
parking charges quickly, easily
and safely.

72 Lynxx: Centralised Parking

System Lynxx offers the possi-
mWatch Europe 2006

bility to link different parking

systems together to create a
centralised system that contains
all parking sessions.
sonal webpages.
Parkmobile is present in
e-Permixx: Electronic Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona,
Marius Koerselman Parking Permits This allows London, Munich, Paris, and
Director PR & Marketing and customers to issue digital park- Prague.
Managing Director PM France ing permits linked to vehicle
83 Victoria Street registration numbers, or to
London transponder cards, barcode
SW1H 0HW stickers and other digital
United Kingdom media.
Tel: +44 20 7078 6631
Tel: 0845 166 8859 Sphynxx: Enforcement and
(helpdesk) Town Management Sphynxx
+49 173 383 1406 offers revolutionary possibili- ties for electronic enforcement including issuing and real-time
processing of penalty charge
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 73

mAdministration - Greece

Athens Traffic Management System

traffic jam
along with a
prognosis of
its ‘behaviour’.

The main traffic network in Athens

is digitally recorded. This is per-
formed as follows: the degrees of
latitude and longitude are digitally
locked into the memory of tracking
devices, such as Blaupunkt’s CONTACT INFORMATION:
Fleetcommander or the Nokia
Communicator. A grid with prede-
fined roads and junctions is placed
Floating Car Data (FCD) technolo- over the entire region. The vehi- Sponsors
gy allows official vehicles such as cles then act as mobile sensors Greek government, City of 73

police cars or emergency services within this grid. Data collection Athens, Greek National

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mAdministration

to act as sensors to allow the begins whenever a vehicle from Olympic Committee
continuous, real-time recording of this sample fleet enters one of the
a current traffic situation and to grid sections, and the travel time Lead contractors
form the core of traffic data data is transmitted to the telemat- Image Sensing Systems Inc,
acquisition. ics center via Short Message ATS Traffic Systems,
Service (SMS) as soon as the vehi- Econolite, SAIC Consortium
City-FCD is based purely on a cle leaves the section. The current (Siemens AG; General
combination of storage media, traffic flow situation can be imme- Dynamics Corporation,
cellular communication and vehi- diately determined based on the Honeywell International, Elbit
cle positioning. Special algorithms data passed on by several different Systems and Nokia), Gedas
allow the precise description of a vehicles.
Subcontractors and con-
Geotopos AG, Zeppelin
Luftschifftechnik GmbH,
German Aerospace Center
(DLR), Blaupunkt, Fraunhofer
Institute IP, Technical
University of Crete, Atos
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 74

mAdministration - Germany

GPS based electronic toll collection system for heavy goods vehicles
for all vehicles with a maximum on-board odometer or tacho-
weight of 12t and above. The graph serves as a back-up to
new toll system, called LKW- determine how far vehicles
MAUT, is a governmental tax for have travelled by reference to a
vehicles based on the distance digital map and GSM to autho-
driven in kilometres, number of rise the payment of the toll via
axles and the emission category a wireless link.
of the vehicle. The average
charge will be € 0.12 per kilo- The autobahn system has 300
metre. The tax is levied for all gantries equipped with IR
vehicles using German auto- detection equipment and high
bahns, whether they are full or resolution cameras able to pick
empty. out vehicles via profiling and
record number plates. These
The toll system is primarily send a DSRC (Dedicated Short
74 based on On Board Units (OBU) Range Communications) signal
rather than regular toll booths to a DSRC transponder, which is
mWatch Europe 2006

or plazas on the highways. part of the OBU, in the vehicle

OBUs operates via GPS and the to check on the accuracy of the
GPS as a back-
up, but also
alert Federal
Office of Freight
in case of toll
In January 2005 a new toll sys- violations. The
tem was introduced on the OBU will also be
12,000km of German autobahn able to work
with the new
Galileo satellite
system for posi-
tioning, fully
The German Government 2008, which is
being developed
[T-Mobile and Vodafone are han- in Europe as a
dling the GSM mobile communi- more accurate
cations section of the project.] alternative to
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 75

mAdministration - Austria

Electronic Tolling and Smart Payment System

ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) EFKON is currently the world
Windscreen OBU is the On-Board number one in satellite tolling,
Unit for a free flow road tolling mobile toll enforcement and
system based on GPS positioning smart tolling. They are also the
and GSM communication sys- world’s largest supplier of read-
tems. This solution operates with ing devices for contactless
minimal roadside equipment and smart cards. Korea, Taiwan,
allows easy adaptation to new Germany and Malaysia have all
and changing tolling require- opted for their technology for
ments. The OBU autonomously use in their national systems.
determines the position of the
vehicle, identifies road sections Their main focus is:
subject to toll using stored virtu- • Autonomous and satellite
al gantry coordinates, calculates based toll and telematics
the charge, and transmits the • Active infrared and
result to the toll centre. microwave free flow tolling 75

• Toll plazas

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mAdministration

• Vehicle classification
• Stationary and mobile
• Transportation payment
• Car-to-car and vehicle-to-
infrastructure communica-
• Traffic telematics

Communication between OBU
and toll centre is executed via
mobile communication services
GSM and GPRS. Infrared and EFKON AG
microwave DSRC (Dedicated Andritzer Reichsstrasse 66
Short Range Communications) 8045 Graz
support interoperability with Austria
existing local tolling solutions. IR Tel: +43 316 6956 750
communications is used for sta- Email:
tionary and mobile enforcement URL:
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 76

mAdministration - Italy

Integrated fully scalable navigation system for multi-platform purposes

The Pocket Pocket Driver is able to connect
Driver system to a service centre (public or pri-
is a highly con- vate), integrate into company
figurable and specific IT system, and to use
scalable sys- services on the portal pocket-
tem, with Pocket Driver uses
which it is pos- Bluetooth to connect the local
sible to cus- components, GSM, GPRS and
tomise telemat- Pocket Driver is WiFi for communication and GPS
ic systems. The a professional for positioning.
system uses integrated nav-
modern wire- igation system
less communi- comprised by
cation, inter- three compo-
net, and nents:
76 satellite navigation technology in
order to provide very complex • Pocket Driver Server -
mWatch Europe 2006

services available to users via software application used to

common everyday mobile create web portals to man-
devices, such as PDA’s, PND’s age infomobility related
(Portable Navigation Device), services and contents for
and PNA’s (Personal Navigation various customers
Assistant), Smartphones, and
Mobile Phones. • Pocket Driver - a profes-
sional system for users on
the move that, based on the
CONTACT INFORMATION: context, supplies the func-
tions, services and informa-
tion received to help users
with their businesses
Lct Infotelematics Srl
Via Bruno Buozzi 28 • Pocket Driver Link -
10024 Moncalieri (TO) optional hardware compo-
Italy nent of the family of elec-
Tel +39 011 195016 00 tronic devices for connecting the mobile equipment used to run Pocket Driver and
vehicle electronics
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 77

mEntertainment - Spain

Prototyping new opportunities in mobile multimedia

InfoNeu is a mobile application MMS is sent from a mobile ter-
developed to support winter- minal to an e-mail address.
sport amateurs, providing a Once the e-mail is received, this
location and user-specific serv- is processed through a Moblog
ice. The latest mobile Java tech- and Weblog tool and shared with
nology (J2ME MIDP 2.0) is the other users. Users can
utilised in order to gain an access the shared contents in Government (CIDEM), CCRTV
attractive and easy-to-use inter- different formats (HTML, WML, Interactiva, TVC Netmedia,
face. Functionality includes etc) as the prototype uses differ- Tempos21, Politecnic University
Weather Status, Snow Status on ent style sheets. of Catalonia (UPC) and
nearest Piste, Traffic Status, University of Pompeu Fabra
Skiing Piste related information, TV Mòbil 3G telephony includes (UPF).
SOS Calls and SMS to contact portable television. This technol-
friends. ogy is now offered by different
companies (e.g. MTV Channel or
Italian Operator TIM). i2CAT 77

experiments with different

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mAdministration

mobile TV applications that offer
good quality and add participa-
tion tools not unlike interactive
TV. This way, users can simulta-
neously access live or recorded
audiovisual contents and other
services such as vote, send mes-
sages and so on.

These three services form a part
of the Wireless Media Project
that explores multimedia servic-
es within mobile technologies, Rosa Maria MartínSantiago
El Reporter Mòbil is a proto- assessing new wireless technolo- Universitat Politecnica de
type that turns users into mobile gies and developing prototypes Catalunya
reporters. Users share different to advance the way day-to-day Spain
contents (e.g. actual weather knowledge is acquired and dis- Tel +34 934017736
status) by using a mobile termi- seminated. Wireless Media was
nal. These can be pictures and facilitated by i2CAT and incorpo-
video, audio or text fragments. rated a range of public and pri-
In its prototype application, an vate partners: The Catalonian
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 78

mEntertainment - France

Video-On-Demand on mobile phones

Pier-Net TV provides turnkey poses on the internet, mobile granted and the designated
solutions of video-on-demand phones, PDAs, 3G and EDGE videos are then ready for
(VOD) including everything from networks, Wi-Fi, satellites, and display on e.g. 3G mobile
post production to broadcasting digital Cinema. phones and other wireless
of video. Technologies and com- Piernet’s offers three interlinked devices.
petences are focused in the area products:
of converting and distributing • Bizz Clips are 1-5 minute
video material across different video news clips that inte- An example of an interlinked
platforms for dissemination pur- grate music, narration, and service is Bizz Clips and
interviews. Visiocode that enable users to
produce and distribute live
• Télé@vision is an Internet recordings of e.g. presentations,
site that organises and cur- conferences, and meeting to a
rent Bizz Clips into cate- range of select clients. Videos
gories of business, towns are subsequently made available
78 and communities, and for distribution on client’s intra-
events making them accessi- and extranets, websites, and
mWatch Europe 2006

ble for on-line purposes. wireless devices via Visiocode.

• Visiocode allows clients to

make videos available ‘on-
demand’ to specific users.
Users are directed to the
Visiocode website via hyper-
links, SMS, and MMS mes-
sages for the purpose of
watching specific videos that
are stored on Pier-Net.TV’s
Pier-Net.TV server. By entering a simple
Stéphane Piernet five-digit code access is
Buropolis II 1240 Route Des
Sophia-Antipolis 06560
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 79

mEntertainment - Turkey

Mobile Internet in your pocket

Turkcell has launched Turkcell- • Entertainment – offers the
im, a web portal providing their most popular tunes, videos, and
customers with easy access to games. In addition, the most
all of their value-added services sought-after images, logos,
and media rich content. Turkcell- tunes, video clips of soccer
im provides a single point of goals, and video clips from
mobile Internet access to servic- movies and TV series.
es that cater to the needs and
interests of every customer. It is • Music – the latest and most via the Turkcell-im
accessible via WAP, SMS and the popular songs with and a service “Assistant” that offers
web, and consists of six cate- that lets users preview a song “Answer in the Pocket”,
gories covering a wide range of before buying it.
topics. Until October 31st 2006 which
Turkcell has provided free access • Chat/Message – offers sub- answers
to these services. scribers many possibilities such any ques-
as accessing their e-mail any- tion and e- 79

time anywhere, chatting over Government

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mEntertainment

TurkcellMessenger, and creating that allows
and sharing WAPblogs. rapid access
to e-gov-
• Sports – access to all kinds of ernment
soccer news, video clips, and applica-
live commentaries of games, tions.
sports video games, and Iddaa
betting packages.
• Assistant – access to trans-
actions related to mobile lines
The six categories are: Muzaffer Akpinar
• Today – includes services Chief Executive Officer
routinely used in daily life such Turkcell Plaza Mesrutiyet Cad.
as news with photographs and No. 153
videos, traffic reports, weather 80050 Tepebasi / Istanbul
reports, instant reports on for- Turkey
eign currency exchange rates Tel +90 (212) 313 10 00
and the Istanbul Stock
Exchange, and a daily horo-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 80

mEntertainment - Turkey

Bring your mobile to life with Avea’s mobile services

Avea is arguably one
Turkey’s most innova-
tive telecoms with a
dedicated focus on the
Turkish youth seg-
ment. Recently Avea
launched a series of
new mobile services Life, Ladies World, Young ones. Eskiflehir A. University, SSK
that capture the spirit The services enable users to Information Service, Open
of this generation by read Zodiac sign interpretations, Education High School Exam,
offering daily updated follow the colourful magazine life KBYS (Career Advancement
multimedia enriched closely, to be informed about the Exam). Furthermore, there is a
data transfers and interactive current movies shown at the- huge section of purely entertain-
content. atres, learn about the results of ment-based services that are
horse races, get detailed infor- accessible
80 Avea provides a host of informa- mation on football matches, to by
tion opportunities, such as the be informed about political
mWatch Europe 2006

Information Packages that and economical develop-

include structures information ments and to access
services like Astrology, Istanbul, practical clues about
Popular News, Cinema, wellness and dieting.
Hippodrome, Politics, Economy,
Football, Good Quality of Life, In addition, to the
Diet, Weather Reports (Istanbul, Information
Ankara, Izmir), Sports, Business Packages, Avea pro-
vides access to
CONTACT INFORMATION: eGovernment services
that include MTS
(Motorized Vehicle
Exam), OKS (Middle
Cahit Paksoy Education Ins. Exam), DPY
Chief Executive Officer (State Free Board. & Scholarship
Abdi Ipekci Cad. No:75 Exam), Private Schools Exam, mobile
34367 Maçka-Istanbul AIO (Open Primary Education), phones, such as games,
Turkey Teacher Assignment (Payroll or karaoke, multimedia studios,
Tel +90 (212) 460 15 00 Temporary Personnel), chat, music and video down- Statistical Information from loads, ordering and paying for
TUIK, ÖSS, Gazi University, pizzas to mention a few.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 81

mEntertainment - France

Accelerating Java application time-to-market

Specialized in
mobile Java tech- Mobile Distillery’s latest version
nologies, espe- of its porting solution is Celsius
cially J2ME and V3.5, which is configured to
Doja, Mobile address optimisation and porting
Distillery develops to more than the 350 currently
and sells solutions available mobiles. It enables
enabling the optimization and developers to generate “ready to
porting of mobile Java applica- use” versions on each device in
tions across more than 350 Java a highly optimised way. The
handsets in just a few clicks. product features:
These solutions radically simplify
and optimize applications devel- Accelerated time-to-market:
opment processes, reduce port- the crucial development steps of
ing and testing cycles whilst mobile Java applications are
generating cost savings, and considerably simplified and opti- 81

accelerating time-to-market. mized. With Celsius, porting

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mEntertainment

Mobile Distillery’s customers does not take 2-4 weeks of work
include mobile game publishers anymore but a few hours only.
and developers as well as mobile
Business application developers. Efficient source code man- CONTACT INFORMATION:
agement: version or lan-
guage management are
extremely simplified: all
the right versions are now Mobile Distillery
generated by one master Vincent Berge
version of the source CEO
code. Belle de Mai Multimedia
37 rue Guibal
Allow last-minute 13003 Marseille
changes and reduce Immeuble Le Trident
bugs correction cycle: Chemin De La Plaine De
use of one master source Bouisson
code and automatic ver- Hyeres 83400 Giens
sion production drastically
simplifies last-minute Vincent.berge@mobile-distill-
changes and bug correc-
tion management.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 82

mEntertainment - Denmark

Mobile entertainment, fun, and games

bining storytelling, innovative
game play and internet con-
nectivity, watAgame has spe-
cialized in building living uni-
verses where people from
around the globe interact
with each other every minute of goSupermodel is a communi-
the day. ty game developed for
girls. The photo
With know-how and practical shoots allow for
experience gained as a pioneer endless hours of
in creating communities since exciting game
2003, watAgame uses mobile play while
technologies like J2ME (Java 2 the huge
watAgame ApS is a leading Platform, Micro Edition) in order community
82 developer and publisher dedicat- to underpin entertainment, com- gives the
ed to development of communi- munity services, peer-to-peer player the
mWatch Europe 2006

ties across Mobile and Web. fun, and other services by use of means to
watAgame is based in low-end phones. interact and
Copenhagen, Denmark, and have fun with all
employs a strong and competent goSupermodel is the latest con- the other play-
team of 10 highly specialized cept from watAgame and intro- ers. The game
community developers. By com- duces a high-fashion fantasy can be played
world targeted to the from mobile
CONTACT INFORMATION: tween/teen female market. In phones as well
goSupermodel the player starts as on the
out as a newbie model and must internet.
work her way to the top in a
watAgame ApS world of fame and fashion to
Søren Amundsen become a true Supermodel. It
Executive Vice President requires skills like being able to
Kigkurren 8c, follow the constantly changing
2300 Copenhagen S fashion and winning photo
Denmark shoots to earn fame and money.
Tel +45 35 36 41 10 Luckily, she makes a lot of new friends that help her out by sending her gifts and giving her
big hugs to boost her popularity.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 83

mEntertainment - Italy

Fun, real time information, and emergency notification on your mobile

Dynamic Fun is
focused on pro-
ducing entertain-
ment contents
and services,
focusing on creat-
ing huge communities of mobile
players. In addition, they also
produce business solutions that
enable companies to get real
time responses from people
working in the field. Dynamic
Fun has developed platforms
that enable easy delivery and
management of wireless services
and contents. The company 83

offers turn key solutions in enables clients to link their

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mEntertainment

terms of deploying mobility serv- brand and target audience by a
ices and projects based on wire- simple SMS service, via links to
less connectivity. CRM and marketing campaigns,
Focus is primarily on wireless generating more value than e-
entertainment in two main fields: mail marketing.

• Developing complex plat- Dynamic Fun also offers a logistics

forms and infrastructures service. DLog is a web and wire-
that handle and distribute less solution that has been devel-
wireless contents from sim- oped to provide an easy way to CONTACT INFORMATION:
ple SMS delivery services to exchange data with on-location
advanced video streaming employees via low cost mobile
applications. phones and a J2ME application.
Dynamic Fun S.r.l.
• Developing contents, serv- SMSHelp has been launched to Via Cardinal Massaia 83
ices, and application projects improve care for the elderly. This 10147 Turin
for international distribution. is a personal security product Italy
based on SMS. It allows users to Tel. +39 011 2303641
Wireless marketing is another reach relatives and emergency
service in Dynamic Fun’s prod- services by SMS with just two
uct portfolio. This service pushes on a cell phone.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 84

mEntertainment - Sweden

Digital services during BoatMeet

special online communities for
BoatMeet visitors that enabled
users to share photos, e.g.
taken with mobile phones and
uploaded by MMS. In addition,
amusing and useful services
were offered and everyone was
able to sign up for various
competitions to win prizes, to
send personalised m-postcards,
receive online offers from busi-
nesses that operate within the
marine industry as well as from
local businesses. Weather serv-
The Swedish Cruising that marine life and wireless ices, event information, and
84 Association, with more than technology can converge, in reservation system were also
42,000 members, invited mem- order to provide exciting new among the many services avail-
mWatch Europe 2006

bers and non-member boat own- opportunities for sailors, busi- able to mobile phone users.
ers to the first Scandinavian nesses, organisations, and
BoatMeet which took place in the general public. The
Västervik during July 2005. steering committee teamed
Västervik has the largest guest up with service suppliers,
harbour on the Swedish east technology suppliers and the
coast. selected marine industry
partners to coordinate and
The organisers decided to show offer real time digital wire-
less services to visitors,

CONTACT INFORMATION: exhibitors, boat owners, and

organisations during the

Stefan Bedin Free wireless broadband was

Project co-ordinator made available to everyone.
Tel +46 70 947 29 00 By using the service portal
Sweden users were given access to all kinds of services, e.g. live
broadcasting, internet radio,
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 85

mEntertainment - Sweden

Community services for the Swedish Association for Outdoor Recreation

The Swedish Association for

Outdoor Recreation is planning
to take a serious step towards
user-driven mobile technology. A 85

mobile community launch has

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mEntertainment

been planned in cooperation
with Living Lab Västervik and of their mobile phones. It entails with more than 10 million out-
Brainpool. It is a pilot project several services, such as SMS door hours spent each year;
intended for members of the platform for membership man- there are approximately 10,000
long-distance skating community agement, and messages that leaders and 100,000 members.
within the Swedish Association facilitate communication among A total of 420 local communities
for Outdoor Recreation. members, service information on are scattered all over Sweden
special events, and safety warn- from Kiruna up north to Ystad
The actual community service is ings for long-distance skating. In down south.
based on the idea of a platform addition, the platform provides
that allows community users to business-2-consumer opportuni- CONTACT INFORMATION:
exploit the information potential ties that are likely to be of inter-
est to several businesses and
other commercial stakeholders
that are keen on e.g. direct mar- Michael Gross
keting for this particular market Project leader
segment. Tel +46 70 340 83 66
The Swedish Association for
Outdoor Recreation is the largest
outdoor recreation community
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 86

mEntertainment - Sweden

Digital services during the Tornado European Championship

Organisers of the Tornado others interested, the opportuni- even more opportunities when
European Championship decid- ty of following the Tornado business and sports world’s can
ed to show how sport events European Championship race via be merged in online services.
and tourism can co-evolve to SMS messages.
develop entertaining and inter- By employing a mobile
86 esting services based on phone platform everyone
Västervik’s advanced digital around the world were able
mWatch Europe 2006

infrastructure. to enjoy results from all the

boat races, as long as they
During the Tornado European had access to a mobile
Championship in Västervik the device.
organisers cooperated with serv- The distributed information
ice suppliers and technology informed users of e.g results
suppliers to offer digital mobile after every top mark round-
services. Services provided visi- ing and final results including
tors, organisers, sponsors, and names of the five first boats.
Users also had the opportu-

CONTACT INFORMATION: nity to subscribe to more

detailed information, such as
the position of specific boats
after every lap, and the final
Stefan Malmborg position of specific boats.
Project leader
Tel +46 70 682 14 18 The organisers wanted to
Sweden show that by applying new mobile digital services, the boat racing sport has a
chance to develop and enjoy
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 87

mEntertainment - Sweden

Face recognition technology - entertainment for mobile users

Softhouse AB is a Swedish soft- • “When I’m 64” realistically
ware house and consulting com- ages a portrait up to 40
pany providing competence for years. The reply message
advanced software development, contains a morph sequence
and solutions for the next gener- disclosing an instant ageing
ation’s communication networks. process
Leading-edge face recognition • Manga Me returns a morph
technology is the basis for their sequence where the user
product line opening a world of watches oneself turn into a
opportunities for entertainment. manga character.

The face recognition technology

allows a user to send an MMS
portrait to a service platform,
and the system will pick out the
most similar portrait from a 87

database of other portraits and a

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mEntertainment

morphed sequence of the two
pictures is sent back to the user.
This technology opens up for a
variety of applications like:

• Facing TV finds your

potential celebrity look a like
and morphs the two of you CONTACT INFORMATION:
• Painter produces a portrait
as was it painted by one of
the great painters
• TwinFactor allows the user Lars Halling
to find out which celebrity CEO
he or she resembles the Softhouse Consulting
most Stormgatan 14
• The Family Factor returns 211 20 Malmö
the similarity degree (%) • Animalizer returns the Sweden
between two faces - the closest animal match from a Tel: + 46 40 664 39 00
“Family Factor” - and a database and a morph
morph sequence between sequence between portrait
them and animal
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 88

mEntertainment - United Kingdom

The future of digital entertainment

forming the way people live and

work. Digital Radio including RadioScape’s Software Defined
Digital Audio Broadcasting Radio approach is setting the
(DAB), Digital Radio Mondiale world standard in digital radio, it
(DRM) and Digital Multimedia allows them to design and man-
Broadcasting (DMB) has much in ufacture highly flexible and reli-
common with GSM and 3G wire- able software-based products
88 less services. However, digital that take away the complexity of
radio delivers audio and data delivering sophisticated digital
mWatch Europe 2006

services at a much lower cost wireless solutions. As a result,

A revolution is taking place in than other wireless standards. customers benefit from acceler-
both the broadcast radio and ated time to market, differentia-
wireless telecommunications People are tuning into digital tion, and the confidence of sup-
industries. Wireless entertain- radio because of its distortion- ply necessary to meet market
ment and information is trans- free CD quality sound and wide demands. What makes these
variety of new and exciting con- solutions even more powerful is
CONTACT INFORMATION: tent. They are also taking their ability to run over a stan-
advantage of its ability to deliver dard Internet Protocol (IP) data
low-cost wireless internet, news, network.
traffic, and weather reports.
Nigel Robson
Vortex Public Relations RadioScape products support
Island House the world’s largest digital radio
Forest Road networks. Their infrastructure
Guernsey, GY8 0AB suite for professional broadcast-
UK ers allows service providers to
Tel +44 1481 233080 build radio transmission net- works that support both audio and data broadcasting services
over the airwaves.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 89

mEntertainment - United Kingdom

Your phone, your life…

downloads and even location-
Vodafone Vodafone
based services. live! live! with 3G
Australia Austria
Vodafone live! is available to Austria France
users via standard mobile tech- Belgium Germany
nology such as WAP. However, it Croatia Greece
is also 3G powered in places Egypt Ireland
that support the UMTS France Italy
(Universal Mobile Germany Japan
Greece Netherlands
Telecommunications System)
Hungary Portugal
standard. This means users can
Ireland Spain
enjoy video calling, faster down-
Italy Sweden
loads of music, games and video Japan Switzerland
and even watch TV on your Malta United
phone. Netherlands Kingdom
Vodafone live! is a highly cus- New Zealand 89

tomised portal that enables Vodafona live! is tailored in each Portugal

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mEntertainment

mobile phone users to do a wide country to bring users all the Slovenia
range of things with their mobile best and latest local news, Spain
phone. Essentially it’s about entertainment and services. Sweden
bringing users mobile to life,
sending richer messages with
pictures and video, personalising
phones with wallpapers, video
and ringtones, getting the latest
games and music tracks, being
up to date on sports, politics,
economy and finance. All when-
ever, wherever you are. Vodafone Group Plc
Vodafone House
The Vodafone live! portal pro- The Connection
vides users with streamlined, Newbury
fast access to the mobile web, Berkshire
all straight from their phone by RG14 2FN
using a simple icon-based on- UK
screen menu and the latest Tel +44 (0) 1635 33251
multimedia phones to get a
wealth of new information,
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:12 Página 90

mEntertainment - Finland

The mobile entertainment package

TeliaSonera have the user’s
introduced a monthly invoice.
series of new
services for During the
mobile users by Winter Olympics
offering digital 2006 in Turin
TV-broadcast Italy, more than
(MobiiliTV), 330 hours of live
video-on-demand TV coverage was
(VoD), video broadcast and on-demand video Nelonen
calls, radio collages were offered. The serv- channel,
streaming, and ices were delivered exclusively YLE’s news
access to on-line to Finnish TeliaSonera customers broadcasts,
music service via mobile phones. using GPRS, EDGE and 3G tech- The Voice
The mobile TV services are nologies. To guarantee video 24h Music TV, and on top of that
90 delivered to by using a multipur- feed of high quality, broadcasts news flashes and up to date pro-
pose platform that enables con- are optimised for the specific grams from MTV3. More content
mWatch Europe 2006

tent providers to package and range of mobile phones that are providers are expected to join
securely distribute all kinds of capable of receiving TV. the service, within 2006, to offer
media. Pay-per-view and sub- TeliaSonera customers have vir- a wider range of services.
scription-based services can eas- tually all programs of the
ily be managed and charged to


Pasi Mehtonen,
Director, Consumer Mobile
Services and Entertainment,
Tel. +358 40 7171370
Press service +358 2040 60235
E-mail: pasi.mehtonen@telia-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 91

mEntertainment - Sweden

Anoto Functionality sustains natural handwriting

rooted in a spe- be
cial digital pen written
and a paper, in a spe-
printed with cial way,
a pattern in contrast
that is invisible to the to various
eye. Advanced image other applica-
processing and a com- tions such as
plex infrastructure allow hand-held comput-
anything put on paper ers.
by the pen to be digi-
tised and distributed. The technology enables
The digital pen uses ink you to create colourful,
and is handled just like personalised messages and
a normal ballpoint pen. images and send them to com-
In addition, it also con- patible phones using Bluetooth 91

tains a digital camera, wireless technology. You can

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mEntertainment

The basic idea behind Anoto is advanced image processing sys- also transfer your notes from the
to use a digital pen like an ordi- tem, and a wireless communica- digital pen to any compatible PC.
nary pen, while transferring data tion unit for interface when The digital pen delivers a user
to computers or mobile devices. transmitting data. friendly and personal way of
Anoto has digitalized the writing sending emails, faxes and
process without sacrificing the The paper is like any ordinary SMS/MMS.
natural use of pen and paper. paper - except this paper is
Anoto Functionality interprets printed with a special dotted CONTACT INFORMATION:
and transmits handwritten text pattern, invisible to the human
and images. The technology is eye. The displacement of the
dots, 0.1 millimeters in size,
from the relative position Örjan Johansson
enables them to be programmed Board Member
to inform the pen of its exact Anoto Group AB
location on a particular page. Scheeleväg 15C
By registering the pen’s move- 233 70 Lund
ment across the paper, and by Sweden
recording the pen pressure, the Tel: + 46 46 540 12 00
writing is interpreted and digi-
tised. The technology is not
based on characters having to
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 92

mHealth - Spain

Mobility enabled emergency medical response

Tempos21 is a leading company
in the creation and exploitation
of mobile services for varying
business needs. Tempos21 is
also a Wireless Application
Service Provider (W-ASP) that
develops services and solutions
along four main lines of busi-
ness: Mobile Multimedia
Marketing, Localisation Services,
Productivity Service and
Connectivity Services. By provid-
ing W-ASP, clients of Tempos21
avoid costly investments and
complex system integrations emergency area of the hospital One part of the data sent from
92 when benefiting from mobility clinic in Barcelona with the the ambulance is introduced
services. mobile medical teams in ambu- manually by the ambulance’s
mWatch Europe 2006

lances. The service provides medic, whilst the rest of the

An example of one of their solu- valuable preparatory information data is directly transmitted from
tions is a mobile application to medical staff at the clinic the defibrillator of the ambu-
integrating the accident and before the patient arrives. lance via GPRS. The medics at
the Accident and Emergency
CONTACT INFORMATION: Medical personnel responding to ward in turn are equipped with
emergencies in ambulances are Blackberry terminals, which are
equipped with a TSM-500 termi- mobile phones with built-in e-
nal (mobile PDA). Patient data mail server and a permanent
Tempos 21 can thus be sent already from connection to the email servers.
Joan Borràs the ambulance via GPRS to a This ensures that medics can
Business Development web system that forwards the receive data real-time on the
Manager information via email to incoming patient at any moment
Avda Canal Olimpico, s/n Blackberry terminals in the in time, enabling early prepara-
Edificio PMT-B emergency department. By tions for adequate treatment.
08860 Castelldelfels ensuring a high level of informa-
Spain tion is shared by the time the
Tel +34 93 635 2921 patient arrives in the hospital, medical treatment will be brought to effect as quickly as
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 93

mHealth - Greece

Remote control for home based infusion therapies

MicrelCare service, powered by potential episodes according ambulatory infusion pumps and
the Rythmic Connect pumps, fit- to the event log / status of syringe drivers. They are very
ted with cellular network capa- the infusion. interested in sharing their con-
bilities, represents a unique and nectivity technology with compa-
major step forward in the prac- • Infusion parameters can nies operating in the homecare
tice and management of ambu- be remotely adjusted and field.
latory that could revolutionise controlled thus saving on the
the home care infusion manage- costs of nursing time.
ment sector.
MicrelCare is a wireless real time IP-Connect is a GSM/GPRS gate-
service using a GPRS mobile way that operates as a Personal
phone integrated into an infusion Area Network concentrator, with
device. It enables the ambulato- an RS232 input and a wireless
ry Rythmic pump to communi- networking technology that is
cate with a web server providing similar to Bluetooth but operates
the following services: with extremely low power con- 93

sumption. It opens up new

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mHealth

• Physicians, nurses and opportunities for extending local
homecare service providers connectivity to sensors, monitors
can access the status of or respiratory machines sur-
their patients’ infusion rounding the patient at home or
through the web at anytime. on the move, in a ubiquitous
health realisation.
• Nurses may receive SMS CONTACT INFORMATION:
messages based upon Micrel Medical Devices is a med-
selected warnings or pre- ical technology company that
warnings, thus anticipating offers a comprehensive range of
Micrel Medical Devices
Jean-Claude Rondelet
International Marketing
4 Ithakis Str Pallini GR 15351
Tel +33 685719814
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 94

mHealth - Italy

Wireless health monitoring and feedback system

asked to complete a ten-item

questionnaire. The questionnaire
was delivered by display on a
Health-Related Quality of Life reduce these barriers and mobile phone, and was
assessment is widely used in encourage better doctor-patient answered by the patients using
clinical research, but rarely in interaction regarding patient the mobile phone keypad.
clinical practice. Barriers includ- symptoms and quality-of-life
94 ing practical difficulties adminis- monitoring. The aim of WHOMS Physicians access the system
tering printed questionnaires (Wireless Health Outcomes through the internet and assign
mWatch Europe 2006

have limited their use. Monitoring System) is to develop a questionnaire to one or more
Telehealth technology could a new system for transmitting patients by specifying the exam-
patients’ self-reported outcomes ination elapse as well as the
CONTACT INFORMATION: using mobile phones or the delivery recurrence. The web
internet, and to test whether server, through the use of a
patients can and will use the scheduler and interfacing the
system via a mobile phone. MMSC (Multimedia Messaging
Dr Emilia Bielli Service Centre) and SMSC
Via Ripamonti 89, Wireless Health Outcomes (Short Messaging Service
20139 Milan Monitoring System provides a Centre) modules, forwards a
Italy distribution and retrieval system message to patients, inviting
Tel +39 0253 7561 for structured questionnaires to them to compile the question- be sent to patients by their naire. Once compiled, the medical management team. patient forwards the answers to
Unit of Psychology Patients’ answers are directly the server which stores the data
Istituto Nazionale Tumori sent to an authorised website using another module. A physi-
Via Venezian 1 immediately accessible by the cian can then monitor the
20133 Milan, medical team, and are displayed patient’s health by connecting to
Italy in a graphic format that high- the internet and viewing a
lights the patient’s state of graphic representation of the
health. Cancer inpatients were patient’s answers.

1 Source:
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 95

mHealth - Italy

Remote monitoring and assistance of elderly and disabled people in their homes

The ADITECH project (Integrated report a number of observations, e.g. immobility due to falling,
Technological Home Assistance) such as: fainting or simply loss of orien-
is designed to promote, develop tation.
and distribute innovative tech- • Safety/security monitoring 95

nologies and services for the

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mHealth

rehabilitation and social integra- • Health state monitoring
tion of the elderly and disabled.
The aim of the project is to use • Quality of life monitoring
technology to improve the lives
of elderly and disabled people by CONTACT INFORMATION:
making them more independent.
‘Expert System’ will analyse how Alarms and personal help
elderly and disabled people requests are transmitted to the
interact in different situations remote service centre in case of Dr. Antonio Sciarappa
and monitor their responses in an emergency. The project is Manager, Services and
order to make advanced deci- highly inter-disciplinary and will Applications Lab
sions on the physical state of the exploit advanced solutions based Istituto Superiore Mario Boella
monitored subjects. on sensors that monitor e.g. Via P.C. Boggio 61
movement and temperature. 10138 Torino
Wireless technology integrated Nanotechnologies and wireless Italy
into a wristwatch, worn by moni- technologies are squeezed into a Tel +39 011 227 61 12
tored individuals, enables com- wristwatch, allowing it to record
munication to a remote service and analyze daily activities
centre via mobile or fixed inside or outside the home. The [
telecommunication network. The device thus recognises situations 1&web_id=101]
wireless device will constantly that may lead to personal risk,
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 96

mHealth - Denmark

Mobile IT solutions in home-care for the elderly

The Municipality of
Copenhagen in 2002 ini-
tiated a plan of digitalis-
ing the entire organisa-
tion of home
care-taking by providing
3000 handheld PDA’s,
one for each home
care-taker. The plan has
recently been realized,
and will now be imple-
mented in retirement
homes. Moreover 400
Bluetooth hotspots will be imple-
mented in order to increase the
96 mobility of information.
mWatch Europe 2006

The PDA solution has significant-

ly leveraged the efficiency of the
work, and enabled education
and training of employees. PDA’s


Rita Lützhøft
Project Manager support daily routines, such as The PDA also enables centralisa-
The Health and Medical visitation schedules and changes tion of statistical information of
Administration by making information available e.g. visitation durations, length of
Informatikstaben on request through on-line col- individual tasks etc. All information
Sjællandsgade 40 laboration. PDA’s also provide is updated in a centralised it-sys-
2200 København N access to vital information con- tem that smoothes the progress of
Denmark cerning citizen’s health journals, management by making informa-
Tel: + 45 35 30 31 69 previous visitations, phone num- tion available on how different
Mob: + 45 26 73 31 69 bers of relatives etc. and provide tasks and routines perform, spot- a better service experience allto- ting areas of improvement and
gether. those that run satisfactory.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 97

mHealth - Sweden

CardioSenseSystem the wireless electrocardiograph

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a efficient alternative to standard
graphic produced by an electro- devices. The system is designed
cardiograph, which records the to replace stationary ECG
activity of the heart, and has a equipment as well as portable
prime function in screening and ECG systems used in hospital
diagnosis of cardiovascular dis- intensive care units. The system
eases. The measurement is designed for low-cost, high-
requires that 12 self-adhesive quality ECG monitoring.
electrodes are connected to
various positions on the body. The CardioPatchSensor, no larg-
The regular ECG test is painless er than 4 cm in diameter, is
but expensive. applied to the body with an
adhesive and looks much like a
The basic idea is to measure traditional ECG electrode. In
ECG entirely wirelessly with contrast, the CardioPatch is a
low-cost disposable units, in the fully integrated unit containing 97

same way as today’s wired dis- electrodes, ECG amplifier, a

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mHealth

posable electrodes. The fore- radio transmitter, and identifica-
most upside of the tion codes. CardioPatch trans-
CardioSenseSystem is that it mits the ECG signal 24 hours to
eliminates the challenges of the CardioBase receiver.
wires and electrodes coming
loose. The CardioBase has a high pro- CONTACT INFORMATION:
cessing capability. Advanced
The CardioSenseSystem from signal processing is used to
Novosense is a user ensure secure and accurate
friendly and transmission of the ECG sig- Tommy Skoog
cost nals. Different frequency MD
bands can be used Novosense AB
according to the Ideon Science Park
regulations in differ- ß – building
ent markets. Scheelev. 17
233 70 Lund,
Tel: + 46 733 53 88 80
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 98

mHealth - Sweden

The Swedish Pharmacy’s Nationwide Customer Services via web conference

new ways of offer-
ing good service to
customers in
sparsely populated
areas. The purpose
of the project is to
test and evaluate
consumer transac-
tions based on
interactive web
conferencing tech-
nology including
video technology
for 3G mobile

mWatch Europe 2006

Apoteket wants to the understanding of how to

learn whether it’s operate devices sold by
possible to improve Apoteket.
consumer experi-
ence by making
use of new technol-
The Swedish Pharmacy’s ogy and thereby improving their
Nationwide Customer Services service level standard compared
(Apoteket AB) are examining to regular telephone services. In
addition to possible service

CONTACT INFORMATION: improvements Apoteket is keen

to find and develop new services
that could emerge from experi-
menting with this kind of tech-
Sofia Widmark-Nordh nology.
Busniess Manager
Tel +46 48041 63 65 Advantages of the video confer-
Sweden encing technology are that prod- ucts can be showed live, which may lead to shortened decision
making processes and improve
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 99

mLearning - Sweden

Increasing the awareness of digital services the city of Västervik

In the summer 2006 Västervik A digital services platform was
Online was launched in coopera- launched with the help of local
tion with the media portal suppliers. Services were acces-
openGate. Free wireless broad- sible via computers and mobile
band was offered to everyone to phones. Large wide screens was
promote the use of digital serv- set up across the city of
ices and increase the integration Västervik displaying information
of private, public, and institu- about special events, promo-
tional sectors. tional offers, tourism services,
live broadcasting, news servic-
es, blogging, weather informa-
tion etc. From June 15th to
August 15th particular focus
was given to local initiatives
and events that took place in
Västervik. 99

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mLearning

The short run operational goal of
Service Västervik is to get as
many companies as possible
involved in using digital services
to help facilitate a better under-
standing of solutions and to
realise the huge potential of dig-
ital technology.

The strategic long term goal is

for the platform to become a CONTACT INFORMATION:
permanent solution where digi-
tal services can be developed
and deployed by local compa-
nies, organisations, and other Stefan Bedin
stakeholders. This iniciative is Project co-ordinator
part of the overall objective to Tel +46 70 947 29 00
create a networked municipality Sweden
that benefits from highly inte-
grated services across different
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 100

mLearning - Denmark

Cross-disciplinary user driven mobile content, services, and applications

MIL is a public-private partner- Danish Broadcasting Corporation demands and the convergence
ship for developing mobile con- (DR), Film and Media Studies at of media, content and technolo-
tent for 3G telephones. MIL is an the University of Copenhagen, gy. The cross-disciplinary nature
abbreviation of the Danish words the Danish School of Design, of the partners provides an
100 Mobil Indholds Lab that is trans- and Innovation Lab. The purpose excellent framework for out-of-
lates into Mobile Content Lab. of MIL is to create user-driven the-box thinking and compe-
mWatch Europe 2006

content, services, and applica- tence sharing that could lead to

MIL is a unique collaboration tions for advanced 3G phones. unique and value added con-
among the IT-University in The collaboration and innovation cepts and services for the mobile
Copenhagen, TDC Mobile (the processes are intended as a industry.
largest telco in Denmark), the research dynamo in terms of
generating and testing new
ideas and concepts for advanced
3G technology. The target group
is primarily young advanced
users of mobile technology
Kasper Kofod between the ages of 15 and 24.
Project Manager
IT-University of Copenhagen The project was initiated in 2005
Rued Langgaards Vej 7 and will last two years. The proj-
2300 København S ect is unique due to its focus on
Denmark user-centric design and alterna-
Tel: + 45 72 18 50 28 tive usage of mobile contents.
Mob: + 45 21 63 47 17 One of the key elements of the project is recognising and meet- ing the challenges posed by
increasingly complex user
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 101

mLogistics - Switzerland

Solutions for mobile business

3united is an independent wire- NFT services such as smart Engine that offers integrated
less application data centre with a posters that communicate modules as “building blocks” for
dedicated focus on mobile appli- directly to consumers’ cell personalised support, activation
cations for media houses, mobile phones, contactless kiosk sys- and motivation of mobile cus-
operators, and systems houses. tems, and Point-of-Sale devices. tomers.
Services and solutions range from
simple SMS dispatches to m- • Content Services –
Commerce transactions to three- Optimisation of clients’ content
digit Euro charges and 2 Mbit marketing activities, e.g. content
UMTS video streams in crystal production, content aggregation
clear quality. Scalable COIN clus- and licensing, hosting services
ter architecture and parallel bind- etc.
ing framework permit the pro-
cessing of thousands of business • Tickets & Coupons – Mobile
processes per second such as tickets for events, sales promo-
mass voting for Reality TV, cast- tions, cinema, travel, fairs, and 101

ing shows and interactive radio. mobile coupons, e.g. vouchers

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mLogistics

for special offers or product
3united offers services and solu- samples that goes directly to
tions in four core areas; mobile phones of target groups
ready for customers at the point
• Premium Services – SMS, of sale.
MMS and WAP for mobile mar-
keting campaigns, SMS tools, • Carrier solutions – for
chat and dating, mobile pay- mobile phone operators e.g.
ment, mobile marketing, interac- applications services, distributing
tive media, gambling and bet- platforms, tools for format opti-
ting, logo’s and sound, RFID and misation and Recommender

Three united mobile

solutions ag
Hasnerstrasse 123
A-1160 Wien
Tel +43 1 595 58 05-0
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 102

mLogistics - Switzerland

Advanced Java solutions across the mobile value chain

Esmertec AG is a company that
produces software development
tools and middleware for the
mobile industry. It is an inde-
pendent provider of embedded
Java solutions for mass market
devices, such as mobile hand-
sets and PDA’s, that produces
large parts of the world’s Java
Virtual Machines (JVM) for
mobile phones. • Jbed CDC: The leading Some examples are:
Java runtime embedded
Products for mobile multimedia platform for embedded • Jbed IMP is a modular Java
solutions and home multimedia are: devices execution platform for infor-
mation modules (IM)
102 • Jbed Advanced: High-per- • u@™WAP: Native browser • OSVM is a secure servicea-
formance, unified, modular based on Open Mobile ble object-oriented platform
mWatch Europe 2006

embedded Java platform Alliance (OMA) specifications based on Smalltalk.

WAP 1.x and WAP 2.0
• Jbed CLDC: The leading Esmertec was founded in 1999,
Java runtime embedded Software solutions for consumer as a technology transfer offshoot
platform for mobile phones electronics are in the Machine- from ETH Zürich with nine years
to-Machine (M2M) communica- of research run-up. Headquarters
CONTACT INFORMATION: tion segment. These services are located in Dübendorf-Zürich,
constitute a breakthrough in Switzerland, seven subsidiaries
machine communication that are located in China, Denmark,
modernises the communication France, Japan, South Korea, and
Alain Blancquart process (of e.g. point-of-sales the United Kingdom. Two more
Founder & CEO systems, fleet management, representative offices, supporting
Esmertec AG billboards, vending machines) multinational presence and oper-
Lagerstrasse 14 by using the mobile phone net- ations, can be found in Taiwan
8600 Dübendorf work. and China.
Phone +41 44 823 89 00
Fax +41 44 823 89 99
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 103

mLogistics - Finland

Satellite navigation system at your fingertips

The service is free of charge
once the pre-installed card has
been purchased, and no other
devices than a phone is needed
to operate the systems. The
Bluetooth enabled receiver can
easily be stored in a safe place
while driving or strolling the
streets of Paris.


Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mLogistics

Navicore Personal is a satellite traffic jams, accidents, and other
navigation system that comes on events that might come in handy
a preinstalled memory-card that when planning the journey
can be inserted into any memo- ahead. Automatic re-routing will
ry-card enabled device, such as take place in case of unforeseen
phones, PDA’s, computers etc. events that prevent the continu-
The system comes with a power- ation of the current itinerary. CONTACT INFORMATION:
ful Bluetooth GPS receiver chip
that applies the latest GPS tech- Positions and map displays can
nology to ensure accurate posi- be sent via MMS to friends,
tioning throughout Europe no clients, and other contacts to Juha Murtopuro
matter what the weather condi- facilitate a meeting in unfamiliar Navicore Ltd
tions are. settings. Points of interest, such Tekniikantie 14
as historic sites, restaurants, gas 02150 Espoo
Users of Navicore Personal have stations, parking possibilities, Finland
the possibility of subscribing to and other information can like- Tel +358 9 2517 4555
traffic information and safety wise be displayed on screen with juha.murtopuro@navi-
camera services in order to get contact information for further
real-time updated information on communication.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 104

mLogistics - United Kingdom

Streetcar the highly innovative car pooling service in London

SMS, containing the location,
colour and registration of the
car. The data takes about 60
seconds to reach the car via
the wireless data network.
The cars can be rented for as
little as 30 min usage.

The cars are equipped with

special mobile technologies to
locate them in the city,
receive bookings, and manage
the journey. When the driver
wants to pick up the car, the
RFID card needs to be held
104 over a special reader under
the windscreen. The car
mWatch Europe 2006

unlocks, and the keys can be

taken from the glove compart-
ment. To stop criminals from
stealing the car, a personal
CONTACT INFORMATION: Streetcar uses state-of-the-art PIN has to be entered on the
technology to deliver a new dashboard before the journey
service experience. Cars are can begin.
available at over 100 locations in
Jonathan Hampson London at specially marked
Marketing Manager parking bays in the local neigh-
Streetcar bourhoods.
Park House, 8 Lombard Road,
Wimbledon, The driver needs to sign up once
SW19 3TZ with Streetcar to receive a
United Kingdom monthly bill depending on the
Phone: +44 845 644 8475 usage, and the driver is then
jonathan.hampson@street- issued with a special smart card. Bookings can be done over the phone, or the web.
Confirmations are sent straight
to the user’s mobile phone via
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 105

mLogistics - United Kingdom

iBus informing you every step of the way

The unpredictable traffic of interest to passengers with dis- ly improve service quality:
London makes it hard to predict abilities, infrequent travellers every Londoner knows about
accurate schedules for buses and passengers facing language the annoying waits, only to then
and operate them efficiently. barriers. find out that three buses of the
iBus is a system in the process same line arrive at the same
of being rolled out across The technology is based on time.
London at the cost of £117 mil- GPS, but it received consider-
lion. With an 8000 strong fleet able tweaking to work reliably Enabling passengers to make
of buses, serving 6.3 million in the city landscape where better-informed decisions is
daily passengers, the current satellite signals can easily be what iBus is all about.
radio equipment cannot cope shadowed. A mathematical
anymore. A new system will process is using the GPS data
inform travellers via SMS about together with other input to
the precise arrival time of the determine the correct location.
bus on their route, improve the The iBus system is also using
count down displays at bus GPRS and WiFi connectivity to 105

stops, and the information peo- send data.

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mLogistics

ple receive in buses about the
next stop. This is of particular The system will also dramatical-


Transport For London

Central Customer Services
23rd Floor Empress State
Empress Approach
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 020 7222 5600
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 106

mLogistics - Denmark

State of the art RFID test centre

RFID (Radio Frequency and develop the reliability and

Identification) is becoming efficiency of RFID solutions in
increasingly important to the every aspect of the supply chain
transport and logistics industry. has been built. The test centre is
Deep knowledge of RFID tech- one of only five accredited test
106 nology is a crucial requirement centres in the world.
for international trade, and stan-
mWatch Europe 2006

dards must be met to provide Core competences are estab-

cost efficient SCM (supply chain lished on the basis of rigorous
management). physical testing by exposing the
technology to temperature varia-
CONTACT INFORMATION: The Danish Technological tion, vibration, various transport
Institute (DTI) is on the fore- routines, product contamination,
front of applied knowledge on etc. in order to learn about tech-
RFID technology. An advanced nological shortcomings, perform-
Secretary: Betina Biele international research-based test ance conditions, radio interfer-
Tel. +45 7220 3150 centre with the capacity to test ence issues, readability distance
—————————————- and speed, and many other
Finn Olesen Zoega aspects that must be known to
Chef Consultant ensure full compliance with
Technological Institute international standards.
Gregersensvej 5 Basic RFID educational pro-
DK-2630 Taastrup grams, physical tests, pilot and
Tel: +45 72 20 31 70 feasibility studies, cost/benefit analysis, and assistance in implementation of RFID technol-
port/16118 ogy in the supply chain are
among their services.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 107

mMarketing - Spain

Localised interactive multimedia on Bluetooth enabled mobile devices

through service BluetoothBCN, offer the opportu-
providers networks, nity to deliver different types of
making the service interactive content including:
free for users within
a radius of 100- • Information: Context aware
300m. multimedia information using
text, images, audio and video to
The Wilico access guide users through their
points are built on Bluetooth mobile phones.
(Context Aware • Entertainment: Advergaming
Dynamic Application and Infotainment to provide
Channel Adaptation) information through gaming
technology devel- applications.
oped by FuturLink,
which enables the 107

BluetoothBCN is a project utilis- dynamic adaptation of applica-

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mMarketing

ing Bluetooth access points to tions running on the mobile ter-
allow local interactive multime- minal according to the location
dia services to be delivered to of the end-user. Operating inter-
Bluetooth enabled mobile actively, control is put in the
phones and PDA’s for free. hands of the end-user, who is
Location-specific cultural, public able to interact intuitively with
service and tourist information is the multimedia services offered
provided as proximity “interac- at high-speed via a wireless
tive TV” to the citizens and visi- Bluetooth connection – already
tors of key public buildings in compatible with more than 120
Barcelona. mobile phone models used David Masó
already by more than 50m users CEO
Based on FuturLink’s Wilico in Europe. Wilico access points FuturLink
access points technology, public are managed via a powerful District 22@BCN
agencies and private companies web-based Back Office that Pujades 74
can interact with Bluetooth enable remote content updates 08005 Barcelona
enabled devices of citizens, of access points using internet Spain
clients and visitors in a non- and GPRS. Tel +34 93 300 8866
intrusive way. Services are tai-
lored to each specific context Wilico access points, the first of
and delivered without passing which was implemented as
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 108

mMarketing - France

Trace the taste of your coffee to the exact place of origin

Malongo, the Côte d’Azur coffee University of Haïtï, resulted in a
company is enabling customers mobile service that informs
to track the exact origin of their about the coffee with traceable
coffee. Collaboration among fact.
ASK, a French manufacturer of
contactless microprocessor Radio Frequency Identification
smart cards, contactless paper (RFID) and Near Field
tickets and RFID smart paper Communications (NFC) technolo-
labels, Google Earth, MBDS at gies are used in a unique blend
the University of Nice-Sophia- of coffee and telecommunica-
Antipolis and at the State tions. Each imported coffee con-
tainer is equipped with an RFID
CONTACT INFORMATION: tag that holds information on its
origin. By simply touching the
RFID tag with the mobile phone
108 customers are immediately pre-
Malongo sented with entire history of the and photo of the producers, date
mWatch Europe 2006

Jean-Pierre Blanc coffee at hand, e.g. name and of harvest, and its grinding and
General Manager location of the plantation, name roasting processes.
Zone Industrielle - 9th street
06513 Carros cedex
Tel +33 4 93 29 08 98

George Kayanakis
15, Traverse des Brucs BP 337
06560 Valbonne
2405 route des Dolines
06560 Sophia-Antipolis
Tel : +33 4 97 21 40 00
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 109

mMarketing - Norway

Advanced mobile systems for value added services

Vianett Advanced Mobile designed with the next genera-
System (AMS) is a state of the tion of messages, such as MMS,
art mobile service platform, in mind. AMS is a flexible mod-
which enables operators and ule based system, that makes it
media partners to market easy to implement new technol-
value-added mobile services to ogy, services, and content.
the end-user market. AMS is
ViaNett AMS is developed by
ViaNett AS. The system is the
result of three years of experi-
ence from the highly competi-
tive and advanced Norwegian
mobile-market and successful
launch of services in seven dif-
ferent countries outside
Scandinavia. AMS is a one-stop- 109

shop solution, providing both

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mMarketing

content (e.g. logos, ring tones,
picture messages etc.), applica-
tions (e.g. chat, voting, compe-
tition, flirt etc.), and billing
towards telecom operators.

ViaNett AS
Lars E. Helland
Managing Director
The module based system Varnaveien 7
allows ViaNett AS’ partners to Box 528 Høyden
run a cost efficient, high-vol- 1522 Moss
ume business in different mar- Norway
ket segments and markets at Tel +47 69206961
the same time on a platform Mob +4790580288
that is designed for fast deploy-
ment of new services and new
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 110

mPayments - United Kingdom

Turn your mobile into a wireless wallet

ViVOwallet turns mobile devices Contactless payments allow the
into secure consumer payment ViVOwallet to operate every-
and promotion devices. Wireless where, even in locations without
Operators generate additional mobile phone coverage, such as
revenue per user by selling new, inside shopping malls and in
valuable contactless payment rural areas. ViVOwallet enables
applications. Operators deliver customers to carry multiple
the ViVOwallet payments and cards effortlessly and gives them
promotions software package to more savings opportunities by
enable execution of day-to-day allowing them to participate in
payment and retailer promotion as many merchant loyalty pro-
activities on mobile devices. grams as they want. The • Can be used to buy prod-
ViVOwallet gives customers ViVOwallet thus: ucts from any of the 30 mil-
secure access to their credit, • Ensures that card informa- lion physical merchants in
debit, promotions, and tion remains securely stored the world that use existing
110 gift/stored value cards in real in a password-protected dig- card processing systems (no
time. ital file in the consumer’s mobile phone call is
mWatch Europe 2006

preferred mobile device, required).

Customers simply wave their ready for carrying out trans- • Can operate everywhere,
mobile phone at a cash register actions anywhere. even in locations without
enabled with the ViVOpay reader mobile phone service
and the preselected card is coverage, due to
transferred via NFC (Near Field contact less payment
Communication Technology) or technology (Infrared,
other contactless technology to NFC, RFID).
the merchant for a contactless • Carries as many
payment transaction. cards as the con-
sumer wants, making
CONTACT INFORMATION: it easy for consumers
to participate in mer-
chant loyalty pro-
54, Beechwood Av. Ruislip,
Middx, HA4 6EJ VIVOtech is repre-
United Kingdom sented in the United
Phone: +44 1895 47 99 17 States, Japan, Singapore and the
United Kingdom.

1 Source:
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 111

mPayments - United Kingdom

Improving ease and speed of transaction with contact less payment card

enue; higher transaction amount

per visit, fraud protection, faster
and easier processing.

The ViVOfob and ViVOcard are

compatible with most gift and
loyalty card programs and point- 111

of-sale systems already in place.

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mPayments

It is easy and simple to install,
providing a quick time-to-market
solution that may replace even
low value cash transactions with
prepaid card transactions.

VIVOtech is represented in the

ViVOcard and ViVOfob use con- customers a fun and easy way United States, Japan, Singapore
tactless technology to improve to pay. and the United Kingdom.
usage of cards by simplifying
the transaction process and giv- ViVOcard and ViVOfob allow cred-
ing cards a “top of the wallet” it, debit, prepaid and loyalty card
effect, making them the easiest products to be customised using
and most practical choice of innovative form factors such as
card. Banks and retailers will be cards, key fobs, mobile phone
able to differentiate their pay- covers or any other 3D images. 54, Beechwood Av. Ruislip,
ment products by issuing con- ViVOtech also provides the java- Middx, HA4 6EJ
tactless cards and fobs that can based ViVOwallet software that United Kingdom
be used for most quick day-to- increases the flexibility and func- Phone: +44 1895 47 99 17
day purchases. The “wallet tionality of these contactless
share” war is won by offering devices, expanded prepaid rev-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 112

mPayments - Netherlands

Stress free parking with your mobile phone

Park-line is the biggest and • Digital Permits - the • Garage parking - access
most successful service- replacement of paper per- to cashless payment of
provider of digital parking serv- mits by digital permits. garage parking by means of
ices in the Netherlands. All Park-line provides the a Park-line card.
services and products are Digital Permits service in a
based on RFID transponder growing number of munici- It is possible the use one single
technology, and aim to make palities. Park-line process- Park-line card for the combina-
parking easy and efficient for es data and manages the tion of all described services.
the end user. financial services. Park-line is present in the
Netherlands, Belgium, and Italy.
Mobile Parking offers three basic

• Park-line Parking - cash-

less payment for on-street
112 parking via mobile phones.
It is an easy and safe way
mWatch Europe 2006

for cashless payment of

parking fees. Park-line
allows both pre- and post-
paid subscriptions regardless
of telephone operators.


Tamás Fogl
Dr. Kuyperstraat 14
2514 BB
Telephone +31 (0)70-3614091
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 113

mPayments - United Kingdom

From paper to RFID enabled travel tickets

London has a gar- bus, and DLR
gantuan public journeys are com-
transport system pleted using the
to manage, and Oyster card.
London’s 12 mil-
lion residents are The Oyster card is
stretching the a kind of electron-
public transporta- ic ticketing designed for use on received from Oyster cards by
tion system to its Tfl and National Rail services barriers and validators. Tickets
limits. within the Greater London area purchased online or over the
in the UK. Travellers wave the telephone are automatically
Transport for London (TfL) has Oyster card, with a proximity “loaded” at preselected barriers
heavily promoted the Oyster range of about 10 cm, over a and validators.
card to move customers from characteristic yellow round
paper tickets to contactless reader in order to “touch in”
smartcard that allows travellers and “touch out” at the begin- 113

to easily and quickly pass barri- ning and end of a journey.

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mPayments

ers at train stations and start Readers are positioned on auto-
their journey. The system is con- mated barriers at London
tinuously developed to improve Underground stations, tram
efficiency in operation and ease stops, even buses are equipped
of use for customers. More than with readers that are located on
6,3 million journeys are made the driver’s ticket machine. On
on London’s busses, 3 million on bended busses readers are set
the Tube, and 15,000 on up close to entrance doors as
Dockland’s Light Railway (DLR) well. CONTACT INFORMATION:
every weekday. 60% of all tube,
Oyster cards have the capacity
to store up to three kinds of
Travelcards or Bus Pas season Central Customer Services
tickets, and cash to pay as you 23rd Floor Empress State
go. The system is asynchronous Building
with the most up-to-date bal- Empress Approach
ance and ticket data held elec- London
tronically on the card rather SW6 1TR
than in the central databases. United Kingdom
The main database is updated
periodically with information
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 114

mPayments - France

Secure transactions from your pocket

ment systems. An eCRM module
developed by Sentegra supports
customer data analysis collected
through digital interaction. This
enables direct marketing oppor-
tunities in the form of informa-
tional or promotional messages
like electronic vouchers and
direct advertising.


meWallet represents the next Wallet) system, designed to han-

mWatch Europe 2006

generation of Smart Cards for dle secure digital transaction

digital transaction. The iDisc is offering direct interactivity with
the key component of the the user. The iDisc is an intelli-
meWallet (Mobile Electronic gent, low-cost handheld authen-
tication device. It can store tick-
ets, credit cards, membership
cards, loyalty cards, driver’s
licences, etc.

Sentegra S.A.S. The secure mobile identification

300 Route des Crêtes and authentication capabilities of
Sophia-Antipolis the I-Disc can be used for down-
06560 Valbonne FRANCE loading ‘digital’ cash, for secure
Phone +33 493 00 61 61 payments, for digital tickets, coupons and any kind of digital content through Internet.
Contact person: Jean Bodart
- VP Business Development The iDisc technology is easily
Tel: +33 (0) 6 89 86 27 34 integrated into third-party soft-
e-mail: ware such as ticketing solutions,
access control, and micropay-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 115

mPayments - Norway

Automatic wireless fee collection

AutoPASS is an electronic toll
collection system used in
Norway Electronic Fee Collection
(EFC). AutoPass have 45 toll
road projects, 23 of which are
equipped with EFC. Users of
AutoPASS automatically get a
fee reduction when passing
through toll barriers, compared
to customers that pay via credit
card or by cash.

AutoPASS on-Board unit is an

electronic device inside the vehi-
cle, fixed to the windscreen, that ments system in the EU. At
uses electronic radio transmit- present, Scandinavian countries 115

ters and receivers operating at are currently developing and

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mPayments

5,8 GHz, supplied by the launching a collective system for
Norwegian company Q-Free. The use in Norway, Sweden, and
AutoPASS Service includes a Denmark.
transport and a payment serv-
ice. AutoPASS systems are found
next to bridges, tunnels, motor-
ways, road networks, and ferry
transport. Payment services con-
sists of a dedicated payment
system based on information
from users’ AutoPASS devices. riers send information to central
Wireless technology at accounts that are managed
toll bar- by the responsible pay- Norwegian Public Roads
ment company that is Administration
responsible for charg- P.B 8142 Dep
ing the customers. 0033 OSLO
AutoPASS’s long- Phone: +47 22 07 35 00
term strategic
goal is to establish a
collective automatic pay-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 116

mSecurity / mSurveillance - Spain

Tiny radiolocation and telemetry system

Tinyloc is a system of miniature Tinytronic offers transmitters including the configuration of

radio transmitters and receivers with the greatest range, battery multiple transmitters by animal
enabling enabling users to tell life and smallest size that allow name. Usability is facilitated
116 the precise location of domestic, precise localisation and trans- through a simple menu-system.
wild or endangered animals. A mission of data from a range of
mWatch Europe 2006

range of models and accessories sensors. Tinyloc is the first com- At the core of Tinytronic R&D
is especially adapted to different mercial application of these lies the maximisation of range,
activities, with transmitters that transmitters and receivers, life-time and weight – with
weigh as little as 1.9g and have focusing on the market of animal miniature transmitters that can
a range of up to 100km. positioning. Highest levels of today be autonomous for up to
quality and durability are 10 years, allowing precise locali-
required, as well as pushing sation.
miniaturisation of devices.

Localisation works by both tradi-

Andreu López Pou tional radiofrequency positioning
Managing Director as well as nocturnal positioning
Tinytronic S.L. through flickering luminous indi-
C/ Batista I Roca, 8 1a Planta cation (LED system). Hawks,
08302 Mataro wild animals, pigeons, and hunt-
Spain ing dogs can be equipped with
Tel +34 937 907 971 transmitters either by a range of tailored braces or implantation. The localisation device is a cus- tom developed digital receiver
with advanced functionality
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 117

mSecurity / mSurveillance - Austria

Communication and collaboration services for emergency workers

private and public services,
fire brigades, emergency
response teams, patient trans-
portation and police, thus
allowing the forces to collabo-
rate during emergencies. The
system uses SMS for cross-
team communication, and
allows the emergency call cen-
tre to pass on the command of
the communication network to
specialised command centres
or leading officers on location
at emergency sites.

The system incorporates a 117

number of features such as

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mSecurity

alarm services, encryption,
integration with web services
and automation of alarms and
monitoring. The services use
standard GSM mobile phones,
and require no special equip-
ment for users of the service.


Nachrichtendienste GmbH
Bellegardegasse 11
BlaulichtSMS is developing communication and informa- A-1220 Wien
advanced mobile communica- tion flow before, during and Austria
tion and collaboration solu- after rescue operations across Tel +43 126 055 14
tions for emergency workers rescue teams.
in the field. The internet- The system connects emer-
based platform optimises gency call centres with both
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 118

mSecurity / mSurveillance - Switzerland

Enterprise mobile communications solutions

Intrado EMEA develops soft- • 112 Broker Solution - HSB (High Speed Bulk
ware utilities for mobile and Lightweight GMLC (Gateway Messaging Server) -
wireless network operators and Mobile Location Center) provid- Cost effective solution that
service providers. They offer ing wireless operators with the enables mobile operators and
solutions in the fields of mes- ability to offer emergency com- service providers to send
saging, location, call comple- munications and location based SMS/MMS directly to users
tion, emergency communica- services. whether on-net or off-net.
tions, and network/user
interfaces. Customers include • DMP (Direct Messaging • PCC (Personal Call
GSM network operators, other Platform) - Offers powerful Collector) -
wireless operators, and inde- functionality to achieve a signifi- An innovative solution that
pendent mobile software devel- cant offload of messaging traffic enables users to become more
opers. from SMSCs by directly deliver- productive and responsive by
ing messages to mobile phones receiving a notification for
Intrado offers a wide range of and applications. missed calls.
118 mobile communications service
solutions that include: • WAMS (Wireless
mWatch Europe 2006

Application Messaging
• SSF (SMS Spam Filter) - Server) - Cross network SMS
Enables mobile operators and platform, offering global SMS
subscribers to detect, filter and based access to applications and
block unwanted SMS messages interactive services.
from any network in a highly
efficient way. • A-SMSC (Application Short
Messaging Service Center) -
A scalable and resilient solution
for receiving, storing and for-
warding short messages for
mobile originated and mobile
Amrein Primo terminated application traffic.
Intrado EMEA (bmd Wireless AG)
Baarerstrasse 63 • VASP (Value Added Service
CH-6300 Zug Platform) - Extracts network
Switzerland data to enhance applications.
Phone: +41 (0) 41 728 8050 Provides foreign subscriber infor- mation, online presence detec- tion and online alerts to applica-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 119

mSecurity / mSurveillance - Switzerland

Mobile ticketing and verification solutions

Xsmart develops security solu- • Smart e-Ticket – Ticketing
tions, for protection of informa- technology with economic
tion on printed or electronic added value for users
media that is based on advanced • Smart Document
encryption and decryption tech- Security – Printing and elec-
niques. Solutions are especially tronic verification of forge-
tailored to meet demands of proof documents
solutions where integrity and ori-
gin of information need to be The latest innovation from
absolutely guaranteed by verifica- Xsmart is called ticket@mobile,
tion via a simple process and at and is a technology that
low cost. Xsmart is active in the enables tickets and vouchers to
be securely issued
via GPRS-enabled
mobile phones. An
encrypted 2-dimen- 119

sional barcode is

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mSecurity

transmitted to the
telephone. The bar-
code can subse-
quently be scanned
directly from mobile
handsets for verifica-
tion. The Swiss tick-
eting agency Tic-Tec
have implemented
the ticket@mobile
service solution.
Customers simply Christian Baumann
purchase tickets via CEO
the mobile phone, Xsmart (Division of UP-GREAT AG)
fields of identification, document receive a barcode and show it Allmendstrasse 19
security, e-Ticketing, m-Ticketing, to the gatekeeper at the 8320 Fehraltorf
and brand protection. Solutions entrance of the particular Switzerland
are classified by 3 categories: event. The gatekeeper scans Tel: +41 (0)44 956 51 20
• SmartID – Issue and veri- the barcode to verify its validi-
fy forge-proof identity docu- ty. All by use of the mobile
ments phone only.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 120

mSecurity / mSurveillance - Netherlands

Real-time indoor and outdoor location awareness

Geodan Movida is one of room name, where specific Agriculture – Prevention of
Geodan’s solutions that offer a equipment is located. Zone plant and animal disease, and
host of versatile wireless solu- alarms that are triggered if tags management of pest diffusion
tions based on various tech- are removed from their specified and animal epidemics. Field
nologies, such as GSM, SMS, room/zone. workers record sample points in
GPRS, UMTS, Wi-Fi, GPS, RFID, Law reinforcement – the field and access crop type
and ultrabandwith location. All Providing full and secure access and parcel data. During emer-
solutions are basically location to all information sources of the gencies, geofences seal the
and identification services that police, e.g. reports, missing infected area; help inspectors
can be implemented into exist- people and car plates, enhanced manage entry points and the
ing systems via the standard- by location filtering, map pres- flows of people and goods,
ised location protocol OpenLS. entation and geofencing for offi- thereby supporting the imple-
Services build on both passive cers working in the field. mentation of precaution meas-
and active technologies that are Fleet management – Real time ures for workers in the area.
capable of retrieving and send- tracking, monitoring and loca-
120 ing location specific information tion communication, messaging
according to specifications services associated with events,
mWatch Europe 2006

e.g. passing a checkpoint, safe-

Solutions have been implement- ty alarms when entering or
ed inareas such as: leaving a geofence.
Health care – Location of Exhibitions / Trade Fairs –
equipment in the premises of Active RFID badges that collect
the emergency department. information about visitors’ activ-
Real time location and identifi- ities.
cation of the logical zone, e.g. Outdoor / Recreational activ-
ities – Information and emer-
gency services to visitors of nat-
ural and recreational parks. This
solution is implemented by the
Swiss National Park
Geodan Amsterdam Tourism – Through TimeSpots
President Kennedylaan 1 portal users can locate them-
1079 MB Amsterdam selves, receive maps with POI
The Netherlands information, communicate via
Tel +31 (0)20 - 5711 311 internet, mail and phone, place reservation services, send pho- tos and contact help and emer-
gency support
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 121

mSecurity / mSurveillance - France

Protecting your network and mobile data from unauthorised access

MobileGov® Device eras, keyboards, mice, print-

MobileGov develops applica- Authenticator can protect com- ers, scanners, BlueTooth and
tions to secure IT systems and puters in company networks WIFI keys, FireWire 1394,
sensitive biometric documents. against connection of poten- PCMCIA, IrDA, Ethernet (RJ45),
The company offers security tially harmful devices. It will Serial ports (RS232, Modems 121

solutions for mobile and sta- deny access to any external VX.Y, RJ11), Parallel ports,

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mSecurity

tionary equipment that allow device that has not been pre- PS/2 ports, and any other
organisations around the world viously authorised by the sys- device the operating system
to enforce endpoint security tem administrator. It helps recognises, e.g. local radio
policy, reducing security man- extend security policy to plug loop (xMDS and Wimax).
agement costs while enforcing in and wireless devices. The
rigours security levels. system has the capacity to
manage all the computers and CONTACT INFORMATION:
all the devices in the network
by associating them to a user.
By default, the software will
deny access to any unknown MobileGov France
device when it connects to any Michel Frenkiel
terminal of a company net- project coordinator
work. Les Lucioles - Les Algorithmes
- Bât. A
The system recognizes the fol- 2000, Route des Lucioles BP 29
lowing devices; USB sticks, 06901 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex
MP3 players, iPods, PDAs, Tel +33 662012851
SmartPhones, external hard
drives, ZIP/Jazz drives, exter-
nal CD players, digital cam-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 122

mSecurity / mSurveillance - France

Security to be free!

ready, to support transaction

encryption and the digital signa-
tures essential for non-repudia-
tion of commercial transactions
with a full Personal Key
Infrastructure (PKI).

Other services and solutions are:

• Simera Airflex: a roaming
Java SIM card between GSM
and CDMA air interfaces.
• Contacless dual interface
122 payment cards.
• eSIM cards for multi-appli-
mWatch Europe 2006

Gemalto is the result of a recent and solutions are consequently a cation that make it easy for
merger between Axalto and variety of all three companies. operators to offer users
Gemplus making it a major glob- value-added applications and
al player within security solu- USIMERA is a universal Java SIM services.
tions. Prior to the merger card providing a personal, • Advanced microchip tech-
Gemplus acquired the Finnish portable gateway to new servic- nology that enables biomet-
security and ID company Sectec. es; for the operator, it’s the key ric identifiers to be incorpo-
Presented services, products, to security and differentiating rated into passports.
ergonomics in the world of 3G • EAP-SIM that supports
CONTACT INFORMATION: mobile services. USIMERA incor- standard GSM authentication
porates powerful cryptographic algorithms to implement EAP
functions to provide the essen- for Smart Card features and
tial mutual authentication of thus provide best security
Gemalto La Vigie subscriber and network. It is for GSM-WLAN authentica-
Avenue du Jujubier also WAP Identity Module (WIM) tion.
Z.I Athelia IV
13705 La Ciotat
Tel: +33 4 42 36 50 00
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 123

mSecurity / mSurveillance - Bulgaria

Pinpointing the exact position of any GPS enabled device

object positioning is performed
via the GPS system and the
information is transmitted
through the GSM network. The
service provides reliable security
for the vehicles and its driver
via a specially designed control

ny vehicles in real-time and

show previous vehicle positions
too. After a GPS device has been
installed in each vehicle and
“Remote Access” for monitoring
has been granted, transport
managers can monitor the state 123

of various parameters from their

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mSecurity

office such as speed and direc-
tion of movement, halts and
Personal security – location stop-overs, route, mileage and
and monitoring for personal fuel quantity of the tank, tem-
security via Web Map access and perature of the engine or fridge
a specialised hand-held trailer, RPM, engine on/off,
GPS Bulgaria provides integrat- GPS/GSM device. The service open/closed doors, lids, hatches
ed solutions for data and voice enables users to receive infor- and cranes.
transfer, design of specific secu- mation about the location of a
rity and surveillance applica- specialised, hand-held GPS/GSM
tions. Services and solutions are device called Personal Securer.
based on a Global Positioning In case of emergency or risk,
System (GPS) that helps pin- device carriers can give informa-
point the three-dimensional tion to their family or colleagues 1345 Sofia
location of any object in real about their location via a call 1 Kukush Str.
time. Among their services are: and/or an automatic text mes- Tel.: +35 9 2 812 39 09
sage (SMS). Mobile: +35 9 888 480047
Vehicle Security offers 24-
hour security for vehicles and Car Fleet Monitoring and
information about their location Management provide monitor-
in and out of the country. Mobile ing and management of compa-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:13 Página 124

mSecurity / mSurveillance - Italy

Integrated systems for protecting all kinds of mobile communications

CasperTech has CRYPTECH® is delivered ready
developed to use; the customer only has to
CRYPTECH®, a insert the encryption keys, in
mobile solution for such a way that nobody will
voice and data know the keys but the customer.
encryption over GSM
networks. Cryptech The advantage of the Cryptech
performs an end-to- system is the possibility to
end encryption of all communicate in a secure and
data streams to protect users private mode in every area of
against all kinds of interception. the world covered by standard
GSM networks. With a handy
Security is enforced by encryp- and powerful device, it is possi-
tion with the most secure algo- ble to perform every kind of way the receiver decrypts,
rithms like AES 256 (Advanced office task, but with unique decodes and reproduces the
124 Encryption Standard) and the security and mobility. voice; all these operations are
most advanced techniques of CRYPTECH® records, encodes, conducted in real-time, auto-
mWatch Europe 2006

encryption. Cryptech is designed encrypts and sends data over matically, making use of a sim-
to protect users from intercep- GSM directly to another ple and user-friendly encrypting
tion in all circumstances includ- Cryptech device. In the same mobile phone.
ing ambient eavesdropping. In
fact, during a conversation it is
possible to start a crypto chat
session simultaneously.


Casper Technology Srl Duca degli Abruzzi 16
10129 TURIN (TO)
Tel.: +39 011 230 36 34
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 125

mSecurity / mSurveillance - Netherlands

Open the front door with your mobile phone

resident’s mobile phone responding to emergency calls
rings via the interna- from house-bound patients.
tional GSM network.
The visitor can talk Private scenario - when a vis-
to the resident via itor rings the doorbell the nor-
the small intercom mal bell rings. The resident can
panel next to the however also choose to have
bell button. The GSM the doorbell send a signal to
Doorbell can also be their mobile phone whenever
linked to an elec- someone is ringing the door-
tronic door release, bell. The resident can speak
allowing the with the person standing at the
resident to door. The door can then be
unlock the opened remotely with the
front door mobile phone of the resident,
from the turning the doorbell into a vir- 125

mobile phone tual butler with door opening

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mSecurity

keypad, using capacities.
a secret code.

scenario -
regional health authori- CONTACT INFORMATION:
ties in the Netherlands are
trialling the Waleli GSM
The Waleli GSM doorbell is a Doorbell to allow nurses to
clever application for GSM respond more quickly to calls Lawrence Masle
mobile phone technology, from home patients without Keizersgracht 203
allowing people to answer their first having to drive to a central 1016 DS Amsterdam
doorbell, talk to visitors, and key-holding depot to collect a Tel + 31 020-4201112
even open the door, whether front door key. When the nurse
they are at home or not. All via arrives at the patient’s front
their GSM mobile phones. door and presses the GSM
doorbell, the call is received by
The GSM Doorbell looks like the regional call centre, and Questions/Remarks
any other doorbell you might the operator will be able to concerning the site:
find by a door. When a caller open the door. This approach
pushes the GSM Doorbell, the saves important time in
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 126

mSecurity / mSurveillance - Sweden

Wireless and remote surveillance solutions

Axis Communications has devel-
oped state-of-the art network
solutions enabling remote and
cost-effective monitoring and
surveillance of people, property,
and industry processes.

There are almost no limitations

as to where you can place Axis
network video products. They
are not tied to physical inputs
and you can connect the prod-
ucts to LAN, xDSL, modem,
wireless adapters and even
mobile phones. If you are on a
126 location that is supported by
mobile technology you can
mWatch Europe 2006

receive images from Axis net-

work video solution.

An Axis network camera is best

described as an intelligent unit
that combines camera and com-


puter technology. It captures request e-mail alerts, SMS or

and distributes live video MMS notifications can be dis-
Karin Sellberg footage across networks, such tributed to mobile phones.
Marketing Manager as a LAN, an intranet or the Furthermore, digital outputs
Axis Communications internet. The intelligent cam- enable users to remotely close
Emdalavägen 14 eras are supported by digital or open doors, turn lights on or
233 69 Lund inputs and outputs that are off, and control devices accord-
Sweden connected to special alarm sen- ing to needs. The cameras also
Tel: + 46 46 272 18 78 sors that can trigger transmis- feature image buffers that sion of images and footage enable saving and sending from a select camera to any images collected before the
destination for recording. On event of an alarm.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 127

mSecurity / mSurveillance - Austria

Carfinder – retrieve your stolen car

installing a GSM module the
vehicle is in direct satellite com-
munication that enables interna-
tional monitoring and tracking.
The service can be used for any
kind of vehicle, making it a use-
ful anti-theft device for ordinary
people as well as for industry.

The system announces unautho-

rised start-ups of vehicles by
phone and SMS and can be pro-
grammed to give notice on up to
4 numbers through fixed and
mobile lines, independent of net-
work carrier. The system is pro- 127

tected from abuse by a 6 digit

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mSecurity

numeric password that prevents
unauthorised access. Locating a
Carfinder is the latest generation mobilkom austria. It is possible vehicle is possible to the owner
of wireless mobile vehicle detec- to locate a stolen car by using of that particular password only.
tion systems. It warns the user special software to accurately Communicating and reconfigur-
of unauthorised start-ups, open- identify and track the position of ing the system is possible
ing of doors, windows, and the car with in a few meters, through the internet.
hatchbacks. Shutting down the thus enabling the return of it to
engine via the internet is also an its rightful owner. The service
option. The mobile signal is sent can be extended to cover the
over the Austrian GSM net via vehicle outside Austria. By

austria AG & Co KG
Obere Donaustraße 29
1020 Wien
A1 Service line 0800 664 664,
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 128

mSecurity / mSurveillance - United Kingdom

Wireless technology increases public safety in the City of Westminster

128 The City of Westminster is at the like Covent Garden. It also has equately surveilled. By tracking
forefront of using wireless tech- an incredible density of restau- their movement, and mapping
mWatch Europe 2006

nologies in a number of services rants, bars and clubs as well as the data on a map of the city,
and applications. The City of a thriving theatre district. the Borough could determine
Westminster has a unique char- Embassies and most of British which routes need better cover-
acteristic in London, it is home government are located in the age and improving public order.
to numerous tourist attractions borough, and there are ordinary Public safety is of greatest
like the Houses of Parliament residents living various types of importance in the City of
and popular shopping districts accommodation. Westminster with its many gov-
ernment premises as well as
CONTACT INFORMATION: The complex urban settings of tourist hot spots. A special
the City of Westminster have Wireless surveillance system is
given birth to an exploratory in operation throughout the bor-
project with students from the ough that allows security servic-
Transport For London Royal College of Art and a group es to quickly relocate cameras to
Central Customer Services of school children carrying GPS critical locations. Drug pushing
23rd Floor Empress State receivers. The insights gained and use, illegal parking and
Building triggered a small but significant prostitution are all monitored
Empress Approach upgrade of the equipment that through this system now, and
London traffic wardens use. The mobile cameras can be easily
SW6 1TR research showed that a number deployed for special occasions
Phone: +44 20 7222 5600 of wardens took short cuts, cre- for 20% of the cost of existing
ating black spots that were inad- CCTV’s.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 129

mStudents - Sweden

Mini Learning Centrals - qualifying people

Learning Centrals - qualifying tion facilitate
people education in
sparsely popu-
Mini Learning Centrals (MLC) lated areas.
are intended to underpin and
expand flexible learning The overall
processes by decentralising goal is to cre-
learning environments in the ate physical,
municipality of Västervik. High social, and
levels of unemployment chal- digital learning environments
lenge the conventional supported by wireless infra-
learning environments, structure and to encourage pri-
which are not equipped to vate, public, and institutional
support the many kinds stakeholders to actively partici-
of e.g. vocational training pate in improving competence
needed to update, re- development to sustain MLC’s 129

educate, and qualify peo- as important educational plat-

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mStudents

ple for jobs where IT forms.
qualifications are manda-

Distributed learning envi-

ronments have received
considerable funding from
Kalmar County and are fur- Gunilla Andersson
thermore endorsed by The Control Group for
Kalmar’s employment agency, University Centrum/Adult
social insurance office, libraries Education
and Västervik Framåt AB to The Infrastructure Group for
provide access to flexible edu- Learning and Education
cation structures that include HögskoleCentrum
audio visual media, direct lec- Östersjövägen 8
tures, online pedagogical 593 25 Västervik
programs etc. Technical set- Sweden
ups at MLC’s are equipped Tel +46 490-889 93
with video telephony, IP-
Mini telephony, computers, printers,
and wireless internet connec-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 130

mStudents - Sweden

Student mobile phone services

The munici- evaluations are carried out in The strategic outcome of the
pality of different areas such as utiliza- projects is knowledge accumula-
Västervik in tion, behaviour, business mod- tion about student experiences
Sweden is els, economy, services and of mobile phone usage, when
testing and implementation. Hopefully, the studying, but equally important
evaluating active student participation how mobile services are
mobile digi- indicates the beginning of a employed in their spare time.
tal services wave of new killer applications, Timetable planning, reminder
that span as students increase their services, online opinion, on line
across understanding of the needs and lectures, free calls, chat servic-
many serv- benefits associated with social es, competitions, bank services,
ices and technologies combined with and various study and
application technological solutions. school/college information serv-
areas. The ices are currently being tested
idea of the and evaluated.
130 project is to
mWatch Europe 2006

life for 1,500 students at
Västervik High School and the
University College Centre of

The purpose is to identify and

stimulate enterpreneurial spirit
among students. Tests and


Stefan Malmborg
Project leader
Tel +46 70 682 14 18
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 131

mStudents - Sweden

Student wireless broadband services

School by employing wireless
broadband services.

The intention of the project is

to identify, test, and evaluate
promising services based on
wireless technology for univer-
sity students, high school stu-
dents, and teachers.
Furthermore, to evaluate the
technical implemented solu-
tions in a broader sociological
scope. Involved stakeholders
are encouraged to voice their
opinions to promote better
solutions and services. 131

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mStudents

Ideally, the project will gener-
ate information that enables
decision-makers to critically
evaluate the wireless technolo-
gies and services in order to
select the best way of launch-
ing and running full scale solu-

Wireless technologies are for searching and processing
increasing every day by way of information among students
‘communities of digital prac- and teachers. Consequently,
tices’. Increasingly students are the municipality of Västervik Stefan Malmborg
using laptops and wireless has decided to look at the pos- Project leader
communication devices to sibilities of making working Tel +46 70 682 14 18
organise work, for social process easier for both stu- Sweden
events, and communication. dents and teachers at the
Digital services have become University College Centre of
one of the most important tools Västervik and Västervik High
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 132

mTourism and location based services - France

Services for active outdoor tourism

132 The geo-localisation information The service uses GPS satellite

system allows different user communication and mapping
mWatch Europe 2006

groups such as skiers, trekkers software to accurately determine

and mountaineers to access positions, display maps and
accurate and thematic maps on include a number of information
normal or specialised handheld services, such as:
devices outdoors. the integration of Internet based
• CPS based navigation using services for delivering content
CONTACT INFORMATION: thematic maps. and services. Developing the
service involves setting up new
• Establishing trekking routes data models, software architec-
and calculating trekking routes ture to include models for han-
Günter Kiechle based on actual position. dling databases and services
Salzburg Research, related to points of interest and
Jakob-Haringerstr. 5/III • Special locations and points of special locations.
5020 Salzburg interest.
Austria Another special feature of this
Tel +43 (0) 662.2266 • Emergency services and coor- solution is the requirements for
manfred.bortenschlager@salzb dination in the cases of emer- durability of the technology and gencies. hardware, which requires testing of prototypes in real-life situa- The solution involves a new tions and under tough outdoor
method for geo-location and for conditions.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 133

mTourism and location based services - France

Audio guided tour of France

Voxinzebox owns and runs the
Allovisit website and service – a
tourist audio guide offering
tourists complete freedom to
choose when and where a
“guide” is needed. Voxinzebox is
dedicated to applying informa-
tion and communications tech-
nologies to enrich cultural ry of the Passe-Muraille with a
tourism by taking advantage of typical colourful French accent.
existing technologies of tourist
communities, tourist offices, In order to access the audio-
public agencies, hotels, and guided tours, visitors have to
travel operators. The company buy an Allovisit card. They are
provides many services based on sold from tourist offices, shops,
mobile convergence of e.g. hotels and restaurants at tourist 133

voice, image and data. attractions. The card shows a

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mTourism

map of the tour, and numbers
Users dial a dedicated number to that correspond with each com-
access the service allowing the mentated stop. The service is
user to interact by pressing a available in 35 areas of France,
single button to listen to a guid- e.g. Paris, Marseille, Cannes,
ed tour. Users are able to listen Lille, Rennes and Corréze.
to the whole tour in one go.
However, if interrupted the sys-
tem remembers the exact posi-
tion of the tour and resumes
when/if the user redials the ded-
icated number or automatically Yan Le Fichant
continues to the next tour/com- CEO
mentary. Pôle média Belle de Mai
37, rue Guibal - BP 20038
In Montmartre, for example, 13302 Marseille Cedex 3
Picasso or Jean-Baptiste Clément France
guides the visitors, as well as Tel +33 (0)4 95 04 47 10
the typical Parisian that tells the
listeners, in their choice of lan-
guage, anecdotes and the histo-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 134

mTourism and location based services - France

Tag and travel easy

Tag and Travel Easy is a project checking in and out of hotels.
dedicated to prototyping a port- Visitors simply use their mobile
folio of wireless information serv- phones as a universal tool for
ices using a mobile device as a all operations. Arriving at the
universal remote controller. The hotel the visitor touches a box
system is based on Near Field with the mobile phone and
Communication (NFC) technolo- instantly receives an SMS with
gies in combination with wireless accommodation details.
identification and radio frequency Afterwards the mobile device is
identification (RFID), and other turned into an electronic key for
connecting technologies. opening and closing the visitors’
room by touching the door han-
The basic idea is to show how dle with the mobile. Additional
arriving travellers at e.g. an air- services include receiving infor-
port are able to rent a car, make mation about the stay, calling
134 hotel reservations, fill in forms the elevator, informing maids
and make self-serviced registra- when the room is ready for
mWatch Europe 2006

tion, watch videos, get updated cleaning etc.

travel information, virtual map
guidance etc. by means of their The project is a partnership
mobile phones only. between science, industry, and
government in the field of
One example of the diversity of tourism involving the University
the prototyped applications is of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis,
Amadeus, Philips
Semiconductors, Gemplus, Atos
Origin, Nokia and Renault.

Prof. Serge Miranda

The University of Nice-Sophia-
2000, Route des Lucioles
06903 Sophia-Antipolis
Cedex BP.121
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 135

mTourism and location based services - Austria

Prototyping and testing mobile applications and services

Partners involved in the
MobilityLab have access to
mobile infrastructures that pro-
vide a platform for presenting
solutions, testing tourism servic-
es and applications. User-groups
can be set up in product specific
combinations in terms of produc-
ing vital feedback all under guid-
ance of project members.


MobilityLab provides research, • Possibilities of displaying

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mTourism

development and deployment of and interacting with digital
mobile applications with specific maps on mobile devices
focus on testing and prototyping.
• Procedures for conducting
Testing mobile applications and functional (unit-) test for
services includes the develop- mobile applications
ment of testing processes
addressing the necessary phas- Rapid prototyping of mobile
es. The differences and com- applications and services deals
monalities of traditional software with the development of frame-
tests compared to tests of works to support rapid prototyp-
mobile software are elaborated ing in order to create simple Manfred Bortenschlager
and software test processes are mock-ups, which offer user Researcher
particularly adapted to mobile interface and basic simulated Salzburg Research,
software. Issues that have functionality of an intended Jakob-Haringerstr. 5/III
received special attention are: application. Mock-ups are made 5020 Salzburg
deployable on smartphones, that Tel +43 (0) 662 2266
• The conformance of the enable the software to be tested manfred.bortenschlager@salzb
implementation of program- in specific real world scenarios,
ming libraries to the corre- generating valuable responses.
sponding standards
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 136

mTourism and location based services - Sweden

Stockholm’s mobile audio tourist guide service

The 43 historic sights are marked

with a three figure number on a
free map, along with a telephone
number for every language. For
each sight, there is a
two–minute–long “Audioguide”. In
addition to traditional tourist
attractions, such as Stockholm’s
Slott (the Royal Palace), Kungliga
Dramatiska teatern (the Royal
Dramatic Theatre), and
Storkyrkan (the Cathedral), other
less well-known sights are includ-
ed in the service. One example is
136 the Rune Stone in the old town;
it is the only remaining symbol of
mWatch Europe 2006

Tourists in Stockholm can take the Viking period in this part of

guided tours via their mobile the city. Visitors can also listen to
phones. Talk of the town provides “Quickfacts” about museums and
audio guided tours that cover 43 get useful information about for
historic sights in six languages. example exhibitions and opening
Talk of the town was launched at hours.
the Stockholm Marathon event
June 3, 2006. A 24–hour Talk of the town
Passport costs 100 SEK (10
EURO). The price includes phone
charges for the service. The
Passport is valid for six
Göran Derefeldt “Audioguide” calls and six
Infodata AB “Quickfact” calls. The service is
Box 34101 available in Swedish, English,
100 26 Stockholm German, French, Spanish, and
Sweden Russian. Talk of the town can be
Tel +46 708 38 40 65 purchased from e.g. Stockholm Tourist Centre, Kulturhuset, Skansen, 32 museums, and at
most hotels in Stockholm.

1 Source:
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 137

mTourism and location based services - Denmark

Copenhagen tourist information via the mobile phone

tion, information about transport
such as taxi, car rental, public
transport etc. is also available.
Finally, practical information
about e.g. telephone numbers,
religious places, banking facili-
ties, handicap service, muse-
ums, castles, architecture, build-
ings, streets, squares, parks,
beaches, infrastructure, buses,
trains, airplanes, airport,
bridges, and much more is avail-
able – information that is usually
time consuming to acquire for
tourists. Square, The “Kings Garden” and
many other places. The Hotspots 137

Wonderful Copenhagen has provide access to official web-

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mTourism

installed digital information sites like Wonderful
kiosks in central places around Copenhagen, Copenhagen
Copenhagen, e.g. in Copenagen Municipality, The Public Transport
Airport, the Central Station and Guide and the Metrological
hotels. The digital information Institute.
kiosks, also known as “iSpot”,
inform users about all kinds of
Mobile Tourist Information activity. Users with WAP enabled CONTACT INFORMATION:
enables users to instantly mobile devices can also sub-
receive information about attrac- scribe for a “while you are here”
tions for visitors. The service is newsletter with daily updates
provided by Wonderful about what is taking place in Tina Seest
Copenhagen, the official tourist Copenhagen. Director of Sales and Tourist
service in Copenhagen, and it is Information Services
free of additional charges. Tourist Hotspots Wonderful Copenhagen
From June 1st 2006, a number Denmark
The service offers a broad vari- of tourist hotspots have been Tel: + 45 33 64 66 00
ety of information such as activi- installed around Copenhagen in Mob: +45 29 29 94 22
ties for children, museums and open places like “Fælledparken”,
art, café’s and restaurants, a famous public park in
nightlife and shopping. In addi- Copenhagen, The Town Hall
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 138

mTourism and location based services - United Kingdom

Optimising the user experience for mobile local search

m-spatial offers a unique “assist- The LSDE’s unique content
ed browsing” user experience aggregation architecture pro-
that provides every user with a vides the user with an optimal
dynamic personalised view of combination of content sourced
the most relevant local business- from m-spatial’s growing net-
es and information about them work of content partners – and
given their location, preferences “deep links” to the customer’s
and time of day. The service existing content sources.
allows quick and simple identifi-
cation of the business, meeting The service also presents the
the user’s needs in any scenario. users with a map of the local
area, and allows them to rapidly
Having selected a business or “discover” the business or infor-
location of interest, the LSDE mation they need via a unique
(Local Search & Discovery “assisted browsing” user inter-
138 Engine) provides the user with face. m-spatial LSDE not only
single-click access to critical provides a richer and more
mWatch Europe 2006

additional information, such as “sticky” user experience, but

descriptions, photos, reviews, also uniquely
what’s on, and even local traffic allows users
and travel information – without to “discover”
having to perform an additional existing con-
search. tent services
on the WAP
vant to meet
their needs.
Cédric Diedrich LSDE
Sales Manager EMEA enables end-
m-spatial Ltd. users to rapid-
Cambridge ly access
United Kingdom detailed busi-
M: +44 (0) 7787 125 695 ness listing information, along
T: +44 (0) 1223 421 553 with other live and dynamic local information such as traffic and travel, entertainment venues
and gigs, reviews and listings.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 139

mTourism and location based services - Germany

Building pan European wireless cities

and opportuni- acceptance of information tech-
ties that wire- nology, narrow Europe’s digital
less technology divide, to foster regional eco-
offers. nomic development.
Networks of
Centres (WICs)
have been
established to
analyse basic
needs and
tasks. The
most important
aspects of the 139

WICs lie in

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mTourism

supporting citi-
Wireless cities is a pan European zens and SMEs to promote
project with the aim to improve awareness and convey the many
citizens’ quality of life by inter- advantages of wireless technolo-
regional collaboration towards gy. In addition, WICs are also
the economic development of focused on furthering the exist-
their regions, by exploiting wire- ing solutions by transforming
less technologies. This entails them into wireless solutions.
development of new mobile Furthermore, measures have
services as well as promotion of been taken to encourage the
the use of wireless networks as wireless integration across dif-
a tool for different services such ferent sectors to increase the
as information sharing and dis- level of ICT usage, raise the Fomento de San Sebastian
semination, communication, Euken Sesé Sarasti
work, digital communities of C/ Ijenta 1
practice etc. 20003 San Sebastian
Efforts are focused on promoting Phone: +34 94 348 1514
and supporting wireless initia-
tives in several European regions
by making public the benefits
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 140

mTourism and location based services - United Kingdom

Wireless travel information in your phone

case of events on e.g. regular
journeys. The service is oper-
ated in association with BBC

• Useful Info that informs

travellers about congestion
changing, Oyster card, fares,
prices, taxis, private hire
options etc.

Transport for London (TfL) has • Interactive Tube Map allows

expanded their regular travel A number of different services are the user free download of
service information, permitting available to customers, such as: tube maps to get a visual dis-
customers to optimise route plan- • Journey Planner allowing play of travel opportunities.
140 ning, organise fairs, and receive travellers to plan the easiest Current service charge is 35p
information on their mobile route from A to B in London – including VAT per enquiry,
mWatch Europe 2006

phones via SMS, WAP, i-mode or their journey through London. charged by users service opera-
via digital TV. More than 1,000 tor. Charges appear on user’s
traffic cameras, sensors on train • Live Travel News that phone bill. Credits on prepaid
tracks, and Global Positioning informs travellers of the latest cards are instantly reduced
Systems (GPS), and other sys- news like planned service when services are used.
tems keep track of real-time interruptions, station inci-
information to guide travellers. dents, delays etc. on Tube,
Bus, Dockland’s Light Railway
CONTACT INFORMATION: (DLR), Train, and River serv-

• Departure Boards listing

Central Customer Services departure information for
23rd Floor Empress State Tube, Bus, DLR, Train, and
Building River services from any loca-
Empress Approach tion specified by the trav-
London eller.
SW6 1TR • Travel Alerts allows trav-
United Kingdom ellers to set up personalised information systems that
inform them, in real-time, in
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 141

mTourism and location based services - Denmark

Digital parking tickets via SMS

return to the car. 15 minutes ning an account that accumu-

before the ticket runs out lates ones parking fees. 97% 141

users receive a text message of Copenhagen is covered by

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mTourism

enabling them to extend their Easy Park and 15% of all pur-
parking. Refunds are provided chased parking tickets are
in case a user returns to the handled by Easy Park. The
car before the parking ticket service has also been intro-
expires - a service that is not duced in Sweden, Norway,
provided with use of conven- Finland, and Germany.
Easy Park A/S has significantly tional parking tickets.
reduced the challenges of run- CONTACT INFORMATION:
ning out of petty cash to pay for Parking officers can easily tell
parking tickets by introducing a whether cars are affiliated with
digital parking fee service. Easy Park and for how long the
Thanks to Easy Parking drivers car is permitted to stay by Nikolaj Boe
are able to purchase their park- scanning a barcode sticker in Country Manager
ing tickets via their mobile windshield of the car. Easypark A/S
phones. Virtual parking tickets Store Kongens gade 36, 3. sal
are easily purchased by sending Users subscribing to the serv- 1264 København K
an SMS to Easy Park. ice pay a small handling fee to Denmark
get started. Parking can be Tel: +45 70 22 12 08
The Service also permit users handled by a credit card trans-
to extend the parking time via action each time users make
the mobile without having to use of the service or by run-
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:14 Página 142

mTourism and location based services - Denmark

Use your mobile phone to find a parking spot

mWatch Europe 2006

Copenhagen’s charm lies in its centre easily becomes a night- empty parking spot users simply
narrow streets in the vibrant mare. Business people who send an SMS with the text “pinfo
heart of the city. Like other his- park in Copenhagen on a daily kbh” to number 1231.
torical cities Copenhagen is basis are often faced with Immediately after sending the
best experienced by foot, and spending valuable time search- request the user receive an SMS
finding parking close to the ing for that one free space reply informing the user of the
place the car only to find that it location of the closest parking
CONTACT INFORMATION: is already taken. Another typi- facility and number of available
cal scenario is finding a parking parking spots. The service is
slot, realising that one does not also WAP enabled by logging
have change to operate the onto
Anders Rody Hansen parking meter. Users cannavigate the menus to
Vej & Park find available parking slots.
Njalsgade 13 The Municipality of Copenhagen Users of SMS services are
2300 København S offers a collaborative parking charged an additional amount of
Tel: + 45 33 66 35 65 service with 8 large parking 1 DKK on top of the standard facilities in centre of SMS fee. WAP services are free
Copenhagen. In order to find an or additional charges.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 143

mTourism and location based services - Finland

No more waiting in line – check-in via your mobile phone

confirmation message e.g.

FINNAIR confirmed check-in:
Virta Ilma AY649 HEL-ARN
12.12.2006 departure 19:15,
gate 16 opens at 18:55, seat
17A window.

This service works on all mobile

phones models and across all 143

service providers. The service is

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mTourism

free of charge as passengers pay
for their reply only, according to
standard SMS rates of their
service providers.
Finnair’s frequent-flyer passen- Frequent-flyers who have signed
gers can go to straight to the up for this service, receive an CONTACT INFORMATION:
gate, rather than queuing in SMS the evening before depar-
front of check-in counters or ture for morning flights. For
check-in kiosks. eCheck-in afternoon flights an SMS will be
service enable passengers to sent approximately 3 hours Commercial matters:
use their mobile phone to before departure. The SMS could Mr Tapio Mäkinen
check-in via wap, internet, and look like this: FINNAIR con- Director, Ground Services
SMS. For the flight passenger firmed check-in: Virta Ilma Tel. +358 (0)9 818 8680
this means no more worrying AY649 HEL-ARN 12.12.2006
about printed check-in docu- departure 19:15, gate 16 opens
ments and finding the right at 18:55, seat 17A window. If Technical matters:
check-in queue. For Finnair the information is correct and Ms Tuija Makkonen
there is huge cost reductions you accept the suggested seat System Developer
associated with customer self number, then reply by sending Tel. +358 (0)9 818 8975
service and the reduction of an “A”. Upon receiving your noti-
printed tickets. fication the system then sends a
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 144

mTourism and location based services - Austria

WLANd Salzburg – a multimedia on-line tourist Guide

The limited geographical area of WLANd Salzburg is a virtual

Salzburg’s Altstadt (old city-part information layer that makes use
of Salzburg) is an ideal test-bed of information from many
for rolling-out wireless-LAN with sources concerning tourist
complete internet coverage attractions. The information is they can also be accompanied
144 everywhere and at all times. The distributed upon user request by a virtual city-map with access
initial phase of WLANd Salzburg from mobile computers and to location-based information
mWatch Europe 2006

is an information packed wire- PDA’s and is viewed by use of about historical buildings, muse-
less mobile city-guide that uses standard browsers. As tourists ums, fine arts, restaurants, and
city maps in combination with are physically working the many other attractions, as they
GPS to show the actual position streets of Salzburg’s Altstadt emerge on their mobile devices.
of the tourist and the surround-
ing attractions.


Mag. David Röthler

WLANd Salzburg
Maria-Cebotari-Str. 69
5020 Salzburg
Tel +43 662 650986
Mobil +43 676 7312088
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 145

mTourism and location based services - Sweden

Instant mobile tourist city guide


Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mTourism

Instant phone guide gives a The service is free of additional
new and exciting way of expe- charge. This means that users
riencing the city, bringing life only pay the regular phone
to the culture and history that charge. The service can also be
surrounds it. The service is preloaded on the phone by
available in a number of differ- downloading it in mp3 format
ent languages and experienced from the official website
people like TV hosts are your
local guide while listening. The Martin Tufvesson
guides range from historical The instant phone guide builds CEO
accounts to current events on on a reliable technical platform, Instant Infotainment
the day. The listening Instant Infotainment. It is devel- Scandinavia AB
sequence of the guides is user oped in close collaboration with Anckargripsgatan 3
defined. For a tourist who museums, municipalities, guide 211 19 MALMÖ
would like a more detailed agencies and The National Sweden
tour, it is possible to improve Heritage Board. Instant Tel: + 46 40 611 46 40
the experience by adding a Infotainment has now expanded Mob: +46 70 552 62 17
virtual map that includes rec- business to other municipalities
ommendations of sightseeing and cities in Sweden such as
locations. Göteborg and Stockholm.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 146

mTourism and location based services - Germany

Aladdin the destination management system

tour-operators with optimised
and cost-efficient mobile work-
space that supports their busi-
ness processes, increases their
business opportunities and
enhances their competitiveness
against larger incoming tour-
operators. At the same time
allowing SMEs at the destination,
such as local service and com-
mercial companies to offer their
services and content in an attrac-
tive and accessible way to poten-
tial customers.

146 A broad array of location-based

European SMEs (Small and different device-types, for exam- and custom-tailored mobile
mWatch Europe 2006

Medium sized Enterprises) in the ple smart phones, pocket PCs, information and services will be
tourism and travel industry are and PDA’s make it almost unaf- offered to tourists during their
facing serious challenges from fordable for service SMEs to suc- stay and tour guides at the des-
large international companies. cessfully compete in the market. tination will be supported effi-
There is a substantial mobile ciently in their daily work while
marketplace for leisure services The Aladdin destination manage- using the mobile application of
at tourist destinations, but very ment system provides incoming the Aladdin system.


Frank Schröder
Aladdin Project Management
Berliner Strasse
25763067 Offenbach
Phone: +49 69 800 710 0
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 147

mTourism and location based services - Finland

If you want to know the weather – check your phone


Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mTourism

The Finnish Meteorological storms and other changes in consultancy work as experts on
Institute (FMI) offers local and weather conditions. Information how to present weather informa-
global information on weather is generally distributed as 1-day tion on mobile phones.
conditions to mobile users. forecast with all the information
Weatherproof is a mobile WAP that you would normally expect
service that can be operated from a weather forecast. There
from a menu driven user inter- is also a simpler version with
face that provides text and less information based on a 3-
graphic information on e.g. tem- day forecast.
perature, cloudiness, and gener-
al weather conditions. FMI hosts the technical platform
and the applications that pro- Vesa Kurki
Forecasts are automatically gen- duce content for the mobile PL 503
erated by weather stations; services. The information on 00101 Helsinki
information is then transmitted weather conditions is kept up to Finland
to data banks and processed date with the latest information Tel: +358 9 1929 1
according to statistical models through cooperation with leading
for distribution to end users. national and local experts on a
Users can set up the service to world wide basis. In addition to tml
give warning notice on thunder mobile services, the FMI does
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 148

mTourism and location based services - Finland

On-line mobile phone book service

Eniro is one of the Nordic coun-
tries’ leading search companies,
providing internet access as well
as mobile access to yellow page
services that include different
search categories.

Users of standard WAP enabled

mobile phones are able to look
up all sorts of information on
e.g. companies and people. More
advanced features like map
search are also offered by enter-
ing the name of a street, a city
or particular place. Eniro sends
148 the requested map to the mobile
phone enabling the user to find
mWatch Europe 2006

the exact place of interest.

Route planning is another serv-
ice that is offered to help users
navigate from one place to
another. User’s simply key in
their current destination in terms
of address, city, and place, and
then the desired destination in


the same way. Directions are sights of a city, historical land-

Eniro Finland then sent to the user’s phone marks, news agencies, news
Box 290, 02631 Esboo which serves the user the easi- papers, stock information radio
Säterigatan 6, 02630 Esboo est route from one place to and TV guides, travel and traffic
Finland another. information, and shopping
Tel: 0201 110 510 opportunities.
Fax: 0201 110 511 Eniro also features a link guide that enables the user to get in Eniro is present in all the Nordic
contact with i.e. banks, cultural countries, Germany and Poland
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 149

mTourism and location based services - Finland

Who is who and where to find what I’m searching for

Fonecta is Finland’s market lead-

ing directory service company
with an established reputation in
physical phone books and 118
directory assistance. Fonecta 149

offers two distinct mobile servic-

Kaleidoscope of Mobile Projects mTourism

es based on WAP, SMS, and
MMS technology.

The first is Finder, at first sight a

regular white pages and yellow
pages service that enable users
to search for contact informa-
tion, such as fixed and mobile CONTACT INFORMATION:
phone numbers and addresses.
User requests can be sent and
received as SMS, circumventing The second service is Missä lähin
the traditional queue that is (Where’s the closest). This serv- Mikko Tavi
often affiliated with 118 calls. ice is intended to locate the P.O. Box 202/Elimäenkatu 17-
However, the service also pro- nearest e.g. restaurant, bank, 19
vides media rich information. car rental, pharmacy, hotels etc. 00511 Helsinki
Upon receiving an SMS answer, The service works with both SMS Finland
the company’s information that and WAP, but WAP enabled Tel: +358 20442 2020
is requested can bundle a mobile phones benefit from a richer
coupon to inform the user of dis- content as they are capable of
counts, special offers, and other handling maps that display the e_directories/index.php
events. area of interests.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 150

Policy implications: Users in the driver’s seat?

The Mobile Readiness Index (MRI) and the many revealed a winning mode for innovation and assur-
mobile applications depicted in the mWatch 2006 ance of early success in the market place.
provide ample evidence of a major shift in the cur-
rent development of new mobile ICT-applications: What’s the lesson for policy-makers? Politicians
More and more, users are in the driver’s seat in the should be aware that the influence of users at all
journey to a more inventive ‘information society’. In stages of the innovation process has increased. They
today’s Europe, user-driven innovation seems to be need to understand that the tools for design of ICT
the ‘name of the game’ also for ICT. applications have become interactive and much
more open for the involvement of non-specialists.
Not long ago, the situation was different. For sever- Moreover, the typical environments for innovation,
al decades, the typical innovation process underpin- based on ICT (even within large companies), have
ning the European ‘knowledge-driven economy’ and become more accessible and sensitive to user-pro-
150 ‘information society’ was to push new technology ducer interaction. And, generally, companies have
applications into the market. The major innovations, been forced to be more responsive to demands
mWatch Europe 2006

based on ICT, were invented by companies, then among various user groups, especially to user
tested, adjusted and launched on the market, while groups that could signal early market demands.
trying to convince the user to buy and to adapt to
the dominant designs. Users involved in participatory design could be of
many kinds. The mWatch has indicated that users
Now, as time to market is faster and product cycles could be communities of professionals, leading-edge
shorter, the design and development processes companies, tourists and business visitors, students
behind new ICT-applications must adapt to the at universities, organisations of elderly citizens, etc.
user’s needs from the very beginning of the innova- As long as user communities are able to indicate
tion process. As technology applications have their needs and to advance interactively their
become cheaper and more user-centric, companies demands during a design process, they will consti-
ask users to become co-designers even at early tute a rich resource-base for the professional
stages of invention and prototyping. designers and product developers.

Several people interviewed for the mWatch assert

that decisions within innovation processes have ARE POLITICIANS AWARE THAT USERS
become more ‘participatory’. They have offered us INCREASINGLY ARE CO-DESIGNERS?
exciting examples of ‘participatory design’ related to
ICT. They have acquainted us with fascinating expe- The shift towards the mobility industry – placing the
riences of ‘user-centric development processes’, emphasis on the user and new user demands –
involving end-users from day one. They have should affect policies at all levels. Policies must be
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 151

changed from being primarily supply-side oriented Living Lab contains a set of instruments to sustain
to become more demand-led. In short, policies must effective interactions between the producers and
become more sophisticated and certainly more sen- users of ICT for truly inventive uses and for sens-
sitive to the new and more interactive arenas of ing new products and processes. Professional users
innovation in the cities and regions and across the as well as amateurs may play significant roles in
European continent. identifying new needs and in shaping new designs
and applications.
For example, medical doctors, nurses and patients
are formulating new demands for advanced services A Living Lab in the European information-based
based on new ICT. Rescue workers are actively society is much more than a straightforward test-
involved in the development of ICT-based logistical bed for producers and users of, for example, new
services, which change their work organisation and mobile solutions. There could be a specialized test-
advance the level of speed. Students, teachers and bed within the Living Lab. But there will only be a 151

other educators have become co-designers of new Living Lab if it allows easy access for users to

Living Labs europe

way of interactive training and of new pedagogical become actively engaged in the shaping of new
instruments. Many other user groups play similar solutions. Based on user needs and interactive
roles while becoming advocates in fostering new engagement of users, a Living Lab should foster
innovation. mWatch 2006 contains dozens of lead- imaginative and original applications of state-of-
ing-edge solutions, where users are co-designing the-art ICT.
pioneering mobile solutions, based on advanced
applications of ICT. There are three increasingly sophisticated genera-
tions of Living Labs.
European policies at the local, national and continen-
tal level should become more responsive to the • The First Generation Living Lab was invented
issues of creativity among users, to entrepreneurship by architects and engineers interested in co-
and to user-centered, and even user-led, innovation. developing with future residents in an already
existing building to be better adapted to user
needs. Here, the users were invited to co-
ARE LIVING LABS A SOLUTION FOR EUROPE? design an apartment or other living quarters
during the final stages of the construction peri-
In Europe, one of the most energising modes of od. New methodologies for participatory design
fostering user-led or user-centric innovations are processes were developed.
the so-called Living Labs. A Living Lab is an open
innovation space, which recognizes the design and • The Second Generation Living Lab was invent-
development roles of users or user communities. A ed by companies involved in the shaping of
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 152

new work environments within a business To effectively engage users in participatory design
firm, an institution, a network of profession- and development, a Living Lab should operate as a
als, etc. Often called a Collaborative Working demand-driven greenhouse for invention and sus-
Environment, this generation of Living Labs tain creative competencies across the Living Lab
engages user groups to co-develop new mobile users and other stakeholders as well as among other
solutions. Using collaborative working tools in Living Labs. If well managed, a Living Lab will con-
an ICT context, the Second Generation Living stantly help shorten the time from idea to mar-
Lab could become a genuinely interactive ketable product.
working environment open to experiments with
new mobile solutions. To remain successful, a Third Generation Living Lab
organisation must be well managed. The local Living
• The Third Generation Living Lab: In its latest Lab organisation should include a commitment by a
version, a Living Lab has evolved in a city stakeholder group, relate actively to selected user
area that operates as a full-scale urban labo- groups, and be led by an effective management
ratory and proving ground for prototyping team. As an organisation dedicated to innovation
and testing new technology applications in and ‘intelligent learning’, a Living Lab could operate
real time. Such a Living Lab helps generate relatively autonomously by becoming a self-funding
152 and foster innovation processes that go centre (such as a foundation, company, consortium,
beyond what could be achieved by a single etc.).
mWatch Europe 2006

entrepreneur, firm or other organisation. The

Third Generation Living Labs remains a Third Generation Living Labs that already operate,
future-oriented user-related organisation. or prepare to operate in European cities, typically
But it is part of the wider urban or regional focus on applications of ICT and other information
space, where inventive firms, institutions and society technologies. However, other areas of tech-
organizations as well as individual users and nology applications are not uncommon. Ideally, the
user groups can benefit from all aspects of Third Generation Living Lab will be part of a commu-
the resource-rich environment, sometimes nity-building effort that facilitates a widespread
linked functionally to research and experi- adoption of a new, usable technology.
mental development.


The Lisbon strategy to make Europe “the most com-
Regardless of the advancements of the three gener- petitive and dynamic knowledge-driven economy”
ations Living Labs, all Living Labs should strive to may need more advanced instruments to reach its
become an interactive innovation environment that many goals and objectives by 2010. Within the area
attracts creative users or user communities. The of ICT, one instrument has been a set of overall poli-
Living Lab should stay open also to inventive firms, cies packaged as “eEurope” (in various versions),
institutions and other organised interests. and more recently “i2010”.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 153

“i2010” stands for a grouping of proactive policies to The Living Labs network also reveals the impact of
harness the potential of the digital economy to deliv- skilled place management. A crucial policy recom-
er growth, jobs and modern, on-line public services. mendation is therefore to support local and regional
“i2010” also provides tools for good governance. As initiatives and to stimulate place leaders to take
such, it has been called by the European measures for developing and supporting more Living
Commission a “key component of the EU’s renewed Labs.
Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs”.

In the policy documents for “eEurope” and

“i2010”, ICT is described as a powerful driver for
economy-wide productivity, growth and jobs – and
“arguably Europe’s best-bet investment for the
future”. What is missing, however, in these policy
documents, is a full recognition of the increasing-
ly important demand-side of the development
towards a ‘knowledge-driven’ economy and ‘infor-
mation-based’ society. 153

4. Assessing the Readiness for Mobility

“Creating an Innovative Europe” cannot be achieved
simply by straightforward policy means, but must
involve citizens, companies and institutions as users
and, ultimately, as the real drivers of creativity and
innovation. Policy-induced supply of services and
related infrastructure has too many limitations.

More than 20 cities and city-regions are exposed in

the mWatch for helping users to pioneer advanced
mobile services. These are the combined efforts by
individuals, user communities, small and medium-
sized companies, universities, R&D institutions, etc.
Here, the message of mWatch 2006 is simple: a
more elaborate and sophisticated policy framework
should be developed at the European, regional and
local levels.

The Living Labs Europe network could serve as an

example, where the users’ involvement could better
advance new products and processes not just local-
ly, but also on competitive world markets.
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 154
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3G – Third Generation mobile phone technology LSDE -Local Search and Discovery Engine
standard M2M - Machine-to-Machine
Bluetooth – industrial specification for wireless MMS - Multimedia Messaging Service
personal area networks (PAN) MP3 – MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3
CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access NFC - Near Field Communication Technology
DAB - Digital Audio Broadcasting OBU - On Board Units
DMB - Digital Multimedia Broadcasting PCMCIA – A PC card that is the form factor of a
DRM -Digital Radio Mondiale peripheral interface designed for laptop computers
DSRC - Dedicated Short Range Communications PDA – Personal Digital Assistants
EDGE - Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution. PNA - Personal Navigation Assistant
FireWire – A personal computer and digital PND - Portable Navigation Device
audio/digital video serial bus interface standard RFID – Radio Frequency Identification

Living Labs europe

GPRS - General Packet Radio Service (also called Smartphone is any electronic handheld device
2.5 Generation mobile technology standard) that integrates the functionality of a mobile
GPS – Global Positioning System phone, PDA or other information appliance (also
GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications called sphone).
(also called Second Generation mobile technology SMS - Short Messaging Service
standard). Currently the world’s most popular UMTS – Universal Mobile Telecommunications
standard for mobile phones Systems. One of the Third Generation (3G) mobile
HTML – HyperText Markup Language, the domi- phone technologies.
nant markup language for the creation of web USB – Universal Serial Bus interface standard
pages VoD – Video-on-Demand
ICT – Information and Communication Technology WAP – Wireless Application Protocol.
IM – Instant Messaging W-ASP - Wireless Application Service Provider
IP - Internet Protocol Wimax - Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave
IrDA – Infrared Data Association Access
J2ME - Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition wLAN – Wireless Local Area Network
JAVA – An object-oriented programming lan- WML – Wireless Markup Language
guage xDSL - Digital Subscriber Loop (or Line).
JVM - Java Virtual Machines ZIP – A data compression and archival file format
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 156
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 157


Interlace-Invent is a research-based consultancy is the founder and coordinator of the Living Labs
firm based in Copenhagen and operating from five Europe network.
European countries. The company specialises in
the development and management of globally-
competitive innovation environments, including Interlace-Invent supports clients in 14 countries
Living Labs, Biomedical Hubs and Third Generation around the world. Clients include global metropolis-
Science Parks. es like Shanghai, European Hubs like Stockholm,
Barcelona and London, as well as small communities
Inter-disciplinary research forms the core intellec- like Västervik. Innovative companies draw on the
tual source on which expertise and solutions are unique expertise in cross-sectoral innovation, such
built, including structured relationships via the as Hewlett-Packard, SAP, Microsoft, SonyEricsson
Hubs&Regions network involving partnerships with and EUROLAND. Furthermore, Interlace-Invent has
35 scientific and research units in Europe, Africa, supported universities such as ESADE, ScanBalt 157

Asia and the US. Furthermore Interlace-Invent Campus and the Copenhagen Business School on

Living Labs europe

coordinates the mCluster project, part of the strategic development projects.
Europe Innova initiative to improve European net-
working and policy in the mobility and wireless For more information, please contact:
Sascha Haselmayer
The combined expertise in areas including ICT Interlace-Invent ApS (Barcelona)
development, Strategy, International and Regional c/ de comerç 29, pral 1
Economics, Urbanism and Place Branding, Public 08003 Barcelona
Policy, Education and Training allows Interlace- Spain
Invent to put together unique offerings for their phone +34 627 299 588
clients. e-mail:
Interlace-Invent’s unique integrated expertise is
brought to bear fully in supporting the establish-
ment of Living Labs, ranging from systematic
assessments and comparative reviews, formula-
tion of mStrategies, mobilisation of stakeholders,
conceptualisation and introduction of new mobile
services, shaping trans-national demand groups,
to shaping Place Brands and managing collabora-
tive projects across Living Labs. Interlace-Invent
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 158
mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 159

I was inspired by the mWatch 2006 and would like to

propose the following mobile applications.
I am convinced that my proposal would contribute to
an easier life for some user communities:


P.O. Box 135

DK-1004 Copenhagen K
2 Denmark

Mobile phone
You can of course also send your proposal directly by e-mail to e-mail


Living labs europe

mwatch.qxd 14/10/08 11:15 Página 160

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